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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 13, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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because savarin was right. recent studies prove that over 70% of the carbon inside our bodies can be directly traced back to corn. something to think about. think about this, too. there are over 150,000 people right now working in america's corn farming industry. and guess what? they're looking for more. there's opportunity there and you can read all about it over at or, you could head over to southern illinois this summer, detassel a few hundred thousand ears of corn. in august, trust me. you'll love it. (laughing) see you next time. larry: hello folks, welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. all right, a bunch of big stories. joe biden says israel is losing support. oh, my gosh.
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chuck schumer and democrats still won't come to their senses on closing the border. even as thousands of illegal migrants are streaming into the u.s. on a daily basis. meanwhile donald trump appears to be fighting jack smith and the supreme court at the same time. we'll have live reports from capitol hill and the southern border. later on we'll go to israel, where idf is mopping up hamas left and right. but first. few quick points on my part. talk about why joe biden is so unpopular in economic terms, consumer inflation jumped slightly in november but that marks 32 ntnd straight month with annual percentage rising significantly faster than 2% federal reserve target. hat tip for breitbart john carney for nagging us about this. inflation is slowed, but still rising.
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and still well above the fed's target. here joe biden's problem. since february of 2021. his first month as president, consumer prices are up, 17%. but, average weekly earnings are up only 12.8%. so. this is a drop in take home pay for typical families of over 4 percentage points that is a killer for joe bidenonnics. you look under the hood, grocery prices up 21%. this is another killer for joe bidenomics and energy prices, are still up or 30%, gasoline prices off their highs, but even $3.13 triple a nationally, they were $2 last christmas. ouch. a killer for joe bidenonnics. eating at home?
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chicken up 24%, beef 22%, cereal and bakery 25%. and veggies and fruits is up 13.5% milk, dairy up over 16%. and another one, fertilizer, up 36%. why is that important? because it affects farm prices, big time. and why is fertilizer up 36%. because of the bidenomics green new deal war on fossil fuels, with these killers, president biden still has not wised up, he justin tense fid his -- intensified his war to natural gas, issuing a regulation to abolish m methane. natural gas is biggest reasons that carbon
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emissions have declined, joe bidenomics want to abolish coal and national gas, that is 60% of our total electric power combined and natural gas comes from oil that closes fossil fuel circle this crazy, killing electricity, jacking up farm and food prices, sinking family wages, i would like to meet sultan al jabar. the u.n. host of that cop28. he said, please help me. show me a road map for a phase out of fossil fuel. that will allow for sta socioeconomic development unless you want to take the world back to the caves, already. back to the caves. i am to meet him, i want to get him as a guest. we'll talk about this later
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in the show, we have steve moore, liz peek and kevin hassett for a dynamite panel, right now, we had to capitol hill, where our own hillary vaughn is standing by. what you cooking up there. reporter: the ukraine president laid it out for lawmakers with 61 billion in aid he is requesting, said he will win the war but without it he said they will lose the war. >> president zelenskyy message was direct. ukraine will win the war against russia. if more aid is approved. but, his message to contrary was also true. if no aid is given putin will win. reporter: zelenskyy is not getting it today but he is not leaving empty handed president biden announced he authorizes 200 million for ukraine from existing
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defense funds but warning congress that leaving town before giving zelenskyy the rest of the cash would be a big christmas gift for putin, and senate democratic caught -- call out republicans that warn that border is in crisis but are planning to leave town without a deem. >> they say is an emergency, you don't go home for 3 weeks. if republicans are serious about getting something done on the border, why are so many of them in a hurry to leave for winter break. as has border been an excuse to kill funding for ukraine? reporter: house speaker mike johnson said the senate has let time run out, the house passed their border bill 6 months ago and senate of the not in a hurry to take it up. >> the senate has been mia on this house passed
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hr26 month, 6 month ago it has been sitting collecting dust on chuck whi chuck schumer desk, i have told them these are our conditions, these are conditions of american people. reporter: president biden made news at a fundraiser today, indicating that israel is losing support around the world. he made a come that israel is the most conservative government under prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that bibi needs to strengthen and change will government worked for a two state solution to regain support in the world. the big question, is he talking about everyone else losing support for israel or changing their minds or is he talking about himself, thinking about israel differently. larry: that is a key question. by the way, he could call it a conservative government it a bipartisan war cabinet, to say that.
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competition of the government is bipartisan car cabinet. -- war cabinet. about the g.o.p. going home, mitch mcconnell who wants a tougher border security plan, he said does not pass until christmas, my inference. anyone that goes home this weekend they are coming back? are knoaren't they. >> after the new year, speaker johnson's perspective is he is not going to stay here unless there is a major path forward or concrete change in negotiations, he will not just keep people here hoping to work out a deal. larry: hillary vaughn thank you. >> let's move on, to eagle pass, texas, griff jenkins has latest, another 10,000 across the border or more?
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reporter: sure is, you know since we talked yesterday, it is hit harder here it is just for our viewers to put in contact, you get a group they call large, a large group that is a hundred plus, they get you 4 a day, here in eagle pass, they were simultaneously hit, in last few hours in 5 separate locations, the fox flight team, the drone in sky, you see remnants of a group estimated to be 350, to get on about the 15th bus of the day to be transported, half will be released in to the u.s. by day's end. now, to my south, about 3 miles, there was a group of 5 to 600 earlier today. and out to the north, 3 other locations, groups of 80 to 100 at the same time, overwhelming the agency. if go i a thousand miles to
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my west, to lukeville, arizona, they had a group of 600 or more before sun came up, they have been getting hammered all day, fair to say both locations are receiving at least 1500, 1700o far in the day, not yet over. here in eagle pass, i can confirm from sources that they even -- venezuelans, we have 8 russians, a slovenia and iranian so far today in this area. the mayor. so lean sso -- feels abandoned by this administration. >> we have to fin for ourselves here in eagle pass, we do your best with what we have, this is unacceptable, we feel 100%
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ignored by the federal government by the administration, they don't bother to give us a call enobody bothers to tell us what the plan of action is. reporter: just to add to this, that is when you look at you know the senators on capitol hill doing a border deal, i heard hillary's great reporting that senator schumer talking about funding, we talk with officials here they don't care about the funding, they need more resources, they are worried about things like policy. like increasing credible fear factor to make it harder for people to claim asylum, the magnet drawing the large numbers is what is bringing people here, they believe that they will be released that is enough of an incentive to bring them through a dangerous trek to get to the finish line, where i am. larry: griff, you are right. look at so much of this is
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about more known to facilitate more illegals crossing. it is not about policy change. that would close the border. and not about remain in mexico. that would stop the asylum problem, thank you griff. larry: now, joining me now to talk about this, and quite a hat full. tennessee senator marsha blackburn. welcome back to the show. >> sure. larry: let me just go to the border first. >> sure. larry: chuck schumer wants to talk about ukraine. i think that is overly simplistis to say more money to ukraine will win the war, and less money will lose it i think that a lot of people would doubt that. but, he doesn't to talk about h.r. 2, more talk about truly closing the border, or talk about changing the wh the asylum
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system or remain in mexico, to me, that is the obstacle in these talks, i don't know where do you see this? >> and i agree with you. because, he could solve this. what republicans are saying it is our border first. cirseconsecure our border then talk about the issues, if you do a national security supplement am should we not be first, you look at numbers coming across our border, the millions people that come under joe biden's watch and terrorists 279 known terrorists, that have come in to this country, under president trump, a couple yearsy had zero. and then another year we have three, then you look at these numbers and thousands of chinese, that and russians and afghans and
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iranians, and the pakistanis that are coming to southern border. you realize that this border has to be secured. because right now, it is wide open, and people think they come here, they can get in, and larry, not all of these people wish us well. you have so many of them that are attached to cartels, they are attached to gangs, they are attached to terrorist cells, and when the fbi director says, everywhere he looks he sees flashing red lights, then you know that our threat assessment is high. as high as the fbi director says it is. that the worry is extreme. because, everyone is worried about this. but this administration, they are not wanting to secure this border, they are willing to leave it wide open, and live our nation vowevulnerable. larry: we had senator james
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lankford, high talk he talked about these matters, i gather, democrats have give thin to senator chris murphy, a an ultra liberal. from connecticut, we're not having this foreign affairs funds bill that is what i gather. >> well, and the house is going home, as you reported they are living thursday. -- leaving thursday. it appears that we are just so far apart how to proceed on this defense supplemental. but why would you give money to ukraine for their safety and security without first extending to our border and safety and security of our citizens. it makes no sense. so, republicans are holding strong on this senator langford is right now
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meeting with homeland security and the democrats, and they are trying to find a way forward. but, we have to have money on the border for security. not for processing, not for beds, not for giving theme plighthem flights to other cities but secure the southern border, put that barrier up. build that wall. that is what they need in order to secure the nation. larry: to switch gears, someone that i would like to see go home is harvard university president, miss claudine gay. she is going to survive.
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harvard corporation will stay with her. stuff in the papers, yesterday and today, the issue of plagiarizing came up in official announcement this is blows my mind. in the official announcement by the harvard corporation, i guess it was, they say that all is good. miss gay is oppose genocide, israel, oppose anti-semitism, not allowing this business about calling israel genocidal, which harvard has yet to prove, they ranked last among the large universities for free speech. but, just listen. last tuesday. was congressional hearing where she bombed, saturday, december 9, they suddenly discovered that plagiarizing scandal. and thin it goes to say, that there are a few
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instances of inadequate citations and they had this analysis, nobody knows about it, but anyway, she is somehow proactively it says, i would say retrospectively, making changes in the citations for her phd thesis and other written work, this strikes me as phony, they are trying to white wash this whole scandal. people choice work she plagiarized are popping up about this. and they are still sticking with her, i think this is destroying any credibility harvard may have or maybe may lost is all, and this woman, and why are they staying with her? she bombed in congress, she tried to change her whole standing, they don't aplow frallow free speech in har iharvard and they won't
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stop anti-semitism, this is not what normal people go through. >> it isn't, they are sticking with her for now. but you are right. her performance in front of the committee was miserable. i really give congresswoman stefanik so much credit for how she handled that hearing and things she revealed about the university presidents. and if you are not going to call out anti-semitism, then that is a problem. and, many of the large donors, and those that have given totten do you am to the endowment at harvard are speaking out about this. we passed a resolution condemning anti-semitic activity on college campus, you have bipartisan support for that and you have
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someone who is struggling to hang on, i think it is just a matter of time before they come her loose. -- cut her loose and they begin to look at what they are losing. because they are allowing this activity to continue anmany of these large donors will close those checkbooks and withdraw from funding some of the the activities at harvard. larry: they are white washing this plagiarizing scandal as well, joe biden, years ago he first ran for president plagiarized a speech from neil kinnik. the british labour, play jere i explaininger -- >> it right here they don't want to doing about, we won't solve this today, senator marsha blackburn thank you. >> thank you.
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larry: coming on kudlow, a live report from israel where the idf is mopping up hamas strong holds in gaza. plus and former president trump, i think, incited nothing on january 6 employ. i don't understand the the business of jack smith line frogging over the appeals court to the supremes we will talk about it with eric schmitt. all that and more. with kudlow returns. you know, anti-semitism is awful, plagiarizing is bad too, i don't know how that day woman is -- claudia gay is hanging owe'll be right back with more. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals.
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>> hamas forces nearing their breaking point in northern gaza. as israelo forces take out their strong hold, nate foye live on the ground what is latest. reporter: israel defense minister gallon said they are close. israel pushes south.
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"wall street journal" is reporting that israel is now pumping hamas tunnels with sea water. we're working to confirm that. but defense minister gallant said that fight continues in gaza, below ground,s on the ground and in the air. look at this video of israeli airstrikes they have done a lot of damage over last week, including these picture from gaza city, 4 tunnels have been destroyed, hitting hamas weapon factories. and hamas run gaza health ministry, says over 18400 palestinians have been killed since start of war, president biden told donors in washington that prime minister benjamin netanyahu must change his government and israel is starting to lose support because of the rising civilian death toll.
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here is netanyahu today talking about israel's relationship with the u.s. >> i agreatly appreciate the machine support for elimination of hamas. and return of our hostages, yes there are disputes about day after hamas and i hope we will reach an agreement here as well. reporter: president biden will meet with family of american hostages tomorrow, israel announced murders of two more israeli hostages today one killed on october 7, the other, 28-year-old girl was murdered more recently. houthi rebels in yemen attacked a cargo ship in the red sea, a norwegian tanker. here is the northern front. we continue to see a lot of artillery back and forth. israel said that hezbollah
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launched rockets next on a u.n. facility, we see an escalation here. and u.s. continues to support israel right now. u.s. ambassador speaking up in favor of israel and against a ceasefire, back to you. larry: great, nate foye, appreciate that update, be safe. >> folks, just switching gears talk about the request for special counsel jack smith to bypass dc court of appeals, go to the supreme court. with respect to the prosecution of donald trump. joining us now senator eri -- eric schmitt from the great state of missouri, putting aside question of how mr. trump incited anyone
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that is -- you know, i think that is malarkey. how did you reconcile the jack smith request to jump over the court of appeals, and have the supreme court make a decision. and secondly, the supreme court has asked trump team for some kind of opinion or counter to what smith is saying. which surprised me. how do you see it? senator. >> i think this is another sad chapter in this political prosecution of president trump, you have rightly pointed out there is a very unusual step. jack smith on this mission to have to trial to be held in march, when is unrealistic. you have questions like this, let's say, issue of presidential immunity, which being discussed and at
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issue, you would have a ruling, appealed to a panel of three appellate judges, if you disagree with that result, you could request an embank hearing in front of fuefull circus and then you go to -- full circuit then to the supreme court that does not take months or years, which does not fit in jack smith a timeline. which is fruit of ridiculous january 6 committee, this is part of trying to affect the election, this is u unusual, i think this is sad and worth pointing out that all this stuff has backfired on the democrats. i think president trump will win the nominate, i supported him a year ago. he will win the nomination and be the republican nominee. and i think a lot of democrats quietly are questioning strategy they had which was political to push all of these you know,
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exotic theories and novel theories that is why jack smith wants to get in front of supreme court, there would be a number of steps before he could inup here but this is part of the chapter. larry: supremes asked the trump team for a response to jack smith's petition. that does not mean they will accept it, does it. >> right, it remains to be seen. how this plays out with the supreme court. it just -- this is highly unusual. which is when you know, all of these prosecutions are, because it is banana republic style, show me the man and i'll show you the crime. i think that people regardless of your political stripe should be concerned in the united states of america this is happening to the president. chief political opponent. and here we are. i don't think it will work legally, i think that cases all fall apart on more scrutiny, they picked venues
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where they think they could be successful, supreme court will have a final say on this. but from a political perspective, i think it has backfired and president trump is on his way to victory in november. larry: supreme court will look at this in middle of 2025 that is my guess. >> yes. larry: just saying i'm not the lawyer, you are. about way senator eric schmitt thank you, sir. issue with you. >> coming on kudlow. why does washington want to destroy america's magnificent 7 by breaking up our tech giants? we have a super panel, steve moore and liz peek and kevin hassett. i am your humble host,
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washington want to destroy america's magnificent 7? how about that. he is ga is now joining us to talk about it steve moore. host of moore money. and one of his colleagues on wabc radio on weekend, a certain show kudlow, liz peek. fox news contributor and another of our heroes kevin hassett. and author of most important box of 20th century. the drift. and all right steve, amazon, apple, google, met amicrosoft, nvidia, they are in front. and as you point out in your coume, consumer prices for what they make have been falling for years. which is what technology
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does. enhancing productivity and et cetera. why do both republicans and democrats want to destroy the managi magnificent 70. >> 7. >> anyone with a 401(k) plan, that invested in stock market, if you look at gains this year. i heard you say this, worth repeating, almost all of the gains in stock market are attributed to these significant companies every one of them is a great american company, i love that story, we're out competing japanese, and europeans and chinese, they would guy to have companies like these, we have members of congress, that are trying to break these companies up because they are too efficient. they are too profitable, this is america. if you make money that is a good thing, you are right,
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every single one of those companies is lowering cost of control phones andy is search engine, amazon lowering retail costs i love these companies. >> liz peek, you said most of the gains, s&p 500 up 20%. most of the gains come from the these search. . >> 7. kudlow trust is always long on index. i'm not a stock picture. but the point is well taken. would we rather have chinese with best technology companies? rather rah euro have europe with best social media companies, that is what steve is driving at, some of the companies, i don't like their politics either, the market will take care of that with demand like they did with disney and budweiser. >> i think that biden white house has real aversion to
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profits, an ar an aversion to market dominance. google has 95 percent of search, no search,, none business, none of us pay for that. >> it is free. >> they can't leave it alone, a condition stant -- can't stand success or profits. they don't like the fact they are left wing companies. larry: kevin is that not really the issue, last sentence, a throw away. if we could i would repeat it, they don't like it, they are successful capitalist companies, kevin hassett out of the drift. >> right, that is why people on the left don't like them, and people on right, you know need to understand that sure they have done like
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terrible things by you know, killing conservative voices or whipping them from internet. but the fact is that free enterprise system, that companies rise, they succeed, they takeover market then creative destruction hits them then before you know 'competitors come in, remember the eu wanted to break up netscape, do you remember that, in a dynamic free enterprise system, if they continue to censor and do things than elon musk will create another things that are preferable, they will go out the business that is natural competition. and it shows this something undercover that biden administration is so far to the left of the obama administration, you think that obama days they had a hundred google people serving in obama administration at some point, they brute them
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brought them in i think they tilted policy in their favor but now the biden people are bernie sanders people and -- they are phony socialist. larry: other point is that it was europe, eu that wanted to put this digital sales tax on american companies, they said is was social media companies. steve moore, can you remember any large social media companies coming out of europe? do you remember a large technological company out of europe? actually, there are a couple of phone companies but ser seriously, europe does not have it, and would we rather have going to emand nvidia, jim kramer's doug is named nvidia. under chinese stewardship steve moore?
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>> well, we have blown away europe with respect to technology revolution that goes to early 1990s with internet and the companies that have developed. you know, it is important to remember what happened, the environment that created these. i have said it before, you know we made -- this goes to bill clinton and republicans and congress we made a decision, you know, we'll make the internet tax free, regulation free, and lawsuit free, and let the companies like wild west. and look what it created, some of these companies have a trillion dollars of value, a beautiful thing, another quick point, once they knock the companies down to their knees, which is what biden administration wants, they will treat them like intel and subsidize them. >> wonderful. >> speaking of subsidizing and socialism, liz, last two
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minutes. the trump derangement syndrome rides high again, you wrote a very good column. >> they are attacking trump at a pace we've not seen before, it is because they are afraid he will win if joe biden is candidate surely trump will win, but they have nothing told run on. the openly -- they having in else to run oonly credible agenda that democrats can run on is climate, americans are less enar enamored, we need something incredible like 20 million charging stations we put a hundred billion dollars toward, that not one station has been built. which is what happens when you put the government in charge. larry: not one. >> it is -- i mean that one of i can tell you 12 things that government is doing, that impeding progress
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toward renew able fuel adoption. larry: quote from sultan of the uae . he should be our energy secretary. in next trump administration. can you put it up or play the sound? or something. >> please, help me, show me. a road map for a phase out of fossil fuel that will allow for socio, sustain socioeconomic development unless you want to take the world back into caves. >> my kind of guy. >> he was the host of cop28, he told the truth. larry: my kind of guy, his is next energy secretary. >> i love it. larry: and kevin, his cousin interior secretary, i don't know. we'll give them special visas. to come on, and help us out. >> i have to go, they are yelling at he, steve moore, kevin hassett, liz peek, i think i am still kudlow, now
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dow jones, stocks climbing to 2023 highs, we'll talk with david bahnsen who knows about the stock market. and probably knows about the magnificent seven and trump derangement syndrome, i will keep babbling on until we get to the fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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larry: all right,ly let's do stock market work david bahnsen. there we go. thank you david. s&p 500 up 21% and change. year-to-date. we were talking about the missio magnificent seven the bulk of it someone told me. and bonds closed 4.21, west texas oil 69 bucks, brent crude 73.5. what did i forget? that is about all. what do you make of this whole big picture story david bahnsen.
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>> yeah, so much of it is related to bond yields, i think over half of that s&p return is come in last 6 weeks when bond yields peaked out started collapses 10 year from 5% to 4% in over a month, that is a big deal. almost all of the gain on the year is multiple expansion. that means is that p/e ratio, has gone up. earnings are not up much. they never went down that much. but it is pricey. you were talking with our friends on prior panel, magnificent seven, they are trading about 50 times earnings, rest of s&p about 17 or 18 times earnings, all expensive. larry: so, inflation keeps rising slowly. but it keeps rising, liz
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peek made that point, i think kevin made it i'll make that point, prices are higher than 3 years ago, is that an impediment to this stock market? >> i think that market knows what i have en that inflation rate hand been coming down a lot, it is not coming down to where it was 3 years ago, the number is over inflated, shelter inflation is not 7% that is ridiculous, that lag affect making it look worse than it is inflation come down, bond market sellp tells the story. larry: rents even in new york city, rents are falling. i suspect you are right. david possib bahnsen we issuappreciate it, i'll be back with my last word. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right?
5:56 am
[dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ people are always asking me why why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. one is responsibility, the other is purpose. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right?
5:57 am
(fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
5:58 am
5:59 am
(door bell) yo camping buddy. boom. you guys ready?
6:00 am
dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. oh, i never said i was driving. i-i definitely can't drive. ok. narrator: if you're high just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. good wednesday morning, thank you for joining us as morning. i am maria bartiromo it is wednesday december 13. your top stories 6:00 a.m. on the east


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