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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 14, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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- wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) larry: staying with this team and anti-semitism and left wing woke and dei and cover up and cannot be tax free and has to be steep cost and disincentive to cut this stuff out. that's my take but now everybody is going to learn something because liz macdonald is going to square this circle.
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elizabeth: i will, larry. they should be charged with racketeering charges. rendition rico, for tuition goud lock step. thank you, larry. we've got breaking news coming in, news coming in right now. let's get to former deputy assistant attorney tom dupre and sam dewey. irs whistle blowers gave new testimony to house weighs and means on the -- ways and means on biden family corruption allegations and this matters for the impeachment probe. irs whistle blower gary shapely testified, tom, that they've seen evidence of joe biden doing something illegal that that evidence exists that the president committed crimes. tom, the white house democrats say there's nothing here. move along. this is bomb shell it'll, tom. what do you think. >> this could be a game changer, liz. whistle blowers have been doubted before and recall when they averagally testified and a
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lot of democrats poo pooed what they had to say and said they're overstating it and all overblown and turns out they were right on a lot of the key issues. we'll see what happens and this is, if they're correct, this would be huge news. that's the thing republicans have been looking for as they've been doing their best to assemble evidence that directly links either president biden or at the time vice president biden to his son's business dealing ands trying to establish that tight financial connection. elizabeth: sam, you hear what tom said and the whistle blower testified to and it's coming out last week or so and ways and means is releasing it. this is what's happening and they've been obstructed even in the face of irs whistle blowers saying they see criminallalty on part of the president. joseph ziegler is a whistle blower and testified that the evidence is there and telling china that biden's charge, charge, $10 million a year, $30 million for three years of "introductions to government
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power players and influence peddling". then testified hunter biden's what's app threatening to get business partners to pay up and we hold grudges and in the transcript, sam, democrats shut down the whistle blowers and said we're taking back our time and not going to let you testify anymore. democrat haves been shutting in down every step of the way, sam. >> they clearly have no interest in getting to where the facts go and two lines of facts here and one is the money. what's in the money trail? we are now seeing that no, the finances were not separate. yes, joe biden was involved in his son's business. we don't know where that goes and there's finances and highly questionable accounting and we'll see where that leads. the second trail we have is why are we only hearing about this now? what's going on with the department of justice not being transport and producing records and congress hasn't been able to
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get them and in fact, one of my clients got more records in the freedom of information act lawsuit and the heritage foundation than was produced by the justice department to congress, same question. they're clearly hiding the records. elizabeth: what sam is saying, by the way, tom, voter polls show voters do support the house impeachment inquiry into president biden. they have concerns and voters have concerns about the biden family selling influence. again, the president's calling this impeachment a stunt. when you look at the polls, half of americans support it. that's npr and pbr and that's a new poll and 48% think biden did something illegal and 54% of independents think biden committed a crime. tom. >> yeah, liz, that's what make this is all puzzling from the democrats perspective is why are they trying to shut down the inquiries in preventing the facts from getting out and a large percentage of the united states population has real legitimate concerns here and thinking if you're in the
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democrat's shoes, you'd want to cooperate with the investigation to say let's get the facts out, let's get the truth out and instead they've been fighting subpoenas and the whole reason why the house had to vote on the impeachment inquiry is because the white house said they're not going to cooperate with subpoenas unless and until there's a formal vote of the house of representatives so the white house forced them to take the step that they're taking today. elizabeth: again, staying on breaking news, irs whistle blowers testified to ways and means that, yes, this is irs whistle blower shapely and, yes, evidence exists that the president did commit a crime. you know, sam, their narrative keeps changing in realtime from i've never discussed business with my son or my brother to my son has not made money in china to the president was never in business with his son to the president saying joe was not financially involved in hunter's business. they want to bring in a lot of folks to testify and listen to the impeachment monitors on this. listen to this.
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>> talk to rob walker and tony bobulinski and jim biden and the guy that paid his taxes and kevin morris, paid hunter biden's taxes and janet wolf, we'll get a chance to talk to her son and sally payneer and all those individuals are important and we want to talk to hunter biden but we want to talk to them. >> it's very clear the white house has been obstructing our investigation and i think the message sent today is loud and clear. elizabeth: sam, they can't obstruct anymore. they've got subpoena power going to court and saying we want your bank records and we want your phone records and the e-mails that have been redacted by vice president biden used three fake e-mail accounts to communicate with people like hunter biden, sam. >> yeah, i think you're going to see two things. you're going to see them get more aggressive on the bank records and nay may very well subpoena the president's accounts and on those, they're probably going to get them and there may be a court fight u but it's going to be a pretty clear
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court fight but, yes, they have cause to do it. in terms of getting more out of the administration, the administration is going to continue to stone wall. they're going to say go ahead and sue us because we don't think that there's jurisdictions and we think we can tie it up in courts for years. to the earlier point that tom made, it was an excellent one, there was a change in justification because the biden administration doesn't really have a defense. contrast that with the first trump impeachment where it was very clear, here's the transcript and we'll make a classified document public and we have a consist story. here it's changing, which indicates to you they're afraid. they don't have a good defense. elizabeth: got it. tom du dupre and sam dewey, thak you for your insights. we appreciate you. we have carrie joining us. you heard news breaking that irs whistle blowers testify gary
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shapely that they have -- they've seen evidence that the president committed a crime. what do you make of this news coming in? at the same time that the justice department prosecutor leslie wolf stepped down from the justice department and she was interviewed today, carrie. she's the one the irs whistle blowers are alleging she obstructed and stone walled government officials wanting to investigate the president. what do you think? >> that's why it was very disappointing when jim jordan revealed this afternoon that leslie wolf didn't answer many questions and so you have the prosecutor that apparently played a significant role in the investigation into hunterrer biden and who whistle blowers said they're not to look at joe biden, which is a huge allegation. if true, she doesn't answer questions according to jim jordan. we'll wait for the transcript to see how it went and the president's son defied a congressional subpoena yesterday and in communication with the white house and his father knew what he was going to do and it raises all kinds of questions
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about possible obstruction and elizabeth: stay there for a second. it's not feasible for a president to think it's okay to talk to somebody who's under congressional subpoena about their system and the white house knew ahead of time what he was going to say. isn't it crossing a line, kerri? >> it would seem to be. we don't know what conversation they had but the white house press secretary told us yesterday at the briefing that the white house knew what he was going to say and joe biden was aware and i'm very curious about that conversation for a couple of reasons. joe biden himself for a couple of years ago said you, people defying congressional subpoenas with respect to the january 6 investigation should not full stop. that's a problem. now his son is doing that. what's even worse, liz, in my opinion is that his son was defying a congressional subpoena that was related to an investigation about him and his
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father. what were they talking about? i really hope that the president did not tell them to do that or not do it or say anything because again, then you have possible obstruction issues. elizabeth: yeah, there's been that issue and again, irs whistle blower testifying that joe biden did something illegal. you know, kerri, you've been so smart about this stuff, hypocrisy of democrats and hunter biden defying this subpoena to testify in front of congress. they were all about law and order in the past demanding that people adhere to this and follow this. let's watch. watch. >> the way that we have treated every single witness is the same that they come in, they talk to the committee, if they're going to take a deposition, they're sworn under oath. it's video taped, it's recorded, and then we take it from there. >> [inaudible] congressional subpoenas on the january 6 committee. >> i hope the committees after him and holds him accountable.
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elizabeth: yeah, the thing is, kerri, here's the thing, if hunter has nothing to hide, then testify. the problem with what they've been doing, testify don't hide. numerous americans are complied with congressional subpoenas and where was hunter's apology yesterday? kerri, instead of apologizing, he brought up his addiction. people are saying that's manipulative. he's banking on the corruption of others to tilt the scale for him. the fact that hunter is citing his addiction as a foil is offensive. how many desantis attitude addicts, k -- destitute addicts are testifying and cut business deals with business partners in the choice of enemy states and make them feel like there's an inside edge on the power. know what i mean, kerri? >> while addiction is sad and we certainly understand why that would be especially hard for a parent to watch their child struggling with something like that, that doesn't excuse bad
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behavior and doesn't excuse criminal behavior and that's across the board whether hunter biden or someone that's watching at home right now. that applies to all of us. liz, to your point, if there's nothing to hide and no problem, then why did hunter biden defy the congressional subpoena. why did leslie wolf, according to jim jordan, repeatedly refuse to answer questions about her investigation to hunter biden is why does joe biden keep lying about not interacting with hunter's business associates and we know that's not true and joe biden doubled down again and said he never even interacted with them and yet the white house logs, e-mails, text messages and the business associates themselves say otherwise. he said that hunter never did business with china and china, hunter testified in court that he did and the list goes on and so i think all these things really bolster the republicans argument as to why they need to move forward with an inquiry and there's so many question marks. elizabeth: yeah, kerri, you've been busting through as they circle the wagons to get at the
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truth. you've been in the justice department and know how the government works. many american families personally and i know people that have strugglinged with addiction. it's manipulating and the cynical manipulation that goes on. if he has a drug addiction, yes. the issue too, kerri, is, you know, is he like other people in the world? outside the government sector and claiming his father was not "financially involved" that's a long way from president biden's initial claim that he never spoke to hunter about his business. >> just a very bad look for the president of the united states for his son to stand outside the capitol and defiantly say he was not going to go inside and answer questions about his business dealings when he was compelled by congress to do so. we'll see if congress moves forward and the house moves forward. they said they were going to hold him in contempt and it'll be referred to the justice department and they make a decision on whether to prosecute that or not. we know in the history doj has
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almost never prosecuted contempt of congress until the last year and a half when they prosecuted and they were convicted both steve bannon and peter navarro, top aids to donald trump and steve bannon was sentenced to four months in jail and he's appealing that as we speak. one has to wonder, that's when hunter biden's defense team and hunter were talking, they made quite a calculation knowing that two people were just prosecuted and convicted and sentenced for this -- for blowing off the subpoena and they made a decision to do exactly that and they didn't want him behind closed doors answering questions from serious lawyers on both sides. that's something. elizabeth: it is something. thank you, ke are, ri kupec urbahn. come back and see us. we have tim burchett on defense for democracy and gop strategist and david axelrod again on tape
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slamming the biden 2024 campaign saying stop touting bidenomics. biden again drops an even more polls and human breathing fuels climate change. your breathing fuels global warming. are democrats going to tax our breathing next? this breaking news, news coming in and reports coming in out of israel, former israeli top military commander and military veterans telling prime minister netanyahu do this deal to stop the war. tell hamas terrorists either they get a free passage out of gaza in exchange for hostages or we will annihilate you. that's the story. we have devin nunez o with us and the jack smith in the trump 2020 case. we have details on "the evening edit," next. ♪
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i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. elizabeth: welcome back. let's welcome to the show former chairman of house intelligence, he's the ceo of trump media, he is devin nunez. devin, good to see you. we have news coming in, a new york appeals court rejected former president trump's challenge to this gag order in the new york civil fraud case. so now he can't speak publicly
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attack court staff, the gag order stays. what's your reaction to this story? >> well, you have to actually define it, liz, to start out with because there's so many cases i can't even keep track of them. i think i'm relatively close to a lot of this and watching in. that case in new york, i think what i'm most concerned about is where are all the business groups. where are the experts in this field where they should all be saying, look, this court is way out of control. new york is the word's financial center. you're sitting there right now in the heart of new york city just down from wall street. the nasdaq and new york stock exchange, on and on and on and the fact that business groups and the legislature aren't saying, look, this should stop. they're trying to cut down donald trump's businesses basically take them away and kick him out of new york city. this is the most of all the cases, they're all crazy, but this one is really absurd. elizabeth: yeah, without a jury;
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right? >> right, without a jury and now they won't even let him talk. it's just -- new york should be careful when they ask from him. they're really going the way of my state of california where they're driving people out of the state and at some point, businesses there have to say do we really want to be domiciled in new york and new york city? i think the answer is no. elizabeth: the other story coming in, we like your response and it's looking more and more likely that special council jack smith is not going to get what he wants. he wants a trial in march of 2024 for the trump 2020 case and he wants it before the election but federal judge agreed to temporally pause the case because trump is appealing a decision in the dc appeals court over whether he's entitled to broad presidential immunity from prosecution. he's saying basically i'm immune from federal prosecution for
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crimes committed while i served as president. >> let me try to decipher through this with my point of view. smith did a long shot to try and stop trump from going to the appeals process so it could short. he was hoping the people court would ignore or say no and would let him get to the march fourth case and the judge is acting because she had to. you read her decision and he was not doing trump a favor. if she didn't rule that way, it would give the trump team another appeal so i want to go to the dc court of appeals and if she hadn't rule that had way, short story here, it would have for sure delayed this many, many months and air only goal was a show trial and it's been their goal to have a show trial while donald trump is campaigning for president. elizabeth: we don't know when this case will go to trial;
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right? it could be months and months because the special council also went to the supreme court saying weigh in on this too. the supreme court's term, i mean, i think it lasts till june of next year. >> yeah, and it really did -- this is -- it took an interesting turn and a turn that neither the judge or special prosecutor wanted it to take. look, somebody that's been involved in multiple investigations when i was in congress, i've been involved in several lawsuits, and i'm sure you have too. these take years to just go through. most of the time the discovery process is 6 to 12 months. i would say for a case of this mig a attitude -- magnitude involving the former president of the united states, all the documents involved should be multiyear-long discovery process that donald trump is not getting his basic constitutional rights in this case. that's why this country is going to be paying for these cases for a very, very long time, and i
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think the question is what are the republicans doing to provide deterrence against this? it seems like when things get crazier and you just can't believe they're happening, they get worse. whether it's this new york case, the valuation of mar-a-lago, and to all the other cases that you see around the country. i don't think there's a state right now, a blue state or a blue city, where there is not a democrat da or team trying to bring some type of case against donald trump. this has to stop. elizabeth: got it. devin nunez, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> thanks, have a great rest of the day. elizabeth: this news, elon musk is doing it again. musk tends to go in and up end and overturn entire industries and now he wants to do that to education. he wants to build his own university amid the uproar over campus and anti-semitism and trump again, new polls trump again is beating biden. we're going to explain.
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plus this story. top obama adviser david axelrod warning the 2020 campaign to stop with bidenomics. it's not playing with voters. look at president's historic drop in approval ratings and we'll take it on on "the evening edit," next. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, this news coming in, the sell by date on this narrative, it's long past due, this is getting old. both the white house and fed chair jerome powell basically now saying pandemic lockdowns helped fuel record inflation. they've been saying that for years. economists and critics were saying, again, that was three years ago with the pandemic lockdowns and seven out of ten americans say the u.s. is on the wrong path. edward lashes has more on this -- edward lawrence has more on this from the white house. edward. reporter: liz, the rate of price increases is coming down but
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prices remain here . administration officials talk about how inflation over the past year has been coming down, but that's not the full story. >> what do you say to americans who are looking at the month president biden came into office, eggs are up 24%, milk is up 17%, all types of gas up 37% and prices up 17% overall. >> the president spoke to this not too long ago, i believe on tuesday just a couple days ago, he said we know there's more work to be done; right. that things are still unaffordable. let's not forget what's been happening almost two years now. putin and putin's war -- that's a year into the presidency. >> that's caused prices to go up so the president took action to make sure gas prices went down.. reporter: so all types of gas up 37% since january of 2021 and the white house press secretary continuing to message the economy as polls on this not in the president's favor and
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yesterday the fed chairman acknowledged the hardship people see. >> it may be a common theme is that while inflation is coming down, that's very good news, the price level is not coming down, prices of some goods and services are coming down, but overall any aggregate, the price level -- people are still living with high prices. reporter: president biden keeps try and he's going to milwaukee next week to talk about bidenomics and see if he actually uses that word. liz. elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. we have breaking news coming in. this breaking news, let's welcome to the show, gop strategist ford o'connell. ford, the news coming in, a new pugh research poll. pugh says biden's approval rating plummeted to 33% approve of biden. and pugh saying by nearly 2-1, persons disapprove of montana biden is 64% disapprove and 33% approve. what do you make of this news
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>> the polls are getting worse for joe biden is this is poll after poll. look at wall street journal poll that we had saying his approval rating was 37%. liz, that's the lowest approval rating of any incumbent president in the mod enera. so joe biden is way behind and very likely to lose the white house in 2024. elizabeth: ford, we've got this news coming in. we want your reaction to this new sound. this is president obama senior adviser david axelrod and again says biden's re-e election is in big trouble and citing a 37% wall street journal poll. pugh is saying it's 33% approval for biden. we've never seen this in modern american history. watch and listen to david axelrod here. >> "the wall street journal" poll was, you know, very, very dark from a biden standpoint and, you noisy recordings, job approval down, ratings generally
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down, most of the comparatives with trump not good. only 23% of voters sabledden's policies have helped them -- say biden's policies helped them and only half of them say president trump's helped them and more than 37% say they were hurt. what i worry about you guys from a biden standpoint is these are the kind of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes. elizabeth: and, ford, david axelrod last month appeared to suggest president biden should drop out of the race, he said he's got a 50/50 shot. >> well, look, let's put it this way, david axelrod is stating what is obvious to everybody but the biden white house, and that is that bidenomics is a failure and biden inflation is real. essentially joe biden has got another problem that david
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axelrod was eluding to when it comes to president trump. donald trump is favored by 20 points over biden on inflation and not only that, when you look at younger voters, those are the democrats 2-1 under 30 back in 2020, let me tell you something, they're even more nervous about the economy than older voters. elizabeth: ford, there's more news coming in, more polls, morning consult, bloomburg news, biden is trailing former trump by an average of 5.3 points in seven swing states: north carolina, georgia, wisconsin, nevada, michigan, arizona, and pennsylvania. two-thirds of likely republican voters in michigan said they would vote nor trump. let's turn to what msnbc is finally now reporting about inflation. steve r attner you'll hear him and joy reid saying inflation is hurting americans. >> something like two-thirds of the people that will vote next year were not voting 30 years
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ago the last time we had inflation over 4%. they've never seen inflation like this. this comes as a shock to them and some of them at least kind of expect prices to then go back down again to where they were before. that doesn't happen and in fact deflation is kind of a bad thing. so people just have no experience with this. >> yet people say, the economy is terrible. all the metro city is good and the reason they're saying that is because they actually can't afford their lives because prices aren't going down. elizabeth: okay. first of all, sorry. all the metrics don't say the economy is good. i don't know if you have the numbers on energy, electricity and grocery prices up double digits under biden. ford, your reaction to what you heard? >> they have no way to spin biden inflation, which is very real to the average person. talk about that, prices are up 17% but we look at essentials, food is up 20%, rent is up 18%, electricity is up 24%. these are not luxury items. these are the essentials that
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every day people need and when we look at those swing polls that you just cited, liz, this is earth shattering. donald trump if the election were held today would be the 47th president of the united states and getting 47 electoral votes and in 2016 when he did win the presidency, his numbers were never as good as they are right now. elizabeth: this president regulated the economy into stagnation. we were suffering and coming out of pandemic lockdowns that many democrats supported, and that hurt the u.s. economy, 22 million run out of work. what this white house did was historic and put mandates on the economy and said the u.s. must go all electric and demanded people buy only electric cars and appliances and put mandates on things like vaccines and the president did hundreds ois executive actions and many weakening the border and voters are responding in the polls and time and again breaking news, pugh research says now president biden's polling, his approval
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rating plummeting to historic 33%. that's about the point of freezing in fahrenheit temperature. again, ford, you've been watching washington dv for years and have you seen 3% for any politician? >> no, at 37%, that was the lowest of the modern era and this is worse than that. to your point, liz, bidenomics and the bidden policies are in his standses are so bad and could pursue policies lowering and reducing policies and cutting tax and drilling on federal lands and they're refusing to do what the american people want them to do. the 2024 election will be a referendum on joe biden and they'll fire joe bind. elizabeth: unlock and unleash the american economy. american ingenuity, set it free. ford o'connell, thank you for
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joining us. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: it's getting crazy with climate change stuff and a brand new study says you breathing, that human breathing, breathing is fueling climate change. we'll tax that? and then we have this, washington state democrats now pushing a new gill to throw people in jail if they buy new gas powered leaf bloweers and lawn moors and hundreds of former israeli military commanders and veterans tell prime minister netanyahu to stop the war? do it this way. tell hamas you get free and safe passage out of gaza in exchange for hostages. if you don't do that, we're going to destroy you. that story coming in but first, let's check in with our friends dagen and sean. what's up next on the bottom line? >> hey, e mac. americans being punked for not being down about joe biden's economy. and florida sheriff grady judd has criminals shaking in their
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boots when arrested in his county. he'll discuss that on the show. >> can we bring him to new york city. jimmy failla and tom shaloo on the panel and discussing the mayor of boston who apparently wants to make america segregated again. again, racism in the name of antiracism? where the hell has this country gone, top of the hour. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day.
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elizabeth: okay, elon musk, he's doing it again. elon musk, he disrupted car making, he disrupted the space race, he disrupted social media buying twitter, and now education. tesla ceo elon musk, he wants to build his own university. kelly o'grady live in los angeles with the story. kelly, this is quite a thing. reporter: i know, what doesn't elon musk do, liz; right? this school will be heavily focused on math, science and engineering and tax filings are revealing it'll be a mix of traditional and classroom instruction as well as hands on experience in the lab. i find it interesting because those just happy to be the stills that would make a successful future employee of tesla or spacex. beginning with $100 million donation, musk charity plans for a school k through 12 and
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admission based on merit and the institution will have a initial enrollment of 50 students and plans to launch a university that's "dedicated to education at the highest levels". the school wants to ensure financial challenges are not an issue. the filing says "the school does not want the ability to pay tuition or fees to be a barrier for the student. if the student is admitted, tuition and financial support provided to the extent of available resources ". this isn't how he went into education. the billion mare pulled his kids from la private school and launchedded a as travion green, that's re--- launched ad astra and that's refocused on decision making and universities aren't preparing students to drive at companies like his, it's part of a larger trend we're seeing hit austin, texas and it's founded to woke colleges and now this thing with musk. elizabeth: kelly, thank you so
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much. we have the ceo of defense of democracies and delighted to have mark dubowitz on the show. mark, this breaking news coming in, the jerusalem post reporting that 500 former israeli military commanders, top military veterans in israel telling israel's prime minister: do this deal now with hamas terrorists. offer them free passage out of gaza in exchange for hostages and if they don't take it, we'll annihilate you. what do you think of this news coming? >> thanks for having me back on. it's a good idea in concept but really matters where they go. they need to go to places where the israeli mosad can find them and kill them. to allow them safe passage around the world to blot terrorist attacks against europeans and americans and other people and they've been killed in denmark and holland
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would be a recipe for disaster. sure, expel from gaza and let them go places where mosad can find them and take care of them. elizabeth: got it. so we've got this story, national security adviser jake sullivan is traveling to israel to meet with israel's prime minister n netanyahu and a growg rift between white house and israel. the u.s. is targeting hamas with new sanctions but there's mixed messages about doing a ceasefire. john kirby, he says a ceasefire with a terror group like a mas is not the answer. you know, the thing s mark, many demanding israel do a ceasefire. why don't they have hamas terror leaders stand down and hamas terrorists surrender and get out of gaza and finally liberate and give palestinians the freedoms they've de-ev de--- deserved foo long. >> that's right. hamas is responsible for every civilian casualty, palestinian
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and israeli. they should lay down their weapons and some can leave gaza and find refuge somewhere else. the biden administration is starting to pressure the israelis to take unnecessary risks and more israeli razely soldiers are getting 'tilled because of the immense proposals he's under from his progressive wing of the party and this is to go from the president's extortion that israel must kill hamas and destroy hamas to where we are today unfortunately has been a long and massive climb down elizabeth: it's an unserious position to say simply go back to a two-state solution when hamas' own charter says genocide -- hamas' own charter says annihilate israel. you can't do a two-state solution with hamas leaders who say we're going to kill the other state. hamas is an avowed enemy of
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peace. the status quo with them is not working. change is inevitable, mark. should moderate arab nations who signed up for trump abby ragaini ham accords, can they work -- abraham accords and work on the federation that they gain freedoms and rights liberated from the hamas terrorists and controlling authority, confederation with the arab nations in the abraham accords to do that? what do you think? >> it's a possibility. i would like to remind your viewers there's a palestinian state, it's called jordan and happens to be an authoritarian state and if the jo jordannens e democracy to the state, they'd vote to become a palestinian state and perhaps it would be a controlling authority. the second issue is the two-state delusion has been pushed for decades they've withdrew every state and civilian and every grade from gaza and hamas took over and turned into a terror state and
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withdrew from the west bank and palestinians turned the west bank into a terror state. it's failed over and over again and definition of insanity is repeat the same mistake over and over again. elizabeth: got it. mark, thank you so much. good to see you. coming up, congressman tim burchett is with us and a new bizarre study and sign tyes in the uk claim -- scientists in the uk claim human breathing fuels climate change. are they going to tax our breathing next? that's coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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[limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ elizabeth: back with us now congressman tim burchett from house transportation, we need you with this new study. the u.k. center for ecology and edinburgh claim human breathing is fueling global warming. but okay let me back up. you know they are talking about is just zier 0 .1% of u.k. gas emissions of the uk. are they going to start taxing our breathing. >> they will try, i was at the airport i read an article, i called a noted clclimatetologist, they
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of probably government funded epties that come up with this garbage, they come around with a new one every few years, you have a yard and they want to tax you by the square foot for how much battwater you use, we should plant trees, what god told us to do, if we planted fr trees we could f take care of this. elizabeth: that is s science. you turn to washington state, democrats they push new legislation to outlaw ban, new gas powers lawn equipment. if you buy a leaf-blower or gas powers lawn mower that could land you in jail, they are threatening jail, what do you think? >> it is an election year, that is what you will see in dc soon. i would say. the truth of the matter is
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they want you to go electric. and irony is, how do we get electric -- around electricity, coal-fired and oil fired plants this is ridiculous this makes no sense, this is more pseudoscience, just to make them feel good. they have se science to base this on. elizabeth: first lady put together a christmas video. people on social media and twitter are sw skewerring it people say this looks like something out of "the hunger games" network post saying they discovered white house cocaine, did they discover acid? this is the backlash against this christmas video that the first lady put program, what -- put together. >> this white house is
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pandering to the far left extreme this bizarre looking tale. if my daughter was up there i would pull her out of there this is some washington grade weirdness. what are you expecting this this white house is runs out to california with, elite liberal in hollywood who put out this gar -- garbage this is to them is entertainment. elizabeth: congressman burchett thank you for joining us. good to see you, tomorrow from bright bart john carney. i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching the evening owed it on fox business. now it's time for my buddies dagen and sean on the bottom line. dagen: thank you, e-mac . elizabeth:


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