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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 15, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at >> right now the market and investor torrs are pricing everything into perfection as if nothing could go wrong.
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double digit growth and earning and no recession and we've got the economy being robin lou bust and we're going to cut rates and everything is great. that's where i think you have to be a bit cautious. >> why is this so deaf con 5? here's why. if the polls said biden was losing one to two states, three states, lead lose the election. seven states, that's on pace to be a landslide. >> anything that vice president harris touches turns to crap and we can see that through her work adds a border czar and it's a total disasser and ai got us all. >> we sprue ed in 2020. compromised in 2020. both houses are so close and biden was getting back to normal and the cou country is on fire.
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stuart: i didn't know that bing crosby did a duet with bing davd bowie. it's a very cold day. 1:100 on an eastern -- 11:00 on an eastern time and friday, december the 15th and nasdaq up 75 points. show me big tech, please. most are winner this is morning. stuart: the president is not happy and aids are walking on egg shells and politico opened pandora's box with this
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headline: he's worried, hunter biden's legal woes take a heavy toll on his father. quote from a confidant, see it in his eyes and shoulders slump. he's so worried about hunter. "many aids now choose to avoid the subject for fear of triggering the president's temper". this means even more pressure to keep the president under wraps and handlers need a basement strategy but that's not easy when the president's family is under such close scrutiny and the leaks are starting to appear. three people told politico there's a division between president and kamala harris. this emerged after the vice president was shouted down in her own home by protester demanding a ceasefire in gaza. harris wants her boss to get tougher with israel. the white house of course denies there's anything tension. i wouldn't want jean-pierre's job. the president sent her out there to defend him. she got testy on impeachment. there's no evidence she said, none, absolutely none, none.
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unfortunately there is a damaging paper trail and the president has changed his tune. i don't know where this is going and i would hope over the holiday period the first lady and closest friends and those closest to him gently tell him it's time for plan b. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: it's frayed, you know what that means, jimmy failla is on the set. is he ever with his commanding voice and presence. will the democrats use impeachment to push biden aside? >> if they think they can because they absolutely want him out of the way. when you start seeing things like leaks. this was not an administration ever plagued by leaks and leaking is the sign of the times. essentially nobody wants to get out there and try to sell another four years of this thing. imagine selling beach get aways to a movie theater that just watched jaws, okay. that's what they're doing right now, and they don't want to do
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it. they are singing it from the press and asking biden tough questions like what's your name and staying on this guy. straight up. but the one serious point i want to make is when it comes to hunter story, okay, and the fact that they're, you know, we've seen the story evolve a lot. and to be clear, everybody watching understands, i do consider the current revelations regarding him being indicted for tax fraud the ultimate proof of election interference. why? because we were told in the fall of 2020, you're not allowed to discuss this. it's not even a thing. well, he's now on trial for tax fraud related to the thing, which means we now know on the sacshadow of the doubt the thins real. the fact he's historically unpopular right now losing to trump in all the major states, seeing the thresholds crossed and leaks and press being a little more scrutiny, and i do think that window to get him off the ticket is closing, and i'd expect more of this in early
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january and the leak-a-thorn is coming. call a plumber, biden. it'll get ugly. stuart: i'll change the subject to your immediate subject. comedian, daniel to be defending cancel culture and has to be consequences when somebody says something horrible. >> i think we're being generous with the term comedian in this instance. stuart: i thought he was funny. >> tosh is a lot of funny things but understand what this ultimately is. he has a show on comedy central and made a ton of money, he was wildly successful as a touring comedian and now he's trying to stay in the good graces of the elites. he wants to be a part of and he's doing with a lot of big name comedians and green to the terms of the cancel crowd and there's no bearing on reporter: it makes it infinitely harder on the younger comics on the way up and the lanes we have to succeed in close and when a lot of big names comics start saying things about five years ago, we casually say chris rock
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won't even play at college and news flash, they weren't playing him anyway and don't need to play him. they're a comedian and you are now watching the rules of engagement change and if the big guys say, oh, no, those are the rules and the rules are here and you can't say anything anymore. the guys on the way up that need the college money, okay, actually has a narrower lane of what they're doing and the grass roots comedian coming through and the hate crime and idea of anything off limits for the quality show is not a comedy. saying in group can't be made fun of, that's not a quality. that's putting them off to the side and fant lysing them, like lesser than and getting made fun of at the show meaning you're one of us, you're mainstream. we get it now. if we put you in a corner, what are you? that's not a quality. that's reverse equality. i made that term up. inspires me. stuart: you're an original thinker. >> absolutely. stuart: that's very important stuff.
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>> it's the drugs, let's be clear. stuart: it's friday morning, got to have it. did you see this? ai-generated news anchors will be on tv in the next year. we've got a clip, roll it. >> let's start with our reporters, you can hear us and see our lips moving, but no one was recorded saying what we're all saying. i'm powered by sophisticated systems behind the scenes, and i can speak in any language. stuart: whoa, none of them were real. >> it's crazy. i know who's supporting this the most is the wardrobe department because they're tired of refitting fat guys like me that come on tv. like i'm not sewing another jacket, chubs. this is terrible. what people forget is thinking the sale point here is they're artificial intelligence and they'll be unbiased. they have to be programmed by somebody. okay, at the end of the day, they're going to exhibit the biases of whoever owns the software and runs the artificial anchor so probably good for a companies who don't want to deal with a hungover jimmy failla on
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a friday. lauren: are you in >> no, i'm fine. but you'll lose authenticity and human flair. i'm not worried. a man of your talent, irreplaceable. thousands of ai could march in right now and we're safe. lauren: the banter quick back and forth. the delay? >> that's the thing. do you care. because it's not coming are from a place of human experience and watch people banter and that was cool, we're talking about that and i promise you, you're not just talking about whatever the ai is doing. stuart: we're running overtime and you've got to go. >> that's how i roll. stuart: simple as that. you're a good man. we've got to get back to the markets and look here as he's always here on a friday morning. his name is jonathan hoenig. the king of the exotic investment. you know, you brought us one today that's not that exotic, the israeli stock market. it's doing well. i'm intrigued at why it's doing well at a time like this. >> well, it's doing well because israel innovative western country and i have to roll my eyes, stuart, seeing some of
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these lunatics and many young college kids protesting israel. i mean, they're protesting one of the most innovative countries on earth, a country that's produced innovations like the usb drive and three-day printed heart and the technology system and for what it's worth, palestine had 16 innovations and investing in israel is one of my favorite foreign markets and cheap, eif and etf and own at capitalist pig and trading at seven times earning ands dow jones trailing at 25 times earnings and i like israel and it's a great place to invest. it's also a great place to visit. i've been there two times. stuart: has eis, the etf for israel, the israelly market, has it gone up a lot recently? >> yeah, the trend is up. we say, stuart, the trend is your friend. esra is another etf i recommended just about a month ago and it's done very well. it's based in israel and there's risks certainly in any emerging market and they're outperforming
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even better than our own markets and that fed decision, stuart, the dollar dropped and a lot of foreign and emerging markets we've talked about are starting to heat up. never bet against israel, it's a western innovative country responsible and so much good in the world and that's putting my client money there right now. stuart: jonathan, you're all right, hope you have a good weekend. >> thank you, stu, be well. stuart: looking at costco, which is up 3.5% hawaii do we got? lauren: a great quarter for earning ands 8% increase for membership and customers paying to go. they go for the deals and groceries and essentials, plus this special cash dividend on its common stock $15 a share and payable january 12. stuart: if i bought costco, one share of costco stock today, give me a $15 dividend on january whatever it was. $15 cash. lauren: yeah, but i don't know offhand the time period for when he had to buy the shares. stuart: be a holder of record.
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what's good? lauren: chinese adr are rallying big time and stock up 6% and strong factory data and chinese stocks grew by 10% and fresh stimulus to revive theirl dynam. lauren: report end of next month and forecasting fourth quarter profits will bl order activity d they're increasing in prices and plan to do so into the new year. stuart: got that and the stock is up nearly 6%. got it. all right, lauren. sorry, ten ie deals improvised explosive devices. nasty stuff. ten of them. recovered by the mexican military at the southern border. border guy, tom homan will take that on for sure. he's on the show next. school in up state new york banned cell phone use for students, i expect steve hilton is in favor of this ban. he doesn't even have a smart phone himself. steve passes judgment shortly. later this hour, you're going to be replaying the most memorable
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moments in the show in 2023. i've not seen it yet. i'm told it's good stuff probably taking fun of me. we'll be back. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity.
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♪ stuart: a city council member in portland, oregon, wants to spend $540 million to tackle climate change. okay. would you like to tell us, ashley, where that money is going? ashley: would i like to tell you it's insanity?
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the money from portland's clean energy fund is going to climate projects we're told being carried out at six city boroughs and city commissioner said the revenue will provide immediate budget relief from future protection from the city's general fund and how is this money being raised? you'll love this by levy ago 1% tax on retail -- levying 1% retail tax on companies in the city. that's ironic because quite a few companies fled portland and crime drug use and homelessness. you know, saying the city is failing to act but, hey, at least those climate change projects are well funded. stuart: breaching four dams in washington state and these dams in idaho as well and going to millions of people. it's all in the name of protecting, wait for it,
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protecting salmon. steve hilton joining me now. what's this doing to the power grid in the pacific northwest? this is all about the salmon? >> yeah, the salmon, we have this in california too. i mean, the salmon, there's a tiny little fish called the delta smelt and none has seen for years and used to justify totally insane policies that undermine the energy grid in this case these projects and nearly 10% of the energy grid up there in the state and it's totally out of proportion and we all care about the environment and we want to protect natural world that's true. but you've got to have a balance and get things in proportion. there's the energy aspect and agricultural aspect and transportation of products like important products and exports from that region like wheat. on and on it goes and it's totally out of balance in terms of judging what was the cost and benefits of a decision like
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this. stuart: seems like the environmentalists always get their way. i don't know why but they just do. next case and this is specifically for you, steve hilton. students at a school in up state, new york, say the school's cell phone ban has improved their mental health. steve, i'm sure you agree with this. you don't even have a smart phone of your own if i'm not mistaken. but my question is at what age should a child or a youngster get a cell phone? >> i don't think children should have smart phones at all. they can have a phone to keep in touch and i understand that parents care about that and doesn't have to be a smart phone and the smart phone with all the addictive social media apps and all that other addictive content is the problem. in florida now, this is really full steam ahead on the idea that you shouldn't have -- kids shouldn't have smart phones in school. i think most people could agree with that and actually where it's been tried see massive improvements in concentration in
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the classroom but also in the relationships between the kids at school. they're actually talking to each other and looking at each other. not staring at their stupid phones all day long. plus you look at trends in terms of mental health a term that's thrown around all these days of young people and a massive up tick at the moment and smart phones were wildly used particularly among young people and when will we wake up and look at evidence and see what's going on around us and make it clear that kids shouldn't have the addictive dangerous destructive devices. stuart: moving on. you're our california guy, governor newsom pressed about the homeless crisis in san francisco and here's what he had to say. roll tape. do republican conservatives try to make that the avatar with what's wrong with democratic policies. what is it about san francisco and also those are very real problems that san francisco has. how do you start to address them? >> they've been on a doom loop
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of san francisco ever since nancy pelosi became speaker and focus on failures in order for them to be right. and so we're used to it out there. we maintain resiliency. >> can't blame it on conservancy. stuart: yeah, the result and this mess is the result of his policies; am i right or am i right. >> yes, it's the fault. those well known republican mans of san francisco and the last 10, 20 years old and the famous republican city council and it's such a joke. there's no one toles blame except the democrats and they've been in charge of their city, the county, the state, for decades and it's just preposterous and, yes, you're right. going to the point of this and that whole interview. i watch it had last time i was in san diego and got back late last night. watched the whole interview.
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it was laughable. they talk about fox news being state tv. that interview reminded me of some journalists in putin's russia sitting there and talking to putin terrified if he doesn't ask soft enough questions he'll be town off the top of an apartment building in moscow. it's just ridiculous. they're not challengessed it a total failure and san francisco and california, with the bottom of every list to be on top of. we have the highest taxes and worst poverty and most spending on students in schools but the lowest literacy and highest housing coast and lowest home ownership and we have the worst business climate of all 50 states and worse than puerto rico and everything was announced in the wrong direction and the democrats are in charge and no one else to blame. stuart: we've nail it had right there. our california guy always comes through. steve hilton, thank you very much. steve, see you soon i hope.
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>> got it. thank you. stuart: retail theft organization busted in los angeles. tell me more about this, ashley. ashley: well, a whole lot of stolen goods were recovered including boxes of diapers, cases of energy drinks, computers, cases of cosmetics and other items stolen from big box stores and see the video almost daily. lapd says the investigation focused on these flash mob thieves and the street vendors selling the stolen property and receivers of the stolen property and these four suspects have been arrested in a serious of raids expected and la county with the special robbery task force to combat organized retail theft and seems to be paying off since that task force was formed three months ago and 254 arrests and recovered nearly $600,000 of stolen merchandise. a win for the good guys i think. a little bit. stuart: sounds good. thanks, ash. coming up.
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the senate cutting into holiday recess and they want to get a deal done on ukraine aid and secure funding for border control. speaking at the southern border, ten ieds seized by mexican military and now border patrol on high alert for explosives being smuggled across our border into america. tom homan on that next. (adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia.
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stuart: dow up 20 and nasdaq up 77. microsoft up 588 and apple is down just a fraction. 10-year treasury yield this morning going down ten basis point-blank layupses and that's a loss in the bond market and the yield is now 390. bitcoin was right around $42,000 earlier and it was 41, 9 as we speak. serious stuff here and border patrol agents with border patrol warning agents to be on the lookout nor explosive devices and mexican military received ten -- seized ten explosive devices at the southern border. hillary vaughn reporting here and tell us about the ie ds. reporter: thank you, stuart. these ten ieds seized on the
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mexico side of the u.s. mexico border and federal lawsuit sources shared with us officer safety alert tafanely went out to cvp agent this is week warning them to be care and feel alert reads this "agents should exercise extreme caution and report any possible armed subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices and the alert defining the explosives saying the mexican military seized ten ieds filled with black powder and shrapnel in an area south of the ranch located east of the port of entry". this happened on wednesday and border patrol agents basically stumbled upon a cartel turf war gunfight near the ranch, which is in pima county, arizona. they arrested a person on the u.s. side of the border who was armed with a loaded ak-47 rifle, had two loaded ak magazines, loose rounds and a handgun. we reached out to cvp giving us
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this statement, tucson executive agents encountered an armed subject on the international boundary fence once the subject noticed the agents and lowered his weapon to the ground and gestured to the mexico side of the boundary and multiple additional armed subjects were located and we obtained that suspect who told agents there were 11 armed people nearby and agents heard gunfire coming from the mexico side and pulled back to a safer area and mexican military responded that's when they found the ten explosive devdevices and my law enforcemet source says this ranch has a gap in the border fence that's typically used to funnel drugs through but now it's become a magnet for the cartel to push people through and this gunfight was essentially a gang war trying to fight for control over this gap in the fence. my source says this gap was a spot in the border wall that was just never completed, stuart. stuart: amazing. great reporting, hillary vaughn, good stuff. reporter: thank you. stuart: tom homan with me now.
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what do you think of the explosive devices at the border? this is getting serious, tom. >> well, great reporting by hillary. she's right on the money what she's talking about. look, if the cartels, they've been using ieds since 2010. mostly they use them against mexican military and cartels fighting against one another and use them. using ieds and car bombs and south of the arizona area, she's right, there's two fashions of the sinaloa cartel fighting for control. you have the sons of el chapo who is in prison. it's the number one place for fentanyl smuggling and second, last couple of weeks it's the number one place for illegal border crossings right now and the cartels are making more money than they've ever made in the history of their existence and record amount of money making smuggling in drugs and
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sex trafficking women and children and record amount of money and they're fighting for control on the border. they're at the point now they're so well trained and been trained by terrorist organizations and they're special operate torrs and sophisticated weaponry and they need to be declared a terrorist organization and brought more fentanyl and killed more people with fentanyl than anywhere in the world. it's a serious issue in extreme danger to the men and women wearing the green uniform on the border. stuart: we kilter resistance ifs we know who's running the cartels and the two you mentioned, if we know who's running them and they're a terrorist organization, would you favor going in and killing them? >> look, we need to call them a terrorist organization. you're exactly right. the mexican government are not going to dismantle the terrorist organization and criminal cartels and much of the military is on the take and mexican law
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enforcement and government isen o the take. not saying all but the criminal cartels in mexico bought off a lot of officials in the country and only country in a position to destroy the cartels, again, i like to call them terrorists and designate them as terrorists is u.s. special opportunistics and if mexico doesn't aloe us to do it, we need to do it. this is a serious threat to safety and security of the united states. these battles of the cartels and all the weaponry is coming to the united states, mark my word. stuart: got it. you're going to the border on the arizona border tonight. what are you doing there? >> i'm going to go down there and talk to men and women wearing that uniform. i started as a border patrol agent and talk to them about what's going on and their for them to tell me what they need and lacking. i left a texas boarder and i was in the air on texas dps
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department of public safety and flew around looking at gaps in the border area. where the cartels are smuggling guns and where the got aways go because the area we patrol in is very desolate. no one's coming through there to turn themselves into border patrol. they're coming through smuggling drugs. this elite texas dps helicopter unit seized record amount of narcotics and they've arrested a lot of got aways and people that are going to be got aways and criminals and also relative to last time, we landed on a group and found a young man, young woman that wouldn't have made it throughout the day if we didn't find them. texas dps are saving lives too. great organization down there. stuart: if you didn't watch fox you wouldn't know what's going on at the border w. you go down to arizona, come back and give us a report and let everybody know what's happening. tom, you're all right, tom homan, thank as lot. >> thank you. stuart: senate democrats cutting into the holiday recess and trying to score a year-end --
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secure a year end border deal. ashley, are they close? ashley: not yet but senate democrats are holding out hope they can cut their last min deal with republicans on the emergency national security spending package at least before the end of the year. now nassau county nerve nucleus yore gators trying to hammer out a deal and spending package with stricter border policies and republicans not so opt f -- optimistic and the house is out of session meaning it will be especially difficult to get a senate-passed bill signed into law. two different stories being told, stu. stuart: thanks, ash. we're getting real close and the moment we've been waiting for and we'll take a look at some of the very best and we think they're the best moments from the show this year. don't miss it, we got it after this. ♪
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at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine.
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t. rowe price, invest with confidence. stuart: "varney & co." is about to begin. stuart: i don't have any close friends, i don't have friends quite frankly. i don't put personal friends of mine on the show and no personal friend of mine is a politician. murphy, i get along with murphy very well. >> we're friends. >> give me a second for my glasses. stuart: oh, handle that computer. come on, man. i'm the guy who can't handle
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computers, not you. >> i like naples too, but dinner at 6:00, that's lunch for me. i'm still alive here. i'm still alive. stuart: yeah, i'm mini mid 70s and i eat dinner at 4:00 for the early bird special. lauren: were you a crayon, stuart? stuart: i was, used to chew on the end of a lead pencil and probably extremely bad. >> we don't have time for this, stu. it's a small harbor device. but continue. stuart: okay, moving on. welcome to the second republican debate of the 2024 primary live from the reagan presidential library in simi valley, california. i'm stuart varney of fox business. chris christie is the anti-trump candidate and he's going to join me on the set right after this. vivek ramaswamy is about to walk
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straight towards me and here in new york visiting and 2024 gop hopeful nikki haley is here walking to the set as we speak hawaii a pleasure it is. look who's here, ladies and gentlemen. logan paul. talk about prime. i've got to ask you about taylor swift. >> love her. stuart: yeah, you're really a huge fan. why do you like taylor swift so much. >> brilliant artist. stuart: why else? >> she's always been true to herself and told the trues. stuart: that's the first time we've had a cam ultimately on the program. camel on the program. oh, it's not a camel, it's a raynaud. thanks for bringing the first rhino on the show. i thought it was a camel. i couldn't see the hump or the horn. lauren: i didn't know what it was. stuart: i've been handed a chick, okay. it's a chick. a baby chicken. okay. we're going to tell you what i'm doing here in just a moment.
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>> hey, knock it off. questions that now. don't get crazy with me. okay, that's good. stuart: jeff flock has the story from illinois. how do farmers think about this, jeff? >> what do you think? i don't think they're too thrilled and they don't care for it much either. stuart: dying to know the reaction to goats. charles payne is with me. have you smuggled a goat? >> i haven't but i have a new item on my bucket list. ashley: i won best hair in nashville and worked in nashville for 20 years and beat out a female at another station called hairicon idol award. it's award winning. don't hate me. this hair would never let me down. lauren: there's nothing on your hair? ashley: it would spit it back out. careful, it bites. stuart: would you turn me into a kid? >> you're a kid in my eyes. stuart: what would it take?
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>> silver fox, if you want to be the ken, six pack etching and add fat to muscles. stuart: you can do that? >> oh, yeah. stuart: you can do this and have a special guest that's going to guess today and that'll be young bray on 7-year-old daughter of lauren, okay, that would be the rolling stones, i believe. lauren: awesome. stuart: a band from my generation i might add. lauren: the rolling bones. >> new album? ashley: lauren simonetti saying that kind of pops. lauren: it's the name of the band. i was proud of myself when i recognize that . we're matching today. your tie, my dress. we pop. stuart: what was that like, put me in coach. lauren: put me in the game, i want to play. stuart: put me in, coach. i thought it was referring to the airlines. put me in the back of the plane. oh, boy, i missed that one. lauren: put me in first.
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♪ stuart: you did make us smile. i'm offended. >> did you think of a g? >> abigail, is that her name stuart: it is. that's incredible. >> you just bought it and put it in your pocket. which one did you end up buying? say it. >> skittles. stuart: they're skittles. >> i'm walking offset. he's a demon. stuart: congratulations to our producers who put that together over the past year. lauren, your favorite clip from that thing? lauren: oh, at the end without a doubt because i had thought he really messed up live on national television and it was all part of the thing. he did it. stuart: i agree. what about you, ash? ashley: well, firstly, how cute is lauren's daughter. oh my god. secondly, i didn't see this on the show, but my favorite all time moment for varney is when you hosting a live audience, stu
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and you took the camera and got lost behind the screen. stuart: i did. ashley: it reminded me of spinal tap, one of my all time favorite movies and they'd get lost behind the scenes of the concert hall in cleveland and it was so perfect and you handled it very, very well. stuart: i remember it very well. i have producers next to 34 and i took the wrong turn and went the wrong way entirely and all hell broke loose. there you go. i like the bit about the camel. i thought it was a camel and it was in fact a rhino. i couldn't see the hump or the horn. it looked like a prehistoric creature. congratulations, producers. we hope our audience enjoyed us and the whole year. don't go anywhere. there's more to come. friday feedback is next. ♪
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stuart: oh, mariah carey singing. why not? lauren: there's two weeks or so. late george and what a beautiful sight that is. 46 degrees and what do you expect in december? friday feedback, lauren, ashley, ready to go. first comes to us from mjk, both stuart varney and mcjagger attended london school of economics but mcjagger can sing jumping jack flash. nat nat gas, what's that about? i will not sing that i've been banned from singing on the air, period. moving on. from bryant. i tell you. i like to see an ai anchor try to tell a joke. that's interesting. what do you say, lauren? lauren: do you remember i interviewed the ai ceo and took her 20 seconds to interpret what i said and answer. i don't think they could, at
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least not yet. stuart: ash. ashley: you want me to tell a joke? is that the question? stuart: can an ai anchor tell a joke any think the answer is no. ashley: no, not unless they're programmed. stuart: all right, i'm going to keep this job. next from fred, stu, did you actually say me thane? it's methane. you're wrong, isn't it methane, ash? ashley: yennis, when in rome. but you done want to talk about methane in rome. lauren: we're in the u.s.. stuart: from tina, i value your trusted reason reporting and thank you for being a part of my mornings for many years and i can pay you no higher compliment than the actor edwin gwen playing santa claus on
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34th street. side by side. it's coming. any day now. wait for it. wait for it. any day now. ashley: that's not it. there we go. stuart: oh. some resemblance. i'm flattered. thank you very much. lauren: will you be santa claus for the grand kids? stuart: i have in the past but not this year. from jeff, we love you in your show but the best part of 2023 is any time lauren is on the set and we love ash. he's great. i'm toast. lauren, take that. lauren: that's sweet and he watches every day so ashley and i are on every day. thank you. stuart: thank you, jeff. it's got my name on it. stuart, i'm your biggest fan and favorite christmas song and what are your plans? have ago party and favorite restaurant? okay, white christmas, bing crosby, going to florida for christmas, i don't go to a restaurant. what else did he want to know? ashley, what do you got on this?
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ashley: yeah, i lost track. i love bing crosby david bowie one by the way. i remember that on top of pops back when however old i was. i'll go to a restaurant for christmas meals. how about that. stuart: lauren. lauren: last christmas i gave you my heart. i don't know who sings it. we never go to a restaurant for christmas, never cater. same meal every year, i host. more questions. i don't remember. stuart: thanks, everybody, for sending great friday feedback stuff. all good. now it's time for friday trivia question. i know this. i absolutely know this, guaranteed. in what year did the voting age change to 18? 1866, 1900, 1946 or 1971? the answer when we return. ♪
11:56 am
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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stuart: before the break we asked the friday trivia question. went to the voting age change to 18? i am convinced i guarantee i know the answer to this so i will go last. ashley, you are first. ashley: i will go with 46 after world war ii.
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a lot of 18-year-olds. i will go with 46. stuart: lahren. stuart: lahren. lauren: you said you were certain. i will go against you just because. 1946. stuart: it is 1971. i remember it. i remember it. 18-year-olds voting in 1972 presidential election. the 26th amendment was signed by richard nixon. you can vote when you are 18 as of 1971. that is it for the week. great stuff, thank you very much indeed and counting down to coast to coast. 5432 one, coast-to-coast starts now. neil: going


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