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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 18, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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border security talks, then the middle east, iranian backed houthis step up their attacks in red sea, we'll have senator tommy tuberville. to weigh in on this. but first up, our very own hillary vaughn and edward lawrence with some details. kids thank you. as i trip over the intro, i think you know what i'm getting at. reporter: good afternoon, all leader chuck schumer wants for christmas is a border deal, but does not seem he will get it, a vote on something is more likely after the new year, even though white house insists that president is eager to make a deal even if it means compromising and giving republicans a win. >> there were active discussions over the weekend. and we're here at the white house are involved in those. and as the president has said it is important to move
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this forward. he is willing to nary negotiate in good faith and willing to make compromises on policy front and border security. reporter: sticking points are over policy, republicans' major changes to parole and asylum policy for illegal immigrants, no one wants to vote for this until they review the text, for now most of the details are being kept secret, one of t negotiators, telling them last night when you deal in public that is how you don't get to a deal, republicans are not in a rush to cram through a deal before christmas. mitch mcconnell said not republicans fault that white house started to take this issue seriously just now. >> and produce legislative text. it will require some time. senate republicans will not make up for others showing
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up late to the table by waiving our responsibility to carefully negotiate and review any agreement before voting on it. reporter: so as negotiations move slowly on border things are changing cvp schu shuts down freight railway crossings at the eagle pass. larry: a quick factoid, kirby said that the president is negotiating or something? but to my knowledge, he has not come to sit down across the table from mcconnell or johnson lankford or anything, what is this business, who biden negotiating with. reporter: they have white house aide that attended the meetings over the weekend.
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larry: that is different. reporter: you are right, a lot of lawmakers want the face-to-face with the president, if he is willing to compromise get him in a room and hash it out. larry: he had to go face-to-face with kevin mccarthy, thank you hillary vaughn, you are terrific. >> thank you. larry: to edward lawrence at white house, what is cooking there? reporter: talk about the houthis, and middle east we have 10 companies that are rerouting ships walker from the red sea -- away from the red sea because of that situation, one of those companies bp, sent oil prices up on that news. we have talked with one shipping organization that says, the going around resouthing ships is -- reroutes ships about 10 days to get around africa that is more fuel and more ships so more cost. pentagon official confirms to fox news a new task force with other country will help protect shipping in the red
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sea announced today, the defense secretary in israel today talking with partners about this. >> these attacks are reckless, dangerous, and they violate international law. we're taking action to build app international coalition to address this threat. and i will remind you this is not just a u.s. issue, it is a international problem it deserves an international response. reporter: there were a swarm of attacked in red sea over this weekend, we have seen at least 101 attacks on u.s. position in middl middle east since october 7. >> you can't be afraid of your own shadow, you have to be clear about your red line and enforce them, this
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administration has failed to do, that they have made americans less safe, we have seen what they have done to israel, we know that gulf arab states are less safe as well. reporter: biden administration has been rereluctant to get more aggressive with houthi, iranian proxies and houthis and iran itself. larry: edward thank you. >> just a couple words from me there are 28 days until iowa caucus vote on january 15. latest poll from cbs news, shows former president trump with 58% of likely iowa republican caucus-goers. that puts him 36 points ahead of governor desantis, who is at 2245 pand 45 ahead of nikki haley who scores 13. the reason clear politics polling average shows
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mr. trump plus 32 in iowa. that confirms to cbs poll, now. as i have said, polls are not votes. but a good poll is a good snap shot of voter thinking and iowans are thinking trump. as i have opined before. one reason mr. trump is doing so well is he is campaigning on the issues. lately, in campaign rallies in new hampshire, and nevada as well as iowa, trump has focused on the economy. maintaining his tax cuts tough on inflation and trade and the border and drill, baby, drill, overall inflation has come down but food cost still up 20%, transportation and airfareses up almost 30%, and energy up 25% that includes electricity, ecent even christmas trees up 10% and tougho law and order, a quick note, in
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nevada he said, those tents and graffiti will be removed. slum areas will be demolishes and we built to the highest level of architectural elegance what a f former master builder and mr. trump said he wants to restore washington d.c., which is as bad as any of those bad cities in the country. former president's to restore washington to its former grandure, that is a great vision. a montage of his statements. >> not one thing has gotten better under crooked joe biden. under the trump administration, you were better off, you were better off your family of better off, i will never let trump tax cuts, they are biggest in history, i will never let them be taken away from you and with your vote in this
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election we will cut your taxes further. my first day back in white house i will terminate every open border policy of the biden administration. >> and joe biden's war on american energy and we will drill baby drill. >> he will replay this wonderful trump montage message later on the show, meanwhile fox news poll regarding biden illegal immigration and open border problem, 79% want to increase border agency, 67%' to deport illegal immigrants. 54% want to build a wall. closing joe biden's open borders, will be the last issue of the old year and at-this-point i don't believe it will be resolved. mr. biden's left wing will never buy's trump-tough border solution that includes the wall, remain in
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mexico, a new title 42, and thousands of now border agents, the republicans solutions to problem is catch and deport. the democrats still want catch and release. and note that the fox poll shows 67% want to deport illegal immigrants, that say policy that mr. trump favors, he likens it to eisenhower plan when president ike had a team of strong generals who worked to deport illegal immigrants already in the u.s. so, i don't know if the iowa poll will turn into iowa votes. but i do know that former president trump is on message. and in touch with the great majority of americans. and that is my riff tonight. >> joining my now, hall of fame senator from alabama the great tommy tuberville, welcome to you senator.
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starting with the border story, president biden he -- i don't know his spokesman say this that and the other, he is not at the table or doing anything. >> for first time in three years we're in a caucus meeting and finally he sent some of his g gophers to meet with the republicans and democrats. they are c conferring back and ford, they don't want to do anything at the border, if they did, they would have done it years ago, i met with high ranging officials from mexico a couple weeks ago they said they have put 38 thousand new people on the line to stop the influx from the south through mexico. they told me, coach, we can stop about half of them. next year will be records broken every day. we cannot stop them, they are coming, joe biden has invited them, and so they will come, our border patrol agents are overwhelms we
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better put someone down there, there is no border right now, but, they are inviting people to come, they will continue to come as long as it happens, but he not involved, you are right. larry: this is thing. i have been in that game, as you are know, unless and until the president gets involved it will not be solved. i don't believe it will ever be solved. democrat position is open borders. we had sen senator jim lankford on twice, he has been good. i just want to say to you, i think that this has to be what i call a trump-tough bill. we need the wall, we need remain in mexico, we need to reconfigure tie title 42 and we need hundreds of millions for agencies --
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agents to police the border. i don't want g.o.p. to take anything less. >> house will not taking any less than hr2. so people need to know, i am now a politician from educational backgrounding, i understand if you are not going by the laws, it's on the books now, what is going toi you go by laws that we put in front of the president, he could care less we to negotiating, for a new supplemental, they want money for wars they started, but at end of the day if we were to sign something and give them the money, he will not go by the rule of law. his main job as president is to protects american citizen, he has failed at it, unmercifully it is terrible for the american people. larry: your friend mark levin talked about this last
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night, i heard it driving down from connecticut. on the radio. mark believes that is an impeachable offense. that -- i don't want to press the point, is it impeachable it is high crime and misdemeanor. >> he is getting people killed of day, you heard chrischristopher wray say, we're in trouble, we'll have bad things happen in this country, and it goes back to the decisions that the house has made. they could care less. we're losing 100,000 people a year to drugs. direct correlation to the open border. it is just, makes you sick to your stomach to see what
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happened to the young people that sometimes they just take a pill thinking it is something else, they die from it. larry: mm-hmm. >> a lot of people are just, i don't know. this president is way out of line, and asthma, -- mark levin said it should be impeachable. larry: he is breaking the law, i don't want to care it too far but it is important constitutional point that should be raised. on other side of the bill, foreign aid national security funding bill, i love him to death but lindsey graham keeps making this argument there is a joe biden argument, chuck schumer, and i love lindsey graham but -- if we don't give them 60 -- billion, ukraine. russia will invade, poland and this and that and nato and we'll have world war. first, i don't think that 60 billion will matter, it looks look a tail mate, you may disagree that
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semireporting it likes like a stalemate. i don't know what that extra money will do. and the threat that russia will come down and invade all of the nato countries, that threat need never materialize if we had a strong tough president in the first place. >> right, this never would have happened with president trump, i was with zelenskyy and kyiv 3 months before this. we could have stopped it at that time had we given them arms the border say, listen, look what we have, don't come in, joe biden said no, it is just going to be a small incursion, i just talked with president putin. a half million people have been killed. the problem, they will go through europe, he can't take eastern eurk ukraine, what gives every howthought that he would finish on through poland and baltics and europe. larry: this a phony argument. 60 billion to ukraine. mr. schumer, by the way, i deal in principles and
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policies not personalities, i have known chuck schumer for a long time. he keeps saying if you give them 60 billion, they will win the war. and if we don't, they will lose the war. and i say that is just false. >> he met with zelenskyy, he believes 60 billion will give them a stalemate. here is what concerns me, that we'll go are to end up with some kind of false flag, he d doesn't have people to win the war who is the next up, our kids our young men and women will have to go there and fight, we have people all over the borders that scares me, we need to make a decision, of how much how much -- land should be taken by ukraine and russia someone to some diplomacy in the group. larry: a diplomatic exist strategy should be a part of this, down want to leave them high and dry either. but there has to be an exit
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strategy this idea that this money they could win. i don't know why -- look chuck schumer is many things, he is a big liberal and i am a conservative, but he knows that is 60 billion will not win t war in ukraine he knows that. >> selling american people on this it has been a marketing tour from the secretary of state secretary of defense they came to see us in last month, this is why we need, ask your questions, we have do this or they will go through europe this say marketing ploy, whether do you think zelenskyy came last week, he does not need money right now, he said i don't need it now, need it in march. wait. that is not what we're hearing in senate we need it now, so, there are so many different things floating around. they can't get their stories straight. larry: it would be nice if they had the story straight, diplomatic story, money steestory any story.
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>> is mr. biden and mr. antony blinken and sullivan, looks like these guys are micromanaging and interfering with israel and the idf, that is a real bad idea. >> i don't think there is a doubt, what i saw with my own eyes with the video that came they lit us see them it was bad. really bad, worse than what you could imagine. you hate to see innocent people killed but this is war, they started the war, they did not attack military bases, hamas, they went after civilians, you don't know where this is going you can see president biden by given money to iran, basically giving them money -- >> did he give 10 billion last. >> 6 billion. larry: i thought that -- that was fre frozen but 10 billion are in
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electricity, but i thought that was frozen, we were looking it up today in -- i could not find anything. that tell me that money is not going to iran, please. >> they are not financing our enemy. >> they had 4 billion in their coffers who president trump went out of office with everything he had done, iran was really struck el -- struggling now they have a hundred billion, we allow homed have it because of that administration. and so, we caused this. now, you have yemen, you know the houthis are shooting rocket at all of ships and the tankers. who is backing the houthis? iran. who is backing iran in? we are, we're funding the terrorists. larry: yes, they don't love you as much as i do, they just worry about time,
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fiduciary rule. lane or department wants to heap paperwork and red tape on stock brokers and b financial planners they are. >> they are going after everyone get all the money they can, regulation, making tough on people to work and make money. larry: you can stop it. >> i think we can. but, i don't think we can stop it for another year after this, we will have to help from electric -- we have to get someone in the presidential office in the white house, that understands the business, to help the people. la-is on the way. >> thank god. >> happy, holy merry christmas and season's greetings, you have been great as senator and the show and me thank you. >> thank you. larry: appreciate you very much. >> coming up china's communist is falter -- wait, let meed read, that
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china's communist economy is faltering and the u.s. is imports chinese deflation. we will have the great kevin hassett, weigh in on china deflation coming to the u.s., and what that means, i am kudlow, we're grateful, all grateful to senatorrk tuberville. et our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. hi, i'll have the avocado toast...
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to receive $1000 off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our low monthly payment financing. larry: interesting side bar to the economic discuss. the u.s. is i'm por a -- importing china's deflation. we still import a lot of chinese goods, and looks like it is knocking down prices hire at home, i think, joining us to tell us about it great kevin hassett. author of most important book of century, the drift, stopping america's slide to socialism, like china. kevin how important that we import their falling goods prices if that is true. >> we have a chart i think. >> here it is. >> how important. >> it is pretty important. in the holiday signs, let's
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say something positive about joe biden. he kept the trump china policies, president trump said no we'll shut down all that dumping that china is doing on u.s., and there is still you know trade with china, but the chinese economy is on the ropes, china is falling apart, they are cutting prices like heck in goods they ship here, goods that going down in frprice now, they are a lot from china, they declining in twice they make about 20% of consumer price index, 80% is still super inflationary. service -- w core services is above 5%, i don't think that overall number shows inflation is under control like the fed say but goods inflation is positive. but not just china, that japan's economy, shrunk in last quarter almost 3%, and european economy is shrinking this monitor tightening has made global economy head to recession
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that is putting downward pressure on prices to u.s. >> for sure. and just as another side bar, china, xi jinping has moved ch china way back. a lot of free market stuff has been erased. a lousy economy, i don't think it will recover to 20% growth. >> i agree. i believe that the person who is really responsible for that is zuckerberg, president xi saw how big tech companies canceled donald trump and all power they had against conservatives he thought, i have big companies in china i better take control of them, he shut those guys down, put his own lackeys in change of the companies, you know the ceo in jail and so, they are recovering from a massive takeover of the private sector he did, which is socialism that is socialism, and they are
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suffering for it but xi jinping probably more secure he does not have to worry about his media cooing what american media did to donald trump. larry: stay with this, american companies not really wanting to go to china any more. this was certainly the advanced technology companies, this is what trump administration wanted. but are we going to do a lot less business with china in 10 or 20 years. >> certainly, especially if donald trump c is elected president. we were in white house we did estimate of how much intellectual property was being stolen from u.s. firms. larry: by china. >> china would say come we'll give you access to our market, when you get there they steal your ip and create a company that that does what you are and competing with you, people
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let china get away with it until we got there god bless joe biden no h holiday spirit he kept the policies. larry: not bad, fundamentally trump's rings the bell on china the threat lasted. i think we have do more. but we'll see. but it is an interesting side bar, quickly. overall american inflation, j. powell, says it is over. and they will -- market said they will be 7 rate cuts but then austin austin other fed heads say wait. >> inflation is not under control, but what is the federal reserve and by the democrats, you have continued to that. what will happen, they will juice the economy in an election year giving us race cuts for joe biden, they play their hand and they played it early. and they are nervous about it you watch.
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inflation is not under control they will cut rates, and way i bet you 20 bucks. larry: you know, a good point. a go they are gearing up. like there is -- like they declare victory before they have the victory. you are right. in the rate -- wow! democrats running the fed, you are right. by the way. so smart kevin h hassett, put that booko the screen, most important book. coming up on kudlow, we have a live report from israel. where the idf has exposed a gigantic hamas t tunnel and breitbart editor marlo will tell us why hunter biden ask on a crash and important mission. >> former president trump on message. with a month until iowa caucuses we have mark simone and joe concha we'll run the trump montage again, i'm
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larry: all right, let's talk about the biden crime family. with breitbart's alex marlow writing: we welcome back too, the show alex marlow. editor in chief of bright bart news. and alex. hang on. tony put your book up -- i want to put your book up, author the breaking biden, thank you for delivering john carney, but breaking biden is a great read. really quick, the sound from jonathan turley. >> there has been an enormous amount of evidence by house committee that have
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gone through different accounts and shell companies of biden family members. larry: nobody is how far the -- out of hook, i thought turley saying that, you don't have to have every t-crossed or i idotted to make a case. >> i am looking at this from a political perspective, i am not a attorney we're close to an election, it is clear from the polling that more the public understands the depth of biden family corruption, less like they are to vote for biden, when you see hunter evading testimony, you see revelations he spend nearly a million on sex clubs and
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hookers while he is evading this drives the american public crazy, and they know that joe is in on it. larry: as you noted in your column. hunter biden came out with a new standard, a new goal post, not only his father did not know about the business but he was not engaged in any financing measure, we know that is not true that will be a big problem, financing is the name of game. >> yes, what the key moment of the whole p press conference was hunter biden saying my father was not financially involved in my business, this is code, it means that joe was involved, he maybe didn't a get direct check on certain things, we know that hunter biden's be model involve j joe, and that is b burisma.
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and joe helping broker a deal with bank of china while hunter is cutting a deal with an, quit i company that is controlled by the bank of china, it all has to do with joe it is just a matter of time before hunter biden incriminates him. larry: do you think there is chance that house will put him in contempt, because he did not show up for his deposition? doy think there a chance. >> i don't know. i think that hunter biden will keep evading as long as he, can i think it behooves the house to do that, if you look at it, jobe will pardon hunter for everything that is something that is fascinating, hunter has a green light to commit all of the crimes between now and november, and joe will pardon him after the election. larry: i keep saying that, i have done a couple riffs with that, i don't care who wins election if joe biden
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loses he is still president in november and december and half of january, there is time, he will pardon a million people, he will pardon hunter and his friends and partners and the guy in burisma, even though he is not a u.s. citizen, that was a joke, but you are right. pardons left and right. >> yes, that is right. and that is why hunter biden thinks this is a good legal strategy, i tell you, it is a horrific impeachment strategy in terms of politics, now, any republican who so fence about fundament proceedings anyone who feels that not worth the effort, they see that in your face troll by by hunter, they have to be thinking, i have to get off the side lines and get involved because this guy is sticking it in our face. larry: alex marlow, breitbart thank you so much happy holidays. >> thank you, larry, merry
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christmas. larry: all right, let's switch gears, have fun talking about 2024 election. primaries, joining us mark simone, and just rated second most listened to radio show in the country. not just new york. >> in the world. >> gal acty. galaxy. >> and joe concha. fox news contribute or, this trump montage. a holiday message to us. >> not one thing has gotten better under crooked joe biden, under the trump administration you were better off, you were better off, your family was better off, i will never let the trump tax cuts, they are the biggest tax cuts in the history of the country, i will never let them be taken away from you. and with your vote in this o election we'll cut our
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taxes. >> i will terminate every open border policy of biden administration and and i will up joe biden war on american energy and we will drill, baby, drill. larry: i am saying, you know. not only is so on message, he communicate its better than anyone else. he is a great communicate or, straight forward, so, mark, he is up -- with 6 60% in iowa, ahead of nikki haley and desantis. but poles are not votes. >> it was pathetic watching sunday shows try to prop up nikki haley. she may pass ron desantis, but still almost 50 points behind. this is a landslide. larry: not in new hampshire. asking about new hampshire. the latest poll haley is 15
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down to former president trump. it is narrow, i don't know what that means in trump won big in iowa but talk to me about that. >> cbs poll, trump 44, haley 29. we have never seep a second place contender to trump that high in and that close before, it is still 15. led, only se scenario that could work out for nikki haley. a long shot, it would require chris christie, and ron desantis after iowa to drop out. you have to think most support behind them. 10% goes to haley, but then they are within the margin of error, they are not. that is the scenario. >> the bottom half of new hampshire. larry: boston. >> a liberal place, all boston. --
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>> a lot of rinos. >> it is also open primary. >> any with vote. larry: trump romped in new hampshire in 2016. he lost by a whisker in iowa. to cruz. then a huge win in new hampshire. like that ended it, next week or 2 in south carolina. >> well,. larry: i don't know about the polls in new hampshire, i think because. t trump had not been there enough, but now he rectified that by guying there. >> and nikki haley i hate to say it, she is the republican hillary clinton. larry: holiday season, i am more you know, magnanimous, thank you for that. i am speaking of nonmag. >> why is harvard giving g.
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>> "boston globe," harvard cripp is not -- she will not survive. >> i think she will. larry: i will be wrong. >> you have a good case alongically she should not survive, she said she did nothing wrong but she is making corrects on the papers. >> they have the rules, "boston globe," they have done side by side, here are harvard rules and here is what she did. how can she stand? worse left wing social policy to promote someone who first, broke the law, broke the principles and was not qualified to be if the. >> harvard is so wealthy with 50 billion in en
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endowment. the bottom of harvard is a billion a year, they can finance themselves forever,. >> even if you get rid of clt claudine gay. the newspaper said what can you do. you still have a answer there in terp -- >> at least they can clean up the plagiarism. the battle to stop anti-semitism at harvard hey have not won that battle. >> depends on the contact? >> go figure. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> i'm filling in for him tomorrow that say well the of pressure in cool. >> coming up on kudlow. when is biden's federal communications commission, going to stop attacks elon
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musk? we have brendan carr. he will tell us why or try to when kudlow returns, happy holidays. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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[phone alert] good thing the new dexcom g7
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can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7 i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity.
7:53 pm
larry: so. one of pie fcc, when will they stop attacks elon
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musk, zoning us now, brendan carr. fcc commissioner. they are taking 885 million dollars away from elon musk because his starling system is not in place two years ahead of time, a satellite prodbroadband, all they wanted they are still killing him why? >> thank you, i think obvious to everyone, this goes to last year, president biden stood at white house pe behind podium, said that elon musk is worth looking into, a reporter said how, president biden said, there is a lot of ways, there are. since then we have seen doj, ftc, faa, fish and wildlife service, now fcc going after elon musk, what "wall street journal" said can be described as regulatory harassment this is right, the decision to rake back almost a billion dollar does
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not survive even casual scrutiny, only winner is china. they are looking to stand up a competitor star link, called so star net, this will given them an advantage, we thiede to need to stand behind america innovators. larry: he is also helping space department with spacex. i don't know if bidens know that. it is because he is m mr. free speech, does that make sense,? >> that is right. if you look at it again, this decision does not make sense, and biden administration itself is relying on this technology where is matters politically? brandan carr, thank you, merry christmas my friend.
7:56 pm
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7:59 pm
(fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right?
8:00 pm
(fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (dramatic music) - if we go left, one, two, one, one. (guns fire) forward! - left, left. (gunfire) - retreat! retreat! - forward, men! forward!


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