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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 19, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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hope because of the war issue with israel and hamas. we look at what's going on, you do like some energy names and they have really good dividends, if you look at amlp that is dividend of nearly 8%, about you energy names do you expect them to get hit on any of this going on in the middle east? >> so you're going to see volatility because of that, but to your point, i think another big opportunity for investors heading into next year is building cash flow and strategies, in the infrastructure play, malp plane, 8%. xle you have exxon and chevron and they have been underperformers here over the last few months. [closing bell rings. liz: there is the bell, eddie. guys, fifth record in a row. we have sports agent, tommy deaf veto's agent.
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larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow." iranian-backed houthis stepping up attacks in the red sea. world oil prices are up. the question what is the united states going to do about it? our own edward lawrence in the white house with whatever details that exist. edward, what have you got. >> reporter: they have a coalition of the u.s. and nine other countries to patrol the red sea. the agreement in the coalition, military ships would go up and down the red sea to protect commercial vessels transporting goods in the red sea. lloyd austin made this announcement about operation prosperity guardian. it could take several weeks for the shipping industry to say we're okay with this. i'm told from senior white house official this operation is up and running currently. the delay in all of of this could start snarling supply chains. shims could be delayed up to two weeks to avoid the red sea.
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insurance premiums increasing for shipping based on the attacks bit iranian backed houthis. this adds up to increased costs for everyone. in washington the administration arguing that the action will be enough. >> these vessels will being as one unit as part of a task force and be placed in the red sea as appropriate to the presence of commercial vessels and appropriate to the threat coming out of yemen good news about ships they move around and will move around as appropriate. >> reporter: this could add 50% time round-trip if you look going from china to new york going north. this affected oil prices. they have been bounce you up a little. the announcement of the coalition mass not persuaded cargo companies to use the red sea. former member of seal team six, said he would want to see the results first.
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>> so far this administration and task force and this administration is not attacking houthis. they need to hit radar positions and be on an offensive position rather than defensive position. >> reporter: they told al jazeera, that no matter who is there they plan to continue attacks on the. larry: the houthis are humiliating us. this. this is a very bad state of affairs. we can see once again from the john kirby press briefing today that the bidens are afraid of their own shadow. anybody can intimidate them, including houthis. you know once upon a time the houthis were declared terrorists that shouldn't be too hard to understand because they are terrorists. they were designated as such at the end of the trump administration and then for some mistaken reason the bidens moved
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the terrorist designation off. no satisfactory explanation has ever been provided. one reason for removing the terrorist label could have been an biden attempt to pour more humanitarian aid into yemen which is another stupid move. now despite the fact that the iranian-backed houthi terrorists that control yemen are threatening to close the red sea the best kirby could do and the best the bidens could come up with is they will conduct a review right now, with no decisions made. a review. take your time, folks, no problem. mind you, the houthi leaders have announced they will attack israel-bound or israel-owned ships in the waters around yemen indefinitely but the houthis are hitting them anyway. so essentially the houthis are trying to disrupt about, 10, 12% of global trade that passes through the red sea. so far oil prices have increased only 5% or so but worse oil
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spike is of course possible. 12 shipping companies have redirected their vessels to avoid the houthi waters including oil giant bp and shipping giant. maersk. be that as it may our stock market has been unaffected, keeps rallying to new highs. we'll get a report on that in a few minutes there is no economic or financial crisis just yet, however, however, however, the biden administration is trying to put a coalition together to do something about the houthi problem and nobody knows exactly what the bidens have in mind. not a single, large, middle eastern country is part of this coalition and the question is, why haven't the u.s. responded to these houthi attacks up to now? does the lack of response make us look weak? of course it does. but wait a minute, appeasing the houthis is the same thing as appeasing the houthis paymaster,
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iran. over 100 attacks against u.s. military assets in the region have occurred without a single, serious u.s. response. just a couple of pinpricks somewheres in the middle of syria. this amounts to a feckless foreign policy. of course it suppose back to the bidens terrible miscalculation that a nuclear deal with iran is possible. that iran could be a civilized member of the middle east earn nations. or that iran would give up its goal of destroying israel and destroying the united states. none of that ever had any merit in the first place. it was a naive policy of the worst kind and part of that policy included the relaxation of banking, energy and economic sanctions on iran, and that relaxation hags financed iran's monetary comeback which in turn given them even more resources as the paymaster to all the terrorist groups in the middle east.
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literally every decision joe biden has made concerning the middle east has turned cold as stone. don't forget, even today the u.s. lodges no complaints with communist china which through its large-scale purchases of imported russian and iranian oil has helped to finance two wars against america. so now even the houthis are humiliating us. what a very sad state of affairs, very sad state of affairs and that is my riff. now let's talk some more about this. i'm interested more in the security than i am the shipping to be honest with you. we have richard goldberg, senior advisor at the foundation for defense of democracies. he is a former white house national security council director. we have kash patel, former deputy director of national intelligence, dod chief of staff, author of, government gangsters.
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kash every single decision coming home to roost. if you watch kirby or listen to what kirby said today, did you feel worried, did you feel like the united states was going to be tough and fight back, kash patel? did you feel america was a strong player in the middle east anymore or maybe not? >> great to be with you, larry. we were when president trump was leading the charge because he prioritized taking out terrorists as a number one priority. remember joe biden gave iran and the ayatollahs six billion dollars a month ago. houthis are iranian proxy force just like hezbollah and hamas who launched this war against israel and they are flush with cash and what's sad is, the houthis, let's be generous, maybe there is 2000 of them total in and around yemen? this forced caused a disruption of the red sea and the suez canal and our response is, we're
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going to have patrols around there? we can't retroactively fix a national security disaster by having a few boats in the water. the houthis and iranians struck american installations 100 times. our response as you point out have been pinpricks. they're not going to stop. right now 2000 terrorists are dominating the united states of america, so yes, i fear for america's national security right now. larry: richard, where did all these houthi weapons come from? they have been pounding away at u.s. military assets. i don't think americans understand that. where did they come from? >> that's a great question, larry. people should understand the houthis are owned and operated by the islamic republic of iran. so all these missiles you see, anti-ship ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, the drones, these are iranian provided weapons. the revolutionary guard corps trains them, supplies them. hezbollah has been on the ground training and supplying them as
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well. they have liaison ships with hamas. this is part of iran's terror infrastructure. this is as you point out part of our iran appeasement policy. why did they allow them to come off the terrorist list? why did we push the saudis for a truce with them. why did we build up yemen, this is part of the appeasement policy request iran. larry: richard, from a a national security standpoint why is kirby wishy-washy even by kirby standards? kirby is only as good his his boss biden, they won't take any actions at all. we won't hit back. why haven't we bombed houthi installations in yemen? i'm sure we have the intelligence to know exactly where these missiles are and where these drones are based. why haven't we done anything? we've done nothing. we just chatter, talk, talk, so therefore the houthis figure no
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problem. i am a little frustrated about this. why haven't we done one single thing to hit back at the houthis? >> it is the same reason why it took us weeks to lit back against militias in iraq and syria attacking u.s. forces. the same reason why the administration has not shut down the six billion or 10 billion where all those oil shipments going from iran to china. this is all part of an iran appeasement strategy. they don't want to lose the possibility of this nuclear deal. so why did they take the houthis off the terror list to begin with in 2021? they wanted to force the saudies into a deal with the houthis. they wanted to force the saudis with a deal with the iranians. we cut off intelligence support to the saudis. with he made sure the threat increased. we are facing a threat that is the creation of biden administration policy. even right now as kash just told
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you we're looking at series of naval vessels. they will play zone defense against cruise missiles and drones in the red sea? it will not work, larry. larry: by the way, kash, this international coalition of the red sea is not that international. for example, the big middle east oil players are not part of this. we got bahrain, okay. that's good. i'm glad. but the saudis haven't budged. the others haven't budged. haven't heard a peep out of them. they don't seem overly troubled. yemen is next to saudi arabia that should be natural enemies. why aren't they natural enemies or maybe the saudis just don't trust the biden administration, could that be it? >> it is a combination of things, but mostly, larry, because of the biden administration policies, our quote-unquote allies in the middle east, saudis, ba rain anies emrat at thises, et cetera aligned themselves with interests against america and israel. what do i mean with that? they are in bed with the ccp,
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the return shuns and iran over the united states of america. joe biden and his team can't even land meetings with those guys. they financially tied themselves to it. you raise an important point, why aren't we bombing the houthis and bombing the terrorists? you can't make up two years of priority gap. the intelligence apparatus of united states was not focused on iran and terrorism and houthis and hamas and hezbollah, that is why we missed the war. with we can't say why don't we blow everything up because we have to repivot that system, to joe biden commander in chief to a priority set that matters to me and you and every other american are terrorists but the biden administration will still not admit that. they will seek to glorify humanitarian aid and give terrorists a pass. larry: why is now the good time to start? the red sea development is a new development. the houthis are biggest troublemakers hitting against u.s. military assets. you wake up some morning, you have a secretary of defense, i
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have given up on the secretary of state, this guy, these are political operatives, state and national security council. you have a secretary of defense who was a four-star general knows the way the world works, why doesn't he go in with the president, why are h aren't we hearing leaks we need to strike? remember going back 40 years plus, even jimmy carter figured out the mullahs in iran are bad. maybe the bidens will never figure that out. let me help them. the mullahs in iran are bad, you know what i mean? the houthis are bad, hamas is bad and hezbollah is mad and most of all refinancing iran, opening up the spigots is bad. i mean it's crazy. no wonder biden's polls are in the 30s. who could, even if you don't agree with him about the israel policy he is making america look so weak, richard. that's when's driving me crazy. i don't ask that he you know, kill everybody around, i don't want to start five different wars. i happen not to be a neocon,
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et cetera, et cetera. at some point you have to make this country america, look tough. you can't just appease all of our enemies, richard. i will give you the last word. you can't appease all of our enemies all the time which is what biden is doing. he never fights back! he doesn't have a set of you know whats? >> listen in the end, and we've seen this in the case of russia, we've seen this in other arenas if this disrupts the global economy which it will, which it is already doing because of weakness and appeasement inviting aggression and inviting economic disruption to our lives, that becomes a political problem the president can't ignore and when this naval response fails he will have to have a military response in yemen. larry: this is not about the economy, i'm sorry. oil prices haven't hardly moved, you know that? this is not about the economy this is about national security, the interests of the united
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states of america to stop these little piss you know whats in the middle east. how many of them are there, kash? there are not even that many of them for god's sakes. >> couple thousand of them. larry: couple thousand people, can we not fight back against a couple thousand terrorists? that is what this is about. this is not an economic issue this is not a financial issue, it is not a stock market issue, it is about our own security. it is about vision people of the united states around the world, if we cannot whoop houthis who can we whoop. anyway i have to get out of there. john kirby, joe biden no thanks to what seaver. good bit of cheer, stocks hit record highs. kevin hassett bless his heart, last night on this show, can we
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play it? is it time to play the sound or not the right time to play the sound. we can't play the sound. they're calling me off. all i'm saying kevin hassett suggested last night on the show the democratic-run federal reserve board will cut interest rates? kevin, real polltic. steve moore to talk about it next up. ♪. you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends.
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that's ♪. larry: all right, stocks are booming. the kudlow trust doing extremely well, new record highs today. let's hear from our own gerri willis. gerri, you have got wisdom. >> reporter: larry, this is a good day for the markets. let's take a look what's happening. santa claus is coming to your portfolio. all three major averages rising today, extending a year-end rally that lifted stocks to 2023 highs. the dow higher by 250 point. we can see the s&p also up by 27, nas here up 98, good moves for all three major averages. behind those moves continued wall street confidence that we'll see rate cuts next year. the fed has talked about three rate cuts. we're likely to see six, that is according to the futures market. they're always optimistic.
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while the tech giants have led most of the rally we've seen over the past two months today there was rotation into value stocks. and from the oil patch, you've been talking a lot about this, the energy sector on fire today after attacks on commercial ships in the red sea pushed up oil prices as you can see right here. not a huge move but a move higher. finally as mortgage rates retreat, housing starts jumped 14.8% in november with single-family housing starts the highest since april of 2022. good news, a good ending to the year for your 401(k), larry? larry: gerri willis, good stuff, great report. we love having you, as long as you keep making new highs, it is fabulous. merry christmas. all right, let's turn around to the aforementioned federal reserve boring as that may be, but joining us now steve moore, freedomworks committee to unleash prosperity, host of "moore money" on wabc radio. steve moore, i know you want to talk about the phillips curve.
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no one else cares about the phillips curve. listen to this, this is what mild-mannered though brilliant kevin hassett said on this show last night. please take a listen. >> inflation is not under control but what is under control is the federal reserve and it's under control by the democrats you have to understand that. so what will happen is they will juice the economy in an election year giving us rate cuts for joe biden. larry: whoa, whoa, steve moore, i hope you heard that. i'm going to ask you for a response about that. he is saying it is under the democrats control which i think is true and he is saying they are going to deliver election year interest rate cuts. our own gerri willis said maybe as many as six next year. three according to fed governors and market wants to take it more. what is going on here? politics at the fed, steve moore? >> i was going to say are you accusing the fed being political? if you look throughout the last 50 years it is true that the fed
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does tend to juice the economy in election year and so this would not be the first time but look, i'm old-fashioned, larry. i believe that the one goal of the fed should be to keep inflation under control and that you know zero to 2% target range and they should not stray from that. and so pumping the money, the economy with more money right now could be unleashing another torrent of inflation. i'm not sure about that but i will say this, you and i are old enough to remember what happened in the late '70s, when you would have brief reductions in the inflation and it would pop up again and come down and come up again. i don't want to see that. i want to see stable prices. you taught me that, larry. larry: i agree 100%. there is a little bit of commodity deflation coming from china and so forth. >> there is. larry: which is not a bad thing after three years of inflation but the point is you have got these fed governors, the woman that runs the san francisco fed, mary daly, she was the one that
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bailed out silicon valley bank, right? >> yes, yes. larry: we will give her very low marks. she is in the paper today, nick timiraos, "the wall street journal" reporter, she is worried about a recession. there is no recession. i don't agree with the phillips curve either but the point is you have a 3.9% or something like that, below 4% unemployment rate. there is no evidence of a recession, okay? wall street stocks are rising in large measure because everybody is talking soft landing. so why would the fed be gearing up for all of these interest rate cuts and increase the money supply all of a sudden? what's the danger? we might have another ten minutes of commodity deflation so people, you know, go to the grocery store don't have to pay a hike of 20% in prices? i mean, what the fed is saying makes no sense to me, that's my point. >> i agree. i try to make heads or tails out of what they're saying. what bothers me the most is when they say things like, we well we
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need to have below trend economic growth to keep inflation under control that doesn't make any sense. you're my mentor, arthur laffer if the economy produces more apples the price of apples go down. i'm pro-production, i'm pro-prosperity. i want to see stable prices and booming economy and booming stock market. the way you can do that, the fed cannot create growth but can provide stable prices necessary. larry: that's the thing, exposure worried about a recession? what you should do is go for lower tax rates. >> yeah. larry: minimize regulations, drill, baby, drill, too get the whole energy sector down. the federal reserve can't promote a boom. they can only promote inflation. so i don't want the fed fine-tuning. all these guys, you know, anyway, sorry, go ahead. what were you going to say. >> let me add one quick thing to that. the one thing i would like to see jerome powell doing is what
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alan greenspan did and paul volcker did, he can use the perch, jawbone congress. the most important thing from congress is to cut government spending. larry: yes. >> cut government spending and cut government debt. you remember greenspan everything speech he said debt is too high, spending is too high. i don't hear jerome powell ever using his perch to tell congress hey we need a little financial responsibility. larry: jay powell is the john kirby is of monetary policy we'll have a meeting. pull together groups of people to see if we attack houthis. houthis and recession don't exist. kevin hassett, mild-mannered kevin, he triggered a storm on this. the guy is fabulous. coming up on "kudlow," does the japanese take over of our largest steel company jeopardize our national security? very important, nippon steel buying u.s. steel. why do we need steel tariffs in
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the first place? you have a whole bunch of senators, republican senators that don't like this at all. anyway, my great friend and former commerce secretaries wilbur ross will come on the show to talk about it. plus kjp, you probably heard of her, she says joe biden takes the border seriously. katie pavlich says kjp is a gaslighter. as usual katie pavlich is right and kjp is wrong. we'll talk about it with katie pavlich and liz peek. there will be no houthis on the there will be no houthis on the next segment. i'm kudlow. we'll be rightore back. some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, ♪.
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♪. larry: interesting topic, does the japanese takeover of our biggest steel company jeopardize national security? nippon steel taking over u.s. steel. joining us now, is former u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross. wilbur, thanks for coming on the show. you know, wilbur, i will look
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back on this. i never understood, i didn't like the steel tariffs. i like the china tariffs. laffer and i, steve moore were opposed to steel tariffs. why have 25% steel tariffs, 10% on aluminum if now our biggest steel company got taken over? by the way those tariffs were suspended anyway. what was it for? what did we gain out of this? >> well, first of all on the deal itself i don't think people should object to it. nippon steel is a very high-tech steel company. if anything they may have better technology than u.s. steel. they pledged to honor the labor contracts, which go through 2026. and they have pledged zero carbon by 2050. they're very, very responsible company and reminds me back some
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decades ago when i was at rothschild we represented the rockefeller 34 trust when they sold rock center to the japanese, and everybody said, oh, my god, the sky is falling and american icon owned by the japanese. you know what the consequences were? nothing. no consequences. and i don't think there will be any consequences of this. larry: but that's what we argued. look going back into late 2017, early 20178 a number of us argued you didn't need those tariffs f a strong player like nippon steel came in, it was not going to be a problem, they would honor contracts. they would have to be strong enough to take over but you know, you wanted tariffs expressly on national security grounds. there was a 232 issue and i just want to say i don't have a
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problem with what you just said financially. what i'm going to have a problem with, we'll have a big debate, you have got republican senators, jd vance, marco rubio, josh hawley, they have written a letter, they don't want this deal to go through and they're going to make the argument that you made five years ago, wilbur, but if you're not making that argument today, then what are we going to do? sounds like the world is upside down? >> no. i think they're upside down. there is no reason to oppose this. what is the rationale for opposing it other than xenophobia? larry: ah. i like that. that was my argument five years ago, actually. that is what laffer and i said. i mean, look it, i was 100% behind the china tariffs, 100%. steel and aluminum tariffs i thought was not a good idea and became essentially of no consequence. i mean they have been basically
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disbanded. i know they are not off the book and there is still an exclusion process however, i'm surprised you're not standing up more for them because that was a big position. how far do you go on these kinds of things? how far do you go? >> if we hadn't put in the steel tariffs i don't believe nippon steel ever would have bought u.s. steel. if we hadn't put on the steel tariffs we wouldn't have had credibility about automobile tariffs and if we didn't have credibility about that threat you wouldn't have all the foreign car manufacturers moving to the u.s. you remember very well, you and i sat together and talked with some of the european and japanese car people and guess what? because they knew we would be capable of doing tariffs they started putting plants here and
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not just assembly plants. battery plants, all kinds of plants. so i view the steel tariffs as an unmitigated success because they paved the way to giving us credibility, not to let people just take advantage of us. larry: all right. well i do remember the car talks working with you and i especially remember the china trade talks working with you. and bob lighthizer and the others. what are you going to say, wilbur, last one, what will you say to these republican senators who want to stop the deal? you have jd vance, marco rubio, josh hawley, they are saying it is bad on national security grounds, what do you say to them, wilbur ross? >> i think that is silly. the steel that u.s. steel is making will still be made in the same mills that it was. it isn't that the nippon steel mills are going to replace them.
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the mills will be the same. the labor contract will be the same. the nags -- national implications of defense are unchanged. there is no basis for opposing it. i frankly think it is just people in swing states pandering to the union. larry: all right. we'll leave it there, former commerce secretary, my dear friend, wilbur ross. good to see you the appreciate it. we'll switch gears, now to talk about it, katie pavlich, talk about what? borders or the lack thereof or kjp credibility. anyway, katie pavlich, got that out, editor-in-chief,, fox news contributor, liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor. here is the former white house pathetic response to joe biden handling of the border. >> you know i take offense and i think the president does too we
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haven't taken this seriously. when you put your first piece of legislation on immigration to fix the bean system, that is taking it very serrie. larry: what is she talking about? just like 10 or 12,000 illegal as day. >> unbelievable. there is what you can see with your own eyes with bill melugin at the border. tens of thousands of people coming over every single day. joe biden has visited the border a single time, once, when they went, they cleaned out all of the processing centers. he didn't see a single illegal crossing or illegal immigrant like reality. they sanitized the entire situation if it was north korea or something to he had shield him from the reality. she also then went on during this press conference or this press briefing to talking about how greg abbott, republican governor of texas, sending a few thousands illegal immigrants proudly declaring sanctuary cities like chicago and new york, that was inhumane and
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dehumanizing. all the while the fact that biden administration is sending millions of illegal immigrants to any city they want to on busing and planes all over the country. while they are saying the what republicans are doing it they do it. larry: kjp is the only defender left. liz, i don't want to forget this holiday season. the border queen is kamala harris. it was her responsibility. >> yes. that was her first big face plant i would say was trying to actually address the border. they take it seriously. in what way do they take it seriously? they put forward earlier in this administration a completely improbable immigration overhaul they knew would never ever go anywhere because big time immigration bills never do go anywhere. they have never done a single thing to try to stem this flow. it is into the working for this administration. that is what they're kind of missing. when abbott and the government, the federal government and other governors began shipping migrants around the country it
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became a nationwide issue and talking point. the new york city mayor for pete's sake is in big trouble with the biden white house because we have a 12 billion-dollar budget deficit thanks to the biden white house sending so many migrants here. so this is a problem. polling shows it. he has like 36% approval ratings on the border. this is something they need to fix. why, one other thing, why they haven't done a deal for ukraine funding which they're panicked about, they desperately urgently want, to do a border thing. larry: because they don't want to. >> it is a gift to the white house. larry: why haven't they katie, it is a great question? >> it is a great question. they act like this problem doesn't exist. it would be a great deal for them. it is a gift from republicans politically. liz mentions that joe biden is down in terms of his polling on this border issue. republicans are helping to offer to solve the problem, issuing asylum reform, stop the flow. biden administration wants money to continue managing the flow.
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joe biden was said in 2020 he was fine accepting 3 million immigrants in the country. we're up to 20 million count all the got-aways. they should accept -- larry: lefties won't let it happen. hr.2, i call it trump tough, you need a trump tough bill. >> which by the way is popular. >> that's why they're note doing it. larry: they can't do it. i think biden, you know you sluffed off kamala harris is slightly ahead of joe biden in the polls, did you know that? >> i did slough that off. larry: border czar. i need a commentary on that. >> one point advantage, one poll out of a gazillion even shows she hall less favorability than their business which -- larry: do you think there will be a border deal? that is the 64,000-dollar question. every night we talk about it. this is the first night we have given bill melugin a night off, the poor guy. so far no nothing. no text, no wall. there is no --
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>> also no funding there is no funding for ukraine or israel right now. i think that is incredibly important to this administration. they look embarrassed anyway with their handling of the ukraine war. it has been terrible. now they have to issue with all of our allies looking at united states where is the leadership? get this done. if he can't do it, it is mortifying. larry: do you think he will do it? >> republicans deserve credit for holding the line both in the senate and in the house. behind the scenes staff has been kept back to work on this border deal. it is a mind blower they don't want to be seen going back to trump policies that worked willing to put it all on the line to reject it all. larry: did you see, did you see "the washington examiner" put out the communications director, biden's communications director, same old stuff again, they inherited a economy that was realing with high inflation and they saved it. "bidenomics" saved it. >> it is not working. larry: you're sure. >> the new "fox polling" shows not only people feel this "bidenomics" is working for them
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but 32 point margin they have been actively harmed by joe biden's economy. >> otherwise it's great. >> otherwise it's great. inflation is going down when food is -- larry: i don't want the gop to peak too soon. >> going back to blames corporations. that's great. larry: all i can say is, sometimes tariffs are not a good idea. i hope you noticed that i said that, liz. >> we did. >> i heard that. >> good debate. larry: katie pavlich, liz peek. coming up the great mark levin says that joe biden should be impeached because of his open border policy. we have georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor green has hauls agreed with that. in many ways his disaster is impeachable than a couple of bank accounts. "kudlow" is available as a podcast. episodes availability after our show on spotify, apple, around
4:47 pm happy new year. we're a podcast. we'll be right back. reliq health is a digital health company targeting the $100 billion virtual care market. reliq is rapidly growing with customers that include several of the largest and most highly rated health care organizations across the nation. reliq health technologies. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.]
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woman marjorie taylor greene who has a soft spot for that argument as i do. welcome back to the show. here is what mark said. we took a clip out of it. take a listen, please. >> you want a successful impeachment? then prioritize it properly. when it comes to joe biden, joe biden has purposefully, intentionally, violated dozens of federal immigration laws, federal statutes passed duly by congress and signed by prior presidents. he has undermined them by his actions, by his directives, by his executive orders. he has undermined them through his cabinet, department of dhs, the mayhem that has been created in this country is unimaginable. the number of americans dying from fentanyl and other killer drugs coming across the border. there is a direct attack on our citizens and all the bloody disaster as a result of it is a
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clear impeachable offense. larry: i mean i think there is as good a case on impeachment coming from this border collapse, particularly with respect to destroying american sovereignty, marjorie, as there is in some of the other issues. he broke the law on student loans. he is probably break the law influence peddling. i know you made this case, so i wanted you to react to what mark levin said? >> i completely agree with mark. he is 100% right. i have articles of impeachment i already introduced against joe biden specifically for his willingness to break our country's border laws, and now with the height of the invasion that's happening every single day, to the point where they're actually pulling federal bureau of prison employees, tsa workers, they're pulling everybody out of the federal agencies to go down there to help border patrol agents that are completely overwhelmed by the thousands and thousands of people pouring across the border every single day. larry, it is to the point we
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have to impeach joe biden f we don't impeach joe biden we have to talk about a very serious word, and i will call it treason. this administration is guilty of treason because over 10 million people have poured across our border and there is over 1.8 million got-aways, with terrorists, criminals, rapists, murderers, child predators around child sex traffickers, drug traffickers, cartel and god knows who else. larry, it is outrageous. they need to send the u.s. military down there to defend our border because that is the constitutional duty of the federal government but joe biden is, should be impeached and we should start talking about trees son. larry: just, the aiding and abetting of people coming in illegally from terrorist countries or terrorist sponsored countries is a big deal. the bidens may not think it is a big deal but moist of the rest
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of us think it is a very big deal. it is dereliction of his duty, seems to me. whether it comes from impeachment, it is derelict of his duty and you can't gloss over that. >> he is beyond derelict of duty. it has gotten to the point where you can't deny these videos. there are people coming from china, russia, africa, the middle east, flown terrorist countries and they're all military-aged men. then you see videos of them carrying drugged children. it will be a group of men and they're carrying drugged children across the border claiming that those are their children. they're absolutely not their children. this is outrageous. and then we've got the democrats who claim they always care about migrant children. well there is over 85,000 missing migrant children in the united states. larry: got to jump. >> "new york times" even reported last year that they are being used as child labor. larry: marjorie -- >> what in the world are we
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going to do, larry. larry: marjorie taylor greene, happy holidays. spot on as always. appreciate it very much. in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. larry: the houthis are hueys ard they're striking back with liz macdonald.


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