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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 21, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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david: we let that breathe a little. don't get me wrong good. i love a holy night and the holy stuff but santa baby is one of the classics of all time. it is solstice today. let's get to your money, markets are doing well, dow is just over 300, it has come back a little bit, still healthy 240 to the plus side. the nasdaq has come down a bit, it was over one%, close 1%, close to that right now, up 129. the 10 year treasury was down a text, now it's trading uptick. 9 basis points trading the 10 year yield at 3.86. oil if we can switch to oil is down a bit, it's down 1%, $0.76
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to the negative, $73.46 for a barrel of oil in bitcoin is down one dollar, 43,596, just about flat. donald trump wasting no time trying to cash in on the colorado ballot ruling, now selling digital trading cards for $99 branding at the mug shot addition. david, how much money, putting the cards aside but from donors how much can he generate from this colorado decision? >> we've seen donald trump's campaign monetize much of this. against him. as we see the supreme court potentially taking up this case, what americans need is a 9-0 ruling to send a clear
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message on this that as a country the legal experts and scholars can debate the merits but what americans need is a clear ruling because you can't have half the country believe the system is being used for political gain and anything short of a definitive ruling by the supreme court will lead to doubt in people's mind and undermine our political system. david: beyond money, what about trump's coattails, are they getting longer and stronger as these decisions come in, these unpopular decisions and bill that help congressional incentive races in 2024? >> look at the numbers, clearly the base of the republican party continued to solidify behind the former president and even those republicans who might be willing to consider someone else, when we have
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rulings like this, not so much an attack on donald trump, it seems an attack on them as well, the republican party as well so it does help solidify. does that turn out to election results? we will find out. will they then go vote on election day, more persuadable republicans, early indications that is going to happen but as you get ready for november next year it will come down to where do independent voters go and that is why we need this campaign. president biden, don't have much of a message to send independents that you made their life better. david: california is now considering moving trump from the ballot as well. if they try to do that, will they wait for the supreme court decision, do you think, will other blue states wait for the
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supreme court to jump in and get something in before the decision? >> california, you never know what they are willing to do to speed up the process, whether it is follow the rules or not as we have seen in that state time after time. that said the supreme court has ultimate say, whether they will this week, next week, or a month from now, they will have the final say and however the ruling comes out, it needs to be definitive, 9-0 is perfect. it would be a disaster forget a 4-three ruling. david: thank you, appreciate it. the biden campaign releasing a graphic that compares donald trump to adolf hitler. what is this about? lauren: this is a low blow and appears to be the new biden campaign strategy comparing the language of trump to that of hitler, nazi germany.
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it's not a 1-off, we've seen this repeatedly recently, first with donors and now on social media. the campaign put out this graphic that highlights trump's language when he called opponents vermin, more recently when he called immigrants poisoning the blood of our country comparing that to exact quotes from adolf hitler. david: there are some saying he wasn't talking about immigrants, he was talking about the cartels bringing poison to the american people, we will wait and see, the context was mixed but bottom line, comparing anybody to adolf hitler is not a good thing to do. nikki haley, did she just tie ron desantis and a new poll? >> first time in a quinnipiac poll, desantis and haley each got 11% support in this paul, they are tied at number 2 and in first is donald trump at 67%
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support of likely republican voters. this paul and this story at this time speaks to this rise of nikki haley. it is spelled out on screen and you can see thanks to big donors and the money coming in from networks like the kochs but can anybody, no matter how much money they have be a kingmaker when voters are very locked in on trump. david: look at the graphic, 67% stands out compared -- >> $70 million from the kochs getting haley to second place. what you are seeing, don't know if the strategy will work, but haley and desantis are spending a lot of money battling each other instead of going after donald trump. they are distracted in other words with each other instead of the front runner. david: let's turn to the markets. ray wong is talking about the magnificent 7. the big companies, apple,
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microsoft, alphabet, etc. . do you like them all? what do you think? >> happy winter solstice. $1 trillion market to $12 trillion market in a year and this is the important thing, these companies still have room to go. we 've got digital networks that are moving, they've got multiple monetization models. these companies are still growing at double-digit rates and will still grow because they've got opportunities not just on the ai side but services and other digital monetization models that haven't been explored yet so ads, goods, services, memberships and subscriptions are driving that. david: adam johnson was just making the point. not necessarily the actual ai technology as it is the infrastructure being built around ai, how to bring it to people, what kind of offshoot there will be from ai. that whole sector hasn't been explored as much as it may be should be.
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>> definitely. there are their names, look at service, adobe, oracle, they are positioned in a good place. salesforce in a good place to take that to work, not just the picks and shovels but other places surrounding that ai boom. david: you think apple makes it to $4 trillion in market 2024? >> i definitely do, not just services but additional markets in india and we will see how the vision pro does when it launches in february. david: there are some ipos coming out in 2024, the one that stuck out in my eyes was space x. what do you think of these ipos and what are some other ones? >> it has been an awful ipo market the last two years, 148 ipos this year which is down 22% from last year which was even worse, the good news is the ipo boom coming next year
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looks very good, space x and a lot of the on musk companies looks at for ipo and the reason for that, space x in terms of what they do with rocket launchers, commercial viable satellites in place, that's one of the biggest success stories in the space program as we've gone from public to private commercialization of space. david: the reason why we haven't seen many ipos, interest rates, interest rates spike the way they have the past year and 1/2, really stops a lot of those ipos from happening. what happens if you don't get the three rate cuts in 2024. we still don't know whether inflation is licked or not. osten goolsbee, a fed member came out saying we are not sure inflation, if we don't get the interest rate cuts will be still expect to see these ipos? >> there's a big demand for those ipos are get down to one interest rate hike and two
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interest rate cuts, when is inflation and interest rates are coming down and that's where you pick up a boom for the ipo market, there's other ipos that will pop up, look at india, a big ipo. these companies have proven themselves in the middle of a recession and investors are looking for cash. david: i never heard of squeaky until now. good to talk to you. thank you, happy holidays. you are looking at some movers, speaking of ai, nvidia. lauren: qualcomm, amd, all up 1%, micron up 6.5%, big demand and stronger pricing. david: spot is a bit of a mac. lauren: spotify, the audio streaming more, they raise them to a by with $255 price target and they like the move to higher new chief financial officer to focus on earnings and free cash flow, to right
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the ship. david: a blast from the past, blackberry. >> reporter: cybersecurity, but apparently not working so well. there fourth-quarter revenue fell below estimates. other than that, a surprise profit in the quarter the just wrapped up thanks to demand and recurrent demand. cybersecurity services 2,023 wasn't, 2024 will be the year of the cyber attack. david: investors are not betting on it right now. thank you very much. coming up, cross-border trade is at risk after the government temporarily shut down railroad crossings in two texas border towns. madison alworth has that report coming up. there were nearly 12,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in the last 24 hours. agents on the ground are being outnumbered 200 to 1. texas congress on pat fallon is here on biden's growing border crisis next.
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i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. david: cross border trade at risk ahead of the christmas holidays after the government has temporarily shut down railroad crossings in two texas border towns. madison alworth is at the border in new jersey. madison, what shipments are being held up because of the closure? >> reporter: shipment of cars, soybean, wheat and more have been paused. sitting idle because of these two border closes. the border crossings have imposed in el paso in eagle
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pass, those two areas have helped 36% of all rail traffic along the southern border. they were closed on monday by the federal government to redirect agents there to deal with the surge in migrants and migrant processing but farmers are urging the federal government to reopen because of the pahs insurance between the two major trade partners but it continues to be closed at the current moment. this is not the only supply-chain major disruption. houthi attacks in the red sea in response to the israel/hamas war because rate carriers to avoid the suez canal to prevent being attacked there. this is an important trade route being bordered by major shippers. at last count yesterday morning more than 120 container ships of been rerouted around africa adding at least 10 days to their schedule. companies are addressing the delay like ikea saying in a statement to fox business, quote, this may cause
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constraints for certain ikea products and we've already seen the disruption increase, taking a look, there's been a 44% increase for the china/mediterranean route because of who the activity in the war. the run-up not expected to end soon meaning the cost of goods could go up. >> shipped in bulk, oil tankers and shipping containers and oil ships are particularly vulnerable to attack because it is combustible commodity and so we are seeing bp and other major oil producers rerouting their oil tankers as well. >> reporter: a lot of disruption there. as a result we've seen the us announced a naval coalition, operation products parity guardian, supposed to defend that area in the red sea and the suez canal. the reality for freight shippers is they just can't take the risk. we know how important the
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supply-chain is. this could mean higher costs of items on shelves. david: thank you very much. texas is starting to fly migrants to sanctuary cities. where? lauren: chicago, one hundred people signed the waivers to go from el paso to the windy city and chicago mayor brandon johnson slamming texas governor greg abbott calling the move in illegal political stunt but then he said he is getting migrants who are coming tired and cold and wet, not being fed, no shoes on their feet. could that be a distraction from that 5-year-old by current boy who just died in one of chicago's shelters. if officials in chicago want to see those shelters they must request access to them 48 hours ahead of time. is that transparency? now we see the deflecting of blame.
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griff jenkins and bill melugin have shown us like that paperwork, requiring her to check in with ice in new york. experts were saying immigration expert said it was airtight. they are not claiming fear at the board getting notifications to appear in 2029. a record 3 million cases. david: they were told to make their court rates do. lauren: it was him who called them the welcome control at this point. david: listen to texas congressman tony gonzalez pleading for federal help at the border. watch this. >> i am sounding the alarm as loud as i possibly can, and this threat is not only
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external, people are upset all over the country, i don't fear how we got here come don't care whose fault it is, i don't care about the politics, i want this to end and i want our country to be safe. from internal threats and external threats. unwilling to work with anyone, i willing to talk to anyone that wants to sit down and do that and the time for talk is over. david: congressman pat fallon joins us now. the migrant crisis has become a huge unfunded mandate from the biden administration which we have to take illegal migrants in the matter how dangerous or costly for states and cities because of what the federal government is not doing at the border, right? >> yes, you have alejandra mayorkas, homeland security secretary, whose trying to claim nothing has changed. let me educate him. under the obama administration in the first 34 months he was president, there were a little
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under one. 5 million illegal crossings and under the trump administration, one. 6 million, very comparable numbers. under the biden administration, it is 8 million. mayorkas, things have changed it on your watch you have refused to enforce the laws that are on the books and you will not let customs and border patrol agents do their jobs. that is why i filed impeachment articles on him and when this congress began at the beginning of the year. david: what is the latest with impeachment talk? a couple have gone down, new one is supposed to come up. when will we see that on the house floor again? >> we believe in regular order so a few other members file articles of impeachment, chairman mark green, my dear friend who's the chair of the homeland security committee in the house is having hearings right now and believe they will favorably record impeachment proceedings for alejandra mayorkas to the house. i vote as soon as possible but
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i think it will be into january and the coming months we will finally have that vote in regular order. david: i want to switch you to this whole kerfuffle over what happened, the fallout from the colorado decision by the supreme court, in response, the lieutenant governor of texas, dan patrick suggests taking biden off the texas ballot. are you in favor of that? >> i served in the texas senate and served with and under dan patrick, he did say in the same sentence -- he said in the same breath we believe in democracy in texas, we wouldn't do something like that but push comes to shove, who's doing these things, who decided election integrity is not important and who fights us at every turn? the left, who decided to prosecute the leading candidate for president in three different venues, the left and now taking a step further,
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don't worry about ballot integrity, let's take him off the ballot entirely, who did that? the left, sorry, 7 political activists in black robes in colorado, three got it right and four are threatening -- david: the three you say got it right are democrats as well. all 7 of them are democrats so i am wondering, not only are they obviously making republicans more strident about trump in favor of him but also turning off a lot of democrats, one ended up hitting them in both sides. >> i think so, absolutely. the decision should have been 7-0. the decision should be 9-0. donald trump has not been convicted of anything first of all and he said that day, i was there that day, he said go down and protest peacefully. that is the bedrock of our public. that is what this shows you how egregious four of those seven have been.
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david: bottom line is he's never been convicted or even charged with insurrection so it is a false premise. thank you very much, now this. a week long truths in exchange for dozens of hostages has been rejected by the terrorist group hamas. trey yingst has the latest from israel in our next our. a controversial bill that would ban transgender athletes from competing in women's sports in ohio is heading to the governor's desk. if it passes will more states adopt this kind of legislation, former ncaa swimmer riley gains is take that on next. ♪
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david: a great day for the markets. it was better earlier, the dow was up 300, now it is 225, s&p up 32, then 115, still less the note was. come on in, let's start with carnival cruise lines.
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lauren: their loss was one dollar and 27 a year ago, that is a recovery. revenue jumped 40%, strong demand, higher prices. there's a report that the united states and the biden administration are considering tariff increases on chinese made evs. out would be good for total. kathy would for arc investors buying up $11,000 additional shares of tesla. the third such purchase since april. carmax shares huge cars are putting higher profits leading to cost-cutting, stocks up 7%. it's not all rosy, the revenue did miss expectations. david: 7%. all right. thank you very much. there's a controversial bill in ohio called the safe act that would make it illegal for healthcare professionals to provide gender affirming character transgender children.
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it would prohibit transgender athletes from competing in women's sports. we gave you a teaser. here's ncaa swimmer riley gains. good to see you. if it passes do use this bill will spill over in other states? >> of course. if you look three years ago only one state passed a similar act but now ohio, in regard to the transgender care act 21 states have. ohio would because the second and the 24th to pass that in three years. there is a lot of traction and this will continue. ohio would be setting a precedent. stuart: david: did you know when you took your stand for the first time that you had such supported did you fear you would be falling on deaf ears? >> i was scared. i believe what my university was telling me of the media was telling me, that i was in this
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minority position believing women deserve fair and equal opportunities. i believe i would be ostracized, lose friends and lose opportunities but that has not happened. i've had so many doors opened for me that realize the overwhelming majority of people, not just the overwhelming majority of republicans but independent voters, even the majority of democrat voters understand allowing men into women's sports is wrong and harmful to women in the progress we have made in the last 50 years. david: folks on the other side are a loud minority with a lot of influence with the mainstream media, you were pushing against an establishment even though it represented a small minority of the overall population. >> absolutely, not just on this issue that we see the left has overtaken the public square here. it is within academia, the government, the media, incorporate america. it seems as if every realm of
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the left could overtake they have overtaken. david: like tiktok. i want to get your comment on this. rfk junior is accusing biden of using social media to gaslight, his word, jens he on the economy, quote, instead of addressing the real economic problems of the millennial generation the biden administration pays tiktok influencers to tell positive stories of biden's economic stewardship to draw attention away from viral videos of the expensive burgers and exploding cost of living, bottom line is younger folks no better or as well at least as anybody that the economy is not doing for them what they think it should. is tiktok influencers the biden administration going to change that? >> i see these videos as a majority of young people on the tiktok apps as they do. but what we can't ignore. we can't ignore our bank accounts.
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the price of rent is going up, grocery bills. i think i saw a statistic that even $100,000 income is not enough to survive especially in bigger cities like new york or dc. you can ignore your bank accounts regardless of what age you are. david: you are living in tennessee now with a husband you told us is a swimmer. i guess he is very supportive of all this and your family in support of all this. >> absolutely. i'm fortunate to have a wheelhouse of support around me. we mentioned the general public but having family, friends, coaches, all those people i value in my life, support me, that keeps me grounded and propagated me to continue moving forward. david: have a great family christmas. probably have to deal with the airlines now. great to see you. a new survey has revealed how jens he feels about mark
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zuckerberg and jeff bays osa. what do they think? >> they don't trust them. 62% say they don't trust zuckerberg mostly because they don't trust facebook, 53% don't trust jeff baeza's because he is uberrich, his amazon workers, to get you your title two hours after they order it but they love opera. hold on. i don't think they were even alive when her last tv episode aired. she did interview prince harry and meghan markel. maybe that is why, they trust bill gates. 23% call gaetz on trustworthy. david: that's interesting. david: now this. do-nothing congress could be the slogan for 2023 as lawmakers approved an astonishing low 27 bills. chad -- a 16, a lot of people think congress is too much but what they do in 2023?
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>> reporter: they finish their with microscopic 19% approval rating according to a recent fox news paul. you mentioned the 27 bills which became law, 22 as of a few days ago. bipartisan lawmakers are disappointed. >> history proves a sometimes it takes us months, even years, to get nothing done. >> two government shutdown plus a tangle with the debt ceiling, the house also censured three democrats for their conduct, and jamaal bowman of new york for pulling a false fire alarm. there has been some republicans squandering the majority in the house. >> one thing, i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing, one, that i can go campaign on and say we did. one! anybody sitting in a complex come to the floor and explain
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to me one material, meaningful significant thing the republican majority has done besides, well, i guess it's not as bad as the democrats. >> the gear and congress is known for the unprecedented removal of kevin mccarthy. then there was the expulsion of george santos and the use of a senate hearing room and others sexual rendezvous. >> it also suggests people are not thinking seriously the assumptions of the senate, that these are used for historical purposes for major events in history and they are recorded and remembered that way. >> reporter: they face a daunting schedule next year, talks continue over the holidays as lawmakers try to get a deal on border security and immigration. david: thank you for that, happy new year to you. now this.
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credit card companies bringing in $14 billion from late fees and now there's a proposal that would put a cap on that. we have the details. baby boomers have been growing their wealth while jens the and millennial's lag behind as voters continue to cite the economy as the biggest concern heading into the elections of 2024. gerri willis tells us how that's affecting the upcoming race. ♪ (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪
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david: the market strong and got stronger, they've come down a little bit but the dow is still 226, the s&p 35 and the nasdaq up one hundred 26. now this. there's a proposal in dc that
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would reduce credit card late fees. lauren: $8, could be as high as $41 now so it is a significant drop. late fees are looking of revenue stream for the banks, $14 billion last year so if you it at 8, technically you take the revenue down to $2 billion for the banks, the smaller banks, credit unions don't like this because they need the revenue to come in. it is annoying paying bills late and having to pay for it but what about all those people to do pay their bills on time and you might see if this actually goes through. the banks increasing fees and other ways to make up for lost revenue. david: bank regulations always cost more in the long run. david: this is how the administration is helping you in this economy. david: i'm here from the government, i want to help. now this. being older and wiser means being richer.
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americans over 55, 72% of the nation's wealth as people under 5 see stagnant growth. gerri willis jointly, how is this impacting the election? >> reporter: it is a potential game changer. pushing younger voters to trump. a new fox news paul showing the former president with a 13 point lead over president biden for voters under 30. the economy is one of their biggest concerns. they take a different view to the presidency. here's a report sure to fire some generational angst. america's wealth is concentrated among other people, household age 70 and over own 30% of the nation's wealth, 55 to 65 own 42%. together, 46.7% of the nation's households, 72% of the voting. household age 40 to 54 on just
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20% of the nation's wealth, folks hundred 40 get under 7%. these two groups are 53% of all households, just 27 the wealth. to be sure, the strong stock market and rising housing valuations post covid help older americans but they also had decades to reap the rewards of stock investment and home ownership. >> young persons who haven't had the time to save money to purchase a home are not seeing the same increase in wealth that existing homeowners, it has been an absolute boom for them. >> reporter: younger americans are facing high college cost, high interest rates, high housing prices but not like boomers had it easy. the average boomer has faced 6 recessions, four major bear markets and mortgages as high as 18% for these folks so they
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had to fight it out themselves the. david: there is a generational shift in regard to how you view work and savings. lauren: younger people, the $7 starbucks coffee every day and the amazon everything they are buying things as soon as they need it. it is spending patterns that are -- david: we don't mean to dump on anybody, times are tough. lauren: dump a little. david: now this was house republicans taking aim at the white house for leaving hunter biden off marine one's passenger lists. it is a tradition to admit hunter from white house visitor logs but should it be? another state making move to potentially take donald trump off the 2024 ballot is republicans like dan patrick, they are suggesting they may do the same. considering taking biden off the ballot in texas. brian kilmeade is here to
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report on all of this coming next. ♪ ♪ they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at
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david: it is 10:51 and i see brian kilmeade wondering when he is going to get it. we were a couple seconds over but i want to go into the colorado decision. what's going to happen? seems clear the supreme court didn't think there would be this much pushback or am i wrong? brian: they went their moment in the sun. i assume these judges understand these cases were challenged and dismissed. i assume of they knew they would be first, now we find out the lieutenant governor of california says i want to do the same thing, i will do whatever i can to keep trump off the ballot. almost every legal expert says it will not stand. john roberts won't permit it. we are getting used to the prospect of kicking different candidates off states.
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if this is by any chance successful the ramifications would be cataclysmic for our country. 8 years from now there's a charismatic democrat, he's not there and get people so pumped up they turned around, after a world series game sometimes you wreck your city, look at philadelphia, detroit, so crazy you like cars on fire. say that happens to a city with a charismatic leader, man or woman, a democrat, all of a sudden the opponent governor goes i want that guy off my ballot. i think he's a danger to the country. i don't think he should be voting. what about texas? david: we had the lieutenant governor suggest, he is thinking about taking biden off the ballot. texas, dan patrick, the lieutenant governor of texas was asked, he said he would think about taking biden off the ballot in texas, sort of a payback. i don't think it's a great idea, do you?
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brian: same with the filibuster. they said they want a simple majority vote on the filibuster. fine. and comes donald trump who becomes president, simple passing on all the supreme court justices, you broke that on yourself, he -- now we start looking at all this and some people are going to run like leticia james as attorney general of new york city, i'm going to run on getting trump come on what? figure out something. sure enough two years later we are in court because somebody wants to get famous by suing somebody famous. it is nuts. david: let's talk about biden and particularly his family troubles. we've seen a lot of hunter biden traveling with his dad but never been listed in white house or marine one visitor logs. what's going on their? brian: apparels time for the family, he will get arrested next week, turn himself in in los angeles. he will be brought up on charges and they want to get their story straight.
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also this is the anniversary, 51 years since his first wife got killed along with his daughter in that accident. i don't know the protocol but it seemed to astound many in the press room that they weren't listed as travelers, we should know that, we should know whoever comes to visit too. they were taking donald trump's guestbook logins to find out who was visiting prior to january 6th. this white house seems to do their own thing. the biggest thing they've done is with student loans. you can't do it. he's doing it anyway. david: the marine corps told him that. doesn't get any higher than that. billions of dollars to the student loan. i want to talk about whether the president has been giving advice to hunter about what he decided to do last week when he defied that subpoena.
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kj p, white house press secretary, said president biden's had seen the statement hunter made before he defied the subpoena. is that obstruction of justice? brian: there's something there. almost everything his legal team has done has hurt the president. jen psaki still an ally of the president has to say the white house needs hunter to go away and quiet down, almost like kj p saying it, trying to get a message and this is all about hunter biden. someone paying this multimillion dollar bill, the president thinks he's hurting hunter. david: great to see you. have a great radio show. appreciate it. more varney right after this, stay with us.
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