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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 22, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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david: we love kelly clarkson. underneath the tree. happy holidays. it is 10:00 eastern time. i'm david asman in for stuart varney. let's get to your money. it is all in the green. we see some dow sticklers in the red, five and the red. the dow is up now over one hundred points. it was down earlier after the trading day began. the nasdaq and the s&p in the green all day. s&p is up 21. nasdaq is up 68. 15,000. not 17, 15,000 on the nasdaq. the 10 year treasury yield is down one. 8 basis points, yield is 3.87. house it trading? up a little bit, it is almost
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$1, $74.78 for a barrel. bitcoin trading down 345, now at 43,630. we just got the latest on consumer sentiment. lauren: the final number better than expected, 69. 7. the reason is we feel better about current economic conditions. the number very strong and expectations, that number increased. that was a good report. lauren: new home sales. lauren: plunged 12.2% november to seasonally adjusted annual rate of 590,000. this is where -- david: that was a big miss. lauren: the sales price keeps going up. $434,700. the october number was $30,000 less so prices are going up which is interesting because -- david: mitch rishel later this hour, an expert on low this.
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now let's get to this. donald trump, top trump advisors discussing a plan of action after the colorado supreme court decision to throw trump off of the ballot. you blame elite universities for the court's meddling in elections where they played a role in it. how? >> thanks for having the on. if you look at the supreme court in colorado. all the justices were appointed by democrats but the breakdown of who voted to disqualify donald trump versus who did not falls along the lines of where they went to law school. all the justices who had gone to state school, denver law school voted not to disqualify donald trump and the rest of the ivy league graduates voted to disqualify him. i think this helps us
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understand something that is very mysterious which is how is it the democrats can go out there and say that we must, in the name of defending our democracy, kick a person off of a ballot, what could be less democratic than not letting the people choose their favorite candidate, the reason is people educated at these elite institutions and universities do not believe the average american should have their say. these places are run by people like claudine gay, the president of harvard, and the people who appointed her and the people defending her, they give each other credentials and do not believe that the average american has a right to vote for who they want. it it is not left versus right buddy leader versus working-class. david: that is fascinating. unfortunately i don't think it is surprising.
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what is surprising is these universities are still getting away with it. president gay is still in power despite the fact that one of her colleagues had to resign because of what she said but gay said the same thing in the congressional testimony. desantis says trump indictments suck the oxygen from the gop primary. desantis is a competitor with trump but is not in favor of this decision. even some democrats like three of those justices on the colorado supreme court were put in power by democrats but they voted against so this is a decision even some democrats are opposed to. >> absolutely right. i don't think you will see support for this versus opposition to this fall on party lines, the truth is americans are divided over the
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values this nation was founded on, one of them being democracy, and free and fair elections, a lot of liberals calling out this decision and people like desantis running against trump who is against it. you will see the american people united around the idea that democracy involves having the most popular person running be allowed to be on the ballot and not be blocked from running because he upset the elites. david: it's not split 50/50 by any means. the problem is people against our traditional system of governance where the voters will, not the judges, they are so loud, the elitists are so loud, they have the megaphones at universities and the media. i want to switch to another one because there is a new study out showing that tiktok content aligns very closely with the
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chinese government on political subjects. tiktok responded saying, quote, the report uses a fraud that all of you to reach a predetermined false conclusion, fails to take into account the basic fact that hashtags are created by users, not tiktok, but is tiktok actually a propaganda arm of the ccp? what do you think? >> i think it is 100% a propaganda arm of the ccp. you see them supporting prudent and hamas. the wall street journal had an amazing report that for every pro-israel post, there's about seven pro-hamas posts on tiktok. we have a first amendment in america. the first amendment does not protect the chinese commonest party's right to spy on americans and influence our young people who 70% think that israel should be disbanded and given to hamas. it is such an obvious no-brainer.
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david: thank you for being here. please come back and see us soon. the third-party group no labels following the idea of a coalition government forming after 2024. what are they talking about? lauren: floating the idea, this is not their plan but it could be a potential contingency plan, should know candidate get 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency. no labels sees a potential negotiation among the parties for coalition government where states with unbound electors would make trades like you want this person for that cabinet position, i want this person as vice president. no labels doesn't even have a ticket yet but should it be able to block a democrat or republican from winning the 270, no labels may be in a position to cut deals on people and on policy. something to watch.
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david: michael lee is here, the wall street journal says it looks like the fed won the battle against inflation, i suspect you take issue with it. >> not even close. i think a few different scenarios happen. the first is the fed does, as the wall street journal, explain the soft landing. irate soft landings like bigfoot and the loch ness monster. never happened. two other options. inflation, the fed cuts too early and inflation reaccelerate and the fed has to go to an ugly situation or the fed takes the foot off the gas
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and we have persistently high inflation. i think that's the likely scenario. we don't get back to this 2% number, somewhere between 3% and 4%, then the fed doesn't go back down to 0 percentage trades and rates remain higher, not as much as six weeks ago. it is the next person's problem if the election goes the other way. david: the wall street journal has the viewers or readers opinions about the article. two words for you. food prices. the next one is the problem is that the damage from inflation has been done. i have trouble imagining the world in which the authors of this report live but anyone who saved conservatively and is living on a fixed income is damaged permanently. inflation is slowing down right now, but over the long term
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those high prices are still in effect and they continue to enjoy higher. that's the folks on fixed income. they are having a terrible time. >> that is it exactly. we are in a situation where those not in the top half of the income stratosphere have been devastated by the inflation and we've seen inflation solving the inflation problem, people can't afford to buy stuff. the default rate looks like a hockey stick among the -- take out the top 100 and defaults at the highest levels ever, look at the used car market, and unmitigated disaster, you will see some foreclosures soon but not seeing in the housing market simple because buyers and sellers but underneath the
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surface, the bottom half of wage earners, the less fortunate in our country i devastated over the last couple years so i don't know we will get two quarters of declining gdp because the government is spending so much money but there has already been a recession ongoing in manufacturing with leading economic indicators in the last 15 months. we will see how that plays out but i don't see how it could get better. david: i wish you a happy holiday. great to see you. thank you. appreciate it. you are looking at some movers. jackie: from nike's a revenue cut, the biggest supplier to foot locker, foot locker shares are down 5%, nike, dow stock, down 11%, look at dick's, lululemon, under armour down sharply. warren buffett's berkshire hathaway boosted stake to 28%. it is up 2%, another share purchase after occidental
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agreed to purchase a permian company. david: rocket lab. lauren: aerospace surging, they won a government contract. manufactured, deliver and operate 18 vehicles worth $550 million. david: now this. new york has lost 100,000 residents in a year, the most in the country. imagine the crime here is helping the situation. we are speaking to michael lawler on the blue state exodus. not just here but in illinois. met mike johnson calling on the biden administration to take immediate action to curb the growing migrant crisis. the white house claims the president is doing everything he can including plans to send top members of his team to mexico. is the gop pressure campaign working? peter doocy is here with that
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report coming up next. ♪ more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at
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david: checking the markets. it is not a speck can't tackle or day but all the indices on the green, dow is up 70 points, the s&p is up 20, the nasdaq is up 70 over 15,000. the white house claims president biden is doing what he can to the about the border crisis. peter, i suspect speaker johnson doesn't by this. >> reporter: your suspicion is
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correct. the white house is talking about people who come here illegally and try to do things the right way but are allowed to stay. delete change >> illegal border crosses given court date in 2030 one. what are they supposed to do for 7 years? >> that the better question for dhs. i'm not in a position to talk about specific cases, the president believes we've got to do better at immigration it is willing to talk and negotiate with members of congress about immigration policy. i'm not in a position to talk about this. >> reporter: the spokesman says the white house's insistence the president has done everything he can to secure the border is an insult to the american people and republicans are outlining specific things they believe president biden has done to make immigration worse. >> biden came into office, the border was largely secure, stop
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the flow of unaccompanied children, still had single adults, largely, largely secure the border and president biden said those policies were inhumane, "or, now we have a task on our hands. >> reporter: a few weeks ago we were hearing from white house officials there was extreme urgency to fund the ukrainian military to keep russia from moving further into europe. republicans said that's fine, we are for it, just need some changes to immigration policy. none of it has happened. everybody is out of town. the president leaves tomorrow for camp david. david: what i like best about that exchange with kirby was the questioner. what an excellent question are in that interview. and my best to you and to her and the whole family for a wonderful christmas holiday. like peter said, speaker
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johnson wants biden to take executive action to address the crisis at the border. mike lawler joins me now. wasn't it biden's executor actions that got us into this mess? >> no question. reversing a lot of the policies of the previous administration simply because it was enacted by the previous administration. and now we are dealing with crisis of the biden administration's own making. 10 million migrants across the southern border, many of them illegally since president biden took office. the asylum process is fundamentally broken. at minimum, it is taking two to three years. in your report you are talking seven years from now in some cases. two thirds of these cases are rejected once heard. it is absolutely absurd what is happening at the border. the president has failed miserably to deal with this crisis.
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house republicans passed hr 2 back in may. chuck schumer and senate democrats have done nothing on it and now they are running around like chickens with their head cut off trying to figure something out but it is totally a crisis of their own making. david: whenever bill melugin or griff jenkins asks why they came here almost every one congratulates president biden for bringing them here. his comments made us realize this was the moment. what a lot of people say the reason for the current spike is the folks waiting to get in here realize if trump is elected things are going to change. >> we are a nation of immigrants. my wife is an immigrant. david: my wife is an immigrant too. >> it's a fundamentally broken system that needs to be reforms. we welcome immigrants to this country, they contribute to our economy come to our culture, to our communities, but there has to be a legal process. what is happening now is absolutely disgraceful.
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it is impacting communities all across the country including new york. you talk about president biden, mayor adams and governor hochul said we are a sanctuary city. we welcome everybody and they are freaking out because they can't handle the influx of people. david: i don't know about your wife but my wife who came from nicaragua in 88 is furious because she had to work hard to get all the papers, took years and years to get her green card and to get her citizenship and she's very proud that she got it but she sees these other people immediately getting things she had to work hard for and so do millions of other migrants around the country. >> no question. that's the sentiment shared by most immigrants who came to this country through the legal process. very frustrated what is happening now. david: sort of related to this is president biden's push for a crime bill called george lloyd justice in policing actor. if he can't stop lawlessness at
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the border, how do you think he will turn lawlessness on the streets? >> he is not. this has been a problem in democratic run cities throughout america. there is no accountability. they don't believe criminals should be held accountable for their crimes. we've seen for billion in retail theft in new york in the last year, no consequences. you are released immediately. you get an appearance ticket. we have to actually enforce our laws whether at the border or criminal penal code in major cities across this country and cracked down on the spike in crime. david: it all depends on voters. do you think voters in heavily democrat states like new york, california, illinois, are they going to begin to change, you see signs there's the beginning of change? we had somebody come a
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republican who won a race in the bronx in new york which is heavily democratic. >> we won a city council seat in the bronx for the first time in decades in large part because the policies that have been enacted in democratic states. there's a reason new york leads the nation in migration at it has nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the disastrous economic policies, issues of public safety, migrant crisis. voters are voting with their feet in new york and leaving. we want to reverse, we made some progress last year by electing 11 republicans in 26 congressional seats and we will keep fighting for new york. i'm not going anywhere, fighting to fix this. david: you've got to fix what is going on now. have a wonderful holiday. appreciate you coming in. now this. a teachers union is suing new
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york city mayor eric adams after he cut $550 million in education funding to pay for migrants. the story coming up. a prominent professor calling on harvard to fire the university's president, claudine gave -- claudine gay. school choice advocate erica donald's taking that on next. ♪ as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life
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it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. david: i love triple digits on the dow. it is a one hundred 12. the s&p up 23. 5. the nasdaq is up 69 points. you are looking at other movers. start with but dharna. neil: it is up 5%. health authorities morning of a new and rapidly spreading covid variant which we have discussed on the show and it comes as hospitalizations are climbing for covid. it is unlikely this leads to a significant shift in uptick for vaccinations from but dharna and pfizer unless it has been a benefit to the stock.
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david: coin base. lauren: increases their price target to 200 so they doubled it. the stock is at one hundred $76. at the same time because this speaks to the volatility of crypto, they raised their price target to 54. 254. that is a very big difference. also, kathy would sold 80,000 shares today. david: blackstone. lauren: they will require an 80% stake in sony payment services valued at $280 million, their first deal in japan in two years, first -- david: now this. political science professor doctor carol swain claiming harvard president claudine gay used sections of the book she published in 1993 in article published in 97 without crediting. erica donald's is here with more. thank you for being here. doctor swain called for
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president day's firing saying stop listening to the racist mob of whites and blacks who cry racism while being among the worst offenders. is she right? >> absolutely. merit and integrity have to be the standard for academic leaders across the board. in the schools fire run, that is what we expect of our students, how can we expect that of students in our college system if the president of the most prestigious institution in our country is not held to being honest and acting with integrity and academics. we cannot have it and she must resign. david: doctor swain also said hire the best man or woman who can steer the university back toward sanity, appeasing the marxist identity politics mob should not be a consideration. i don't think we realized how deeply embedded in our
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institutions particularly the most elite institutions this -- he uses the word mob, this group of far left professors is. >> we've seen this across the board. leadership institute has been focusing on higher education in the ddi -- dei infiltration, this is something businesses are starting to push back on. they don't want to see student graduating from this institution who didn't deserve to be there in the first place. we are seeing an uprising in higher ed leadership as you've seen with president gaia, the plagiarism and lack of academic credentials that we see compared to other university across the country. it is an infiltration of dei and the entire country is sick of this. we want to see merit and excellence be the standard for hiring and advancement in our universities. david: as an example how deeply embedded it is even in business schools, a new report says even
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in business schools, you have strong crt. that may be why corporations have been so woke. >> absolutely. i am a former partner at a wall street firm and business will graduate myself. i can tell you that these institutions have no place to waste resources on ddi indoctrination or esg social engineering. what we need to compete globally are the skills and knowledge needed such as finance and accounting and economics. this is why we see businesses saying they are going to drop the requirement to have a three your degree to work in their institutions. they know they combine talent and develop it in ways that are not wasteful like dei and esg. lauren: it is not just in the united states but all over the world in schools in the uk, not going to be required to use students preferred pronouns.
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lauren: let me give you this story lesions are uk they have these guidelines they just put out, a 4-month comment period. basically saying if your child shows up and by birth a boy but want to be called a girl's name, you have to tell the parent so it is parents first, parents involvement. if schools don't have to use those pronouns, based on biological sex. in the uk, they are returning to normalcy with how we should be treating our students. lauren: are we going there? david: are we pushing our policies as they are? >> we seem states like florida already do this. it is illegal against state law for teachers to keep things like this from parents. parents make the decisions on what their children are called in the school. we have a fresh lawsuit in michigan where this was hidden from parents. parents are suing the school system for using different
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pronouns and names their child and not telling them about it. we've seen the uprising of public opinion in america. i believe we will see states follow suit with similar laws especially after they are successful. david: thank you, appreciate seeing you. let's come back to lauren. teachers union is suing new york city mayor eric adams. lauren: he got to the education budget by $550 million. the union says that is illegal because state law says you can't cut from the schools unless there is overall state revenue decline. the usc says adams overinflated the costs of the migrants and mismanaged the crisis. this is a teachers union. a democrat friendly group and it is one reason why adams's polling 28%. that's a record low for any new york city mayor ever polled. voters have had enough of these
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policies that are making their life more expensive and taking away the services they need and their kids need. david: how much it cost to educate a kid in new york? $38,000 per child per year. 38,000. if you had $38,000 to educate your kid, don't you think you could do a better job of it? a lot of people are asking that question. this airbnb listings, stanley dropping as major cities issue new restrictions for the rental company. that is causing hotel prices to surge. mortgage rates dropped to their lowest level since june. home sales rising. as the housing market starting to turn around? mitch rochelle is here to break it down next. ♪
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david: looking at the markets, dow still up nicely, 89 points on the plus side, s&p up 21. the nasdaq is up 72. now this. hundreds of cities and towns have issued airbnb restrictions leading to a surge in hotel prices. how much more expensive are hotel prices? >> reporter: in new york city you are paying close to 10% more. those hotel prices are already superhigh. great news if you're in the hotel business. hundreds of cities and towns have issued these moratoriums and restrictions on short-term rentals. you see those names on the screen, san francisco, boston,
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aspen, christmastime in new york, what that means for consumers. in september new york city issued new restrictions, rentals, states had to be overturned during the days. you are traveling for the holidays, probably thinking i will book airbnb, it is cheaper. since these new limits, 75% of those listings have disappeared so you have no choice but to book hotels to the tune of $529. that is up 16% since november. 8% versus last year. 102% versus a nonholiday period. why are these limits in place? it's about housing affordability. they drive up rents, home prices, real estate companies, buying a property, listing it on airbnb to make a buck. at one point in new york there were more airbnb listings than rentals, does this work for housing affordability?
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too early to know. i will note there was a study that showed in some locations home prices are flat for every 1% increase so i am not sure how much impact there is. david: when the market comes up with a solution which is what airbnb does, the government shuts it down. the hotel lobby younger force is strong in new york as it is in california. $529 is the average price per night. that is extraordinary. now let's turn to new home sales at 590,000 in november. mitch rochelle joined me now. that was a drop of 12.2%. were you expecting that? >> i'm not surprised, interest rates in the month of november haven't come down yet. chairman powell hadn't spoken and knocked her down interest rates and those were sales that were consummated in august or
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september. i'm not surprised. i do think we will see an uptick with new and existing home sales in 2024 if mortgage rates continue to abbott down a little bit. david: if the fed keeps its word, i shouldn't say its word, nobody gave their word. if there are three drops in interest rates. what would that bring the mortgage rate down to? >> i will go on the record as having this predicted mortgage rates on the show many times in the past. a big disclaimer. i think we will see mortgage rates in the sixes. i don't think we will see them as low as the fives. 6 is a lot better than heading towards 9 which is where we were a few months ago. david: some people are even more bullish than you are, real estate venturer david o'reilly says homebuilders will see a
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golden age in 2,024. would you go that far? >> don't know about golden age. there's two categories of homebuilders, the big ones on the screen, publicly traded companies, most of the homes built in whatever community you are in when hearing my voice or looking at our faces are very local entrepreneurs that may be 2 or 3 homes a year. it is hard for those builders to find land that is owned properly, don't know if it's a golden age for homebuilders but the benefit. they are doing it the way they've been doing it for 30 years. the best way to make homes more affordable buyers and more accessible is to modernize their building techniques which most homebuilders are reticent to do. david: what does that mean when you say modernize? less expensive materials or
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what? >> it is about building modular homes. when i say modular homes everyone's image in their head is double wide but modular components and assemble homes that are prefabricated on-site as opposed to building them brick by brick, stick by stick, you can deliver them faster, the problem with the housing market is we have a supply shortage of housing. if homebuilders find a way to deliver, faster and less cost, that' s a benefit to everybody. david: it would be great if it happens. have a wonderful holiday. happy new year to you. appreciate it. a studio apartment on fifth avenue sold for eye-popping amount of money. lauren: studio apartment $3.88 million cash, 691 ft. . david: those pictures came in.
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look at that. lauren: i lived in a studio. i forgot how big an average studio, that is about the size of a studio nationwide. that's big for new york city. steps away from central park. one of the pictures you can see the outdoor patio. it is gorgeous. it comes with the dice, more than $400. can we put up the pictures again? does anyone live in a home that looks like these pictures? it is too perfect. david: you expect that. that's exactly donald trump's point about whether he values his properties correctly or not. the pictures always, there are things that are misleading but 3. 8 million per studio apartment no matter how good the view. lauren: that is crazy money. david: 3 million people visit bethlehem for christmas every year but this is tragic.
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celebrations are being canceled as the fighting continues in israel. we will speak to resident theologian jonathan morris in the next hour and we are minutes away from hearing our very own stuart varney read the holiday classic it was the night before christmas. you don't want to miss of that. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow.
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♪ david: that is not the "varney and company" team but a lot wish it was. folks are having a good day. mariah carey in the background. the "varney and company" team is still abrading this holiday season even in the control room as i speak, here is our 10:00 producer and her boyfriend,
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mark, anna friend's winter wedding. senior producer christine ambrose with her daughter and their dog, liam, enjoying a beautiful afternoon in central park, jennifer jacobs with her husband colin and their son wyatt. here's associate producer caitlin finnegan with her boyfriend tim and her family. production assistant juliana with her family at her sister's engagement party, special shout out to grandparents, happy holidays grandparents, huge fox fans. stage manager who is here with her husband mike who works at fox and their twins, they have two, violet and carbine, celebrating their first christmas. it will be wonderful. now to our christmas tradition dating back to 2011. stuart reading it was the night before christmas to his
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grandchildren. ♪ stuart: two of my beautiful granddaughters will be with us this christmas, abigail and paige are watching right now. this is for you. it was the night before christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that saint nicholas soon would be there. the children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. mama in her kerchief and i in my had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter i sprang from the bed to see what was the. when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer. then in a twinkling, i heard on the roof the printing of each little who.
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as i drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney saint nicholas came abound. he was dressed all in for from his head to his foot and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and so to. 's eyes, how they think will come his dimples how mary, his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. he had a broad face and around belly that shook when he left like a bowl full of jelly. he spoke not a word, but went straight to his work and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk, and laying his finger as side of his nose and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. he ran to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle and away they all flew like a doubt of a thistle. i heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, happy christmas to all, and to all a good night. it still brings tears to my eyes, especially when you have little abigail and paige watching and listening. i wish everyone such joy.
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you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. i'm with disabled american veterans i was wondering if you had a quick minute to thank america's veterans for their service and sacrifices. sure. all right. well, come on in here. i'm just going to hit record on this. i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. the men and women who serve this country. we appreciate you. i hope you know that. i appreciate you, one love. i've had a lot of people thank me for my service, but since i've gotten back, there are people who've served me by supporting disabled american veterans. these past few years have been challenging for our disabled veterans who are in need of critical health care and benefits. but thanks to you, dav has continued to work tirelessly
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