tv Kudlow FOX Business December 26, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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the u.s. military striking back. the question is, will it be enough? president biden ordering the pentagon to take action against iranian-backed terrorists in iraq. hitting three targets in response to a series of more than 11000 attacks against -- 100 attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. this as hamas terrorists regent egypt's proposal to end the war. trey conviction is live -- trey is live in tel aviv with the latest now -- trey yingst. >> reporter: hey, david. yo night president biden ordered the u.s. military to strike a series of targets belonging to a shia mill a shah in iraq. -- militia. three separate targets were hit, and they were destroyed. likely a number of hezbollah militants killed in those strikes as well. they came in response to a drone attack against the irbil air base that houses u.s. service members. three americans were injured in that attack, one critically. this does bring the total number of attacks against american
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interests in the middle east to 103 since mid october. it also comes as israeli -- israeli forces remain on high alert. in response to that strike, iran's president said this act is a sign of the frustration and weakness in the region for which it will certainly pay the price. there were also more attacks into northern israel today from the lebanese militant group hezbollah as a spokesperson for the israeli government said this. >> the anti-tank missile attack just recently on the greek orthodox church injuring a civilian in israel is a reminder that for hezbollah and it iranian puppet masters, nothing is sacred. this is no going back. east hezbollah retreats -- either hezbollah retreats as part of an effective diplomatic solution, our preferred option, or we will push it back ourselves using military force. >> reporter: we're also
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following reports today out of the red sea where another commercial vessel was hit by missiles fired by iran-backed houthi rebels in yemen. the owner of that commercial if vessel said that no people onboard were injured. david. david: good for that, but i think there are 15 boats now that have been shot at, some severely, so we'll see what happens there. trey, as a usual, please take care of yourself. great to see you. wonderful reporting, appreciate it. for more, let's bring in kt kt mcfarland, former trump national security advisor, board member of the american conservative union and a friend for a long, long time. thank you, kt, for being here. appreciate it. let me first talk about the red sea because this is, what's going on there is essentially a blockade of the red sea by. and it's by iran. and we know their involvement in all of this. i know the houthis may be the ones with the guns, but the people directing and ordering it and everything -- in fact, we learned last week that there was an iranian spy vessel that was
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actually directly directing the houthis in terms of which ship to go after, how to attack it, etc. couldn't we have at least, at the very least have blown up that iranian spy ship? >> yeah. here's the problem, we've had three responses, three attacks in iraq after having had 103 attacks on american interests whether it's in the red sea or iraq and syria with. what have we done? we've end couraged the iranian proxies to keep going because there's no penalty for what they're doing. and the worry is, i mean, the biden administration thinks, well, we don't want to provoke them because maybe the war would expand. that's upside down thinking. what's going to happen is if we don't do something to stop them, if we don't respond in kind, they're gown to keep escalating, keep escalating. it's a miracle no american has died so far. once you start having americans dying, then all of a sudden we're in a war what we haven't thought through, we could have
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prevented. i think it's, again, upside down thinking. if you want to stop this, if you do not want it to exfanned, if you do not -- expand, then do something now to take out those missile batteries, take out the airfields that the drones are operating out of, get rid of them because everybody should know that you attacking the united states, the united states interests, you're dead. david: yeah. >> you do not get to survive that. and so far -- dave said well, we know what works. it's almost like dealing with a crime situation because if you had deterrence, if you deter criminals' behavior, you'll have less criminality. and in 1988 we had a major, major problem with iran mining areas of -- some of them within its territorial border, etc. of but international shipping lanes, one of our ships, it was the uss -- what was the name of that? i can't remember the name of the ship, but it was, it was hit, our service people were injured. thankfully, nobody was killed
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but some were severely injured. president reagan initiated operation preying mantis. i'm sure you remember it. you were with the reagan administration. we destroyed -- we literally destroyed half of iran's navy. and they didn't start something more, they creeped back into their little caves and left us a alone. it worked. deterrence works, doesn't it? >> yeah. i mean, it worked in the reagan administration. we reflags some -- reflagged some of those contain ther ships and iran realized, welsh they're starting a war with the united states. they didn't want that. president reagan did what he did, and you didn't hear from the iranians for a number of years. at the beginning of the trump administration, david, we had the same situation where the syrians were sending aircraft from airfields in syria to use chemical weapons against their own people. so president trump took the decision of let's just take out those airfields. we did it, we did it surgeically, we did it brilliantly.
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you didn't hear from the syrians for another three years. david: again, we've had 15 ships hit so far by the iranian-backed houthis. we've had hundreds of ships that have had to take the long way around to i avoid the red sea to go to their it's nation. look how far they have to go out of their way. millions of -- probably billions of dollars have been spent doing that. this is a blockade of the red sea. it is an act of war, is it not? >> yeah. these are international waters, and so, yes, it is an about a of war not just with the united states, against the world. you know what it does, david? i keep thinking, okay, so what are the alternatives here? the middle east, they're always fighting, always blockading something. you know, reagan administration, trump administration, obama administration, they're always doing it. the far better solution would be to unleash american energy, american oil and natural gas and let us be the new middle east. let us be the part of the world that we could supply the entire world with energy. david: yes. you know, biden doesn't have to hit back militarily if he
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focused on just that economic element. i mean, we've seen -- we have a chart that i think welcome put up of the oil production, iranian oil production. you saw it when trump came into office on the right-hand of the screen, that huge drop downward is the maximum pressure campaign of the trump administration against the iranians. you see how it really hit them hard. their oil production went down to close to zero is. and then when it goes up begun, that's when biden came back and and stopped applying the sanctions that, by the way, were put in place by congress. and so it can be argued that what he did was unconstitutional, but the bottom line is iran would not have had the money to pay for this war, to pay for the october 7th attack itself if they hadn't are released all that oil money to the iranians. >> it's the same argument with russia and ukraine. the trump administration and that operation that we had, it
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was the idea of the maximum pressure was to hit them economically as well as other ways. economically, you know, wars are expensive. if they don't have extra money, they can't fight a war. we saw that hamas and hezbollah were complaining to iran when the oil prices went down to $40 a barrel. they were complain, iran, where's your money? you've been supporting us, where's our money? iran didn't have the money. so iran, again, during the trump administration, they were in their box. they couldn't move. the same thing with russia. oil prices were low. russia didn't have any extra windfall profits to insaid ukraine or anybody else. -- invade ukraine or anybody else. the key to all of this is do it economically. that's to our advantage. we've got the ability to do it, we just don't seem to have the political will in washington. dana:ed and take care of our homeland security. we just got news over the weekend from nbc of all places that, in fact, the administration was planning to keep the supply spy -- spy balloon thing under wraps entirely until the folks in
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montana just looked up and could see the darn themselves -- thing themselves. their plan was to keep it from the public, to keep it from congress. meanwhile, our national security or's a imperilled -- i mean, this administration has done so much to imperil our national security. we haven't even begun to talk about the border. >> yeah. again, it's upside down thinking. the biden administration thought, well, we'll keep it from the american people, we won't let the american people know that our sovereign territory has been, you know, compromised with a spy balloon because we don't want to have the chinese be upset. we don't want to risking alienating them or they might cancel a meeting -- meeting or something. again, this is where it's really serious, this was a violation of america eastertorial integrity. america eastertorial integrity and sovereignty, to have a pie balloon flying over the united states. the biden administration's first response was how do we protect the american homeland, how do we protect the american people, their first response was a pr movement oh, we want to make
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sure nobody sees this so we don't get blamed, and their second move was to, again, appease china. it never works. and if ultimately they had to shoot it down because, as you said, some people in montana looked up at the sky and said, what's that? david: of course, they didn't shoot it down until it went all over the united states. and i -- it wasn't just by random chance that it happened to fly over some very important military bases. that's what the chinese designed. remember what president biden said? it was an embarrassment for the chinese. it was just an embarrassment -- i mean, you didn't buy that for a moment, did you? [laughter] >> no. nobody if bought that. david: yeah. >> no. and, again, what's the president's primary responsibility under the constitution? the national security of the nation. david: of course. >> and he wasn't doing it. and he was trying to pull a fast one on the american people. it never works. david: great to see you, kt. i hope you had a great christmas. coming up, personal income is down, debt is up and mortgage
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rates are just unaffordable. but the president says the poo media should be talking up -- the president says the media should be talking the up the economy. are americans just ungrateful wretches for if not standing up and cheering on bidenomics? we'll ask steve moore at that coming next. ♪ what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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♪ david: well, president biden is once again criticizing the media for its coverage of the economy even as economic data shows inflation is above the fed's target and up double digits since he took office. our own grady trimble is live from d.c. with that story. grady. >> reporter: hey, david. the economy is in good shape right now or so the president says, and president biden is also a making a prediction for 2024. >> reporter: about the economy, sir, what's your outlook on the economy next year? >> all good. take a look. start reporting it the right way. >> reporter: so the president says the reporting on the economy is the problem. he's till trying to sell -- still trying to sell voters on bidenomics. he visited wisconsin just last week to make the case for it, but those voters are not happy with the current state of the economy or with president biden's handling of it.
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78% say the economy is in bad shape right now according to our latest fox news poll. only 4% of voters -- 14% of voters say president biden's economic policies have helped them. republicans say the problem with the economy is not the way reporters are covering it, but instead the president's policies. >> i think that every single american as we've gone out this holiday season and we went out for christmas and bought our turkey and bought our baked hams, things like that, we know the economy is not better. we know that the price of gas is still extremely high when you think about what it was in the previous administration. finish. >> reporter: the white house has been pointing out a lot lately that wages are higher than inflation, and while that is true right now, that hasn't been the case for most of biden's presidency. david, real wages are down quite a bit since president biden took office. david: yeah. and don't people know it. grady, thank you very much. for more on this let's bring in steve moore, committee to unlook
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prosperity and host of moore money on wabc money. steve, great to see you. merry christmas to you. so i understand the market's up. that's great news. we're a business channel, we know it's good for the economy, it's good for everybody with a 40 # # # 11k when the market's up $4011k. and, yes, we're better off now than we were a year ago when inflation was at% or whatever. however -- at 99%. however -- 9%. personal income is still down from when bind first took office. personal debt is way up as most people know if they've looked at their credit card repeat seats recently -- receipts recently, and mortgage payments, i think it's almost twice what you were spending when trump left office, right? >> well, that's right. and it's almost laughable, david, that the president's saying he's not getting, you know, good press treatment. [laughter] you know, when i was working for trump, do you think we got the kind of fawning press treatment -- david: right, right. >> that's a laughable claim.
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look, let's, first of all, the facts are the economy is better today than it was a year ago. remember, it felt like we were going to fall off a cliff a year ago, and now we're seeing, we've seen improvement, for sure, in the issue i of the inflation, expect job market is pretty good too. i think you put your finning finger on -- finger on the big problem, people are feeling poorer because they are poorer. said said yes. >> by my estimate, the average family's ross about $2,000 in purchasing power when you take into account inflation. and one other great point, david, because this is so important, the president coops misstating this. he keeps saying prices are down. no. it's just the rate of inch e crease that prices are is down, but we're still paying 20% more than when trump left office. david: even your dog was howling, steve. [laughter] even the dog knows what's going on -- >> he knows the truth. [laughter] david: but the point is it's not just republicans or, it's not just conservative economists saying that. democrats are saying we've put together the a poll, a list of
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what people's various political representations are. of course you'd expect 93% of americans thinking the economy's bad. but independents, 85% of independents. and look at this, even democrats, 61% of democrats think the economy's in bad condition. so it's just not going to do any good for the president to keep trying to shoot the messenger. >> well, you just mentioned something a few minutes ago that's really an porn part of this equation which is the consumer debt. and if as you know, because i've heard you report on this previously, we have about $1.1 trillion in consumer debt, and, you know, of course let's not forget we're running a $33.5 trillion national debt. biden has added $6 trillion in three years, and there's no improvement. and, by the way, i blame both parties on that. i'm not going to just blame biden for the out of control spending in washington. but you know what's really frustrating to people when i
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talk to them? what's the plan? how are we ever going to get to a balanced budget? biden says he's not going to go for any spending cuts in any programs despite hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of washington. david: we're not going to get to a balanced budget by spending trillions on green energy if programs with impossible liberal goals. i had pete buttigieg on last week. heft saying we're going to to go 50-50, electric-gas vehicles in 10 years. i mean, thrust just no way. you look at the dealerships, they can't give these electric cars away. it's just with an impossible situation of not only do consumers not want to buy them, but car makers increasingly can't afford to make them. they lose money on every car. >> so we're pretty much at the end of the year. we've got, what, three or four more days in the year 2023. i just wrote my end of the year column saying the biggest loser industry in 2023 was green energy, which is ironic because biden just passed a bill where they passed out $300 billion to
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the green industry. but you're right, the ev industry is not making improvement. many of those companies are going bankrupt. solar and wind have not made much advances at all. no matter how much money, david, or we pour into these alternative green energies, they're not catching on. in fact, in 2023 the united states and the rest of the world used the more fossil fuels than ever before. so it's a big canard that somehow this green energy if revolution -- they call it a green energy transition. it's not happening, david. people don't want the ev rs -- evs. david: right. and, of course, the media a's trying to push it along. nissan rea affirmed etc. commitment to everybody e vs, but nissan is owned by renault. the majority of the voting majority for reknow is the french government, so that's a government push. meanwhile, england has been walking down -- walking back its mandates, right, its ev is
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mandates because they realize they're impossible if goals. people don't want it. >> you know, the big question i have is why aren't the american car companies, auto industry, why aren't they listening to the clears? -- consumers? why are they listening to the politicians? the american families are the ones who buy the cars. they're not buying the trucks, the evs, and so you've got, as you just said, the showrooms and the lots and the, in the, you know, car industry, they're -- they can't sell the cars because people don't want 'em. david: yeah. very quickly, last question with. the fed, a lot of questions about whether the fed is putting it 23eu7ger on the scale by telegraphing all these rate cuts that they're going to be having in 2024. maybe trying to help biden get elected. there was an article in the "wall street journal" saying, no, that's nonsense. only been done once in 1972 by arthur burns to get richard nixon reelected, it's not happening this time. do you have any opinion about that? >> you mean the fed being
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political? gee, that would never happen. [laughter] of course political decisions are made. you know, because you've covered the fed, there are 300 capes january economists -- can caips january economists over there with ph.d.s. i do think the good news story is inflation has come down. the last report showed very little inflation, but it's still at 3.5% for the year. as you know, david, the target is 2%, so we're still above where we want to be. david: well, the good news i think really that the american economy is still the best in the world, and it can survive a lot of shocks and a lot of bad policies. there is a limit though. and sometimes the one questions whether we're going to go over the edge as a result of some of these policies that have been disastrous. but it is, it is great to be ap american, to live here where we have such a resilient economy that even can survive a biden mistake here or there. good to see you, steve. thanks for coming in. appreciate it. have a great new year.
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coming up, more on the president's bidenomics blame game with congresswoman beth van duyne. plus, pro-palestinian protesters bringing chaos to man hat -- manhattan over christmas weekend resulting in several arrests and at least one police officer injured. jason chaffetz and betsy mccaughey will weigh in all mccaughey will weigh in all when "kudlow "continues. ♪ ♪ it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. -dad, what's with your toenail? -oh, that...? i'm not sure... -it's a nail fungus infection.
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♪ ♪ david: so we know president biden is blaming the media for the failure of wide mom ifics, but what do voters or have to say? let's bring in texas congresswoman beth van duyne. congresswoman, you back home talking to voters. what are they telling you about the economy? >> they're telling me that the economy stinks. whenever they go shopping, when they get gas, when they go out to eat, you have got people who are trying to buy a home right now, people who may have missed a payment on their credit card, they're the 17% inflation that's happened since biden's taken
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office. and, you know, they hear him complaining about it, that, you know, the media's not giving him a fair share, a fair shake. well, the fact is that finally, you know, these news outlets that have been ignoring him, giving him a pass, giving excuses, blaming trump have got to start reporting on it. they're stick -- sick of it. they're seeing it everywhere, and it's got to stop. and the person they're blaming is biden and his administration because directly as a result of their policies, they're facing this crushing inflation. david: now, your district is just north of dallas. dallas, as we know from television, is a big oil city. i'm just wondering what they think of biden's trillion dollar war on fossil fuels. >> well, my district includes not only areas of dallas, but also fort worth which is another area that's got a tremendous amount of energy. the entire states has a tremendous amount invested in the energy industry. businesses here are telling you
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the policies of the biden administration from day one, you know, shutting down pipelines, decreasing the number of permits, increasing the number of regulations, crushing our domestic energy production and actually helping foreign national, other foreign nations be able to make up for that and us having to buy energy for a time from countries like russia -- david: now, what -- [inaudible conversations] david: what biden's saying if he's not busy beating up on the media are, when he's talking about oil he says looker -- look, we're at 13 million barrels per day domestic production. we're not depleating our oil -- depleting our oil, we're not shutting our pipelines down anymore. of course, that's one of the first things he did, was shut down the pipeline from canada. >> keystone pipeline, day one. right. keystone pipeline, day one. he's actually prevented a numberover of projects beginning because of his regulatory the
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war against domestic producers. all of this has empowered hostile foreign nations. for example, russia. it's also made our allies in return dependent on those foreign nations where we could have been, you know, increasing our economy if we were exporting and decreasing the costs at home. republicans in the house recognize this. we passed an energy if bill, it was one of the first bills we passed, h.r. 11, to be able to help with that. it has languished in the senate being completely ignored because the republicans recognize in the house how much better it would be if we had domestic production. that affects all areas of the economy. anybody who gets a delivery made, we just got through christmas and the christmas season. we all saw the indegrees9 expece spikes in prices. a direct result. david: you're not right on the border, but because you're in texas, you're affected by the border. right now each new york, even chicago, even places thousands of miles away from the border are affected by an open border that we have. these numbers though that have been coming out over the past
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couple of months are staggering. just a 4-day week, christmas weekend, there were more than 35,000 the migrant encounters. we've had since december 1st 250,000. we're on pace to have between 3-4 million this year alone. how much more of that can we take? >> well, the. answer is none. we can't take any more. you pointed out that i'm in north texas. sure. but the county within the district has experienced a 1,000 president increase in drug seizures, 1,000% more deaths as a result of fentanyl. all of that is coming if the mexican cartels being supplied by china. we know where and why it's coming. the car a tells are a making money hand over fist, and the mexican government, you know, president own rah -- obrador is in no hurry to help us. the fact is that they don't have a strong president who is demanding action, commanding policies like -- demanding policies like remain in mexico continue.
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there were policy on the books during the trump administration. the first thing that biden did was take them off the table. they were warned by, you know, folks from customs and border protection, folks from immigration and customs enforcement before they took those policies away that if they did, you would see this result. and as you mentioned, we've had over a quarter million people enter our country illegally just in december alone. david: incredible. >> it is ridiculous. dade they'd the head of homeland security or claims, of course, that the border is secure is ridiculously. he is now in mexico trying to negotiate something with the president of mexico. frankly, his credibility is shot. but what do you think he's trying to get from the president of mexico? very quickly. >> i think he's trying to get a toe photo op. if he was really serious about it, have biden behind him doing the exact same thing trump did when mike pompeo went down there and saying if you don't help us, there will be consequences. they have no. intention on putting through the types of policy that we need
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which is just simply to have the laws that we already have on the books enforced. we are having to, through the house, through h.r. 2 and other measure, trying to force this administration to just have policies that would secure our border. they're not doing it. david: despite if all that,, have a wonderful new year. let's hope 2024 bodes better than the last one did. congresswoman beth van duyne, appreciate you being here. anti-israeli protesters flooding the streets of manhattan yesterday shouting christmas is canceled as they carried a large blood red nativity scene through midtown alexis mcadams is live in new york with the latest on this. hawaii, alexis. >> reporter: well, they tried their best to cancel christmas but unfortunately for those protesters, that didn't happen. things dud get out of control with the nypd, although they tried their best to stop the it if getting out of hand. watch this. [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] >> reporter: and you can see the crowd there clashing with police. the protesters were arrested on
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a variety of charges including disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and criminal mischief. one police officer was injured. the new york city mayor, eric add answer, says there have been hundreds of protest since the october 7th attack by hamas. the mayor commenting on that chaos today the t. watch. >> but all you need is a small pocket of people like you saw yesterday that can disrupt a peaceful protest. and they go for one reason alone, to disrupt. >> reporter: as organizers called to cancel christmas, they really tried hard to get that done, they were targeting the busiest areas of new york city in midtown. protesters cagilying that mock ma knit -- nativity scene, you can see it kind of coming down near rockefeller center. that was quite the sight for people who were in town visiting. calling for an uprising and stopping traffic as those tourists were in town for the holiday. [inaudible conversations] >> no celebrations -- >> until reparations.
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>> reporter: and it wasn't just in new york city, right? it was also in washington, d.c. where protests pond up at the home of white house national security adviser jake sullivan and also in virginia at the home of defense secretary lloyd austin. so that's still new york you're seeing now. but the group accused those two biden administration officials of being complicit in the general side against the palestinian people. you can see all that action in d.c. it doesn't really matter what city you're in, they're expecting to see more protests in the coming days not just here in new york, but across the country. david: yeah. alexis, thank you very much, appreciate it. >> well, pro-palestine, anti-israel protests get violent on christmas, so how will the democrats deal with all of this in 2024? and when the dnc comes to chicago with its far-left mayor and soft on crime prosecutors, what's going to happen then? is this going to be a redux of 1968? joining us now is jason chaffetz, former utah9 congressman and fox news contributor, betsy mccaughey, new york post columnist and
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former new york lieutenant governor. great to see you both. merry christmas, happy new year. so, better city, the protesters -- betsy, the protesters in new york were actually cheering on the iranian blockade of the red sea. i mean, it's extraordinary. they were chanting out -- actually, we have the sound from that. roll tapeful -- roll tape. >> [inaudible] >> yemen, yemen, make us proud. david: they're saying, yemen, yemen, make us proud, turn another ship around. they're talking about applauding terrorists who are blockading the red sea. their stopping -- they're stopping traffic, they're stopping the commuters in grand central station. is the mayor doing anything to stop it? >> no. and the silence from the democrats including president biden, the silence is deafening. this is a huge attack on just not christians on christmas, on our whole judeo-christian
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culture. anti-semitism is up 400% since the attack in israel, and everyone should be united. christians and jews standing together to command an end to this -- demand an end to this. if they had done that in germany, we wouldn't is have had the holocaust. we're all jews, we're all christians right now, but with i hear nothing from biden. adams, mayor from new york, said yesterday there were just a few bad apples. no, there were 500 people making it impossible for tourists and native new yorkers with their families to lock at the christmas lights or enjoy the christmas tree. it was very intimidating and, frankly, scary. david: well,they were all cheering on hamas and then cheering on also the iranian blockade, the terrorists that are blockading the red sea. >> that's right. and i'd like to note 7 out of 10 jewish voters currently support the democratic party. they have to rethink that. the democratic party is not standing up against
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anti-semitism. david: well, jason, we're coming up to a democratic convention in chicago. i'm old enough to remember the last time that happened in 1968. there were huge, left-wing radicals that caused protests that turned into riots. it was a mess. of course, you had a conservative mayor, he was democrat, but he was a conservative mayor of chicago coming down hard on the demonstrators and the riotics. -- rioters. the american voting public is going to see chaos in chicago. i'm forecasting. what do you think? >> it's likely so. i feel so bad for those police officers who leave their loved ones to go out and protect the city, protect the people. they shouldn't have to deal with this, you know? it's the american way, to protest. you have a constitutional right as a citizen of this country can to peacefully protest. but mayor adams is right, these people are there for disruption are. they're not there for persuasion. they're there to disrupt this way of life. they don't like america. their going to try to -- they're going to try to tear it down.
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they don't want america to be a freedom-loving people. they take advantage of it to do these kinds of stunts, but until law enforcement and the local prosecutors actually start to prosecute these people went thee line and they actually do violence and cause crime in those types of things, this will continue. david: well, it's not just violation. jewish -- you saw the shutting down of -- you can't allow the shutting down of brand central, one of our major transportation hubs in america, and they've done it three times. >> and there's plenty of violence already. plenty of violation on college campuses right here in new york and throughout the nation against jewish students. and parents ought to be very concerned about that. david: and, jason, i mean, that gets us to the issue of crime itself. isn't that issue, don't democrats own it? if i mean, with all of the defund the police stuff, with the no bail laws, all of those measures that have been passed by very radical city councils
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and democrat mayors, they're -- it's those policies that have created this uptick in crime, no? >> i think the major theme of this 2024 the election is going to be the about safety; safety in the streets, safety around the world, safety on our border, safety in your wallet. but if you can't walk out on the street, if you can't go to a major united states city and feel safe, then i think they're going to demand a change. and i think the democrats are really behind on this one. they have advocated for policies and people in these policies that are very soft on crime. this is a choice election, and there's definitely a choice between the republican candidates and the democratic candidates who have been much softer on crime than the republicans. >> and democrats are going to lose. david: there's already been a voting, a voting with people's feet. >> yes. david: you look at the stats of the blue state exodus. california, new york, illinois, new jersey, massachusetts,
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maryland california's lost 338,000. new york, 216,000. illinois, 83,000. and you go down the list, they're all blue states. they're losing not only people, but tax revenue. >> and political power. david: there's nobody there to pay them. >> that's right. they're also losing political power. they will have fewer seats in the house of representatives. i'll give you a stunning statistic. new york city had a big election in november for all members of the city council. the number of people who turned out for that election was fewer than the number of people who voted with their feet and just leavitt new york over the last -- left new york over the last three years. fewer people turn thed up at the polls than threw in the towel and just left. david dade jason, i do remember a your who got re-- a mayor of new york city, bloomberg was a former republican. it can happen when blue states get just so fed up and city
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services end because there's no revenue to pay the people who pick up the garbage and put out the fires where people change things. do you think that might if happen even in blue states? >> well, i hope so. look, they -- the -- they elected mayor adams in part because he was a police officer, but one of first hinge -- things he did was he was of advocating for people here illegally to be able to vote. david: he turned that around. >> he turned it around but still, mine, this is with where he started. that is a far cry from somebody like a rudy giuliani who did take over and started, you know, enforcing the laws. surprise, surprise, it turned the city around. david: right. he was interested in action. this mayor talks a lot, not much action at all. better city, jason, have a wonderful with, happy new year. thank you so much for being here. >> happy new year. a. david: happy new year. and be sure to catch jace swen, by the way, he's going to be hosting hannity. jason, i don't know if you knew this, somewhere between 9-10 is, you're going to have to talk to
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me and ask me questions. [laughter] >> that's right. i get the last word. i get -- david: you do! you do, you get to say that to me. [laughter] thank you very much. coming up, democrats trying desperately to use law fair to stop donald trump from running in 2024, but did friday's big loss for a trump prosecutor telegraph more losses to come for their strategy? fox news' legal analyst gregg jarrett on that coming up. ♪ ♪ have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock?
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david: the supreme court's decision on friday to smack down prosecutor jack smith's petition to speed if up the trump case was issued in one curt sentence. essentially, it said petition denied. so has this prosecutor with a very checkered past lost all credibility? joining me now is gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst and author of this book, "the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents." it's such a wonderful collection of what makes america great. thank you so much for putting this together, gregg. the scotus snack intowp of -- snackdown of -- smackdown of jack smith, it was just one sentence. did you read anything into that? was that done by purpose by the
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supremes? >> well, it could have been, but actually it's knot up common to simply reject a case that's premature. i suspect the u.s. supreme court is going to step in halt this other effort to kick trump off the ballot. you know, the colorado ruling was absurd to the point of laughable. the crustieses twisting -- justices twisting facts, contorting the law. they absolutely mangled the constitution's meaning of the 14th amendment, and at the same time they violated that amendment a by depriving trump of due process rights. and, you know, the same is true of jack smith's two central indictments, david. -- federal indictments. in the classified documents, the j of case -- j6 case under the guise of prosecution, and there are legitimate immunity questions. and, you know, many americans aren't buying these charges against trump. it's only elevated his poll
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numbers. voter see him as a victim of unscrupulous prosecutors who are weaponizing the law for partisa- david: well, and more than that, they're interfering with the election. the irony of jack smith's case is that it's about a election interference on trump's part, but what is he doing? that's what became clear by this smackdown by the supreme court, that he wants an opinion, he wants an opinion quickly to get -- to prevent trump from being able to run in the election which is election interference almost by definition. enter yes. and what was conspicuously missing from his petition to the supreme court was the real reason. he sort of skirted around it. why? because he couldn't really say, you know, i'm tying to stop trump or from -- trying to stop trump from winning in november. and americans, you're right, david, think this is election interference. it's the equivalent of ballot rigging, robbing them of the right to choose who should be president. whether trump can sustain that
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belief and continue to capitalize it as the trials draw near, we don't know. this is untested waters. they'd tead gregg, we only have is about 30 seconds, but this appeal by ed meese, the former attorney general under ronald reagan, it's a brief that he wrote to the court about jack smith being an illegitimate special counselor and, therefore, shouldn't be allowed to bring cases to the supreme court or cases at all, does that have any merit at all? >> you know, i think it does have some merit. it is a interesting, novel argument. at the bottom of it is why are we rowing -- allowing a single individual, a private citizen to determine essentially whether the leading candidate for president, you know, should be prevented from if even running. david dead well, that's a good question. >> doesn't this require, says meese, an about of congress?
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david: it's a good question. one more prompt for your book, there it is.get get the great gregg jarrett's book. 's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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