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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: as steve scalise told us, the border, hr2 would be a terrific bill to stop the border catastrophe. the democrats won't pay any attention to it, joe biden doesn't want to talk about it, but that's the solution. i'm telling you, folks, it's the biggest political issue right now. and i'm sure that elizabeth
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macdonald will be all over it tonight. liz: yes, larry, thank you. welcome deputy i seizure disorders ace at no time form -- assistant former attorney john yu and hans. jon, jen griswald is rapidly deciding that the court decide to remove trump from the colorado state ballot and attended a closed door fundraiser for president bide anne donovan denver two months ago. it's based on remarks that the president made on the white house website giving griswald a shotout. she's hundreds hund hundreds os knobbing with prominent democrats. >> the court needs to intervene
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so there's not 50 different standards throughout the country on who's not allowed and who's allowed and particularly as you point out when the decisions are being made that some states by elected partisan officials and this is a question of what does the 14th amendment mean when saying people participated in insurrection can be disqualified from running for officer of the united states. that's a constitutional question that reasonably has a supreme court and that provision is interpreted june formally throughout the country and the supreme court with take that and overturn colorado and say the 14th amendment doesn't apply to donald trump and free to run for the presidency again. liz: hans, let's bring you in on what john just said. nancy pelosi make ago wrong claim about the push to remove trump from state ballots, watch this. >> do you think it's a good idea for states to remove donald trump from their ballots?
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>> that's up to the states. what i think is a good idea for us to make sure part-time know what is at risk in the election. i want to go into the courts and law, i won't do it, different states have different laws. we have a different law in california relating to that, but what's important is what matters to the american people and their families at that tippen cable, and you have to keep bringing it back to that because that's what is important to our country. what happened on january 6, january 6 is related to that. liz: speaker pelosi is wrong here, hans. has she read the constitution, it flatly says it's not up to the states, it's up to congress to enact a law to do that. that's what section 5 of the 14th amendment says. what your reaction, hans? jowski she's got it completely wrong, which is probably no surprise. look, one of the big issues in
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this case is, and look, there's an old decision by samuel p chase and section three is not self-executing and until congress passing enforce want legislation and it can't be used by any state court or state official and the colorado state supreme court just ignore that had and that's just one of the many problems with the mission made by the colorado court. liz: seems like just sitting here as nonpartisan kind of anchor, this feels like a vitriol is overtaking what the facts say in the law of the constitution and their hatred of tram subpoena behinding them to what is allowed under the constitution and the law. now we've got trump's legal team, john, they just asked a federal judge to hold special council jack smith in contempt
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and they say smith is violating the judge's stay in the 2020 case meaning he's been filing motions and he's not supposed to be doing that. the -- trump's appealing in, john, saying he's got presidential immunity in the 2020 case. but jack smith's entire office as special council, john, is in trouble because now the dc appeals court says it will review am icu s briefs from the constitutional collars that say montana's office must be abolished because it's -- smith's office must be abolished pause it's illegal and unconstitutional. what do you think, john? >> i don't think smith handled himself well and special council shouldn't have been appointed at this point and whatever the reason it's been indefense blizzard warnings late and the prosecution taken so long and it's fallen in directly in the smack middle of the election and contrary to justice department policy. but the broader part here is that this is unprecedented.
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this attempt to use the courts both in this colorado issue with the special council, in new york, in georgia, all in an effort to take the decision about who the next president is going to be away from the voters and try to get the courts to decide. i think that that's a mistake. i think it's unconstitutional, and i hope that the supreme court will intervene again as i said to make sure that trump stays on the ballot so that the people can decide rather than having judges or juries from many different states, some of those in states where people were elected and running against donald trump promising to prosecute him. i hope those people are not the ones that make the decision about who the president will be. liz: hans, final word. >> prosecuting a potential presidential opposition candidate and taking him off the ballot, that's the kind of thing you see in third world countries and we've sanctioned other countries for that kind of
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behavior. liz: got it, john yu and hans von spakosky, thank you for joining us. more documents are expected to be released very soon and nate foy is live with the news. reporter: hey, liz, the first batch included former presidents bill clinton and donald trump and britain's prince andrew. in the documents, one alleged epstein victim claims that andrew had an orgy with numeros underaged girls and epstein settled a lawsuit with virginia due fray in 2022 and claims andrew took a picture with her,
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dupre and said they took the puppets on the girl's breast and andrew put his on mine. epstein told her, "clinton likes them young"referring to girls. epstein and clinton shaking hands in 1993. a clinton spokesperson tells fox news that the two last spoke almost 20 years ago. shoberg claims trump took her to the former casino in atlantic city and neither of the former presidents are accused of wrong doing and other names are michael jackson and magician david copperfield and he performed magic tricks at epstein's home and he "questioned me if i was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls". the documents include more than 170 names tied to epstein but many not accused of wrong doing and two names redacted in the documents and one received
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extended deadline to appeal after changing attorneys and the other appeal is under review. we'll let you know as next batch of unsealed documents is public. could happen any moment. liz: nate foy, thank you. joe concha and why were the documents sealed and kept hidden in the first place? why kept under wraps for so long. who managed to exert that kind of power and senator marsha blackburn is demanding ans here, joe. >> there's so many questions when you bring up jeffrey epstein and how did the cameras in the jail cell where he apparently committed suicide, how did those go off at the exact time so there's no evidence of what may or may not have happened? there's always mystery surrounding epstein and obviously all these people that we were talking former presidents here and we just mentioned in that report. bill clinton was mentioned more than 50 times but no evidence of
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illegality and former president trump, same deal and no reference to illicit behavior and al gore who ran for president, he's mentioned here and all the folks talking about here, bill richardson, new mexico governor or allen berdershiwitz and i'm not defeng epstein and he's one of the most horrible people on the planet and all the people connected in terms of socializing, we may not know what happened after he entered the home. liz: clinton was 23 and seven years older than clinton's own daughter chelsea when he was about 50 years old and the other names that could surface reportedly include reid hoffmann of linked in, larry summers,
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woody allen and the other thing is here, joe, fox business' hillary vaughn asking senator ddick durbin if he'll subpoena the flight logs of epstein's plane. you'll see hillary vaughn trying to get answers out of, you know, dick durbin. i don't know if we have that footage but, senator marsha blackburn, why won't they approve the subpoena request to unseal the night logs? >> we're seeing footage of hillary vaughn here with dick durbin now and asking why we don't subpoena them. he said i know who episeen was but don't nonyl about the issue. how do you not know anything about the issue? this is one of the most notorious sex traffickers we've ever seen and dozens upon dozens of young girls and you'd think a top senator wants answers around this and for whatever reason, he wants to move onto other things now at this point.
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this whole thing is strange and will continue to debt stranger every time shotgun something else is released. liz: jeff re-epstein was stricted of procuring a child of prostitution in 2008. federal officials allegedly sexually abused and ayred in july 2019 and federal charges for sex trafficking in new york and it's not a good luck for any snout torr saying we're not going to use is for the american people and victims what was going on and they deserve transparency and why not get the flight logs out there? >> precisely. we think about the first time and i have a young daughter and can't think about what happened but the point is that if they
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just convicted him and put him in jail the first time when they could have, so many other victims could have been saved from this man, we should have lawmakers starting with senators starting with the dick durbins of the world that should be saying we want as much information as possible because there could be other people that are still around connected to epstein and conducting this sort of behavior at this point. the point about bill clinton by the way and epstein said that bill clinton likes them young. what does young mean. monica lewinsky was 23 and 23 you're 50, that's young. that doesn't mean the president was with a 14 or 13-year-old told to go with him. i don't like all the speculation around this and i don't think it really means anything, you know. liz: yeah, but, you know, you wonderful place herb because hillary clinton is a key player in the biden reelection campaign. joe concha, thank you for joining and yous good to see you. be sure to tune in tomorrow and we'll have senator marsha blackburn, she'll join us on what we were just talking about.
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her request to get a subpoena out there to unseal all of jeffrey epstein's flight logs on what that plane was, called the lo lita express. share woman of house education virginia foxx, arizona concongressman andy bigs and ste forbes is here and misleads america on biden's stewardship and the impeachment case against homeland security case chief mayorkas and the white house cannot specifically name what president biden has done to secure the border. what's behind this horrendous video gone viral and a judge attacked bay felon in a courtroom? we'll explain that one. plus, trump tries to beat biden at his own game and got union endorsements and president of the teamsters and met with the
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. liz: joining us now is media chairman and forbes and steve and this is a kitchen table election. it's about the economic stewardship of president biden
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and making false claims about the economy and about their cutting any debt and reaction to this. and two years reduce the debt 1.7 billion. 1.7 billion. the largest deficit re-suction in american history. we literally cut the federal debt in half by $1.4 trillion. 1.4 trillion. just this year. by $1,070,000,000,000. $1,700,000,000,000 cut. >> if you look at graph of
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inflation, it literally goes straight down. >> it does, and also there was deficit reduction of the national debt in the legislation. liz: what do you say, steve? >> they came up with the phrase the big lie and a year and a half ago joe biden was saying i'm the get deficit cutter and the next fiscal year in the next year and the deficit it's councilled from a little over $1 trillion to $2 trillion and nobody with a trade straight face is saying he's trying to control spending. tries to make run arounds for the supreme court by increasing the deficit and forgiving student loans, which he doesn't have the authority to do. in terms of tax cut and the like, the tax cuts of donald trump and the economy grew and revenues grew and the problem with washington is not a revenue problem, it's a spending
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problem. liz: he's taking credit for pandemic spending that went away and their own spending expires and now taking credit for the deaf kit going down and innation is 17.5% compounded under the president and one of the worst of any president in mooder u.s. history and they're bake the national debt on tax cuts. >> the economy started to break out from the sluggish growth and poor performance in the last 12 years when trump took office and trump passed in december of 2017 and guess what happened, the economy started showing real growth rates before covid hit and let people create the
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resources they create and invest what they create and good things happen and this administration is going the opposite direction and are you better off today than thee years ago when joe biden came in and 1 president .5% inflation and good growing chips act and look what happened since. liz: he inherited a growing economy. >> absolutely. liz: cbo numbers and federal tax revenues at 3.2 trillion in 2016 and then they went up and they soared to 4.1 trillion after the trump tax cuts and what do you make of the biden campaign and spent millions on campaign ads touting bidenomics but that failed. more and more polls, biden's polls are dropping to the 30s and going back to the play book
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and agencies getting overturned for agencies they've made un-democratically and decisions on student debt and that's not democratic and real threat to democracy are run away agencies and run away spending and this administration is guilty of both to the highest degree. first degree. liz: yeah, we saw a new report and nearly $750 billion in new regulation. that's the cost of new regulation under this biden white house. steve forbes, thank you so much. good to see you. come back soon. >> thank you. liz: house lawmakers are moving ons impeachment case against homeland security secretary mayorkas on t "the evening edit" coming up. ♪
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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liz: house homeland security ready to launch a series of impeachment hearings into homeland security secretary mayorkas much the first coming next week. the border crisis is karineing out of control under president biden is that's what border authorities are saying. fox news aishah hasnie on capitol hill with the latest. reporter: elizabeth, good evening to you. for the past year house homeland security republicans have been investigating secretary mayorkas' job on the border and now they'll lay out their evidence in a series of impeachment proceedings and the first one happens next wednesday, january 10th and these proceedings are expected to culminate in the markup of articles of impeachment. we don't know when that will happen and final formal step before sending articles to house for a vote. committee chairman mark green says our investigation made clear this crisis finds its foundation in secretary
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mayorkas' decision making and refusal to enforce the laws passed by congress. here's how secretary mayorkas is responding today. >> i don't have time for words like that. we are focused here on solutions. i don't have time for politics, we're focused on solutions. reporter: now, this impeachment push could very well complicate negotiations happening right now over in the senate on a border deal. secretary mayorkas has been heavily involved in those talks and that could be a big problem in the house. congressman chip roy told me mayorkas cannot be in the room negotiating with senators on a bill if the senate support it is and he hopes that impeachment push will not undercut any border deal. liz: aishah hasnie, thank you so much, good to see you. we have breaking news coming in and bring in congressman andy biggs from house judiciary and
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oversight. congressman, house judiciary fired off a letter to garland and mayorkas saying they're stone walling on border information about the terrorist who is have been caught at the boarder and criminal illegal aliens caught at the border. can you tell us more about this breaking news? >> yeah, here's what's going on, the department of homeland security and doj are prohibiting us from getting information that we need weather regarding to the terrorists and how they're processing him. we want to know about the fisa. there's reports they used fisa and we want to get to the bottom of that as well. the third thing i'll tell you about this is we know that the dhs inspector general is also testifying cpi complaining that the same two individuals and departments are slow walking and stone walling information he's
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trying to get on border enforcement and everything from terrorists that are coming in and potential terrorists coming in, criminal activity coming in and we're demanding again for further action on the part of these individuals secretary mayorkas and attorney general garland. by the way, liz, i'll tell you that we sent one previously just a couple months ago and another one about a month ago asking for more information. they continue to deny giving us this information. liz: congress has a constitutional duty to do oversight. congressman, is there a chance here that things are so out of control that maybe because it's so chaotic, they don't have the information? i know that congress asked goa to follow up and inspector generals are trying to get this information. we've tracked the data and anywhere from 1200-1300 terrorists on the watch list caught at the border. there's nearly 2 million got aways and about 40,000 to 50,000 criminal illegal aliens crossing
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and is it -- maybe they done have the information and hectic and out of control. >> well, that would be consist with what the inspector general found because what the inspector general found is 75% of the aliens release intoed the country, think about it, we're talking 8-9 million people, of those 75% we have lost absolute contact with. we have no idea where they went and so i don't want to give these guy as break, the cbp agents are working their tails off to accumulate this information but the department itself is slow walking whatever information they have to the ig and also to us. liz: so, congressman, the impeachment case against mayorkas, what are the high crimes and allegations here? >> first thing is he's aiding ag and abedding an invasion into -- abetting an invasion into the
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country and dereliction of duty. he's failed to bring operational control of the border and he's said he count care about the statutory definition and in his mind he thinks he has operational control. also, this notion you don't hold people in detention till their operation status is adjourned or adjudicated and he's willfully defied the statutory obligations he has. he's willfully lied to congress and we've asserted that and believe that's the case and we think the evidence demonstrates that and there's a whole plethora of what's going on and he own this is and he's designed this boarder and when he says he's bringing it under control, when you have another record number of apprehensions in december plus the got aways so
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you're well over 4 million people tried to enter the country or did last month, this is an invasion. liz: let's watch white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre and couldn't name any specific tangible actions the biden white house did to secure the boarder and asked about that and couldn't name it. show what the president did from day one and according to the white house and house oversight and vbp this. is what the president has been doing as border authorities say he collapsed the bordered and nearly 300 executive action and stopped border wall production and stopped remain in mexico and suggest to freeze deportations for 100 days and much, much more. your word on that? they say they're securing the border and behind the scenes this is what's going on.
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>> yeah, this is what's happening, liz is he's actually encouraging people to come in illegally. the money he wants trust worthy congress is to speed up the distribution of these people, the processing and distribution throughout the country and stopping the ngo and new state law and gives the power state authorities listen to texas governor, they professe sanctuary cities and sanctuary states and they want to welcome them in until they do come in. and when they come in, they say no, no, no. we don't want them here. if the biden administration enforcing the immigration laws passed by congress and mayors of
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new york and new jersey and chicago, ethnicity, they not be having these problems. when joe biden came into office and when mayorkas came into office, they eliminated enforcement of immigration laws and that change in climate led to the all time record breaking number number and people crossing the border illegally. liz: what do you say, congressman? >> he's exactly right. they don't enforce the border laws. there's 1.5 million people that have actually gone through due process and have a removal order, and ice cannot go get them and remove them. you know what slows down the incentive to come in the country illegally? removals, deportations. those people have had due process and mayorkas said no, we're not going to deport them or remove them. there's nothing humane about what he's done and there was nothing humane. i agree with governor abbott and remind everybody about the u.s. v arizona case from 12 year ago
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where if the federal government vacated the field, then the states can enforce border security immigration laws. they have, the actually government totally vacated the field and left it wide open. there's a reason it's being called an invasion and article four and second four and letting states take action. liz: the back story on the viral video and a criminal savagely attacked a judge during his sentencing for assault and battery. that's coming up. first, check in with our friends jackie deangeles in for dagen and going to hear from sean too. what do you got fired up -- what's firing up next hour on the bottom line? >> thank you, emac. great show coming up. joe biden wants us all to believe he's trying to circuit court the border all the while he's going to the supreme court that i canning chew that texas takes down the razor wire to
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keep migrants out and we have chris oliveras here on that and pressuring the republican congress to pass his agenda. >> it's amazing. joe biden and the white house want more money to solve all the problems they've caused, nicole malliotakis is here on that and deroy murdock and talking about hunter's sugar bro reportedly working on this documentary to set the record straight. >> going to be amazing. >> we'll see you soon. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others. preservision.
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liz: okay, this shocking moment, a las vegas judge attacked by a felon in court as the judge was preparing to sentence him in an assault and battery case. fox news william language mess with more. >> the judge thought he deserved probation because he wasn't a violent person. he said he turned his life around and deserved a break. judge mary kale kay holtes questioned that and given his reigns leading of assault and domestic violence. >> >> i'm in a better place in
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my life. i'm not on drugs and i'm not out there committing crimes now. >> three felonies, gross nine misdemeanors and multiple dvs and a lot going on, sir. >> yeah, i turned my life around. >> battery on protected person, robberies. >> the attorney also wanted to have no jail time and called his client a good risk. a career prosecutor disagreed prompting the attack. >> appreciate that but i think it's time he get a taste of something else because i can't with that history. accord answer with the laws -- in accordance with the laws of the state of nevada -- >> he now faces six additional felonies and seven misdemeanors and that's more than four yearss
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and he was scheduled to appear in court but refused transport from jail and will be arraigned on monday with a different judge. liz. liz: william, thank you for your reporting there. joining us is the national vice president of the fraternal order of police joe gammaldi. that footage is horrendous. what do you make of this attack in the courtroom? >> it's a stark remainder of the american people when the dirt bags are capable of in their propensity for violence and he's so overwhelm that had he's going be held accountable for his accounting standards boards and before that he was telling them i turned my life around and i'm not the rebellious type and obviously he's full of crap and he does a headline over the desk immediately afterwards and he's not to be trusted and this is a career criminal with over 12 arrests but in true revolving door fashion, he's only being held on a $54,000 bail so he'll probably post that 10% and be right back out. it's completely absurd.
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liz: don't you think they'll try to throw the book at him? you can't attack a judge like that. >> i certainly hope they're going to throw the book at him but, you know, the track record in a lot of courtrooms isn't too good but someone like that should be held with no bail and they should be seeking the maximum on him. he should be looking at 20 years in prison for jumping over that and let's be honest. if someone hadn't pulled him off that judge, he would have killed her. liz: any thing too, joe, we're tracking the stories and a lot of media coverage with a record number of police officers. 378 police officers and that's a 60% increase from 2018 and that's one officer shot every 23 hours and 115 ambush attacks and 46 officers can i recalled by
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gunfire. the worst part about it, liz, there's not been a peep from president guiden about this historic violence and clear he doesn't give a damn about our nation's law enforcement. liz: anybody reached out to the cheat house and said what's going on? the justice department saying police officers need help. >> we're sending constant monthly updates about officers shot across the thinking he could condemn the epidemic of law enforcement in the country and call for house republicans to pass the protect and serve act and make it a federal crime to knowingly assault a police officer and maybe get a handle on this. liz: so who will you guys endorse for president? former president trump met with the teamsters president, sean o'brian and had a question about worker issues and former president is reaching out to
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unions and what about the police union? we hear the fire department union is not yet endorsing joe biden? what do you guys think? >> well, you know, our precedence is voted on our members nationwide. we have a unique way to have members speak and i'd be shocked if they don't endorse a republican because president biden has shown over and over he's got going to support law enforcement and historic violence against us over the last three years and he's remained silent throughout. the silence from the white house has been deafening on this issue, liz. liz: got it, joe gamaldi, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. liz: sure. this story coming up, billionaire donor bill cassiakmancalling on the board d to step down after claudine gay stepped down and admitted she didn't do enough to denounce campus anti-semitism and congresswoman virginia foxx joining us next.
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iev plan. elizabeth: joining us now, chair virginia foxx. what did you make of it. this story. harvard's out going president claudine gay wrote
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an op-ed for "new york times," saying she resigned on stop quote, political demagogues, weaponizing what happened to her after she didn't forcefully denounce campus calls for jewish genocide, and now she fl blames race, what did you think? >> it isn't based on racism it based on her record and what happened in the hearing on december 5. i think that is wrong of her to blame it on manage that it isn't. elizabeth: congresswoman, claudine gay also said, in the op-ed, she quote, fell into a well-laid trap, set by congress. how is her failure to to answer a no-brain aer question about campus calls for jewish genocide about how that violates harvard codes of conduct, how is
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that a well-laid trap. >> there was no trap. we decided soon after the demonstrations started, october 7 we wanted to have a hearing to bring in president to find out what they were and were no not doing since they were not responding properly to anti-semitism that was considering on their campus -- occurring on their campus it was disgusting, there was no trap, we did our oversight, we're there to protect the students, people of this country expect the presidents of the campuses to keep their students safe, the jewish students were telling us they did not feel safe, that is our job, we wanted to know what they were going to do to change the atmosphere on campus. not a trap. they all agreed to come. i met with them briefly the day before. there was no trap -- involved and every one of
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our members asked o excellent questions, the whole idea to say why weren't you recognizing the anti-semitism and doing something about it. elizabeth: we read the op-ed, almost feels like it is another world, like alice in wonderland, falling through at looking class when you hear rationalization and self justification. critics say there is a continued denialism on president of campus presidents like claudine gay that shatters public trust. >> that is the world they live in now. they are living in a world of denial. they are totally out of touch with what is happening in the world. that was the whole point of the hearing. they were not paying attention to the students, they were listening to them, about their fear, they were not doing anything about
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anti-semitic demonstrations, that is why we brought them in, you are right. they are -- the ivory tower is an appropriate term for these people, but poison ivies is a better use for them. they are the poison ivies, and living in an ivory tower, it our intention to hold them accountable for what they are doing again, not doing on the campuses, and we're not ending with this hearing. we're investigating all -- a lot of campuses, but especially these three. elizabeth: so, how do you hold them accountable? >> well, we have legislation that will be coming out. we'll make sure that there is a lot more transparency about what is happening on the campuses, and how taxpayer dollars are being spent. and you will see. when our legislation comes forward -- we have started with the deterrent act, they have not been reports the
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foreign gifts they have been receiving, they have been hiding those, we know there is a correlation between the foreign gifts and the anti-semitic actions that are happening on the campuses, we'll beholding them accountable. with a lot more transparency and a lot more information coming out. elizabeth: foreign donations from places like middle east coming into the colleges? >> yes, ma'am. elizabeth: we'll watch for that, congresswoman virginia "fox natifoxx thank you, that was an interesting interview, i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you so watching the "evening edit" on fox business. we had a jam-packed hour, we'll keep delivering breaking news to you, but now time for "the bottom line" hello hello -- jackie and sean. sean: thank you, emac it was


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