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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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ng care of them, maybe your home could do the same for you. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number-one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. >> they're encouraging the flow of migrants. they're basically telling people get on that train, go north, go to the united states of america because i am the president of mexico and fight for you to make sure to get a work permit and you can live there. >> this is no way to run a government, certainly no way to run a world when there are two wars going on in the middle east and europe and a potential third conflict with china in the taiwan straights. >> it's a red herring to distract from the affordability
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crisis, the there are 3 trillion in regulations on small businesses. >> our priorities are so far flown away from the american people and protecting our sovereignty and safety that thet the basics against us. stuart: man i, loved this song when it came out in the early 60s. lauren: bruce springsteen and you don't like. you still like mic jagger. >> he can't even get moten satisfaction listening to satisfaction. stuart: exactly. you producers, next time i want mcjagger and the markets down 270, s&p down 22 and nasdaq down
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60 points. red ink today and big tech, where are we with that? we're mostly, actually a couple of them are higher, alphabet, amazon up, meta, microsoft, apple down. the 10-year treasury yield right around 4%, 402 to be pri sighs. okay, folks, now this. defense secretary lloyd austin is still hospitalized and been there since new year's day. we don't know why he's there, and we don't know why there was a delay in informing the president. we better find out because for days there was a breakdown in the chain of command at a time when american troops were under attack. first, mysterious elected medical procedure that put austin in the hospital right before christmas. what was it? austin says, no, no, no, it's private. the defense secretary in a time of war. the public needs to know the nature of your illness and whether it interferes with your decision making. second, why the delay in telling the president.
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the chair of the joint chiefs knew. we don't know why he didn't immediately tell the commander in chief. the pentagon press secretary was asked if austin told people to be quiet. he did not answer directly "that is one of the things we'll be looking at in terms of process improvement". austin himself has taken full responsibility for the secrecy surrounding his hospitalization. he's apologized for the lack of disclosure. frankly, that's just not good enough and the administration is bungled again and it looks like amateur hour and biden is trying to shut things down and wouldn't accept his resignation and not all part of the presidential election and austin has performed poorly and should be fired immediately. it's not going away. he was hospitalized but we don't know why he's still there or why he went a wall. third hour of varney starts now.
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♪ stuart: jimmy failla is with us this morning, thank goodness. should austin be fired in >> yes, if the biden administration wants to retain any credibility at all. why in they told us, stu, they were going to be the most transparent administration in history and apparently the biden white house transparent is a man that want as baby and we were told when biden won back the white house and the adults are back in the room. fear not, america, order has been restored and things are under the adults. they're in the hospital and not telling us. which is not only a slap in the face to walk by but a slap in the face to biden. they essentially thought he was not on a need to know basis and he was not an essential worker and essential worker during the pan democrat and i can will we have a chain of command because of the president of the unit
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deeming someone a essential worker. chaos and basic lack of respect for the guy at the top of this thing. stuart: maybe they didn't tell the president but they did tell the president, they did tell the people who have been acting. see what i mean. >> biden is at the kitty table and spent most of my life and you bring me on and you're nice and they cut up my pizza in the green room for me. i know what's happening to the president, i get it. stuart: you really think that? >> we're fighting like -- kind of fighting multiple wars with all the aid giving ukraine and support and we're rightfully giving to israel and ukraine as well. the idea that we could have the guy at the tippy top of our military just off the grid for four days and that's somehow acceptable and all the speeches about protecting democracy and the guy that would have to protect it and if the game was on the line. giving the procedure to get it. there's no right to be derelict in his duty.
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none, that's facial. stuart: you got it. fireable. stuart: got it. watched you on the story this morning and new survey, lots of new surveys as you well know shows that employers are now looking to hire old reworks and more of the reasons is that some gen z youngsters are taking their parents to job interviews. jimmy, i'm sorry, it's a new survey. i do not believe that anybody takes their parents to a job interview. duoyou know anybody like that? >> i've never met that person to be clear. if i had, you can't hire that employee. why? because if the parent is showing up to the job interview and they're telling you they're so desperate getting the monster kid out of the house and contributing it and nothing to society you don't want this kid. stuart: listen to some of the other reasons like gen z kids. 53% of employers said recent college graduates struggle with eye contact. 50% said they asked for unreasonable compensation. 47% said they don't dress
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appropriately for interviews, 21% said they refuse to turn their cameras on for virtual interviews. what's that all about? >> thank the smart phones, social media, and the pandemic. it's a combination of the three. a lot of people weren't socialized. okay, i have a whole generation of kids my son's age age that don't look at you when they talk to you, it's bizarre. the problem with social media is everybody, the whole fake it till you make it mentality. everybody is crushing it on social media. if you open up instagram, everybody is hotter, everybody's balling, yet somehow 70% of the country thinks we're headed in the wrong direction. the problem is there's no instagram filter for a job interview. you can't mask in-person all of the defects your phone has been able to correct when building your avatar. that's the hook. i got on stuart varney because i'm this good in person. you should see me on instagram. super hunk. my gosh. who is that? brad pitt? what's he doing on varney?
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>> one thing, add the parents. if they're not telling their kids to make eye contact on a job interview. >> he make as quick point i'll get out of the way, family privilege is a thing. white privilege but family privilege matters. if you came from a family that modeled excellence and decent behavior and good attitude and self-reliance, you win in life. stuart: i'll give you a promo for your festival. what do you have for us? >> do you ever. my new standup special on fox nation is called they're just jokes. why? because we have a generation of people that don't know the difference between a joke and hate crime. i talk about a lot of controversial things in my special and not going to be a shock jock or provocative. i'm going because true equality in the country happens when we treat people as equals. if you take a subject or group of people saying you can't make fun of them. that's not equality. that's back to the kid dy table and i'm letting everybody come into the splash zone. stuart: was your joke you have a
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6'5-inch son. >> oh, lincoln. people say do you want to know sot audience gets it? people say i talk about student loan forgiveness. it's a controversial issue and aren't you concerned as a dad for the growing tuition? i say, no, my son is 6'5 and he's getting a women's basketball scholarship. >> varney seal. saturday night and jimmy failla on fox news. >> maiden voyage, stu, we're moving up. stuart: we broke ground. >> saturday night kid. stuart: i'll tape it. >> you're coming on, i promised everybody. me and taylor swift. stuart: taking all of mike murphy's time. >> it's the right thing to co. the question posed in the prompter, is this the year to change your investment plan? yes or no? >> no. stuart, we've talked about this for years now. people will get overwhelmed with headlines that tell them they should shift into mid capsicly
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cal stocks and foreign debt and emerging market ten years versus two years and worked over the last 100+ years staying in the market and investing and rather than trying to time, there'll be pull backs and there's been pull backs and every single time without without fail, we've had a pull back and markets made new highs. stuart: eventually. >> well, add eventually if you'd like. stuart: i can't wait five years for the comeback. >> you said tafanely to me five years ago and here we are now. go to the tape. stuart: move on. looking at movers and you're looking at boeing. lauren: ripple effects from the weekend grounding of 737 max 9 after the door panel blew off an alaska airlines flight stock down 1%. stuart: why is united up? lauren: they found loose parts on the max 9 and cancellations
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in the country and stock up 1.6%. double upgrade and all the way on bank of america giving them a $56 price target and like the demand they're seeing and like united's balance sheet. stuart: murphy wouldn't touch an airline with a 10-foot pole. >> i would not. but there's only two companies that make airplanes and a pullback on beau asking a opportunity to buy it. beau asking a opportunity to buy -- boeing is a opportunity to buy. lauren: cyber truck, tesla. >> i don't have one yet. i'm on the list. stuart: you wanted one? >> yes, i look forward to getting it. lauren: stock down 2.4% and that cyber truck is tool, new, catalyst and bullet proof. they keep posting, they, essential media posting videos of it getting stuck in the snow. that's, if you have a pickup truck, you don't want it stuck in the snow. stuart: you want to bring your cyber truck out to my farm and see what it can do. >> deal, i'll be there. can i bring jimmy.
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lauren: are they invited inside? stuart: no, no strangers in the house. >> now we're strangers. stuart: coming up, house oversight chair james comer vows to hold hunter biden accountable for not showing up for a closed door testimony. are they holding him in contempt of congress? we'll ask russel fry. power ranking showing trump very significant lead in the 2024 race. can anyone catch him? can anyone overtake him at this point? mayorkas said majority of illegal migrants removed, returned or expelled from the country. that doesn't sound right. mark sam brings it up to speed on that, next. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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>> the ma jordy city of all migrants encountered at the southwest border through yacht this administration have been removed, returned, or expelled. a mar joyty of them. stuart: majority of them returned, expelled out of america. sheriff, penal county sheriff mark slam with us. was that a lie, sheriff? >> it wasn't the truth. whatever the opposite of the truth is. every american sees it very different. new york, chicago, denver, arizona, texas. we'll all tell you very different than what he just
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said. stuart: yeah, we understand there's a new caravan forming up maybe 2,000 strong. 20 million hispanics in america and sanctions against venezuela and end the blockade against cuba and earlier on the program, sheriff, we said those are just humiliating demands to make upon america. what say you service delivery >> i agree, stuart,they sea weal blood in the water. putin invaded ukraine and why china is threatening taiwan. hamas went into israel. they see nothing but weakness from the administration and now you have the president of mexico that's done nothing to help with this border situation and now
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he's making demands on us too. this is par for the course with this administration because they've shown nothing but weakness. stuart: you're in penal county, that's not actually on the border. a few miles from the boarder and what impact from all the thousands of migrants in your county away from the border? >> we're one county off. we're 52 miles off the border on the south end where the indian reservation is. there's no wall there. so where you see a lot of people coming in through lukeville and a lot continue to migrate north through the reservation into counties like mine, but we've seen a 377% increase in the last few years and pursuits and involving human smuggling and seen 461% increase in pursuits involving human smuggling and 61% increase in fentanyl seizures in my county in the last few years because these meek administration policies regarding the boarder and they
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failed to secure the boarder and person that should be held accountable for that is not just joe biden but mayorkas and they're looking into impeaching him. stuart: if you impeach him and remove him, nothing changes, does it? we'll have the same policy working for the same boss, joe biden and nothing changes in the immediate future. >> i love doing this job but i realize i can protect mine from the wolves a has to go hunt the wowolves at some point and thats what it means to put america first and this is the why i'm running for the u.s. senate and we've got to make changes and they're not doing it in washington and congress has the ability to hold this administration with the power of the purse and they do so with mccabe and i'm really
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disappointmented and anybody working the border is disa disappoappoappoappointed and obg cerumen ragaini dorman and he'd have gotten a better obrado r and he'd have gotten a better deal. stuart: ambulance workers and ambulance workers at the border. what's going on? ashley: yeah, especially in the border town of eagle pass, which we show almost every day in texas. they're put ago huge strain on the city emergency and one of the five ambulances full-time just to transport injured migrants and suffering from exhaustion and hypothermia as well as pregnant women in distress and the eagle pass fire department is spending about $150,000 a month on ambulance
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costs just responding to migrants. a cost that's normally covered by patients or health insurers but in the case of migrants, nope, there's no coverage. it's a huge budget buster on top of everything else and same story for the local police department and a small force being overwhelmed for migrants surging across the boarder and they're all working overtime and killing the budget as well. they're totally feeling the strain as you can imagine, stu. stuart: yes, they are. ashley, thanks very much. check the markets real fast, please. dow still down about 230, 240 and the nasdaq come back a bit. only down 26. and a 15-point loss for s&p. coming up, administration spent nearly $2 billion on the clean school bus program. ordered by the epa says the plan has mayor flaws and deputies try to remove trump off the ballot in some states, republicans are going full steam ahead on impeaching the president. is this tit for tat situation?
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we'll ask congressman russel fry next. ♪
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jake time for this day in history, american built. on january 9, 2007, steve jobs introduced apple's first iphone. the 4 gigabyte model cost $499 and 8 gig model cost $599. now you know, january 9, 2007. don't forget to watch american built on mondays, 8:00 p.m. eastern only on fox business prime. quick check of the markets and dow is down more than 200 points, 229 to be precise. modest loss for the nasdaq and s&p. mike murphy with me with his stock picks. first off, tesla. >> tesla. so year-to-date it's pulled back about 6% and this is a opportunity here in the mid 230s to own the stock if you never have before pulled back from 260 in the last week of the in 2023. there's a quick upside here. long term and this knock on mus and can personal acts, whatever the story broke and this is an easy trade, i think, but long
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term this is a company that's re-inventing the auto industry. stuart: all the industries on musk himself and not a problem for the stock long term. >> there's always problems on musk and the problem it's created. stuart: amazon? >> love them but the stock around 150 and recent high around 155 and consumer is strong and spending and they have the aws business and look for amazon to hit that 188 level. this year a trade off that high. stuart: trading at 188. this calendar year of 2024? >> write it down. stuart: i was trying to. okay. i will. amazon, got it. thanks indeed. legal woes for both trump and biden intensifying as primary season kicks off. that's next week. iowa next week. hillary vaughn outside the u.s. district court in washington dc. give us the latest legal
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developments for both candidates please, hillary. >> stuart, a lot on the line for former president trump and skipping the campaign trail before the iowa caucus-backed suspended ands here in court -- iowa caucus here in court and dc and attendance is operational and the court is deciding whether or not president trump is entitled to presidential immunity but if they decide this could drop the gavel on president trump's legal problems and going for tram and alleged efforts and 2020 election and going for the case to go to trial. three judge panel and it's appointed by president biden for two and president trump was acting in his capacity and special council are official acts and not private conducts and therefore covered by the immunity clause. representing the government's side and assistant special council member and and a frightening future and trump for
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the behavior. >> never before has there been allegations that a sitting president has with private individuals and using the levers of power sucks to fundamentally submerge the democratic republic and electoral system and it arises again and it would be awfully scary if there weren't some sort of mechanism by which to reach that. criminally. >> trump's attorney said it's not that trump is immune from the impeachment laying out in the constitution if not appropriate. >> they have to be i want peached and convicted under for the last 235 years. that's not frightening, that's not republic.
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we have the prosecution of the chief political opponent and eventual election next year and prosecuted by the administration he's sticking to. >> now we wait for the court to issue their decision. it could be days or weeks and ultimately the supreme court is going to have to weigh in on this. stuart. stuart: hiking hillary, thank yu indeed. house oversight chair holding bind accountable paperwork for families failing to appear for a congressional committee. >> we're sending a message loud and clear, we expect people to comply with our lawful subpoenas regardless of what your last name is and the days of the federal government turning a behind eye to the president's family's corruption is over. we expect the president's son to come in and answer specific questions about bank records that we have. stuart: okay, congressman russel fry is a republican from south carolina and joins me now.
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congressman, will you hold hunter biden in contempt of congress. >> my vote is to uphold the rule of law and institution of the house and you cannot defy the subpoena and you'll do that in and get locked up and thrown in jail. he sat there and went to the senate side and skipped town in a suburban and time to hold him accountable and we're not the department of justice and we're not going to give him a pass because his last name is biden. time for accountable and he needs to testify. stuart: when you say contempt of congress, when do you lay that charge on him and get a response? >> tomorrow the committee will meet both in the house judiciary and oversight committee and hoping to have that formal markup and then it'll proceed to the floor where i anticipate he's held. stuart: holding in contempt of congress and what's the penalty for that? >> the penalty is up to $200,000 fine and up to un-one year in jail and that goes to secretary,
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doj and then they prosecute but they have a history of prosecuting people who have failed to come before congress so we expect them to do the same if we have this vote. stuart: you're expecting the department of justice under president biden to actually fine and put in prison the president's son, really? >> correct. if you look at just last year, they've done this and when congress has held people like steve bannon in contempt of congress, they've pursued him and we expect them if we hold this vote and he's held in contempt to do the same. stuart: are some people, outside observers looking at what's going on saying this is a tit for tat thing and you guys tried to impeach the president and go after his son. tit for tat. a lot of peep don't like it. what do you say? >> i disagree with that characterization and people believe that joe biden acted unethically or illegally and it's really important that we
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build our case and you happen like democrats we're building brick by brick and laying out the case and this isn't some predetermined outcome like the democrats had with president trump and this is what the founder's intended and when somebody doesn't comply with a lawful subpoena, it's time to hold them accountable. stuart: the editorial board is calling on you to, not you personally but the republican party in the house to reach a deal on the border. stuart: are you at all close to a deal on the board instruct her jot house's position was hr2 and passed in the spring as collecting dust on senator chuck schumer's december and can our position is clear where we are right now. i hope that if they reach a deal, it actually does what it says it is going to do, which is to secure the border. we don't need continual lipstick on the pig and need the border secure and 300,000 myograns in the country last year and 270 people -- migrants in the
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country last year and 270 people on the watch list. stuart: is the border a more important issue in the election than the economy? >> i think certainly the border is the issue today if you look at what's going on on our southern border and american people when i'm in district they're talking about it constantly because they see what's going on and see 00 americans die every single day from fentanyl poisoning anded of status quo and administration is giving and right now it's the issue of the day and economy and talking about other guys feeling the pinch and the border is up on there. stuart: the truth is they only see what's going on with the border and going for that. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: ashley, come on in. i want to know what biden officials are saying about defense secretary lloyd austin today.
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ashley: austin's chief of staff ordered a 30 day investigation surrounding the hospitalization and mast warranted and the chief of staff says the review will ensure clarity and transparency and the president is being told before not considering firing austin and would not accept a resignation if austin were to offer one. biden is his team have been adamant that he remains in good standing and that biden is also to friends famously loyal and values apparently continuity in his cabinet for senior officials said "austin is going nowhere". john kirby said that biden respects the fact that secretary austin took ownership for the lack of transparency. says that austin will stay in the job. there are a lot more questions to be answered than that statement from the administration. stu. stuart: i think you're right again, ashley. well done. ashley: yeah, thank you. stuart: coming up, administration, biden campaign
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reportedly met with the new york times to tell them how they're covering the 2024 race in the wrong way. the meeting apparently didn't go well. we'll tell you all about it. insurance premier skyrocketing this year and we have the full story on what's causing the spike and how much more you can expect to pay. that's next. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you.
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so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. e stuart: some home and auto
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insurance premiums become extremely represent this year. what's behind them? >> stuart, more accidents and more weather events are forces them to hike the rates and additionally when the price of the hikes or home or car creases
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so does the cost to increase it going wrong and this is hitting them hard and i want to start with car insurance and ra ratese more expensive than ever and projected up 34.4% annually as of december but in certain states, the numbers can jump even more and look at new mexico, nevada, new jersey, michigan. all of those saw increases above 30%. california has just approved rate hikes in the range of 20-40% for various providers dbrox going into 2024 and north carolina and california, are seeking increases over 40%. and florida looking at in particular and that demonstrates the burden to consumers and for the 300,000 home, florideans pay on average $9,079 and that's more than five times the national average and we spoke to florida realtor and majorities
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for the survives. >> lower end of the spectrum or getting into it. >> we're getting them lucky, stuart. companiesare leaving high risk areas like california together and leaving many buyers and drivers unprotected. back to you. stuart: kelly, thanks indeed. mike murphy with us and these skyrocketing premiums is inflationary, isn't it? >> it's a result of inflation and kelly pointed out in the piece and prices go up and prices to ensure the property for the automobile going up. the pendulum shifts and realizing there's a business to undercut the current advisers and we have it investing in the technology space coming in and doing it better. this will be disrupted in some
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way and there'll be a way for people to continue to get help, home insurance and auto insurance. stuart: you always look on the bright side. >> as an investor, for me to say, oh, shoot, this is over with. i'm going home. what would be the point? there's opportunity. stuart: got t thanks, mike. the biden administration is dropping nearly a billion dollars on a green school bus program. ashley, are biden's green goals feasible? system of articulation ashley: certainly not in the short term and talking money in late 2021, bidened a administration awarded 62 billion across hundreds of school districts under the so-called clean school bus program and vp kamala harris calls the program historic. an audit conducted by epa last month and less than glowing and the inspection questioned the ability of utility companies to bring power lines and transformers to school districts with electric school buss and
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raising concern about adequate infrastructure and likelihood of significant delays without construction of additional charging stations. another example of sounding good in here reigns leading, not so much. stuart: i wonder if mike murphy can look on the green side. >> this will never work as ashley says. maybe going out 20 years it'll work and they're trying to throw taxpayer doll lori harmons out of something that -- dollars at something that looks good on the campaign and not feasible to do so. stuart: trump is speaking. can we listen in, please. have we got that? we'll try to get this, do you have him or not? >> he'll be the next president of the united states and our legal teams and other team made clear and direct attack on
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democracy and that cannot happen. what's here today is you all call it had and special council on ceded and it was president obama that was being prosecuted for a drone strike, they'd have to consider immunity. many it's not and it's president trump, they're taking the position that there's no immunity for the presidential acts and required when a president is carrying out his job responsibilities. >> adopt what the special council wants and adopt what president biden wants and we open the pan dora's box to political prosecution after political prosecution after political prosecution. in fact, joe biden could be prosecuted for trying to stop this man from becoming the next president of the united states. we don't need political
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prosecutions, we need political process. i'd like to introduce president trump. >> i wanted to thank you all and we had a very momentos day in terms of what was learned and what they've conceded and conceded two major points that were right in doing but they didn't have much other choice but they're very, very powerful points. and i think we're doing very well. it's very unfair when an opponent, political opponent is prosecuted by biden's doj so they're losing in every poll and they're losing in almost every demographic and they're very mind boggling if you happen to be joe biden and this is the way they're going to try to win and that's not the way it goes. it'd be a very bad thing and a bad president opening of
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pandora's box and that's a very sad thing that's happened with this whole situation. when they talk about that threat to knock seizure disorders, that's your real threat to democracy and i feel that as a president, you have to have immunity. very simple. and if you don't, as an example of this case where i had presidential immunity and did absolutely nothing wrong and i worked on very hard on another front and we have to have free election and strong borders and free election and those two things almost above all and we found tremendous voter fraud and we had a list of it and have findings if you want it and press doesn't like reporting it and we found tremendous voter fraud determinate voter fraud and we worked on that and that's what i was doing and they were talking about after. well, nothing has to do with watch i left. it was during the time, and that was what they were really
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focused on today during the appeal. they concede that and everybody concedes that and given the story at the time, there's absolute immunity so we'll see how it all works out. we have a great argument, we have an argument with a conceded two major points and it's probably a concession to ask the lawyer if he'd like to talk about it. but they conceded two points that i think were by normal standards, if it weren't me, that'd be the end of this case. but sometimes they look at me differently than they look upon others and it's very bad for our country. yesterday you saw in georgia there was an event where the district attorney is totally compromising the case that's going be dropped. they went after, i guess 18 employee that wanted to go after a lot of other people expected to go after senators. she was out of her mind.
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now turns out that that case is totally compromised. in fact, they say she's in far more criminal liability than any of the people she's looking at. i think that when you look at what happened where they pay a lawyer with absolutely no experience, $700,000 and happens to be a lover or boyfriend then they go on trips and vacations together or expensive vacations together and the reason they pay them so much is he was after me. this way they can afford to pay them a lot more and passes certain tests and that's a very sad thing that happened in georgia. i would imagine that case would be dropped. every legal analyst i've spoken to and every legal analyst that i've read said that case is so compromised now and has to be dropped and very good people were very badly hurt by that case. it's a shame. very good people. people that did nothing wrong. they did nothing different than what democrats have been doing for years and years and years
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whether it's slaves or anything else you're talking about, but they were very hurt and it turns out that she profited tremendously on that case. it's illegal, what she did was illegal. we'll let the state handle that. what a sad situation and i want to thank everybody for the fairness, we've been covered very fairly and most people agree we're entitled as a president to immunity. if you didn't have immunity, as example joe biden with the prosecutor, we're not going to give you a billion dollars unless you get rid of the prosecutor. that's after the company or son or whoever they're after. he wanted that prosecutor gone and on tape saying it or you can say the horrible job he's done at the border where our country is being destroyed or the horrible situation that took place. the lowest moment i think in the history of our country was afghanistan, the way we
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withdrew, not that we withdrew but the way and with shame we surrendered. people killed 13 great soldiers killed and many unbelievably who riffically hurt, wounded, hurt. who riffically hurt and wounded and hundreds of people died and he could be prosecuted for that. you can't have a president without immunity. tough be able to do your job. if i wasn't given immunity, other presidents that we talked about today, president obama with the drone strikes, which were very bad. they were mistakes and terrible mistakes and can't have a president in that position. i think most people understand it and we feel very confident he'd eventually hopefully at this level and eventually we win. when a president has to have immunity, and the other thing is i did nothing wrong. we did nothing wrong. the investigation of the
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election which was a rigged election and everybody knows it and just if you just look at they didn't use state legislatures, they didn't -- they went to the fbi and look at fb and i recollects twitter files with fbi and all of the horrible things that pfizer corp., the signed documents, lined and stuffing of the ballot boxes all on tape. stuffing of ballot boxes all on tape. government tape and most of the information as you know will give you some of the findings that just came out. but all of that information as you know was gotten from mostly government sources, government tapes and government files and government stat sos it's very sad when something like that happens and we wouldn't have inflation but much more importantly you wouldn't have had the ukraine situation and russia and not had the attack on israel. would have been much different
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economy right now, a great economy, and we would be respected all over the world the way we were three years ago. so i want to thank everybody very much, and we think we have a very good day today. the concession of the two major points was pretty amazing and honestly i'm very glad they did it. i think they did the right thing. thank you very much. stuart: that was former president trump speaking at dc courthouse and running the gambler mutt of charges against him in -- gamut of charges against him in other cases saying it was a political prosecution with him across the board and christopher is with us and the common sense society. a name i enjoy using. chris, he says it's a political prosecution. what say you? >> i think it's pretty clear it's a political prosecution and something former presidents have not been held up to, including extremely unpopular ones and
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something the democrats ran on doing. and smokers they've done and it kind of reminds me of how before 2016 election and maybe go o home for thanksgiving or christmas and argumenting on the target of whether the corporate media was liberal. they've now been exposed so much and same thing true for this, a lot of independent voters and other voters looking at prosecution of the voters and may have made his campaign largely about himself and as it turns out, seems to be truth about that. stuart: we were looking at the president there and he says, look, i think he looked rather humble and subdued. give me 30 seconds on that. has he learned his lesson on hammering people. joy don't know if the 80-year-old billionaires learn new tricks that much but i think the level of lawsuits he's going up against humbled him a little bit and taking them more seriously than in the past and
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this is something with implications for him and office of the executive going forward in the country. stuart: chris, thank you for joining us. always appreciate it and we'll be back with more varney after this ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, .. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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stuart: here's the trivia question for tuesday.
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the cardinal is the official bird of how many states, 3, 5, seven, or nine? murphy is going to go first. >> i will say number 2, five states. stuart: ashley is listening. what your call? ashley: number 3, seven. stuart: i am going to go with number one. i don't think there are that many. the answer is seven states. illinois, indiana, north carolina, ohio, virginia, west virginia all named the northern cardinal. i didn't know that. thanks for being with me for the our. glutton for punishment. we are out of time but coast-to-coast really does start now. ♪


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