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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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bird of how many states, 3, 5, seven, or nine? murphy is going to go first. >> i will say number 2, five states. stuart: ashley is listening. what your call? ashley: number 3, seven. stuart: i am going to go with number one. i don't think there are that many. the answer is seven states. illinois, indiana, north carolina, ohio, virginia, west virginia all named the northern cardinal. i didn't know that. thanks for being with me for the our. glutton for punishment. we are out of time but coast-to-coast really does start now. ♪
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adam: i like that song. more like samsung, you're welcome, america, good luck finding any neil diamond in the rough today, see what i did? tech investors heading for the exits. it's not happening today, not yet anyway. a backup in interest rates didn't help much. for now, stocks taking it on the chin as investors desperately try on this new year market. we are six days from iowa and we 6 days into this trading year. don't know how iowa will deal with this but david wagoner will digest how stocks will respond to this. he's coming up in a minute. grady trimble, the name neil diamond means nothing. he was a popular singer, is a
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very popular singer. he wanted to characterize what you are dealing with. i thought i would let you know that. >> where to begin. that's neil diamond right there. that is the beginning of sweet caroline. we are standing out here in the frigid iowa and despite the snow here, the show is going on for several candidates who have events today. nikki haley, at an event 10 or 15 minutes from where we are now. around 100 brave islands showed up to that event. i want to show the latest polling in iowa. we know that donald trump has a commanding lead but haley has been gaining ground here and in new hampshire and she's had to fend off some attacks from donald trump and ron desantis
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has been sliding. he's going after haley and trump. [applause] >> i appreciate all the attention donald trump has given me. is sweet and thoughtful. >> donald trump is running to address a lot of issues for him, nikki haley is running to address issues from her donors, i'm looking to address issues from you. >> one advantage for haley's campaign, she has been racking up high dollar donations, a lot of billionaire donors have poured money into her campaign. donald trump leads the field in small dollar donations. the third 1:45,023 the trump campaign had $37 million in cash on hand. jamie dimon spoke with maria bartiroma. a long time political donor often for democrats but he gets
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the appeal of haley to wall street. >> i didn't come out supporting, i said would she make a good president, i do. she's conservative, she would be a good choice. if you are a republican and she was there, should be a very good choice and i was thinking, biden versus haley would be a good thing. >> the story today is the snow forcing some candidates to cancel events but as we look at next monday the story is going to be the cold temperatures. we will see if that impacts turn out for caucus goers. adam: are getting fast and furious response to the neil diamond reference, kelly has written me to say you are aware mr. diamond was not talking about samsung when he did the song but i want you to prove it.
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bob q sack is here, renaissance man in his own right. we look at politics more than anything else. we all know neil diamond was talking about samsung and technology problems. let me ask about what six days out, looks like harsh weather and i am told it is going to be very cold weather. how will that affect turnout? >> that would favor trump. trump has been smart in saying we can't take anything for granted, so making sure people show up but it depends how strong his support is. is supported strong in iowa compared to 2016 when he lost to ted cruz, i think the weather does help the hard-core supporters of trump because you know they are coming out no matter what. neil: when it comes to iowa the
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caucus system, it is done in waves, whatever a poll shows doesn't necessarily mean the end result reflects that. sometimes even the caucus winner goes on to lose the state's delegates so explain how weird it is in a good way. >> it is weird and you can't look at the polls too closely because a lot of the times the polls are wrong. i remember on the democratic side barack obama, john edwards and hillary clinton were enough three way tie but barack obama would won relatively easily, hillary clinton was third and i will. i think that trump is in all likelihood going to win iowa and then it is facing expectations. desantis has to finish second in iowa. that's very important. haley doesn't. haley like bill belichick after a tough loss is on to buffalo,
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on to miami, nikki haley will say no matter what, onto new hampshire. neil: the press exchange from donald trump in a face-off with jack smith on his presidential immunity push. don't know where that is going but it's the legal noise around his candidacy. opponents are trying to cite that is brazen, going to be busy with that stuff but so far his supporters don't seem to care. >> has not worked so far, but remember people haven't voted yet so we shall see. some in the polling community say trump is up but maybe his support is a little soft, that's a question heading into south carolina but in the primary without a doubt it has helped with fundraising and help him politically. neil: you mentioned what democrats and others experienced in iowa, barack obama surprising people in
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2008. he would lose new hampshire next week and he and hillary clinton were in a battle to the convention. do you envision anything like that with republicans? >> the only way i can see that is if nikki haley does well in new hampshire. maybe a close second. marco rubio got bounced because he could not win his home state when he won in 2016. trump is going for the knockout punch, polls show he is winning the state again. we have a long way to go and a closing argument, people paying attention now. that is where candidates need to shine over the next month or so. stuart: got it. weather will play a role, cold weather, snow weather. it's going to be especially frigid. i had a chance to catch up with the iowa chair on this show and he says only one way it could
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directly affect voting. but does that affect turnout? what could affect turnout? >> the only thing weather related that could affect turnout is a bad ice storm that would prevent people driving their. we have 1657 precip sites. nobody has to travel a long way to get to those caucuses. minus 6 degrees is a walk in the park for us. stuart: they are used to that. i expect a different story. let's go to janice dean for her read on what she is expecting. good to see you. jackie: janice:some snow in the forecast, south of iowa but you can check back in with me. that's my line for the next week or so but what i will tell you is we had severe storms. a very big winter storm across the central us and the remnants
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of the cold front bringing potential for tornadoes. we had tornado watch is in effect in parts of florida to georgia and south carolina. many tornado warned storms, and the thunderstorms that continues to move across the southeast into georgia and south carolina. on the cold side of the storm the blizzard we had yesterday, blizzard warnings have been lifted. upwards of 8 to 12 inches of snow and blowing snow will cause some issues on the roads and the air. we will watch this part of the system but that low moves across the great lakes, and we get a wall up in the northeast starting this afternoon into the evening and tomorrow morning with very heavy rain, very strong gusty wind and with the snowpack over the weekend, that will melt the snow and we are very concerned about flooding. very likely flash flood threat
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for part of the appalachians towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast for millions on the i-95 core door. extremely concerning because we have had many months of heavy rain and the forecast especially around the tri-state area in new york. look at the power outage forecast as we deal with 70 mile-per-hour winds, that will cause tree limbs to come down, trees to come down and powerlines. that's another big concern. look at all the population, we are talking about from delmar of a towards maine, new york to boston. that is significant to see a widespread power outage forecast like that. that something we watching the overnight hours if you are traveling this afternoon into the dinnertime our and tomorrow morning, that is when travel will be difficult across the northeast. talking about the cold as we go through the work we, wednesday, thursday, friday we start to see the polar vortex start to
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move in and a reinforcing shot of cold air into the weekend and that is going to impact the caucus in iowa. negative 6, the real feel temperature, these are hardy but if there's a winter storm, i will let you know and keep you posted. neil: that is ridiculous. >> i love diners. neil: just go inside. janice, great job. happy new year. preparing a lot of us for another wicked bit of weather for 1/3 of the american people. in the path of another selloff, 9%, almost $20 billion in market value the last couple days with the 737 max 9
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problems and some loose bolts, definitely not good. ♪
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and take our time to figure out what occurred when these events happened to ensure safety in our airspace. neil: flying is very safe, haven't had any serious accidents in this country in years and years and years. having said that the 37 max 9 incident flew off, that was scary. she acknowledged this, 10,000 feet higher it would have been a more dire situation. kelly is following this, the fallout from this, worldwide search to check the safety of these planes, what are you learning. >> the they found loose, they found loose bolts, they started to inspect, and talking about the door plug, what it sounds
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like, a piece of fuselage that replaces where an emergency exit would be. are not all max 9s came to the same amount of emergency exits, they fly outside the us. telling fox in france why they continued to fly what they said despite warning lights going off. >> commercial operations, doing what they had to do to put their operations but from a safety standpoint it is pretty sad to see. >> unit is the largest aircraft carrier with 79 max 9 jets. a boeing engineer, this could
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be widespread. >> how widespread this issue is. we are focusing on the das h9. we don't know if any other plug designs are impacted by this. >> reporter: at this point, the all hands safety meeting. this as boeing stock continues to dip. >> it has lost 16 or $17 billion, the best of both worlds, and do you worry about this plane. a lot of this in the past. different makes of models.
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>> i'm secure in the knowledge they are in the bottom of it. i agree with the chairman of the ntsb, flying is the safest thing out there. getting to the airport is less safe. i'm sure you will get to the bottom of this but you got to do that and get to that point. and all employee call, that is a session that makes everybody feel a little better about the company. the work will be done in smaller groups to find what happened. neil: talking about boeing and other airlines. and retrofitting these planes to accommodate this, spirit aerosystems, the retrofit are,
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alaska airlines flight, and what do you make of these aftermarket guys, whether they are adhering to safety standards. >> a great point, one of the big issues was how they do that from one to the other. spirit on manufacturers of the plug that failed and the fuselage and aircraft, boeing takes possession of that and put it in service, what is done in between? on all those things like that? you have to make sure that marriage takes place in a better format than we are seeing. that's the critical part of a lot of what happened to boeing including previous accidents in 2018-19 where there were software issues and training issues and those kinds of things, perhaps the handoff wasn't done properly.
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neil: i was looking forward to going over this with you and the ntsb director. where and how high does the door blow off occur? i believe it was around 18,000. i am told another 10,000 feet, would have been a very different results. what do you say? >> those movies where people get blown out of airplanes and things are flying around, what that is is a dereference or pressure from inside the aircraft and outside. at 16,000 feet, which is about where we think this happened, the outside pressure is not much different than on the surface and you can breathe at 16,000. there is enough oxygen up there. the faa says 12,500 you need supplement oxygen. what happened here at a lower altitude thank goodness it was at a lower altitude. had it happened at 35,000 feet or so, you could have seen a
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different situation that's more violent. they would have tried to get out of that little hole in the fuselage. and that is serious and that could have ruined people's lives. lauren: 1 will see what happens lose the investigation is on. aviation attorney and pilot, very lucky to have him. we talked about the crazy market with samsung blue and big tech concern, electronic concern indicating problems were disappointing and great guidance going forward, some interpreted that to mean big tech run up is overdone or this is an excuse to sell. david wagoner, the portfolio manager, with us now. are you worried about this? >> i'm not worried about it at all. off of the october 27th low, nine straight weeks of the s&p higher. back to 1984 i would say a breather is healthy in the
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market and i wouldn't put any signs on that leading to a downward year in 2024. neil: this may be the downside of what you focus on. the nikkei, their version of the dow or close to it, just hit the highest level in 33 years. that was a market that was sluggish and not moving at all from the longest of times to deflation and everything else. what do we read into that and what is the effect on us if that's beginning to percolate as a lot of market certainly joined us at the end of last year? >> there's a lot of idiosyncratic stuff going on. they are benefiting from a weaker dollar and you have a lot of policy going on over there. they've had negative interest rates and they are starting to move out of that phase where it has been a boy in situ risk stocks. the market rate whether it is here domestically, benefiting
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smaller caps, doing quite well or internationally, emerging markets doing well. it's a rising tide lifting all boats. neil: i see the battle in the early part of the year that goes all right, we know interest rates won't go higher, we hope not. now the guessing game is how soon they start going lower. maybe it was a false one, getting out of their skis, the cuts could start as soon as march, that is it for the time being. what do you think right now? >> it is tough for me to make a call on the direction of rates if they remain sustainably lower or sustainably higher. the volatility in rates managed by the 10 year treasury will remain volatile throughout the remainder of the year. if we look at 2023 is a case study, we enter 2023 with the 10 year treasury at 3. 8%. we exited 2023 with the tenure
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treasury at 3.2%, given volatility, i don't think people would get the question right if you were asked where rates are headed if it was higher or lower, no one would have said they ended at the same level. neil: it would be covered rate wise, inflation isn't over or for that matter, think of an economic activity that takes place that will prevent the fed from cutting rates. >> we seen a lot of resilient data in orlando which is a little more focused on retail spending. it is very strong. if you look at the data trying to prognosticate where the fed funds rate will be in 2024-25, there's a lot of variance among the fed presidents where the federal funds rate is going to land. as of now the market is calling
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for 50% cut, a chance for 25 basis cut occurring in march. the market is pricing in 5 cuts in all of 2024. the fed, when push comes to shove, both when there's 3 cuts or 5 cuts is immaterial because it is pricing 25 basis points. over 22 months we've seen the federal funds rate increase 5. 25%. we are going to see rates higher longer but i think it will have more volatility throughout the entire year. neil: it is still early. great seeing you again. in the meantime, while david is speaking, indications not everyone is on the same page about the government shutdown. there is a rumble on the right, some calling up on the right, some calling for the speaker's head. where have we heard that before? after this.
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>> i don't think we should give more money to ukraine without forcing the change at the border. i'm not trying to rattle about shakedown, shut down the border are shut down the border until you wake up president biden and mayorkas to do the job. adam: chip roy, essentially pulled another kevin mccarthy by scrabbling to get a deal but avoids a government shutdown. no real spending savings. it in the eye of the beholder but there's pressure from the
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freedom caucus with conservative members who are not keen on this. the indiana senator mike baran running for indiana governor, good to see you. what do you make of the protests by some on the right especially the house and the freedom caucus who might be getting ready to pull another kevin mccarthy? >> the precarious margin, don't know if that makes sense, we don't want to go through the rodeo again, since coming into the senate, you've never done a budget in that entire time, not arriving at the top line. from september 1st through september 30th, it's like a useless appendage in the senate. they don't mind it.
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and they back into a corner and two reform, do what we do in all of our states with a balanced budget or statute, four or five decades, they are used to borrowing from kids and grandkids, 10 or 15 years something has got to give. neil: you want to be governor of indiana, a good many states have that. washington does not. it doesn't always happen that are woefully out of line, we've gotten used to it. >> we need a balanced budget,
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85 to 90%, democrats vote against it every time it comes up. republicans act and talk like fiscal conservatives until it gets into the things we hold dear. it has evolved the fact that we've gotten no term limits, don't have the balanced budget amendment, taking it out on kids and grandkids by $34 trillion in debt, what is one%? i took it down to 30 trillion to make the math easy. none could come up with it. that is now going to be nearing one trillion dollars a year in interest, as much as we spend on defense, medicare trust fund goes broke, then you have to deal with it. it should be done proactively, preemptively but people leading the place have no interest in it.
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neil: you need someone to win in a landslide to get anything done in washington. short of that it does. >> it will take a hard run into the ditch with 2 or 3 instances of it. the american public will start holding their leaders accountable. running a business for 37 years competition forced you not only to be good at what you are doing but live within your means. state and local governments do it. the printing press in the basement, credit card gets renewed annually. has become two factors that have become weaknesses to discipline itself. those will come home to roost, should start at the ballot box. neil: as you campaign for governor, beautiful state of
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indiana, toward wall and broad, to go down this year, they are confused. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body
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>> welcome back to cavuto coast-to-coast, donald trump was in dc, he is immune from prosecution. what these judges decide out of this hearing will be monumental for donald trump, jack smith case against him that alleges trump tried to overturn the 2,020 election. the question these judges will
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decide, his donald trump entitled to presidential immunity to behavior? john sauer says yes, he is and made the case the donald trump was acting in his capacity as president. they were official acts, not private conduct and not that presidents are immune from legal consequences but impeachment and conviction process laid out in the constitution sets the stage for that. blanket immunity for presidents is dangerous if exploited. >> what world are we living in, i understood my friend on the other side to say the president orders seal team to assassinate a political rival and resigns before in impeachment, not a connell act, president resigns or is not impeached, not a crime. that is extraordinarily frightening future. >> reporter: donald trump is in the courtroom and so was jack
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smith. they gotta taste of the case to case showdown that happened in march if the doj guests it's way. trump today says this is all political and an effort to influence the 2024 election. >> it is very unfair when an opponent, political opponent, by biden's doj, is a sad thing that happened in this situation, when you talk about threat to democracy. that's your threat to democracy. >> reporter: the court will come out with its decision, could be days or weeks but the supreme court will have the final word on this one. neil: tom dupree on legal implications, let's assume this does go to the supreme court,
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planes backing up at laguardia, they might have to do that. it's back to how long that takes. however people feel about the former president. as a legal strategy is working. >> it's the right move, to push back beyond the election. the proceedings and trial court have been frozen. when the dc circuit, that heard the argument today, they are not going to dawdle, the 200 page opinion, they get their decision outdoor correctly and at that point, they race to the
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united states supreme court to get resolved. adam: it has little sympathy for donald trump's immunity, justified in office. and how they would reflect on this. >> judging from the questions the judges in today's appeal ask they are poised to rule against donald trump, tea leaves based on judges questions along. a lot of skepticism among all three judges including one appointed by president bush, some skepticism of donald trump's position. of donald trump or to get this into the supreme court, brand-new justice is looking at this, you would have a better chance of winning in the supreme court than the court of appeals and the biggest
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challenge, granting review to take the case if they want to decide it, a mess of trump-related litigation sitting on their docket right now. neil: what if they rule in favor of the former president, can't imagine jack smith taking that line down. that would take it to the supreme court. >> if he were to lose in the dc circuit i can't imagine he would fold his tent and go down. he is very aggressive prosecutor, i have no doubt he would push this as far as he could take it. i believe that is what jack smith would do. neil: former deputy a source -- assistant general. when we get a decision of this court we will let you know. passing along information concerning stocks under
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pressure. it is down, investors, ratings service. financial results will be weaker as a result of this and not worthy of a fox alert but financial results will be under pressure. and the aircraft will continue to contribute to the scarcity of the aircraft supply. it would not be favorable. more after this. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. you always got your mind on the green. not you.
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neil: you know the movement in crypto currency, what's going on in bitcoin and doubly fascinating when i get charlie gasparino to report on this. what interests me, not for the faint of heart is the arrival of etf, exchange rate would trade bitcoin. that's a big deal.
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charles: like buying bitcoin from a broker trades on the new york stock exchange >> on wednesday if these things start, it will be the beginning of the mainstream crypto currency with the most popular and biggest one, bitcoin, etf, like a basket of stock and basket of bitcoin's, trading on the stock exchange and nasdaq. it's wickedly transformational. neil: will others be there? charles: others will try given the regulatory environment, we should point out. neil: i thought the white house hated this. charles: he came out today and let everybody know bitcoin is very speculative.
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kind of an odd statement to put out right before you approve bitcoin etf. he has to do that. it is all about disclosure. he's disclosing to the world, the investing public buyer beware, this is a crazier market than stocks and bonds which may be not crazier than over-the-counter stocks which are allowed. much of the fraud occurs on over-the-counter stocks, traded like crazy and people pumping them and putting research on them. i wonder if bitcoin is as shadowy. this is shadowy, buyer beware. he's doing this because it is going to be approved. can i guarantee that? no, but the feeling --
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neil: people like jamie dimon, technology and rogue investments. and yet his firm is involved in this. charles: if you listen to him, he's big on the block chain. less big on currency but you can go through jpmorgan. neil: talking about both sides -- charles: larry fink of black rock, fraudulent, kill it and came around and said i don't think that's the case. he has made the case bitcoin has lasted so today's tuesday, tomorrow is dj -- d-day. gary gensler hates it. neil: would have thought more percolated.
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charles: that's why you're sailing it. do you hate doing that? charles: you turn out with a certain guy at another network, they follow all his calls. i feel for him because this is not -- neil: i would go with your restaurant calls. charles: i'm very good, us charles: neil: the steakhouse. and by the way, every now and then,. does a good steak. the guy that really runs it is nelson. neil: we covered everything, food for thought. charles: how was your bitcoin? lauren: 1 after this.
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