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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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we've got a modest loss for the dow industrials down 58 points, the nasdaq holding on to a 5 point again. the 10 year treasury yield, where is that, right at 4.02%. the price of oil $73 a barrel and bitcoin, they okayed a batch of etfs using bitcoin, gone up to $48,600. now this. the president wants to reassure his supporters that he's up to the job. how does he do that when his public appearances have been less than reassuring, the washington post reports he's holding a series of private lunches with top donors and supporters. he has to handhold the powerful. jeffrey katzenberg is co-chair of the campaign that's holding these, 4 to 8 attend, those with money and political clout.
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there's nothing wrong with this. any president should get in touch with people outside with the post calls the presidential bubble, but in the background are widespread doubts about the president's energy, his mental toughness and his ability to do the job for 5 more years. those are serious doubts. senior democrats up in public with their concerns. barack obama has been critical of biden's campaign. that's why these private lunches are being held. the president can impress his guests and privately assure the democrat power elite that he still got what it takes. he is desperate to hold onto his party. if only he could offer reassurance to the whole country publicly. the two campaign speeches he has given this year failed to generate confidence in valley forge and charleston he appeared tired, slurred his words and had to be directed offstage by the first lady. all he had to offer was fear mongering about trump. if he's going to reassure us that he is capable of being
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president for 5 more years, he had better do more than hold private lunches for the high and mighty. second hour of varney just getting started. todd pyro with me, do you think voters believe president biden is up to being president for another 5 years? >> absolute do not, proof is in the putting, look at the polls, two things stood out me about your "my take". why is he talking to the elite. i would add because his policies are the policies that benefit them and them alone. the democrats love to say their policies are an open tens, that is not the way it is anymore. the unions don't love president biden's policies anymore but they still deal with democrats, that doesn't make sense. there cities are destroyed by democrat policies but they give
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them their vote although that could be changing. the second part of that, his acuity and mental fitness. i raise this whenever you ask me something like that i will raise this dichotomy, donald trump, president biden, debate stage, that will be a lien versus a mouse, the mouse will be devoured by the lion. that's why he's not doing it and is sticking to these events. stuart: chris christie suspended his campaign. he targeted donald trump during his exit speech. >> i am going to make sure that in no way do i and able donald trump, to be donald trump again. stuart: christie was caught on a hot mike bashing the other republican candidates. watch this. >> we know we are right but they don't want to hear it.
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couldn't have been any clearer. she has been 68 million so far, 59 million iran desantis. who was punching above their weight? you and i both know she's not up to this. i talked, desantis called me, petrified. >> christie voters and anti-trumpers, how can they now go to desantis or haley when chris christie was bad mouthing them? >> he undermined what he wanted to do in the first soundbite which was defeat trump. the christie votes are going to go to nikki haley. if ron desantis goes out with the attacks he made on donald trump, guess where his votes will go? donald trump. that's fascinating about this. the vivek votes would go to donald trump.
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is any of this enough to defeat donald trump? i don't think so. maybe in new hampshire but every other state there aren't enough christie votes to overcome the deficit. lauren: chris christie has been debating, been on television so many times, didn't realize is mike was open. >> we say things and now and again, shouldn't have said it because the mic is open. it is a rookie mistake. stuart: by design? you think? >> i am positing the idea that he knew what he was doing. stuart: i don't think he knew what he was doing, he badmouth two competitors, where does he go now? i don't know. >> if he dropped out in the first ballots, he would have done well in new hampshire. he made it very well. >> if he did well in new
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hampshire he was going to finish potentially third at the most, probably forth. he looked at the math and said if this is what happens in new hampshire, my best state, won't do anything in the other states might as well drop out now and accomplish my goal of getting nikki haley did which he ended by saying nikki haley would get destroyed. us people from jersey often say things when we shouldn't and get in trouble for it. chris christie should know better, he had an open mic. stuart: let me observe on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen the dow is down one hundred 60 points. not what happened in the last 5 or 6 minutes. a sharp drop in those few minutes. stay there please. now we've got this. donald trump had a lot to say during last night's town hall on fox. take us through the highlights. lauren: he's looking forward, he said the ultimate retribution is success. watch here.
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>> you spent a lot of time talking about retribution. there are questions how much a second term of donald trump presidency would be about retribution and looking backwards and grievances and how much would be looking forward. stuart: i won't have time for retribution, we want the country successful i won't have time for retribution. i won't have time for retribution, there won't be retribution. >> he says he's going to address the border priority number one, energy security, drill baby drill and use the money to pay down the nation's debt. as for a running mate i was shocked when david avella said that was the moment, that portrays confidence he knows he's already got the nomination it is thinking about his number 2 and could reveal it next month. who is the number 2? elise stuff on it? lee zeldin? 8 to one democrats outnumber republicans in new york city. the ideal voter in new york is
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a black woman older than 55. that helps you think about who he might pick. person of color, loyalist, we don't know. i suggested tim scott earlier or go to the swing states, someone from pennsylvania, ohio or maybe michigan. >> he stated he is not opposed to picking someone he just competed with on that stage, that leaves room for nikki haley even though you had someone like don junior who said absolutely never, no way. i floated the nikki haley thing, said that's guaranteed a winning ticket. if the goal is to win the election nikki haley is your answer, whether ideologically that would upset people, hurt with cabinet positions, or the republican party, that's beyond my skis. you want to win the election. stuart: he might be fooling with us. perhaps he does not have a vice president in mind but just put it out there. >> you guys are conspiracy theorists. >> she would have to agree to
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it as well. stuart: we will get back to the markets for a second. i see a nasty development in the dow industrials, we are down one hundred 80, the nasdaq is down 90. looking for the reason for this rather sharp decline. can't find a reason yet but we are looking. i want to show you bitcoin. the sec has approved a batch of spot bitcoin etfs and the price of bitcoin gone straight up $48,000 per coin and rising as we speak. i am not sure where you stand on bitcoin but this etf series really does open up the crypto market for a lot more investors and the prices going up. what say you? >> it is but that is not a reason to purchase any asset class. i don't understand the fact that because etfs show up and i can get in it, bottom line is
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there is still something called valuation. when i buy a stock, there's earnings, sales, a growth rate. to me this is just an asset and i hope it keeps going up for everybody but to me this is part of the bubbles that we've had over the last few years, 30,000 plus coins, crypto coins, they tried to come out with our at 0. a few are really strong. i hope they go up because a lot of people are getting involved but i think this could be a good sell the news because the news is already out. stuart: are you back in big tech yet? >> last friday i thought they were being put in, i bought facebook last friday, up 20 points. on monday something happened i haven't seen in a long time. arguably one of the most important stocks in check broke out of a 6 month trading range, couldn't get about $500 for 6 months. i bought a little more after that.
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i think i'm up 40 on that, so far so good and i bought microsoft yesterday. that will be 400 plus in the short-term and more from their. there. blue and generally speaking you are moving back into stocks in a bigger way than you were a couple months ago. >> very selectively and leadership, looking for the strongest stocks and strongest group with the best earnings and most consistent earnings and revenue growth, those 3 fit the bill and it will be all about the market and if the 10 year yield starts heading back to 4.5 or higher, the head winds will come back and trouble for most stocks but so far so good, seems it is hanging around the 4% right now. blue on right at 4%. %. thanks, see you again soon. netflix is moving.
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lauren: it is up 487. their ad tier plan has 23 million monthly active users. in november they told us it was 15 million so that's a jump of 8 million in over a month. stuart: that a lot. paramount. lauren: juxtapose networks with this. cut from red burned atlanta, the worst performing stock in the s&p 500, they are worried about linear tv and advertising dollars, paramount down. stuart: we've got tesla. i presume they are down. lauren: 3%. bloomberg is reporting you on musk is giving production of factory workers a raise and not unionized. she wants to stave off unionization by keeping his workers happy and well-paid. they point out hurts, stop selling a third of their ev fleets. many of those are teslas. stuart: that was bad news for the ev market. 20,000 vehicles.
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stuart: electric vehicle fleet, not good news. thanks very much indeed. united airlines. a united airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in tampa, >> i wouldn't touch upon this but wait until i get to the details, united flight 2434 from sarasota, florida to chicago. and it is an open door warning light. reports say the united plane was not a boeing 737 max 9. all this comes less than a week after the door panel blowout on alaska airlines flight. airline canceling all their boeing 737s as they continue safety inspections. alaska says it is still waiting for documentation from boeing to begin inspection on the max
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9. pete buttigieg plays that as praising the faa for their handling of the alaska airlines incident, quote, the faa doing a great job. my quicker doing a great job. mike whitaker doing a great job. parents being warned to stop holding babies on airplanes as a precaution. blue when could that become a rule? >> you are going to have to put them in a car seat on the plane. we are headed that way. stuart: thanks. first lady was asked if she and the president have considered bowing out of the 24 race. >> as joe says, democracy, our freedoms are on the line and so americans have a choice. they can have strong, steady leadership, someone fighting for democracy, or they can choose chaos and division. stuart: that does sound like fear mongering. biden's campaign is about attacking trump.
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a new poll shows chris christie dropping out of the race will boost nikki haley in new hampshire. i want to know what young voters think. that is next. giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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stuart: the dow is down 220 points, nasdaq town 77. all i could find is a slight uptick in the tenure treasury yield may responsible for hurting the stock market this morning. we will check for other reasons. we are four days from the iowa caucuses and manufacturers are sounding the alarm about another biden presidency.
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grady trimble is in adell, iowa. what are factory workers worried about? >> reporter: this factory makes springs for garage doors and other spring-loaded products and some of the workers we talked to say they are worried about higher prices. >> inflation is everywhere now, you can 't seem to get out of it. a quick visit to the store is no longer one hundred 50, it is 300 easy every time and that last a week tops. >> reporter: the president and ceo at iowa spring has met with several of the top gop candidates and just decided is going to throw his support behind nikki haley. on top of inflation kneeling into his business, his profit margins, he's concerned about the biden administration's green energy policies.
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>> right now we are a large consumer of natural gas, we couldn't process the product we make without natural gas. it would cost the consumer exponentially more if we had to process with electricity. >> reporter: we talked to the president of another company here in iowa that makes car parts and accessories, she says even though the worker shortage isn't front and center anymore in the news, her company is still feeling the pinch. if they can find the workers, they would hire 100 people today. these caucuses come monday in the general election in november, they are extremely high-stakes for manufacturing companies not just in iowa but across the country. stuart: clearly. grady trumbull deny what. thanks very much. carolyn downing is a reporter for the "national review" and joins me now. big picture. has trump got this own up already? >> i think since day one trump's rivals have been
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playing to lose, trump's decision to boycott the debates last night and all of them has never been more vindicated. you saw haley and desantis, they came away looking exhausted and diminished and even though haley has outperformed expectations, you just did an interview with her, i think she and desantis have failed to galvanize the young voters and other key demographics but especially jen z republicans. blue one does trump have much support among young people? 35 and under? i call that young. >> he has captured them. 61% of gender 0 public and support trump and i think that number will go up. stuart: 60 one% of jen z republicans. i'm talking about youngsters 35 and under across the board. >> it is fair to say jen z you generally is moving left word but we saw a recent data showing young men are moving towards the right in droves in greater numbers than in the last couple decades.
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some of the cultural undercurrents are driving that. many young men feel disaffected. they feel like there are so many obstacles preventing them succeeding in america and trump speaks to them. add to that young jewish voters. i cover academia for "national review". many young jewish voters are disgruntled by the campus anti-semitism scandals are running rampant and i think trump and the gop are feeling to them. stuart: we spoke to nikki haley in the last hour of this program, she says she will cut taxes and secure the border. not sure she can do that or how she's going to do it but does that turn young voters on? >> not particularly. the border may, my generation, we are in our 20s, we are getting older. as we start to purchase homes and see rising cost of living, trying to make a life in our own communities, immigration
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crisis is trickling down to my generation. that resonates, taxes is a very old playbook. not sure the nikki haley is going to win on that pitch. i think trump is a little more current when it comes to that. stuart: what would you say is the biggest turn on for young voters? >> the biggest turn on his cost of living. i think this is where my generation starts to sympathize with the left is when you see the appreciation of housing costs in florida where i grew up, we can't afford to live in the neighborhood in which we grow. my childhood home. i couldn't afford it today but i couldn't afford to live in the same neighborhood, the same town. i have to go to completely different underdeveloped part of florida to make that work. i think my generation, left and right, really struggling to see how we can make it in america as adults. stuart: do young folks, you talk about inflation, cost of
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living, do they associate inflation with the biden? >> absolutely. i think they do. it is precleared that over covid the record spending jacked up the economy so artificially it drove up the cost of living across commodities, across food. you see them complaining about the average cost of goods, we don't even have families. a lot of us are single, dual income, no kids and our grocery bill is astronomical. it is that it almost defies reason. i live in new york city, this is more of an inflationary environment. i am appalled at what i've paid at the grocery store and that's before you get to gas and other necessities. a one aren't we all. thanks for joining us for your perspective. hunter biden stormed out of a congressional hearing yesterday. now he's got to show up in new york -- in los angeles on tax charges. is this damaging to his father politically? in november election, down the
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biden versus trump who has the best policies to drive economic growth? we will try to sort it out for you next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the 10 year treasury yield up above 4%, stocks down, down the strudels one hundred 50, nasdaq 52, lauren looking at the movers, got to start with apple please. lauren: microsoft is more valuable company than apple by $2 billion. $2.86 trillion market with the difference of $2 billion. like go ahead. stuart: i never bought apple. i bought microsoft for 20 years. what have you got on spirit aerosystems? this is important. stuart: they supply the 737 max and the dreamliner for boeing. they make the entire fuselage for the 737 max 9 that had the door blow off including that door. it is not just this instance. there have been several instances in the past couple years were quality-control
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issues at spirit aerosystems, they are facing lawsuits and boeing invested one hundred million dollars not long ago to fix some of these issues so they could be more reliable. stock continues to selloff, another 3.2%. stuart: i bought some uber a couple months ago. my question is is left still around and why are they down 3%? lauren: they are down because goldman sachs cut them and they are on the sidelines at neutral. they say their margins are under pressure because of the increase in insurance costs but they did raise the price target to $15. downgrade but increase the price target. go figure. stuart: thank you. back to the consumer price report, but consumer price up 3. 4%. edward lawrence at the white house. what is the administration saying? it's an uptick in inflation. what are they saying? >> they are trying to spin this little bit, you talk about that
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core inflation, not food and energy prices, 3. 9% is the sticky inflation that's really hard to get rid of. overall inflation of 3.4%, markets will be watching for interest rate cuts. the inflation, this report is harder than expected, matched the harder than expected jobs report, federal reserve will not like to cut rates at this meeting, year over year inflation has had a 3 in front of it since may of last year, nowhere close. >> i think this progress from 3 to 2 is going to prove much slower than the market anticipate and we are seeing evidence of that today. stuart: the white house in spinning this report with a timeframe that works for them says there's more work to be done to bring prices down but jobs look good. since president biden came into office and started instituting his prices overall inflation is up 17.6%, food is up 33.7%,
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shelter costs accounted for half of the increases in this report, up 18. 7% from the month president biden came into office. all energy up, electricity needed for the green pushes up 21%. >> the fiscal policies at odds with controlling inflation. we doubled the deficit, nobody thinks that's a good idea. the train will continue to push prices up as opposed to down making the fed's job harder. >> outdoor supplies and other quint up 22% from january 2021. this is what people see and feel where real wages dropped 2.5% since january. stuart: stuart: straight up. thanks very much indeed. peter morici, an economist, joins us now. 3. 4% inflation, where does that tell you the state of the economy? >> inflation is not going away.
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we are going to grow in the first half at 3% and basically have core inflation at 4%. chairman powell likes to look at services because that is where wages really push. we've heard how shelters come down and save us. if you take energy and shelter out of services, inflation is 4%. %. that's not 2%, that's double what you want. if this is a soft landing i don't know if landing without wheels is a soft landing. stuart: if it is not a soft landing what is it? a recession? >> i don't think we are looking at a recession which the defense got very little wiggle room to cut interest rates. this is bad news for president biden. remember, people are going to make up their minds by about july as to whether he's worthy of another term so we've got 6
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or 7 more of these inflation reports to go and we are not making the progress he needs. people not only need to see numbers but feel better off. that's not happening. we when i want to see economic growth for the united states. most people do. growth is good but biden versus trump who has the best policies to produce economic growth? >> donald trump does. forget the indictments, the reality is during the trump years the economy grew better than during the biden years, they both swelled their deficits but biden has done a by more, given us inflation. basically favoring the automobile unions doesn't do much for american growth. dy they can put a car on the road that cost 20 or $30,000 and doesn't catch fire in your driveway. general motors is is not solve that riddle yet. if we look at semiconductors
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and so forth it is nice to do those things but mandating daycare centers on your costs are already too high, the infrastructure bill isn't going to fix our roads and rails and planes and all the rest because it's got too many set asides for his special interest groups. we have a model of president biden if we want to look to history. lost tweet. stuart: that was cruel. >> look at the way they did business, look at the way this guy does business. these prices come from someplace. stuart: i've got it. we are out of time unfortunately. i hope you still have a job when you get back to college. peter morici, thank you for joining us. thanks very much. governor newsom of california. they have got $38 billion deficit. what is the governor, newsom, doing about it? it todd:he thinks they should dip into the rainy day fund to close a $39 billion deficit. democratic governor wants to
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pull more than $13 billion from california's reserves, that would require him to declare a fiscal emergency. fiscal emergency in your own state, not good if you end up running for president. newsom vowed not to rollback his major spending commitments including free health insurance for all low income adults. even legal immigrants. republicans call it fantasyland saying it doesn't address overspending, just empties the savings. stuart: and he wants to be the president of the united states. he thinks he could run in all 50 states and win with the record like that? >> having to declare fiscal emergency, that's not good campaign material for you, great for your opponents. stuart: now this. what you are about to see is migrants climbing on top of shipping containers. the state of texas put up those containers as a barrier, the state of texas did that. senator marsha blackburn wants to have all states controlled the border.
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the senator joins us in the next hour. closing argument underway in a civil trial of donald trump. the latest coming up next.
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stuart: not that much price movement, the dow is down one hundred 30 come nasdaq down 53 points. closing arguments underway in the trial of donald trump. the former president will not be allowed to speak in the courtroom. my question is what did he say before he went in? lydia: trump said this case never should have been brought in the first place. he called it political interference and reiterated his desire to have an opportunity
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to speak inside the courtroom during closing arguments for himself. >> we are going to have a news conference a later on. i want to speak. i want to make a summation. the judge is not letting me make a summation because i will bring up things he doesn't want to hear. it is very unfair. stuart: some say the deck has been stacked against trump in this case from the beginning because the judge already found donald trump liable for fraud and ordered some of trump's business licenses canceled. this morning the new york attorney general letitia james issued a statement saying this in part, throughout this trial we revealed the scale and scope of that fraud. i'm proud of the case we presented and confident the the facts and rule of law are on our side. james is accusing trump, his company it is top executives which include his sons, of
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misleading banks to obtain favorable terms on loans but trump denies this and says his financial statements do not even fully state is true wealth. today's closing argument our last opportunity for trump's legal team, his lawyers to convince the judge to spare him at his businesses from paying hundreds of millions in fines and save him, his ability to continue to practice business in the state of new york, the judges indicated a verdict. 's decision could come as soon as the end of this month. stuart: thanks very much. he's not allowed to speak in the courtroom and it -- in his own defense, and allowed to speak. does that increase the level of support he gets? >> one hundred%. he needs to ride that throughout the primary season into the general assuming he's the nominee but in the pictures, trump's attorney was on earlier this morning before she headed into court and she
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made the following point which i thought was astounding, there are certain limits within a closing argument, you can't go beyond the evidence that was presented at trial but i asked her point blank, if this is the closing argument you are allowed to do and you are planning on doing could donald trump deliver the same close based on the judge's order and she said no. that is atrocious. that is atrocious. that cannot happen and to me that's grounds for appeal. we were not allowed to make a closing statement. >> again conditions trump would have to abide by and they were beyond the realm of just not attacking the court, they were very onerous restrictions that trump wouldn't agree to, she said she would not allow her client to deliver a close based on those onerous conditions and said we are not going to do it and the judge said you are not allowed. stuart: it is unfair and here's another example.
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another state about to decide whether trump can get on the ballot. todd:oregon could remove trump from the ballot. free-speech for people filed the suit last month with the state's top court, they dismissed everybody, they cited the 14th amendment, decision of that could come any minute when we are on your. will call colorado supreme court, secretary of state remove trump from the ballot, michigan and minnesota's top courts face similar suits. it has to go to the supreme court. lauren: trump will have it wrapped up in may. lauren: will be decided by the supreme court. the democracy threat. democracy can't stand unless the supreme court addresses it 9-0 for trump going forward. stuart: i suggest trump's approval rating is going to go up from here on out. >> 2024 is the election of the victim. donald trump is the victim in the eyes of many voters because
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what's happening in court cases and many democrats feel like victims because they are living under policies of new york, california and dc. stuart: fair point. look at this. a high school teacher in seattle allegedly told students identifying as to rate is offensive. democrats in washington state want to make it harder to use a gun. they are going after ammunition. jason rantz says this is setting the stage for gun ban. rants is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: i can't believe what i am about to say. younger children are wreaking havoc on high end makeup chains across america. younger children wreaking havoc on makeup chains. >> i will start by saying i have an 8-year-old daughter and she has better skincare routine than i do. we go to purchase all the best beauty brands so she can do her
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facemasks. these preteens are influenced by social media and flock to the best products. here is bethany frankel who is a mother but also an influencer. >> all these products are being marketed by social media to these young kids and we are adults can barely discern what's good and bad based on advertising. it is so enticing. thing about the sponges these little kids are and they believe everything they are being told and once one influencer talks about a product it goes viral and their moms let the stores babysit them with their credit cards and it is offensive. stuart: that is the problem. they are being mean to the workers in the beauty shops. they are unsupervised, rowdy, taking items and being disrespectful. stuart: that is the problem, not that they are spending hundreds of dollars. it is just they are being offensive. >> it is an appropriate. i have to look at the
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ingredients my daughter wants to buy because you don't need retinol, your 8. if your 8 -- what a preview of my next decade. that story upset me. stuart: were retinol works against aging? and opiate. quiet on the set. a teacher at a high school in seattle allegedly told students that identifying as straight is offensive. he scolded the male students for being a product of the patriarchy. jason rantz brought us this story. how is saying you are straight offensive? >> according to this teacher it is offensive, this is a direct quote, it implies that to not be straight is to be crooked, which could have negative connotations. i'm almost impressed by that. that might be the first time in the history of that term that
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someone pretends it is offensive. this is a very unique way to look at this. it is absurd. this is a teacher who a few weeks ago did a story about how he failed a kid on a quiz because the kid said men can't get pregnant. we know where this guy is coming from but the reason this is so important about there are many educators just like this guy who is in front of your kids every single weekday and is putting all of this in their heads. unless you are aware of it as a parent, you are not going to be able to deprogram all of this progressive propaganda getting pushed in front of your kids every day. that's dangerous. stuart: a fair point stuart: affair point you make a. another story for you that i think is even more important. democrats in washington state are going after ammunition. it is a way to end gun rights. how are they going after ammunition? just raising the price? >> not just raising the price although the sales tax on
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ammunition but when you read the bill it reclassify is consumers who purchase ammo as a privilege. that is of course unconstitutional because washington's constitution is stronger when it comes to gun rights than the u.s. constitution, says the right to bear arms shall not be impaired. if bullets are privilege, it would render gun rights meaningless because you can't bear arms if you're missing the necessary components of the firearm that allows it to operate. like you have a right to vote but a privilege to be given a ballot. it doesn't look like that except washington, has democrat lawmakers routinely pushing the envelope to see what they can get away with. they banned what they deemed to be high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. already decided to ban what they view as assault weapons which to them are scary looking guns. they continue to go down this pathway making it harder for
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people to earn their right to purchase a weapon and that is unconstitutional. courts have been different. stuart: i predict a huge run on ammunition. get it while you can. all good stuff, see you later, thanks for joining us, see you again soon. tennessee senator marsha blackburn is working to give states more power to secure the border rather than the feds. brian brenberg on woke courses being taught at harvard. it cost $80,000 a year. ben domenech on hunter biden packing the court after storming out on the congressional hearing. with all of this, could it hurt his father politically? the 11:00 hour next. ♪ ♪ ♪ what can i say ♪ i'm just a desperate man ♪ ♪
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