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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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you have to stop the incentive. you can't let them cut the line when people are trying to come here the right way. >> don't push people on how they have to do and how they have to live. that's the problem we've had with government the past eight, ten years and they think they know better than the peep. >> back to secure the border, have energy independence and focus on our economic woes here in the country. it was vintage donald trump last night. >> calm is not a word we would associate with donald trump but that was the presidential aspect and it was appealing to people, it was appealing to me and it'll ultimately be appealing to the market. >> donald trump, joe biden debate stage. that would be like a lion versus a mouse. that mouse is going to get devoured. ♪ stuart: not sure of the music. put it on the screen, please. who's singing or playing.
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randy newman and a half empty sixth avenue. haven't said that yet today. midtown manhattan is not doing real well. look at that. what day is it? thursday. it's supposed to be full. half empty. is but it is 11:00 eastern time and thursday, january 11. we'll show you the markets and dow is down 190 now and nasdaq down 91, modest loss for s&p. show me big tech, earlier most of them were up. as of now, most of them are down. amazon's up but alphabet, microsoft, apple and meta are down. where's the yield on the 10-year treasury? that's always the key number and just above 4%, 402 to be precise. now this last night donald trump appeared for a hour-long fox speech and it's not what he said but how he said it. trump was relaxed, he was comfortable, open to any and all
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questions, and he was funny too. he didn't look or sound like a dictator. hardly an insult all night and softening image and polishing language without changing policies. he's seems to be doing what many republicans want him to do. that is keep the policies that were so successful but change the style that turned so many people off. he was engaged in iowa last night even though he's been flying all over the country. 12 hours later he's engaged in a new york courtroom. he's not tired or slurring words or losing train of thought. he has that priceless political asset. he's entertaining, he's easy to watch. what a contrast with president biden. third hour of varney starts now. brian brenberg is here with us this morning. do you think voters see the contrast between tram and biden
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is trump's support goes up after a pretty good performance last night? >> you were just showing the visuals without sound. just look at the visual. he looks like a person that's done this 100 times before and it is a study in contrast because you stayed up -- if you flipped back and forth between that and the debate last night, as as a viewer on the one hand, you saw subpoena totally in control and on the other side you heard website names and accusations and comparisons of desantis to biden or newsom or haley to biden. you thought, which of the two groups of people are most ready for the president seizure disorders? stuart: can you imagine a presidential debate at some point this year, biden versus trump in the presidential debate? one-on-one? >> no, if you're biden watching that last night, the only conclusion is you can draw is we cannot get on stage with that man. it will zingara ship. if he doesn't debate with trump, i will be -- if he does a debate
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with trump, i'll be shocked. stuart: i don't expect you to be shocked because probably wouldn't happen. harvard under fire for anti-semitism and other courses that are offers. it's a long best but going through a couple. of course on reclaiming the queer past. capitalism, crime and sun itchment in american history and search engines reinforce race engines. whole long list of these woke courses. they cost over $300,000 -- right? >> queering the world. you went with the light ones. if you look at some of these, it is activism. it is activism and taggerred at our youngest children in schools, stuart. stuart: yet people prepared to pay around $300,000 to learn that? >> the asterisk on that, it's not people paying $300,000 it's
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people getting taxpayer subsidies to afford the $300,000. america, stop giving your money to places like this. the wrong place. i want to say this. you get rid of the president of harvard, whatever. unless you change this course work and what the students there are getting, you're not going to reform the university. that's your barometer of the classes. stuart: harvard is offering a course for perspective k-12 teachers that elaborates how one can bring queerness and transgenderrism into schools. >> yes, it's activism and founders reading mono-skew and lock and cicero and thinking about the republic. students at harvard learning how to help little kids question their sexual identity, stuart. that is not a recipe for civilization anne al flourishind the oldest and most pronounced school in america is teaching. stuart: you're with us for the
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hour so get your energy level here. market haves a look at what's happening today, dow down close to 200 points as we speak and nasdaq down 92 ryan pain is with us and brought stock picks that will get us out of the downside move. first off, truest financial. what are they, what do they do? why are they so good? >> they're a bank and brian fired me up this morning. first off, banks are one of the cheaper valuations in the overall market right now. so i like banks here because the fed's probably going to decrease interest rate this is year and good for net interest margins. them specifically, they'll cut costs and a big perjure between bb and t bank and sun trust and a lot of those costs are going to come down dramatically this year and traded like eight times forward earning ands like half of the market and nvidia trading like 30 times farred earning ands getting a 5.5% dividend and this is the biggest is many take investors are making, stuart,
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they're funneling all money in the high valuation tech stocks paying no catch flow and the market is rich with cash flow if you plan in the right stocks like banks and maybe viewers need cash throe. stuart: truist pays 5%? >> 5.5. stuart: 5.5% with a possibility of capital gain? is it going occupy? >> yeah, from here because valuations are so cheap and cutting costs and own the sixth largest national insurance broker so they can either sell at some point, pay down debt great marketing that way or grow out and it's a hidden gem in the company. stuart: what's so good about exxonmobil. >> cheapest sector of s&p 500 is oil. pays 3.5. dividend and oil prices at lower end and this is where the marginal work that china starts to buy oil $69, $70
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a barrel and basically what weave seen is a floor is opec keeping production cuts till the middle of this year and oil demand going higher and global economy is recovering. stuart: what's the dividend? >> 3.8% and that's the biggest issue is investors need cash glow and you're not getting from the stocks and s&p 50 only paying 4% and oil and financial stocks and foreign markets look great and almost have the greatest buying opportunity ever and everything that's not the magnificent seven and nvidia and amazon and apple. stuart: not microsoft. go ahead and say it. >> i don't want to say it, stuart. you look so good in that tie, i don't want to say any offenses. stuart: well done, ryan, well done indeed. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. looking at exxonmobil and truist financial. this one is moving kb homes down
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nearly 3%. what's the story? >> they've reported quarterly numbers that fell from a year ago and ceo said lower mother-in-lawing rates are actually myself -- mortgage rates are boosting the order in the start of the new year. the stock is down. not good for the housing market. stuart: what else is moving? lucid. lauren: came out with production and delivery num numbers and delivered more and produced more in the fourth quarter and higher discounts and the stock is down almost 7%. stuart: that's an ev; right? lauren: yeah, and inexpensive one too. stuart: they're all in trouble. robinhood. lauren: okay, this is the cryptocurrency story. many of the cryptocurrency names were higher at start of trading today because of the sec decision on the bitcoin etfs. robinhood offers retail investors exposure to trip to currencies and $23 million is how much revenue they get and the ceo said the firm intends to list all the 11 approved bitcoin
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etfs as soon as they (&.k they were excited about the increased business but look, the market is not convinced that this will do anything for the stock. in fact, citi came out and said specifically because they have a downside catalyst watch on robin mood the stock was rallying on better crypto activity and rev fist contribution is 5% and not material enough. >> training etfs and bitcoin everywhere and more competition and that's a problem for them because now it's opened up the opportunity for everybody else. stuart: this is a historic day i think. nice try, son. no. it's a historic day because now you can freely trade bitcoin easily anywhere instantly and couldn't do that before. lauren: yet the stocks are downright now. that are related to cryptocurrency. stuart: they've got competition. thanks, everybody. coming up, one college having ai students take classes and eventually earn a degree. i don't get the significance of
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this but professor brenberg will explain it to me. jill biden defending her husband's choice to pursue reelection and says freedom and democracy are on the line. roll it. >> does any part of you once in a while think, oh, maybe we bow out? >> i think as joe says, democracy, our freedoms are what's on the line. so americans have a choice. stuart: yeah, but my question is: is joe biden up to the job for another five years? the department of veteran's affairs accused of spending millions of dollars on healthcare for illegal migrants but a massive backlog of veterans that need care. we have the full report next.
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stuart: the department of veteran affairs getting a little backlash of spending millions on healthcare for illegal myograns. kelly has the story, i thought there was a backlog for our own veterans. >> right, stuart, over 400,000 claims wiled up and the va is adamant that the department does not pay for care for immigrants and custody and the v remarks has a claims processing center in austin, texas and contracted ten workers to deal with immigration and custom enforcement to provide healthcare and 2022 fiscal year and center processed over 161,000 ice relaced claims and according to department of
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homeland security, ice services paid out millions in taxpayer money and and there was a 2002 payment reprocessing district where ice pays for ssc and va's financial service center to process payments for ice-funded healthcare. it's involved no more than ten missouri employees and fully paid for by ice and in place for every administration since 2002. this has no impact to vet an care or services whatsoever. and the issue for those blasting the department is the va provides manpower to help ice. representative derrick van organ is a form earmuff i have seal and outspoken critic of the va and a member of the house committee on vet an's affairs. very veteran affairs. >> every hour those ten people spend that are working for the va and every hour they spend
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working for someone that served the nation. >> as van orden tells me, these claims piling up are not just a small headache for veterans and the outstanding bills meant to explode health issues and drug and alcohol issues and stuart. stuart: now we're talking about the boarder and for that we want to bring in senator marsha blackburn and great to have you on the program and you want so get the state the power of the boarder and i have to put it to you if you get that and get the states that are able to do this and this is a huge court finding and they'll take years to implement. >> stuart, there's already a fight about this. we know this that the federal government is trying to sue
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texas over this but the container act, the legislation would give them the ability to secure their areas. you know, those farmers and ranchers in south texas down ntsb rio grand valley. they're trying to protect their farms and ranches and keep people, the illegal immigrants from crossing through and ruining the crops, tearing up their feeds, tearing up their ranches and grazing land that they have for horses and cattle. stuart: how would your bill stop that from happening? >> it makes explicit that the states have the authority to do this and gives them a one year window for doing it, putting these containers and this razor wire in place to prohibit those illegal migrants from coming through on that state property, on that private property. of course the state haves the
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right if the u.s. government does not protect the states, the states have the right to defend themselves. stuart: next one, senator. let's talk about the epstein list. you want the full report released un-redacted, why? what do you think we're missing so far? >> what we are missing is how expansive the network that jeffrey epstein built. the human trafficking, sex trafficking world is. now the department of homeland security tells us that from 2018 to today that human trafficking, sex trafficking has gone from being a $500 million a year business to a $150 billion a year business. this is modern day slavery. we need to begin to get justice for these victims and survivors. the epstein maxwell sex trafficking ring. we also need to begin to unravel
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this and make certain that law enforcement has the information, the tools, the training they need to go apprehend these human traffickers and sex traffickers. stuart: how are you going to get the full report un-redacted release? >> well, we know that the epstein estate has all of the flight logs and have ghislaine maxwell's little black books and documents from investigations and interrogations that they've done with survivors and victims of this sex trafficking ring. if we can get them for information and then use that for our hearings and also for putting pressure on local law enforcement to move forward to go after these bad actors. stuart: senator marsha blackburn, thank you. >> you got it, thank you,
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stuart. stuart: first lady jill biden asked if she and the president considered bowing out from the race in 2024. ashley, what did she say? ashley: well, the freedom and democracy the first lady says are on the line and jill biden talking with msnbc who asked her if another campaign maybe just a little too much. take a listen. >> does every part of you once in a while think maybe we bow out? >> you know, that's why i want to go through yet another campaign. because i think as joe says, democracy, our freedoms are what's on the line. so americans have a choice. you know, they can have strong, steady leadership. someone fighting for democracy or they can choose chaos and division. ashley: strong, steady leadership. all right. i'll let you sort that out. but you can expect a lot more of that rhetoric as the biden campaign begins ramping up its
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public efforts and of course, focusing on democracy and the very risk posed by donald trump. going to hear a lot more of that, stu. stuart: sarcasm is a low form of wit. ashley: it's effective. stuart: brenberg is here and do voters believe that joe biden can be president for five more years? >> not if they're paying attention. the bidens are desperate. they're out of arguments and so they're trying to create a monster. the monster is donald trump. but you saw him on screen last night. did he look like a monster in look out of control? did he look chaotic? he didn't and that's their problem. stuart: you got that right. he showed very well last night. donald trump, big deal. check the markets and more red ink for the dow off 235 and nasdaq down 145 points and a lot of selling today. no denying it and ai is rapidly being integrated into all kinds of businesses and openai has a new chatgpt service for
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companies and we'll tell you what they're doing. hunter biden due back in court today facing charges for failure to pay over a million in taxes between this and the chaos he's caused on capitol hill. surely this has to be hurting his father's image and political staffers; right in ben domenech takes it on next. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote.
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stuart: red ink flows and down 230 on the dow and 00 on the nasdaq. big tech, they're all down except am son up all of 60 odd cents and apple, meta on the downside and key number is the key number for a long time, yield on the 10-year treasury is going up and that's not good news for the nasdaq. you're at 404 on the 10-year now and rental car people, hertz, they're going to sell 20,000 electric vehicles from their fleet. brian, they're going to guy more
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gas powered vehicles to meet demand. >> people show up and say we're out of gas powered cars, will you take an ev? no, they don't want one. hertz, the other piece is when one of the cars gets damage the, it's incredibly expensive to fix an ev and they don't want that expense. stuart: how many caucus goers in iowa will drive in a electric vehicle in a minus ten degree vehicle? >> in a foot or two of snow. no, they're in gas powered trucks and happy they have it. stuart: hunter biden due in federal courtroom today because of tax evasion and what can we expect from the hearing today, kelly? reporter: stuart, first appearance for hunter biden regarding these charges and kicking everything off here at 4:00 p.m. eastern and the headline is we are expecting him to plead not guilty and we're going hear any bond requests from the prosecution and these types of hearings are used to discuss bail requirements and i don't know if the hearing is set
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for 45 minutes and that's far longer than the traditionally last. now, hunter's facing nine charge was tax evasion. according to the indictment, failed to pay $1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019 and he says millions allegedly on a lavish lifestyle and one line from the indictment i loved saying "he spent on everything but his taxes". now, the spending detailed was the shocking part and included close to $900,000 on various women and adult entertainment and classifying some of the payments with wages to reduce the taxes and hunter will appear before the judge on his case and i'll note the judge is trump appointed and i took a look at his record and tends to take aheartedder look at tax evasion and fraud cases and last february, he sentenced an owner of a construction company for failing to pay $1.6 million, close to that number for hunter, to two years behind bars. now, of course all this is happening with the backdrop of yesterday's capitol hill and the
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contempt hearing and today we're not going to see him walk through the doors and probably drive in underground and anything is possible. stuart: ben domenech here joining us this morning. hunter storms out of congress one day and next day facing these awful charges in california. he's in a mess. does that mess reflect badly on his father and politically on his father? >> not just his father but people are underestimating about this whole story line. democrats on capitol hill are fed up with this. fed up for having to answer questions about it, fed up with having to respond to all the different things going on with it. it's disruptive and you saw it just in the chaos of the other day that's not something that they actually want to believe benefits them politically and something we've heard from likes of partisans from jerry nadler
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and jamie raskin themselves and don't want to deal with it and it would be in their interest for hunt tore keep their head down and stay out of the limelight and kick these charges further and further down the pike and not have to deal with them in an election year and opposite is happening because of his legal team and he decided to make this the cut rates in suspended ands it's been. stuart: reflected batly and policeically on his father. there's a price. >> the whole message of normalcy and avoiding chaos and the like, he's not just alone in that. it's also the lloyd austin storier and else we see coming out of this administration. young can't make that play to the voters anymore when you have this chaotic scene repeating itself. stuart: donald trump went after biden at town hall last night. roll tape. watch this a little. >> look oturu joe biden, there's a man that can't lead or find his way off the stage and makes a speech lasting for about two minutes and we have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country and we're
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bringing everybody back to where they came from. we have no notice. we have no choice. i don't have time for retribution, we're going to make the country so successful, i won't have time for retribution. stuart: i stayed up late and i was impressed and it was a strong performance. >> i don't think it was just a strong performance but the former president is doing something that the current president can't do. we've seen in the last couple of months him struggle through interviews and not with tough interviewers but with conan o'brian and something the current president is not capable of doing on the stages and answering simple questions. stuart: is he capable of being present for another five year s? >> i don't think anybody believes he'll be president for another five years including the smartest democrats and that's going to be on display cop l convention. we're going to have a lot of young democrats vying to be next in line.
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stuart: now, chris christie, he's dropped out and said he's not backed anybody yet. who gets his votes? >> to the degree those votes exist. but they are critical when they come to new hampshire. the analysis that 538 and other haves done basically say that about half of his votes are perhaps more than half going to nikki haley and does benefit her. again, stuart, this is -- we are in the waning days of this. this is the eleventh hour and if there's any kind of momentum, we'd be seeing it and this is, i think, an indictment frankly of a lot of people that wasted a lot of time and a lot of money and didn't really spend in a smart way coming to giving donors, getting the backing of do nors early in the -- donors early in the process. jot image of the boogie man the left is trying to paint on him
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and watch that and didn't see anything that resembles what jill biden says and that's what you need to know. >> the problem for the former president is democrats are going to unleash a never before seen level of negative ad campaigns to try and turn that back and shift away from the strong performances, the confidence, the clarity of message and turn him again into the bogey man and they'll spend a lot of money trying to do it and republican haves to be prepared for that. stuart: the more he's attacked in court, the stronger his performance supports and just keeps going up. >> it's absolutely played against their narrative but the simple fact is they're going to try and peel off the same surveillance burr ban independent voters last time around and invest everything they have in that effort and republicans need to be prepared to fight back against it. >> stuart: do you think trump can win? >> of course i think he can inwith. the real problem i think we'll run into here though is this race is effectively tied in
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national polls and swing state performances are critical for the former president, in pennsylvania in particular, i think focus on that and that type of state is going to deck indicate the outcome i think that's this coming year. year. stuart: we love politics, don't we? >> yes, especially when it's as entertaining as it is right now. stuart: coming up, ohio's republican governor vetoed a bill that would ban surgery for defender affirming minors. all the latest on that fight coming up for you. one university of michigan says i don't understand. i'll be very clear, i don't understand it. one university of michigan is letting ai students enroll in classes. how does that work and why does ai need to go to college? just reading the prompter. brian brenberg will explain this extraordinary story momentarily and we'll be back. ♪
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stuart: i've yet to come up with an explanation of why the market is selling off today. make it's profit taking or the yield on the 10-year is back well above 4%. i don't know but nasdaq down 250 and dow down 150. lots of red ink. liz claman is at the consumer electric show in las vegas. what's the hottest new product, liz? reporter: oh, so many. there's vr headsets and ai televisions and we're in the venetian and minutes away from the doors blasting open,
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2.4 million square feet or maybe 2.5 million, it's changing by the day of exhibition space and it's for home computers and home gadgets and really the moon shot effort and let me play drone soccer for you. game asking big here at the venetian and this is courtesy of federation of international drone soccer association and now, if you will, stuart, wrap your mind around this. it's like soccer meets quiddich. there's drones in the ball and two teams of five and drone is in the wire cage and see them and they're multiple. the goal is to get them into that scoring doughnut. let's get out of the cage and i want to show you team usa and they're here, ready. all right, guys. hit it. now, stuart, only the striker can score those drones are about to take off and as you continue,
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you have a player with his or her own drone each. they put the ball in the hoop if they can. the other is the keeper, sweeper, center or forward and either assist in scoring or defending against the opposition. here we go, stuart. they're going to bat this will out, and i remind you only the striker can score. but it's really fascinating here because it's developed in south korea and company called ham tick. team usa here working it and by the way, you don't have to be a young in to do this. they have an old guy exactly like tim and sean. we've got all these guys playing here. some of these guys are former professional soccer players and, all right, see what's happening. can they make a score here? they're battling it out. korea, it is very, very big, and the tiny ones are actually to train students. this is huge in asia, stuart. a billion people watched one of the demonstrations that they had
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put out there and it is just one of the many different areas of consumer technology. who knows what will come from here but i can remember, i don't know about 11 years ago, stuart, they wouldn't let drones fly and drones were new and saying it's not safe and they have all kinds of regulation here and it's that technology developing right before your eyes here at ces. stuart: liz, not quite manchester united but it's close. we'll take it. playing in las vegas. reporter: liverpool. stuart: i'll take them, they're winners by the way. thank as lot and we'll see you later. good stuff. now this, i have trouble with my understanding level is not high on this one. ferris state university, it's in michigan, plans to let artificial intelligent students participate in classes. ashley. how is this going to work? ashley: yeah, who's man united and to give teacher as unique perspective on learning and improve the college experience for humans, at least that's the
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theory. in fact, ferris state is planning to enroll two ai students in classes this year but while you try to picture it, it doesn't involve robots and ai systems will instead observe the class via audio and video but the plan is for them to eventually participate in classroom discussions even turn in written assignments and complete all the steps to earn a degree. the open ended experiment could end up producing the first machine learning agents to earn a degree and their classroom and education and could they be turn intoed teacher s? no one replaces brian brenberg, the professor, stu. stuart: fortunately, he's still smear can explain it in more detail. ai state of the unions, they're not real human students at all. >> computer algorithm. shove all your syllabus and readings and lecture video into the algorithm and hoovers it up up and ask it questions for an assign.spits out answers. that's what it does.
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now eventually it'll get a voice and you can say, ai, what do you think about this and that thing in your classroom can speak. now, how does this help a professor? i have no idea because either ai, not humans, my job is to teach a human. i don't care how ai learns but i want to know how a human learns and i don't want to waste time on ai that will eventually take my job. stuart: if the ai learned the course, the syllabus for that particular course couldn't the other students, real human being students say give me an essay on this by tomorrow? >> this huge debate on plagiarism? ai always plagiarizes stuff, that's the known issue. if the ai does the assignment in your class and plagiarizes, can you expel it or petition or appeal? sounds like a headache to a professor. stuart: thanks professor. we sell you on it and female athletes and coaches are
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rallying outside of ncaa convention in phoenix and want the organization to change policy on letting transgender athletes compete in women sports and ncaa volleyball player will be there and she'll join us next. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections.
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stuart: okay, empire state house voted to overturn the veto of governor mike dewine banning gender affirming surgery for transgender minors. they want to ban it, have i got that right, ash? ashley: you are right and the ohio senate voting later this on the on whether to override governor dewine's veto and the bill would ban gender affirming healthcare for transgender minors and prevent transgender women and girls from competing on female school sports teams and more than 60 people testified against the measure including lgbtq applicants and medical professionals and families of transgender children. dewine vetoed the bill last month saying it it became law, it would do more harm than good.
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the governor says the debate over transgender student athletes should be addressed he says outside of government and dewine only the second republican governor to veto a proposed ban on gender affirming care. the first by former arkansas governor. stuart: thanks, ash. my next guest is outside of the ncaa annual convention in phoenix and volleyball player macey petty joining me now. why are you rallying at ncaa and what exactly do you want from them? reporter: thankses for having me. we're here for a very clear message for ncaa that they must stop discriminating against women. a lot have been in the fight a very long time and i myself for my entire college career and they're categorically dismissing us and we want to show we're not backing down till they ensure that girls sports are for girls only. stuart: do you want men transitioning to women to not be
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allowed to compete against women? is that basically what you want? you're a transgender guy going from male to female and should not be allowed to compete with women, is that what you want? >> absolutely and i'm not going to sit here and tell you all the differences between men and women and no matter your identity, play according to your biological sex because that's how they protect sports as a whole and make sure we keep people equal opportunities for women. stuart: do you want a separate category for transgender people? >> that just sounds like more opportunities for women -- for men that categorically displace women and i think the ncaa should stick to the basic rules and boys play on boys teams and girls play on girl's teams. stuart: is that what you expect to get from the rally? >> we're hoping to send the message to charlie baker and the rest of the ncaa and just show
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them a message we have so many ncaa women here current and former athletes and so they just need to listen to us and hear what we're crying out from the inside. stuart: what will you do if you find yourself competing against a guy -- a transgender male transgenderring into a female. what would you do? >> i've had this experience in high school when i was trying to get into the ncaa. in front of college scouts, i had to play against a male who was competing on what was supposed to be a female only team. like i said, this was several years ago, this wasn't a debate happening on a national stage yet so i was really confused obviously this is unfair. now i see it happening everywhere so i beat the odds and did make it into the ncaa despite my skills being shattered by a man. i hear that men can come in and swoop my script out from under me. stuart: -- scholarship out from under me. stuart: okay, good luck. ncaa meeting there in phoenix. thanks, macey. that time, the thursday trivia
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question: how many governors have become president, 5, 9, 13 or 17 much the answer when we come back, don't look it up, brian. when you stay at a vrbo you always get the whole home not part of it but the whole upstairs the whole downstairs .. idge and the whole secret nap room because is it really a vacation home if you have to share a house with a host? ♪ only with vrbo they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause]
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11:59 am
stuart: this is a timely question bearing in mind the primary season is getting away. how many governors have become
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president? 5, nine, 13, 17? ashley: i would think quite a few. i will go with number 3, 13. stuart: brenberg. brian: you said 17, i say 17. stuart: you got it right. did you look it up? 's 7 - the first governor to be elected was thomas jefferson and the election of 1800, the most recent governor to win the white house was george w. bush in 2,000. didn't know that, 17 governors became president. thank you for sticking around for the whole show. good stuff. to in at one p.m. to in at one pm today, fox business, "the big money show". friday feedback coming up next, send your questions and comments to that is it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast starts now.


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