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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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♪. stuart: the temperature in ottumwa iowa, minus 12, that is the temperature that is not the windchill. >> it's frozen. stuart: things freeze up but it's minus 12, that is winter. it looks cold to me. freedom with aretha franklin. 10:00 o'clock eastern the markets a are close for martin luther king jr., very little for movement, thin trading down, down 30, s&p five, nasdaq 1017, no serious. the price of oil so the $2 a barrel, bitcoin the market is open a global market, $42200 per coin, that is a mark on the monday morning, now this. i will caucuses are really different they are unique. at 7:00 p.m. local time tonight
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voters must go in person to the caucus meeting place it could be a church, school or a living room, they will walk in, say the pledge of allegiance and someone will speak for each campaign, 8:00 p.m. the right on the choice on the ballot the secret, how volunteer sends in the results to the state republican party no voting machine or government election officials and caucus goers cannot leave until the meeting is over, that is different. critics argue that iowa is not representing the country is overwhelmingly white in rural but it's also this the caucus hands-on democracy voters have to make an effort to participate especially this year in the extreme cold, windchill minus 30 no mailing it in and i will caucuses, who's going to win donald trump leads all the polls by a wide margin his are the most solid and most likely to
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turn on the cold the battle will be for second place which at this moment is likely to go to nikki haley although her support is less enthusiastic than trump's. if haley is second, desantis is in trouble and faces elimination if he can't rebound dramatically in new hampshire next week, those of us that love and follow politics iowa starts the great election adventure, this is where it begins. over 100,000 people trudging through the snow to make their views known that is what democracy is built on. the second hour and varney is just getting started. ♪. jason chaffetz sitting to my left not politically just to my left. jason, you are with us for the hour it looks like trump is running away with it at this point. >> all systems go i think what the good look for can he get to the 50% threshold.
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i would argue these north of 50%, game over it is over, forget about the other states, get behind the nominee and go from there, does he fall little bit short, maybe, expectations are so high i don't think the weather is an issue the people in iowa are laughing at people in new york and around the country saying it's cold in iowa breaking news, it's always cold and i would this time of year. i've been to the caucuses multiple times i have been there in seen its democracy in action, neighbor to neighbor and they take it very personally and seriously and they will make a good decision and it will give them trajectory for the country and shame on the democrats for skipping iowa, shame on them for doing. stuart: ron desantis is making his case, role that tape. >> donald trump is running for his issues, nikki haley is running for donor, i'm running for your issues, your family's issues and solely to turn the country around. only when delivered 100% of his
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promises i'm the only one running that's been the democrats in the last time and time again. we need to win as republicans that how you turn the country around. stuart: desantis says if trump is the nominee the race will be overshadowed by trump's legal issues and legal problems, i thought it was the other way around. i think his legal troubles raise his support level. >> i'm a big fan of ron desantis i served with him in the congress and i think he would be a very good president of the united states, he served our country but he is trailing and is trailing badly, let's be honest about that. the country will not be as focused, it's a good point will be the driving factor of how people vote tonight, probably not he makes a good point but i think the polls are showing that is not necessarily the winning message. stuart: this could be over in a week or two weeks after new hampshire. >> if he gets north of 50%, no other republican has gone north of 50% in this process. if he shows the strength in the
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midwest i think that bodes well for him. stuart: him i write and say the last republican that when the iowa caucuses did not get the nomination. >> what it shows nobody is even close to trump if you're getting more than double that what anybody else is getting. stuart: if you get more votes than any candidate you can say the writing is on the wall as a cliché. >> donald trump does have a natural consistency other than he was president for four years and they love the man. stuart: anything to add to this. >> i was sent a message that it might be time to drop out, do you think ron desantis goes to new hampshire should he not do as well. >> i believe what he says is good to go to south carolina and new hampshire the next day, what else would you say at this point, yes you going to make the case. ron desantis is doing better and south carolina the nikki haley is doing in south carolina. he is a good case for that.
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stuart: stay there, you're with me for the hour, donald trump is racking up even more endorsements ahead of the caucuses, who is in his camp now. >> marco rubio, senator from florida giving trump his endorsement over the for the governor desantis and is also not giving it to nikki haley, why do i bring that up, when she was governor of south carolina endorsed marco rubio when he was running against donald trump in 2016, there's that, also doug burgum a former trump contender he endorsed trump over the weekend at a rally in iowa, he highlighted transporter policy and energy policy, little friction between donald trump and doug burgum, i could see him in the future trump cabinet maybe being energy secretary, just putting it out there. stuart: who knows i'm sure that's what is practicing for. >> i don't think endorsements mean anything. iowans are not to say look at that endorsement. i don't think it moves anybody. stuart: within the republican party. >> as goes pergamum and the country. stuart: the rally that trump held sounded like a victory lap.
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stuart: it was a big rally. >> overflow room, five of the people they brave -40 degree feel like temperatures to be there and hear what he had to say and he really was asking for their vote he was acting like he had their vote and they needed to go and vote. >> risk death. >> even if you're sick as a dog you gotta get out and vote, he's entertaining. >> there's nobody in the country that can draw an audience. >> nobody can make a speech like donald trump. >> fulton county district attorney fani willis broke her silence on the misconduct allegations, what did she say. >> she said the allegations that she had a romantic relationship with a special prosecutor that she hired for the case were motivated by racism. >> you did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what i did, my motive, my
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talent, my ability and my character would be constantly attacked. >> she did not address the crux of the accusation, the relationship, did she vacation with outside attorney on the taxpayers dime. she said she and the outside attorney are being targeted because they're black. stuart: could this upset the whole trial in the timing of the trial and the legitimacy. >> this gentleman had no experience in prosecuting these types of cases. he's paid more than $600,000, she did not deny it, what attorney can get in there and argue, seriously it looks so bad and nothing to do with the color of her skin as everything to do with the fact she's paid 600 plus thousand dollars somebody with no experience and in-depth allegation she's having relationships with this guy and
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she's not denying it. stuart: it raises support for trump. >> the codefendants try to get the charges wiped out that he did not offer proof, the special prosecutor is going through divorce and if the divorce proceedings are made public they could show if there is proof that he did have this relationship on the taxpayers dime with fani willis. stuart: another mess. i'll leave it right there. let's get back to the market. the dow down 30, s&p down five not much movement obviously. mike lee joins us. do you believe wall street is underestimating how big a.i. will be, i think they underestimated it don't you. >> absolutely. it is my view that the estimates for a.i. adoption in the amount of text fan that is good to go into artificial intelligence over the next 12 - 36 months is far too low and there's good to be some key beneficiaries out of this, one of them is your favorite, microsoft, they can
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add copilots to all of the enterprise software which is kind of the equivalent of chat gpt but would add across microsoft office and you putting everything on the cloud it's a massive revenue opportunity microsoft going forward. big enterprises are saying 35 cents or 40 cents out of every dollar spent on cloud which is massive. stuart: can you explain what is this microsoft copilot, how does it work, what does it do. >> the same way you and i would use chat gpt to help us answer questions, write an e-mail, write a letter, research something. it is on the microsoft keyboard, there will be a button for copilot. antitype to get everything will thing you do and i need to come push x, y, and z, you can end up
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with a prompt saying you want me to open the excel spreadsheet and format x, y, and z and give you a head start. what you going to see is across the entire enterprise the opportunity for massive productivity gains a lot of new revenue opportunities, microsoft is very far ahead of the game in adopting this. it's a really exciting opportunity and i think the industry is completely underestimated. stuart: you are an a.i. supporter, that is a fact. thank you for joining us this monday we appreciated we will see you soon. rising tensions in the red sea could jeopardize the inflation fight at home, how does that work shipping rates are spiking as more companies are forced to divert intake routes away from the houthis attacks. edward lawrence will have that story in a moment. military experts say iran is getting closer to developing a bomb what does that do to the mid-east equation. kt mcfarland on that next.
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"does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. stuart: all the military action in the red sea are causing shipping rates to sort all across the world, many ships have been forced to reroute because of the houthis attacks, edward lawrence at the white house, why does this affect inflation in america. >> is a global thing it's going to cost more for the fuel on the ships and more in terms of time to get around the areas so there might be a delay in inventory restocking, there could be more insurance premiums and more and paying the crews for the longer time at sea, all of this will add up in the more that ships get rerouted the more chance inflation will seep around the
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globe, shipping experts tell me your proceed inflation first and that is already started, j.p. morgan chase warned clients that the fight against inflation could still stall in the u.s. in the coming months if ships have to add weeks onto journeys for good to avoid the red sea for a long period of time, 15% of global trade goes through the red sea, the white house advises whether or not they're concerned yet. >> the national security team is focusing on the attacks in the red sea area, we are very focused on the economic side on potential effects on the u.s. economy, so far we have really seen very little effect on the u.s. economy. >> fritos estimates of weekly shipping cost have risen 58% for goods from asia to the east coast of the u.s. and up 60%
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going to the west coast, this jump not as bad as the pandemic then the covid pandemic. as an example in indian exporter says they could see price increases globally of 15 - 20%, oil prices also remain a little bit higher, representative zach nunn says this will not get better. >> if we are not going to address the root of the problem in these terrorist groups were getting continued to see strikes on u.s. interest in the gulf of aden where iphone combat operations as well as in israel and in gaza and west bank and certainly in lebanon as a direct result of a failure of leadership action to crack down. >> the president at camp david going to do an event in philadelphia for mlk day, there was another missile that was shot down recently in the red sea by a u.s. destroyer headed towards the destroyer so the houthis not backing off.
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stuart: jason chaffetz still with me. it seems to take the big picture, it seems were approaching a direct clash with iran, that is a danger whether if it's a danger or not, i don't know that the position we seem to be in. >> i think it's a biggest danger to the united states of america and the world peace overall, iran with a nuclear weapon, they are the funder of hezbollah, hamas, terrorist organizations, the houthis doing what they're doing slowing down the shipping rates, removing some of their operations to rail, time is money to have to go around the bottom of the world in order to ship their products, i think you're right on the verge if not in already achieved a nuclear weapon, that's the biggest threat. stuart: have to move on from that point of view iran's military is getting close to finishing their nuclear weapon atomic bomb. kt mcfarland with me now what happens if iran announces they have a bomb.
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>> first of all do you believe in, they have to give evidence, will they tested nuclear weapon to show that they actually have it look more serious problem everybody gets one the saudi's will say if iran has that we need our own nuclear weapon and chances are turkey says if these other guys have them we will need our own, what you have very quickly is a nuclear arms race, the reason that it works, iran will have developed at a nuclear weapon, saudi arabia will buy one from pakistan, maybe they will buy something from other countries, north korea, who knows, you could see a middle east which is the most tension filled hairtrigger part of the universe and if they all have nuclear weapons storing that into the mix it becomes a very dangerous world. stuart: if they did make such an announcement, what do you think president biden would do. >> who knows, the problem was the biden administration's wants to placate and appease around,
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what that led to we see iran's proxies are firing on military vessels and even the president biden had launched this attack a couple of days ago, supposedly at the source of the missile attacks it didn't take them out, maybe dated 20% or 30% damage that didn't remove their ability to fire on american vessels. i'm not sure what he would do i guess he would double down on diplomacy whatever that means but i don't see them stopping iran's nuclear program. stuart: overnight or yesterday, the houthis fired a cruise missile at an american destroyer, fortunately it was shot down by the u.s. fighter jet, it had not been shut down there would've been significant casualties, there would've been deaths on board an american ship fired on by houthis cruz mitchell, that cannot be ignored, what would be the response to that? >> we would be at work. here's the thing that everybody's worried about, people in the military throughout this is so far we've either ignored the iranian
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attacks or in the case of the missiles coming from the houthis for commercial american military vessels, we have done perimeter defense, we see the missile in the air is about to hit the ship, we destroy the missile, we know where the missile came from but we haven't taken out the source of that we haven't gone to the missile launchers, biden had an attack but he didn't do any good because there firing back, the thing i'm always worried about is by placating iran and appeasing iran you're making more likely because eventually something is going to get through a defensive perimeter in your going to have a ship that gets sunk or american casualties like you said and what happens we are at war were we don't want in a war were not prepared to fight in the war we could've avoided. stuart: more than hundred days since hamas attacked israel president biden says he's losing his patience with benjamin netanyahu he wanted to scale back in gaza, where you stand on
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this. >> this is why we should have a secretary of defense is able to do his job because this is a military question, there is a political question for joe biden because the base of his party into israel proposed indian but there's a military question how close is israel to decapitating and destroying hamas, why hasn't israel been able to get two or three top leaders of hamas? is israel taken the precautions it could to prevent civilian deaths, we don't know the answers and until you have an american military presence in the middle east as the secretary and defense should be in the region and talking to the military leadership to assess this, sending the secretary of state and other diplomatic officials, that does not do the job they're doing their political job you need somebody assessing the military situation and we don't have anybody who can do that. stuart: thank you for joining us we will see you again really soon. senator bernie sanders wants president biden to change co course, he says young people
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most americans are not excited about what's going on in the administration. we have that story. protesters swarmed outside of the white house after the u.s. had retaliatory strikes on the houthis rebels in yemen. some white house staffers are planning to walk off the job in protest of biden's handling of the israel war, peter doocy has a story next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk,
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a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit stuart: president biden spent his weekend at camp david as violent anti-israel protesters swarmed the white house some broke through the security fence, peter doocy is of the white house, what are they saying about this. >> if you look at the president he is saying the people that are funding hamas and houthis are being handled. [inaudible] >> the people mad at the president are really mad. demonstrators held signs about
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yemen and gaza trying to topple a security fence saturday night, the secret service size of the crowd and tells us as a precaution some members in the media and staff in proximity and pennsylvania avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue is being addressed, the secret service may no arrest associated with the march and there was no property damage the white house or adjacent buildings, white house officials are not reversing support for israel, however, they do back settled changes urging israel publicly to wind down their campaign in gaza. >> the next logical phase as they put pressure on hamas leadership is to get a lower intensity operation were targeted and precise rate less airstrikes we believe it's time to make the transition we have the conversation. >> the next act of defiance is a potential walkout tomorrow by administration staff and federal workers, speaker mike johnson got wind of this, he is saying any government worker that walks
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off the job to protest u.s. support for ally israel is ignoring the responsibility in abusing the trust of taxpayers that they deserve to be fired, not much happening on a federal holiday in washington, d.c. but president biden is expected at the white house after stop that can't david in the service event in philadelphia, hopefully he gives us some insight on any of this. stuart: i'm sure you'll write all the questions. i look at this headline, three scenarios to replace joe biden on the bout, any chance of them happening, that's a good question, joe concha rhoda and he's with me now, what are the three scenarios, do you think any of them are likely to take place? >> all run them down to give them their final answer on the second question scenario number one is the most common on the political chattering class at the democratic convention in july and a joe biden can't go forward with this campaign the reason is irrelevant, needless to say delegates of the
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convention floor are all in sync and nominating michelle obama to be the nominee and this is the party that continues to insist to this day that it can only save democracy for donald trump, they will have no problem in taking away the voters rights in trying to decide who the primary nominee in the particular process, the media michelle obama is far more interesting than covering all joe biden they will embrace this because the love affair with obama's truly never ended. i say no michelle obama is quite happy winning emmy awards in her estate on martha's vineyard, she's never rented it to get her life i don't think she wants to step into this, we don't know any of her policy positions anyway. i don't see that happening are you ready for scenario number
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two scenario number two, the same thing happens but happens with gavin newsom where he selected to be the nominee on the convention floor, the voters don't decide, people to convention decide because they see joe biden trailing donald trump in the way that he is at this point and they say no, we cannot win with joe biden he will be 86 in the oval office in 2028 we want a younger fresher face for the democratic party and gavin newsom is our guy. gavin newsom would have to run on his record which is not anything you can be proud of in california, the highest taxes in the country and highest poverty rate, more people moving out of california to places like florida than any other state in the country, i cannot see that happening as well. stuart: what is number three. >> number three, number three i forgot believe it or not, have to look it up on my phone. what can i say it was a long
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weekend and i'm just trying to find it at this point. thank gosh, the heroes your producers are excellent, thank you for that, kamala harris will take the presidential mantle i see this is a nonstarter, she is polling lower than joe biden at this point, when you see polls asking the question, ken, here is be president right now as we speak, most say no she's not ready for the job, i could not see, normally the natural perception is for the vice president to take over. with obvious and richard nixon and dwight eisenhower and eventually al gore ran after bill clinton, george h. w. bush after reagan but here it does not seem to be something that is embraced by democratic voters at this point. stuart: joe biden is a candidate, that's what you're saying, he's not could be replaced. >> joe biden is a candidate, donald trump was a candidate on the republican side, a lot can happen between now and then.
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joe concha, you're alright, think of for joining us. >> thank you. >> bernie sanders is chiming in on biden's reelection campaign, good morning to you, what is bernie saying? >> good morning, mr. sanders says the president has to change course when dealing with israel, he says young voters are angry about the ongoing offensive in gaza but the left-wing lawmakers say democrats will ultimately mobilize to defeat donald trump, here's what he told cnn. watch. >> i think we will end up rallying but there is no question is very hard for young people and most americans to be excited, the president has to change course. >> sanders called on biden to maintain pressure of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to stop what he said the bombing in gaza you can get
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billions of dollars to country that violates international law, but of course no mention of hamas, all leave it there. stuart: back in here, do you think biden is going to be the democrat nominee? >> i said for a long time i still don't believe he will be the nominee. i think with donald trump in the lead position as the republican nominee, i think there's a lot of people behind the scenes. i wrote a book called the puppeteers of the whole premises there's a class of people that like joe biden because they can manipulate him and put him in place and by the way can i mention bernie sanders indiscriminate bombing, how offensive is that, i'm sorry senator but we have american hostages in their, don't tell me the throwing bombs over the line to blow things up to blow things up that's terribly offensive,
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why didn't you ever mention the fact that a thousand israelis lost their lives and their american hostages you never hear that part of the story from senator sanders. stuart: morgan have more on the top of the next hour, republicans are negotiated with the white house on a border security deal, ron johnson will tell us what progress if any has been made, this editor is next. ♪
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i always check singlecare first! just go to, search for your prescription and show the coupon to your pharmacist. millions of people on medicare, just like me, use singlecare every month, and you can too! visit and start saving today. stuart: a resident of new york city are complaining about migrants panhandling, what is mayor adams doing about it. >> starting a curfew tomorrow night migrant have for city shelters i cannot leave the shelter between 11:00 o'clock at
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night and 6:00 o'clock the next morning because what's happening, residents in the neighborhood are complaining that they're knocking on the doors and asking for food and clothing at all hours if a migrant is caught violating curfew, three times in one month, they are out. stuart: out of work? >> the shelter. does this expand to the other shelters in new york city and doesn't make a difference? that's the other thing. you have new york, a sanctuary city having to deal with the symptoms of the border crisis and new yorkers are mad, not that they don't feel bad for the migrants but there being panhandling happening 24/7. stuart: i drive into new york and i see them on the street, it happens. moving on, president biden the governor of texas greg abbott are ramping up their battle on the border crisis, matt is in eagle pass, this is all about shelby park, what is going on
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and stated that shelby park at rio grande river and viewers might recognize as the hottest spot for illegal immigration anywhere along the southern border and right now as it stands this morning, texas has sees this property and band federal border patrol agents, you may recall a few weeks ago in december there was a huge crash of illegal immigration in this very park, texas governor abbott argues president biden's border policies have allowed the cartels unfettered access to smuggle migrants into the spark in this area, texas has kicked upward patrol arguing in part that the state of texas will do a better job deterring migrants, now the department of justice and texas are battling for control of this property along the river before the supreme court. the biden administration has warned the state of texas it must stop blocking federal agents immediately and if it doesn't change course by this wednesday at federal attorney warns texas we will refer the
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matter to the department of justice for appropriate action and consider all other options available. also this morning the texas military department issued in doubt an allegation from democratic congressman henry cuellar who tweeted that texas is responsible for the drowning death of a migrant mother and her two children over the weekend henry cuellar claims that the blocked border patrol from accessing the river to rescue the migrants. the texas military department is responding writing that claims of the texas military department prevented border patrol from saving the lives of john the migrants are wholly inaccurate, the time were to patrol requested access, the drowning sound occurred, mexican authorities were recovering the bodies, congressman cuellar's allegation is getting steam even the white house has weighed in this morning the texas military department is not taking allegations lightly. stuart: listen to what president biden said when asked if there
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is a crisis of the southern border, watch this. [inaudible] >> senator ron johnson republican from the state of wisconsin joins me now, welcome to the program. >> you are talking with white house on a border deal, how are things going, senate leadership is talking to the white house or not leading us into the room, they're not telling us all the details. what the president of the united states said is one more lie boldfaced lie to the market public, he is not pressing republicans to secure the border, people need to understand the crisis at the border is a clear and present danger to america, he caused it,
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he is the root cause they want an open border, humanist democrat allies in congress want an open border, now are supposed to negotiate with arsonists to put out there fire, right now my belief is that the democrats are negotiating for political cover because you have mayor adams in new york saying the migrant crisis is going to destroy new york city new york has less than 2% of 6 million plus in this country, if you go to small towns in wisconsin there being overwhelmed by migrants themselves. stuart: in wisconsin? >> whitewater 15000 population a couple hundred bilingual kids in the school system speaking different dialect, they need interpreters, law enforcement the same way police calls take two, three, four times, this is repeated throughout small communities throughout the country, the ramification from president biden's open border policy argue to be felt for decades, by the way it was
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president biden responsible for the drownings. it is open border policy that's facilitated the multibillion-dollar business model some of the most evil people, the human traffickers, the sex traffickers, the overdoses, that was caused by a president biden. stuart: you think the border is the most important issue getting into the 24, more important than the economy or inflation. >> is a clear and present danger coming of fbi director saying that all of those, foreign terrorist organizations, the highest threat level it's been since 9/11, how do you think foreign fighters can get to america, of the 6 million people 1.7 are known got a ways but that's a misnomer, we don't know who these people are or what the 6 million people are, that is a massive threat how has that impacted a response to iran if we think there may be sleeper cells is a massive problem the
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top priority in republicans better treated that way as well. stuart: senator i wouldn't say thank you very much for being on the show i know you're a busy guy but make time for us in new york and we appreciate it. >> thank you for supporting the packers. [laughter] stuart: the packers are my team. >> a great game last night. stuart: you're alright, thank you for joining us, the governor of minnesota who is a democrat says it is a just to be concerned about biden stamina, it is a real concern with the president needs to be guided and gets lost leaving the stage we're going to get into that one, subzero temperatures making iowa caucuses the coldest in history, how should people protect themselves in frigid temperatures, doctor siegel has some ideas after this.
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doctor marc siegel is with us, how do you protect yourself in frigid temperatures. i thought that you cover every square inch of skin. >> that's a very good place to start, shannon bream says she's using two pairs of her husband socks rather than one. i'm all for the extremities you have to watch out for frostbite and gloves all time you have to cover your mouth and nose, you have to cover your ears and you have to wear heavy socks. number two, you have to stay hydrated and you want to keep your skin lubricated, would get dry it cracks easier in the cold gets in. the third thing were having power outages across the country by the way and you have to watch out for that, you have to have emergency plans in place and make sure your car has a full tank of cass, jumper cables in your cell phone needs to be fully charged, that is really
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important, wind is a huge problem because wind knocks down trees and when trees go down the hit power lines, when they go down you have power outages, think where your good to go if you lose power in your house those are all key features. stuart: think how you could get out the garage of your electric vehicle. >> i was going to say that. >> the governor of minnesota who is a democrat says it is ages to be concerned about biden stamina, am i guilty of ageism if i show concern for the agent capacity of our president? >> i'm wondering if tim walsh the government of arizona is minus 15 degrees in minneapolis maybe his brain is affected from the cold, seriously i have said i'm more interested in fitness than linear age and the president of whether the cognitive slippage, we need someone who is running the
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country to have intact executive function, that is the word that we use how quick can they make decisions and how flexible are they on their feet, how fast can they process incoming information. it's not strictly age, it's what kind of health and how many underlying health problems that you have in your cognitive of fitness, that's what we have to look at and that's what the voters are going to look at. stuart: last one you have a new op-ed about florida's new program to import cheaper drugs from canada. , what do you like about it and is it working? >> i think it's a tip of the iceberg, it's a step in the right direction of adding more to the market, that's the thing the idf you can go out of the country to get your drugs is a myth that the drug companies have used on us when you consider most of the ingredients here and in canada come from china and india anyway there is no difference in the drugs in canada than here, the myth has to be burst, i'm also deeply disturbed that her drug
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companies use our pockets to create high prices here in the united states that are not reflected around the world and mid-level players, pharmacy benefit manufacturers suck the profit out of the system this is a step toward the right direction. it's not just re-importing from candidates only one 20th of the drug supply that we have here, were never to be able to make much of a difference. also bio some others, more generics, more in the marketplace, i don't like negotiating prices because that restricts choice, i want more choice, that is free market. stuart: thank you very much, we will see you again really soon. i wouldn't thank you for being with us. get out and vote, do the right thing. still ahead trumps air get on trump going after vivek ramaswamy publicly for the first time, steve forbes on the wall street journal said they will not be a recession but they will feel like one. steve hilton on bernie sanders wanted the president to change
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11:00 am
>> at some point these alternatives to trump are going


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