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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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americans played, which is the most popular card game among americans. ashley, you have honor of being first to. ashley: . ashley: it is tough. solitaire or blackjack i would think. i will go to solitaire number one. >> i'm going with number one, solitaire. stuart: i too am going with number one, solitaire. according to a poll from last year, 83% of americans say they have played solitaire at least once in their minds, 89% say they like or love playing solitaire. i have played it. can't gamble. >> you can now. stuart: thanks for being with us for the hour. it starts now.
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neil: show me the money. not going to plan and we think we know why. i'm talking any republican presidential candidate not named donald trump hoping for more money to replenish campaign coffers. we are hearing in the case of ron desantis, emptying, blue through a lot of dough to finish second in the iowa caucuses. visiting 99 in the state but not making a single win in any of them. nikki haley had problems, didn't meet high expectations some donors had set for her, she had momentum. she did not. even though she insisted it to 2-person race and won't debate anyone not named trump or biden. fox on top of the cold hard truth for those chasing a runaway freight train. alexis mcadams, next stop for that.
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>> reporter: not as cold in new hampshire where candidates are trying to gain that support in new hampshire is different from iowa though trump did well in the hawkeye state, nikki haley says she's not deterred is confident she can do well in the granite state and putting ground work to catch up to trump. >> you can look at the polls in new hampshire, we are a stones throw from donald trump so we will work hard. we've been here 11 months am a 75 town halls. >> reporter: from the first in the nation primary, donald trump, ron desantis and nikki haley on the ground tonight campaigning in new hampshire, doing everything they can to gain momentum. desantis stopped in south carolina to send a message to nikki haley that he is not backing down. some polls show the gop race is
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tightening. look at this paul, chris christie and vivek ramaswamy dropped out, trump leading among likely primary voters with 39%. haley a close second with 32%, that's a 12 point jump from november alone. ramaswamy suspended his campaign in iowa. what will he do? he will be on the trail campaigning with trump in new hampshire later tonight. why do new hampshire care about the most? the economy and immigration. chris sununu says the northern border is our big issue. >> more people on a terrorist watchlist coming through the northern border than the southern given the international tensions, folks are putting border security as top national security issue. >> reporter: there is supposed to be some debating in new hampshire but nikki haley is not going to debate anybody
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except donald trump or president biden and says ron desantis called her out saying nikki haley is turning to be trump's vice president. a lot going on on the ground. neil: thank you for that. let's go to lee carter, gop pollster. lee, a lot of fuss has been made about the runaway freight train nature of donald trump's when across all age groups, demographics and what that portends for new hampshire. what do you think? >> i think he had an amazing night. he broke 50%, it would be a victory for him and it was but just because he won iowa doesn't mean he will win new hampshire. what i did see, the polls on donald trump are pretty accurate. we expected him to get 52% of the vote, he got 51%. looking at what to expect in
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new hampshire, we can expect him to have great turnout. he has extreme voter enthusiasm. 82% of people that voted for him were looking for a fighter. we know two thirds of americans looking for a fighter, that's good for donald trump. the question in new hampshire is the polling has chris christie and vivek in it. it will all go to nikki haley? are vivek's votes are going to go to donald trump? if so what will happen? nikki haley is within a stones throw of victory new hampshire but i am doubtful she will be able to eke it out. neil: not much action until you get to south carolina. they pooh-poohed making the first in the nation primary in new hampshire an event for them so i'm wondering if they are allowing republicans to seal publicity thunder for a while
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and it doesn't change until next month. >> democrats made the decision to make iowa no longer the first state for the electorate, primary electorate is not reflective of the democratic party's base. right now they are happy to have focus be on the republican primary, let these candidates battle it out and the democratic party is hoping this is an easy season for president biden, i think the calculation is the more the conversation can be, the detractors he had the better it is for the democratic party at a time when biden is trying to turn around his own ratings and would rather attention beyond somebody like trump who is not so popular among the larger american primary, voting electorate.
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neil: i remember a little history, 1980, jimmy carter hoping ronald reagan would be the nominee, a two term governor of california, an actor, grenade throw when it came to big issues, that he was reckless and would be over his head and we learned from the one and only debate they had, american views can quickly change. right after the iowa caucuses the victor was george bush senior and they were much more frightened about him being the nominee because he would be tougher to beat. we know ronald reagan grew impossible to beat, won in a landslide and did the same four years later. democrats saying we like the idea of trump being the republican nominee, are they getting ahead? >> enter at your own risk. donald trump is nothing if not a survivor. he has proven he has come back
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and come back stronger than he was in 2020. if you look at the map in iowa he won in places he couldn't touch before. he's got voter enthusiasm like we haven't seen in a long time, 72% in exit polls, they decided to vote for him months ago. people are excited to vote for donald trump. the focus groups, the voters talking about why they supported donald trump, he stood by us, our time to stand by him, treating him unfairly, they could do it to us, time for us to support him and take our country back, his message is resonating. this is a fight for people. it's not the same for president biden. as much as president biden's supporters are saying those independents might not be able to vote, 1/3 will vote for him, they will come over to president biden, not sure that's the case. those voters might sit home.
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or vote for a third-party candidate. president biden has a lot of work to do. neil: the wrap against president biden, voters like him, just don't flip about him, they are not passionate about him. that was the same sentiment in 1980 when jimmy carter was seeking reelection. in over his head, has got to go. the passion that surrounds donald trump is nothing like president biden could pray for. does that worry you? on the passion level, his supporters don't have it? >> you make a completely fair point. what we are seeing now, the republican primary side, among donald trump, i think despite the lack of enthusiasm there is for president biden, a lot of americans are not thrilled about president biden but never thought donald trump really was
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going to be the republican nominee again four years later and those voters who feel apathy towards biden, i don't think they will sit at the end of the day and just watch as donald trump could be reelected as president again. neil: it is still early, intriguing signs, thank you, appreciate it. we talked about the situation ron desantis finds himself in, certainly the background to make a threat of himself to donald trump but doesn't appear to be happening. editorial in the wall street journal says it is time to put out the lights. desantis faces no clear path to the nomination, he is well behind haley in new hampshire and south carolina. if he believes donald trump can't win in november, he goes on to say he should leave the race and give haley a chance to take on donald trump. 1-on-1.
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desantis supporter and donor, what do you think? >> good to be here. i'm still in iowa. i was here last night, went over and spoke on behalf of desantis, as did hundreds of other volunteers, interesting process. we outperformed last night and nikki haley said there's only two tickets punched out of iowa and she came in third. polls were projecting -- neil: how do you outperform? you specifically, in 99 counties cover didn't win one of them. >> we picked tough nine delegates, 40 delegates here, we picked up 9 of them, donald trump picked up 20. that is how you calculate a win. or second place, we've got 9. neil: nikki haley got 8. >> desantis had $50 million a negative attack ads against him, he was projected to come
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in third in all the polling at the end. that's what i mean, he came in second and picked up more delegates and he's off to focus on south carolina and there were a lot of democrats voting for nikki haley. you could come and switch your vote, we will see what the numbers are. switched on the day of caucus, took 30 seconds. half of turn out was democrat. same in new hampshire. democrats are voting in the primary. we will get to south carolina where you won't have democrats voting in a republican primary and our voters deserve a choice between donald trump and one another candidate. that other candidate is ron desantis, not nikki haley. neil: the travel schedule for desantis will focus on south carolina but the fact that you said a lot of democrats will vote in new hampshire, that he has given up and you have given up on new hampshire. >> absolutely not. he will go back and forth from new hampshire to south carolina.
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neil: that is wondering what you think. >> mainly because it is not going to be a primary. we will have democrats deciding our candidate. our party deserves to have candidates decided by our party and not the other party. neil: you are quite right that they are more representative of the overall republican party but their love of donald trump, overwhelmingly, he goes from buzz started chainsaw. >> we will see. i think our party deserves to have a choice, not have a coronation. donald trump barely got 50% last night, 50% of caucus goers wanted someone else. he will get less then 50% in new hampshire or right around there. neil: it is still early. that's not too shabby. no one has won a caucus by this gap is in history.
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>> never had an incumbent president. if ronald reagan could come back tomorrow and running iowa do you think he would only get 50% of the vote in a primary? i think he would get over that. president biden if he were to run would get well over 50% in an iowa caucus. the enthusiasm gap, the turnout was pretty low in iowa, 110,000 voters. i don't see that enthusiasm. neil: always good seeing you. in the meantime, taking a look at the markets, boeing is freefalling down 7%. %. a doubt component, big reason you see the dow down the degree it has.
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it's lost 23% of its value to a bear market from 2.5 year high, december 15th year. it has seen 1/4 of its value. a little more after this. ♪ a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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neil: let's look at a 10 year note, push back to 4.05%. this has to do with fed governors on the wires hinting at a possibility we might, might be able to see rate cut to this year but it is not coming earlier. bank of america predicting we might not see any this year. peter tuckman at the stock exchange with this and other catalysts leading to a selloff. the thinking seems to be changing on rate cuts. >> we are not clear. the cpr number was a little disappointing. as minimal as the change was it was not what expectations were.
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for us to start thinking about cutting interest rates in q2. it is premature to be discussing is that. so many moving parts in the market, that conversation, there was dissent among the rates when the fed president started discussing the feeling we are headed towards 2% goal. it won't happen immediately but there's not one direct line, lowering of rates. neil: we wouldn't have quite the selloff is that we do but that is weighing on the dow. when issue under considerable duress might be just a one off but a powerful one off. >> the market is not at all forgiving. when they don't like a story,
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boeing had problems in the past. they've been given a chance to make things right. every time that happens, something else goes wrong. in the absence of other direction, people's minds and focuses, all eyes are on boeing. the market is down 150 points, and the s&p, not significant in any way. i don't think we need to address where the yield is at this point, just about 4%. it is more interesting to look at the divergence. the story of the day, nvidia today, $15 and such power behind that story. this is a generational move, we had the ces in vegas, the consumer electric show, all
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eyes about robotics in the trillions of dollars put to work by the big names. that is why the s&p is not off as much as the dow. neil: they had a feature where they showed a robot or a similar type being giving you the news, if you cannot promote what's going on i appreciate it. whether it is still too early for markets to handicap the election, not until november. normally that begins to pick up or be a factor in stock trading in late summer. what do you think? >> it is completely premature. elections don't have much bearing. in the absence of other things
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going on sometimes eyes are on the election itself, candidates as we do right now whose opinions and policies are so far from each other. it's premature to be looking at that. in the first two weeks of 2,024, a big a bid range bound in the s&p 500, 476 to 468. we came into the beginning of the year, spectacular for 2023 and a rally last week and the markets role over. the market is trying to get its footing, we try to get where our eyes are, what money is being put to work and what sector we look at. is this something we are talking about for the next 2 or 3 quarters, and the predominant
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catalyst for the footing. neil: appreciate that insight. >> you will never be replaced. neil: appreciate the big picture. regardless where they are coming from. we told you about iowa, new hampshire just kicking off and following the candidates and following the money. nikki haley did well, finished as originally expected. there had been that surge, a lot of her backers were dreaming, who knows, maybe she could win the whole thing, went to the original. what is a billionaire donor to do? we will ask one after this. ♪ just can't wait to get on
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the road again ♪ ♪ the life i love is making music with my friend
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neil: you have to been south carolina? >> we want to be strong and i were, new hampshire and south carolina. we are not worried about south carolina yet, we are worried about iowa today. we will get that done and focus on new hampshire. of the 20 she finished third, not bad, that was originally expected, placing third in iowa. it was a very low performing state in terms of the number of people who voted and that's one of the things people are saying, 110,000. versus 187,000 in 2016 but that is how she was expecting to do, then she started searching in the polls. some thought that might get hurt the silver finish.
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it didn't happen. let's get the read on what a big backer is doing, independents moving the needle founder, very good to have you back. are you less inclined or more inclined to support her? how do you feel? >> good to be back. don't worry about ai. your show will be fine. she did great. her speech was fantastic. it's very clear ron doesn't have a shot. he had his opportunity. he failed to catch up to donald trump. neil: weight, he did protect second. it was donald trump who ran away with the whole thing hurting both of them. might be different in new hampshire but you show no signs
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of pulling back. she will not wait this out to see if she's worth the money? >> no. we are doubling down. we have a strong game this week. i think new hampshire will be different. you know that iowa narrows the field. gives us further clarity. ron should come to that decision. not really a tweet 2-person race. he will see the nikki will get very close. she will get a very serious silver metal in new hampshire and that sets her up nicely. bill clinton came in second and moved on to be president, nikki will surprise all of us. neil: here is what is a little different. her opponent leading in south carolina. her home state where she was governor.
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depending on a pole, 25 points to donald trump, she doesn't do better than that all the money in the world won't change a fortune. >> we are focused on new hampshire. i can't focus on south carolina. four weeks, she will pick up a lot of momentum in new hampshire. neil: does she have to win new hampshire? >> she just has to over perform, she has to do much better than ron did in iowa, no question that she will. i think she has a chance to win but if she comes in second and a strong second this will make it clear to all the republican and independents in the country this is not a foregone conclusion trump is our next candidate. she will have a good chance being a strong number 2 in new hampshire and maybe she will do better. neil: people dropping out of the race.
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asa hutchinson has not withdrawn, helping or hurting any of the candidates. vivek ramaswamy, a lot of those voters might wander off to donald trump as chris christie voters might wander to nikki haley but that is a draw, doesn't change the math. what do you think? >> chris christie had more support in new hampshire than vivek. this conventional wisdom, some voters went for vivek because he is younger, a fresh force, we were hoping he wouldn't just be another polarizer in chief as president biden is an trump could be as well. he would be at a minimum ineffective if reelected. we will see if vivek voters will go to trump, some may come to nikki haley and she will have to compete for chris christie voters and convince them she is the right choice for an effective president who can get things done.
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she should be able to do that but i think new hampshire will be different than iowa. neil: a good opportunity looking for equal opportunities as well, good seeing you again. in the meantime we are focused on what happens in new hampshire. we are also focusing as well on how cold and nasty the weather is. if you have any electric vehicle, ev hell after this. ♪
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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>> welcome back to cavuto coast-to-coast. i am brandy campbell with fox weather reporting in arkansas after another winter storm across the us leaving some cities in this state with 8 inches of snow. we are at the state capital of little rock where they got three inches of snow. you can see it sticking around due to the frigid temperatures, 15 ° but feels like 3 °. one of the big issues as a result of that, the roads, you can see the snow sticking around. crews working to clear as drivers take off. >> the main freeways are pretty clear, so on and so forth. sketchy. take it easy. don't go sliding. take it easy.
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>> reporter: there you have it. something they were looking forward to was the sun coming out, saying it will help melt snow and ice despite the low temperatures. conditions cause multiple school districts to close for the day canceling classes and activities which i've seen several counties and cities closing their government offices as well. the snow cleared today and temperatures rising but they will have more winter weather coming towards the end of the week. that will not be as impactful. back to you. neil: stay warm. i want to go to a senior writer there, all these ev failures couldn't charge up in places like chicago or elsewhere. we talked before about the
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great concept, great vehicles have their problems and this is the latest. >> agree with what you said. evs our new, there's 2 or 3 million on us roads out of 200 million cars and we are finding out interesting technology but not perfect everywhere, rural minnesota, not the best technology. batteries lose range. lauren: 1 ec in hurricanes where they couldn't work anymore or whatever the deal is but we see this periodically. it gives people pause. >> i would liken it if you think of the electricity grid, none of us like our utilities even though it is up 99.8% of
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the time, lose your power and christmas eve so you have edge cases where it is a significant issue and that is something technology -- neil: people see that, i will hold off. are we slowing this down? how do you see it? >> 8% of the cars in the us last year were all electric. i sat with mary bara, gm ceo. she said something that always stuck with me. not everyone can drive in ev yet and she said our golden the long run is maybe one of every two cars for two household cars, household with two cars, issues with apartments and extreme weather but that is what her goal was. neil: even she pushed to that
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goal back. >> the industry, funny thing is one. 2 million up 45%, that's good but they were preparing to sell so many more be leaving some of these issues might not manifest, everyone would be willing to adopt them and you run into these issues in florida and extreme weather. they are pulling back and seeing losses. we can double or triple ev sales. that leaves 2 thirds, 70% of the market for traditional technology. we got so overhyped to do it in 2021 and 2022, 2023 was a reality check. neil: is promising. >> to your point, letting market decide is the best solution. people should buy whatever they want.
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neil: great seeing you again. it was lopsided in iowa. a full-scale push to get them upfront. there is a push outside to find someone who can fill that gap because we don't like the choice, after this. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card.
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neil: charlie gasparino has not from divisional plans of outside players. charles: what is interesting, i went to a reception on sunday where they featured joe manchin, an interesting guy. he will probably run for president. the stars have to online right. has to beat biden and get on all the tickets and make a decision whether he can win. she doesn't want to be a spoiler. he made an interesting comment about nikki haley.
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if she doesn't win new hampshire or doesn't come really close, he thinks she drops out before south carolina. he doesn't think she will roll the dice in south carolina. when i talked to money guys, she's going to drop out. diane: labels. neil: if you are talking to money guys it is next week to determine if trump comes out of that really strong it is going to be hard for nikki haley and ron desantis to raise money. charles: are any of them know labels? charles: we do know inside know labels, independent nonpartisan moderate democrats and republicans like joe lieberman, joe manchin, larry hogan, he's
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going to support nikki haley but she might be a know labels candidate. neil: they like to run a republican with a democrat. charles: so that is where we are right now. next week is more of a hotel in terms of the donor base. if nikki haley does well i think she has a shot. neil: if she comes a couple points to donald trump, 30 points, go baby go. charles: there's a lot of wind at her back. the donor class, small donor, donald trump is very small donors. does desantis keep going? he is number 2 in this one. again, if he does okay, you see how people could give money to him. neil: the expectations in the polls. charles: the polls say despite what the base is saying, most americans don't want either of
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these guys. neil: we are still at that stage. andrew yang knows about the deal, the outside force, democratic presidential candidate and what do you make of this discussion, charlie is talking to key players to look for players who would be outside of biden/trump choice. picking up steam. what do you think? >> the action is in new hampshire a week from today. you have nikki haley who has a real shot against donald trump. a lot of independents. a lot of people who aren't trump fans and the republican party as evidenced i the governor who endorsed nikki haley. you have dean phillips who is at 28% in new hampshire, bill ackerman put $1 million behind him. his name id is so but 50% which means a ton of room to grow.
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i would love to upgrade from a biden/trump rematch, on the democratic side. dean has a better chance because president biden will be a right in in new hampshire, that will probably depress his vote. neil: you know the party intrigue better than i. i can't see him winning or getting the nomination. there might be an outside hunt, some are hinting that is going to california governor newsom. i tend to think it's too late for that but what do you think? >> there haven't been any delegates assigned. there is not a single delegates chosen. if the party starts to realize look at the numbers president biden will lose to trump. is down in the majority of swing states.
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he's got 38% approval rating. smart people are looking at this and saying if you want to defeat donald trump you might want to change your nominee. now is the time. if you say 6 or 8 weeks from now, i would agree with you but itl about new hampshire a week from today, dean phillips can put up a shocking number. most of find 28% shocking. if he is at 7% he could be 27%. neil: is about expectations. democrats are allowing republicans to steal the publicity thunder not only with iowa, and now in new hampshire, no one will be saying anything about democrats until south carolina. that's the focus now. is that a tactical error? >> it really is.
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if you are talking hundreds of millions of free media spotlight on your party, instead you've got a void where there could be democratic debates, people campaigning in these states. new hampshire is a swing state. the fact that president biden is not in new hampshire is malpractice in my opinion. it's bad for the party and bad for people who want to see him defeat trump in november. i genuinely think dean phillips is going to rise in energy. the question is whether he can get big enough fast enough. neil: you are one of the few people saying that. always catching up with you, thank you very much. >> next week is the day. neil: andrew yang following that on the democratic side. looking at what went down in iowa, the early indications that could have forecast exactly what happened. ♪
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12:59 pm
adam: two things immediately hit me. it is incredible call here. the other thing was the sense of history. you can feel it in the crisp, cold, air. it it is unpredictable how weather affects things. >> do you think we have to be buried today? >> no. >> i'm not worried. . 20 the secretary of agriculture -- >> you look cold out there. >> islands appreciate hard work and the company willing to come to them. lauren: 20 remember the ones that don't. >> yes. neil: in the history of doing these caucuses it has never been colder. that comes back to how many will turn out in weather like that. i wore earmuffs and a warm scarf so i don't need you complaining to me about not being appropriately dressed. >> i did not wear a hat. neil: there are no hats that fit me. >> can't believe you're on a bull's-eye.
1:00 pm
neil: it was cold there. it is snowing and cold in new hampshire this weekend for my saturday show. one of the things that interesting about how cold weather affects voting, we've got a lot of details out of iowa that are stunning and good news for donald trump. one hundred 10,000 people voted versus 187,000 in 2016. from that day we extrapolate results that could be do or die for nikki haley and ron desantis as they fight there but the backdrop is nasty weather which complicates everyone's clear picture of how things will go. it affects football games. it affects how people vote in caucuses and primaries. saturday on top of that. with the dow down 289 points, to tailor rigs in "the big money show" guy.


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