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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: think, china, europe and davs quaking in their boots and shaking and donald trump had a big night in iowa last night and has momentum going into new hampshire and stay tuned for more and the momentum is now with liz macdonald. elizabeth: thank you, larry. we're all over it and have a jam
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-packed hour. it was a great show. iran is on the ground directing houthi attacks on ships in the red sea, but the president said he warned iran to back off. we've got more on that and climate czar john kerry on the ground in davos, switzerland calling reporters stymed for asking why he's flying all over the world when he could skype or zoom. fulton can want da fani willis hiring friends on the trump case and get right to it. former arkansas governor and bop presidential candidate mike huckabee. good to see you again. historic win for trump last night and he's barn storming in new hampshire hawaii did you think? >> it was a huge win for donald trump and i thought his speech after was pitch perfect. he was gracious to nikki haley and ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. i wish they all had been as gracious to him, vivek was.
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nikki haley went after him in the speech. i don't think that was a good moment for her. but the big news out of iowa was that donald trump exceeded the expect taces and he lived up to every one of the polls. and the second biggest story was that ron desantis now faces some very serious challenges. he had boat loads of money starting out, he spent a big chunk of it in iowa. he put all of his bets on that particular table, and it just didn't pan out that well. it's going to be a real climb for him. new hampshire, south carolina if he doesn't win one of those and come in second in both of them, i think he has a hard pathway ahead. elizabeth: yeah, turn to this, voters in new hampshire now and also they said it in iowa, they say they want to see change and 79 dramatic change on both the border and the economy. what do you think? >> well, there's one person that deliver that had in the first
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term as president and it was donald trump. cutting regulation, cutting taxes historically, putting $4,000 per year into the pockets of middle class working class families, getting the border to the most secure place in a long time, and making us energy independent for the first time in 75 years. just to name a few things. so if people really are serious about that, then that's why donald trump is the obvious choice for a whole lot of people and it was last night for the people of iowa. elizabeth: governor, let's get your reaction to former president trump and gop candidates after trump won with a historic victory in iowa and has the biggest win there to date in the iowa caucuses. watch this. >> they want america, you know, they want us to be great again. we're going to put america first, make america great again. again, iowa, we love you. he's the worst president we've had in the history of our country. he's destroyed our country.
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and, you know, my wife attended the funeral two months ago of rosalynn carter and it was beautiful. i thought to myself jimmy carter is happy now because he'll go down as being a brilliant president by comparison to joe biden. so we're going to come together. we're going to drill baby drill right away. brill baby drill. we have to stop the invasion. we have to bring down our energy. >> so we have our marching orders. our marching orders are to do all we can to preserve what george washington called the sacred fire of liberty. the same fire that burned in philadelphia in 1776 when our founding fathers signed the declaration of independence. >> it's both donald trump and joe biden they have more in common than you think.
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70% of americans don't want another trump/biden rematch. elizabeth: that's nikki haley and turning back to former president trump, governor, he wants to unit america to fix america. your word on that? >> his town hall with bret baier and martha mc mccal lum and his speech last night was the right tone and networks like cnn and msnbc that bonelet america hear him but those that do will say i agree with that with what he's saying and manner in which he's saying. i think donald trump will be very, very hard to beat in the primary. i don't think anybody will. i sympathy it's his to take. i think it's his to take. frankly contrasting his record with biden, i think it's a 47th presidency for him. elizabeth: we're looking at new hampshire data for example, 12% inflation they were hit with. we know how high inflation has gone in the country and coming
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back down and it's 18% compounded under this president president and polls show the country is on the wrong path under biden. monmouth economist and harvard, eight out of ten say we're on the wrong path and want to see change. it's done, over, biden went too far left and further to the left than obama. final word, government >> who's the 30% to think we're on the right path? what universe do they wake up in every day and rest of the world struggles to buy bacon, bread and butter and put gas in their cars to go to work and 30% of people think everything is coming up roses? i don't think so. elizabeth: we'd like to hear you play that on your guitar, governor. it's good to have you on. thank you for joining us, governor, good to see you. >> thanks. elizabeth: joining us is chris bedford and washington examiner
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deputy kaylee mcghee white. thanks to both of you coming on. kaylee, first to you on the media attacking trump and gop voters after trump's iowa victory. kaylee, biden's approval is falling every mo month and he'sw in the 30s and they're attacking trump voters as extremists. what do you think? >> it's predictable and it's the biden reelection strategy and worked in 2020 hiding his basement while the media ran cover for him and trying to do it now. it's not coincidence that biden hasn't held a single campaign in the event the past couple months and not trying to convince the public to reelect hymn and he's banking on the media to once again run cover for him and that happens also mean the media has to ily attack trump and trump supporters all the time. elizabeth: got it. kaylee. chris, let's get your reaction to msnbc censoring trump even
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before the former president gave his victory speech. critics saying they air joe biden constantly misleading america and censorship is not news. people are in the bubble if they watch msnbc. you'll hear this and watch an iowa voter. watch this. >> there's a reason we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. it is not out of spite. it is not a decision that we relish, but there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things. >> small business owners, we feel very frustrated with the economy and the direction it was moving and then all of a sudden over the last several years the direction it went. we've had to adjust suspect things and change some things, but we'd like to see a big turn around. >> do you see a light at the end of the tunnel? >> we do with the candidate we'd like to support.
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trump, trump all the way. elizabeth: chris, that's an iowa voter. chris, msnbc censoring trump claiming he was about to say untrue things and they didn't know what he was going to say. what do you think? >> i don't think it's about protecting the american people, it's about control. the media was surprised in the 2016 election and life-threatening in a bubble in new york city in washington and not recognizing what people were saying in iowa and michigan and pennsylvania. they were surprised that donald trump's message resounded so spectacularly. they were surprise that had bernie sanders message resounded and it was a different message and changing power in dc. they made it their mission they were never going to let this happen again as much as possible. to that effect, they ran joe biden's campaign in 2020 and they'll try to s to censor --
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who hads lives were bet r off under a trump presidency and that another term presidency somehow represents the end of democracy as we know it. elizabeth: chris, take the final word. >> interesting to see donald trump talk about jimmy carter and elected when the country needed healing and turned out administration he offered wasn't able to offer that and wept with ronald reagan afterwards. the american people were so torn up and sick of conflicting against each other they were willing to look to joe biden for that and found out joe biden sold them a false bill of goods
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and they're back thinking maybe donald trumps wasn't the cause of the divisions but maybe the people in the media. elizabeth: got it. chris bedford and kaylee mcghee white, thank you for joining us. good to see you. for you the only thing, congressman carlos gimenez and rick perijoining us and attorney leo terrell and the backlash is growing against ful fulton couny da fani willis and corruption allegations are deeply troubling. he's under pressure to launch a probe here. also, we've got a major green energy failure with the biden white house and taking the u.s. on the wrong path. electric car drivers stranded in record arctic cold as charging stations breakdown in places like chicago. and we have government workers, they said no, they ditched saying we're not going to do our planned work out to protest israel. what? the only protests of warm weather.
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protesting because it's too cold? critics say they're working from home anyway and texas not backing down from white house threats after texas seized control of its own border security. and we've got retired lieutenant general david coming up on the news that iran is inside yemen with bombs and missiles and directing houthi attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. and this just days after president biden said he warned iran. iran bombs northern iraq and syria. all of this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that.
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i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings. since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. elizabeth: this story is intenintensifying and iranen-bad houthi terrorists attack another ship in the red sea and this time one owned by greece. that's now 33 ships attacked. the white house has no good explanation for why president biden delisted the houthis from the u.s. terror list as soon as he took office. edward lawrence is live at the white house with more on this story. edward. reporter: yeah, and the administration now responding to the houthi attacks faster and more forcefully than ever before. you mentioned it, 33 attacks now on ships in the red sea since november 19th. the u.s. announcing a preemptive
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strike on four ballistic missile sites in yemen as the houthis were loading the missiles to fire. this in response to the missile fired at u.s.-owned and operated ship in the red sea and u.s. had two navy seal teams seize an iranian boat shipping advanced weapons to houthis going after supply chain did football games stop the attacks as you mentioned late today, houthis announced -- or launched antiship cruise missile that hit a cargo ship causing minor damage. republicans say that these more aggressive responses by the u.s. should have happened months ago to set a tone rather than allowing the houthis to continue to attack. >> this weakness does not invite victory for the united states in our interest and allies. it invites bullies like iran, islamic terrorists, to continue to fund groups like hamas and houthis. to take advantage and disrupt
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that nation and part of the world. reporter: john kirby saying he believes the president has shown strength. >> we believe that we did have a good effect with the strikes in terms of disrupting and degrading their capability to conduct military offensive operations. as for what the next turn is here, i won't get ahead of potential military operations one way or the other. reporter: continued attacks has shell oil companies moving around the red sea and not going through chevron but through the red sea and other shipping companies that avoid that had area will continue to avoid that area as we see this back and forth. elizabeth: yeah this, story is not going away. edward lawrence, always terrific reporting from you. get out of the cold and get yourself warm. reporter: thanks. elizabeth: welcome to the shore, retired air force lieutenant general david deptula. general, let's get your reaction to this. break it down and what are they reporting? iran revolutionary guard is on the ground in yemen directing a bombing of commercial ships in
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the red sea. they're reporting on sources that iran stationed ballistic missiles, drones and it's commanders in -- it is commanders in yemen but the president warned iran to back off. warned them on the phone. did that work? >> well, liz, it's an extraordinary complex situation. i think as you've highlighted, it is pretty evident the iranians are the ones supporting the houthis with equipment and finally after a long period of time that i've said that the solution to stop them is in addition to shooting down the arrows and killing the archers and the coalition is now finally doing that as witnessed by its attacks and needs to continue doing that to encollude indicting all of the -- include interdicting awe the means that iran might have in supplying the houthis. that means direct action against
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iranian lines of communication and resupplying yemen and the houthis. elizabeth: biden appeasement strategy is not working? >> well, i i'm sailing they've come to the conclusion that after exhausting diplomating means and other means that force is the only thing these people understand and quite frankly it's important with respect to the houthis to realize a deterrence is not possible by coercion alone and they need to destroy the houthi power of projection and also means -- elizabeth: fin issue your thought. >> means the houthis are not able to receive resupply from the iranians. elizabeth: i mean, this is intensifying and we're seeing news and more reports coming in and a lot of people around the
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world worry this mideast conflict is going to escalate into a broader regional conflict what's going on with iran and the houthis. watch president biden two days ago saying, yeah, he talked to iran and told them to stand down. watch. >> i've always delivered the message to iran and they know not to do anything. elizabeth: general, they know not to do anything. iran just bombed syria and northern iraq near the u.s. consulate in iraq. iran is claiming it took out a spy base in northern iraq and anti-iran groups in syria. again, is iran listening to the president because this is spiraling into a wider conflict. >> no, it is -- you raise excellent points. it's becoming clear to nose in the coalition that words don't
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matter as much as actions do. actions are fundamental to halt continued aggression by their clients and so i think it's absolutely important that we would be wise to initiate first full up sanctions against iran and the economic income and if necessary, direct attacks against islamic revolutionary guard core or irtc leadership. elizabeth: got t retired lieutenant general david deptula, thank you for your insights tonight. we appreciate you. more on the growing backlash against fulton county da fanny willis. governor kemp is under pressure from house lawmakers to probe fani willis giving lucrative jobs to not just her boyfriend, but says she did it with her other friends too, hired them. plus, former energy secretary
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rick perry is here. we have a breakdown for another failure in biden's green energy push and electric car drivers stranded in record cold in places like chicago after charging stations fail. it's on the evening edit next. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing]
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elizabeth: back with us now is civil rights attorney leo terrell. leo, we always love having you on the show. we love that smart brain of yours, you're very, very smart what do you make of this: full n county da fani willis said the house judiciary probe into her is racist. she allegely hired her boyfriend and other friends on georgia's trump 2020 case. is this racist? no >> no, she used a house of worship over the weekend to play the race card and talking charges in the house of worship. she played the race card and
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misappropriations of funds, cop applicant of interest, whether or not she has a relationship with this potential da is not racist. but that's the excuse she's using. i will submit to you that the motivation as to why these charges were filed against president trump have been now called into question, liz. elizabeth: yeah, it's under credibility of this probe. georgia governor brian kemp, he's previously said he saw no reason to investigate fani willis and now he calls her actions deeply troubling for hiring her boyfriend, giving him a lucrative paying job and then went on trips an the world to the caribbean, you know, to napa on norwegian cruise lines and royal caribbean. that seeps like a glaring conflict of interest. we don't know what else happened. shouldn't we probe them? go ahead. >> no, her silence is deafening. listen, if she was innocent, say it. go out in public and take questions and answer questions but she goes to a church and plays the race card on mlk
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weekend. right now, there's a problem. if she is exonerated from any charges, tell us under oath. take a lie detector test but here's the probleme trd to play the race card and talks about the hourly rate. how this individual boyfriend she has has received over $600,000, liz. more than anyone else. so she's handing him money. and then she goes on these trips? again, i question the motivation. if she was doing the right thing, she disqualifies herself from the case and lets someone else handle the case and we'll find out if these charges were motivated solely because it was against president trump. elizabeth: she's not denying she hired her boyfriend, who's never worked a rico case, which is what this is. listen to what fani willis said. watch. >> i appointed three session councils, it's my right to co. paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attack one.
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i hired one white woman, a good personal friend and great lawyer. super star i tell you. i hired one white man, brilliant, my friend and a great lawyer. i hired one black man, another super star, a great friend and a great lawyer. elizabeth: leo, she's saying it right there. it's right there in everybody's face. she's hiring her friends. that's a conflict of interest too; right? hiring friends and not incident thinkers or prosecutor and will they be more inclined to set aside facts and go after trump in a political attack? i mean, that's what the crit ibrams are saying whether they disagree or agree with trump or the facts of this case, now it's tainted. she's hiring her friends. >> liz, there's a dual system of justice and trump is being treated differently than any
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other individual. why? because it's about power and control. i want to say this right now, i'm sick and tired of black progressives playing the race card. the race card. here is a black district attorney in georgia, this is not 1965. she's playing the race card. you know why? because she got caught and caught for misappropriating funds, conflict of interest, going out with her boyfriend, using state funds. she should to the be handling in case and it should be put in the hands of another da and then we'll find out if there's any merit to the frivolous charges against president trump. this is outrageous and stop using the race card to hide misconduct. elizabeth: got it. leo terrell, we knew you were terrific and we appreciate you coming on the show. good to see you. now, let's welcome to the show former energy secretary, rick perry. he's the former governor of tampa bays. great to see you again, governor. governor, sit tight. we want you to listen to this. listen to john key kerry getting angry at a journalist in davos
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asking why john kerry was flying around the world on polluting jet when is he could skype or zoom. governor, he's flown practically every month out of the country for at least the last 13 years. watch this. >> what's the principle of these events every single year you come here? think it's worth it? peak spl san antonios pay for your -- peasants pay for your crimes? >> that's a stupid question. >> is it really? is it more stupid than you traveling here to tell us -- sorry? >> we're done. we are done now. >> don't grab me. you can't grab us. this is a free society, mate. we have freedom of the press. why do you thiara more important, your carbon footprint doesn't matter but everybody else around the world. >> nobody ever suggested that. don't make up stupid questions. elizabeth: yeah, people have
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suggest that had and asked for years why he keeps flying around the world. what do you think, governor, when you heard that? >> it's the same old story and it's just a different time, mr. kerry has ought thought his actions were different than everybody else's. he's special, he's privileged and that's what we get out of the left. there's nothing here that's new, that's surprising to me. they're going to continue with the story for as long as the american people or people of the world will let them get away with it. hopefully in november of this year, that will stop in this country when we elect a republican president and senate and house and get back to the business of the people and taking care of this country as most americans want us to. elizabeth: governor, let's turn to this, 80% of america is in an arctic freeze, more than 40 cold
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temperature records likely broken today. texas grid operate torr ercot asking texas residents to conserve electricity. solar and wind generation is failing in the record cold. now you've got electric car drivers stranded in the cold in places like chicago because charging stations are failing. they're saying it's a "car graveyard" out there. what do you think of this story? >> yeah, well, it shouldn't surprise anybody. batteries have problem working efficiently in very cold weather. the idea that somehow another electric cars are going to be able to handle these extreme cold weather is not a surprise to anyone. as a matter of fact, elizabeth. i think is all kind of connecting today. the idea that the government is forcing us to buy electric cars and use solar electricity or panels i should say. they're forcing us to use wind
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energy and then it fails because we don't have enough dais load power. base load power. that's the real key is all the governments out there need to recognize you need base load and it's in the state of texas and generally speaking natural gas and nuclear power, small modular reactors and seeing the way we ought to be going in the country and walk away safe and economically feasible and there's zero emissions and this idea that somehow or another we'll have all these renewables and be happy. i'm all for electric cars and make them in austin, texas. that's all in good but ought to be your choice if you want to buy one or not. if you go to where the temperature drops down to minus 20 or 30, if you get stationed
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at minot air force base in north dakota, might want another alternative than electric car. elizabeth: biden white house is just pushing mandates on top of the u.s. economy, forcing people to guy stuff they don't want. buy stuff they don't want. what if there was a emergency e havinguation and vanned been -- evacuation and vanned with an electric car that's broken down or charging station that doesn't work? >> elizabeth or the dod forcing military to use electric vehicles in times of literally keeping our soldiers and sailors in a safe condition. the idea that the government needs to force you to do something. i don't get it. elizabeth: got t governor perry, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> you're welcome, elizabeth. elizabeth: this story, we'll get you the update on this news, the house delaying contempt of congress citation because of hunter biden today.
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is it because the president's son will finally sit for a deposition in the biden impeachment inquiry? we have congressman carlos gimenez and escalated fight between white house and texas and lone star state not backing down from seizing control of it is own border security. we want to hear first from my buddies dagen and sean. we're excited to hear what you've got good-bying next hour on the -- cooking next hour on the bottom line. >> yeah, msnbc didn't take trump's victory speech and cnn cut away and can't let their viewers hear donald trump speak. kayleigh mcenany on that and houthi rebels continue to attack ships in the red sea. kt mcfarland joining us on that topic. >> john kerry's davos declaration that the green climate economic revolution is underway and despite green energy stocks collapsing,
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they're running out of cash if you look at electric vehicle compancompanies and sieman wit $ $8 billion on government and oli london with the emmy's last night and demand for culture changing stories being told on television about transgender people. what does culture changing mean? top of the hour. ears mainly because i just love helping people. as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something that would help. when i first started taking prevagen, i noticed my memory was so much better. just stuff seemed to come together and fit like a jigsaw puzzle in my mind. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. people are excited about what ai will do for them. we're excited about what ai will do for business.
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and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? elizabeth: whoa, this growing fight. texas is not backing down. the white house has been threateddenning legal action -- threatening legal action after texas seized control of shelby park at the border to crack down and tighten security at the state's border. matt fin is live in eagle pass, texas. matt. reporter: liz, the battle over this park intensified last week when texas put up some of this razor wire and kicked out federal border patrol agents. texas argues it can do a better job deterring migrants than the federal government. the battle game even more heated when democratic congressman henny cuellar that taction is to blame for -- texas is to blame for the drowning death of a
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mother and son on friday. dhs released a statement backing that claim. the texas military department strongly denies the allegation saying mexican authorities handled the drownings and white house weighed in on unfirmed allegation writing in part "on friday night a woman and two children drowned near eagle pass and texas blocked u.s. border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance". in the newest court filing, department of homeland security confirms what texas actually says happened and the drownings occurred around 8:00 p.m. and mexican authorities handled the incident and didn't alert the u.s. till one hour after the migrants died. dhs writes in the latest filing, "mexican officials informed border patrol that thee migrants, one woman and two children drowned at approximately 8:00 p.m. in the same area". aside from the drowning of the three migrants, dhs argues it was trying to rescue two other myograns in the area and claim that -- myograns in the area and
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claim texas blocked them as well. they have to reopen the property to federal agents by tomorrow or they're going to consider all options on the table. we'll be in the park today and tomorrow, liz, and we'll keep you updated on the show down. elizabeth: matt fin, you're doing great journalism and reporting there. one and only matt finn. thank you so much. joining us from house homeland security carlos gimenez. your reaction to the white house, again, misleading america on what happened basically this is turning into, oh, the border patrol whipped illegal imgrans, which never happened. that did not happen. this story though about using and exploiting the drowning deaths of illegal immigrants when the border authorities were not even told till after the fact that it happened. this is now again another narrative about the white house falling apart. congressman, what do you think? >> count surprise me. i've always said you don't want to what the biden administration says because they lie and lie
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all the time. now an hour after unfortunately this woman and i guess two kids unfortunately drowned, that we were informed by the mexican authorities. somehow dhs was going to save them after they had already drowned. so again, another example of the biden administration lying through its teeth. that's all they do, all the time. and mayorkas was in on it too. elizabeth: got it. congressman, let's move to this. we're going to hear from lawmakers jerry nadler and nancy pelosi. you'll hear them claim we need illegal immigrants to pick crops. watch this. >> we need immigrants in this contrivement fertilizer the fact that the farm -- our vegetables would rot in the ground if it weren't being picked by many immigrants and many illegal immigrants. >> we have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in florida some of the farmers and growers saying why are you
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shipping these immigrants up north? we need them to pick the crops down here. elizabeth: separate from the democrat elitism here, are they avoiding reports of illegal immigrant children hired for dangerous jobs including at meat backing plants? meat packing plants? are they paying attention or getting ken polcari tear on that? >> no, also it's like myograns are only good for picking crops. is that all they do. it's kind of elitist and so, look, we may need more people to do more work in the united states but they need to come in legally. that's the crux of the matter. has to be legal immigration and what the biden administration is allowing is massive illegal immigration and we're being flooded by a wave of illegal immigrants. we can't have that if we're ever going to maintain and be a nation that's guided by the rule of law. elizabeth: talk the budget talks; right. will it secure the border?
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voters are saying shut the border. it's got to stop. speaker johnson is saying no to a senate deal to increase green cards by 50,000 a year. work permits for every illegal immigrant released from custody. speaker johnson is saying no to 5,000 illegal immigrants per day into the u.s.. i mean, that is astr astronomicd levels of illegal immigration and where are the budget talks now? >> i don't know where the budget talks are now. look, i'm not in favor of shutting down the government at this point. it doesn't make any sense. if you shut down the government, biden will say the reason that we have this flood of immigrants is because the republicans shut down the government and didn't give us the resources that we needed plus shutting down the government doesn't save any money and shutting down the government only hurts every day americans. so we need a deal. i'm not so sure that the border deal even if it's signed by the president that i believe that he'll do it because he's the guy that's imremitting the policies -- implementing the
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policies allowing the flood to happen right now. elizabeth: got it. congressman gimenez, good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> god too see you too. elizabeth: house delayed contempt citation for hunter biden today and is it because the president's son will finally sit for a house deposition in the biden impeachment inquiry? that's next on "the evening edit". ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions
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helping the small stand tall. elizabeth: joining ulings join us now congressman andy biggs. did house lawmakers get a deal with hunter biden, will hunter biden come in and testify in the biden impeachment inquiry? >> my understanding is he will come in, in a few weeks. what important, we're not going to have a scope limitation or a time limit, we can ask him a plethora of questions over a broad range of topics, as much as i think he needed to be referred for prosecution that would take 90 to 100 days, we won't have when we want most, that is the information he has. elizabeth: that why house delayed contempto hunter biden because these
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negotiations are going on. >> correct. elizabeth: he will come in and sit for unlimited amount of time in a deposition that will be recorded, and he will sit behind closed-doors and press to answer questions from house lawmakers on biden impeachment inquiry. you could plead the fifth. >> i would imagine he will take the fifth a lot, i imagine he will say i don't believe, i don't know a lot, i don't recall but we'll press him as much as we can, i am almost of mind he said he wanted to do this publicly, i would be willing to let the public see him take the fifth a hundred times or more that would indicate something important to the public as well. elizabeth: this breaking news, hunter biden will sit down for an interview behind
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closed for doors for a deposition in the biden family impeachment inquiry. what are you going to ask him? >> i have a range of questions, about a series of things i heard from his business partners, why do they have so many shill corp -- shell corporations and why grand kids were getting the money and his phone records and who he called from dubai at that hotel when ceo of burisma asked him. i want to talk about all of those. and i am asking both chairman to give me time, but, i know that everyone will want time with hunter biden and i have a lot of themes to ask him. elizabeth: you will ask him about bribery allegations brought by veteran fbi informant, lenning that cofounder of -- alleges that
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cofounder of burisma said he gave 5 million in bribes to hunter biden and to joe biden. these are serious bribery allegations. reporter: that? the fbi 102 form, we'll get to the bottom of that as much as key can. my guess is he will take the fifth on that stuff. but, it will be hard for him to hide behind the fifth or say i don't know, i don't recall. but, you know we have to get -- we have to get to it he said he would do it he is going to do it we're ready to go. elizabeth: congressman andy biggs thank you so much for joining us with that breaking news, hunter biden will sit for a deposed interview with house lawmakers, thank you for watching the evening edit, time for "the bottom line." with dagen and sean. dagen: hey


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