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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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what is the largest stadium in the world coming me? michigan, ohio? i am convinced i know the correct answer to this. ashley: you say that every day. i'm going with number 3. ohio. stuart: you might be right. what if you got? >> i can say is number one, that team up north. stuart: i will say it for you. michigan is the largest on the yes it is. thank you. the stadium could hold over one hundred 7,000 people. the third largest stadium in the world. remember hamilton park in glasgow? i was there once for the scotland game with one thousand people. that was something else again. thanks for being on the show. i know we will see you soon.
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that is it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast, 5, 4, three, coast-to-coast starts now. neil: the economy humming and president biden bombing, the story of his political life. we've seen this happen, his poll numbers stink, even if the latest economic numbers do not. you could call it the great disconnect. americans not feeling it or believing it. retail sales did jump more than expected and mortgage demand is soaring this month and with only a little sentiment and with that it does rule production, administrations generally like to brag about and markets worry about since this could push back any interest rate cuts. candidates in new hampshire pushing back on the notion happy days are here again. more on what they are saying in a moment.
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what investors are looking at this moment, what do you make of this? it is good economic news. the mortgage demand is in real time. >> resilient economy. a lot of it is being fueled by that spending, retail sales came in hot this morning. and we saw a record buy now pay later spending, two months of 2023 almost $20 billion, and credit card debt continuing to rise so we are fueling more near-term spending with more debt. the question is how sustainable is that. as you pivot to the housing market, it's also interesting. and that is pretty much expected. with its financial disincentive
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to move. people in the market say rates have come down, and rates low enough to stimulate supply to come off of historic lows. adam: some things show it sort of petering out and the real feel that things are not that great comes to fruition. when jamie dimon talks about recession, we have to be collapsing pretty quickly, do you by that? >> there is a lot of bumps in the flow. the 2008 collapse.
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and market expectations. in the third quarter, the expectations and reality, it is disconnected here. >> to the campaign trail. alexis mcadams. alexis, what's the latest. >> the fight in new hampshire is betweenik trump slamming nikki haley, she's not a real conservative. watch this. stuart: nikki haley in particular is counting on the democrats to infiltrate the republican primary, you know
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that, that is what is happening. group of people coming in that are not republicans and it is artificially boosting her numbers. >> trump is joined by vivek ramaswamy who says it is time for republicans to come together and support donald trump but nikki haley doesn't plan to do that. she's focused on the ground game around new hampshire and endorsed by the state's popular republican governor chris sununu. the message to voters, she is simply electable. >> i defeat biden by 17 points, double digit in these polls. that is bigger than the presidency my house, senate, governorships, school board, that's getting our country back on track. >> the florida governor is polling in single digits in new hampshire, ron desantis, latest
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paul from suffolk university shows trump in the lead, 50%, haley at 34%, ron desantis at 5%. desantis says she's not deterred. >> a lot of real estate between now and south carolina primary in terms of political crime, a lot happens in politics over that time. >> reporter: trump is in new york city again in a court room for a civil case but he will be back here in new york and other candidates on the ground as well as they try to wrap up. adam: more time he spends in and around court rooms the better his poll numbers look. we will see how that goes, great seeing get you. alexis mcadams in new hampshire. you might have noticed donald trump is putting his emphasis on opponents and focusing on nikki haley. he essentially said ron desantis, given the numbers in that state, would be a waste of time. don't know if that's the case
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but the white house and washington reporter, dan, the president characterized going after the florida governor as a waste of time and you do wonder with his collapsing poll numbers, focusing on south carolina, like rudy giuliani did, when he skipped new hampshire to focus on florida. what do you think of ron desantis? >> i don't think it would work this time. trump has political momentum and gravity on his side and desantis is down even in his home state of florida where he is currently governor. nikki haley was governor of south carolina and also down in and state as well. what i take away from this is anyone labeled establishment even though trump is the new establishment, anyone like desantis and haley are not popular in an age when people are mad and want to tell washington.
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neil: the former president is fond of saying new hampshire, nikki haley is depending on independents to buttress the support, strong for donald trump. do you think that works enough to carry her to victory? >> i don't think it will. there's a lot of democrats and independents, to settle the family feud, they don't want to trek out to be one protest vote for haley and the numbers are still not tight at all, a couple thousand people make a difference so since it is one person one vote, most democrats think there's a better shot at defeating trump than haley so why would they want to help haley. of the when i see your point. another thing i noticed talking to the big money guys, they like to focus on a sense of
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where the momentum could be building but rich people didn't get that way wasting their money and if she does, that is nikki haley poorly in new hampshire, they might give up on her and the latest flavor is done. what do you think? >> exactly right. once the money runs out, you saw asa hutchinson said he was going to drive back to arkansas after iowa so doesn't seem like he has a private jet funded by donors that will make it easy for him so some long-lost supporters along the way but once the money dries up the campaign is done. if there's some wall street donors and big republican establishment donors that want to keep haley alive and think she has a shot, she can keep going, but she is not self funding this even though she did well in the private sector.
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neil: let me ask about the math as it stands. he reminded me of this. you need one thousand 215 delegates to capture the republican nomination. coming out of iowa donald trump is at 19 or 20 delegates, and you've got ron desantis with nine delegates, that's a lot of delegates, is there anything beyond new hampshire that no matter who wins the state as donald trump, we are wrapping this up and putting a bow on it too early? could there be surprises? >> the only surprise, knock on wood, no one's health is affected, is if someone like trump or biden, the old candidates go to the hospital for an extended time and their health is in jeopardy and either party has to make the decision should we have a real race? don't decide this at a convention? barring that, trump's voters are with him to the end.
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so far, nothing, insulting john mccain as a war hero saying he would shoot someone on fifth avenue, if that's not going to do what i don't know what is. neil: i had forgotten some of those. great job, good seeing you again. we are focusing on some problems for elon musk regarding tesla. he is cutting prices for those who want to buy them. is doing so in europe and had done so to a great degree in china and started the ball rolling in the united states, three discount and the like but now these reported problems hail themselves at charging stations, in this record cold. a new round of pressure on this once favorite stock, after this. ♪
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>> the areas on the tesla were all fooled up sides one. that is where everybody went. 5 of the 10 stalls were out of order. the vacant cars that were there, we were all using one charger. it was taking extra long to charge. stuart: you don't want a problem like this when trying to sell any type of electric vehicle. tesla is feeling the pinch. the latest area they are doing so in europe, they did it across china and asia markets. when you have extreme cold like this, reports of cars stalled out and charging stations, a
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lot of people say i am not so keen on this. hybrids can use both technologies. everything ev exclusive not making the list, luke lloyd joins us, that's a troublesome environment. >> it is but people get it wrong. it is not about the vehicle, or the actual technology of the vehicle and behind the vehicle, that's where the money is made. a lot of people don't understand that. the battery technology, autonomous driving, infrastructure, energy supply. you want to buy the suppliers of technology and energy and electric vehicles, not the manufacturers. the question becomes are manufacturers part of the technology? most aren't except as a but musk alluded isn't intense advised to build a i technology
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within tesla because he only owns 13%. why not do it outside of chesler. electric vehicle manufacturers have a problem on their hands. the government has made a huge mistake by pushing evs before they are ready for the average person, perception is reality, perception is evs are too expensive and inefficient. stuart: neil: you can subsidize all you want, offer credit to iran and the market does decide, and you want to make sure what you're getting into is reliable, beautiful cars and all that and the fact of the matter is under extreme conditions we've seen them in hurricanes and floods, people remember that. they were over the performance in the:think twice. i'm wondering what it says
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about the whole ev push right now. >> it says a lot. it says the government subsidized so much that is not allowing the markets to work properly, not incentivizing them to innovate. when it comes to forward or gm, price cuts have to happen because the free market is telling you lack of demand for evs, that dis-incentivize is innovation and government subsidies are slowing innovation by putting companies in negative from a profitability standpoint. entrepreneurs like profits. part of the ev technology is the infrastructure side of things. energy consumption continues, we are consuming the most amount of energy ever. if we continue, that energy consumption will increase, that is why nuclear energy is a thing you want to continue to play. there should be a lot of give and take on the political side.
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democrats narrative is the clean energy push and want to continue the path they have to compromise and look at nuclear energy, one of the safest and cleanest energies out there. supplies uranium to nuclear power plants in our portfolios. adam: one step at a time. appreciate it. luke lloyd offering stocks and new technologies. any of you remember this. there's an analyst out there, tom lee, sees it it in $150,000 bit coin in 12 months. sees it going to 500,000 in the
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next five years. what do you think of that. >> we pull off, you see the building blocks for our base case in 2030. and is $1.5 billion. >> that's the camp that says $100,000, is out of the question and my next guest sees it is distantly possible to go higher than that. john wu has been taking a close look at that and the impact of etfs getting into this. it is great having you back. i can understand buying on the
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rumor and selling on the fact after the cpf announcement but it is yet to stabilize. what do you make of that? >> a lot of people playing the arbitrage for the gpt see product and the discounts, some natural selling there. ultimately basing into other cheaper etfs. the ftx estate sale has led to more supply coming to the market. people are now understanding the fed may not be moving as fast as everyone. they are selling off a bit here. >> you been good on this stuff. ahead of the curve. and by 2030s that right.
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>> i've known tom lee for 20 years. let's be more short-term. i can see 60,000. look at the volatility product, 30% upsize, not that unexpected. a lot of positive catalysts coming and technical selling is over, it will probably trend up. the greater theme, i've said this on your broadcast and other broadcasts, 2024 is the talk of etfs from other assets in the crypto ecosystem, not just e.t. cfs but four five months now and that is in this space, great fundamental inquiries into deploying block chain technology. we are excited about that. the real thing is there's legitimacy now and also new leadership from fidelity in this space.
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neil: it is a big truck with etfs which they tend to democratize investments. my point is more potential buyers come in. will will be included a lot of 401(k) plans? there still a lot of skepticism and skittishness on the part of more conservative investors. it might be a finite pool. what do you think of that? >> at some point, my mom, your mom will see black rock fidelity advertisements on tv, on live tv saying this is what bitcoin is about and this is how you get access to it. once that ball starts rolling and buyers come into this space, we will break those barriers and you highlight it. sean: the end of the year, you
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see bitcoin? >> i can see it going up 34%. >> 60,000 and coin level. >> easily. for the record, i love my chesler. it is fantastic as you referenced in the previous report. jack: q for that. my writing is sloppy. very good seeing you. take a look at the big picture. we tend to look at bitcoin but not the ancillary prices in the crypto universe to get the most potential. meanwhile talking about top lawmaker's meeting with president biden later today. it is all about avoiding the government shutdown as well. on top of that after this. ♪
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neil: a lot of attention paid to an important meeting at the white house later today, biden meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers that will include committee heads when it comes to the supplement to military bill for ongoing violence across the world to fund experts for israel, ukraine, et cetera. there was talk that this could go a long way if they agree on the shutdown. let's get the latest from edward lawrence at the white house. >> that was houthis, not the meeting that's going to be at the white house but speaker
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johnson said he is going to tell the president before they talk about ukraine, border border border. the message when he gets over here, leadership meeting is going to be protect the border first, the white house backtracked on a designation for the houthis, they redesignated the mattera group. the president removed the group three years later, 33 times, the president has had a change of heart. >> the reality has been the opposite. all we've done is ensure that iran has been able to rearm the houthis. now we deal with a greater threat. >> reporter: the houthis could impact prices around the world, fritos tracking shipping costs, says weekly shipping from asia to europe is up 360%. in the same time shipping to
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the east coast of north america is up 99%. they are warning this could lead to a shortage of shipping containers being returned to asia because of increased travel time. republicans say this started because of president biden's foreign policies. >> the irani and 7 intelligence gathering shift in the red sea that is directly coordinating with houthi rebels. if donald trump or president that ship would be at the bottom of the sea, a clear message to iran we are not going to tolerate any interference with global trade in the red sea. >> reporter: president biden reversing course as national security adviser said the carveouts put in for humanitarian aid. multiple things going on, two big things, redesignation of the houthis, and later today, national security.
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neil: how does the congressman know this would not have happened under trump? >> he was obviously making a political point. republicans coming down very hard on the president for his foreign policies, democrats not so much. the white house is pitching this as a redesignation is look at the actions of the houthis and redesignate them a terrorist group. neil: politically on the left and right, thank you very much. showing you many of you seated, bunch of guys in uniform, this tanker was seized by houthi rebels in the red sea area. once someone comes on board with guns, was taken to irani
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and borders. meanwhile i want to go to a freight forwarding firm. a lot of those on that neck of the woods, the companies whose goods are on those tankers. much more than that. what are they telling you? what are your customers seeking help telling you? >> there's been a dramatic rate increase, but people could plan on and deal with rates. the forced major by the steamship lines. without carrying out commitments, they could unload a container that are responsible for transit times,
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some of these vessels are turning out transponders so we can't easily track them. we don't know when containers are coming or not coming. that is a big concern going on in our industry. neil: we learned because they take this long circuit us route to avoid the red sea area and $1 million in costs to every container traversing those areas that cost gets passed along and that's the inflation worry. it has not materialized yet, but what do you think? >> i read anywhere from a million dollars to extra fuel by the additional time, steamship lines are saving the money of going through the suez
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canal, $7000 but an increment offset, request for the sake of discussion $1 million, the revenue of that with the past for a million dollars but it is not. it is being used as a profit center. the last quarter was very dismal. ever since the attacks, up 20%, 30%, this is a profit center and investors of these companies know that it is passed on in addition to the incremental course to make more money. the first quarter is pretty good. for these steamship lines. coming off the third quarter. it is an unfortunate cause but positive impact for the industry. julie: we watch it closely because we are a long way from getting this resolved. they abandoned it and stopped going through the red sea. it is not improving. thank you very much.
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can we avoid a government shutdown? that is on the list of worries for speaker mike johnson. after this. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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neil: unspeakably cruel things set of the speaker of the house as we look at what could be a rumble on the right and all over budget deal that could fall apart at any second. chad pergram has more.
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>> reporter: conservatives demanded mike johnson back off from the spending deal with democrats. they are upset that congress will pass another temporary spending bill. johnson said he would not do that. conservatives want johnson to fight for their principles but it is about the math. hard to accomplish that when the gop is down to a two seat operational majority, political aspirations don't match the congressional business. >> despite what people say on both sides this is a better agreement than we had. the adjustments made to the top line, having gotten that agreement, for the appropriators on both sides and come up with final bills. >> the minority pool much of the weight to the spending bill. to avoid other shut down for the height of the debt ceiling.
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>> they are dysfunctional majority, they do not have actual votes, the error is significant in the republican conference. never get to yes on these issues. >> johnson does not answer half of gop members. the bill sets spending deadlines. neil: thank you for that. my next guest, republican in his own right. the sea of surrender very strong. sits on the house freedom caucus and the house financial services committee. good to have you, not pleased with what speaker johnson has done?
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>> it is not a better deal. in may of 2 thirds majority of the house and 2 thirds majority of the senate that set 1.59 is the number and that spend less than the previous fiscal year. the deal speaker johnson recently announced, only one that secures the border before we could get back into town saying i cut a deal with the four corners and spend more money than we spent in the previous year. neil: how does it compare to kevin mccarthy? >> kevin did the fiscal response ability act. allegedly their bursae deals and promises made but they weren't in the text. what speaker johnson did was formalize what he heard might have been in a side conversation. we didn't vote on side conversations in may of last year. we voted on the text of the bill. that bill spent less than the previous fiscal year. we should have held a line on
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that, we are going to spend less money and secure the border. we went to the border and the press conference was great. earlier today the speaker gave another press conference, i will demand that president biden secure the border. how strongly are you going to demand that if you know you're going to fold rather than fight? italy 20 the regret voting for him? >> fox news covered this as an op-ed when we were having the speaker fight. we answered the wrong question, who will be the next speaker, the right question is what is the plan that will unite the conference? the play calls that have been made would not have led to mike johnson getting votes to be speaker. she knows that. i'm sure he would acknowledge that. he feels those are the plays he had to make. we didn't unite behind a plan. we haven't set him up for success because we don't fully agree on the kind of plan. my view is that we do do that.
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we let the american people see where their member of congress stands. do we fund the government that secures the border or do we fund the government that continues president biden's policies. their administration didn't temperament these things on accident. they are for these bad policies because of the implications of it. under his administration, 39 states have a smaller population than the amount of illegals president biden has brought in. neil: it goes the way the speaker wants it to go, you might test that single vote jump the speaker plan. >> that's not my call. others made those questions. the problem with that as i said is you can vacate the chair again but still don't have some buddy set up for success. we need to unite behind a plan. we are not doing it yet. neil: back to politics. joe manchin doesn't want to be a spoiler but others are prepared to financially support him.
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>> i'm not going to be a spoiler. if there's a path forward i have always been involved in very competitive i would get involved, i want to win and i will fight to win. not just trying to harm somebody or help somebody else. i want to create a different option. any way i can work to bring americans together. neil: all the talk about him running for president not wanting to be a spoiler, the devil is in the details by entering the race, a no labels candidate. a biden/trump rematches the only reason they are interested in finding an outsider to be on alternative to that. no clear indications what happens if someone else
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emerges, democratic nominee or republican nominee or both. capital counsel llc partner, jonathan, good to have you. what do you think your old boss is saying? >> i let him speak for himself. he has been clear he wants to travel the country, he started a new organization with americans together and he wants to find a way to give a voice to the moderate majority, the 60 to 65% in the middle that he thinks haven't had a voice. they've been politically homeless so went to new hampshire, planning some other trips, he's gotten hundreds of invitations to speak around the country and he wants to hear if there's an appetite for the person to lead the moderate majority. that's what he's going to do and what he said he was going to do when he announced he wasn't running for reelection.
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neil: he was going to lose big in west virginia but -- >> i think he was more afraid he was going to win. he told me he didn't want to be sentenced to six more years in the senate. he was more afraid he was going to win and do six more years in washington where he think it's broken. neil: talks about the environment not wanting to be a spoiler. you are presumably spoiling the vote for someone else. it's not always a fair criticism. a lot of people said that of ross perot. other studies have shown he took from both sides, no clear way of knowing. sometimes like in 1968, george wallace did take a lot of votes from hubert humphrey. that's mostly the case. third-party candidates, not to
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win but to disrupt and turn away a candidate. what do you think of that? >> that is true but what senator manchin said is he's not going to be a spoiler. he looked at the race and says the only thing he's going to do is spoil it. is not going to get in. i want to quote dj call in, all he does is when when he runs for elections. if he gets in the race he's going to run to win. neil: is going to look at poll numbers that show a third-party is an uphill climb. all achievable but an uphill battle. i don't know what would trigger a run when that is likely what he will face. >> what he wants is to get to supertuesday, see who the nominees are, traveling the country the whole time, see if there's an appetite and he will sit down and look at the race very closely and decide if he
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can win, if he can make a difference, and what he can do to help of a country. he wants to move the country forward and to the middle. neil: seems to be a fickle group, they seem to be looking at the latest ice cream flavor, looking rightly at your old friend joe manchin but chris christie appealing, talking to him for a brief while, larry hogan, he left, ended up speaking to nikki haley, she looks like a very attractive candidate to them, she doesn't succeed in capturing the republican nomination. they seem desperate and confused. >> no labels focus is on ballot access and they are trying to get on the ballot in 34 states. that's what their focus is an they've gone after shiny objects, chased the candidate of the month but right now their focus is on ballot access and then you have people like
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joe manchin and chris christie who will decide if they want to run and that is when the campaign will start. no labels is just ballot access. neil: we are getting word that ron desantis's campaign is moving staff to south carolina. the lousy poll numbers, seems very clear he is giving up on new hampshire. i wonder if that's a smart strategy in your eyes. guys like rudy giuliani tried that, to focus on florida, didn't work out. what do you think? >> run desantis's problem, when people get to know ron desantis his poll numbers go down. he may do better by not being in new hampshire where he is polling at 5%. i point out before he got into the race he was pulling at 30% in iowa and then did the full grassley, went to every county
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and went down 10%. ron desantis's problem, where he goes people don't seem to like him. this is a 2-person race between nikki haley and donald trump. neil: we watch closely. you need 1215 delegates. the guy whose ahead of everyone else. the longer we go. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. so i broke up with my credit card debt
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12:59 pm
- we've invested in our home, we've worked on it. - we had a whole lot of equity just sitting there. - you paid down the mortgage, invested in your home, i guess you could say your home owes you. - [narrator] if you're 62 or older and own your home, learn how you can access a portion of your home equity to give you cash. a reverse mortgage can put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards, and covering medical costs. - look, aag can show you how a reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you tax-free cash for almost anything you might need. - just eliminating the mortgage payment freed up a lot of cash for us. - i get to go and do what i want, when i want. - aag customers talked about the counseling they got along the way, so they know how our reverse mortgage works and how their home could help pay them back when they need it the most. - i have no worries anymore.
1:00 pm
- the fact that we're still in this home means so much. - it's done everything for us that we hoped it would do for us. - [narrator] call now to receive your free, no-obligation info kit. the kit shows you how to get you the cash you need using your home's equity with a reverse mortgage. find out how your home can start taking care of you. call the number on your screen. - the worry every single month to make that payment was gone. - our customers' homes are taking care of them, maybe your home could do the same for you. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number-one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. neil: slidin


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