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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 17, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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waller spoke, fed governor yesterday. things seem to have changed and wall street may be second guessing itself on all the rate cuts. where do you see us going now? does it get back to the powell? is this powell victory lap, could it have been premature? >> slightly. but i still think the u.s. economy's going to slow. you saw that number from empire state manufacturing survey and we could be in for a downside surprise first quarter and layoffs could mount and job growths declining and in all likelihood, the market still is 100% convince that had fed funds future by the end of june we'll have a lower federal funds rate this. will not take place in march. could take place in may, may 1 meeting and probably is 90%. charles: it's good if it happens in march. we don't want it to soon and maybe that's not a good sign either, john. >> keep an eye on jobs growth.
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if you're getting fewer than 150,000 jobs per month in january and february, could be march. charles: liz, you heard it. you got your red flag. liz: we're going to talk about that in one second but first we have to get breaking news hitting the tape, ban on apple watch imports will be re-instated starting tom tomorrw and shares of apple are falling three quarters of a percent and u.s. appeals court now rejected apple's argument that imports of the newer watches should be allowed as it fights accusations it stole one specific feature from the company called mossimo medical technology. just yesterday on the show, matchup on sunday mo founder and ceo spoke with us about his allegation, which was agreed to by the international trade commission that apple copied matchup on sunday mo's blood oxygen technology violating
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their wow. at the present times. iphone maker is challenging the u.s. patent infringement decision and custom and border protection last friday determines without violating the itc restriction and knicksing the feature on the series -- nixing the series on the watches and the ban will be re-instated in less than 12 hours (&.k not be a shock. here we go with what i was talking to charles about. the markets took one look at a key number out today and started back pedaling that the federal reserve will aggressively cut interest rate this is year. that's a big part of the reason we're looking at day two of s&p and nasdaq stocks selling off. we've got s&p down 37, nasdaq lower by 134. the dow down about 161 points, under half a percent and more of a modest fall and yesterday's hot mess of the dow is what are
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the oners on the heat -- one of the winners on the heat map and no. 2 poll position, boeing slumping to two month low tuesday on a flurry of fallout from the mid flight blowout of a door plug. boeing shares moving higher by just under 1%. ceo dave calhoun conducting a town hall with spirit aerosystems, which is also in the green up 2.8% at the moment. the biggest drag today is caterpillar. falling three full percentage points -- actually third worst loser here. walt disney and walgreens boots alliance and china reporting q4 gdp expanding 5.2% and lowest in decades and 20% of the heavy machinery business in caterpillar from the asia pacific region and exposure does
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not thrill investors but the russell small and mid caps that, are more sensitive to higher borrowing costs dropping to one month low and as you see, the russell is down 22 points or more than 1% and look, year-to-date, russell is the worst in drops. a very robust december retail sales report re-got in morning. month after month consumer got busy pushing retail sales up six tenth of a percent and four tenths of a percent in expectation and retail sales gain 5d .6% annually in december and that's the highest in 11 months. the second that number hit the tape, look at two-year yield right around 8:30 a.m. eastern time. you know, the two year mind melt
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with federal reserve policy and spiked. previous close 4.22% and right now we're at 4.36% and 14 basis point spike and what was a slam dunk bet that the fed will cut rates at march meeting has turned into a jump ball. let's break the news here, friday, march fed funds future show odds of the central bank slicing from 5.25 to 5.5 and odds at 80% and now they've dropped to 55%. here's the question for those with a stock portfolio. can the stock market continue to gain if there is no rate cut in march? bring in billionaire investor with an incredibly successful investment record through many a fed rate hike and cut. leon cooperman of omega family office. we can see the bond market thinks there'll not be a rate cut in march, but where do you stand on whether the markets bets are too aggressive in
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betting on six rate cut this is year? >> those looking for six rate cuts are smoking some substance. if you got three you'd be lucky and i'm of the view that interest rates and the 10 year sector are not high enough. everything i look at, whether it's a speculative nature of the stock market, the level of market itself, and the real return would suggest that rates aren't really that high. it's a real conundrum for the market. liz: a conundrum but people sit there and they're in fantasy land thinking there's six rate cuts with very strong retail sales numbers and for short, some of the softer economic data like consumer sentiment and empire state retail new york index wasn't so strong but some is looking very healthy. i mean, you're supposed to cut rate when is the economy needs stimulating. >> well, we have to look at long rate and short rate. i think the fed funds rate will come down, but i think the yield
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curve will go positively sloped as the long end of the curve will either stay flat or go up. prior to the financial cut of 2008, the ten year bond yield was 2.3% and real growth is a couple percent and 10 year wouldn't be undervalued at 5% yield. lyrics what's a guy like you -- sorry, go ahead. >> i say i think the 10 year is going up in yield and the problem for the market is the stock market at 20 times earnings is especially pensive relative to interest rates and interest ra rates in a ten year sector going up, it's not really a head wind for the market. liz: okay, what does this -- >> what's a guy like me doing? liz: yeah, and thinking about purchasing or staying away from? >> well, i would say that my own
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view is we're heading towards a financial crisis and nobody know when is it'll hit. the reason i say that is because amount of debt being created in the system is out of control. both democrats and republicans. you don't know when the problem will hit. i remember being a partner at goldman sachs in 1972 when henry fowler, we called him joe, was big buddies of pete peterson and civic citizens and took money out of their own pocket and ran full page ads in wall street journal and new york times alerting the public to the budget deficit. the numbers are materially worse than anything they imagine and what's the consequence? the lowest interest rates in our lifetime. and simpson bowls and nothing happened and now manchin and romney speaking out of controlling debt creation system. and nothing happens. we're having a .g system of
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leadership at a crisis. we're living too comfortably with their policies now. we get in a psoriasis environment, we'll get cooperation but the apartment is not discounting a psoriasis. the truth is i have no -- crisis. i have no idea when it'll hit. influences my thinking and staying away from u.s. government bonds and they're overvalued, and i think the stock market has been extraordinary by fertilizer indicated and when -- bifurcated and 7% of the magnificent seven, they're very richly appraised. not overvalued given the growth rates, but i don't traffic on that market like on grade schooling or microsoft, but i don't on the other ones. and i have a conservative view and i say to myself, what's a bear market? a bear market is a period of time and more stocks are declining than rising. declining average about 25% and last about a year. whistled 25t definition, the market experienced a bear market. i'm looking at things down and cheap stocks and corporate
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repurchase programs to back up the cheapness in the stock. they're paying me to wait. the stock market is going nowhere from this level for a long time. liz: talking about what you do look for whether stock repurchasing and the stocks are at least at a less expensive price and finally been discounted, you're looking to neighbors in the north. two canadian stocks that you want to talk about, but also a couple of u.s. stocks. >> i have more than a couple. most of my portfolio is u.s. based and that's my strength. the ones in canada are paramount resources and -- paramount is the stock yield between 5 and 6% and they produce oil at $31 a barrel and projecting about 105,000 and they can get to 150,000 on infrastructure they have in place and they're generating material for cash know and no debt.
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going around three, four times cash ear earning ands i buy something like that, i get lucky. the guy that runs turmoline, his sister is married to the head of it and he's one of the smartest guy ntsb energy business in canada and has a bit of debt and stock yielding by 11% and big natural gas exposure and we're lucky for a couple years. those are the two we like. signa with a big repurchase program and healthcare and big repurchase program and big on getting paid while we wait and if my analysts tell me something is cheap, i want to make sure the company has a financial act to capitalize on cheapness and buy back. pay me to wait and buy back a cheap stock. can't do a buy back, i'm very suspect. liz: don't you think sometimes there's a little bit of
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financial ce engineer something >> in some cases they are. in 2007 i gave a speech at value investing conference on two subjects. dr. henry singleton, who's brilliant and stock repurchase and warren buffett sent me a letter right after seeing those speeches and he said, you couldn't have picked two better topics. henry singleton is a ceo that all mba students and ceos and would be ceos should study. i said he's 100% rational and smartest guy i ever dealt with. unfortunately he's deceased and stock repurchase situation and warren's words were it's fascinating. if it was being done 30 years ago and for the right reasons rs and it's originally being done by companies looking to support their stock and manipulating wall street expectations and what you're say asking right. in thornhill tore is where the analyst comes in and look at each repurchasing and right and wrong and buying back expensive stock or cheap stock.
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liz: look for discounted name withs a good balance sheet. leon, we have news headlines swirling on a couple of top ibrams, one of which we talked to you about back on october 25th. shortly after the october 7 attack by hamas on israel. a lot of universities in the united states including your alma mater columbia sat silent where there'll unbelievable cases of anti-semitism on them. back then you told us you were going to hold off on any future donations. you had already given about $50 million. how do you feel about columbia now? the head of columbia has not changed a thing really, she released a statement that was sort of on one of the boat sidisms. she's still there while -- >> created a lot of visibility fire fighter me. created a lot of visibility and i think in their program i say the college kids today have central brains. number one, i hear these kids think that we're talking about the hudson river or the nile river. they're understanding it's the
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jordan river. number one. number two, more importantly, the only reliable ally in the middle east we have is israel. the only democracy in the middle east is israel. i can't believe it. i see gays for palestine and israel is the only country in mid the east that allows gays and lesbians to practice what they want and other countries frown on that . israel accepts them. living in israel and palestinian arab living in israel, you can vote. israel took the money they got from the west and did corruptive things and pal sin indians allowed hamas -- palestinians allowed hamas to get hold of the money and they built tunnels. i told the columbia president -- she called me i'm a small guy, $50 million and not a big guy. mark rowan did an excellent job at u of p. liz: she was fired and harvard's
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professor fired and calling them interesting and creative. >> yeah, well, i said she called me to chat and i said to her, if you think israel -- you have a pr problem think about israel, 1400 citizens slaughtered basically and they're trying to challenge for their actions. what you should have done is come out and say the professor who praised hamas did not speak for the university basically. we'd fire him if we could but we can't because he has tenure but basically there's no room on the campus of any kind of any religion and anybody practicing hate will be expelled from the school. i said that's what you've got to say and stop pussyfooting around and she took it under advisement and i'm an activist and speaking with my money and not telling them how to run the show. seems to me it's very clear what
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has to be done. anti-semitism is -- there's no room for anti-semitism in the world and if you're an anti-semi-mite, you're ignorant. that's objectivity. you're ignorant because number one the jewish population world lied is about 15 million people. half of which live in israel and the other half living in new york or the rest of the world. new york is a big center. two tens of 1% of the noble population and they're jewish people. we've done a lot for the world in terms of invention and things we've done. there's no basis for anti-semitism. liz: couldn't agree more and we'll continue to watch what happens at columbia. leon, thank you for your investment opinions and advice and perspective as well as your other congressmens. leon cooperman, we are coming right back with rob gronk gronki
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talking about proposed ban of. talking about proposed ban of. tackle under 12 in california. we're coming right back. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo. join the millions of people taking back their privacy (upbeat music) i started golo because i was unhealthy due to my weight. the minute i started taking the golo release, i knew it was working. i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings.
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since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. liz: breaking news, billions in aid for israel and ukraine hanging in the balance at this hour as president joe biden huddles with top leaders in congress at this hour. moments ago, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre speaking live to the white house press core said the senate majority and minority leaders along with house speaker and minority house leader will be joined by the chairs and ranking members of the house and senate committees on armed services foreign affairs appropriations and intelligence along with other administration officials to discuss this. she adds that some of what will be discussed has classified
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content and president looking for $10 billion in assistance and details on the meeting as soon as the meeting breaks up or we somehow manage to get scoop. we'll give it to you. this fox business alert, spirit airlines rapidly losing altitude at this hour hit ago record low. just a day after a u.s. judge blocked the airline's planned $3.8 billion merger with rival jetblue airways. jetblue is dropping at this hour after gaining nearly 5% during the previous session. the decision has left spirit airlines in limbo with analysts saying it could seek out another buyer or consider a bankruptcy filing but after yesterday's 47% drop, spirit is dropping another 22.6%. investors are loading up on instacart on takeover speculation and uber might acquire the grocery delivery company and instacart popping 6% and wolf said the move would
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help uber push into the very lucrative grocery business and cost and energy synergies and price target of $35 and instacart af at 25 and change ad uber falling to $62.94. another story opportunistic the deep freeze in commercial real estate. blockburg reporting black stone stopped paying mortgage on manhattan tower and private ex-wety giant defaulted on the mortgage -- ex-wety giant defaulted on the mortgage and according to people familiar with the matter, the debt was packaged into commercial mortgage-backed securities being marketed at a 50% discount or roughly $150 million. black stone down 1.5%. if nfl ratings were a stock, investors would be yelling touch touchdown. football ratings went through the roof in 2023 and 93 of top
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100 highest rated broadcasts are nfl games. despite football popularity, one state wants to ban kids from playing the sport. coming up, four-time super bowl champ and former super star tight end and fox sports nfl analyst rob gronkowski -- look at those mitts. nice, gronk. he's there live and about to weigh in on that, the nfl's move to stream games and marketing the gronk. as we head to a break, take a look at how nfl advertisers are trading at this hour. everybody is down except visa so looking at anheuser-bush, nbev, microsoft, pepsi, proctor & gamble in the red. pepsi down.nv the claman countdownes returns. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along
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♪ liz: the raging streaming wars flairing up over the last year. comcast showing the most muscle gaining 9%. galloping far ahead of competitors and warner bro's discovery down about 23% and paramount, which has nose dived 37%. comcast just got a leg up. another one in the battle courtesy of its peacock streaming platform, which exclusively streamed the saturday nfl wide card game between the miami dolphins and kansas city chiefs. 23 million viewers watched with a record 16.3 million concurrent devices streaming it on peacock.
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while football is still america's juggernaut sport in terns of viewership, california voting on a bill that would ban kids under 12 from playing tackle football. governor gavin newsom said i'll veto that and i'm extinguishing it. bring in rob gronkowski along with business partner medium rare cofounder and co-ceo joe silverswig e. gronk, before your media event, what do you think of this proposed tackle ban for children under 12 that governor newsom is going to veto if it happens. >> i love the game of football and love these kids want to play the game of football. to play the game of football at such a young age, i think it's a little dangerous. what i would propose and what i think should be, you know, marketed autothere more is flag football. they should be playing flag
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football and garner the attention of the game of football. you can also learn the game of football and still develop your skills of the game of football through flag football and flag football is fun to play. i love playing flag when i was growing up and having flag football for kids under 12 is excellent idea, and i think they should be playing tackle football or the real game of football till about seventh grade once their body and minds have developed more. liz: the brain development is very, very sensitive and certainly at all stables but under 1 particularly. that's interesting. i know you've been very pro kids playing football and you started in high school; right? you were playing hockey and basketball till high school when you started being on the football team; right? >> yes, i started playing in seventh grade and my dad wouldn't let me play pop warner or anything and i was playing all the other sports, basketball, hockey, baseball, and i believe if you play multiple sports it develops your
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skills in every category that you need to develop your skills for whatever support you want to play in the future. liz: okay. terrific. let's talk about the fact, gronk, that you are everywhere. i mean, you're in subway sandwich commercials, you're doing stuff for usaa and jumped out of an airplane during the army navy game, which is absolutely unbelievable. this is very interesting because usually it's during a player's live playing when you're actually an active player where you're able you're able to get a lot of endorsements but you're on a mission. what are you doing as you morph your brand and formulate it? >> i love doing activities and i've been playing sports throughout my whole life and competing throughout my whole life and now i don't play the game of football anymore so jumping out of planes, i love the adrenaline rush. jumping out of a plane or a fox pregame show was a great idea from the producer.
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no doubt about that. i love to breakdown the game of football and be a part of the game 06 football still. it's in my heart and dna for the rest of my life so being on the fox pregame show is unbelievable experience, especially with the guys terry brad shaw and how wee long, michael strahan and jimmy johnson. they're wonder people and i love to work and stay active and workout still, keep my mind and brain going. it brings life to maine liz: joe, you see something in rob and work with many other stars including shaquille o'neal of the la lakers and bringing together opportunities that are very active such as shabbiest fun house and how there's -- shaq's fun house and who's sponsoring this and why are you gravitating towards this kind of opportunity for a name like gronk? >> absolutely. we're excited to bring our
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fourth gronk beach back to super bowl weekend and keeps rob the most talked about player of super bowl weekend without even playing in the game. gronk bringing the viral personality to life in a fun and experienced way and fun music festival and incredible experience and rob is cruor indicating the artist -- curating the artists and food and decor and fans get to experience that gronk energy. liz: you're personalizing the decor. what's that going to be? >> it's at the wynn in las vegas. >> yes, it is and the encore beach club, they're the best in the business at throwing pool parties. there's no doubt about that . i experienced a couple throughout my lifetime. we worked with them at the draft when that was in learfield img vas and i'm excited to have it at the best venue and all of america for the best pool parties. no doubt about that. we got specialty drinks going
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exon great spots as billion and it's so fun, it's a opportunity not just to have a good time, dance, you know, have my friends come on in and bring my family over as well to get together and great time to work with sponsors as well. work with other businesses to sponsor the party and cash app and built for all your clothing needs, wrangler, tequila and if you want to have drinks and a good time, that's what it's all about and it's a great atmosphere and love throwing the event and connecting with my fan z ale w. liz: it shows. you jump out of the screen. speaking of the screen, what do you think of the fact that the peacock streamed game between the chiefs and dolphins broke all records. it'll be interesting to see if they can maintain the paying subscribers but what does it say about football and about the future and the morphing changes of how people watch nfl games?
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>> you know, it shows how big of a power house nfl is and how big the game of football is and how it's growing own a scale that just keeps on moving upward throughout not just the united states but throughout the world now. now they're streaming games on peacock and people don't like that and you've got to make a password and sign up and people don't like that instead of putting on cable and watching the game. with that being said, they don't want to mis-out on football games. what doesn't not want to watch their favorite team play and you're going to sign up for the streaming service to watch the game. nfl is doing a great job making the game so broad for so many audiences and maybing it broad for everyone in the world to watch. liz: travis kels kelce jam. what's going on with travis
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kelce? >> attended last gronk beach las vegas draft weekend and him and rob had a bit of a dance bat and will hopefully travis is playing in the big game he has a ticket to gronk game as well. liz: $10 million pot for those that kick it correctly and are you going to be practicing on that field goal? >> i've been practicing plenty of time and have five under my belt and another hour practice tomorrow and i made a 40-yard field goal last week as well even though the kick is only 25 yards. yes, i missed last year. i was very devastated and thought it was one of the best kicks i had when it went off my foot and mother nature came through and 50 miles per hour winds and more like 40 miles per hour winds and made it go wide left.
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that's okay because now i have a redemption kick and wouldn't be sitting here again practicing for the kick of destiny 2 if i made it. now i'm proud that i miss that had kick so i can have this second opportunity, and i'm going to put it right through the upright this is time so everyone out there pick me. liz. okay, all right. >> get a piece of $10 million in bonus bets pop. liz: that's right. lot of money. we talk business here and thank you for joining in the conversation. rob gronkowski and joe, great to have you both. do not miss the nfc divisional matchup between the green bay packers and san francisco 49ers saturday night, 7:30 p.m. eastern only on fox. well, the double edged sword businesses are clambering for and fear. it's more than just a fad but head of cybersecurity at palo alto networks is here next on how she's using ai to identify bad actor who is are using the
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same technology as the good actors. the ai arms race is a huge driver of etf mg crime cybersecurity hack and shot up nearly 40% over the last year. the claman countdown is coming right back. dow jones industrials down about 125 points. or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold.
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time there's a new weapon the good guys and bad actors will use. that is artificial intelligence. palo alto networks is all over it and stock shows investor faith and it has gained about 136% over the past year and hitting multiple record highs throughout that time period. joining me now in a fox business exclusive palo alto network senior vice president and head of unit 42 wendy whitmore. what is unit 42? explain that to the viewers. >> unit 42 is the special forces of palo alto networks and eyes and ears on the ground and investigating breaches and cyber threat intelligence an cysts analyzing all the data piecing together what it all means and threat hunters that are looking at millions of nodes of data on a daily basis to identify new and emerging attacks. laze: what are you seeing right now beyond that 50% number ahead of the 2024 election? >> 2024 i think is going to be crazy from the perspective of the volume of activity so what we're seeing is easy to
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remember. speed, scale, and cities indication and speed of attacks happening within hours and scale thousands of organizations and hundreds of organizations being compromised at the same time with widespread vulnerabilities. this is the first year in history, i've been investing these attacks for over 20 years and first time in history we've seen spear fishing not be the initial attack factor and from a sophistication lens, we can talk about nation states and they continue to be economist indicated and march forward and on the cyber criminal side and there's even with no young members of the team. there's business processes and business communications and processes work and they are using that against the organizations they're attacking. liz: this brins up the question of ai, artificial intelligence. how do the good guys use it to identify some of these attempted breaches and hacks and how are
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the bad guys using it? what can people look for? >> yeah, the great news is it's exactly what you said, it's a double edged saturday. from a -- double edged sword. from defense, we can accelerate and automate so much of the work today. you heard earlier today jp morgan ceo and 46 billion was the number they threw out of events and you obviously can't get through that from a human lens. we need ai and automation to really scale that and that's something we've long invested in at palo alto networks and there's attacker side and generative up level and written communications and so critical in the type of attacks to get a human to click on a link or answer a phone call and that's veverbal as well to impersonate officials to get access to credentials. liz: we've heard of voices being manipulated through ai so you think that maybe donald trump is
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giving you a phone call or joe biden giving you a phone call maybe saying something that's absolutely outrageous and might make you turn against him as a voter. this so me is very disturbing so what can the average individual do as they lookout for this? >> it is concerning and certainly moving into an election year and disinformation is going to be at all time high and advanced mature user is this legitimate or not and questioning data sou sources and from organizational perspective and having defenses in place and visibility to identify when these attack haves occurred. liz: i've got to ask you about another hot zone certainly beyond the u.s. election and that would be the israel and hamas war. obviously ukraine and russia we saw a lot of misinformation coming through from hackers on both sides, i believe. but what have you seen out of the middle east? >> well, i think in all of the geopolitical conflict we're seeing throughout the world, there's a couple things. one, quite advanced
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technological capabilities from all sides and the other area is the level of actual physical conflict going on in talking about three major regions of the world and taxpayers allowed nation state actors to operate behind a smoke venowhere they can go and sprue . more and more data and more organizations at a pace we've really never seen before. so really providing top cover for a lot of that behind the scenes digital activity to occur. liz: okay, you say the elections will be crazy. got that to look forward it. >> a busy year i think. liz: it's a good warning for everybody and businesses certainly. wendi, thank you very much. >> thank you. liz: wendi whitmore of palo alto net works. disney, not the happiest place on earth and lion king bob iger commands a very hefty paycheck, but the tock doesn't follow -- stock doesn't follow and charlie gasparino says employees are not seeing the bounty they hope they would. claman countdown is coming right back.
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♪. liz: all right, guys, the closing bell, about six minutes away. s&p and nasdaq kind of crumbling in the final hours of trade. what? >> it's coming back. liz: you know what? why are we saying crumbling? hello the worst of the session was down 51 for the s&p. sliced in half. nasdaq had been down 238. >> what would you do without me? liz: 10-year treasury yield climbing today. 4.1%. we got very muscular retail sales number for the month of december, shows consumers just fine. economy still on firm footing. we have the 10-year yield up 3.9 basis points. two year-year-old skyrocketing up 14 basis points. we have dissension in the ranks addition any owned abc just as reports reveal disney ceo bob iger has received a substantial salary bump simultaneously freezing employee salaries,
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cutting bonuses. there are plans for another round of layoffs. charlie gasparino with the details. >> hits keep coming over here at disney. bob iger has not had a great hero's welcome. he readies any for many years, tremendous growth. hit shows, you name it. darling of wall street. retires back in 2019. picks bob chapek had ill-fated run as ceo. iger coming back thinking he will get a hero's welcome. i think we should show a two-year chart. that says it all. bob iger has not returned this company -- liz: came back in november of -- >> 2021. excuse me. 2022. liz: 2022. >> we can show a one-year chart. they have not exactly knocked it out of the park. we should point out that the s&p is way up. liz: that is a 10-year chart. here is a two-year. >> the s&p has done pretty well over the last two years, right? liz: last year alone the s&p was
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up -- >> bob iger, made according to the filing today over $30 million last year. now, here's where it gets really interesting. i've been getting calls for people who work at abc. these people who work in the news division, who claim the following, while he is getting paid extra money, particularly today, that is what touched them off, news of this, what they're saying they have frozen salaries. they have cut, there are no bonuses and they're bracing for another round of layoffs. they apparently mad two. they will get one more. where is the fairness. how does a ceo get overpaid for crummy stock perform tans and take it out on everybody else? we should point you i did speak with people at disney. here is they will tell you that his pay is in line with other media ceos. may or may not be true. you may all say they're overpaid and underdeliverring from a shareholder standpoint. be that as it may. they're saying the notion of
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salary freezes and know bonuses is taking it too far. there is pay by performance internally at disney. they may be saying everybody performs lousy, i don't know. i'm telling you what i'm hearing from people at the affiliate. lots of issues here going forward in 2024 for disney. do they sell espn? do they monetize a piece of it? how does bob iger deal with cord-cutting? if he had his druthers, my guess, tomorrow he would sell the whole thing to apple or, or amazon but he can't do that because biden administration won't let him. here's the thing. i don't want to pick on them but i want to make a general statement, linear tv. >> linear. i'm sorry, lineal. i'm thinking lineal. this is linear tv is in really desperate shape, cord-cutting, you name it, lower subscription
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fees, ad market has not come back. that's a snapshot what is going on with a company once the darling of wall street. everybody is in the same soup to certain degrees. i think david zaslav is doing better at warner brothers discovery. he is a master cutting that balance sheet. bob eiger is not. let's go to coinbase. there is a huge case in the southern district, sec versus coinbase. the judge heard arguments today. will rule whenever. i will say this if the judge rules in favor of coinbase, now coinbase essentially is being charged with selling a unregistered coin. if the judge rules in favor of coinbase, they're fighting back and sec has been losing lately, i mean, the sec's regulation by enforcement agenda is done. if the opposite happens, look for gary gensler to bring more cases. back to you. liz: had a huge run-up 147% over the past year. charlie, thank you very much. for its point about it coin
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pulling back today. volatility index, vix up 6.6%. if you look at the intraday you will see it had been up 9% earlier. a slight bit moved race on a day where we got very strong retail sales numbers which pushed yields on treasurys up, fed funds futures, the bet whether the fed will cut rates in march have dropped precipitously. tomorrow we're back with another all-star lineup. the wolf of investing is he now calling himself, author jordan bell forth, yes the original "wolf of wall street," spent prison time, redeemed himself. galaxy founder ceo and bitcoin enthusiast, mike nova is here and frank mccourt, jr., all of them joining us. you do not want to miss it. we are the best in the business at least according to charlie gasparino. [closing bel


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