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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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and it had nothing to do with politics. - [narrator] today the bush name is associated with more than just business and politics. george w's daughter, barbara, is a healthcare activist, while her twin sister, jenna, works in media. and while no bushes currently hold federal office, the family's legacy is still one of service to their country. - they're a phenomenal family, a family of conscience. - i do think that the bush family is a political dynasty. they're a powerhouse and one in which you'll look back and say, there were a lot of people in that family who served the country and served well.
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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. president biden meeting with congressional leaders at white house right now to talk about closing u.s. southern border and financing ukraine. just a few moments we'll talk about this with donald trump's latest recruit, vivek ramaswamy. and then jim jordan wants to stop the government snooping and trump campaign adviser lou will tell us how it looks in new hampshire. jackie i hinrich at the white house. >> it is unclear what progress might be made here in the meeting president wants focusing to be on ukraine to impress on the top congressional leaders and chairman and rangin
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ranking members of committee that aid to united kingdom to -- ukraine has to come back you were, house republicans are not wants to talk about ukraine, until the border policy reforms are hammered out. administration has been touting the progress of the bipartisan talks with senate republicans over the border policy changes but they have not revealed wha what is under considering and character house republicans of getting in the way of border reform, we asked white house in briefing how the president will navigate this. she seemed to imply that president would lean into conversation with other congressional members in the room that are an mike johnson. >> he is not the only congress person in the room today, he is not.
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there will be other coma congressional members, the president is clear he wants to talk about ukraine. urgency of making sure we continue assistant to ukraine. speaker johnson is not the only person in the room. reporter: there is no love lost between white house and house republicans, today white house repeating its claim that house republicans voted to eliminate 2000 border patrol agents even though "washington post" gave them 3 pinnochios for that, that bill had no specific cuts in it, congressional republicans vowed that any cuts would never impact border patrol since this bill was passed in mayor bills, have been passed that would increase number of agents but white house refused to an. to -- to acknowledge that. and they refuse to amend's separate statement that
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implied this security officials were responsible for three migrant deaths that is not true, and a number of outlets had to issue correction anded ontors notes because of false information in phrases of the white house statement, they are not backing down. larry: good day's work, i like that. three pinnochios, thank you jackie. joining me now, great fun, vivek ramaswamy. former 2024 republican presidential candidate. old friend. paused his campaign and signed on with donald trump who is very pleased to have vivek, we're pleased to have you back on the kudlow show. i want you to weigh in. you heard jackie hinrich, fro president does not want to deal with speaker johnson, president and the democrats are opposed to hr2, which i think is a very decent trump-like plan to close the border.
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what do you think of this, what kind of advice would you give the g.o.p. and senate and or the house. >> my advice to g.o.p. would let's restore common sense to the foreign policy, many are sooner concerned about protecting ukraine's border than our own border at home in united states i would encourage everyone to vote for more military resources on our southern border, than we're shipping to ukraine. as it relates to ukraine there is snow clear plan or argument for what next 60 billion will do that first 100 plus billion did not already do, we need a man and a path to diplomat diplomatic resolution in ukraine, and secure our border where we do have an invasion, if there were 3 million chinese on west coaster on 3 million iranians on east coast we would call it an invasion, this is say approach at use.
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of our national defense resources, to protect our own southern border that should be table stakes before discusses protection of anyone else's border. with our international debt crise hourses that is m my advice. larry: vivek, we have talked through the past year, and president trump said, there is plenty, i don't know what the head count is, but there could be at least a hundred terrorists or more to crossed over into our border because of biden open border and illegal problem, and point number two, it astonishes me the republicans still have not succeeded in getting a microscope or spotlight on this ukrainian money, how much of it is reallier necessary and how well, it is spent, and why no one is attempting some sort of a
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diplomatic response, diplomatic effort to stop that war, which as you know, it something president trump has talked about and you have talked about that. why the heck would you go into a lousy border deal, point number one, and point number two, without sentible discussions of -- sensible discusses of ukraine. >> i think that actually we need to focus on border, seal the border with our own military, end federal funding for sanctuary cities, and to central american countries, and require them to build their own border walls, all the from venabvenezuela to southern border of texas. then let's turn to ukraine, one thing that worries me about ukraine. weariessca lating risk of world war iii. by driving ru russia further into china's hands. we need to be pushing for, require that russia exit its
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military alliance with china and in return make offers that we should offer anyway that nato will not admit ukraine to nato and a discussion about what happens to east of ukraine. that decreases risk of world war iii, and financially and i would say militarily responsible thing for the united states of america. and yes that is how we need to lead the country with common sense, with basic norms that say we're going to protect the invasion on our own border and peacefully resolving a path in ukraine. that is not in best interest of the world it takes someone willing to speak common sense to spring that level of leadership to the republican party that i think that is at times lost on this issue. larry: vivek. i heard president trump many times talk about the need for a diplomatic solution to ukraine as soon as
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possible. have you spoken to him about the idea of keeping ukraine out of nato? >> i have not spoken to him specifically about, that if i were, it is vital he become the next president, i dropped out after getting 8% in iowa, i app support in new hampshire to did to president trump. but i would layout some detail on how we can do that james baker made a commit am to gorbachev in 1990 saying that nato some not expanding one inch past east germany, we have to the kept that committment by standing by our commitment and reaffirming that we could pull russia aparts from china that is single greatest lever we have to reduce risk of world war iii. and i think that sensible foreign policy is to avoid world war iii, declare economic independence from communist china and use our
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military resourcing to defend our own homeland including southern and increasingly northern border of the united states that is true america first policy, it is common sense, i think many sens centrists and democrats should be able to get behind that, that is how we move our party into future. larry: let me shift, not a lot. but a little bit. after the victory that president trump had in iowa, the people in davos, leaders in world economic for forum, in davos, i know they are not your best friends, that is a joke, but serious. they are dirty and pooping their pants now at thought that donald trump may be reelected president, that is dirty and pooping that i love. that would be fun, the latest one that just sam came out. thank you for that smile. they are demanding, you will love this, are demanding we
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have an international criminal court prosecution of wait for it, something called eco side. out of davos. i don't think -- what they think they are talking about. mr. trump or president trump will never buy into that. what is this crowd want. global warming, john kerry, it is freezing out in iowa, nobody seems to understand that. big government solutions, big corporate solutions, not small government, small business entrepreneurial solutions, vivek, if you stay with trump and go to his government, go after davos, you will be the special to go to davos and kawhi that the crowd down. i won't say blow them up on this is wrong but cryet them down, give them a facelift or somethinger.
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>> we'll shut them down, i think that you asked what is motivating them. just like every 3 letter agency here. atc, and cdc, and department of education, wef, my answer to them is shut them down. they want is old world europe, they want a revival of old world monarchy that is what kings of old world europe believed we fought a revolution i 1776, to say better or worse we the people, engage in self govergovernance, we make the decisions at the ballot box not the mountain top of davos, the monster of old world rearring its ugly head
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again. we should say, no to that vision, we're a self governing constitutional republic, that is what it means to be an american, and stand for 1776 ideals, i will stop at nothing, peaceful means, legally and otherwise to make sure these people are put back in their place, and we have true sovereignty in u.s. >> it is a noble cause. it is a very noble cause. and i hope stay with it. i will ask everyone today on show, vivek, you will be campaigns in new hampshire, how does new hampshire look, for mr. trump? >> i was there -- last night, feels like a long time ago, we spoke to a large audience it looks pretty good, i think a lot of libertarians in new hampshire should now come to direction that part of what ipted twhat i wanted to throw in president trump's
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direction, i was attacking a lot of libertarian support. you want to did to direction of an old republican party of dec chen dick cheney that folks over our money to fight wars that are not interest us. the wrong vision, nikki haley and other republicans may stand for that but if you want to vote for liberty, the last best chance left, in this race is donald trump. and i will do everything in my power, over the course of this year, and the next 4 years, to make sure we stand for those liberty-minded principles, i believe libertarian support shifting donald trump's direct in a state like new hampshire, should make a difference that is wide enough to end this primary in new hampshire as i believe it should. and then reunite the party, and reunite the country, i'll do everything in my power to make it happen. larry: great message, vivek ramaswamy, class act. terrific stuff, goo good luck. thank you for coming back on the show.
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>> thank you. larry: talk about it different subject. for a modem -- moment the economy. and talk about federal reserve monetary policy. stay away. hang in there here is high point, unless j. powell's federal reserve wants to completely politicize monetary policy, and slash interests, to juice the economy, and reelect joe biden, unless they want to do, that there is no reason right now for the fed to take the foot out of brake and slam down the accelerator, no reasons at all. fed governor crister wallace said yesterday that fed should not rush into rate cuts, he is right, why just. , prices still rising, and inflicting damage to middle and lower income affordability. over the past 3 years, typical family wages are
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about 4% below the increase of inflation, the inflation rate itself still above the fed's 2% target. unemployment rate still less than 4%. and retail sales came out today, at least through christmas holiday season holding up nicely. biden administration still running a huge roughly 2 trillion dollar budget deficit. driven by spending the gdp rate that over 24% compared to 50 year average of 20%. as they pour 5 trillion dollars into the economy. since coming into efs. office. >> there is no recession the at the moment. there are changes in the economic ar armor.
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if the demand side of the economy of retail sales is growing faster than supply side manufacturing, that say potential inflation risk. fed should be leary of this unplanned economy. -- unbalanced economy, top line cpriskpi in december . every one of them, well above the fed's 2 % on target. over past three years bide bidenflation, prosries up 20%, energy up 26%, new and used cars up '26%, and motorphayou need a dollar 19 today of to match purchasing power of dollar pre-pandemic. make a dollar 19 today of that is 19% loss. in the value of your money. the dollar price of gold is still high over 2,000 bucks,
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wall street keeping jammerring about 5 rate cuts, wall street loves easy money, main street working folks do not, federal reserve pre jections show 3 or more late cuts this year, but no particularly good reason given, a fed sure say hahave a -- survey shows over 90% of the economists are democrat, i suggest that fed head j. powell. an honorable man, he will not seek a third term as chair, and instead, he wants to establish his historical reputation as the by who got inflation back to central bank's 2%, not volcker because, powell was asleep for first inflation airy year, but i bet j. powell wants to redeem himself, caveat emptor you wall
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street doves be careful. >> that semiriff tonight. -- that semiriff. breitbart's john carney and our very own taylor riggs, we'll talk about this subject. later in the show. first upcoming next. house judiciary chair jim jordan. he will tell us how he wants to stop the nonstop snooping of federal agencies to our financial, political, and religious private lives. i say drain the swamp. jordan said drain the swamp, stick with kudlow, we'll be right back. before you use ai to transform business,
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accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. and no fees required. sofi. get your money right.
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larry: let's stop the nonstop snooping to the of day aspect of our lives to jim jordan, happy new year. i have not seen you in the new year. >> you too. larry: there is another issue, this nonstop snooping, you have been covering, fbi, cia, justice department. now you got another one, the treasury department is now snooping, and looking for key words. can you quickly give us the low down on this.
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>> at request of government, you have banks searching private transactions of their customers for key 7 words, it looks like -- key words, the words, did they purchase religious particular, did they shop at bass pro shop, were they purchasing a firearm that describes the vast plant madgmajority of people that i get privilege to represent. this financial survey surveillance, we're just getting into this we'll find out how extensive it was, looks like that big government, big corporation working together to financially spy on american citizens. larry: what did dick's
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sporting goods do wrong, they are on the loss. >> cabela, they are looking at what people buy, they could be a violent extremist if they are buying a firearm or a fishing pole. and they are also purchasing religious particular at some bookstore -- text at some bookstore, you read through what documents that we have thus far, sounds like that mememorandum in we discoffed abodiscovered as pro-life catholics described as violent extremists, remember the fbi said is a one off, this one field office this is broader working through treasury and fbi, working together. to with corporations to target american citizens. larry: can you work with donald trump, please? and en the swamp -- drain the swamp, stop it, you know, we have been talking
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about this. cia, fbi, justice department, now you got treasury, homeland security. career civil se servants. come on. this swamp, has to be drained, i think this is a hidden but powerful election theme, jim jordan. >> i agree. some polling in iowa. where president trump had the huge win, polling suggests that vast majority agree that government has been weaponized against them, that is why they went out and voted for president trump, they know he will fight that and change that, that is on voters' mind, they believe that, because it's true, we have seen it remember they tried to set up disinformation governance board at department of homeland security a few years before that democrats say, we should abolish the department of homeland security, then a office with
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joe biden they said they don't want to abolish it but create a censorship board, that is how radical it has gotten and people get it. that is why they voted for president trump in such big numbers that is why i think he will win, and vivek said he will be our next president. larry: couple quick things will hunter biden grow up for one day? get the deposition? >> he is coming, we have been talking with his counsel, they had conversations with ther mr. lull, hunter biden is coming. we do believe he is coming we have tomorrow scheduled kevin morris and then devon archer and hunter biden then, that will happen, 3 of those -- 3 of those have been scheduled. larry: that good, i didn't know that. and last one. this whole fani willis story, down in georgia. it is a public mockery, but
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she is involved in important things, and lives are at stake. everything she say its lies, every she says is phony, and she is blaming it on racism. i read that you yourself and your committee looking into this. >> yes, we sent a letter to nathan wade, what kind of communication he had with white house and with white house and january 6 committee, it looks like he came to washington a couple of different times, and i think that state of georgia should look into arrangement that fan had with nathan wade with him state tax dollars and federal tax dollars to district attorney office there, 14. something million they got in grant money from federal government. one other reasons we're looking to this, but this wade thing is serious, she charged all of these folks are mostly trump but others she was contemplating charges 3 u.s. senators and one of those was the top republican on the judiciary
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committee. for goodness sake, rope those to do crazy deal, that is how ridiculous this, then we learn this aspect with mr. wade so yeah we're digging into it. larry: she and her boyfriend spent a lot of time in biden white house before they brought this crazy lawsuit. >> right. larry: you know that is should not be lost in the it iit idiscuss, jim jordan, you have to drain the swamp. >> right. larry: change jim jordan. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up, unless j. powell wants to juice the economy to reelect joe biden, there is no reasons he should be cutting interests, we'll talk about it with breitbart's john carney and our own taylor riggs. and trump campaign advis adviser, corey lewandowski with update and low down
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larry: recent economic numbers don't show a boom, but there is no bust. let's turn to our own edward lawrence for details, good afternoon. reporter: it shows that in december people bought what they wanted to get for the christmas holiday shopping retail sales month over month up . 6%, more than expected, year-over-year. the retail sales up 5. 6%, as federal reserve say that americans hold record 1.08 trillion in credit card debt, bank of america ceo, not concerned yet. >> so consumer spending a good level. that come down. during the course of the year, mid 23 on, they are in good shape. reporter: the retail sales numbers give federal reserve an argument to continue
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their rate pause if consumers continue to spend, jobs numbers continue to be strong, and inflation rises or moves sideway that could fit fed's message from last year. talking about buying things, i had to question about cost of a smoothy. >> last friday, president was at a coffee shop in pennsylvania, he was surprised that the smoothie was $6, and how executi expec expensive it was. does president now realize the costs that americans are bearing. >> listen when we went to the press core, he was having a good time, you saw that. >> he was surprised. >> he was joking around, he was joking with the press corps, you know that he offered to buy a coffee, i think most important thing about that trip is he was able to visit a small business. reporter: she said that he was joking, but that
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smoothie probably less expensive three year ago. larry: it was $6 yesterday, 3 bucks a couple years ago. who is counting, you know edward lawrence who? thank you very much, for more, let's talk, taylor riggs co-host of the big money show and john carney, breitbarts economics and finance editor. thank you both. i'm say, you can agree or disagree, john. other than goosing the economy to reelect joe biden, which is a cynical you know depraved idea for the federal reserve, which is supposed to be independent, there is no reason to cut inrace -- interest rates, not a single reason, there is no recession, no jump in unemployment. the inflation numbers are way above targets, i know
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manufacturing is lousy but you know demand side of retail, there is no reason to do whatever everyone is talking about. >> there no catalyst for a rate cut, it would be optional rate cut, i think that option is being taken away, you look at this retail sales respect this is highly inflationary, it sales of goods that to be source of disinflation. but people snap goods up, and we didn't get to report this just now, but, if you look at import prices, they were supposed to fall because foods were supposed to be disinflating, they are not, they were plat plat flat in december . larry: taylor. retail sales rising, strong christmas that is demand side. manufacturing however continues to fall that is
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supply side, we're demanding goods but we're not producing goods, i if i were fed i would keep an eye on that. >> we have i think this week, if you take out covid that is worst on record, survey worst then 2008-2009 regionrecession, my concern, is that inflation has been a huge problem, horrible news in china overnight real gdp, some of worst in 3 decades, we do real, if you don't adjust it and you look at nominal gdp, massive deflation coming out. if they export that deflation to us, which i agree starting to see that in good's prices, i wonder if that shows up. so far we have not seen it. larry: sewed f so fed the
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juice the economy to reelector joe biden and they will juice the chinese economy. do i have to worry about china? i'm not unhappy if china is in bad shape, what to they do for us, except financial two wars. >> they are in bad shape their own citizens don't trust their government, the government kept shutting down the economy, people are protectively saving. i'm worried about red sea. we about to have a massive supply constraint that will befell all over the globe, as ships go around africa, saying it adds 20% to shipping time that one out of 5 ships gets absent from total supply of chipping that will hurt global supply, at a time where demand for goods is rising, that equals more inflation. the fed cannot cut, right
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now. larry: there is no one reason. taylor, i'll take the over on j. powell. a lot of people don't agree with me, i know the guy. i don't always agree with him or disagree. but i think he is a straight shooter, he was asleep at the switch in anonymous 2021. but since that time fed has mounted a strong inflation fight. they need to stay on that course. i don't believe he will run for a third term. as fed chair, i don't believe he is bound by political considerations and i think he will exercise common sense and not hurry to take the foot off the brake and slam town the accelerator and cut rates. i'll bet on them. >> i afry with that, i think -- agree i believe market has been overpriced the amount of rate cuts, that is
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absurd, that is what the marketments, i think that is nuts to get 6 rates you have continued to how bad of an economy shape wire in. larry: 10 or 12% unemployment rate. >> right, i don't think you will get mere there, you heard chris walter. larry: sens sensible guy. a good sentible conservative, economist, but john, you think i'm being naive about j. powell. >> no. larry: i don't think she this political. >> i think he will table the stance like chris waller laid out in the speech, there is no rush to cut. when fed switches to cutting they cut rapidly, because there is a downturn they are fighting off, but that is not the case right now, waller is who one of the smartest guys. >> john carp carney and
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taylor riggs. weekdays 1 prelimina prelimina. >> joining he now, corey lewandowski, he will give us update and low down in new hampshire. corey welcome, happy new year. let me get your take, something that president trump said last night. your take on this. listen, please. >> as you know nikki haley, in particular, is counting on the democrats and liberals to infiltrate your republican primary, you know that. that is what is happening. a group of people coming in that are not republicans, and it is artificially boosting her numbers here. larry: corey, president is not wrong. but what do you think? you are from new hampshire. you have run new hampshire primaries in the past. done a pretty good job, how do you assess this?
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boston, suburb, liberal, left? democrats, and independents, voting for haley? what did you make of it? >> well, new hampshire has changed it was not that long ago where we were beacon of conservatism, in new england, those days are over, now we're seeing in trump race you look at suffolk pole that came out, you poll the republicans, donald trump beats nikki haley by 37 points, 61 to 24. when you add in everyone, with the opportunity to vote, in primary next tuesday, which are independents or unaffiliated voter, donald trump continues to maintain a 16 point lead, 50 first to 34%. ron desantis at 5%, undecided is 6. what does that mean? the bump that nikki haley was to get coming out of iowa, has not transpired. vivek ramaswamy dropped out of the race, by and large his voters go to support donald trump, we saw that last night, in at wi
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atkinson, new hampshire, donald trump is poised to win the primary by a massive margin and get over 50%, which should finalize the haley campaign, to an end. larry: corey, what is -- how do you read the voters now, biggest issue, turns ou out in iowa for example, the economy very important. but it was immigration, and the cat as fee at border. >> immigration is still clear the number one issue, we are a border state, we are a northern border state, crisis is not as severe, but we have seen occasions where people come across northern border, because it is not also closed to do harm to us, we have no idea where they go once they get in. if we stop them, we're giving them a responses to come back and see us in 5 years. to have a court hearing to decide what to do with you, the issue of illegal
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immigration continues to be the single biggest crisis facing us if we don't choice the borders we will be knoll -- not be a country much longer. larry: if mr. trump wins in new hampshire, we reckon he ill, i guess that nikki haley goes to south carolina, then after south carolina she will drop out, that is what it lookings like, you are political adviser, what do you think? >> i think that donald trump does win in new hampshire. here state of new hampshire we apportions our delegates, we have 22 available. dodonald trump will win plurality, then go to nevada and win in caucus, then we'll see if nikki haley has any strength in her home state of south carolina, if she does not, there is no just case for -- jus
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justification for staying in the race. larry: all right, that will be a pig problem for her, vivek, will help new new hampshire? get libertarian vote out? >> you bet, vivek made a great endorsement of prufnl lapresident trump last night, most of people who were supporting vivek are trump supporters in general, now he so trump train you will continue to see hit his team come onboard, we'll see them coming over to trump campaign this will impact us on election day, i havic w-- vivek was 5 or 6% in new hampshire i believe that face to trump. larry: he was on the show, my lead guest. he is a smart guy, i'm glad he ran and i am glad he with draw withdraw and he is campaigning with president trump, corey lewandowski,
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you are as smart as you always were we appreciate you coming on the show. >> thank you, sir. larry: take care. coming up on kudlow. will supreme court stick it to federal agency and rein their tower shannon breen will join us with a very important case with jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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larry: today supreme court heard chevron deference case, many believe is a battle between regulatory agency and private business, fox news, correspondent, shannon bream is here with a person update, thank you for this. reporter: i am glad to be with you, you and i talked about loving this walking things that makes a different in people's lives more than 170 thousand pages of federal regulation. everything you touch during the day, the car, ir, everything, that about this case is important, question is who decides how far the rig laying regulations go
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in your importantal life. is if the agency or courts? larry: a lot of people say, federal regulatory agencies cannot act without a congressional mandate, we have seen this west virginia versus epa. is this similar to that? >> you look at this, when a statute is challenged and it wipeds in court they look to see did congress say this agency could do this, if not, if it is am bigio ambiguous there is a chevron deference to the federal agency. they said, why not leave this to experts, would you rather have decisions made about a medication, that has to go through federal approval, the fda handle
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that versus, this question to judges who don't have a medical background. larry: we appreciate it very much. shannon bream, you have to managing your diabetes just got easier. the powerful, new dexcom g7 lets you see your numbers on your watch and phone without fingersticks. and, because you always know which way your glucose is headed, you can make better diabetes decisions. and all those little decisions can lead to big results, like more time in range and lower a1c. manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. the most accurate cgm. learn more at before you use ai
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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