tv Kudlow FOX Business January 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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in offices in the big cities the highest rate of emptiness since 1986. we know what happened in 1987, it was a stock market crash. does what we have in real estate portend a stock market crash maybe in a year or two? >> i don't know. i can't predict the future better than anyone else. i think real estate is definitely going through an adjustment but it will adjust and, i think the most important thing, liz, we need a big, bold, project right now to redirect where the country is going. i would argue that fixing this technology and really having this tech work for people will lift a lot of boats here. so, fill a lot of office buildings. liz: frank mccourt, jr., we applaud for what you're doing. i want to see you before the election begins to heat up once again. [closing bell rings] we have all-star line up
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tomorrow. hester peirce and. "kudlow" is next. ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. president jeep joe biden speaking in north carolina today, going back to the economic warfare arguments sometimes called "bidenomics." he doesn't seem to ever learn, does he? one of the phoniest of the phony arguments how he created 14 million jobs. the trouble is he didn't? he is double counting pandemic jobs lost with the modest number of jobs gained. look at this. in february of 2020 before the pandemic roof fell in, there were 152 payrolls. today there are 157 million. that is five million new jobs. the up trump performance, 143 million non-farm payrolls in january of 2017 going through
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the same february of 2020 was plus nine million. nine million is four million higher than five million. just saying. by the way, comes to roughly 170,000 a month for new jobs under trump and 130,000 for biden. now, i agree with president biden that unemployment is historically low, under 4%, yes, but it was trump who first broke that barrier with 3.5% unemployment. there is this complete bs figure, really incredible. the billionaires are only paying an 8% tax rate according to biden. this is the phoniest of phony numbers conjured up by biden's staff, using an realized capital gains wealth tax that does not even exist! that is how they get to 8%. this is another one of these
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bottomless pinocchio untruths by president biden. he keeps repeating it. nobody should ever believe him. meanwhile if biden were elected then he would go for a wealth tax as well as sky-high income tax hikes for individuals and large and small businesses. and then biden keeps talking about how the rich getting richer under trump which, unfortunately is something nikki haley keeps talking about. well this is not true. study after study has shown including the recent blue chip study from the national bureau of economic research by economists from chicago, princeton, harvard and the treasury, not only did the trump tax cuts generate a significant boost in business capital investment along with a 6400-dollar boost in the real incomes of average families, it also contributed to a sizable jump in productivity and the revenues paid for themselves.
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but the biggest gainers from the trump tax cuts were the middle income blue-collar working families, on a percentage basis and even larger percentage gains for lower income wage earners and by the way, unemployment rates dropped to historically low levels for african-americans, hispanics, asian-americans, and women, all right? now going back to class warfare, we saw wealthiest people, rich people, et cetera, saw their state and local tax deductions capped and all those blue state democrats are still bellyaching about it. now joe biden is a champion big spender, which of course is why inflation surged and the middle class affordability plunged. real wages under donald trump who had virtually no inflation
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rose by about 7%. under joe biden real wages fell by about 4%. and the affordability crisis is the dirty little secret biden will never talk about. as poll after poll shows this is why "bidenomics" is so unpopular. and why donald trump's polls continuing to soar. so, just thought i would start out with that. now we got votes on the floor of the house and we have house members that are going to come up later in the show and we even lost our reporter but we're going to try to get you it all backs but who cares? we have a star spank gel the panel. joining me ben domenech, did i get that right, ben, dom my niche. >> you did. second time around. larry: ben is the
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editor-at-large at the spectator, first-time guest we come caroline downey, "national review" reporter, we welcome jason chaffetz, smartest guy in the building, former utah congressman, chair of the oversight committee, fox news contributor, author of the puppeteers, a very good book. kids, i want to begin with this clip from donald trump about new hampshire an nikki haley and get you to weigh in. here it comes. >> the people behind nikki haley are pro-amnesty, they're pro-china, they're pro-open borders. you know she wants open borders, don't kid yourself. pro-war and pro-biden. biden people coming in. they have biden stuff and coming in to register to vote in your primary. it is crazy. larry: now i don't know if all of that is true, but some of it is certainly true. i want to get your take on it. caroline, i begin with you. i want to read a poll.
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"boston globe" poll, 50-36 trump. plus 16%. st. an sell many poll, 54-38, 14 plus for trump. but among republicans it is 65-25 for trump. among independents it is 52-37 governor nikki haley. what do you make of this? >> thanks for having me, larry. it's true that haley is it inning with independents and democrats in a very unique way but i think it is amazing she thinks this is one-on-one race with trump right now. she is refusing to accept she came in third place in iowa and frankly her national message, not as appealing as trump's. i think her hammering him now is a little bit late to the game. i think she is playing catchup. ultimately what she does is she mostly caters to this fringe foreign policy message that doesn't really resonate with most americans whereas trump his
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legacy was economic prosperity and independents and moderates they remember that, they really do. "bidenomics" has failed astronomically, nobody is buying it. at the end of the day people remember, like you said there was a booming economy. now, i mean credit card debt and household debt are soaring. people are mortgaging the future to afford today. inflation is off the charts. so they're thinking about the economy. it is the economy stupid, still holds and haley, there is a reason why trump made her u.n. ambassador. didn't leave her to domestic affairs. larry: that is why i read off -- we'll get a full report on biden's speech in north carolina but i had to read off a couple numbers. we could have gone on but biden never speaks the truth about any of this stuff, including this phony, ultraphony 8% tax rate, they're using a wealth tax on unrealized capital gains that was never passed. doesn't exist. ben, trump is pounding at nikki
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haley. i don't know if he is going to have an effect or not. negative ads can work in new hampshire or not. let me ask you, ben, is trump going to win in new hampshire as handily as he won in iowa? >> i think he will, larry and i think there are a couple different dynamics going on here. one is, the nikki haley appeal i think, really needed to have more investment in it earlier in the process to be able to stand up to the kind of national campaign that would be needed to take on the former president. you know we've seen, i think, an inability on the part of any of these candidates, including even popular governors like ron desantis of figuring out a way to go after the former president that doesn't lose you support and i think in the case of nikki haley she has been boosted by a lot of people who won't end up voting for the republican nominee, whoever that is come next november. and then i think you know, we go on to a more familiar ground
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with her in south carolina, i think that state could actually deliver an even bigger margin for the former president. we've seen a real shift in the way that he is viewed evangelicals, by rural voters, by a lot of other voters who now are firmly ensconced behind him. i don't think any of that is something that can be changed by nikki haley or by anyone else empty time needed to actually have a real effort to win this nomination away from the former president. larry: jason chaffetz, it is so interesting to me, you're a former house member, you're a former committee chair, to see senators, house members, governors, all across the country endorsing donald trump. it is starting to mount in droves and i know that you know, that doesn't necessarily win primaries but it does tell you how deep trump's support is in the republican party. jason, what i'm getting at is, i don't think nikki haley ever had
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that kind of depth of support inside of the gop. i mean the people that have come out, elected officials, very thin, in her own state of south carolina, very thin, virtually non-exist tent. i never really understood the basis of her campaign, jason. >> i agree with all that. i think this race is for the norm nation is over quite frankly. he won 98 out of 99 counties and the one county he lost to mail nikki haley by one vote. this race is over and donald trump is the presumptive nominee. i think ron desantis in 2028 has a great shot as being the nominee. for 2024 it will be donald trump. the sooner republicans get behind it and make that happen and more we focus on joe biden. larry: who will be his vice president, jason, easy
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question? >> there is a couple key positions. one of them is vice president. i think that robert o'brien is probably one of the leaders there as well as john ratcliffe. i think the president is very familiar with both of them. i think he can shun is about security, security in your wallet, security in the border, security overseas. both robert o'brien and john ratcliffe have the relationship with the president as you know. they have daily contact throughout the administration and they have strong resumes to run circles around kamala harris. my money would be on robert o'brien and john ratcliffe. larry: how about mike pompeo to follow up on that? >> he is certainly a top tier candidate. the president trusts him and likes him. mike pompeo was flirting with running for president. he didn't do that. he comes from an important state like kansas. he would be an exceptional candidate as well. larry: one of the qualifications, i want to pitch
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this to our youngest member, caroline, what do you think about the vice presidential story for trump? >> i should withhold any expert analysis as that question is still unfolding. i always thought as the vice-presidential pick, the intention is to capture a demographic that you couldn't on your own. pompeo, i'm sympathetic with pompeo, larry, he was in my brother's west point class. he was valedictorian. larry: yes. >> that says a lot alone but i can tell you who the pick will not be, it will not be nikki haley. larry: ben, you agree with that, it won't be nikki haley but might be one of these foreign policy people jason chaffetz is talking about? >> i think you are underrating the potential of someone who i think actually could check a lot of boxes and be extremely competitive when it comes to winning over a demographic a lot of republicans would like to pursue. i think senator tim scott is so one who should be higher in this
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conversation. checks a lot of boxes. for republicans who understand that winning just a small portion of the black vote in america would be devastating to democrats chances, i think he is someone who has shown his ability to argue and take on the left when it comes to their racialization of politics in america in a way that is really inspiring and i don't think he is someone who would really rock the boat by being too ambitious on their own right, which is one of the reasons why i won't think it will be nikki haley. larry: tim scott is a great patriot. he is also i might add a free market, supply-sider. speaking of growth, another sound from president trump campaigning in new hampshire. take a listen. >> as soon as i get back in the white house i will quickly end joe biden's inflation catastrophe. we'll stop his wasteful spendwe will terminate his green new scam and we will, as i said, drill, baby, drill. we're going to drill, baby, drill. while joe biden is pushing the
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largest tax hike in american history which he is, i will make the trump tax cuts, the largest ever, larger than reagan's i'm going to make them permanent. we have to make them permanent. larry: caroline downey, i want to say in my view and i've been saying this pretty much all year, the biggest reason that mr. trump had such a successful campaign, in the polls, now voting and so forth, he has been on message, on message with the border, which is a signature issue for him going back to 2015. but on message on the economy. drill, baby, drill, liquid gold, tax cuts, deregulation, economic growth. he stayed on message. nikki haley never had a good economic message. neither did governor desantis, neither did any of them t was trump on the issues, caroline. what do you think about that? >> like i said his administration's legacy is financial security and thriving,
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even the ceo of jpmorgan, jamie dimon an old school liberal has recognized this. when you take away the fear-mongering around trump's rhetoric on some of the touchy cultural issues the economic message is overwhelmingly powerful to independents, to moderates, to republicans alike. again right now, from my generation especially, homeownership ask out of question because of the interest rates right now. credit card debt is soaring. we're mortgaging the future to afford today and i think unfortunately that is such a lived memory for some of us, what the trump administration was like. it was, it was prosperous but it was also, it was stable. larry: you know, ben, i'm going to give you the last word, but my thought here, i don't mean to demean the others, they're good republicans. that is not my point is to go negative. none of them running, not a single one of them had the clear
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economic message that donald trump had. for that matter, ben, i would add on the border as well. you could even go into foreign policy but particularly on the economy which remains either the number one or the tied with border security number one. nobody had a message the way trump had. i think it is the most overlooked part of his campaign. give you the last word ben domenech. >> i think one of the things you're talking about there is so important is people really spoke i think to a lot of different issues that were too online, that were too trendy, that were things perhaps percolating up within various corners of conservative media alike without speaking to those central issues that are clearly dominant and front in mind for some americans, not just republican voters but independents as well. we have a catastrophe on the border. we have a economy that isn't working for americans the way it ought to be. the fact that we had that level of disconnect i think is one of
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the reasons why this primary contest such as it was is coming to an end so quickly. larry: ben domenech, thank you. caroline downey, thank you, jason chaffetz thanks ever so much. folks, next up, the need for mass deportations. this is a very interesting topic. we'll talk to the former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker on mass deportation. polling shows people want mass deportations. then we'll talk to new york congresswoman claudia tenney and texas congresswoman beth van duyne about the border talks on the hill which seem to be going nowhere. the biden administration doesn't even want to talk to the house people, bad idea. remember folks catch "kudlow," monday through friday, 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business. if for some reason you can't make it at 4:00, just text your favorite nine-year-old, an she will show you how to dvr the show so you will never miss a
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single tax cut ever. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective
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deporting illegals who have already come into the country. only 26% oppose it. let's talk about this, joining us now is matt whitaker, former acting u.s. attorney general, co-chair of the afpi law and justice center. matt, welcome back to the show. i just find it interesting, is that this poll shows that you know we've had whatever we've had, i don't even know the numbers, five million, six million illegals under biden. people are worried about that and they're now looking to deportation and issue is how many terrorists are in the country. in fact, matt, let me play something former president trump i think up in new hampshire or iowa in the last 72 hours, take a listen. >> and we're going to have to deport, we're going to have to have a deportation level that we haven't seen in this country for a long time, since dwight eisenhower actually. larry: there you go, since
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dwight eisenhower actually. as a former attorney general, matt, how would this work? can you think through it? i don't need a 10 point plan but generally speaking how would it work? >> i think there are two components, larry, to it. first of all you have to impose the migrant protection protocols, "remain in mexico," getting the asylum act working where only legitimate asylum claims are filed. they have to wait outside the united states. you have to prioritize violent criminals, terrorists, folks already in jail and have committed crimes for removal but you're going to have to use the secure border to then roll people off, especially with i.c.e., to major cities and help remove the people that shouldn't be here and should have never come in the first place but you also the other thing on that plan would be end the sanctuary cities. that you really push back on
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cities that don't allow i.c.e. officers to do removals, that would remove folks in the first place. larry: the president refers to the eisenhower plan, i think athe presaris plan, i think that i could be wrong about that. he had a general, a couple of generals organizing return of some mexican illegals who got in in the 1950s. ike was pretty tough on that, ike a former great general himself. how might that work today updated? i don't know whether you talked to president trump about it or not? >> yeah. so in that video you showed from des moines on monday i was there with him on the stage and this is something that i have spent a lot of time not only talking to president trump but others about how to do this but i think you're going to have to ultimately dedicate resources, larry. and you know, the federal government there are limited resources but i think dhs and
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i.c.e. need to be plussed up. we need more i.c.e. lawyers. because the problems in our immigration courts which are run by the department of justice are that there is not enough judges but there is not enough i.c.e. lawyers. there will have to be some funding happen. there will be political will, larry. you know nothing happens in the federal government unless somebody is driving that effort. you have to put somebody that can lead and make sure others follow in removing folks that are not here lawfully and legally. larry: much as i support this, at least conceptually, matt whitaker, it might not be so easy to find them. i mean this incredible thing, whatever, five, six, seven million, i don't even know what the right number is, but all these biden illegal immigrants released, right? it has been catch-and-release plan ever since biden was inaugurated. they are ran through, run through the entire interior of the country.
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that is why it is such an unpopular issue and all these sanctuary cities and sanctuary states but how hard would it be to identify them in order to bring -- we can bring them back peacefully. we can do it in some safe way but how hard would it be to identify them, matt whitaker? >> it would be hard on the one hand because obviously you know just can't look at somebody and presume their status but they all will have papers, files at dhs and at i.c.e. they will all have been registered at the border when they were caught and ultimately released. i think so many of that number are people that have filed bogus asylum claims. there needs to be more teeth, if you file a asylum claim knowing you're not eligible there needs to be some consequence for that. i think again putting in "remain in mexico" policy or making all the folks allowed to wait here in the united states for six, sometimes up to eight or nine years, i think they all need to go back to their home
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countries or some other safe third country, then wait for their day in court. larry: all right, got it. former attorney general, mat whitaker, thank you, matt. talk soon. next up we'll talk about the congressional battle with the white house over this border issue. so far nothing's happened. in fact so far the white house is insulting house members. anyway we've got congresswoman claudia tenney and congresswoman beth van duyne. they're both going to weigh in on the story. so far i'm not seeing anything. remember, folks "kudlow," we are available as a podcast. episodes available every weekday right after the show on spotify, on apple and you know what, folks? i'm a supply side podcast. drill, baby, drill. we'll be right back. ♪. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%).
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rages on. nothing seem toes be happening maybe something happened today. our own edward lawrence live at the white house. good evening, he had weird. what you got cooking? >> reporter: leiry, what happened the senate passed the continuing resolution to fund the government through march and the house is now debating that resolution to align it with the senate's version and but you know that is, kicking the can down the road. the real negotiation is at a deadlock, trying to get a larger deal over one, funding the government and also border security and funding weapons to ukraine. the negotiators came to the white house yesterday. listen to the very different takes on the meeting. now first house speaker mike johnson saying the president and lawmakers understood the urgency. listen. >> we must have change at the border, substantive policy change. we documented 64 instances where the president took executive action on his agencies took action to create the current catastrophe that we have at the border. there is a national security and
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a humanitarian catastrophe. and i articulated that to the president in the meeting. >> reporter: sew today president biden thinking everything is handled even though there is no word on any agreement. listen to this. president biden: thought the meeting went well yesterday. i thought the meeting went well. >> where are the sticking points on the border agreement? president biden: i don't think we have any sticking points left. i think the vast majority of members of congress support aid for ukraine. the question whether or not a small minority hold it up which would be a disaster. >> reporter: no word from the president down through his administration, hinting at any change through his border policies that allowed 7.1 million migrants to illegally cross the border through january 2021. seems the stalemate will continue. we'll have a continuing resolution without any resolution. larry? larry: edward lawrence thank you very much for that. so let's talk some more about this. let's bring in new york
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congresswoman claudia tenney and texas congresswoman beth van duyne. thank you both, i appreciate it. so, here's the thing, i don't understand this. is this, i will start with claudia. is this about ukraine or is this about the border? because i think more americans would like to close the border than they would give more money to ukraine but you guys tell me. go ahead, claudia, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt? >> no, i think it is 100% about the border. the american people think it is about the border. 73% of all parties polled think it is the number one issue is the border, crime and what it's causing. the violence at the border, the breaching our sovereignty and having all these people come across the border, the number one issue, job of the federal government, specifically the executive branch is border security and national defense. we have people coming across the border. you and i talked about this,
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larry. 85% of the people on the terror watch list coming across the northern border. southern border agents are displaced to northern border. we in the republicans and republican conference are obsessed with securing our border. not only is it humanitarian but it is an economic crisis for our taxpayers. larry: you know, beth, i think hr.2 is a pretty darn good bill. it covers a lot of important ground but the white house is insulting the house. let me play what the press secretary said yesterday. you heard this but i will play some sound. hang on a second thing. >> he is is not the only congress person in the room today he is not. he is not only person in the room. there are other congressional members. he wants to talk about ukraine. the urgency making sure we continue urgency with ukraine what it means for broader national security and also for us. so speaker johnson will not be the only person in the room. larry: insulting the speaker of
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the house. >> yeah. larry: saying as if claudia just said basically this is about ukraine funding. it's not about closing the border. i mean, that is just cheap shot, offensive, that is no way to do a deal? >> no, you're absolutely right. we have had wins in ukraine. for example, we have been able to contain the expansion of russia through ukraine. you've seen 80% of the equipmentorg fallly bought into ukraine has been incapacitated or destroyed. you have not seen the conflict expand among any other nato countries. those are wins. we see losses in the middle east. we see hamas with the attack on israeli people. houthis are going after our navy ships and destroying shipyards and shipping channels. we see that happening now. the biden administration is not doing anything with. we're absolutely in wartime scenario down on our border. 100,000 people have been killed as a result of fentanyl coming
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in illegally. countless terrorist sells operating in our country simply because of what happened at the border because the biden administration simply refuses to enforce our laws. we could control the border tomorrow if the agencies were allowed to do their job which the administration is standing in between. larry: can i pick up on that do it tomorrow, claudia. trump's success with catch and deport, with "remain in mexico," with title 42, they were all executive orders, beth, all executive orders, claudia, remember that. now the wall required appropriations okay, but the other stuff, while you're waiting on your asylum decision you "remain in mexico," all right? before you come in you you haveo pass a physical whether covid or something else. these are executive orders. if joe biden were serious about closing the border, claudia, he could close the border.
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>> yeah, well, larry first of all you heard the speaker say there are over 64 provisions either executive orders or acts by the department of homeland security under this administration that have caused the catastrophe at the border as the speaker defined it. they have created this problem. all they have to do is reverse those. obviously it is going to take some time to clean up the mess but right now we can stop this huge number of people coming through and try to help the taxpayers by sending many of these people back. i want to tell you, larry, you're from the new york area, when i hear new york democrats talking about deporting illegal immigrants we hit pay dirt with the democrats, you know that. you never hear that before. larry: you know we just talked to matt whitaker, former attorney general who is heavily into this issue with president trump and there is a poll out that shows 2/3 of americans favor deportation of those who have come in illegally.
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that's a big number. may not be such an easy thing to do. but that is what folks want. you're exactly, exactly right, claudia. beth, what is going to happen here? while the clock is ticking and the arguments continue, and the president, i mean he doesn't want to give in, he doesn't want to close the border. meanwhile more and more illegals will come in. we don't know what the january numbers are but they will not be great? >> no. i mean, what you saw in december was over 200,000 people have entered our country illegally. we hit records every single month. we have 10 million people right now come into our country illegally since biden taken office. the bill the senate is working on is not helpful. they're talking about 5000 people illegally crossing per day. that is basically going to normalize the number we'll see. that would be 2 million people entering our country illegally. you're right. we should be doing is turning them away at the border. what the president and democrats
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want to offer incentives to come here and giving them jobs. we can't absolutely do. what we'll do in the house is hold strong. republicans have come up with a bill, hr.2, that has a number of provisions that would force the administration, force the agencies to do their job. whether or not that is supporting local law enforcement. whether that is looking ending the catch-and-release program, building the wall, supporting our discuss toms and border patrol. not asking additional monies to funnel more people here efficiently as they call it, faster into our country, but by actually turning them away. 08 to 90% of asylum-seekers don't qualify. larry: right. >> why are we sending them on planes all across the country for court dates five to seven years in the future they probably will not go to? we need to stop those ridiculous programs. larry: claudia tenney, i want to give you you the last word because some of the folks analysis of issues in iowa,
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illegal immigration and the open broad hears become the number one issue in that presidential caucus, claudia, i'm thinking out loud, get your take on it, this could be the number one issue in the entire election. i think it gives donald trump big leg up because it is a signature issue. shows the country is in full revolt, the biden white house and they don't get it. >> i agree with you. in 2016 he was the first person to come out to actually stand for the border, because he decided to take a position as a candidate citizenship in this country has value and the democrats are undermining it. this policy by the biden administration undermines the whole notion of citizenship, self-governance, believing in the constitution and freedom and i think a lot of people, especially, it is interesting, new immigrants embrace this. right. >> they came here for a reason.
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why trump even resonates with them. they may not love his personality. boy they do like the policies. it is deja vu all over again like yogi berra said. it will happen in 2024, you will see president trump get elected on the same issue he got elected on in 2016. larry: so it goes. i want to say gentle women, you're great to woman on. i know you had to vote today. claudia tenney, old friend, beth van duyne, thank you very much for helping out on the show. we appreciate it. happy knew career to both. >> thank you so much. happy new year. larry: next up, folks i'm a baseball fan, i'm a yankee fan. you know what? former los angeles dodgers first baseman, steve garvey a 10 time all-star, former national league most valuable player, he is running against the first big time lefty adam schiff who never told a single truth in his
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lifetime. mr. garvey joins us next. believe it or not he has an mvp shot at becoming a senator from california. i will be right back. ♪. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel.
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electric vehicle cheating scandal. turns out biden's evs are not near as efficient as they claim. fox business's gerri willis has all the details. gerri, what you got. >> reporter: emission cheating scandals seem to be a dime a dozen, right, in the past eight years. two major automakers were pursued by misrepresenting emissions records. volvo and volkswagen paid millions in fines. two washington attorneys say the government has its fingers on the scale when it comes to fuel efficiency of electric cars. the government cutting corners and misleading the public. listen. >> well it is a form of corporate welfare, hidden tax on consumers. the whole point of this, multiplier they call it is, is to privatize the benefits so tesla can sell credits and pass on those savings to its buyers but socialize the cost. >> reporter: here's how it works. under a department of energy rule carmakers multiply the efficiency of electric cars by a
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factor of 6.67. 2022 tesla model y in a lab you will find the vehicle getting equivalent of 65 miles per hour. but according to the government the model wise fuel equivalent efficiency is 430 miles per gallon. i wonder why you haven't heard about this before? it is hidden, buried deep in the federal register on page 36,987 of volume 65. probably didn't see that, did you? but wait, it gets worse. not only is the government helping companies exaggerate their efficiency, they're also handing out compliance credits on the basis of those scores which are tradeable for, get this, cash. the credits amount to billions and billions of dollars. he says tesla's haul alone is some two billion. we reached out to tesla, the big three automakers as well as the department of energy for comment. we're still waiting for a response but we'll pass it along
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when we get it. larry? larry: man, that is an awesome report. holy cow, gerri willis the best of the best, thank you. switching gears or maybe we're switching hitters, joining us now is former los angeles dodgers first baseman mr. steve garvey, 10-time major league baseball all-star. he is a world series champ. he is a national league mvp. now he is running a very strong race to be california's next senator. steve garvey, i'm a lifelong yankees fan, new york yankees fan but i will acknowledge you were a hell of a player. but i look forward to your pushing hard against adam smith, adam schiff, i'm sorry. you come up with the polls five or 6%, 18%. you're only a few points below schiff. tell us about this race. >> first of all i forgive you, larry, being a yankee fan.
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you remember the great world series. that is what it was all about. baseball was so vibrant. reminds me of california when i first came here 50 years ago, vibrancy of california. economy was great. industry was booming. aerospace, farming was global leaders and i said it was a heartbeat of america back then, it is just a murmur now. what is happening throughout california resonates throughout the country. i'm not a career politician. i'm running against career politicians and a dysfunctional washington. the people of california are starting to listen to my message and to stand up and it is resonating. it is a common sense, compassionate consensus building approach you don't hear. we're getting closer. we have 19 points in 3 1/2 months. we're touring throughout the state. we've gone to the border. we've gone to the homeless in san diego and l.a. and cac moment toe. we talked to teachers.
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i look them eye-to-eye i ask them what their life is all about and my opponents don't do that. larry: push for growth. push for lower taxes, steve garvey. california is the most incredibly taxed state in america now and my friend, he is a friend of mine, gavin newsom is raising taxes again. >> well, larry you know i listen to the catechism of "kudlow" every day and i listen to what you say and it is always a deep part of who i am in terms of my love for the state of california and this country t goes to free-market capitalism. we have to get back to the true sense of what that is. deregulation. everywhere i go the people are strangled. whether it is in the mourning they get up, go to the table or go to the gas station or go to the grocery store or where they can't take their kids to the traveling games anymore. they have to team up with other families. california is suppressed. my voice will be a new, fresh voice for the people of california and for the future quality of their lives.
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larry: great. steve garvey, i got to tell you, you have a heck of a good shot here, you really do. good luck to you. we'll talk more as the campaign goes on. steve garvey. folks i will be right back with my last word. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience. you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. during my entire life i have been somewhat of
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