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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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paying savers 6789 if people are still interested, where should they put their money for equity bump? >> so we like as kind of i alluded to, corporate bonds give you a decent return. if you go on investment grade space, look at 5% ret returns bt double bs and not triple cs, you can get six and a half, index of double bs, 6.5% and getting into equity-like return for a lot less risk than you'd take, which, and lower volatility than you'd get with equities. liz: wow, frank, you and i get to witness a brand new record close for both the dow and s&p this friday. bill is here monday talking mean stocks and which ones you need
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to o. kudlow is next. larry: hello, folks. this is kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. the dow and s&p jumping to new all time high and dow up around 400 and kudlow trust is doing well. techs and ai stocks are leading the way. former president trump said the market is rallying because he's going to be reelected president. others believe the market is rallying because joe biden is going to be defeated. i think that's the same thing. still others believe the market is up because the fed is going to slash interest rates and juice the economy to get biden reelected. i personally don't buy into that. you'd think joe biden would be crawling about a record market on his watch. problem is he hates rich people and don't like corporate profits and afraid to talk about it and
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we'll let our economic experts kevin hassett and art laffer tell us why stocks are rising. they're a lot smarter than i am and later in the show rick simon and charlie hurt tell us who the new president will be and newt gingrich about the big city you urban renaissance for america and policy experts telling us why the whole middle east is on fire. but, but, but, but, first up we go to the only person in the building who actually knows why the stock market went up today and that's fox business gerri willis. gerri, the world awaits. >> it was a good day for your 401(k) and thank ai. the dow and s&p 500 making new all time highs and then some. dow closing 3 # 5 points higher and -- 395 and index 263 points and that kind of gain set ago new record and s&p knocking out whites higher by 58.
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not a pupping day for the nasdaq either. the tech led index by 255. the rally all about tech and opt optimism over ark i and big winners is a range of chip companies, qualcomm, nvidia, broad cam all three trading above their all ti times intel moving higher and ai the hottest hand for awhile and today's enthusiasm marked by what traders expect to be end of inventory glut in chip sector and ai chips stocks jumped 4% during the trading week and s&p 500 strongest sector. today, larry, the yield on 10-year treasury rising to 4.14 and highest closing level of the year and big market day, you might expect something else entirely. larry. lyrics so it goes. joyed by kevin has ketanji and during the -- kevin hassett and
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chair of the trump administration and book drift, stopping america's slide to socialism and art laffer, former reagan economist and presidential freedom medal recipient and book taxes have consequences. that's a killer. i'm going to pay for that . i know, i shouldn't have gone there, but i did. you can't have it back-to-back on live tv. gentlemen, thank you very much. art laffer, used to have or still has an investment service. why the stock market is booming. >> i liked your three answers, number one trump is the next president of the united states, that's pretty good news and that's looking pretty far ahead. the other one is they're going to cut interest rates but the big one of all is biden is not going to be president of the united states and that is just the most wonderful news i can imagine. larry: you're resting your case
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on that, three macro political oriented points. that's what you're saying. i want to get this right. all right, kevin hassett, i'm going to unleash you on this story. bit way i think ai technology story and gails of creative destruction, i mean, if the federal government doesn't obstruct all these great technological breakthroughs, it should be very, very, very good for the health and future of american economy and therefore it's comp companies and therefoe stock market, kevin. i don't know if you buy that but that's a thought. >> you're right and the one thing we've heard is what's going on with economic data is it's surprising on the upside and more both like fourth quarter growth as high as 3% and what's going on, i'm beginning to believe is that artificial intelligence is spreading really quickly reducing costs,
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increasing efficiencies and i think we could be about to go through something like we did in the late 90s when the internet became a thing. ai is really, really creative destruction and a way to think about it is go use ai instead of google if you have something to learn about on the internet and it's way better. poor google is investing in ai but all the ais out there changing the game on the internet. in a way that is palpable for businesses and probably affect the output growth and interest rates aren't going down a lot. even though that's a federal funds future say they are. it's got to be there's some positive economic news and only thing that i can think of is technological breakthrough bigger than people thought. larry: it's like the 1990s, you're exactly right. i know at the turn of the last century, some buggy whip makers lost their jobs. but the rise of the automobile and related industrial
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breakthroughs was fabulous for the american economy. made us the greatest economic power in the world. art laffer, come back to this point. joe biden, not a popular guy among businesses he's usually railing on about business and in fact we'll get to his silly 8.5% tax rate on billionaires in just a few moments. i don't see any evidence, art, of a recession. a will the of us looked for a recession, it's not materialized. sometimes you get the story wrong. i wouldn't say the economy is fabulous. manufacturing is very weak and roadway tail sale is strongest and -- retail sales is the strongest point and art, the economy is doing better, what's the case for the fed slashing interest rates the way some of the bond market indicators were indicating?
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>> let me cob firm kevin's point about ai. the thing and stock to look at there is nvidia. look at nvidia, and i don't own the stock, looking at nvidia, it's had an enormous run and confirms what kevin is saying and look at economy here, we've had very slow growth for about 20, 25 years. i mean, declining participation rates and declining over the period. we've had a long period of decline that really has been quite tragic. will it be a recession? who knows, who cares. it's been a bad economy for a long time. i don't know what the fed will do on this, larry, but i think they're far more inclined to lower rates now than two weeks ago. larry: why? why? we just had a booming week. >> has a lock way to go to catch up with trump. larry: a booming sales number. why the fed -- if you look at t the demand side roadway 'til
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sales and consumer spend asking solid. how long it lasts, i don't know. the supply side and using manufacturing output or business investment output does not look fine. that looks like too much money chasing too few goods and cutting rates and holding them where they are. >> they don't believe what causes inflation. you're completely correct and they believe a slow economy is how to stop inflation and that's what they believe and have believed nor a long time and acted that way. whenever the economy appears to slow down or weaken, they want to lower interest rates and that's the way they've done it, larry, it's wrong, but they just persist. larry: kevin hassett, is it wrong? you think the fed will dive in and start slashing rates even though there's no recession? the economy in the fourth quarter of last year was
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probably be 2, 2.5%? i haven't seen the update for gdp. >> it's 2.5 right now. larry: call it 2.5%. why should the feds slash rate s? inflation numbers are down and prices are still well up over the last three years but the inflation numbers are still above their 2% target. i somehow have more confidence in jay powell and i don't think he'll push the feds to slash rates to juice the economy. i'll give you another whack at that one. i don't know. >> right, you got me thinking about this when we talked last week, and i just put a piece in the natural review today on this very topic. if you go through the bones of inflation number, inflation is accelerating and the fed has a thing called super core they look at really closely. super core right now is running at annual rate of 4.9%. that's in the cp and i recollects that and strong economic growth, it'd be crazy for the fed to cut rates and
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futures markets say they're cutting rates at every meeting between may and the election. and i think it's the case that markets think fed will be partisan and jay powell, i think there's a reckoning in fed markets and the data doesn't allow. if the fed moves, they've been captured bipartisan and there's no other reason. unless the data turns a lot between now and may, i don't think that's going to happen. larry: one more point, we have sound from joe biden selling bidenomics because he doesn't like rich people. take a listen. >> know how many billionaires there are in america today? 1,000. know what they're afternoon federal tax rate is? 8.5%. larry: all right. art laffer, tax expert.
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father of us all. here's the deal, he keeps using in number 8.5%. he's use it had for a couple years now. correct me if i'm wrong but they are, they being his staff, they've ginned this number up on the basis of wealth tax of unrealized capital gains and doesn't exist. no such tax has ever passed but they keep using that, which they wanted and were defeated in order to go after billionaires and by the way, it ain't just billionaires because it's others but the point is, is that right? that's what they're doing here? they're putting in a tax that doesn't yet exist? >> yes, they're exactly doing that and counting income as including increases in unrealized capital gains and that's where they get these numbers and you're right. up realized capital gains has never been taxed and probably not in the near future at all. when you look at t i find it irony. it's not lost on me that joe
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biden would be pushing the irs to collect money from tax cheats. that is very ironic and also, larry, just for the facts of t every time they've raised tax rates on the top income earner ntsb united states, every time they've done that, the economy has underperformed, revenue from top 1% have gone down and poverty levels have increased, unemployment has increased for poor, minorities, dis-enfranchised and exact opposite of what he wants to co. he just don't care about facts at all, larry. he's just saying things hopefully to stir the pot. facts are facts and he's wrong 100% or more. larry: the former chair of cea and the duplicitiesous of this capital is going for the last 30 seconds. >> the other side there was good news we haven't talked about it
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with positive for markets and chairman of w w ways and means committee and corporate tax cuts and 2025 and hasn't passed yet and the fact that the democrats understand that if you're going to hurt the economy and the tax policy. ron white did that. larry: there's always hope. kevin hassett there's always hope and art laffer, there's always hope. thank you much. appreciate it. coming up on kudlow, who is the next president of the united states and how about vice president and who's going to win in new hampshire and that's way too easy. same with panel charlie hurt, rich lowry and mark simon and catch kudlow monday through friday on 4:00 p.m. on fox business and we're a business show. text your favorite 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dvr the show if you need help and
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hive digital technologies. get over here kids. time for today's lesson. wow. -whoa. what are those? these are humans. they rely on something called the internet to survive. huh, powers out. [ gasp ] are they gonna to die? worse, they are gonna get bored. [ gasp ] wait look!
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they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. larry: all right. nice and simple and easy. who will be the next president of the united states? vice president? new hampshire? that's way too ease reigns leading. we've got charlie hurt and
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washington times bing editor and rich lowry and editor in chief national review and mark simon. hall of fame wor radio host. gentlemen, welcome. rich lowry, nice to see you again. not asking you about new hampshire. who will be the next president? >> i think it's 50/50 jump ball but my gut says donald trump. i think biden is so imfeebled and all senses of the word physically and politically what's happening at the board service connected a debacle and he's uninterested in fixing it. this is one of his major vulnerables against a guy that said i can fix it in 24 hours and it'll dry up as soon as donald trump selected again. that's my gut. trump never led in 2024. this is the best he's ever polled nationally in his whole career. larry: i want to add one thing, this is a mark simon wisdom.
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trump's signature piece in 2016 was the border. 2020 because he'd done so well, it wasn't an issue. he didn't do so well. >> that's a tree point, mark simon. larry: he's a smart political analyst this. is a key point. this year, it's not so good for biden. >> no, donald trump is the king of comebacks and got wiped out in the 90s business wise and came back bigger than and have wrote a book art of the comeback and seeing it happen with this again. he'll make the biggest come back you've ever seen and he absolutely -- i tell you how you know he'll be president, i've watched a million shows and topic is who is he going to pick for vice president and not one somehow where the topic is who nikki picks for vice president. it's obvious who has the nominee. larry: i want to play sound, charlie hurt and getting you in on the other side and i want to play sound from trump's interview with sean hannity.
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>> within the republican party i want to bring unity and within the nation i want to bring unity. unity comes from success because when we had this country prior to covid and even after covid-19 and especially prior to covid and china virus coming in, most successful country ever in history. history. larry: charlie, it's very interesting and started the night he won in the iowa caucus and talked about unity, he was very gracious and did it again on sean hannity. now slightly changed but still the same. i call it success before the best revenge and last night it was more success is the best way to unify successful country and people are happier than they are today 6789 that itself would be a unifying construct. >> without a doubt. let me first say this business about who's the next president. you guys are not stopping to smell the roses here.
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i don't want to fast forward and it's weak and entertaining in politics and you're exactly right and him looking forward and talking about best retribution is success and we'll look at the turning point for the entire election and forward looking and winning, which is his brand and i think talking about people on unifying issues and the most unifying oriented issues in the campaign and goes back and talks about them, he's right on all of them. we're talking 70, 80% of regular voters. he gives everybody hugs in washington dc in the government and in terms of voters on the issues, he's there in the makeup. larry: all yearlong i've said the principle reason for his growing polling lead, i know polls aren't votes but
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nonetheless was he's running on issues campaigned like he did in 2016. it isn't about the legal stuff. that probably helped him some in the margins but i don't think it's a fabulous issue. what's a fabulous issue is drill, baby, drill and liquid gold and tax cuts and deregulation and closing the boarder and stopping wars from breaking out all over the world, which joe biden is incapable of doing, rich. this will be the best issues campaign we've seen in a long time. >> yeah, it's also underappreciated aspect of trump. now, can be apocalyptic and negative and he's been wildly optimistic and this fraud trial because saying it's worth 500 million and no, worth 5 billion and always bigger and better to the extent he can emphasize that and all to the good and plus these, again, just not to focus too much on the polling and economic numbers, a double digit lead on biden, there's a poll question last weekend asking who do you expect
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your personal finances to be better under, double digits, better under trump and double digits worse under biden and hard to survive under the incumbent president. larry: how are the polling numbers on the border, mark? >> through the roof. one more issue under the radar and crime is a major issue in the city and frightening in urban and suburban people wanting to come into the cities and suburban housing people are terrified of crime in the city and that's another issue and looking for bide ton project weakness and looking strength and the guy with 91 indictments and not a bead of sweat on his forehead projects strength. larry: charlie coming back for one moment more on this unity thing. i think trump is turning the fable on biden. biden said he was a unity guy when inaugurated and he's been anything but. what he's done with the legal assault on tram subpoena one manifestation. there's many others. today they announced another big student
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loan cancellation plan and violates the law set down by the supreme court. tram subpoena a guy with good policies stand ago better chance of unifying the country more than it's been unified in a long time. biden is the divisive guy and trump is the unifier and he's not going to do it by flattery and he's going to do it by results. now that is a unique form of politics and i think it's going to work. >> accusing trump of being unconstitutional and forcing people to pay off students to vote for him and at the end of the day, that doesn't work. the other thing he said the other night they thought was really good in addition to the thing about best retribution is success. he's talking about chaos that follows him. can't do anything about the media causing all this chaos. larry: joe biden -- >> or democrats in congress.
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making up stories about him. he can't do anything about that, but if he -- you know turns the focus from that and goes back to selling policies, he sells stuff and the greatest ever. it'll make you skinny. larry: it's fabulous. any good business person selling stuff. it's not 18 million, it's a trillion. >> he might get a little fab limina there. larry: bankers love me. that's the greatest economy in the history of the country. it's okay. we get where he's going. anyway. i've screwed it up now. rich lowry, i want to ask you, ron desantis should drop out of the race and endorse today? he should drop out of the race and can do it honorably with class and he can say something like donald trump started me off in politics two cycles ago, and i am here to say my campaign
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didn't work, meant no harm and i'm going to endorse him. >> he should do this and they have a theory that's implausible now and nikki haley will lose in my humble opinion, might happen. nikki haley going to lose in south carolina, probably going to happen and then a two person race between tram and desantis. larry: oh, no. >> then what happen s? there's healing to do and valid strategy and healing in florida and going back to be a real good governor again and heal these relationships and tram subpoena very likely the presumptive nominee and the race going beyond number and haley losing in new hampshire and football, garbage time and cowboys trying to come back and 294 is the line and larry: looking at me like i'm crazy.
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very few going second. a few days ago and thinking you're going to win easily and he's saying they're looking for a second. looking for a second why run? >> sununu is like the donors, once they get behind you, we finish. >> you'll stop trying to make this end and going on forever. i want everybody to stay in. larry: this isn't olekowski. we've been talking about it for over a year. kellyanne conway and donor successful people and did anyone ask them for the political advice and get rich from business. >> telling you where we are. larry: charlie hurt, rich lowry and mark simon. coming up on kudlow, ised middle
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east on fire? telling you out of the blue, nuclear power pakistan is now bombing iran and doing more against iran than we are. mike waltz and former idf veteran and he'll be here and newt gingrich said trump envisions urban renaissance for america. telling us about it and totally collapsed et cetera, et cetera. i'm kudlow, we like to win too. . oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell?
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fire. nuclear pakistan bombing iran and joe biden has nothing to say and neither does secretary of state anthony blinken. i don't know what's going on here but doesn't look good. talk to florida congressman mike waltz and aaron cohen and
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counter terrorism. gentlemen, thank you. this is with iran not receiving too much discussion and i want to discuss it and looks like things are getting out of hand and looks like the united states is on top and looks like blink and davos is still worried about tuesday solution and have to have palestinian trying to hold israel back and i don't get this, mike walz, maybe you can sort is out for me. >> larry, this is what it look like when american deterrence fails and american deterrence taken incredibly by the rest of the world and two things and mitt tear capabilities and consequences and it's what we're missing with the weakness in this and white house and they're having the political will to
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exercise it. none of that nonsense and staying out of the wars is when you have those two ingredients and right now post-afghanistan and with all the mistakes that joe biden has made, whether it is the lack of response from the colonial pipeline and ostracizing these going down the long and painful list. that's the situation and when people are not the police fund and world's global de-at the present timer fund and what we're seeing and happening now coming in why should ever american care when you can have a rag tag bunch of terrorist shut down 20% global shipping and oil that raises the prices for everyone when you have two nuclear powers and almost nuclear power coming to blows.
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and cause a nuclear arms race and getting president trump back in the white house and restore deterrence. larry: happy new year by the way. i understand that pakistan bombing of iran. i understand why they're bombing. i just don't know what the united states position is on this or how this affects the israel hamas story. and i'm going crazy i think because every time antony blinking or joe biden says anything is israel should pull back against hamas and/or we must have a palestinian state and most are nonstarters, aaron cohen. >> in arabic there's an expression [speaking non-english language] meaning do you want the truth or his brother in
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pakistan and iran are likable real house wives of middle east and skirmishing for years and looking at sunis and shites and i agree with the congressman 100% and israel doesn't have the luxury of not being good and intelligence failure on october 7 and 1200 killed and what did hamas expect? what did gaza expect? and they're thumping like crazy and israel has a connection with the pakistan indians and to some degree very quietly and from my days in trade crowd and however iran is striking and in response to terrorist and going against the soleimani, what's it called, the attack that just
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happened, the -- i'm losing myself here. the attack that just happened at burial of soleimani when he was buried. larry: yeah. >> isis claimed credit for so what happens here in the middle east, they're de-athleticking and doing it for a couple reasons and one is getting shots up and housewife they've been skirmishing here and to the americans and they test who is seeing it and the red sea and the -- off the ocean and they're thinking if they want to push that right now and seeing if the u.s. deflects and why they're not. and that's the thing. larry: the u.s. is not showing up and things happening and skirmishes and house wives in the middle east and pakistan is a nuclear power and bombing iraq
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and that's bombing iran and it's the united states. we're getting the houthis for cycles going to care. the houthis are the houthis and iran is the houthis. >> that's right. >> the octopus and going to deal with the root and dealing with symptoms and not disease and, larry, it has even further affect and all of these ships and tanks, bombers and assets and surging the middle east and the at one point cause and they're not deterring china in the indo pacific and could defeat the united states and the other opportunity cost is one one of the aircraft carriers home for christmas and recruiting in retention cry is sis right now and -- crisis and spouses are saying think again
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coming time to re-enlist and all of our adversaries everywhere else are perfectly fine to see an entire fleet tied down by a rag tag bunch of terrific rihannas that iran is going to continue to pump full of cash till we deal with the root of the problemmings. larry: throughout this episode in the last antony blinken is the secretary of state with all the crazy people. >> davos. larry: all the crazy people of davos. all the crazy people of davos. thank you, gentlemen. congressman mike waltz and aaron cohen. joining us now is former speaker newt gingrich and dear friend and fox news contributor and author of the march to the majority, the real story of the republican revolution. newt, thank you for this. you wrote a really honey of a piece. i really reich this corruptive piece in the new york suns probably going at it everywhere else and president trump is
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doing stuff is that should have been done years ago and somebody has got to focus the tension on it and deputies won't do it and why not the republicans, newt? >> well, look, when you realize that president trump was born in queens, spent most of his life in manhattan, he understands american cities and he's had projects all over the country and in cities. he recognized as he said the other night, i was very pleased with his speech in iowa after he won and he said very clearly, washington has to be cleared up. they've had over 6300 cars stolen last year for example and they're averaging about 1400 cars a day being stolen right now and obligation for it to be a good safe, visible national
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capitol and aware that new york is a mess and chicago is a mess and san francisco is a mess and i thought he was very clear to have a speech at iowa and said he pes to reach out to democratic mayors and democratic city councils and find out can we have a re-ation system and returns us to a world in which american cities are healthy and clean and wonderful to visit and people both feel safe. people in the city have a better future. i thought it was a very important break and i think he's the first presidential candidate other than jack kemp who really has begun to focus in the city. i hope he's going to come back and the policies is dramatically rebuilding the cities. larry: you know, newt, trump has been pushing, arguing beautifully. graciously the idea of unity. unity inside the republican
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party and unity throughout the united states and based on successful policies and he and my opinion is steal the blue state democratic and left wing and he can do that and can change the skyline of new york city several decades ago. we had a pretty good mayor and cleaning up the city and improving education and back the cops in law and order and i'm thinking to myself this is doable. this is a thing that needs to be pushed and grown everywhere. >> beginning of how he'll govern. not just the general election and not his own head and vision of bringing to the anniversary of them except the hard left and working together as very
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practical team and getting real things done. that also fitting his career and this is a guy that likes projects and likes achievement and getting things done and the poll is overwhelming and people feel like he was more successful and improving lives and future than joe bind had been and he's great strength and more importantly and he's going to be a great strength in terms of governing the country starting in 2025. larry: last quick thought, my guess is that mr. trump will campaign in a lot of these cities. the cities going to new york and chicago and he may go to la or san francisco. i bet he does. >> he has a shot at carrying new york and that's a blue state but
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look at disaster the mayor and governor and anger people have over illegal immigration and over crime and over the drug epidemic and there's the skies or the taxes and amount of corruption and i think you could find out that lee zeldin was a a four runner and having a much more republican new york in 2024 than anybody thought possible. larry: great stuff. great newt gingrich average speaker and know what is he speaks of. coming up on kudlow, the war on fossil fuels and end the social list green new deal and promote more and north dakota governor doug burgum and endorse the race and campaigning for mr. trump in iowa and new hampshire. i'm kudlow. liquid gold.
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and see migration in theaters now. larry: why in the end the war on fossil fuels and the socialist green new deal and why not mine for liquid gold and stronger inflation and better national security and joining me now is north dakota governor doug burgum who know as thing or two about that. governor, when you pulled out of the race and endorsed mr. trump, i assume that you agreed with
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president trump's solo energy policies. >> hi, larry, great to be on cpi yes. we ran on country, economy, and national energy and joe bidenen is going 180 degrees in the wrong direction and if you care about the environment, you want to produce every ounce of energy in the united states and produce it cleaner, better and faster than ere others and airing about the national deficit, it produces revenue when we produce it here and help pay down the national debt and caring about stability of the world, you opened the show and talking about the world being on fire. the biden policies are not only a green new deal and powering and funding dictators and surging into the discount gas station and we've got a
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situation with iran and they're releasing the oil tanks and talking about terrorism and we have venezuela and 6.5 million fled the country and a lot pouring into our country and we're allowing them to ship oil with new records again and all is helping our adversaries and then of course what's china doing and china is increasing their strategic petroleum in half. larry: i just -- my is agreeing and just in recent days. okay. just 24 recent regulation and this would essentially prevent any new projects for l&g, which should be a phenomenal resource for this country and domestically and internationally and that was in there and i helped sell and overseas and
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methane tax destroying oil and gas and all the sensible things you just said and there's mr. trump and campaign trail and people favored economic policies so much and here's what the bidens do. really back breaking negative things and i don't get it. >> i don't get it either and the american ingredients and biden pouring on the 20 different rule making efforts right now and a single one of those that you mentioned like methane and 800 pages of regulations and unelected bureaucrats that are pushing this agenda and if you're supporting liquid fuels, l&g, oil and gas in america on team usa and doesn't work for
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aircraft and the truck and trains or for china controlling 85% of the minerals but it's bad and his policies are bad for the environment and national vendorr and more. larry: thank yousaons, governor pergram. thanor momu very much -- governp burgum. thank you verypr much. re you im. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away
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