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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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volcanoes. i'm getting going number two, alaska it's so huge the chances of having volcanoes go it up a little more. stuart: the reason i'm going to go with number three is mount saint helens in washington, that was a gigantic explosion, unfortunately however, we are both wrong, no, you got it right, the answer is alaska, listen to this the state has over 130 volcanoes, 54 of which are consumed to be active, it's a gigantic state that is spread out. you can avoid them if you wish. i gotta get this, just coming into us, the pentagon happy press secretary says there have been 151 attacks on u.s. forces from iranian proxies and iraq and syria, that means there have been 11 more attacks just in the last four days. this to the u.s. service members injured in saturday's attack with brain injuries, they returned to duty, time is up for
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us, "coast to coast" starts now. ♪ >> if she doesn't close the gap should nikki haley shut down her campaign, that is the question of our is donald trump last opponent on her last political representative by the looks of things it does not seem that way, no telling how the former south carolina governor and un ambassador welfare tomorrow and new hampshire or how many big donors potentially abandon her if she doesn't farewell tomorrow and new hampshire. she is not going anywhere which is our way of saying no better what happens in the granite state it does not finish anything, more from what i heard and saw for myself when i was there this past weekend for my saturday show. >> do you have a candidate yourself, yes, for now i am supporting nikki haley, not because i believe the republican party is going to win but
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because i have lost faith in the democratic administration. the first person i ever voted for was donald trump he is good to be my third vote this time around there's no way i would vote for anybody but trump. >> i saw nikki haley speak for an hour, she just complained, she never said any plans at all. >> you're not a fan of hers. >> not a fan at all. >> i'm out here to show my support for joe biden. >> you have to write them and why is any of the ballot. >> because of a change in the calendar that does not recognize the results of the new hampshire primary but we don't care what the dnc says were here to support joe biden and begin to write his name on tuesday. neil: is putting a lot of his marbles in south carolina first, not the state, does that bother you. >> it does not, we are here to support joe biden he's done an excellent job and he's standing up for democracy. >> you think it could hurt him not being on the ballot for whatever reason. >> it will not hurt him.
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>> the whole biden is not on the ballot is one of the weirdest things we've ever seen a political history. we have team coverage for what it's worth, what's in store for both parties, brian llenas, madison alworth both the new hampshire let's go to brian to lead things off and manchester. >> afternoon former governor nikki haley is making her final push today to try to convince voters before tomorrow's primary. she is making five stops, she started this morning at franklin and now in concord new hampshire at a t-bones restaurant and bar for a meet and greet, last night she had the largest rally she's had yet new hampshire with 1200 people there according to the campaign. haley insisted she does not believe the polls but a new monmouth washington post poll that was done before governor desantis dropped out shows for president trump with an 18-point lead in new hampshire over ha
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haley, the polls show she had a ten-point lead with independence, it's not overwhelming enough to offset trump's dominance with republicans, another daily tracking poll, the first since desantis dropped out yesterday shows that trump is up 19 points with 8% of voters saying haley would be the second choice and 54% saying they would pick somebody else, haley insisted santa supporters are there for the taking. >> i think his supporters are up for grabs, his supporters love america and they wanted to do generational leader, we give them that and i think this is how do we go in a conservative direction but also do in a way that is younger is not the names of the past but it's going forward to new solutions of the future, people want that they're tired of the same old thing. haley has been on the offensive against trump saying he is too old to be president and questioning his mental fitness, our martha maccallum spoke to trump before his rally in rochester last night. >> i think i'm a lot sharper than her i would do this and sit
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down right now and take an aptitude test it would be my result against her result and she's not going to win or come close to winning. >> in a rally tonight at 9:00 o'clock about 50 minutes north of here in laconia new hampshire, trump will be showing what his campaign says is a show of force he will be on stage, the big ramaswamy, doug burgum and senator tim scott all three former presidential candidates with the message of its time to unite the party against president biden. neil: that's like a marvel movie, thank you very much. brian llenas following that exactly madison under madison alworth, joe biden on the ballot, that is weird what's going on there. >> supporters of the president want him to win the state, in order for that to happen they are going to have to write his name in, president biden is not on the ballot after he instructed the dnc to make south carolina the first in the nation primary. new hampshire did not comply.
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as a result biden kept his name off the ballot, he has not been in the state but his friends have been here, boston mayor michelle wu and ro khanna both here this weekend and this morning senator maggie hassan stumped for the president and criticized the dnc. >> the president knows my feelings and those of the entire delegation very, very well. we have adjuster concerns directly and it was a very bad decision and we've been very clear that that's what we think. according to the polls the writing efforts look like they are working and that the president will heatedly when, even organizers for the movement are not happy with the dnc's decision. >> the dnc made a mistake, lots of people make mistakes but we're going to set the record straight biden's two main
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challengers have also been openly critical of the decision attacking the dnc over the weekend, phillips called the decision ridiculous and williamson said the dnc wants to anoint the president. you alluded to this off the top but i know you'll hit this later in the show, the idea that the first in the nation primary which held the position for 100 years does not have the incumbent present on the ballot and he requires a writing as something that i've never seen. it's very curious and were excited to see how the results turn out and less than 24 hours. we will get the votes going. neil: great job, it's weird as you pointed out, the two others competing with joe biden for the nomination made it clear to me this past weekend how weird and how much it takes them off, take a look. >> our country was established to prevent the very coronation that we are seen expressed right now that's what marianne williamson and i are trying to wake people up at the hypocrisy of democracy. >> as bad as you might think of what the president is doing by ignoring you guys, he is still or even slightly better money in
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a general election poll against donald trump, does that surprise you. >> to me the numbers are showing something different in the battleground states, donald trump beats joe biden, joe biden is facing historically low approval numbers. >> to think that is a risk the president is losing a lot of people doing this. >> i think the people are watching and horrified, 70% of democrats said they would hear from other voices as your coverage showed, the president is very low in his numbers maybe not as low as you said but there is a lot of rumbling out there, people do not appreciate the fact that the dnc has chosen to manipulate the process. neil: there are the two other democratic candidates in this race, not too happy about the way the party or the president is treating them, democratic strategist, patrick griffin senior advisor governors who knew no former presidential candidate advisor, patrick we begin with you on the fallout from this, for a lot of outsiders they cannot figure it out, when you tell them when
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they ask. >> what you tell them you know this and you been covering this long enough it's not over till it's over. at the end of the day i'm hearing reports that trump is going to crack 50% in the president is going to crack mid 50s were more, that is not a good way to manage expectations in new hampshire, the turnout as you point out is going to be a lot of undeclared voters and we seen surprises before. barack obama was surprised by hilary clinton, george w. bush who i work for in the 2000 race was surprised by john mccain. the question whether or not nikki haley can hold enough republicans that intensity seems to be good for trump, she probably does well with independents but can she put a coalition together that is more reflective of what the nation will look like when we try to make someone president, winning primaries is great you got a winner general election, their swing states that will behave in a general in november much more like new hampshire will behave
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tomorrow. neil: why do we have something surprising not so much a republican from butter president was frantically trying to write in because he is not in the ballot and he ends up getting swamped in the state, would that be the story, what do you think. >> if you got swamped or is he was held to under 60%, i think that would be a huge story, bottom line in 1968 as i think you remember jean mccarthy and other elected officials from minnesota came to new hampshire, got 42%, lyndon johnson the income that president with the writing got 48% by mamarch 31, 1968 lyndon johnson was out of the race, i'm not saying we're going to see something similar but there is a real risk a real risk to joe biden if his vote totals against two candidates with limited disability is not
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well above 16. >> it is fascinating. i just grew there over the weekend to see the magnitude, that could be a stunning development. we will follow it closely. that to you and expectations, a lot of people think that nikki haley has to come in a close second. i don't see her going anywhere, she's a fallback candidate only fallback candidate republicans have in case something happens to donald trump, how do you see it, what are people telling you. >> let me ask you this what can happen to donald trump what could conceivably go wrong this is a black spot primary, whoever is standing after this thing is done, if there is someone standing, i think republicans need to wait and see, look at the entry polls in iowa, two thirds of republicans said that they did not care the trump been indicted but a third said if he was convicted they would not vote for them, that's a third of
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trump's basic base, if they are concerned by that, losing a third of the most loyal supporters is a mathematical problem in the general election, this is not over because i think basically a generation of race lead you to a new series of developments and we see that just this week with his dropping on who's endorsing you. if she lives through this a nikki haley can get to south carolina, next week will be a different race than this one even though that's a tough state for her because independent voters unregistered voters are simply not there. neil: you're making the assumption it's a good one that just surviving is enough. obviously a conviction could change things but 91 indictments have not, who is to say that a conviction would. >> the other thing i would look for, i don't know the answer to that other than the unknown is with donald trump frankly, he is a risky choice in the general election, he remains a risky choice in the general election. if you want the annuity you want i did not like most republicans.
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you vote for the annuity that can return the most of the general, as i said earlier winning primaries means nothing, i think it's very clear right now that nikki haley is a much greater challenge to president biden dan is donald trump, he beat them so far but it's a much closer race. neil: i want to put a cap on this but you're so good at history, you both are, were about 100,000 americans voting so far going into this and donald trump got about 15000 of those boats and in a country of almost 350 million people and thinking to myself, as you know i'm a numbers guy, why are we wrapping this up, those numbers seem to have a ways to go to get to the magnitude of how many people we have in this country. and being semi-facetious, are we putting a cap on this too soon? >> we are in largely because the number of candidates contesting
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has drop-down basically to donald trump, nikki haley and all the polls nationally are showing that trump in a primary race is dominant. that could change, there are legal issues, political issues, all sorts of issues for president trump in the general election, the polling with joe biden is where it goes. in a republican primary, if you're not pulling well and you don't raise money and if you don't raise money are not visible and he can't win. that is nikki haley. neil: we will see it's way too early to tell. i want to thank you both on all of this. i want to draw your attention to broadway where this primary notwithstanding our including the back-and-forth of the primary, the market setting to record, the dow and s&p well into record territory again by the notion that we still have steady growth in this economy
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but not too much growth, you know what that means, less likely the federal reserve will ever change his mind about cutting rates and maybe some of these guys are back to the notion, it could be sooner rather than later i would not hazard a guess but it's out there. stay with us. ♪ switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. at st. jude, the mission is something
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neil: what you call this primary eve, were in record territory for the dow and the s&p 500, the nasdaq continues ready to log technology stocks looking more magnificent than ever, this is kind of their your presidential election on average a pretty robust growth, seven to half% that's been the case since 1928 what a cookie election, that does follow a trend, that's what happens, alan on all of that from the cboe and chicago, how do you see this year going, you were bullish going into it a lot of people were saying last year that's it you sought continue and i guess you still do. >> that's the path of least resistance we bendable market for 60 years and arbitrated for 34 years and one thing i learned
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presidents don't make markets they don't break markets, if you look last week was the first real trading week for the new year, merry new year end you saw we made all-time forever highs, a full b recovery and s&p and i'm getting tell you targets and s&p 6000 which is 25% or above and every time in history we made a comeback after a selloff, you add the distance of the drop on the old top, that may new all-time eyes and is happy to become a market history and gas until it doesn't. >> regardless whether the year before was a strong market. >> right, we have been in strong markets, like i said 50 years, i'm not try to be this and i'm not trying to be the dumb guy and pick the market at top, i'm just going with the trend and there's so many positive, interest rates are coming on, dollars, down, corporate earnings are increasing only comes down to capitalism wins
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and optimism wins, corporations know how to adapt and innovate and money is a powerful force, they can figure out how to make money and raise their pricing power and make money in every environment, that is the nature and that's how we measure that are not making a judgment about how i feel about the economy into reality that corporate make a billion a billion of dollars and that's a function of the stock price. neil: of earnings continue in the pace continues expected to pick up, that is just greasing the skids for this. >> everything is set up, if you look at the nasdaq technically i trade what i see and is set up for another 25% move if we look the pe ratio at 19 when we were at her highs in 2022, the pe was around 23, that the 25% difference, same thing with the vic's, it did not make new lows even though the stock market is
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making new highs, we have a 25% move in the vic's, everything setting itself up for more, so to be a straight up move it was healthy to see the price pause that we had at the beginning of january and i'm going to say it i was celebrating my man of the year jerome powell he played this exactly right nobody likes the fed and the raising rates or lowering rates but suffer the market reaction and that's what we follow is not about politics we follow how the markets move in the market has loved and performed exactly as we want it. neil: you are an encyclopedia, much appreciated, you might've caught a couple of records a pe of about 19 times earnings that's all the earnings of companies divided by this year, some people find that little rich, not others referring to the vic's index, it's a gauge of sentiment a volatility index, right now is pretty low, a lot of people read into that, the fact that the people are not going nuts about this, what we do know that is holding his cold
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weather across the country not as cold, katie byrne following it all and arkansas. we are in a ice storm warning and fayetteville arkansas. a lot of communities across the northwestern part of the state are asking people to stay home this morning and this afternoon because of the impact that were dealing with, even as temperatures get above freezing, we have sheets of ice underneath all of the rain that is come down we see cars spitting out losing control because of this their very slippery conditions on the roads, earlier this morning on major highways like interstate 40 we saul stalled out cars traffic and cars have ended up in ditches and slid off the road, some people aren't even leaving their homes because their cars are iced shot in their driveways are like ice drinks i met demetrius downtown and fayetteville today while he was maintaining the city streets, he said you have to
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take it slow even if you're just walking around. >> this morning was pretty simple really thin sheets of ice you can't tell where the ice is that so just upright. >> this area will continue to thaw out after weeks worth of winter weather we had snow first last week now ended with ice but flooding concerns are in the forecast for this region next. neil: they are getting hit with everything, katie byrne in the middle of all of that, we talk about what's happening on the eve of the new hampshire primary and of course donald trump has a way of inserting himself into a way of other developments including this of security deal that has a lot to do with border security, he is not a fan of what he sees coming out of democrats, that is putting republicans in a bit of a pickle, we will explain and explore after this. ♪
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>> and billy does, the borders out a deal that might not happen a sweeping national security package that includes protection better border which donald trump is not a fan as things stand, how that complicates on capitol hill chad pergram with us with the latest. >> good afternoon another week and no border security bill we don't know border negotiators will release text of the bill, senate majority leader chuck schumer would not commit to putting the bill on the floor this week, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell push for that but no one knows where the legislation stands. i am optimistic in the coming days of a package that will make that possible, if house republicans refuse to take it up
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and pass it, they will on responsibility. >> house conservatives are leery of the border plan, former president trump could kill it on his own one statement and house speaker mike johnson sent a fundraising e-mail over the weekend declaring that the still unfinished bill is dead on arrival conservatives are watching johnson. >> that stuff that they're talking about in the senate is nonsense it's in honesty and letting 5000 people into our country every day, by the way that will be unidirectional and only grow, i think we have to take a stand and break the establishment now, some gop members demand a robust border security bill and democrats a johnson should not vow to the right or the former president. these folks will never agree to any compromise when it involves these issues, and if he wants to function as a speaker he has to
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move forward with bipartisan bicameral deals because it is a divided government. only the senate meets this week, there are no plans to break off international aid for ukraine from the rest of the bill. neil: thank you for that reaction from the president, as soon as i heard the donald trump wasn't a fan of this i had a feeling it was dead on arrival, i could be wrong, what do you think. >> i think that is a knee-jerk reaction of a lot of republicans were skeptical of anything having to do with immigration reform like the number of 5000. i understand it is misinformation a lot of misinformation about the bill according to langford god bless him what he says the bill will do what he says we need to reform asylum to get control of the border by holding asylum
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hearings at the border and keep people from being released into the country until they have been processed into the court and deemed eligible for entry and deported if eligible and limited number of people that can cross the number on a given day, langford causes management, he has some big hurdles, one of them is democrats in their zeal to wrongly brand everyone who disagrees with a racist, they're digging in in their heels and resisted everyone that reduces the flow without prior authorization in the gop anything other than hr two dead on arrival we have a good bill let's see what's offered up. neil: if it doesn't come to pass they could break things up instead of tying ukraine aid in all that they may handle that separately. what would be the process is cooler and more negotiable headstone prevail. hopefully the senate can look at
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the bill and reconcile whatever differences that they have, pass it, if it is a strong bill, if it were to miraculously get approved in the senate, the word of speaker johnson is facing way too much heat to consider anything other than hr two were anything close to hr2, even though this proves to be strong on security, by obstructing both sides would be satisfied with the status quo of 250,000 migrants committed every month, do we want that, i think americans want to change your and i want them to come to an agreement and move from their fixed positions. are they willing to let another 2 million folks without prior authorization cross the border next year? neil: you are right, they are stuck in their positions, we will see how it sorts out.
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always good to see you. thank you very much. the push to get nikki haley to the finish line, or at least close to the finish line and closer new hampshire, the read from jonathan busch independent needle moving founder, very big in the bush family about what happens now after this. ♪
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argument that's part of the reason why the turnout was so low because i think they said why go out and do it if trump is ready to wait from it, that is going to continue to be the inevitability thing. neil: revealing final interviews, the last one conducted by governor ron desantis before he quit the presidential race and i pointed out to him despite all of his efforts in iowa he still lost all 99 counties in which he competed, michael graham joins us the new hampshire report on implications of all of this and the new hampshire vote tomorrow, he was talking about inevitability of donald trump then and now in new hampshire the inevitability of him now, what you seen what are you getting. >> you have two pieces, one is the data coming in, suffolk university a very good pollster is doing daily tracking in the course of about a week the daily tracking has gone from trump 50%
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to trump 57% that's not a good direction for nikki haley and at the same time haley's numbers have gone up the university of new hampshire has been the one pull out of the real clear politics sampling never had trump below 40% in the past six months he's always been about, they broke this weekend and they had about 50% to, that is data that does not mean enthusiasm is not on the ground governor chris sununu is very popular he is dragging my old governor nikki haley because i'm from south carolina all over the state making sure she's ubiquitous, they get to try to push through enterprise everybody. neil: the court is following the 40% of independents in the state you seem to favor a candidate like nikki haley. i don't know if they will end up being nikki haley, their volatile group to keep on top of i'm not sure the suffolk polls
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this is what it things about being on the ground and new hampshire journalist, the unaffiliated voters are not independent there does voters who will write republican or democrat when they sign-up, let's face it the shape of the two parties, would you want to see your republican or democrat either, most of them, almost always go in the same primary, the unaffiliated immigrants, they vote in the democrat primary in the most never vote republican or unaffiliated republican. what nikki haley is counting on is not having a true independent swing her way, she is helping the people must never cross over even though they can there unaffiliated there must never do because on team democrat team republican she's counting on them coming over, this is a harder lift than swing voters. in the new hampshire journal we did a pull the summer we got the voter data and found the people at sometime in the past four cycles voted in the republican primary in the democrat primary
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is true independent that we need when we say independent. and there's only 40000 in the state. and she needs democrats not registered democrat they cannot vote, she needs self identified democrats to say we have to stop trump, those are some of the text messages that are going out new hampshire right now saying explicitly if you want to stop trump, you need to vote tuesday of course you can stop trump by voting in november as well. neil: she has to keep them under 50%, doesn't she? we are very fortunate there are a lot of experienced hands yet patrick griffin on earlier on the show and experiencing. you talk to these folks and they're trying to stay neutral they want the voters have their say. it is hard to understand the logic of trump won a rural evangelical state with 50% then he comes to us suburban second low attendance in the country and it went up by 50%.
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if you look at south carolina he is almost certain he going to do extremely well there on the identity politics issue. south carolina, trump is a south carolina republican i always wanted. you put that together and you have to ask a very tough pragmatic question. more exciting to me, i want to the democrat because i seen that you saw the news story there's a robocall that went on from somebody fa called biden saying don't vote savior vote for november. there's a lot of question of what can happen with a weird situation where president biden tried to kill the first in the nation primary because the voters are here to white and he would not let his name be on the ballot, now the local party establishment is begging people to ride in his name it is possible here's what's possible, it's possible that trump could break 60% is realistically possible, it's possible the biden could be below 60% in his writing. trump could be biden on tuesday
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that would be the headline out new hampshire journal. neil: that is very well put, thank you very much, while time and they're getting wilder in the next 24 hours. meanwhile there is a super pac generated a great deal of interest in the state, george w. bush's cousin jonathan bush is trying to swing independent voters to go to nikki haley's way he is kind enough to join us, very good to have you. >> thank you for having me i am thrilled especially after michael was on because he only told you have the story. neil: what is the rest of it the way he lays it out it does not look good for nikki haley. >> a lot of independents don't vote there's a regular voters and the posters capture this independent who go republican in the independent cycle democrat they don't survey the independence and don't vote much, their good 300,000 of them in massachusetts -- new hampshire. we've been able to figure out 270,000 of those are nikki
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inclined. we think 35000 of those show up, they don't normally but this is an expert on important chance for them to make a contribution to their country in a truly close when you include them and it. there's a really good chance of the secretary of state was just saying in the state of new hampshire that he think they will show he has the turnout and higher than truck and imagine that. i feel acute opportunity for the non- lit traditional nonparticipants to step up and surprise everybody and we have a lot of love and energy against the idea in my cofounders and independents moving the needle are quite excited by the possibility. neil: you come from one of the most iconic political families dynasties in american history you along with the kennedys would be in that group.
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>> in all seriousness, you do come from the bluest of blue families that go back decades. and i'm just wondering, you always hear these days with the emergence of donald trump at the lock on the party with the time being is no longer an is no longer the familiar party people knew and grew up with, it is now trump's party and that's the way it is, what you said. >> i think trump captain to obtain of somewhat well-founded resentment at the accumulation over american autonomy of individuals and their ability and could do the right thing and how the right outcome and he tapped into that with political correctness and woke-ism in the border and kind of woke up a
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veined that may have been averaged into much. certainly president bush and all who came before him were concerned about those issues. maybe not vicious enough and pursue a protection against other things, that was a useful contribution. obviously trump himself is a terribly broken man who has the attention span of a p in the morality. neil: careful is a family show. >> 70% of americans would not like to be represented. neil: let me ask you out right i cannot imagine you or anybody in your family voting for donald trump or would you do what is inevitable of governor desantis latest example and he's a nominee all supported. >> what did lyndon johnson say, run with the antelope so they blend in their i'm certainly not
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a place to get out the pain right now i still think nikki has a great chance and i think there's a lot of cards to turnover yet the trials in both men, donald looks terrible look at him on the screen there is something wrong with this guy i think there is a lot yet to unfold in this campaign. neil: nikki haley if she does poorly in the state there's no reason for the dropout, she could be the default if something happened to donald trump. yes, there's a possibility he could become unavailable for all manner of reasons and there's a possibility that she blows him away, that's what i'm excited about. neil: very good, great avenue, thank you very much. let us know how you feel, i have no idea. >> there's not much time. >> understand, calm down. moving the needle founder, that's the way he sees it.
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we have a lot more coming up, including a breakdown of what's happening right now in the polls the latest one a shift of sentiment, anything can happen, probably will. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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as you may have heard in the masking airlines flight may had make landing after door broke up. here at alaska safety is our number concerned but you got admit were pretty cool. a plane flying around, no door, everyone screaming, cell phones would be not to the sky, it was awesome, that's where new slogan is alaska airlines, you did not die and you have a cool story. neil: that's pretty bad weather you relegated to a joke into a riff on "saturday night live", i'm not sure stockholders and but we are relishing all of the attention because the stock with everything has lost a quarter of its value since all of this blue upon them and its report that but we know and faa would like to check panels on another
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boeing plane another thing that has arisen as nothing to do with anything, it's all people talking about and anything, and aviation analyst fah safety team representative, what you make of all of this attention but boeing is getting. >> it is a pr disaster that is going on similar to what we experience two weeks ago with the 2737 max crashes it's one thing to joke about the people have been asking is my playing one of the max planes if they can control that but they're actually asking and still asking it, what do you think about. people are a little bit fearful of the plane because his back in the news right now and it's apparent boeing has a quality control issue. each 3737 max have a half an individual partner on each airplane.
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boeing has 150,000 employees before these incidents boeing was doing a thousand inspections per day per airplane and embryo still fighting, the game has to be stepped up by all parties by boeing. by the faa. and now with boeing allowing the airlines to expect their production facilities, i am sure the airlines are going to get in the game and start sending their quality control inspectors to take a look in the airplanes that they have ordered. neil: i know boeing continues to get orders for these planes and one carrier is obviously committed to them. but there are concerns that they can't get out of there pr way, that will last a while, what do you think? >> is going to last a long time. we don't what is see these events at first it was the 737
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max airplanes and now what we are seeing the 737900 er series and there is a new recommendation to inspect those airplanes and i suspect that as a result of ryanair seen a loose stool under the carpeting and things of that nature in the traditional 737 which really were pretty much flawless and phenomenal job on the quality control but this seems to now in the later years when they were manufactured will be probably solve these problems. neil: we will watch it closely aviation analyst extraordinaire faa safety team representative, where in record territory, but we notwithstanding within the
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