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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: want to grow the economy then cut tax rates and life o
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cur withs laugher growth and higher wages. liz macdonald has a sympathetic ear. elizabeth: i sure do. detail tv as always. kudlow, we've got great tv for you right now from senate judiciary and senator john kennedy, it's great to have you on. great to see you again. let's talk the border crisis under biden, you've been speaking from the senate familiar, you're strong on border security and the supreme court ruled today that biden white house can remove wire fencing at the border kneeling pass. what do you make of this ruling? >> i haven't read the opinion so i can't really comment on it. i will say that securing the border is not quantum physics, we've done it before. president biden now says finally
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he wants to secure the border. he says he's working with us on drafting a bill to change the law and i think president biden can change the lay on his own with my executive order we're willing to change the law and he says he wants to. but he keeps fighting us every step of the way. i believe president biden is many of my democratic colleagues believe in open border and number two, i think it's time for american people to wake and you happen smell the incompetence. the border is wide open and i've said before, that's manmade and the man's name is joe biden, and if the white house -- if the white house were a football team and performed like this, we would have already fired the
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coach, athletic director and the mascot. americans want better and keeps getting worse. elizabeth: the polls show that . quinnipiac, monmouth, emerson. they want border security. how can the senate deal with the biden white house on border security when the white house as you pointed out went to the supreme court to stop border security and fighting it every step of the way? yes and again put in remain in mexico program and third safe country policy and need to finish the wall and when you fail to convince a judge that you're meritorious of asylum, be immediately deported.
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i want to change law. he keeps refusing to reach an agreement. elizabeth: senator, how can he say he's working with the congress when he did nearly 100 executive actions in his first 100 days outside of congress to weaken border security? he did five executive actions the day he was inaugurated and he could take his pen, couldn't he, and undo his policies and executive actions that weaken the border? >> sure. elizabeth: but he won't; right? >> sure. sure. he could do it all by executive order. we don't need to pass a bill. now, i'm fine with passing a bill, i want to pas pass a bill. we've been working for three months to pass a bill. so far it's just been a gab
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fest. i'm not saying people aren't working hard but there's been a lot of shopping and no chips are flying and we're not reaching an agreement this week is what i'm told. president biden says i want to get there, i want to get there, well, you know, what you believe everything else is cottage cheese and everything else is getting this. elizabeth: is the anti-fentanyl bill getting taken up? we had an angel mom testify last week before the house and saying that democrats -- her daughter, her child died in fentanyl poisoning. she said that when she was testifying, democrats were on their phones not paying attention to her. >> well this, is real simple, this represents 40 grams, i don't know if you can see it, of fentanyl. it'll kill 20,000 people, liz. every man, woman, and child in culpepper, virginia, nearby. this will get you, if you're a dealer, five years minimum.
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this is 5 grams of meth. you can see -- it probably won't kill anybody. it's not good for you, but probably not enough enough to kill anybody. this also gets you five years. we punish a dealer of meth less severely than we punish a fentanyl dealer. excuse me, but it's ass back ward and my bill wants to change that. it'll say instead of 40 grams getting you five years, two grams. elizabeth: what you're saying is that bag you just held up, a fentanyl drug trafficker would not go to prison if he had that amount in possession; right? is that what you're saying? >> well, i'm saying -- you've got to have this much, which is a lot, it'll kill 20,000 people, to get a minimum of five years. elizabeth: got t now i understand. >> only have to have this much
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for meth and makes no sense. elizabeth: that's astounding. could kill the entire state of louisiana with their drug trafficking. there's more people dying in fentanyl poisoning in the u.s. than world war i of the vietnam war and seeing more and more, senator, police say illegal alien retail theft and drug gainings behind a string of robberies and crimes in a city like chicago. seeing that more and more and more. do your constituents say that? >> sure. the precursor products are coming from china and made in mexico and took the cartels andd turned them upside down and shook them, the politicians in mexico would fall out of their pocket. they're noted doing anything to stop the cartels so we've got to stop the fentanyl on our own and we've got to punish dealers. elizabeth: punish dealers.
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jp morgan jamie dimon is becoming increasingly outspoken and if you do not control the border, you're going to destroy the country. even democrat senator john fetterman says secure the border. shouldn't be controversial he says. listen to former president trump here. i want your reaction to this, watch. >> day one i will terminate every open border policy of crooked joe biden is the buyen administration. elizabeth: he's going to get rid of all of biden's border policies. what's your reaction? >> i hope he does. we did it before and it's not complicated. it's against the law to strioand sneak into our country. if you're caught, you ought to be deported. it's against the law to claim asylum and lie. if you're caught, you ought to be deported. if you do that, implement a remain in mexico program, a safe third country agreement, and finish the wall. all you have to do is enforce
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the law. we could have this border secure in two months. max. president biden could do it all by executive order but doesn't want to so we're trying to pass a bill. he's obstructed us at every step of the way. the man believes in open boarders. it's clear. elizabeth: got it. senator kennedy, thank you for joining us tonight. we're going to stay on the stories. it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: now joining us is the chairman of the republican party of new hampshire. he's chairman chris iger. this coming in that former president trump will have a rally in a few hours in new hampshire with his formal rivals, senator tim scott, vivek ramaswamy and governor doug burgum saying his america success policies will unify the nation. what do you think? >> well, first he has to win the nomination and the polls right now indicate that he looks pretty good in new hampshire.
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but our voters can throw a curve ball and we'll wait and see what happens tomorrow night. whoever does win the nomination, i believe they'll unit the republican party and has to unit the country. we have a lot of big problems that need solved, and people are getting sick and tired of politicians that talk and don't do what they say so hopefully the republican nominee will get in there and fix things. elizabeth: mr. ager, your point is well taken. how much are swing voters in your state a factor? polls show 40% are independent voters in your state. swing vote is the biggest force in american politics right now. how are the swing votes an impact -- a factor in your state? >> our undeclared volters are huge. 30% undeclared and you have habitual democrats and habitual republicans. then the swing vote that goes
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back and forth each way. in the primary, some of the swing voters and a lot will vote in the republican primary because that's where the competition is. joe biden abandoned new hampshire and gave us the finger and he's not here. their turnout will be low and we'll get a lot of interest in our primary. but that gives a good reflection of the electorate. it's not just people in one ideological area. it kind of a broad spectrum of primary voters and whoever comes out of tomorrow, i think they'll have a mandate to go forward. if president trump wins by double dick emberds, essentially the race is over. if nikki haley wins, buckle up, it'll be a fun ride. elizabeth: listen to nikki haley and former president trump. let's get your reaction to this, watch. >> recently, there's been multiple things and claimed joe biden was going to get us into world war ii.
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i think he meant world war iii and said he ran against president obama. he never ran against president obama. don't be surprised if you have someone that's 80 in office, their mental stability is going to continue to decline. that's just human nature. >> we're going to win this election and have a great border, more energy than you've ever had, and we're never going back. so if you want a losing candidate who puts america last, vote for nikki haley but if you want a president that puts america first and did it success. for four years, i'm the only -- ever read the stat i'm the first president that didn't go into and start a war? elizabeth: you heard that, mr. ager. how about turnout? how is turnout looking? >> turnout is going to be record. we're going to have over 300,000 or six times the percentage that voted in the iowa caucuses. huge turnout and look, if you're worried about somebody's cognizant ability, you've got to
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worry about joe biden. president trump's cognizant, he's just so much better together than joe biden. it's not even close. i wouldn't worry about the age thing. it's more about the capability. elizabeth: got it, chris ager, chairman of the new hampshire state republican primary. thank you so much, sir. we appreciate you. >> thank you. elizabeth: still ahead, senator roger marshal and congressman jeff van drew and retired major general dana pitard and news in the corruption allegations against fulton county da fani willis hiring her alleged boyfriend on the trump case. and the sound of fani willis in 2020 warning it's "inappropriate to date people on your staff". and new reports the biden white house is planning for more military conflict with iranian-backed houthis amid what crit ibrams say the biden white house appeasement of iran. new developments in the house impeachment inquiry into president biden and plus, the
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pentagon warns the administration is not keeping track of china's purchases of u.s. land. the dangers here we'll break it down .x kamala ha harper lanes biographer -- kamala harris biographer here and how she goes a wall missing in action amid multiple white house crises and much, much more. we'll find out why this is happening next on "the evening edit". >> i asked me team actually to do a -- i love v venn diagrams. i love them. i asked them to do a venn diagram for me. who doesn't love a yellow school bus? right? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus; right. ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan,
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elizabeth: okay, first on fox business, welcome to the show charlie spearing. he's the author of the new book the amateur hour about kamala harris and the white house. it's coming out tomorrow. charlie, it's so great to have you on. i read your book, it's a great read. first this story, president biden is getting roasted on social media for tweeting out images of his "dream team with kamala harris". what stands out in your book that's most concerning too is
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that you write by april 2022, the president was only having lunch with kamala harris twice in like four months. he's not doing the weekly lunch he's promising that there's distance and frosty relationship between them. so what do you make of these aimening images, charlie? >> it's difficult for kamala and had a rough three years and the president and his team view her as an amateur. they first won the presidency and, you know, biden vow that had she and him would be true partners, but as they found her wanting as she's protested some of her assignments, there's more and more distance between the two of them, but at this point you can't get rid of her and it was a very political decision for him to choose kamala and can't get rid of her without angering a certain part of his base. elizabeth: seven out of ten voters say the president is too old to run again. he's polling at 33%, the worst in modern u.s. history. in your book, you say kamala
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harris is polling lower than deck cheyney and a failure to launch and more about what you're pointing out on kamala harris. >> yes, it's a serious issue because opportunistic biden's age, kamalas has gotten a lot more scrutiny and looking at whether or not she can be the president and step in for joe biden if he wins reelection or step in and help him on the presidential campaign if he can't make it till the actual election date. that's what democrats are very worried about and talking about it in washington behind the scenes. that's why a lot of democrat voters are concerned because she's kind of locked in. elizabeth: charlie, you point out, you talk about how they're worried, even democrats are worried, can she step in. your book details how the vice president stepped out. she was pretty much missing and awall in multiple white house crises and missing in action in
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the afghanistan debacle where 13 troops died and doing youtube videos about children going to nasa and she's been awall at the border and didn't like being named border czar. is she more worried about her political future and her political career being sandbagged and hurt by the president's multiple crises and helping the president? >> yeah, liz, it's a combination of both. look, the biden team doesn't necessarily trust her because of her multiple botched interviews and word sal salad speeches butt the same time kamala harris doesn't want to stick her neck out for biden that's kind of sidelined her and she pes to protect her political brand, but the biden team is kind of fine letting her play in the sand box at this point, her safe spaces. elizabeth: let's watch again how the vice president dealt with this question on not signature the u.s. boarder and watch what critics are saying is a simplistic answer she gave on ukraine's war with russia, watch.
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>> you haven't been to the border? >> i haven't been to europe. i mean, i don't understand the point that cedar rapids making. >> ukraine is a country in europe. it exists nexts to another country called russia. russia is a bigger country and russia is a powerful co country. rush cha decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. elizabeth: your reaction to the sound? let me step back about the border. she said the border was secure at one point. that's what you reported and that's what triggered governor greg abbott to bus illegal immigrant from tampa bays to her official residence in dc. you detail how she went to germy before the war in ukraine to speak out against putin and falsely stated it's been over 70 years of peace and security in europe. that's simplistic when putin was invading georgia, crimea and soviet union broke up and
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yugoslavia and can we be comfortable as a kamala harris being president and stepping in? >> yeah, it's a real problem and when she was in guatemala, she told migrants do not come in 2022. look so many more have started -- kept coming across the burdener spite of everything she said and done on the issue of the border. it's just being seen as a real failure. elizabeth: and on foreign policy, charlie. >> absolutely. her foreign policy made multiple trips across, into europe to talk about the issues but really diplomats don't see her as a very effective communicator on this issue. elizabeth: charlie spiering, thanks for joining us. great book, amateur hour, read it, it's terrific. retired major general dana pittard and u.s. and air strikes on houthi and yemen today and this is the second strike in a week on the air base. what is the white house doing about iran? iran is behind terror proxies
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and houthis, hamas and more. there's gene hamilton here and former president trump blasting fani willis for hiring her alleged boyfriend as a prosecutor on the georgia 2020 case. they go on luxury trips around the world. we take it on next on "the evening edit". ♪ >> fani willis, she was involved in the white house. her and her lover she paid almost a million in fees, legal fees. they were in the white house dealing with the doj and then they indict and now find out they're scammers, okay. that one now is i guess down the tubes. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement.
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) elizabeth: joining us now, retired major general dana pittard. he spent more than 30 year ntsb army. general, good to see you again. so, these two u.s. navy seals, christopher chamathers and
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nathan ingram were reported missing on a mission to seize iranen weapons headed to yes, ma'am and they're now listed as de-southeast. when you see -- deceased. when you see stories like that, it's a big deal and two navy seals that were drowned. what are we doing about this? >> hearts and prayers to the families of to the navy seals and everybody else deployed in the region, there is a fight going on in many places and the red sea is one and syria, iraq and many base have been attacked and the problem is iran. iran is trying to fight a proxy war with us through proxies like in iraq and syria and the houthis in yemen as well as possibly hezbollah in lebanon.
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elizabeth: there's never a chance at peace in the middle east while iran is funding all these groups but the white house has been accused of appeasing iran and they've made $100 billion since the president took office and the biden white house is planning for "sustained military conflict with the houthis". what does that entail? well, first of all, with iran, iran is not just funding. they're funding, resources and training proxies like the houthis and you have to remember, the houthis have been through ten years of war in yemen. they fought against coalition of saudi arabiaens and others over the last ten years and within their own -- against their own government. so they've been battle hardened and ten years of war. they have weaponry supplied by iran and in many ways, there's nothing to lose and it's a dangerous combination and shouldn't be underestimated.
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air strikes in many ways will be helpful but won't stop them. there needs a coalition of the friendly arab nations on the ground that could help out as well as with the air strikes. elizabeth: you've been clear and straightforward with the american people about what exactly is going on. you point out, the houthis launched nearly three dozen attacks since november on red sea shipping and iran proxy groups in iran and syria launched 142 attacks on u.s. forces since october. but the white house, it doesn't seem like they're really feet farred on this. let's listen to the president here confuse hamas with the houthis. watch the spokesman john kirby getting criticized for appearing to down play u.s. troops getting traumatic brain injuries after the iran missile attack in iraq.
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watch this. >> i think one of these is a houthi, i can't prove this one. i think he's have hamas doing what they did when i was working out a deal with saudi arabia and normalizing relations. fully normalize with saudi arabia and other nations in the region. >> it's only a very small number of u.s. troops that were affected. they're being seen for traumatic brain injuries with some symptoms of concussion. elizabeth: can't just say it's only been a small number of troops affected. those u.s. troops are injured and now we've got a rising conflict with the u.s. getting drawn in to a proxy war with iran via the houthis. so we need to maintain maximum pressure campaign. iran would not have had the money to finance the houthi's pirating campaign and would have the brave navy seals that would not have been deployed if the appeasement strategy was not in
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place. your final word? >> in many ways i agree. we should never down play the injury of the u.s. troops abroad. iran is the problem and that's what we must deal with. elizabeth: general prittard, thank you for joining us. new news against fulton county da fani willis. she's been prosecuting former president trump in georgia. fox news steve harrigan in marietta, georgia, with the latest. good to see you. reporter: elizabeth, a strange prosecution of a former president along with a divorce case and possibly a love try triangle as well. the relationship under scrutiny from the district attorney and the chief prosecutor that she hired. the divorce records of that prosecutor, nathan wade, being unsealed today and people are pouring through them trying to find more of what was given out last friday. that's when a attorney for the
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estranged wife released bank documents showing that the prosecutor bought plane tickets for himself and the da to travel to san francisco, to travel to miami, to take a cruise in the caribbean, to rent a hotel in napa valley, california. it's gotten to the point where a number of legal observers say it may be time for the da to step aside. >> if it hasn't gone off the rails already, it's about to. i don't see any good from her coming and staying in charge of the case at this point. i think a lot of good can happen if she steps away. this is obviously a huge distraction. reporter: the judge set the date of february 15th for a hearing and examine the relationship between the da and prosecutor and whether they had an improper relationship and improperly spent money on themselves and president trump attacking both calling them love birds who tried to enrich themselves by
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persecuting and prosecuting him. elizabeth, back to you. elizabeth: steve harrigan, always terrific to have you on the show. joining us is steve hamilton gene. good to see you again. let's get your reaction to this sound and fani willis in 2020 saying it's wrong to date people that work for you. watch this. >> i certainly will not be choosing to date that work under me. let me just say that. we're at a place in society where things happen in people's relationships, husband and wives sometimes there's outside relationships. i don't think that's what the community is concerned about u all though there might be a moral breaking in that. i think what citizens are really, really concerned about is if you show to have inappropriate contact with employees. elizabeth: okay. that didn't age well and fourth quarter being probed for hiring her boyfriend who then -- boyfriend and bought them luxury
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trips an the world and he's on the georgia trump 20 case and has no experience on rico cases. your experience on that sound? >> you're absolutely right. the whole situation is there's due process issues that are directly at stake. we're talking about multiple criminal defendants being prosecuted by a prosecutor that financially benefits, according to the allegations of course. these are all allegations right now, but who financially benefits from the amount of crime that is spent -- time spent on the prosecution itself. the more hours she pays her boyfriend, alleged boyfriend, the more trips they get to take together, the more times they get to go out of town and she personally benefits. that's a flagrant due process violation and the entire case should be dismissed. elizabeth: rico case is no torr yously complex and -- noto
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notoriously complex and they've been working two years and your motion to unseal the records in nathan wade's divorce case with his wife. if they're unsealed, what could we learn? >> i think we can see a lot more financial details here that blatantly extends to which fani willis personally, financially benefited from the prosecution of donald trump. it is insane and going for america. where a prosecutor could financially benefit from bring ago bogus prosecution against a criminal defendant, and if that doesn't raise five alarms for every red blooded american out there, i don't know what will. elizabeth: what do you expect on february 2. that's when the court judge scott macafie to answer the
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allegations and and hearing arguments from willis and a lawyer for michael roman. he's the trump codefendant that made the allegations. what do you expect from those hearings? final word. >> i expect to see a number of half hearted defenses by fani willis. this entire prosecution has been bogus from the start and now apparently, according to the allegations, been caught in personal financial conflicts. elizabeth: got it. >> it is time to end. elizabeth: got it, gene hamilton, thank you so much and good to see you. >> like wise. elizabeth: coming up next, senator roger marshal and top government watch dog, gao, warning that no one is watching the government on china buying up american farmland. that's up next on "the evening edit". first check in with friends jackie deangeles in for dagen and sean mcduffy on the bottom line. >> thank you, emac. the race in new hampshire tomorrow is getting shaken up.
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what's going to happen tomorrow and moving forward? we have kellyanne conway onto talk about that and democrat socialists that are losing millions of dollars in funding and there's xzavier derusso to discuss. >> corey deangelis, no relation to me and talking about california universities on strike. yes, the unions continue to be emboldened, and also liz peek is here and talking about how ice is romanticizing a terrorist. yes, that is a true story. we'll see you soon. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save
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[ gasp ] wait look! they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. elizabeth: a stunning and concerning new report reveals critical government errors in china, tracking of china buying u.s. farmland. it begs the question: who is watching the store in dc? grady trim seatbelt live in washington with more. grady. reporter: hey, liz, government accountability office reviewed u.s. adopt of agriculture's data through 2021, and in this report it raises even more worries about china-linked companies buying up farmland in the united states. the report is calling all of the usda's data on that topic into question and finds the ag
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department doesn't share timely data and its processes to collect, track and report key information are flawed. in one example of an error, the gao says the usda counted largest holding associated with the people's republic of china twice. republican congressman dan new house says this report confirms one of the worst fears that not only is the usda unable to answer the question of who owns what land and where, but that there's no plan by the department to internally reverse this dangerous flaw that affects our supply chain and economy. some democrats are sounding the alarm too. >> when foreign investors own american farmland and agricultural processing capacity, it can put our country and domestic food supply and local communities at risk, and right now we don't know the full extent of t the risk at hand.
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reporter: the amount of land owned by foreign and china-linked companies is relatively small but all of the states in green, they allow foreign companies to come in and buy up land or invest in it, that's according to the national agricultural law center. several lawmakers, especially in big farming states in the midwest, proposed legislation at the federal level to increase oversight of farmland purchases to try and stop china from buying it up. liz. elizabeth: grady trimble, great reporting and thank you so much. welcome back to the show from senate homeland security and senate agriculture, we welcome senator roger marshal. good to have you back on, senates torr hawaii do you make of that report by grady trimble? are you concerned about it? >> absolutely i'm concerned. food security is national security and i'm concerned about the 30,000 chinese nationals that have been caught and released into our country where
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we have no idea where they are, i'm also concerned about ccp ownership of land across the country when we don't know where they're buying it and how much of it. very concerned, especially when this ends up next to a military institute, and when it comes to food security, this is just the tip of the iceberg. look, china owns smithfield, which does 25% of the pork processing in this country as well. so that's one more example, very concerned about the invasion into our universities when it comes to research and development for agricultural and this is just the next chapter of the same book. elizabeth: the media has been off base and they're saying that this is an overhyped hysterical story and china only own as fraction of a percent and dig into what's going on, senator, the paperwork is not there. gao finding the biden white house is not tracking foreign ownership of u.s. farmlands at all and doesn't appear to have a plan to track that data at all.
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you can't even -- no one really knows the amount of acres and number of acres china owns. i mean, the pentagon is pulling investigation torrs that the gao, they need to provide, gao saying the governor needs to give more up to date and specific data on what's going on and energy supply chains are at risk and food supply chains and military spying by china is an issue. your word on that. >> yeah, look, this is another example of incompetence of biden administration. they have no idea, we have no idea what china owns and where they own it. that's the incompetence of the whole situation. so how can you manage it if you can't measure it and they're breaking the law. the law requires them to be keeping track of this. they're not doing it but we're introducing further legislation that would elevate the secretary of agricultural to be part of the committee that investigates into international foreign
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investment as well. elizabeth: putting it on ciphius and foreign investment panel and getting a better handle on what china is tracking. it's up to the states to report into the federal governments going on; right? final word. >> yeah, it is that simple. we want the usda on case by case basis to decide whether this is a threat to national security or not. but protect our national security, it's that simple. elizabeth: got it, senator marshall, thanks for joining us again tonight. good to see you. >> thanks. this story about the biden impeachment inquiry and the president's brother james biden reportedly in talks to sit for a deposition before house republicans. is that story accurate? what could it reveal? jeff van drew coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade,
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>> we are happy to have back on the show congressman jeff van drew, good to see you again congressman. let's dive right in, we have reports that the house died in impeachment inquiry will interview president biden's brother james biden. is that true, what could it reveal? >> i believe it is true, it can reveal a lot. the whole family has so much
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corruption around them, let's talk about james biden for a minute. it is interesting when he received money from a failed hospital health corporation that the very same day $200,000 was wired to him, a check was written immediately to joe biden for the exact same amount of money. why is it the money that was laundered from the chinese went to his brother james and that money found its way to joe biden as well, that's only the beginning. the biden family and congregate has received over $20 million from ukraine. a corrupt country on its own. not only ukraine but russia, china, kazakhstan, romania, they have a lot of folks listening to your show and watching your show, i want to know how many of them, multiple bank accounts at multiple corporations use synonyms. there's a lot that needs to be looked at.
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this is not normal. >> congressman, you and your colleagues plan to question former associates, hunter associates including tony bobulinski, erich schoen and while blocker. hunter biden is also scheduled to testify at the end of february. tony bobulinski has already voluntarily interviewed with fbi by the biden's influence peddling. he could be a hostile witness for the first family because he told the fbi in 2020 that president joe biden was personally involved with the hunter deal with chinese energy company cefc. >> he was, it's obvious. with so much evidence, i'll be honest with you, i really do believe as resetting your and speaking, he could be, when i say he, the president of the united states, joe biden. he could actually be impeached right now but we're crossing every t and dotting every i. were looking at everything because we don't want anybody to
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say look when joe biden originally said he lied i hate to say this about the president but he did not tell the truth. he said he was not in on the conversations that his son hunter biden was having with burisma which was in energy corrupt, energy company that his son was working for and receiving millions of dollars, he was in on the conversations in this company was complaining that in ukraine where there based they were being investigated by the it.
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>> to impeach the president, you have to prove high crimes and misdemeanors. and some question whether it needs to be done in office because this is the government. the argument is, this is really the focus on the president, final word? go ahead congressman. >> the other argument that i realize i want folks to realize, hunter biden, joe biden son is a bad guy. he was involved in everything that you can think of, illegal gun purchase, he was involved in not paying his taxes, using the millions of dollars in using it for other purposes like call girls and so forth. "the bottom line" that is not the problem. the problem is influence peddling. >> congressman van drew, thank you for joining us.


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