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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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liz: they are. >> particularly with jack ma stepping in, buying up shares of alibaba, $50 million worth, i think sends a signal that things have gotten a little bit out of whack with fundamentals. liz: john, what would you say? we have 30 seconds, to people who say china is uninvestable? >> well i would say that the stock market in general is the only thing out there when it gets cheaper people think it gets riskier. our job as active managers to go through to weed out the companies that are broken and identify the ones on sale that have been disregarded, that have stable fundamentals and growing cash flows. liz: great to have you, john. [closing bell rings] john mowery of nfj. it is looking like another record for the s&p 500. any gain makes it. the s&p is up 14. tomorrow freeport-mcmoran ceo. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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so donald trump and nikki haley face off today in the new hampshire primary. this comes a week after mr. trump's blowout victory in iowa. why does haley say she will keep running even if she loses decisively tonight? i don't get it. we'll have senator rand paul why he is never nikki in just a moment. later in the show senators estimate scott and business vivek ramaswamy will report on last night's dramatic tour de force unity rally for donald trump in new hampshire and then is democrat challenger, dean phillips might he embarass joe biden in tonight's new hampshire pry larry? nobody is reporting on that. we'll ask "breitbart"'s alex marlow and our monica crowley. first madison alworth live in new hampshire with all the latest. madison, what's cooking? >> reporter: hey, larry, we're at the biggest polling location in the state and it has been busy all day long.
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the line behind me reaches outside of the gymnasium. i don't think it has ever not been running out the door since the polls opened this morning. it is of course the first-in-the-nation primary. it is now a two-person race on the gop side. looking at the nikki haley camp, her campaign manager sent out a memo this morning ahead of the voting today. in that letter they rejected the notion that new hampshire was a make-or-break it state for the candidate. the haley camp despite members of the press saying new hampshire is the best it is going to get for nikki, due to undeclared voters, many upcoming states have the same dynamic when it comes to voting giving them confidence. the message they're sending in that memo, she has been underestimated in the political arena before and it is happening again. back to this polling station, like i said, the biggest in the state they're expected to count 12,000 ballots today. as of 3 p.m., there have been just over 4,000 republican ballots cast, 1000 democrat
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ballots. we had a chance to a lot of voters here and they fav us their take who they are voting for and why? >> donald trump. i think he is the greatest guy. he is a businessman. he knows what he is doing. these other people are politicians and although do is kiss babies. >> i like what she stands for. i think she has good credentials and i don't want to see trump's face again. >> i'm voting for trump. >> why? >> i want things to be the way they were. biden is not cutting it at all. so trump's the man. >> reporter: both nikki haley and president trump have visited polling stations today to drum up support in these final hours. haley shaking hands with voters here at the polling station we're currently at. trump making a surprise stop in londonderry to talk to voters. he says his reception there makes him confident going into tonight. >> i'm very confident. this is it. this is, we just stopped here. we stopped at a polling site.
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we picked it at random. we may stop at one more. nobody knew we were coming this is pretty amazing. >> reporter: larry the majority of polls close at 7:00 p.m. voters just have a few more hours to mike their voices heard in the first in the nation primary. larry. larry: madison alworth, thank you very much for that great report. all right, folks a quick election day thought from my part. i don't know why nikki haley is vowing to stay in the race after new hampshire except maybe that is what all candidates say before they drop out of the race. ron desantis say it, vivek ramaswamy, said it, et cetera, et cetera. kind of a wonderful thing about politicians they say no, no, right up to the point where they say yes. i don't know why nikki haley says she is being treated unfairly by the media either. i don't get it this is a clip from this morning's "fox & friends" show. we report, you decide. >> i know you want to win but within five points of the former
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president is that a strong showing? >> you know at the end of the day you guys will be talking about what a strong showing is or not. i don't know that you will tell the truth. i will fight no matter what. i don't care how you coronate donald trump. >> you say coronate, lie, on the couch. i wonder why you think we're the enemy? larry: ouch. i frankly like what former president trump said today about all of this. take a listen. >> i don't care if she says in. let her do whatever she wants, it doesn't matter. i can say there has never been a movement like this, make america great again. larry: very magnanimous by the former president and suggests he will continue his unity theme which has been so effective. not only gop unity but also unifying the country around successful policies through restore economic growth, close the border, america first foreign policy and so forth. interestingly, the tipp poll came out today on key issues.
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it is worth noting trump comes out ahead on reducing taxes, handling migration, growing the economy, reducing violence and crime and controlling government spending. president biden comes out ahead on reducing homelessness and climate change. so own seven key issues identify by the very accurate tipp poll, trump takes five. there is another interesting thought piece today from selina zito, entitled, trump's track to victory began when train derailed. selina, who is a great reporter, she chart's president trump's comeback when he visited east palestine, ohio, after the terrible toxic train derailment where biden has not. up to this point, still has never gone to visit that disaster site. trump's visit was widely covered throughout the media. then, soon after that visit, his numbers began to climb. now i have argued for over a year that mr. trump's strong position on key issues have
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propelled his comeback and put him really back on top. i think tonight's new hampshire results will bolster and reinforce his remarkable political comeback even more. that is my riff, issues based. for much more on all there have let's bring in kentucky senator rand paul who said he is never nikki. i will play some tape from your k discussion. here it comes. >> i'm not ready to make a decision but i am ready to make a decision on someone who i cannot support. so i'm announcing this morning i'm never nikki. i don't think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support nikki haley. i've seen her attitude towards our interventions overseas. i've seen her involvement in the military industrial complex. $8 million being paid to become
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part of the team. but i've also seen her indicate you should be registered to as the internet. that people posting ideas anonymously -- larry: senator paul, welcome as always, sir. so that was you on the internet. please expand never nikki. what are the biggest issues, biggest barriers to your your support? >> there has always different wings of the party. i come from the liberty wing of the party. this is part of the party that believes in the constitution, that our foreign policy should be approved by congress and that we should should try not to be eager to be in war and be in war when we have to defend this country. nikki haley hails more from the wing of the party, mccain, mcconnell, dick cheney wing where deficits don't matter. we'll be the world's sugar daddy, we'll be the policeman of the world and there has never been a war these people don't want to be involved in or don't want to pay for. this is sort of the opposite
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when donald trump said, you know what? the people in nato are freeloaders and we need to make them pay their fair share. that is sort of the opposite sort of approach and that with nikki haley also saying well, we need to register people on the internet. like, hmmm, does she not remember "the federalist" papers were written anonymously because people feared their government? most of our founders had pseudonyms and wrote under aliases. there is a lot of reasons i'm never nikki. the biggest one i think she would be reckless with the foreign policy and more likely to get us involved in war. larry: do you think she is -- that's an interesting point the potential for censorship on the internet which you're hinting at in your twitter account, in your x account. i hadn't really thought about that. i hadn't thought about that much. what is her record on that? >> well you know the thing is you have people on the right and the left, the left wants to censor more and most of the time the right is not wanting to
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censor, right says liberals control social media and liberals own all the tech companies and we need to control them, break up the tech companies and need to control speech by having regulatory bodies in washington to determine correct speech. there is populist flavor in the republican party that wants to do some of that i consider her to be part of that movement because i think she told the truth initially. she backed away from it but her first reaction was, by golly we'll police the social media networks and we'll make them all register and that scares me to death. the internet has been, has allowed us so much more freedom. i'm old enough to remember the 1970s. there were three television stations, they all said the same thing, liberal claptrap about the federal government. there was no conservative point of view in the 1970s or the 1980s. that is what you get when you don't have the internet or cable tv or the radio. i don't want to go back to that sort of monolithic opinion spreading. i'm afraid that will happen if you have the government involved
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with registration to register people on the internet. i think it would be terrible, terrible idea. larry: coming back to foreign policy, thinking about ukraine, unbridled support for ukraine, more weapons, senator paul you kind of moved me on that issue, we discussed this when you last appeared on the show. to me at a minimum there should be diplomatic initiatives. president trump has suggested that's how he would to. i don't think we should just throw money at ukraine willy-nilly, which leads me to this question, sir, are you going to endorse former president trump? >> you know i was wondering larry if you were going to get to that question. larry: [laughter]. >> you know the one, i will tell you the one reason i haven't, this is the honest to goodness truth. look i was probably one of his best defenders when he was president on both of the impeachments. i was loud and vocal talking about the partisanship of it. on the second impeachment i
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introduced legislation or amendment to say it was unconstitutional. i also had some problems, i want to still be a vocal critic when i think republicans make a mistake. it was a mistake to lock down the economy. president trump changed his mind for a while. i think anthony fauci was allowed to have too much power, we remained locked down too long. sent so much checks out. we borrowed 7 1/2 trillion dollars. those are problems. we need to do a better job this time around. i also think, i'm a republican who thinks entitlements have to be reformed. i don't like the attacks leveled against desantis, oh he wants to take away your social security. those were traditionally democratic attacks. they are not consistent with republican conservative policy. yes we have entitlements. if we don't social security will disappear or be bankrupt and so will medicare. we have reservation. we'll talk them through. i will support donald trump. he will be the nominee. i don't think he is needs my
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support or too worried whether he gets it. i do appreciate a lot of good things. i have a personal friend xi with him, i hope that will remain i'm somewhat hesitant to get involved in the race. the thing coming out with the never nikki was intended to make sure that nikki haley never became the nominee and i think i actually had more effect without an endorsement. we had 10 to 15 million views of what we said about being never nikki. that might have been better than actually making an endorsement. larry: i had you down, penciled you in, senators as omb, budget director under trump. >> yeah, yeah. larry: he is pledging to cut spending. that is pretty good movement in the right direction? >> i'm going to help from my perch in the senate. i doubt i would be part of an administration. the thing is we do have to do something about all spending. this means everything. it means the military, the non-military, and the entitlements it all has to be looked at. for example, look at medicare it is a trillion dollar budget.
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you're telling me we couldn't cut 1% of that without reducing anybody's health benefit? i think it could be done but i hate the gamesmanship people saying oh this person, what aarp does. so-and-so will take away your social security. don't vote for this person. we have to get away from that. be honest with people. these things are broken. they have to be fixed. they can't be taken off the table. is be has to be honest, if you don't fix social security, don't fix medicare they're going bankrupt. larry: senator rand paul, thank you very, very much. we appreciate all your candor as i always do. all right, folks coming up here on "kudlow," "breitbart"'s john carney says inflation is a bigger threat than recession and he joins us next to talk about it along with nancy tengler. remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. on fox business. if you can't make it at 4:00, text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr
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the show and you will never miss a never nikki. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients.
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welcome, john carney, "breitbart economics finance" editor, coauthor of the "breitbart business digest" and nancy tengler, ceo, cio of laffer tengler investments author of the women's good to successful investing. okay. the leading indicator index which you discuss in your latest missive, your latest cult following missive, 21 straight months of decline but recession hasn't come yet. maybe that model is not working? >> it is supposed to predict things seven months in advance. we're three times out where we should be. that tells me the economy may be very different than it was pre-pandemic. there's probably a big change in the economy. that's why a lot of these indicators, the things like the inversion of the yield curve, the leading economic indicators, keeps saying recession, it keeps not happening. i think we're in a higher interest rate environment and i don't think these things have adjusted to that yet and that's
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probably one of the reasons that you know, i like the lei. i pay a lot of attention to it but it has been sending a false signal for recession for a long time now. larry: almost two years. nancy tengler, you know, if you look at these indicators, they're sort of economic models but the lei has not born out the recession. the other, m2 which soared, then came down, now that did predict accurately lower inflation but not recession. normally an m2 collapse like that would be recessionary. and the other one john mentions is the inverted curve which i like to use, the federal reserve bank of new york model but it too has been predicting recession for quite sometime. it hasn't happened yet. what do you make of it as an investor? >> i think this period is is analogous to the 1990s, 10-year yields 5 to 7%. inflation above average for the whole decade. inverted yield curve. we had a soft landings.
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i long for the days of wayne angell and alan greenspan where talk was scarce. there are a lot of analogies that were solved through, by investment in productivity. so i think we can continue to see maybe better than we deserve growth but do it with a tight labor market and improving productivity. larry: john, you know there are two aspects. one as "axios" put it the other day, the biden boom. inflation down, stocks up, et cetera. consumer confidence up. although real wages are still falling but just on this point, the '90s, the information revolution, a.i., i know it's almost an investment cliche but the a.i.-related stocks or the application of a.i. seems to be sweeping the market much like the application of the information revolution in the '90s swept the market. i don't know that it's political, has much to do with policy. it's just you know, shumpeterian
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gaels of creative destruction. >> there is a new technology. people are very excited about it. if you mess around with it there are various ones you can go to online. you can see is accomplish as lost things, a lot of tasks you want to get done. you can write a resignation on it. write a cover letter for a new job. very easily, takes a lot of work, dummy work away from you. i think there is a productivity boost. i bet a lot of enthusiasm we're seeing in the stock market, people will get burned on these things, just like they did in the dot-com boom, but that didn't mean by the way that the technology wasn't really valuable. it is just sometimes the exact players are hard to pick at the beginning of a boom. larry: just occurred to me you can write an a.i. letter to resign from the presidential race. just saying. that was a joke. ha, ha, joke, joke. nancy tengler, the markets had a terrific run. will it continue? >> yeah i think we need a correction, larry. we get a 10% correction about 12
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months i think that is healthy. you use that as opportunity to buy in. it is an election year. you go back to the 1940s, markets go up with incumbent president running. doesn't have to win by running. earnings are improving many in the tech names. they are monetizing a.i., many of these large companies. what you want to do, is step back, pay attention to high quality management teams and use weakness to add to holdings in those names. >> that makes me nervous about the stock market right now that there is so much enthusiasm for five or six or seven rate cuts. if that doesn't happen i think that's the catalyst for the correction. >> yeah. i agree. larry: just like the late 90's. it was the mid to late '90s when greenspan talked about irrational exuberance. >> right. larry: it stayed irrational exuberant for a couple more years and then it tanked. >> valuations are much more. not nearly as lofty as they were then. microsoft was trading 51 tames peak earnings at the end of the '90s. it is trading 30 now.
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much more robust company. larry: is microsoft one of your favorite companies? >> yes. larry: i dealt with them when i was in the government. first time i dealt with them hands on with the government. politics aside i thought they were very smart. larry: >> they are. larry: i put cisco in that list. there are others nvidia is a great company. microsoft is just very smart. >> they missed the internet boom but they have not missed the a.i. boom. >> that's right, they pivoted very well. >> i think they learned their lesson what happened to them last time. they're ahead of it this time. >> they just have to stop getting hacked. larry: just stopped getting hacked. aren't they in the anti-hacking business? that is another segment. john carney, nancy tengler, thank you very much. good to see you. >> thanks, larry. larry: coming up here, vivek ramaswamy talks about this tour de force unity rally for donald trump last night i guess in laconia, new hampshire. it was a heck of a thing. plus why does nikki haley say she will stay in the race if she
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loses handily tonight. i don't understand that. what about a sleeper, this democratic primary, congressman from minnesota, dean phillips you? heard of him? probably not. his name is on the ballot. joe biden is counting on a write-in vote, what if that doesn't happen? what if new hampshireites throw a little wrinkle at us? we talk to "breitbart"'s alex marlow and monica crowley. remember "kudlow" is available as a podcast. episodes available every weekday after the show on spotify, on apple and whoopee, we are a podcast. ♪
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♪. larry: all right, welcome back. vivek ramaswamy, got it right last night. the choice in new hampshire is clear. take a listen to what he said at this gala rally. >> if you want to seal the border, vote trump.
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if you want to restore law and order in this country, vote trump. if you want to defeat the deep state, vote trump. if you want to fight inflation, vote trump. larry: all right. we welcome now back to the show ramaswamy, vivek ramaswamy, i'm sorry, former 2024 candidate. vivek, thanks for coming back on. you know i loved all the things you said but the one thing that i really liked, you probably only one mentioning is about draining the swamp. i just have this sense it is a subrose issue but a lot of folks believe mr. trump has the strength and the determination, you know, cia, fbi, justice department, all these institutions, irs, that he's the guy to do that. the kind of like an unspoken issue, vivek? >> it needs to be a spoken issue, larry. i do think donald trump is the right man to get this job done. i was in this race to do the
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same thing and i will do everything in my power to actually make it happen. shut down that deep state. we the people create a government that is supposed to be accountable to us, larry, not the other way around and that means at the very least the people who we elect to run the government ought to once again be the ones who actually run the government, not the unelected bureaucrats. so i think we need to shut down about 75% of that bureaucracy, send about 75% of those bureaucrats back home packing. shut down agencies that should no longer exist,down-size others. that is how you revive the economy by the way but also how you revive other constitutional republic and i do think donald trump is the right man to get this job done. i'm betting on in a second term, even at a greater scale than the first term. i think exactly what we're going to get. larry: vivek, on this, such an important issue. i don't want to abolish the fbi or my view or the cia, but after
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what's happened with all the phony charges, particularly against mr. trump, not only mr. trump, making stuff up, using political campaigns for the cia or the fbi or parts of the justice department, for a two-tiered justice system, you have to have a housecleaning. there just has to be a housecleaning. i know this issue too hasn't particularly come up, vivek. i think it is very important. >> well look, let me see if i can convince you on this one, larry on the fbi. i actually do think the right answer can't be swap a figurehead. i think you have to shut down and reorganize. i laid out a very practical plan for doing this i intend to share it with donald trump at the right time when he asks me about it. 35,000 employees at the fbi right now. 20,000 of them are back office bureaucrats. i think they can go home packing. that is where a lot of corruption comes from. but the 15,000 cops on the front lines we move them to the dea or
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to the u.s. marshals. both of whom have been far more effective fighting child sex trafficking rings or fentanyl epidemic and improve effectiveness that way. move them to the financial crimes enforcement bureau at the u.s. treasury which has more specialization to go after the ftx's and future sbfs and financial fraudsters of the country. once we can shut down these bureaucracies but smart how we reorganize some of them into bureaus or agencies that have not been corrupted in the same way, still for god's sake, the j. edgar building that people walk into every day for work. they celebrate that legacy, larry. i do think shutting this down, but doing it in a way reasoned and rational in a way a ceo would can actually shut down these agencies in a way that leaves us better off, not worse off. larry: another one vivek, you know the misuse of foreign intelligence for political purposes. >> yes. larry: now we singled out the
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cia. it is not only the cia. it is the whole defense and intelligence community if you will. stuff has happened in the last bunch of years that should never have happened and to this day i don't know who has been accountable, who has been doing this, whether the buildings have been you know, swept and replaced and reformed but this too, i think it's in the back of peoples' minds. i think it will affect their voting. >> i think this is what the american revolution was actually fought for, larry, and i don't use that hyperbolically. i think in a real sense, most of human history, old world europe the world view was people cannot be trusted to self-govern. it has to be people back in the palace halls in old world europe. today in the back of three letter government agency buildings or back of blackrock's corner office on madison avenue for that matter. these decisions are made whether to serve national security interests or fight climate
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change or address racial injustice. what we said in 1776, no. for better or worse we the people decide those questions at the ballot box where every citizen's voice and voight count equally. this is one thing to understand about the deep state, administrative state, the people committing what you and i view committing those violations they think they're doing it out of benevolence, because the people cannot be trusted to self-governance this is a wicked benevolence which is a twist. reality we make the decisions not the bureaucrats. that is what i want to see in a second trump term. larry: they perverted the whole system, surveillance, vivek, thanks ever so much for coming on. thanks for the rally last night. we're most grateful. talk soon. folks, let's talk about the democratic primary tonight and president biden's challenger, congressman dean phillips. i don't know if anybody has ever heard of him. fox news's peter doocy live at the white house with more on
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this. good evening, peter. >> reporter: larry, joe biden is not on the ballot. he didn't want to be on the ballot in new hampshire. that is what he wants. he will not compete until new hampshire at the end of the month. there has not been a write-in campaign like his since lisa murkowski in alaska a couple years ago. she was out there telling people to write her name in, how to spell murkowski. biden isn't doing any of that. >> look, write-campaigns are notoriously difficult, right? so what's important here is just what the grassrootsest your seeing on the ground. the dnc made a terrible decision not to have new hampshire go first. >> reporter: democrats in new hampshire, president biden is counting on to put him first today are mad at him. >> the democratic national committee has said that the primary, the democratic primary here is not relevant or real and i think that is just nonsense. >> i don't care about the dnc at
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all. they, they will not affect what we do in the future. >> some people said why should he write his name in when he won't give us the time of day. he is our president and the alternative is frightening. so i'm doing all that i can. >> reporter: still party leaders believe that president biden will be boosted by a big turnout. >> well the secretary of state has been working very closely with the local moderators for months now and really beefed up the folks that will come in and help do the counting. the counting should go very smoothly. i think we'll, we'll know pretty close to the final numbers by the 11:00 news. >> reporter: so being here at the white house today you never know there was an election that president biden is in some way a part of even though he will not be on the ballot because of this write-in effort. he is out in manassas, virginia, a short helicopter away. they want people talking instead about abortion, or as they call
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it reproductive rights. larry. larry: peter doocy, thanks for the wrap up. we appreciate it very, very much. folks for more on this biden story and new hampshire story. let's bring in alex marlow, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," author of, breaking biden, exposing the hidden forces and hidden money machine behind biden, his family and his administration. monica crowley, former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. welcome back. alex marlow, i don't know, maybe there is going to be some interesting mischief where democrats don't want to write in for joe biden. they know the trump thing is probably over. they will not waste a vote for nikki haley. i don't know whether they cast a vote for dean phillips or marjorie williamson or not but is there a potential embarassment to joe biden on the new hampshire ballot because of write-ins or no write-ins?
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>> yeah it is all embarrassing for joe biden because first of all he is rejecting the democratic process. the whole point here is that the democratic party does not believe that new hampshire is a good representative of what they're all about. they want to control their own primary to such a degree they're rejecting new hampshire specifically because they're hospitable toward independent can cats. they want to make south carolina much more of a democrat -- [inaudible]. make that the centerpiece of the campaign. but there is no campaign, larry. yeah, it is all a big joke. larry: no, no we lost you there but you came back strong. monica, get your take on this, new hampshire people, sometimes they can be very ornery. sometimes they can, i hate, somebody a world famous republican speechwriter was emailing me today. you know this person but i'm not going to mention him on the air, and he said you know democrats may look at the trump thing, the latest polls show him way ahead
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by 25 or 30 points in new hampshire. they might decide not to go write-in or vote for haley but they might help this guy dean phillips as a protest against biden. so i ask the same question to you, is such a thing possible? i call it new hampshire mischief >> yeah, you know the granite state is like fiercely independent as is most of new england so i would not be surprised, larry, if we saw some surprises tonight including on the democrat side. it could very well be there are enough democrats in the state of new hampshire who are really angry and frankly disrespected and rightfully show by joe biden, his campaign, the white house, they couldn't even bother to compete. biden's campaign made this decision when they thought that joe biden would be running completely uncontested in this race, especially when bobby kennedy switched to an independent ticket but now you've got dean phillips, who, he is trying to make a race out
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of this, but if you have enough voters in new hampshire who say, you know, we're going to teach joe biden a lesson not to take our vote for granted and vote for him, you will have a perception here that feeds into the already existing perception that joe biden is extraordinarily weak heading into the general election. we know perception in politics like everything else is reality. larry: it will be interesting to see. alex a another point, nikki haley and her people saying she will continue the race no matter what happens in new hampshire. i don't know whether to believe that or not. politicians always say no, no, no, before they say yes but i had a pal of mine who ran for president not so long ago, very influential congressman, okay, and he is not a big trump guy by the by, he said to me he didn't understand nikki haley's narrative exempt for being against trump. what is nikki haley selling? what is she telling voters out
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there? i thought about that, alex. i thought that was pretty inciteful. what is her narrative besides attacking donald trump? >> yeah, she's a representative of the old guard establishment of the republican party, the type of people who think we can equivocate on the open border, the type of people think maybe there is something to this trans craze we're in. who think we need to be in more wars, not fewer, defense contractors should be running our foreign policy. that is all the issues nikki haley differentiates herself from trump. other stuff she is reasonably in the ballpark. but the public, the people voting in these primaries typically see more eye-to-eye with trump. they think the border is a problem. the media is a problem. they think the political establishment is the biggest threat what you talked about with vivek just now. that is the issue facing this country. larry: monica, give you the last word, we have less than a
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minute. i think draining the swamp, going after the deep state, i want to repeat this i don't think it is as clear over the course of election but i think it will play a big factor what do you any. >> absolutely because i think most voters understand the greatest threat we face is the weaponization of our own government against us. larry: right. >> donald trump is a major symbol of this, a major target of it, but others like elon musk, regular americans, parents, catholics, january 6th non-violent defendants we've all been targeted if we engage in wrong thing or happen to support america first. i think that will be a major driver of voters this fall as well as inflation and illegal immigration. larry: you're both terrific. thank you ever so much for your wisdom on election day. alex marlow of "breitbart" and the great monica crowley, thanks to both of you. folks we were just getting warmed up because we got
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donald trump says success is the best unifier not only for the republican party but for the whole country. so we're going to talk about it with the quintessential optimist, senator tim scott, the great tim scott when "kudlow" returns. ♪ thi tirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. hive digital technologies. a leading bitcoin miner and gpu cloud operator is building the infrastructure of tomorrow, featuring a robust growth strategy that aims to double its mining capacity while accelerating gpu-on demand business. hive digital technologies. ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then
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>> we need a president who will close our southern border today! [applause] we need a president, who will unite our country. we need a president who will lower our taxes and not raise your taxes. we need donald trump. [cheers and applause] larry: all right, there you have it, that was the tour de force unity rally last night. of course that was the great senator tim scott, former 2024 candidate himself and ranking member of the senate banking committee. senator scott, thanks for coming on. as long as i know you, it's been a while, you're the quintessential optimist, you're a pro-growth guy. that's why you're so optimistic about the future, i'm told that you got engaged. i will make a congratulates on that. terrific stuff. >> thank you, thank you. larry: saintly wife and i have
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been married for 36 years. you're making common cause with donald trump and you, senator scott, are the quintessential pro-growth optimist guy. tell us how that works, tell us how that works, tell us why you think it is going to work? >> think about it this way, larry, 10 million, remember that number, 10 million illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, the largest invasion in the history of the country. how that happened? people elected, joe biden. how do you stop it from happening in the future? reelect donald trump. donald trump had a 90% lower, 90, not 10% lower but a 90% lower illegal border crossing. we had a stronger border under donald trump than we ever have had under joe biden. you know this better than almost any living person. think about low inflation, low unemployment and high opportunity.
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call it the laffer curve. we both understand the investor relationship between taxation an revenue. not just to the american people but to the federal government. who provided us with more than $4,000 for the average family in the country? donald trump. who lowered and kept inflation at 2%, not 9% like joe biden, 2%? donald trump. who had the most inclusive economy in the history of our nation? creating seven million jobs? donald trump. the american people unite around the issues that impact their kitchen tables. that impacts their kids and probably more importantly, their grandkids. who makes america's future stronger, healthier, why i'm optimistic about it? donald trump. larry: yeah i know. >> end of story. it is this simple. larry: look it, you're making common cause with president trump. you know people don't see him or
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talk about him as a pro-growth guy but he is a pro-growth guy. he is always been that way. >> absolutely. larry: throughout the campaign and then the election in 2016 and then his administration. i mean, you know i'm thinking we can get more tax cuts here, roll back regulations and of course he talks about drilling for liquid gold and of course the border, securing the border itself would be a pro-growth measure. i think you, as an apostle of growth, you're a very important cog now in the trump orbit because you're an apostle of growth. and i always felt, senator, that is one of your key calling cards. >> well, larry, thank you, i will say this think about the trump year, 2017 to 2020, we saw the bottom quintile, the bottom 20%, their wages grew faster than the wealthiest americans. you are talking about reasons to be excited about the future? when single mamas saw their taxes go down by 70% because of donald trump, we saw more than
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$4,000 back in our pockets, we saw historically black colleges and universities have the highest increase of funding making it permanent? larry: right. >> that was not a democrat. that was the great opportunity party led by donald trump. it is time for all of us to coalesce around his candidacy, make the next conversation not about the republican primary about winning back america for americans. let's get the start. let's get it started tonight. roll it into south carolina and baby the party's over. larry: we don't have enough time. hopefully you will come back. the commitment of mr. trump to opportunity zones and improving our nation's cities, those are such important themes but anyway, senator tim scott, congrats on the engagement. thank you ever so much for coming on. thank you for making common cause with mr. trump. i'm kudlow folks, and we'll be right back with a little more optimism. i'm kudlow.
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more optimism. why not? last word coming up. over 280,0, ♪.
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it says a lot about candidate trump that all the republican leaders that ran against him rallied behind him in this tour deforce last night in new hampshire. i think it's gob that pay great dividends. we'll see how it works tonight. anyway, i know everyone is going to rally behind liz macdonald. that's what always happens. elizabeth: we can ly


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