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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: you are listening to the music donald trump plate after his victory last night. 10:00 eastern. let's get to the money. the dow is up 60 but the nasdaq up 105. the markets coming back from strong gains at "the opening bell" but still in the green. 10 year treasury yield is down to 4. 12% but well above 4%. the price of oil, $75 a barrel earlier and that came up on screen. bitcoin, $39,800 per coin, below 40 grand. now this. after donald trump won in iowa his victory speech was conciliatory. he spoke of unity.
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after he won in new hampshire it was not conciliatory. he launched into an attack on nikki haley, called her an imposter, he said she did poorly, he said, and she failed badly. earlier he had deliberately mispronounced her name and said she wasn't eligible because of her non-citizen indian parents. this is how trump has demolished his opponents in the past but there are risks with harsh attacks on nikki haley. in new hampshire many of her votes came from independents. trump can't win without independent voters which is base is solid but is too small to win in november. a month ago trump appeared at an hour-long fox town hall, he was relaxed, smiled a lot and seemed like he had a new and more friendly tone. there was comment about the new trump being more electable than the old trump. he needs the independents needs all republican votes too.
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according to foxnews voter analysis 35%, one third of republicans would not vote for donald trump. i've no doubt eventually he will be the nominee but haley is staying in the race at least until the mag of vote on march 5th, supertuesday. if trump turns harsh and insulting he risks alienating voters outside his base. lovely policies, love the successes of his first term, didn't like the insults. to win in november he will need more of his best. second hour of varney just getting started. liz with us wednesday morning. the new tone didn't last long. liz: no. must have been channeling our family's conversation last night when watching his speech. i don't know why he has to go there. he is winning. there was never any doubt in my
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mind he was going to win in new hampshire but he needs more than his core amaga base to win in november. demeaning your opponent and demeaning the other side is what biden is doing, one of the reasons people don't like him. when he comes out and says amaga extremists, cast half the country in a despicable light people don't like that. haley has a following and the the hallelujah chorus of trump supporters and former rivals behind him are insulting nikki haley, because she's winning over those independents what are they thinking? i thought it was stupid. donald trump to your point was magnanimous after iowa. he was gracious, ron desantis and vivek are behind him, tim scott, eager to be part of the team. nikki haley will be part of the trump team before this is over
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but why make it so difficult? by the way, the next big contest is south carolina, not nevada because of weird stuff with a caucus at a primary, south carolina will be a head to head. trump is up by 30 points. is going to win in south carolina. he has almost every endorsement that's important in that state. why not go in confident and gracious and as you say, likable? at the end of the day you have to like who you vote for and if he continues down this road, fewer and fewer people will go that direction. stuart: haley and phillips outperformed in new hampshire because of the democrat primary but at the end of the day, it will be trump versus biden. >> everyone has doubts about president biden being the nominee. these word issues with him and the fact he trailed into the
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ether all the time doesn't get better. he's not going to get younger between now and november. stuart: i was going to say that. liz: it looks very much like a trump/biden rematch. what was interesting, phillips got over 20% of the vote. there is a win for him. a very attractive young guy, no one heard of him a month ago. he is making inroads. haley also outperformed polling ahead of time. the polling is terrible for those candidates with weaknesses. stuart: look at the biden/harris campaign, quote, tonight's for results confirm donald trump locked up the gop nomination and the election day filing anti-freedom amaga movement, they are demonizing
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trump. >> that is their game plan. they want to run against trump. they think he is easy to demean and criticize and no one -- here is where they are wrong. people have come to his defense because of the piling on, the legal lawsuits and finding out the white house has been complicit in the legal attack after attack after attack on donald trump. people including myself i like enough, this is ridiculous. this man is under fire. he needs to be defended and for that reason, his approval ratings have gone up among republicans. we are tired of it. this has been unfair and disgraceful behavior from the democrats since he came down the escalator. liz: you are all right, thanks for being here. governor desantis of the florida just vowed, he says he is going to veto a republican backed proposal in florida.
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>> they were trying to use taxpayer money to help pay trump's legal bills so desantis responded to that, a florida republican who wields the veto pen is the governor. so much for kissing the ring. he endorsed trump and i said on monday when we were talking about that that the relationship was flying. it is still frozen. it is still frozen. that was an aggressive desantis and i wonder where that was before he not act out. stuart: how would floridians feel about using their money to backup trump? >> floridians like trump as well as desantis. stuart: do they want their money defending trump? >> i saw that as 2028, this is the candidate in two years. stuart: we could agree to differ on this one and we probably will. back to the markets.
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a rally up, not as strong as it was but the nasdaq holding onto a solid gain. 15,534. show me tesla down 15% in the last 12 months after a stellar part of the year, 209 after the bell. david nicholas. is the momentum gone? >> no. the momentum is not gone. it is just wrapping up. next week is a huge week. look at microsoft, the stock that you love. one of our largest positions. going in on their ai stats whether it is office 365 which is their search engine, even linked in adding a i. you will see explosive growth, we are seeing 30% revenue growth. microsoft is a $500 stock. that is a name we love as well. we will do well.
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stuart: if microsoft is the canary in the coal mine for ai, they are the test case, got to perform with ai, that stock will go up. there test case for ai. >> a lot of company like to say they are involved in ai. it is a shiny object, microsoft is putting money behind this. that is a main driver for microsoft and that will be pretty big and help amazon and google with search as well. ai is a big theme for earnings. a one what are you expecting on tesla after the bell? >> i'm one of your biggest tesla boules, they lowered it, 1.8 million cars that were delivered this year, it is below what wall street wants to see so the cyber truck company
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is going to be massive. when it comes to tesla, tesla has a great product, the product is not electric cars, the product you are buying with tesla is elon musk and his vision for the future especially when it comes to ai. the stock is going to pop after earnings. stuart: appreciate it. see you again soon. let's start with dupont. lauren: they want of continued inventory d stocking across the industrial sector. the forecast for the current quarter profit. getting numbered. stuart: freeport mcnamara. i think of them as a copper company. lauren: and gold and output of copper very stronger for copper and gold, rose in the quarter. revenue shy of $6 billion up
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5%. stuart: explosive pop up for netflix, 12%. >> i won't discount the report or the street's reaction. deutsche bank has some to hold, they got a downgrade today, this good news, 260 million subscribers are priced into the stock. having said that they continue to raise the price target, 525. stuart: got to make the point you rarely see a big name company like that go up 12% in a couple of hours. we have cvs in washington dc. is this because of crime? lauren: groups of teenagers 45 strong they come during and after school and ransacked the place. shelves are completely empty. that is some of it. the deliveries come and that's where they had up the store.
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how do you shop in a store where there is nothing on the shelves? stuart: they have theft. liz: lauren: they have a mayor that says they are cracking down on organized retail theft. if that keeps happening, that cvs is closing. stuart: border talks may be in the final stages. some republicans say at the white house has been two faced, preventing texas from securing the border with mexico. chad, chad pergram has the latest from l. donald trump vowed to secure the border. he has to do it with more help from tom homan who is next. ♪
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stuart: senate talks on a border package deal could be in the final stages. chad pergram, when could we see a deal? >> reporter: as you say, soon, but soon is a relative term in the united states senate. there is still no real checks. negotiated won't commit to writing the bill next, that means a possible vote may not happen until february. >> we have been at these negotiations for four months. we are at the finish line but
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there is no reason for us to wait weeks to get this bill on the floor. >> reporter: fox captured video 30 migrants to cross the border, they escaped and crossed the razor wire. close and blankets to shield themselves. and 96,000 known got a ways. bipartisan lawmakers demand action. >> if this were not divided government we wouldn't have an opportunity to do anything about the border. to get an outcome. >> he accused them80 republicans are trying to kill the bill, the same could be said of the left. and changes to asylum policy.
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>> and we are pulling together to the good of the country. >> fighting texas in court to remove the razor wire along the border. stuart: tom homan joined donald trump on stage in new hampshire, the border guy. following his victory speech. >> i would like to say a few words about the border and who is going to solve the problem. >> i worked for six president, no one did more than donald trump, most secure border in my lifetime. most secure border we have ever seen, donald trump is going to do it again. lock the border down. stuart: the gentleman back with
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us, tom homan. let me get this clear, donald trump finished the wall if elected president. know no ifs, ands or buts about it. >> absolutely. the wall is working. every place they build a border barrier, reduce illegal drugs, walls work and it saves lives, they will go to the wall, who is going to be doing that? not united states border patrol. stuart: the president, trump said last night he built hundreds of miles of the wall. how much did he actually build? >> 465 miles. stuart: is the plan to build a wall across a couple thousand miles of the border? >> can't go wrong, national
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park in that sector, ragged cliffs you can't possibly build a wall but the clips themselves access the barrier. you have drug zones in texas, the floodwaters, flood walls built that act as a wall system but part of the wall you have to use technology because there's no way to build a wall. whatever makes sense needs to be done because it makes a difference. stuart: the white house defended the supreme court ruling to allow federal agents to get rid of that razor wire at the texas border. they said the wire had to come down so border agents to do their jobs. are you buying that? >> i disagree with that. governor abbott is doing what he can to secure the border. people -- every alien his troopers arrest for trespass get fingerprinted, vetted and
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returned, not escaping, one must got away. every person they catch, one less got away. second of all every ounce of fentanyl his troopers seized is a lot less in this country. governor abbott is doing a great job, need to keep it up. the biden administration ignored the supreme court, supreme court said put the program back in. the supreme court says you won't bail out student loans, he did it. governor abbott needs to protect texas. when he does that he protect the united states from fentanyl. 112,000, governor abbott is doing the right thing. stuart: senate minority leader john thune said republicans are looking to detain and deport illegal migrants in a deal that is coming up. >> the biden administration principal policy has been catch and release. we want to codify a policy that
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is contained and deport a distinct difference. these are tools available not just today but for future administrations and future presidents. stuart: detain and deport. does that work for you? >> that's what the law says. without proper documentation shall be detained, shall be detained, not released, not maybe, not should, shall be detained. 9 out of 10 of these people based on 10 years of past court data will get orderly removal. if you don't renew them you won't fix the problem. stuart: do you think senator schumer on the democrats or biden would accept, detain and deport? >> no. i think it's going to be a fight. whatever language the next few days will pass the house, hr 2 is a greater bill, why's that important? we know it works. hr 2, trump policies that were
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proven effective, not a guessing game. negotiating against ourselves with a model that we know was the most effective model we ever had. stuart: thanks for being with us always appreciate it. a new report finds our military readiness is weak as our armed forces struggle to meet recruitment goals so what is congress doing? grady trimble has the story? russia, russian forces unleash relentless assaults on ukrainian troops that are outmanned and outgunned. 's ukraine losing? national defense expert heinrich is next. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research.
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have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help, increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety.
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so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. call now to receive our best offer of the year! a free shower package plus $1,600 off! with the purchase of your brand-new safe step walk-in tub. stuart: on the markets, we've lost much of a rally, the dow is only 50 points. the nasdaq is powering ahead up one hundred 50 points as we speak. some stocks really are moving. boeing, what's going on? lauren: seattle times, not spirit aerosystems, installed the piece the blue off of the alaska max 9. the ntsb has not corroborated
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that. the fuselage final that blue up was removed for repair. boeing is down one. 8%. %. it is up 3%. stuart: the only software company that i believe is successful and innovative is sap. there stock is up 7%. lauren: good earnings but the story is what the ceo says. they face a tough ai reality, deep learning algorithms allowing workers to go faster. 8000 humans could lose their jobs at the company. they can enable faster contract checking, faster sales pitches and much more. stuart: the stock is up because they might get rid of some people. lauren: the reality of artificial intelligence. stuart: amd coming up again. lauren: they are at a new high, new updated, amd, taught by,
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$215 price target. they analyzed the possibly, $400 spent on ai chips in their 2,027 and amd is the best way to play a fast adoption. stuart: did you say 400 billion? thank you. a new report warns about our military strength, our readiness to take on conflict around the world. grady trimble joins me now. how bad is it? >> reporter: this report and other reports cast doubt on the military threat of readiness, the concerta marriage heritage foundation says this is the second year military readiness by their measure has declined. part of the problem, the heritage foundation says, inflation is eroding funding for defense. the report finds from 2020-2024, the army's buying
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power combined for $93 billion because because of cuts and inflation. the report also raises concerns several branches failing to maintain aging equipment and infrastructure, the government accountability office says the navy's ship maintenance backlog has grown to $1.8 billion. one of the authors of the heritage foundation report says it is time to take these challenges seriously as we helped to fund two wars in geopolitical tensions growing. >> china representing a competitor on pace to outstrip our capacity capability and we need to galvanize public will. everyone will recognize we need to prepare ourselves for uncertainty in a hostile environment that impact every day american lives. >> reporter: across military branches, falling short of recruiting goals, the senate confirmation hearing last year, the chairman of the joint
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chiefs of staff, general brown, acknowledged the recruiting crisis. >> i believe young people only aspire, it is hard for them to be part of an organization or aspire to go down a grip to fully understand or appreciate. we have a responsibility to reconnect to talk about the opportunities. >> reporter: robert greenway has to met us confident in the military even if in the past couple years, it is waning. stuart: thank you. russian forces continues to launch attacks on ukraine. it is a little war. the russian meet wave strategy, and russians don't collect, brutal stuff. rebecca heinrich is a defense expert, national defense expert joins me now. it seemed ukrainians are losing, what should we do about it?
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>> the ukrainians aren't losing if the united states can continue to supply them with the weapons they need. that is a coalescing force and our allies apply the weapons we need but you are right -- stuart: are those weapons that they need being held up because of disagreements over funding of the border and israel? is there hold up in these weapons? >> there's a holdup in these weapons. i would say so far you have republican leadership in the house clearly republican leadership in the senate, both committed continually stating they are committed to seeing ukraine when and pressuring the white house to have a win strategy for ukraine but they want the white house to play ball and secure the border so we can secure american border and help ukraine secure its border. both those things have to happen to get those weapons going back into ukraine. stuart: forgive me for interrupting but the original
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question was are the ukrainians losing? >> the ukrainians are in a tough spot because russians are adapting and the russian allies, north korea and iran are supplying shortfalls of the russian weapons they need. we are looking at the battlefield, ukrainians war of attrition holding their territory but russians have the high ground as they pummel the ukrainians and throw bodies. as you said, russian bodies, not being taken off the battlefield because the russian government isn't treating each russian soldier but like a precious member of the russian citizenry. they are leaving them on the battlefield and they -- bodies weapons coming from iran, drones from iran, weapons and munitions, to lead and get allies to support ukraine so ukraine can push the russians out of ukrainian territory. the best hand possible to end this conflict in terms that favor the west.
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stuart: american forces destroyed two who the anti-ship missiles in yemen yesterday. the military says those missiles pose a threat to ships in the area. can we beat that houthis? >> of course the united states can beat that houthis but the united states has to have a resolve to commit to destroying where these houthis are and to change us policy to take the fight against the iran regime by pressuring the iran regime to stop supporting proxy attacks but you can't fake resolve. i hear people say why isn't the united states doing more to demonstrate results? you have to have it first. 20 resolve it in your mind, develop an international coalition to protect global sea lanes, commerce can flow safely through the red sea until the united states is committed to doing that, you won't have the policy, the strategy that works that follows. stuart: thank you for joining us. rather dismal news on all
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fronts but it was appreciated. thank you. a month since lloyd austin work from the pentagon. he had that hospitalization, prostate cancer. any idea when he will get back to the office in the pentagon? ashley: in a word, no. according to the pentagon there is no expected timeframe for him to return to his duties in the office so he continues to recuperate from home including physical therapy. the 70-year-old defense secretary, underwent prostate cancer december 22nd. a week later he developed an infection, admitted to the hospital. biden, senior administration officials not hold for days about the situation. he was called to testify before congressional lawmakers to explain. the pentagon is conducting its own internal review. that's not all. senator joni ernst, republican
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from ohio demanding the office of management and budget published the schedule of every agency head in the biden administration, was shocked by austin's lack of disclosure, especially when biden is vacationing in the caribbean at the same time. stuart: that was inexplicable. biden's green energy push, spent millions on electric buses. we have the story. president biden will speak at the atlanta border workers conference, the union is expected to endorse him but will the rank-and-file vote for him? edward lawrence has the story after this. ♪ ♪ we built this city ♪ we built this city on rock 'n' roll ♪ ♪ we built this city on rock 'n' roll ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: news from the markets, we've lost some of the rally we had early on but gained ground for the nasdaq. it is up 173 points, above 1%. series gains in big tech today. the dow just shy of 38. president biden will speak at the united auto workers conference today. the union is excited to endorse biden for president. edward lawrence at the white house. what can we expect from president biden today? >> reporter: the president trying to court the union vote. it says on the schedule of events for the conference, our commitment to one another, special guest speaker, the same
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time the president's schedule is expected to speak at the conference. the president in full campaign mode. last night he had a campaign event trying to switch the debate, people talking about reproductive rights, doesn't want voters, the price increases you see since he came into office, ignore the conflict around the globe, ignore the crisis at the border and focus on how he will be the one to beat the former president in a rematch. >> president biden: are you ready to defend democracy? are you ready to protect our freedoms? are you ready to win this election? [cheers and applause] >> president biden: let's get this done. talk to your families and friends. organize your community. register to vote. >> the number of union members group in 2022 to 2023 but when you look at the total workforce the total number of people working only 10% were union
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jobs and that is down slightly from 10.1% in 2,022 because the total number of people working, getting the union endorsement, no guarantee the rank and file will follow bosses into the voting booth and that is what the former president is counting on. >> if we don't win, i think our country is finished. i believe our country is finished. we have an opportunity to do something so amazing. >> reporter: this election could come down to which groups come out to vote. president biden believes he has the unions in his corner. stuart: i wonder if he will say anything about electric vehicle bust, probably not. i am just being sarcastic, low form of wit. there is a city in north carolina that spent millions of dollars on five new electric buses and they are having problems.
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what problems are we talking about? ashley: mechanical problems and software issues just for two. one bus had a broken door since july. it can't be replaced. the city of asheville, north carolina shelled out millions in 2018 to much fanfare and add five electric buses to its fleet. three of the five sit idle. part of the problem is the company that made the buses have filed for bankruptcy in august. each bus cost $616,000, the city spent 200,000, installation of each charger, every year to lease batteries from the buses, 45,500 bucks a year and electric costs to charge that. the buses in operation can only
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travel about 78 miles before they go back to the shop and charge for hours. the city says guess what, we won't be buying anymore electric buses. stuart: sad story. chicago is considering banning natural gas in new buildings as a way to fight climate change. drive up everybody's utility bills, we have details on that coming up. democrats going all in on biden's ev push. i think it is falling to pieces. jason rantz says progressives are hiding the truth about electric cars, he rented one and was stranded in the middle of nowhere. jason will tell us about his nightmare ordeal next. ♪ ♪
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so... i know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. how's that going? we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. a kohler walk-in bath provides a secure, spa-like bathing experience in the comfort of your own home. a kohler walk-in bath has one of the lowest step-ins of any walk-in bath for easy entry and exit. it features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability,
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and a wide door for easier mobility. kohler® walk-in baths include two hydrotherapies— whirlpool jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive 50% off installation your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our no payments until 2025 financing.
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c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. stuart: what have we got? the evmakers, chicago is considering a plan that would ban natural gas in new buildings. how soon could the band take effect?
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>> reporter: if passed, it would go into effect the year after it is set in stone. what we know is the mayor reset to discuss this at city council. and using an electric stove, 20,000 customers without power during the cold snap when they were using electricity for customers. alderman gilbert va guess is leading. >> chicago must work to reduce its carbon footprint but during winter temperatures, tens of thousands of chicagoans left without electricity, now is the worst possible time to hastily slam through an ordinance about examining true costs. infrastructure requirements and
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most importantly -- >> reporter: the idea is for 10,000 ft. to have the new ordinance which there are exceptions in the case of emergency backup power generators. we are also hearing get mixed reviews how much money this could save people. supporters of this say it could save customers between 11, and 24,000 over the next 20 years, but opponents say that is not true and they don't believe using electric stoves and electric appliances actually more green. the ordinance mimics the same standard set by the one new york city set in 2021. stuart: we hear you loud and clear. let's bring in jason rantz. i want to hear your story. you got stranded in an electric vehicle in the bill of nowhere. take us through from beginning to end.
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>> reporter: i was driving to a wedding, 90 minutes east of seattle. i don't own a car so i rented one, asked for gas powered one, they gave me an ev one, that is all they had. i instinctively knew something was going to happen. as i'm driving there, i am half glued to the dashboard which tells me how many more miles i can drive on this battery. it is going well for a bit and then i hit some hills. turns out evs do not love hills. the battery starts to dwindle. i finally get there and i'm looking at the dashboard and it tells me i have about half the amount of miles that i need to get back. throughout the entire wedding i am panicked, going on my phone trying to find where i can plug in. i found one location that was close to me, except it was only for teslas. unless you have an adapter on non-tesla cars you won't get into it. 30 miles away was the next one. i had 45 miles.
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i thought i can make that except it turns out i couldn't because that number was coming down. it was cold outside, there were more hills, and i ended up losing the power about two miles away from the actual location, in the middle of nowhere. i'm on the phone, no tow truck wants to pick me up, took me an hour and 1/2 to get an uber to pick me up. soon the heat goes down and the lights go out. so i am sitting there wondering with 13% left on my battery if the uber is going to come. it was horrible, we don't have the infrastructure in place to move toward these ev futures that the democrats want. stuart: what did you do with the electric vehicle? >> i left it there. i was on with hertz and god bless them, can't stand them, the guy tried his hardest to but i am there, what do you want me to do? i said after 2 and a half hours of yelling, i was not a
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gentleman, lots of yelling, i said i'm leaving the car here, this -- if you think i am paying for it. stuart: i have a suggestion, you should go out and purchase a gas powered car. go get gasoline, the only way around this. a cautionary tale about the ev market. see you again soon. martha mccallum on nikki haley's claim the gop race is far from over. mike braun on whether senate republicans are uniting behind trump. tomi lahren on biden's campaign staff shakeup after getting bad press. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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>> i don't know how the democrats get their message out because their messenger is not


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