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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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here, the s&p still up about three points t could make it four record closes in a row. any gain will do it but looks like we're losing some steam here. the dow is going further south, 102 points. what are you staying away from, art? >> well i would tell you this, when we think about, it is an election year and typically in election years a lot of health care names are, i used as political footballs. there is a lot of rhetoric about that i think that played out already. beat the christmas rush. health care was underperforming last year. typically avoid it first half of the year. i don't think we see major changes. we've seen most of the regulatory changes. we're okay. [closings bell rings] we're okay, art. global superstar, actress, investor, bring ahn can chopra has a major announcement. ♪, hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. president trump had a huge win in new hampshire last night and he is looking unstoppable. a thought nikki haley can't seem to come to terms with. we'll talk about that we have joe concha, mark simone, "breitbart"'s emma joe morris. will be right here on set in just a few moments to talk about the whole story. and then wall streeter dan clifton, he is going to tell us what the trump stocks are and then the great art laffer we'll kibitz on it. plus everyone is bombing everyone in the middle east on joe biden's watch. the whole thing is out of control. kash patel, general keith kellogg will weigh in on that. later in the show illegal migrants now getting on airplanes and everything else with no i.d.s, okay? another reason why immigration is the top issue for voters in iowa and new hampshire. we'll talk to steve hilton and then the "new york post"'s betsy mccaughey. but first up, i'm going to make
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a few thoughts to weigh in. no matter what nikki haley says the reality is president donald trump had a huge victory last night in new hampshire, in a vote stacked by democrats and liberal independents. mr. trump still garnered 54% and defeated second place haley by 11 percentage points and he won the highest number of votes anyone has ever won in a new hampshire primary, republican or democrat. and of course he swept the iowa caucus with over 50% where nikki haley finished third, 32 points behind mr. trump. and it's very rare anyone takes both iowa and new hampshire in the presidential race. now trump knows he must unify the gop. all right. in fact he is already pulled in candidates like vivek ramaswamy and senator tim scott and governor ron desantis and governor doug burgum. these folks all barnstormed with him in new hampshire in tour de
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force rallies but nikki haley is still in the race despite her big-time losses. okay. fine. it's her choice. she is going to get clobbered in south carolina. it is her home state but i certainly respect her decision to keep running. all right? however, however, her performance last night will not do her any good. she rushed to the microphone early during the vote count. and then gave a speech that actually suggested she was the winner and that was nonsense. again she lost by 11 points. trump got 54% of the vote. she had 43%. that is a defeat. and what was her message? she wants trump to take a mental competency test. really? she has no other narrative other than cheap shots at trump. and president trump who is accustomed to people taking cheap shots at him had this to say about it. >> i felt i should do this
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because, i fine in life you can't let people get away with [bleep], okay? you can't. just can't do that. [applause] what she is doing, she won? she did the same thing last week. larry: all right, of course he is a major league fighter and i think he would probably preferred to be more gracious as he was when he welcomed desantis and vivek and senator tim scott into the fold but he doesn't like phonies. and he doesn't like cheap shots and personally, i think that is all nikki haley has. that's her narrative. now, mr. trump, in his fighting moodied a great job last night punching out president biden. take a listen to this. >> they must hate our country because there's no other reason that they can be doing the things they do. take a look. the taxes, they want to raise your taxes times four. they want to let the trump tax
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cuts, biggest tax cuts in the history of our country, they want them to expire. your taxes are going to go through the roof. you take a look at regulations, they're throwing regulations you can't breathe, can't even breathe with what they're doing. larry: all right. that is really good stuff. the former president's strength, cutting taxes, eliminating onerous regulations, keeping the dollar as the world's reserve currency and digging for liquid gold. the number one issue in new hampshire, just like iowa is the illegal immigration pom coming from the southern border but also coming from the northern border as well. you can see that 41%. it is even more than the economy. according to the fox news voter analysis, among republican voters in new hampshire who said immigration was the top issue facing the country, 73% broke for trump. haley hardly ever mentions the open border or for that matter tax cuts or deregulation for the economy. she never mentions opening
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spigots for fossil fuels. all she is doing is running a negative campaign against trump. it will fail badly. mr. trump on the other hand will continue to focus on joe biden with a big tent embrace that says successful policies on the economy and the border and foreign affairs will unify the entire country. already his issues oriented campaign has attracted record support among groups like hispanics, african-americans and asian-americans and as for haley, yesterday afternoon, before the polls closed, mr. trump magnanimously said i will quote, she can do whatever she wants, it doesn't matter, end quote. that a boy, mr. trump, that a boy. spot on. that's my take. for more let's us bring in mark simone, hall of fame wor radio
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show host. the great joe concha, media politics columnest at the messenger and fox news contributor, and making her debut on this show, emma joe morris, politics editor at "breitbart news." so madam debut, we're going to start with you. what happened last night? what happened last night? what happened to nikki haley? what happened to donald trump? read me, read me your take, please. >> sure, you know nikki haley he calls her bird brain and i kind of love that. the only thing facilitates bird brain not being able to president her arms around what is going on the fact she has massive donors. you have the linkedin founder, you have coke. that's why you said in your opening she can't talk about open border because that's not the issues that her, her string pullers want to talk about. so she gets to live in this delusion she has a chance. people are funding that delusion and enabling that delusion and she gets to go on but you know,
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today charlie gasparino said that donors are looking at her a little more closely and reconsidering some of that. reed hoffman, cnbc, linkedin founder, he is out. we'll see how long this can last. i don't know she sticks around until south carolina actually. larry: i know. i agree with that. that is a good possibility. that is a very interesting point. the thing about politicians which i always love, i have to give credit to roma daravi who said it on this show, trump communications staffer, politicians say no, no, no, right up until the time they say yes. no, i'm in, no i'm not out, no i'm not out. yes i'm out. i think that's a good point. mark simone, did donald trump win last night or were there any glitches in this win or was he too harsh in his own speech which he changed because nikki haley got under his skin a little bit, how do you read that? >> no, he was fine.
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she really made a mess out of this. this was the one state where she had a huge advantage. 70% of her votes were non-republicans. she had consolidation she said she needed. all the other candidates were out. it was all her. she is terrible at reading the room. all week talking being a brown girl growing up, it is not a issue in new hampshire. one place where it is not an issue. went after trump for being too big after spender. she spent 30 million in new hampshire. larry: wasn't she the biggest? >> all-time record. larry: what is this mental competency test nonsense? she is saying trump is not mentally fit? i thought that was joe biden? she is mixing it up. trump is she mentally fit? that is what got under his skin. >> she is mentally fit but they bet pray they don't do i.q. tests. she has a role to play. wasting donor money. she will be out soon. if she is out march 3 record,
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this will will be the longest presidential election in history. i don't know what we will do. larry: maybe talk about the stock market, a business show for a change. joe concha i ask the question from your perspective. how did trump do last night? >> i look at numbers. take the noise and opinions out of this. larry: yes. >> as you mentioned no candidate has won iowa and new hampshire since 1976. that is nearly 50 years ago. larry: was that carter? >> ford. >> it was ford? ford took both state? >> gerald ford. larry: i'm very impressed with that. >> good football player. anyway trump beats nikki haley by 32 points and desantis by 30 in iowa. i have to look at other cable news networks actually it wasn't a good night for trump. that would be like criticizing secretariat at the 73 belmont only winning by 31 lengths. trump vanquished ron desantis, he dropped out after iowa. i say he had a pretty good night if that the biggest threat. he wins double digits in
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new hampshire. i have to hear wow this is great night for nikki haley. can anybody here at table one state she can win. south caroline, big advantage, home state, popular governor there, she doesn't have the endorsement of governor there, mcmaster, of tim scott, or of lindsey graham or multiple congresspeople. if she is down like 30, 40 points like polls show, this isn't for another month, you tell me what the path is. there is no path yet other networks and other publications seem to be propping her up because i guess maybe they want clicks and ratings to go on a little bit more. larry: old friend of mine, very prominent member of congress for many years, himself a presidential candidate, anyway, he called me yesterday afternoon and he's not a big, not never-trumper but not a big trump supporter anyway we were talking a smart guy, and he said nikki haley's narrative is simply to beat up, bash trump. that's all she has. it's not about issues.
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and that is ultimately why you're going to lose. because people are concerned. here let's put up the chart, first of all, we have couple things, excuse me. we'll get right back to you. people who, trump's strengths. we run that. no college degree, 64%. very conservative, 81%. rural caucus-goers, 57. that is the base of the base, okay? now here's an interesting one. want total change in how the u.s. is run, okay? i call this drain the swamp and i think this is as subtle underground issue that resonates even though hardly anybody talks about it. want total change in how the u.s. is run. trump 83, haley 15. all right, now, one more, financial situation, getting ahead, 13%. holding steady, like, not getting anywhere, just treading water and falling behind, 27%. this is still, i don't care how the gdp was last quarter, this
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is still the problem. there is an affordability crisis in the u.s. and finally, this could be my favorite one, u.s. mexican border wall. look it, 61% favored, somewhat favor, 18. that is 79% favor a wall, okay? now, you never hear haley talk about the wall ever. actually trump's only guy that consistently talks about the wall. emma-joe, you look at those issue points i would say it give as good read on trump and i would say it shows how well trump is doing. >> oh, for sure. first of all the thing i think is most salient about what we're watching right now, it spells the death of the anti-trump movement of the never trump movement, neocon movement it's over. it's over. look at numbers. people want a wall. it's done. that being said all she is doing, joe is exactly right, numbers al show that, it is not joe's genius although he is one. >> thank you. >> bears out in every single
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poll -- larry: did you call him a between just? >> i'm here to stated the facts and news, something happen in the green room. i'm sorry. >> what i was going to say, she has no path. it's over. what is she doing now? she is hitting the brakes, pumping the brakes on proper consolidation around trump and gearing the fire toward joe biden. in essence she is the best campaign sure surrogate for joe biden. larry: mark, how is joe biden doing? we didn't talk. joe biden won the write-in vote. didn't do that great. 60%? >> 62. larry: 62%, guy from minnesota, he had 18, 19. >> steve phillips, former met's gm. dan phillips. baseball on the brain. larry: i have to take a mental competency test. >> joe biden -- larry: how is joe biden doing on this story? >> he is a disaster. jimmy carter is the only real fan he has because he took the title of away of worst president. he is a disaster.
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he is handing donald trump this election by throwing the border wide open. 10 million, how many ever worst disaster for democrats. larry: he still won't. biden will still not make a deal to close the border. by the way you mentioned jimmy carter. the prosperity caucus dinner last night, couple nights ago, liz macdonald jimmy carter can run rings around joe biden. i never heard that before. >> nikki haley is like the new stacey abrams, no matter how times she loses donors throw a victory party, celebrating. she is wonderful. don't be surprised if she goes for that know labels ticket? larry: really? >> she is capable of anything when it combs to donors and the swamp. larry: she will wreck her political career. >> it is pretty much there now. i don't think she has much of a future in politics. larry: joe's, trump's speech in
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iowa was more disgracious, gentler, welcoming, open -- you know, really, people said it was the new trump, et cetera, et cetera. >> yeah. larry: unifying the gop. trying to unify the country through good policies, what he called successful policies. didn't hear that last night because it was a different situation and he was very annoyed at nikki haley. but is, the unity idea something he should continue you think? will it help him? >> no. i don't think that people really crave unity in this country. i'm all for compromise, working with other side, in the end he has to stick to four basic issues, inflation is huge, the border is huge, crime in american cities, driving people out san francisco, chicago, new york to places like 10 sigh, texas, florida. foreign policies, houthis are
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still using our ships for target practice in the red sea, the world seems like it was on fire t was much more stable when trump was here. he makes that message, drives that home, that is how you win. for nikki haley when she drops out she will endorse trump. larry: emma joe, just to joe's point, last night trump was punching out haley and punching out biden, i got to tell you kind of liked it. >> me too. larry: i don't want to be a nice guy, right? it doesn't work. >> turn on the legacy media, they're clutching their pearls, they're appalled, of course they're the leaders of unity in this country of course. larry: right. >> that's okay. but i think he is hilarious honestly. i hope he keeps doing it. people love it. larry: keep punching him out, keep punching him out. >> that is our guy. larry: drain the swamp, close the border, send illegals home. i really think i want him to be
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unity but i don't want 100% unity, mark, you know what i mean? i want trump to be trump. >> compared to biden he has got unity. he is dale carnegie compared to biden. i wins the unity battle. larry: biden is mean, nasty. >> no one has been divisive as ever as biden. most ungracious speeches, valley forge, philadelphia, even yesterday talking about trump. larry: fabulous, terrific stuff. so trump is intact, yes? trump intact yes? >> yes. >> your gop nominee. larry: gop nominee. >> presumptive as they say. larry: joe concha -- >> first person ever to win new hampshire three times. larry: emma joe morris from "breitbart," formerly the "new york post." >> that's right. larry: welcome to the show. >> thank you so much for having my, thank you. >> she's a genius. larry: we are a business show, we are a business show once in a while. so we've got dan clifton to tell us what the trump stocks are going to be. and then my pal art laffer, he is going to kibitz on that.
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remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. on fox business. for some crazy reason you can't get us at 4:00, just text your favorite nine-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a trump much punch out that we love. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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snow. larry: all right, president biden finally gets the uaw's endorsement today. not a big surprise. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house with all of it. edward, good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon, larry, yeah, the president accepted that endorsement here in washington, d.c. now president joe biden says he is the most pro-union president in modern history. then today he made claims about jobs reeled to the former president -- related to the former president. listen to this. >> i'm tired of about jobs going overseas, having products shipped -- [applause] during the administration, a lot of administration before that corporate america found the cheapest labor in the world and they sent the job to those laborerss and sent the product bab back to us, but not anymore! >> reporter: the president's
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forced transition to electric means union auto workers could lose jobs. electric cars take 40% fewer workers to make. ceo of job creators network, union members rin creasingly recognizing that biden's carefully honed union rhetoric is at odds with his green energy agenda that threatens their paycheck. the union bosses may endorse but the rank-and-file may not follow in the voting booth because of current policies. >> people are not enthusiastic about joe biden. the other piece is the clear contrast. in the past we were talking theoretically about what the progressives would do if they were in charge. now we had three years of it, the contrast how peoples lives were under trump, how they are now couldn't be more clear. >> reporter: so north korean, teamsters have not yet endorsed a week from today former president trump will be meeting with that union. >> president biden has done great work on behalf of the unions. he has done real well fixing the
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pensions but at the end of the day you know, what we've done in the past doesn't make it guaranteed for the future and we've got a very diverse membership and our members vote. >> reporter: both presidents trying to court that union vote which could make a difference, larry. larry: i want to say that charge trump promoted workers going overseas is a flat-out lie, a flat-out lie because we put first of all trade restrictions on. second of all our tax policy encouraged companies to come back home, instead of offshoring they were onshoring. and third of all we had a boom in real wages. anyway just saying those are actual factoids. anyway, edward lawrence, thank you didn't mean to interrupt the whole thing. let's take a look now, interesting stock market take. there is trump stocks and there's biden stocks according to our great friend dan clifton, who is the washington head of
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policy for strategas. we do have art laffer, former reagan economist, presidential medal of freedom of recipient, author of "taxes have consequences." the idea here, dan clifton, welcome back to the show. >> great to be here, larry. larry: you have great stocks and great sectors, and art's going to kibitz, art will kibitz about these things. we can't go through everything, dan, but basically when you look at the trump basket of stocks, immigration enforcement is a factor. fossil fuel energy would improve under trump, stronger defense spending and financials. in other words i think you're saying less regulation. >> yes. larry: walk through briefly what some of these things are. >> well, larry, first thank you for having me back and this will be an exciting election. the president is making it very clear that he is going to get the u.s. border under control and as you know can do that by executive order right on the first day. so there will be companies that are going to have a change in
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the trajectory of their earnings if you got greater border enforcement. those will be equipment that border patrol, border patrol agents will be equipped with. motorola or company like axon. the prisons, make sure people don't go into the interior of country like geogroup and core civics. immigration enforcement will be immediate and i think a big change. energy, less about production. we're producing a lot of oil right now. trump will drill, drill, but we need to figure out how to distribute that. pipelines will be a key part of this. also all of the above approach, more coal, more natural gas, nor natural gas exports. those will be winners on the energy front. of course financial regulation. larry: hang on, dan, i want to take the first two. i want arthur to bib -- kibitz on that. immigration enforcement, art, energy, drill, baby, drill, what
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do you think? >> those are two areas that will be clearly favored by trump totally but what i think, larry, if you look at the whole package you will see a very, very strong bull market under trump. it may not start right the day he is elected, once he gets that going, once you get policies back in place with tax cuts and proper growth it will be a reagan-like, kennedy-like stock market. it will being really, really strong. only a few industries will fall back. it will be overall strong. dan i'm sure is completely correct on the stocks he is picking. i will look at the whole market and say wow, this will be a perfect time to be fully invested. larry: dan, let's just speculate, drill, baby, drill, he can do that through executive orders. immigration, he can do a lot of that through executive orders, absolutely, except building the wall. he will fight for that. taxes is the one that worries me the most, dan clifton. >> absolutely. larry: because if the house goes democrat or the senate stays
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democrat, they're just going to obstruct any, you know, good tax cuts or tax reform or extending the trump tax cuts? >> absolutely. look we have a couple of catalysts next year that the president's going to walk into. one the debt ceiling has to be raised in the middle of the year. you have all of the trump tax cuts on individuals expiring. if you have complete government control by republicans it is very likely many of those tax cuts will get extended, particularly the estate tax, top marginal tax rate and some others. if the democrats win what they will try to do is raise taxes on corporations to fund middle class tax cuts and they will try to take away the top income tax rate and use that to finance the tax cuts. so who is in congress matters. i think that's what really interesting to art's point, the market is already figuring out the republicans will probably have control of the senate with joe manchin's set coming up, you
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will have a at least 50-50 senate no progressive government going forward but more upside. there is not a situation where republican president wins they doesn't take the house with them or vice versa, democrat win. some in the house sets are up, trump will have big enough wave to get the house there. allows pro-growth tax cuts to be enacted. larry: art, last 30 seconds or actually the last 25 sections. right now how do you look at the stock market between now and the election? >> i am buying as you can imagine i'm buying into the stock market in aggregate, larry. i am buying into the stocks that i think will be bull markets. we used to call them if you remember high cat stocks. i think those stocks will do well under the kennedy and reagan periods are the ones that do really well here as well. larry: got to jump. >> i think we have a period of prosperity but i'm buying in right now on schedule basis to
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increase my portfolio by the time trumps wins i will be fully invested. larry: art laffer and dan clifton we'll do more on this, dan. thanks for coming back on the show. everybody bombing everybody else in the middle east. it is terrell. every country is bombing another country and it looks like the united states is clueless. we'll talk about it with kash patel and general keith kellogg. but we have steve hilton still ahead. stick can "kudlow" when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at
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♪. larry: all right, welcome back. let's check in with the latest in the fani willis fiasco down to hotlanta, georgia. fox news steve harrigan live with the latest. good afternoon, steve, what you got? >> reporter: good afternoon, larry. another hearing tomorrow. this time it will be about meetings between the white house and prosecutors hire. a lot of defense attorneys want to know exactly what went on in the meetings between the two sides. anger among georgians about this
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scandal continues to grow. here is the scene from a fulton county meeting earlier today. >> i'm disgusted at the information that is coming out of the district attorney's office as a taxpayer. i am done with most of your silence at the d.a.'s apparent love affair with the special prosecutor and gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars to pursue what appears to be a frivolous lawsuit based off of partisan politics. >> reporter: the chief prosecutor, nathan wade will be back in court again next week for his divorce proceedings. he is likely to be asked quite a bit about his relationship with his boss, d.a. fani willis. larry, back to you. larry: steve harrigan, tough stuff down there. we appreciate it very, very much. let's turn for a moment to foreign policy. i'm a naive guy, looks like to me in the middle east everyone is bombing every one else under joe biden's watch. i don't know if he knows what to do about it. joining us general keith
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kellogg, former national security advisor in the trump administration and afpi center for american security co-chair and kash patel, former deputy director of national intelligence and chief of staff at the defense department, author of government gangsters. kash, talking on the radio last weekend everyone is bombing everybody else. it doesn't seem to bother people but it bothers me. iran is bombing pakistan. pakistan is bombing iran. the houthis are bombing the united states desperately. iran is bombing iraq. of course the israel hamas war continues. and it is weird, we have sound i guess that the biden administration acknowledges this but they don't do anything about it? >> look, it's great to be with you and i think you're absolutely right and the general probably will agree with me on this one. when you have so many people being bombed that means innocent civilian lives are being lost at
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the expensive hands of terrorism and the terrorism is funded by joe biden who gave iran $6 billion. remember this is iran flush with cash paying mercenary forces hezbollah, hamas, and the houthis, joe biden treating them with kid glovers and they are dictating to us what to do on the national stage. everybody, pakistan, iran, former allies are bombing each other and we're losing innocent civilians and children. you have to ask, larry, where are they getting all the armaments and munitions? they are getting it from the ccp and namely number one state sponsor of terrorism iran. biden treats them like rebels not terrorists. larry: let me go to general keith kellogg. why, it is funny, john kirby and bride inch acknowledge iran is the cull brit culprit. they don't do anything about it.
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in fact the war is es can it aing to me every day because of that? >> yeah, larry, thanks for having me. good to be with you and kash as well. here is the problem, this administration has normalized everything that has happened in the middle east. it is okay to attack u.s. facilities and personnel in the middle east. it's okay for the houthis to attack u.s. shipping in the red sea. it's okay for allies like italy and spain and france not to join prosperity guardian to protect shipping in the red sea. they have gone their own way. it is okay for china to broker a deal between iran and saudi arabia to conduct peace operations. this is the whole problem. they just kind of ignored it and walked past the graveyard, whistling past the grave yard. here is the problem, larry, they have to come up with some solution. a comprehensive plan to address the middle east and they have to go as kash mentioned, they have got to figure out how to handle it with iran because iran is the state sponsor. they are state sponsor of
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terrorism. we know it but the administration doesn't want to recognize it. look, here is what they just did with yemen and the houthis. when we were in the administration we declared the houthis to be an fto a foreign terrorist organization that is the top tier. what did this administration do? they just the other day designated them as sgtd. specially designated terrorist group. that is a step under a fto. almost like they're pulling their punches. that is what they're doing. until they come up with a comprehensive plan on how to address iran and the conflict in the region you're going to keep seeing this. here is probably the biggest concern i've got. it will be one big mistake. if they attack a u.s. ship or kill some american servicemen then they have really got a problem and what are we going to do? larry: yeah, that is exactly right. kash, i believe, i will give you the last word on this, i believe the biden group still thinks they can make a deal, a nuclear
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deal with iran and you know, iran will come to their senses and be integrated into the middle east. i mean that dumb idea started with obama, runs right through the biden administration with the same people now who are running foreign policy. kash, i think that is their view? >> you're absolutely right. look, we and the donald trump administration general is correct treat terrorists as terrorists. when you remove the sanctioning authority of united states, the terrorists get money, they get bombs and bomb us because two u.s. navy sailors are dead in the red sea because you have a defense secretary at his bed. you have to take out the number one enemy in the world, iran. what does joe biden, defense department, tell the world, houthies can decide when they get to stop the bombing. terrorists get to decide when the war starts,.
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larry: that is terrible. we'll see you more on this topic, note going away. kash patel, general keith kellogg. house republicans released transcript of hunter biden hunt's sugar brother. morris. david spunt live from the washington with details. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good to be with you, kevin morris, hunter biden's friend since 2019, admitted to holding a 10% stake in a chinese equity take in a firm bhr. morris met with republicans and democrats last week, answered questions for six hours voluntarily though behind closed doors. he acquired shares of bhr after purchasing another company hunter biden was involved in but got out of when pressed several times, morris wouldn't answer because it is attorney/client privilege but then came back and said he did so because it was a good investment. according to the transcript from the interview last week, morris loaned the president's son more than four million dollars.
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they met only in 2019 as i said but since become close friends a large chunk of that money went to hunter's taxes. kevin morris is quoted saying with respect to the loans i'm confident, confident that hunter will repay. i did not and do not have any expectations of receiving anything from hunter's father or the biden administration in exchange from helping hunter, nor have i asked for anything from president biden orb his administration. my only goal was is to help my friend and client. of course larry, hunter biden is fighting federal tax charges, nine of them in california. three of those are felonies although his taxes were paid back thanks to help by kevin morris, special counsel david weiss still throwing the book at him. that trial is scheduled to take place in los angeles on june 20th, larry. larry: sugar babies, sugar daddies, david spunt, thank you ever so much. let's talk some more about sugar
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daddies in the race. we have donald trump having a great night last night. let's bring in steve hilton, fox news contributor. steve, you know i think that nikki haley may be running out of her sugar daddies. now hunter biden won't. he has a sugar daddy, this guy, lawyer morris but nikki haley not only is she losing big, kind of saying bad stuff, wrecking trump, what do you make of this? she loses her sugar daddy's she will have to pull out. >> well she has got some, larry but every day she's in this she is actually helping joe biden and doing harm to her long-term reputation but there are still people urging her to stay in the face. let's engage, including "wall street journal" editorial page. i usually agree with every word, not today. they're encouraging nikki haley to stay in. nikki haley can be a better candidate because she brings in more independents.
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first of all donald trump is doing better among independents than in 2016 when he actual won and secondly, yes it is true nikki haley can bring in some independents but she will also lose massively chunks of the republican vote because the party is increasingly hostile to nikki haley. if she by some miracle became the candidate you will have a whole bunch of republicans either staying home or voting for rfk. so these arguments for nikki haley don't really stack up, even the one that says, wow, what if something were to happen with trump and he convicted under legal cases. so far we've seen the cases are just helping him but even in that scenario there is no reason for her to stay in in in at attack trump. if the party needed to find another candidate at convention she can do that every day she is in it she is helping joe biden and hurting the republican party. larry: yeah, you know, steve hilton i happen to agree with you, not "the wall street journal" i agree with you. i think you're spot on.
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i'm sear we're short on time but we hope to see you some more soon on these races. you're right about nikki haley. >> absolutely. great to see you, larry. larry: coming up betsy mccaughey says democrats are letting illegal migrants fly without i.d. cards and she minds us about 9/11 and the risks to all of that. she will be here in a second. stay with us, please. ♪.
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that's 1-800-217-3217. ♪. larry: our great friend betsy mccaughey writing in the "new york post" today, quote, dems letting migrants fly without i.d. and they're playing russian roulette with our safety. she joins me here on set, betsy mccaughey, "new york post" columnist, former new york lieutenant governor. great to see you. no i.d. for illegal migrants and -- >> no photo i.d., that's the key. no photo i.d. they can claim to be somebody. see in the airports, tsa signs, transportation security administration sign say if you're a migrant. >> number one and you want to get on the plane, don't have a photo i.d., tell the tsa superivsor. if you don't want your photo taken you can decline and still
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get on that plane. larry, you and i know if we got to the airport and we forget our driver's license or our passport, good luck everything getting on the plane. migrants get an easy pass because the immigration lobby is getting favored over americans and their safety. larry: does anybody remember 9/11? >> they should. larry: serious question. >> she thud remember 9/11. larry: making it an ease pass. who knows what they will do when they get on a airplane. there is a terrorist list that come in illegally. >> millions of migrants are coming across the border. most of them just want economic opportunity but there are among them some with sinister motives from 100 different countries, many countries hostile to us. we have to know who those people are. way back on 9/11, one of the worst days in american history, the 9/11 commission said, we must reform the driver's license system in this country because a majority of the terrorists, the
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hijackers, were illegals who got on those planes because they got state driver's licenses in states with flimsy requirements. larry: right. >> flimsy requirements. larry: that's it. >> that's right. larry: this could be an instant replay. what is going to stop this from happening again and why are these -- >> call your congressman, because 16 years ago we passed a lou to fix this and the law has not been implemented. noil and new york illinois and new york are among the worst states. they removed every distinction between a driver's license you and i have as a citizen and illegal. they don't want to stigmatize the illegalses? stigmatize them? they're lucky to get any license. larry: next step will be allowed to vote illegally. >> what do you think new york city's idea is for? larry: betsy mccaughey, the best of the best, smartest of the smart. i will be right back with my last word. thank you, betsy.
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♪ larry: you know, i must say i kind of enjoyed watching donald trump punching out joe biden on the issues last night, border, economy, foreign policy, drill, baby, drill. kind of enjoyed it. it's a winning formula for mr. trump on the issues. and another winning formula is liz macdonald. and her entire show. elizabeth: check's in the mail, larry. larry: over to you. [laughter]


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