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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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♪ larry: you know, i must say i kind of enjoyed watching donald trump punching out joe biden on the issues last night, border, economy, foreign policy, drill, baby, drill. kind of enjoyed it. it's a winning formula for mr. trump on the issues. and another winning formula is liz macdonald. and her entire show. elizabeth: check's in the mail, larry. larry: over to you. [laughter]
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elizabeth: champagne bottle for you, larry. grab the popcorn, it's going to be a long 10 months. you're terrific, thank you so much is. coming up this hour, we've got senator ted cruz and california senate candidate steve daughter i have, they've going to -- garvey, they're going to join us. senator ted cruz saw the senate keel on the border, he does not like it. but first, former utah congressman jason chaffetz and g portion trot gist ford o'connell. -- gop strategist ford o'connell. there's growing pressure, first to you, jason, on nikki haley to drop out. trump won a record number of votes in new hampshire, but she's staying in, jason. critics are saying she's not running on policy anymore. it's about bashing trump. what do you think? >> well, it is an anti-trump position, but i'd be curious as to what states she thinks she's going to win. i don't think she's going to win in south carolina, and i can't see any other states on the horizon where it looks like there's a probable victory. so you don't get much for coming
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in second, you know? she gets to continue to run if she wants, but i think when donald trump secured 98 out of 99 counties in iowa and won definitively, the race was over. elizabeth: so what jason just said is, what do you think, ford? when you look at the analysis out of edison, fox, cnn, anywhere from half to 70% of haley's voters in the new hampshire primary were independents. ford, what -- and many democrats voted for haley to spoil it for trump. so when you see those numbers, trump, what does this mean for haley's race right now? >> well, look, i think jason's absolutely right, t a near certainty that donald trump will be the republican presidential nominee in 2024. to jason's point, there is absolutely no path forward for palely. the delegate math doesn't add up, and neither if does the map. and if she stays all the way in to south carolina which is one month from today in her home state, she will be embarrassed on the scoreboard by donald trump where she's current -- he's currently leading by 30
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point, and she'll have absolutely no rationale whatsoever to be in this race. it is honestly time for nikki haley to drop out and to unify behind donald trump, and let's go get joe biden. elizabeth: yeah, it's clear to what ford just said, jason, what is vote -- what the voters are saying about the issues in new hampshire, they strongly favor a border wall, they want border security, they want a better economy. you know, and, jason, it's also about convincing the swing voters, the independents and the working class and middle class voters. elections are won in the margins in states like new hampshire, pennsylvania, ohio and more. if it's interesting trump won a record number of votes in new hampshire. he lost it in 2016 in the general and again in 2020, so he's got momentum here. so people are demanding issues, policies. they want to know, they don't want people bashing each other, they want to fix america, jason. >> when they, when the people know that the country's off track, and it is off track, they want solutions and policies that
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will change the way the trajectory of the country. and that's what donald trump offers. you know, all this demagoguing by the democrats of donald trump, remember, we had four years of donald trump. the economy was good, the border was safe, things were calm overseas. you weren't having to close cvs stores in the middle of our cities. so they can bark all they want at donald trump, life was better under donald trump than anywhere close to with joe biden and kamala harris. elizabeth: listen, you know, we understand it. we hear -- people don't like the way trump speaks. he breaks a lot of glass, you know? he just shatters norms, but people are saying we want results. and, you know are, maybe you need to do that and how calcified d.c. has gotten. let's listen to former president trump and nikki haley, watch this. >> in the first year, they're going to be reduced by 50% because we are going to drill, baby, drill. [cheers and applause]
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drill, baby, drill. inflation's going to come way down. but in the first year, your energy costs are going down by 50%. they want to let the trump tax cuts, the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country, they want them to expire. your taxes are going to go through the roof. we have beaten biden you could almost say, who can't? who the hell cant? [laughter] -- can't? the man can't put two sentences together. >> with donald trump republicans have lost almost every competitive election. we lost the senate. we lost the house. we lost the white house. we lost in 2018, we lost in 2020, and we lost in 2022. the worst kept secret in politics is how badly the democrats want to run against donald trump. elizabeth: ford, what do you think? final word.
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>> nikki haley's missing the point. donald trump's currently leading by 3.5 points in the national polls and as long as border security and inflation remain the top two issues for the american voter, he will be the 47th president of the united states. elizabeth: got it. ford and jason, thanks for joinings us. viewers, please take a listen to this. watch this. >> as i went to donald trump rally a couple night ago, never been to one, i had an event across the street. i saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours, met probably 50 trump people waiting in line. every single one of them thoughtful, hospitable, friendly. all of them so frustrated that they feel nobody's listening to them but donald trump. my party is completely delusional right now. elizabeth: whoa. joining us now, national review reporter, we're happy to have on the show caroline downey. caroline, this is your debut. it's good to have you on. so that was dean fill lips telling cnn the democrat party is, quote, delusional. when you heard that, what did you think?
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>> listen, thanks for having me back, liz. dean phillips is capitalizing on the perfect storm that's hitting biden. progressive pundits are literally urging biden to resume his basement campaign because he's barely cognizant, let alone competent or criss make it. hay know it's a liability if he says anything, and the enthusiasm gap with biden continues to shrink. and dean phillips' energy in the new hampshire primary showed that. the border crisis and the economy continued to haunt biden's polling, alien night even democrats and independents -- alienating -- both of those issues donald trump, by the way, is ironclad on. and all at the same time during this rally, biden is so out to lunch that he doesn't realize there's this far-left flank of pro-palestinian protesters who are mutinying against him because of his support for israel. it's just crazy. elizabeth: i think we've got the sound of democrats on a hot mic getting caught warning about this, to what you're saying, that the protests and heckling
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of biden is going to increase. you know, there was great concern again, the president was unintelligible yesterday in his speech about abortion, and to what you're saying, he got heckled we're seeing at least ten times by, you know, during his speech. you're going to hear from the president, you're going to hear from cnn's van jones. you're going to also hear democrats caught on a hot mic. watch this. >> don't mess with the women in america unless you want to get the better of them. [cheers and applause] >> [inaudible] >> that was interesting. i guess that's the way it's going to be. that's going to happen constantly. >> yep. >> we're going to have to have a lot more security laid out around the place. >> if i were biden, i would, i would stay hidden. and i'll tell you why, he doesn't inspire confidence. and he's not a great messenger for himself. there's the something wrong with this campaign where we're somehow expecting joe biden -- frankly, he hid during the last campaign -- to come out now and
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be flash gordon. participant of what we're looking at as trump's strernghts his resill yens, is really a reflexion of biden's fragility. republicans are not afraid of joe biden. they're not afraid. they don't think that by putting up somebody this damaged, frankly, this deranged with this many deficits it's going to hurt them at all. elizabeth: okay, caroline, let's just take it from the top. we think the president said don't mess with the women of america unless you want to bet the benefit -- that sentence, unfortunately, still does not make sense. the democrats caught on a hot mic, caroline, were saying this is the way it's going to happen con an instantly. they're going to have to have a lot more security laid down around the place because of the he can e brother withs -- he can brothers -- hecklers and protesters. doesn't feel good for the race, for the white house. >> all of those clips demonstrate biden's not winning with the moderates, with the far-left flank, the rapid progress vivids that want --
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progressive, he's not winning with the old school democrats. he's really not winning at all partly because he's too the undo hereabout to really conduct himself as a president should. he's clearly mentally deteriorating to the point of no return. but he also, he's just, he's not winning on the issues. his national pitch is not very compelling to most americans who are simply if struggling with economic hardships and and now the border crisis is flooding into their communities. so, i mean, biden, it's just not winning. [laughter] elizabeth: yeah, and, you know, we have sound of him saying -- i think we have it later in the show, he's saying, yeah, people are, you know, anxious about how overturning the economy, words to that effect. we know consumer sentiment. university of michigan has jumped in the past two months. pretty good, decent read. survey by the fed bank of new york, america's inflation expectation are hitting a low. still inflation all in 17.3%, caroline. and you know what's interesting
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when you look at the factors behind it? it's the working class voter, the middle class voter, caroline, they see their electricity bills up 33w %, energy bills up 25, 30%. so that, when they see that president saying electrify the entire u.s. economy, get rid of oil and gas, it's hitting them. final word. >> yes. no, despite the biden administering's constant insistences that inflation's tempering and just give it time, bidenomics needs time to really kick in, nobody is buying that. elizabeth: yeah. how much time time to do we need? [laughter] caroline downey, you're terrific. thanks for joining us, it's good to see you. still ahead, senator ted cruz, california senate candidate steve garvey, americans for tax reform, he is grover norquist, legal eagle hans von spakovsky and aviation expert mike boyd. we're going to stay on this story, president biden did make another gaffe today saying, quote, everybody is getting a little worried about how he's
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fundamentally changing the u.s. economy. well, his polls continue to drop. and u.s. senators warn about systemic problems at boeing. we got a whistle blow or coming in on this too about problems, and we're seeing even more manes having problems. and new developments in trump's court battles, plus steve garvey's going to join us on how he wants to fix california and how he went after democrat adam schiff. again, senator ted cruz coming up on that senate border deal. stay right there. ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back, okay, let's get you upday-to-day on this story, boeing's ceo, dave calhoun, in a a round of meetings with lawmakers on capitol hill, as even more problems surface with boeing's airplane. haley vaughn has a -- hillary vaughn has a break in the news live from capitol hill. >> reporter: good evening, liz. calhoun was asked about this whistleblower report that claims the loose bolts was not a fault of the supplier of the part. instead, the report claims that boeing crews failed to reinstall the bolts during repair work, pointing the blame at boeing for the
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in-flight catastrophe. boeing ceo dave calhoun was asked about it, he says he has no comment and to talk to the ntsb, but that isn't going to work with lawmakers who are even more toured up about investing boeing. boeing's ceo said they don't put airplanes in the area -- air they are not so 0 -- is 00% confident in. mr. calhoun, how do you win customers back who say they're never going to get on a boeing mane because they don't feel safe? many calhoun, how do you get those customers back who say they're too scared to get on a boeing plane? you don't have any words of assurance for customers? >> we believe in our airplanes. we feel -- field safe airplanes, our people do. we have confidence in the safety of our airplanes, and that's what all of this is about. and we fully understand the gravity. >> reporter: but one of your planes fell apart in the sky. calhoun is continuing to meet face to face with
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senators, he met with senator mark warner, senator dan sullivan, he's expected to meet with senator ted cruz. lawmakers have been demanding an investigation into boeing in the aftermath of the mid-air blowout where a piece of the plane came off while airborne. the faa have actually moved in to boeing's 737 max factory and have boots on the ground there. the faa says they're moving on from a trust but verify approach with boeing to a direct inspection of boeing aircraft are. they say they have no plans to leave the factory until they're confident these issues have been resolved. liz? elizabeth: there's nothing like hillary vaughn with a stick mic getting the answers. hillary, you are intrepid. great reporting. aviation expert, mike boyd. mike, okay, your reaction to hillary's report. here's what's going on, a whistleblower in boeing's factory reportedly in washington said the problem with that
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alaska airlines flight was that it was improperly installed inside the factory. we're going to show the viewer, there the have been even more scary incidents with boeing planes. mike, you know, it's beyond the door blowing out. it's gotten to the point where people are literally checking the type of plane they're flying on before they buy tickets. the wheel of a tell that airplane just fell off before it took out of out of atlanta. >> let's be clear, what happened in atlanta is very different. that's a maintenance issue with the airplane and the operator, and they're dealing with it. what we have here is far more serious than that. mr. calhoun's response to the reporter in the hallway there, i think, was indicate i have of boeing really needing to get a good caterpillar d can 7 bulldozer and apply if it to the front office. we have a situation there, and that answer was not at all acceptable. the fact is are we safe? if i will get on an airplane as long as airline pilots' unions say that they're safe. i trust them. but when it comes to what boeing has done, they're getting deeper
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and deeper into the yogurt, and it's a good question. the public's going to start to ask questions. elizabeth: yeah. let's show the viewer again, if we haven't shown it, show the viewer the timeline of what is going on with boeing airplanes. we're going to show the viewer this information. it started with that alaska air flight, you know, a cockpit window cracked, antony blinken strand thed in europe, a critical failure of a boeing 737. you know, are you comforted by the fact that the fa a a vows it will have boots on the ground at boeing's factory until it feels comfortable its quality control systems are working? because the alaska airlines ceo is saying they found, quote, many loose bolts on their boeing max 9 planes. >> well, let's be real clear here, it's not right to put in blinken's travel problems. that doesn't address what we're doing here -- elizabeth: hang on a second. let me fix that. what happened with blinken's boeing plane was there was a systemic failure, a critical
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failure inside a plane where there was an oxygen leak on that boeing plane, that's why he was stranded in zurich. my question to you is, are you comforted by the faa a saying it's going to have boots on the ground, quality control inside the factory make sure they're doing it right? >> on the surface i am a. we have got to focus on just that, what is going on in that factory, because that's what we're dealing with. again, the faa has been remiss in this, to be very blunt, the fact that it happened at all. so the real issue here now is what are they going to do and what, what really can they do. but the fact of the matter is we have a manufacturing problem at boeing. and, again, as what the ceo said just now, calhoun, doesn't show me that they're doing much about a it. elizabeth: okay, mike, quickly, you're an expert in aviation with. i take it that you probably fly airplanes. are you checking the model of the plane before you buy a ticket? >> no, i'm checking the cockpit. if a pilot from allied pilots or apa or any of those other say it's safe to flierk i'm in the backseat buying a ticket.
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i'm not worried about that, because they're the ones that really are the last bastion of safety in america. elizabeth: okay. got it. mike boyd, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. we have americans for tax reform president grover norquist coming up. president biden making another weird mistake saying, quote, people are upset he's changing the economy. all you've got to do is ask working class voters about that at the grocery store. and we've got senator ted cruz on that senate border deal. we're hearing he doesn't like the senate deal at all. senator ted cruz, next. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom.
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elizabeth: well, we're excited to have back on the show from house -- excuse me, from senate judiciary, forgive me about that, senator ted cruz. senator, so we're hearing you don't like the senate border deal at all to get aid for ukraine and israel and the indo-pacific. why don't you like it? >> el, liz, great to be with you, thank you for having maine when i say i don't like it, let
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me point out, i haven't seen the text of the bill, and nobody else has. they're keeping it street secret. but what they're describing on the face of it is not going to solve the problem. we are facing an absolute crisis at our southern border, the worst illegal immigration in our nation's history. 9.6 million people have crossed illegally into the united states under suis biden. and from everything that's been described of this deal, it won't fix the problem. and even worse, this deal effectively normalizes 5,000 illegal aliens a day. that works out to over 1.8 million all legal aliens a year or about 6 million under the three years of joe biden. that is absolutely unacceptable. it is a humanitarian disaster, it is enriching mexican drug cartels by tens of billions of dollars, it is resulting in children being viciously assaulted. and i'll tell you also, liz, it is an enormous national security threat to the united states.
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elizabeth: so how can -- >> i believe the risk of a terrorist threat today has been greater than any since september 11th. elizabeth: that's what the fbi director testified to. how can they bully the american people over a bad senate border deal that keeps in place the status quo? because the white house keeps misleading, blaming congress saying it must act, senator, when biden opened up the border on his own with, like, a hundred executive actions just in his first 100 days. how is it that they can bully the american people and allow 42,000 criminal illegal aliens to come into the country, nearly 1300 terrorists at all ports of entry and in between? how can the senate democrat cans and the white house get away with this? >> look, that's exactly right. and the reason they're doing it, this is the outcome they want. understand, when joe biden came in to the white house, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. he inherited incredible success. under president trump we had great success securing the
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border, and joe biden deliberately, systematically broke the border and opened it up. there were three decisions that were made in the very first week of biden's presidency e that caused this crisis. in the first week he immediately halted construction of the border wall, he reinstated the disastrous policy of catch and release, and he if pulled out of the unbelievably successful remain in mexico international agreement. and instantaneously, within hours, we went from the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years to the worst rate of illegal immigration in our nation's history. because the reason is the cartels now know and the illegal immigrants now know that if you come, the biden administrations will let you go. i spent a lot of time on the southern border. i go out on midnight patrol with the border patrol agents. the illegal aliens affirmatively turn themselves in, and the reason the agents ask them where do you want to go, and they respond i want to be in new york, boston, chicago, i want to be in dallas: and what happens?
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if joe biden and his administration puts them on planes, puts them on buses, sends them to every city in america. and without exaggeration, joe biden is the largest human trafficker on the face of the planet because he is the final mile of the human trafficking network. elizabeth: you know, the cbo put out a new report under the biden white house 7.2 million illegal immigrants entered the u.s. in just three years. to what you're saying, it was an average of 900,000 a year from 2010-2019. now the cbo is saying it's going to exmode to 3.3 million this year -- explode. so what do you know that's in the deal besides them enshrining 5,000 illegal immigrants coming into the country a day? are they going to do more vetting? are they going to have more people checking who's coming into the country? we want legal immigration. the sienna if college poll, trump leads biden 42-39% among hispanic voters. >> yeah. elizabeth: so what else is in
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the deal? >> look, nobody knows, and there's a reason -- elizabeth: well, what are they talking about? but what are they talking about? >> there's a reason chuck schumer is keeping this secret, because if the american people knew, they would not be happy with it. the problem is senate republican leadership went in and said, all right, we gotta make a deal with schumer, so let's do what schumer wants. look, i agree with house republicans. they passed a bill called h.r. 2. it is a comprehensive border security bill with. they passed it. i've introduced the same bill, h.r. 2, in the senate. i think that's what we ought to do. now, chuck schumer said at the outset h.r. 2 is dead on arrival. he's not willing to consider it. why? because it actually would work. and he doesn't want to stop illegal immigration. he wants the $ -- 9.6 million immigrants we've seen to become 20 million and 30 million and 40 million. and i think that's an absolute disaster -- elizabeth: yeah, but we've got the tsa letting illegal immigrants on with no id. this is just a generation after
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9/11 when 19 hijackers, you know, killed people in new york city. and and elsewhere. >> that is exactly right. as you know, last month if i sent a letter to alejandro mayorkas demanding to know why the tsa is letting illegal immigrants go on planes without a driver the's license, without a passport. they come in and they tell the biden administration a name, we have no idea if that name is real or made up. many cases they can't figure out who the the -- who the person is, and yet the biden administrations is issuing them an alien id card that the tsa lets them get on a plane. you and i couldn't get on a plane with that with no biometrics. we know last year that 172 people on the terror watch list tried to cross illegally. a lot more than that did, but those were the ones that were apprehended, and i believe the biden administration is deliberately creating a scenario where we have an enormous risk that the next terrorist like september 11 isth will get on a plane using, essentially, a fake id issued by the biden
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administrations. if you or i have to show a secure photo id, if we need biometrics, well, you know what? illegal ail aliens should do. but the biden white house is not requiring that. elizabeth: senator, we're going to stay on this story. quickly, you're meeting with the ceo of boeing tomorrow. what do you want to ask him? >> listen, i intend to have a very candid conversation about what went wrong. what happened with the alaska airlines flight is deeply concerning. last week as the ranking member of the commerce committee i arranged for a briefing in the ntsb, national photographing safety board, and from the faa. the investigation is ongoing, so is we should not jump to conclusions in terms of what caused the accident, whether it was manufactured or quality control or service or something else. but it's clearly a problem. and, listen, boeing is a great american company. i want boeing to succeed. but we have an obligation to make sure that the flying public is safe and, obviously, this latest accident raises a lot of concerns. elizabeth: got it. senator cruz, thank you so much
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for joining us. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: okay. this other big story of the day, the labor union vote. this is news behind this. a record low 10% of american workers are union members. that's down again from 10.3 in 2021. the uaw steps it up for biden even after what car dealers are calling his disastrous electric car policies. edward lawrence live at the white house with the story. edward. >> reporter: yeah, liz. the united autoworkers are backing, endorsing president joe biden because the president says that he will fight for the unions. now, it's very interesting though, in the introduction the uaw president, shawn fein, he basically said twice, actually, that it's not about who you like. listen to this. >> today i want to the talk about the choice we likely face in the presidential election this year. i don't want to talk to you with about who you like, the latest headline or the democrats or the
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republicans. i want to talk about the track record. finish so that's a choice we face. it's not about who you like, it's not about your party, it's not this [bleep] about age. burglar and it's almost like he's trying to convince the rank and file to back biden. [applause] >> that's why the inflation reduction act because the other team not a single person support pd it, but i signed it into law. dramatically, there's a dramatic incentive for the big three and other auto companies to make it here, their future here in america with american jobs. >> reporter: so an electric car takes 40% fewer workers though to make, and that means less jobs if the president becomes, completes his forced transition to electric. now, other unions, teamsters, they waited to talk with form former president trump before deciding who to back.
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>> we think it's important that we meet with all candidates. we have a very diverse can membership, 1.3 million members, so we we owe it to our members to do our due diligence and make the recommendation what's in the best interests of teamster members nationwide. >> reporter: that meeting is is a week from today. the unions could decide, could sway this election depending on how many people come out. liz? elizabeth: got it. edward lawrence, always great reporting from you, my friend. it's good to see you. let's bring in from americans for tax reform, he's the president there, grover norquist. so, grover, your reaction to that report. you know, let me back up. the members of the national education e association, n if ea, they've -- nea, they've got members saying you've got to rescind endorsing biden over gaza. teamsters have still not come out for biden. what do you make of this story? >> well, the labor unions used to represent a third of workers in the private sector. that's down to 6%. union bosses used to tell workers what was going on in
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politics. they got their information filtered that way. they don't know. and -- now. and so with the unions not telling workers what they're supposed to think, they're able to actually make their own decision, they're mote voting more republican. elizabeth: okay, listen to this. we want you to react to this sound because president biden admitted today that, yes, voters are anxious over what he's doing to the u.s. economy. then you're going to hear cnn's van jones on jobs for black voters. watch this. >> we're fundamentally changing the economy of this country. and even's getting a little worried about it. >> people keep telling me, well, you've got great employment numbers in the black community and aren't you happy, and i'm like, yeah, but they're crap e by jobs. how do people feel is going to be a lot different than what the numbers are. elizabeth: so the president says, yeah, people are worried about what he's doing to the economy. then you have van jones saying, quote, they're crappy jobs for black workers. the u.s. manufacturing sector has been in contraction for 14 straight months.
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biden has only created a little more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs. when you have a strong industrial economy, that powers even more jobs in services and more. but this manufacturing sector is getting cratered under biden. he's creating 50,000 government jobs a month. what do you make of what a you just heard? >> they're both true. people are scared that a bind is changing the economy -- biden is changing the economy with inflation, with more taxes and more regulations, slowing down the real economy, and people are frightened by that. they should be. it's dangerous. and the jobs that are being created are crappy. they're both right. elizabeth: got it. grover norquist, thank thanks for joining us, it's good to see you. coming up, former legal eagle hans von spa koh sky, he's very senator, pressure is growing on fani willis to step down from georgia's 2020 case. big hearing is tomorrow for d.a. willis. that's coming up. but first, my friends dagen and sean, they've got a hot show, "the bottom line, "coming up.
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sean: hey, ex--mac, it's burning hot. we have tudor dixon live on set. dagen: yeah. and the i'm with her t-shirts, nikki haley can recycle some of those. something to say about old haley from down in south carolina. steve moore on the less new anti-energy, anti-youth policy suing local gas stations. and then mike rowe on americans losing faith in the value of college as they damn well should. top of the hour.ess. ♪ i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back. okay, pressure is mounting on fulton county 2k678 a. fani willis to step down from the georgia trump 2020 says. now "the new york times" ran out an op-ed on that. fox news' steve harrigan has more from atlanta. steve. >> reporter: elizabeth, court documents show that the prosecutor in this case, nathan wade, spent more than $6,000 on travel in two months in 2022. that's when he was prosecutor working for the district attorney fani willis. at least two of those trips wade purchased plane tickets for himself and willis to travel to san francisco and miami. new concerns being raised now over possible ties with the white house between the prosecutors and the white house
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counsel. some of the defense attorneys want more information about that. there'll be a hearing to look at that issue tomorrow. and this steady drip, drip, drip of scandal each day has really angered a lot of average citizens here in georgia, and that anger came out at a fulton county meeting earlier today. >> i'm disgusted at the information that is coming out of the district attorney's office as a taxpayer. i am done with most of your silence at the department a.'s apparent if love affair with the special prosecutor and gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars to pursue what appears to be a frivolous lawsuit based off partisan politics. >> reporter: as for nathan wade, he'll be back in court once again next week for his divorce proceedings. he's likely to be grilled on the details of his relationship with his boss, fani willis. elizabeth, back to you. elizabeth: steve harrigan, thank you so much. joining us now, former doj attorney hans von spakovsky. your take on that report, because here is what's going on.
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former president trump is saying basically there was, that fani willis' team met at the biden white house before she brought the indictment. house judiciary chair jim jordan is saying that the january 6th committee helped fani willis, you know, on the trump case, and then we hear17 encrypted final files -- 117 encrypted files were deleted by the january 6th committee. we don't know if she got those files. and then she's getting luxury trips with her boyfriend, allegedly, to go around the world after he hired him on the trump 2020 case. what's to your take on all of this? >> well, look, it's important to understand that she may have violated federal law. he got no approval from the county commission to hire her boyfriend as a special prosecutor. that's required by state law. and at the time that she's paying him with taxpayer money, he's buying luxury tickets for himself and her. that raises the issue of a
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vendor of the county giving kickbacks. that's a potential violation of federal law, the honest services fraud statute. this is very, very serious. and the fact that there was no approval to even hire him as a special prosecutor throws into question the legit massey of -- he mitt -- legitimacy of the dire grand jury and indictment. this is not insubstantial, this is a real problem for fani willis and the entire prosecution. elizabeth: it's a rico case. >> yeah. elizabeth: and it's taken years to bring this case. so we don't know if they were charging it up behind the scenes against the u.s. taxpayer and the state taxpayer because jim jordan is saying that -- her office got millions of dollars in federal grant money. and then, you know, he -- nathan wade reportedly getting paid much more than other prosecutor- >> right. elizabeth: -- on the case. manager like $654,000 in salary. one report said it's up to a million, he's getting paid more than the prosecutors. and then they're going on luxury
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travel. is this -- should they just step down? what's going to happen with this case? >> well, remember, the judge presiding over this indictment and this prosecution has scheduled a hearing for mid february about these charges to fani willis. if she doesn't ten down -- step down, i don't think he's got any choice other than to recuse her from the if case. elizabeth: okay. quickly, i want to get this news in. new york state attorney general letitia james is saying in a court filing former president trump should be banned for life from the real estate industry. and what do you make of this? this is the civil fraud case against trump. banned for life based on what? >> you know, that shows her vindictiveness. i don't think she has any grounds for that. i didn't think she had any grounds for even bringing this case. and in the filing that she made with the court -- [laughter] she tried to justify it with some federal cases that had nothing to do with this state case. elizabeth: okay, got it. we know the case is about
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allegationings of inflated assets -- allegations of inflated assets. hans von spakovsky, good to see you. and coming up, california republican senate candidate, there he is, one and only baseball legend steve garvey. we're going to ask him why he's running for the senate in california and how he wants to fix the golden state. also we're going to ask is him about his fiery debate moment where he called out democrat representative adam schiff. steve garvey next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: we're happy to have on the show california republican senate candidate, baseball legend, steve garvey, thank you so much for coming on the show. so good to see you. let's get at it. you -- >> first, thank you so much, appreciate it. elizabeth: you are running for senate in california, why do you want to run. >> i had this wonderful 50 year love affair with california, playing great game of baseball, every night with 30 thousand people, who criticize my job, but showing them, how the game should be played. my dedication to the fans, and i said, in the beginning of this race, i never took the field for democrats, republicans, independents,
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conservatives, but i played for all of the fans, now i'm running for all of the people, that is very unique and my opponents cannot say that. elizabeth: there is a crime crisis, border crisis and housing crisis, how do you fix that. >> our career politicians created this, policies that are quicksand for the people of california, or hard working citizens and america, i'll go back and be pragmatic, i have common sense and compassion, a consensus builder, i have built teams throughout my life, championship teams, i know how to work with people, a year from now i will be next elected u.s. senator from california. as senator cruz said before, straight forward people like that talk. elizabeth: looking at this debate moment with adam schiff, you called him out for misleading america. >> i think you have censured for lying. >> you lied to 300 million
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people, you can't take it back. >> i was just called a liar by mr. garvey. >> i was censured for standing up to a corrupt president, i would do it all over again. elizabeth: steve, he was censured for lying to the american people, not for standing up. >> when the elected officials, talk down to us, and they talk to us, they are essentially misleading us, we understand, that we realize the difference between what is real and unreal, when i'm provoked i will defend myself, my family and my country, i was provoked at that moment, out of character for steve garvey, no someone that people mistake kindness for weakness, i stood up for gad good -- good values, common sense, we the people, 300
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million people know that. elizabeth: republicans have not won a s statewide office in california i think since 2006, three democrats on that debate stage, they are attacking you for voting for trump, and your criticisms president biden. what would you say to them now. >> well, i would say, this is typical, they are trying to paint me into a corner, maga and anti-abortion. but i think what is important, and i am pragmatic, i stand up for the people, important thing is when we talk and i talk to the people straight forward on the journey i'm i'm on now, i ask about their lives for 20 minutes they tell me about the struggle getting up in morning and figuring out what they can eat that week and buying $10 of gas, instead of the whole week, we the people are going back
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to the senate, with me leading them, and ever day i'll go to bat for them, so we turn this country back to sensibility and making progress toward being a country, people who watching in the world, they are looking at our weaknesses, when you implode from within, they see the opportunity to attack. i much to restrengthen us from instead out and bring us together collectively and make this country as they have said, not a country that can be looked down at, but looked up to, we're the torch bearers of democracy for the world. elizabeth: steve garvey thank you. >> thank you. >> tomorrow we will continue with the news for you. thank you for watching, now time to turn it over to my buddies dagen and sean, they have a hot show on "the bottom line." dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sur


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