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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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all right president trump huge win in new hampshire last night, he is looking unstoppable. the thought that nikki haley can't come to terms with. we have joe concha, mark simone and breitbart's on set. talk about the whole story. then wall street er, dan clifton will tell us the trump stocks and art laffer and i will i i can be . >> in the show illegal higmigrant getting on airplanes and everything el without an i.d., we talk with steve hilton.
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a few thoughts first. the reality is president donald trump had a huge victory last night in new hampshire in a vote stacked by democrats and liberal independents, mr. trump garnered 54%, and defeated secondsecond place haley by 11 percentage points and he won highest number of votes anyone has won in a new hampshire pry player. republican or democrat. and he scent the iowa caucus -- swept iowa caucus. and very rare anyone taking both iowa and new hampshire in presidential race. now trump knows he must unify the g.o.p. in fact, he has pulled in candidates like vivek ramaswamy, and senator tim scott, governor ron desantis and doug burgum, they barnstormed with him in
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new hampshire, but nikki haley is till in the race, despite her big time losses, okay. fine. that is her choice. she will get clobbered in south carolina. her home state, i respect her decision to keep running. however. her performance last night will not do her any good. she rushed to the microphone early during the vote count and then gave a speech that actually suggested she was the winner. that was nonsense. she lost by 11 points, trump got 54% of the vote, she had 43% that is a defeat. that was her message? she wants trump to take a mental competency test. >> really, she has no other narrative other than cheap shots at trump? and president trump who is accustomed had this to say. >> i felt i should do this
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because, i find in life you can't let people get away with [bleep] okay. you can't. you can't do that i said what is she doing work we won. she did the same thing, last week. larry: of course, he is a major league fighter. and i think he would probably prefer to be more gracious as he was with he welcomed desantis and vivek and tim scott into the fold, but he because not like phonies or cheap shots, i think that is all nikki haley has, that is her narrative, mr. trump in his fighting mood did a great job raft night, punching out president biden. >> they must hate our country. because there is no other reason that they can be doing the things they do. take a look. the taxes they want to raise your taxes times 4. they want to let the trump tax cuts biggest tax cuts in
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ri history, they want them to expire, your taxes will go threw the roof, and regulations, y you can't breathe with what doing. >> former president's strength, cutting taxes keeping dollar and digging for liquid gold. number one issue in new hampshire just like iowa, is the illegal immigration problem comes from the southern border, but also from the northern border as well. you can see that 41%, even more than the economy, and according to fox news voter analysis, among republican voters in new hampshire who say immigration of top issue, 73% vote for trump, haley hardly ever mentions the open border or tax cuts or deregulation or never
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mentions opening sp spigot for fossil fuels, she is running a negative campaign against mr. trump and it will fail, mr. trump will focus on joe biden, big tent embrace that says successful policies on the economy. and the border, and foreign affairs, will unify the entire country. already, his issues oriented campaign af attract the record supports among groups like hispanics, african-american and asian-americans, as for haley, before polls closed mr. trump said, she can do whatever she wants. it doesn't matter. >> that a boy. spot on. that is my riff, for more. let us bring in mark simone and great joe concha.
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and fox news contributor, and making her debut. emma jomorris. we'll start with you. what happened last night? what happened last night, to nikki haley? what happened to donald trump? read me your take, please. >> sure, you know nikki haley he called her b bird brain, i love, that not able to put her arms around what is going on, she has mass donors. you can linked in founder, that is why you said, she cannot talk about open borders. that is not the issues that her spring pullers want to talk about, she lives in a delusion she has a chance. and you know, today of
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charlie gasperino said that donors are looking at her more closely and reconsidering some of that, reid hoffman, linked in founder, he is out. we'll see how long to the last, i don't know that she sticks into south carolina. larry: interesting point. the thing about politicians, i love. i have to give credit to roman doravi who said it on the show. politicians say no until they say yes. that say good point. mark simone, did donald trump win last night? or were there any glitches? or wase there too harsh in his open speech, he changed because nikki haley got under his skin a little bit. >> he was fine, she really
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made a mess out of this this is one states she had a huge advantage, 70% of her votes were nonrepublicans, she had the consolidation she said she needed. it was all her, she is terrible at reading the room, all week talking about being a brown girl growing up, it not an issue in new hampshire. one place where it is not. she went after trump for being too big a spender, she spent 30 million in new hampshire. >> didn't she spend the biggest. les. >> a record. larry: she said trump is not mentally fit, i think that is joe biden, she is mixing it up. is she that got under his skin. >> she better pray may down do iq tests, trump would win that too by double digits. she has' role to play, wasting as much donor money as possible, let her do that for a couple of weeks. if she south before march 3 this is longest general election, i don't know what we'll do for all these
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months. larry: talk about. i'll t talk about the stock market, we'll be a business show for a change, joe concha how did trump do last night? >> i look at numbers, take the noise and opinions out. no candidate has won both iowa and new hampshire since 1976, that isal mi almost 50. larry: it carter. >> ford. larry: ford took both, i am impressed. >> a football player. trump beating nikki haley by 32 points in desantis by 30 in iowa, i look at other cable news network saying it was not a good night for trump, like criticizing secreta. trump vanquished ron desantis he dropped out after iowa, he had a good night. that he wins by double digit in new hampshire, you have hear how it was a great
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night are in mik nikki haley anyone here can show me one state she could win, you would think that is south carolina. she doesn't have endorsement of the governor there, mr. tim scott or lindsey graham or congress people. if she is down by 40 points there like polls show, you tell me what the path is. there is no path. other networks and other publications seem to be propping her up, maybe they want the clicks and ratings to continue. larry: old friend of mine, prominent member of congress, himself a presidential candidate. high called high yesterday afternoon, he is not a big trump, not a never-trumper but not a big supporter, we were talking he said, nikki haley's narrative is simply to beat up bash trump that assault she has. not about issues, that is
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why you will lose. people are concerned, let put up on the chart. we have a couple things -- excuse me. right back. people who trump strengths, we run, that no college degrees 64%. conservative 81%. rural caucus-goers 57. the base of the base, here is an up rich interesting, one total change in how u.s. is run, i call this drain the swamp. and i think that is subtle, under ground issue that h resonates. total change, trump way, and haley 15. -- one more financial situation, getting ahead 14%, holding steady, not getting anywhere, treading water, and falling behind 27%. this is still, i don't care now the gdp was last quarter
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this is stal still a problem. this could be my favorite one. u.s.-mexican border wall. look at 61% favor, somewhat 18, that is 79%. 5 o favor a wall, you never hear haley talk about a wall. emma jo, i would say gives a good read on trump, and it shows how well trump is doing. >> first. the thing that is most salient is that it is -- spells death of the anti-trump movement. it is over. it sophie, over, look at those numbers. aside -- that said, joe is right, the numbers show, this every poll.
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larry: you called him a jiepious. genius. >> what i said, just she has no path it is over. she is just hitting the brakes, pumping brakes on proper consolidation around trump and gearing fire toward joe biden, she is the best campaign surrogate for joe biden. larry: mark, how is joe biden. he did win write in vote, he had 60%. >> 62. larry: and guy from minnesota, steve philips had 18. >> the former mets gm, dan phillips. larry: i have to take a mental competency test. how on joe biden. >> a disaster, jimmy carter is only real fan he has, he took title away of worst president, he is a disaster, he is handing don
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donald trump this election by throwing border wide open. the worst disaster ever for democrats. >> biden still will not make a deal to close the border. you mentioned jimmy carter, at the prosperity caucus dinner last night, or a couple nights ago, liz peek said jimmy carter can run rings around joe biden. >> the donors throw a victory party, no matter how many times she loses, don't be surprised if she goes are for the no labels ticket. larry: really. >> she will wreck her political career. >> pretty much all the way there now. i don't think she has much of a future in politics. larry: joe, trump's speech in iowa was more gracious,
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gentler, welcoming open, really people said it was a new trump. unifying the g.o.p. trying to unify the country. through good policies, successful policies. donedfnghdidn't hear it last night, he was annoyed with nikki haley, is unity idea something that he should continue? do you think? it will-him? >> no. not really. i i don't think that people crave c unity at-this-point. i hate to say, he has to stick to 4 basic issues. inflation is huge, border is huge, and crime in american cities driving pee people out that is huge. and foreign policy, houthis are still using our ships for target practices in the
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red sea, and world seem its was on fire it was more stable when trump was here, he drives that home that is how you win. i think for nikki haley, she will still endorse trump when she dropped out. larry: emma jo. last night, trump was punching out haley, and punching out biden. i have to tell you, i kind of liked it. [ laughter ] >> me too. larry: i don't want to be a nice by guy. >> you turn on legacy video, they are clutching their pearls and they are appalled. because, they are the leaders of unity here. of course,. but -- >> unity. >> i'm joking. he is h h hilarious. >> drain the swamp, close the border, sense the illegals home, i want him to be unity, but not 100%.
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you know what i mean, i was trump to be trump. >> compared to biden, he has unity he is dale carnegie. >> because biden is mean and nasty. >> no body has been so divisive, most ungracious speeches ever were biden. larry: terrific stuff. trump is in tact. >> yes. >> yes. >> g.o.p. nominee. >> pres pres presumptive. >> first person to win new hampshire 3 times. >> emma jo more morris probreitbart. >> we're a business show. we're a business show, we have dan clifton to tell us what the trump stocks will be. >> then my pal art laffer, he will i talk about
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that. you can get us ou at 4 on fox business. you will never miss a trump punch out that we love. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. people are excited about what ai will do for them. we're excited about what ai will do for business. meet the watsonx assistants,
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larry: president biden gets uaw 's endorsement today. not a big surprise. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house with all of it, edward good afternoon. reporter: good afternoon, president accepting that endorsement here in washington d.c., president biden says he is most pro-union president, then today he made claims about jobs related to former president. >> i'm tired about jobs going overseas, having product shipped -- look. during the trump administration a lot of administration before that, corporate america found the cheapest labor in world, they sense the jobs to those labors, and product back to us. but not any more. reporter: the fact is that president's force transition to look means union auto
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workers could lose jobs, electric cars take 40% fewer workers to make, and president ceo of job creator network say the in a statement, union members are recognizing that biden's carefully honed union rhetoric is at odds with his green energy agenda that threatened their paycheck. that is the issue, union bosses may endorse buts rank and file may not follow in voting booth because of the policies. >> people are not enthusiastic about joe biden. and the other pieces that clear contrast in past we were talking theoretically about what progressives would do if they were in charge, now we had 3 years of this, and contrast with how people's lives were under trump, and how they are now, could not be more clear.. reporter: so, the teamsters have not yet endorsed, a week from today former president trump will meet with that union. >> president biden has done great work on behalf of the unions, he has done well fixing the pensions, at the
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end of the day, what we've done in the past does not guarantee the future, we have a diverse maybe. our members vote. reporter: both presidents courts that union vote. larry: thank you, i want to say this charge that trump promoted workers going overseas, that is a flat out lie. plout lie, we first put trade restriction and our t tax policy encouraged companies to come back home. third, we had a boom in real wages, just saying, they are actual factoids, edward lawrence thank you. let's look now, this is interesting stock market take. there is trump stocks, and there are biden stocks. according to our great friend dan clifton, the washington head policy and
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we have art laffer former reagan economist presidential medal of freedom recipient. so idea here is dan clifton welcome back. you have some great stocks. >> great to be here. larry: great sectors and art will i can kibbitz about them, leung at looking at trump basket of stocks immigration and fossil fuel and energy. improved under trump, stronger defense spending and financials, i think you are saying less regulation, walk through briefly what some of these are. >> first thank you very having me back, an exciting election, president is making it clear he will get u.s. border under control. you know, he could do that by executive order on first day. there will be companies that will have a change in the
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t trajectory of their earnings with greater border enforcement. that is equipment that border patrol agents are equipped work motorola and prisons. making sure people are not going to interior. from immigration enforcement it is immediate, second on energy. less about production, we're producing a lot of oil right now, trump will drill, but we need to figure out how we'll distribute that, pipelines will be a key part and all of the above approach, more coal more natural gas, and those will be winners on energy front. >> hang on -- i want to take the first two, arthur i kibbitz on that, immigration enforcement and energy, drdrill, baby, drill. >> they are two areas they
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will be favored by trump, i think larry, looking at whole package, you will see a very strong bull market under trump, it may not start the day he is elected but once you get the policies back in place, where tax cuts and pro growth it will be a reagan-like and kennedy-like stock market really strong, only a few industries will fall back. it will be overall strag, and deni -- dan i am sure is correct on stocks, i will look at whole market and say wow. a perfect time to be fully invested. larry: dan, let's speculate. trdrill, baby, drill he can do that through executive order. and immigration as well. but building that wall, he will fight for that. taxes is one that worries me. because if the house goes democrat, or senate stays
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democrat, they will obstruct and you know good tax cuts or tax reform or extending the trump tax cuts. >> absolutely, we have a couple catalysts next year, president will walk into. that is one that debt ceiling has to be raised in middle of year and all of tax cut on individuals expiring, if you have government control by republicans like they that many of those tax cuts will be extended. particularly estate tax, and top marginal tax rate, if democrats win they will try to raise taxes on corporation to fund middle class tax cuts and take away top income tax rate, and use that to finance those tax cuts. who is in congress matters, what is interesting to art's point, market is already figuring out that republicans are probably having control of senate with joe manchin a seat coming up, i have a 50/50 senate that would limit down
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side of a more proes from of progressive government moving forward. -- there is a pig challenge bigging which challenge in the house. >> art laffer, last 30 seconds. right now, how d do you look at stock market between now and the election? >> i am buying just as you can -- buying into stock market. in aggregate the stocks that i believe will be bull market, high cat, they will do well. they will be ones that do really well here as well. and i think we have a period of prosperity, but buying in on a schedule basis to increase my portfolio, by
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the time trump wins i will be fully invested. larry: art laffer and dan clifton thank you. >> everyone bombing everyone else in middle east, terrible. it looks like united states is clueless, we'll talk about it with kash patel and general keith kellogg, steve hilton is ahead, stick with kudlow, plenty to do.
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larry: welcome back. let's check in with latest in fani willis fiasco in georgia, steve harrigan with the latest. reporter: good afternoon. another hearing tomorrow, this time about meetings between white house and prosecutors here, we'll have defense attorneys want to know what went on in the meets between two sides. anger among georgians continues to grow.
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>> i'm disgusts at information that coming out of district attorney office as a tax payers. i am done with most of your silence at da's love affair with the special prosecutor and gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollar in what appears to be a frivolous lawsuit based off partisan politics. >> chief prosecutor wade will be in court next week for his divorce proceedings, likely to be asked quite a bit about his wea relationship with his, d.a. fani willis. larry: all right. thank you, steve. >> turning to foreign policy. you know it looks to me, i'm a naive wa guy, but it looks to me that middle east everyone is bombing everyone else, under joe biden's watch, i don't know if he weres what to do about -- if he knows what to do about it joining us new general keith
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kellogg and kash patel. kash, we were talking last weekend, everyone is bombing everyone else, does not seem to bother people, but it bothers me, iran and bombing pakistan and pakistan is bombing iran, and houthis bombingu u.s., and iran is bombing iraq and israel hamas war continues, it weird, we have sound i guess, that biden administration acknowledges this but they don't do anything about it. >> it is great to be with you, you are right, general may agree. when you have so many people being bombed, you have innocent civilian lives lost at expense of hands of
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terrorist, that is being funny by joe biden who -- being funded by joe biden who gave arraign 6 million dollars. they are dictating to us, what to do on national stage. and everyone like pakistan and iran are bombing each other and we're losing innocent civilians and children, where are they getting the armaments the munitions, they are getting it from -- and namely the number one state sponsor of terror iran, because joe biden treats them not hike . >> to general kellogg, you know, john kirby and bidens as think that iran is culprit. but they don't do anything about dthey avoid iran, to me the war is escalating of
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day because of this. >> yes, thank you, layer egood to be with you and kash, this administration is normalized everything that is happening in the middle east, it is okay to attack u.s. facilities in personnel in middle east, it is okay for the houthis to attack u.s. shipping in the red sea. it is okay for allies like italy and spain and france not to join prosperity guardian protect shipping the red sea, they have gone their own way, it okay for china to broker a t deal between iran and saudi arabia this is the whole problem, they ignored it and walked past the graveyard, the problem, they will have to come up with a solution, comprehensive plan to address the middle east and as kash patel said, they have to figure out how to handle it with iran, iran is the state sponsor, of
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terrorism, we know it, administration does not want to recognize it, they just did, with yemen and houthis, we were in administration, we declared houthis to be an fto, foreign terrorist organization, that' want to top tier, they were a specially designated terrorist group, a step under. that just what they are doing, until they come up with a comprehensive plan, on how to address iran, and conflict in the region, you will see this. the problem biggest concern, will be one big mistake, if they attack a u.s. ship or kill american servicemen they have a problem, and what are we doing to do. larry: you are right, kash, i believe, i will give you last word, i believe that biden group still thinks they can make a deal, a
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nuclear deal with iran, and you know, iran will come to their senses and be integrated into the middle east middle east, that dumb idea started with o obama and running through biden administration and i think that their view. >> you are right. look, we in donald trump administration in general -- terrorists as terrorists, when you remove sanctions and authority of united states terrorists get money they get arms they bomb us, two u.s. navy sailors are dead in red sea. that is not how you defend a nation. and on top of that, you have to take out the number one enemy in the world, which circirc-- is iran, he said that houthis can decide when they stop the bombings 79 credible. >> all right, we'll be see you more on this topic.
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not going away, kash patel and general kellogg, house republicans released a transcript of their interview with hunter biden sugary brother, kevin morris. david st spunt . >> kevin morris, hunter biden friend since 2019, admitted to holding a 10% stake in chinese equity firm, morris met with republicans and democrats last week answered questions for some 6 hours, voluntarily, behind closed-doors, he acquired shares with bh.r. after purchasing another crump this hunter biden was involved in but get out of. he came back and said, he did no because it was a good investment. ash corpsing to transcript morris loaned hunter biden over 4 million dollars, they met in 2019, but have become
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close friends, a large chunk of that money to hunter's taxes, kevin morris saying with respect to loans i am confident that hunter biden will repay, i do not have expectations of receiving any from hunter biden's father or the biden administration from helping hunter. my only goal was and is to help my friend and client. hunter biden is fighting federal tax charges 9 in california. 3 are felonies, his taxes were paid back with help from morris. the trial is scheduled to take place in los angeles on june 20. >> all right sugar daddy, terrific stuff. >> let's talk more about sugar daddies in race.
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we have donald trump with a great night. let's bring in steve hilton. steve, i think that nikki haley may be running out of her sugar daddies, hunter biden won't. he has his sugar d daddy, nikki haley is losing big, but she is kind of saying bad stuff wri wrecking trump, what do you make of this. >> she still has some. every day she is in this, she is helping joe biden. doing harm to her long-term representation. there are still people urging her to stay in the race. let's engage in good faith with argument of those good people, including "wall street journal" -- page, they urge nikki haley to stay, and they say, nikki haley could be a better candidate because she brings in more independents. donald trump is doing better
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among independents than in 2016, when he won, and it true nikki haley can bring in independents but she will lose massively. the party is hostile to nikki haley if she by some miracle became the candidate, you will have a bunch of republicans either staying home or voting for rfk . the arguments for nikki haley don't stack up. even those who say what in something were to happen with trump. the cases are just helping him, but then, there no reason for her to day in and attack trump if party needed to find another candidate. they dock, that she should get out of the race. every day she is in it she is helping joe biden. and hurting the republican party. larry: yeah, you know, steve hilton, agree. not the "wall street journal," i agree with you. you are spot on. i am sorry we're short on
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time, we hope to see you some more soon. thank you steve. >> great to see. >> coming up be be. >> she will be here in a success stay with us. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good.
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sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. larry: great friend betsy mccaughey writing in "new york post." dems letting migrants fly without i.d. they are playing russian roulette with our safety, betsy mccaughey "new york post" columnist. great to see you. so no i.d. for illegal migrants and -- >> no photo i.d. that is the key, they could claim to be someone, in airport tsa signs say if you are a migrant, number one. and you want to get on the plane, you don't have a photo i.d., tell the tsa supervisor, if you don't want your photo taken, you can decline and still get on the plane, you and i know if
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we arrive the at the airport without a i.d., good luck ever getting on the plane. but mieg migrants get an easy pass, migrant lobby is getting favored over americans and their safety. larry: does anyone remember 9/11. >> they should. larry: serious question. >> an ease pass. who knows what they will do what they get on a plain. there is a ter terrorists list. >> millions of migrants coming across border most want economy opportunity but there are among them some with sinister motives, from a hundred different countries, main that are hohostile to us, we have to know who they are in 9/11, one worst days in american history, 9/11 commission said, we must reform the driver license system in this country because a majority of the terrorists the hijackers,
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were illegals, who got on the planes because they got state driver licenses, and states with flimsy requirements. larry: right, that is it. this could be a replay, what will stop this from happening again, why -- >> call your congressman, 16 years ago we passed a law to fix it illinois and new york among worst, they removed every distinction between driver license we have and an illegal has, they don't want -- they said to stig stigtize them next step will be allowed to vote illegally. >> what do you think new york city is doing. >> betsy mccaughey, the best of the best, startest of the smart, i'll be p back with my last word. >> you are a friend. larry: you bet.
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