tv Kudlow FOX Business January 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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above the long term average and we are still trading at 10 year yield and it's well below the long term average and about five and three quarter percent and that's a concern, higher rates do tend to mute the growth potential. liz: bob, about 15 seconds to go before the closing bell rings and i want to thank you. bob sate says let your winners run. it is a record for the dow jones industrials. the second straight all time high, the s&p looking to come up short by just a few points. that'll snap the up streak about 500 and the lineup and ceo rich gelfand and sofi ceo anthony nodo and two majors in their industry. that's it for us. kudlow is next. larry: hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow and i'm larry kudlow and republican gloverrers and president trump rallying behind texas. the texas national guard in the fight to secure the border. border talks on the hill looks dead to maine we're going to hear from fox reporter griff jenkins in just a moment and senator eric schmidt going to come by and talks about it and as it turns out, there's a bad story and break news this afternoon, relief worker haves been helping hamas all along for this perspective and and the fence and president biden is clueless with the great newt gingrich and speaking of clueless, nikki haley sis trump doesn't have a border plan. where does she get that? steve hurt. steve forbes. and charlie hurt will weigh in on all that. later in the show, former energy sec secretary talking about biden's terrible decision to
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kill the lng energy, which is so important to our national security and oh, by the way my riff will argue that joe biden's gdp depends on government spending deficits and debt. that is the wrong way to grow the economy. but first up, let's go right to fox news griff jenkins for the latest on this border story. i love this story, griff jenkins. >> yeah, good afternoon, larry. who knew, don't mess with texas is apparently more than just a slogan because that lone star state is still defying this friday deadline and leading into the afternoon and deadline with a letter, larry, that's sent to details to the attorney general ken paxton of texas and requiring going with the area of eagle pass and going to remove razor wire and keyboarder crossings and paxton says he has
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no plans to comply any time soon. here's some of what he says. listen here. system of articulation putting it up and walking the boarder and keep doing everything that we need to protect our state. >> in the wake of the scotus ruling 5-4 and feds can cut it and of course and provide for self-defense in the case of invasion and we'll see ultimately for the 6 million and biden took over in 2021 and the senior official going with a few hours ago and it's all playing out in court and the relationship and texas dps and national guard with eagle pass and looking at images and remains strong and said this to me and bottom line and there's no plans to remove them like this infrastructure and he said
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so tensions no doubt are running high. it's per happen as good sign, larry, that you have the agents and officials on the ground. still working together and enjoying state and federal partnership and don't want to have any confrontation and there's no doubt from a legal standpoint and that's why you're looking at it on our screen, larry, most of september and most of october in eagle pass and i spent much of the part of the year and it's all new arrivals and texas governor abbott is holding the line as they say on trying to defend his border there. larry. larry: some story, griff. for more, join me on this and also former missouri attorney general and senate schmidt welcome back and the supreme
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court and razor wire is coming down and now there's a second debate about what constitutes an invasion and help me out on this as a senator and also as a former ag who is a legal beagle. >> first thing i want to say is the free state of missouri stands with texas and this is texas is well within their rights since putting up the razor wire. they were lifting the injunction that prohibited border patrol from cutting down the razor wire and technically if they wanted to, they could go and cut down the existing razor wire and prevents texas to enforce the laws and more razor wire and by the way i should point out on a week like this and pointing out what a waste of resource it is may be to enforce our border wall and on the armed services committee there was a hearing in
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week and joe biden spent -- last year spending $140,000 a day to not construct the wall and materials that had been purchased and then sold off and one example, larry, over $4 million worth of materials for just $100,000 and so this is part and parcel of joe biden's complete abandonment of our southern boarder and i applaud texas for standing and you happen trying to secure the boarder and we have a porus open border and streaming and look, texas is well within their rights to continue to defend their boarder and supreme courts and protecting the razor while and if they choose to. we'll see what happens. larry: griff jenkins and more on the boarder and the border agents are not going to try to cut down any of this wire and they're going to work to have great relationship withs the texas national guard and let me
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just give you a quick quote from governor kristi noem about this in south dakota so. >> this is us standing united and the 13 original colonies would have never signed the constitution or ratify it had if they didn't have the protections to defend themselveses. i'm so proud of what texas is doing to defend itself. we'll do everything we can and make sure this invasion stops. larry: really, this is governor noem. these states and all the states have a right to protect their citizens and many people including former president trump is called this an invasion and does that hold legal water in your judgment. >> the states still need to get to the issue and going back to the supreme court and that was on a temporary basis and still going to have a trial on the merits of these important issues and from a legal perspective and
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this is going to continue on and this is important and all the sudden they could cut down the razor wire if they wanted to and sounds like law enforcement is pretty united here and they believe they should enforce the law of the land and you have a president and chief executive and ex-cuting here and the states did come together to give the federal government some limited powers. that's what our constitution is about. one of them happens to be providing for the national defense to secure our southern boarder and what happens when you have a president that's completely abandon that had issue and that duty and that promise for the american people and will you see that playing out now? it's been a total disaster from day one for this administration from the southern boarder and playing out and it's a consequence of where you have open boarders and crowds and get
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these problems and i support texas in what they're doing and this case will continue to play out and then back to washington. larry: going to washington and president joe biden says it's okay to have five thousand illegals a day in this country. give them all a green card and give them all work permits and they can fly an airplane without id cards and next thing they'll be voting and apparently that deal is dead in the water. >> i hope so, larry. i think republicans, you know, who in good faith were trying to talk to some folks about this. they're cop together realization this administration has no desire whatsoever to actually secure the southern boarder and do a tale of the tape here and on day one they limited remain in mexico and ag kept it in place for awhile and ultimately went away and very effective tool at making mexico the
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waiting room and real projects are operation talon and meant to expel from previous convicted violent offenders and that's something that indicts us and they reverse the policy on the border wall and $140,000 not to construct the border wall and the role the president has and these are supposed to be individualized adjudications for people making the case and not mass illegal immigration and not categorical entries because you're from a certain classification or country and that's accounted for millions of people. we have over 9 million people here legally and the plan lies solely on joe biden's feet and can secure the border today with the existing today and president trump did it with existing law and joe biden doesn't want to enforce the law and when trump gets back in office, he doesn't
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need policy changes and he'll secure the southern boarder and unfortunately the democrats are now trying to place blame and some on president trump and republican when they're not serious this is correct the parties of open borders and sort of lead to a pathway to amnesty. larry: thank you, see you soon. >> take care, larry. larry: 3% gdp growth rate reported yesterday that led to table dancing in the white house i'm told. if you're running a 30% economic approval rating on a consist basis, it's understandable and throw back a few and jump on the tables. however, it's important to get the outsize spending role that
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deficit and debt played in the summer. the government has grown faster than consumer spending for the last six quarters and i might add, consumer spending lately has been heavily dependent on credit card bar rowing especially during the holiday season and now yesterday the economist pointed out government spending in the last three years for president biden is cumulative excess of $3.3 trillion above the long term spending baseline of federal spending and continues to rise faster than gdp and the business which i am the has been flat over the past year and as has manufacturing output and the bidens are pumping up demand by borrowing their coasters off and there's no matching increase in
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supply of goods and services and no matter how much easing of inflation there is in recent months, too much money chasing too few recent months and not lower for future inflation. initially from nominal gdp and grew by $329 billion. the u.s. budget deficit grew by more than 50% or get this, $510 billion. what's more, u.s. debt and hands during that same three month period increased a remarkable $834 billion. or 154% more than the increase in gdp. this is good work.
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generating $1 of growth. and it takes over $2.50 and generating a dollar of gdp growth and coming up here on kudlow. newt gingrich and relief workers helping hamas and we suspected all along and breaking news story today and unbelievable and state department and why newt gingrich says he ran on the offense. joe biden's completely numb. all this is swirling around it and budget deficits and too much spending, you can still catch kudlow monday through friday, 4:00 p.m. every day right here on fox business. text your favorite 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss
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after break in news that staff workers were involved in hamas october 7 terrorist attack on israel. they're running circles around the biden administration. bring in newt gingrich, former speaker of the house, fox news contributor and author of the march to the majority, real story of the republican revolution. mr. speaker, welcome back and many of the suspected laws and the relief agency and hamas and tubs out there's some truffe and even the un is having a hearing on that so even blinken with sis pended payments and what do you make of this story? >> this is the type of the ice burg and if you look -- iceberg, looking at south gaza and not just hamas but ignore lebanon and hezbollah and a long history of united statessed nation siding with the terrorists and
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helping terrorists and ignoring terrorist violations and example of 2007 and lebanon never enforced the united nations in many ways and a shield and protecter and united nation's money and won in the building and a lot of tunnels and seeing israeli destroy and good case we made and i was co-share over a decade ago and the commission to review the united nations for the u.s. government and there's a very good case we made and all of our money for the united nations organization ought to be put in escrow and a lot canceled permanently and there's a very tough standards for accountability, for honesty and rooting out corruption and rooting out nepotism and being serious about getting the united nations and peace keeping forces and have themselves predatory and they really ought to be
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honest about how much and out of control inflation and how much it tends to undermine. more human humanitarian and gaza strip and talking about supposedly the distribution by these un relief workers who are in kahoots with hamas and everyone but the biden white house know this is and they didn't do this all the time and they'll do it again. there's hundreds of miles, literally hundreds of miles of tunnels and it was all money supposed to go to gaza and how did it get stolen about hamas and if you want to look at total value of what hamas has stolen from the people of gather s and it is a staggering number and one that's frankly we should
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really be seriously looking at to condemn the failure of the united nations to the institution of integrity. larry: another one to your column that i saw in the new york sentinel and else r the united states gave iran a warning before this -- before the isis group, isis cave blew up the soleimani remembrance in iran. it's a tragic thing that killed 80 people and lots more were injured but the u.s. gave iran a warning on this and iran is our enemy. now, we are supposed to share intelligence with our family friends and allies, but not with our enemies and i don't know why he'd give iran a warning and they didn't head the warning and just the principle of the thing and front page of wall street
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journal today. >> look, both obama and biden have had sort of a spouse abuse relationship with iran. iran beats them up, they forgive iran, then iran beats them up more. they forgive iran again and literally is like a story of spouse abuse. i don't know why psychologically john kerry and barack obama and joe biden is all belieden and all these folks have a desperate need to somehow be nice to iranians and meanwhile they're funding training equipment people who are shooting at americans. it's an appalling disaster and come probable to afghanistan and come probable to southern boarder and very, very dangerous in terms of it blowing up. larry: the other point yous make and it's really important that a lot of people in the military are backing you up on this and we can bomb the houthis all we want but it's iran who will
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resupply them probably the next day if not the day of. why don't we go after iran including myself and you and lots of people have said that almost from day one and iran is the puppet master and iran is the master and what's the point about wasting money on houthis when iran is the one controlling in story and i don't see any reason, and can i just come back giving iran a warning about isis k and like deep in the brain cells of the biden foreign policy group and they still believe they're going to make peace with iran and nuclear deal with iran and bringing iran into the integrate them into the high table of nations in the mideast. i don't know if i still believe that nonsense. >> this came from obama and obama had this fantasy we could somehow create a system in the
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middle east where iran would be a stable, reliable partner and almost a reversion to the world of the shaw and world of the 1960s and 70s. it's not only a fantasy and there's extraordinarily dangerous and captain became the national security adviser and he made the point that when the iranians attacked ronald reagan's answer was a one day all out assault and sank half the iranian tank. if we said every time one of your puppets shoots an he see as tanker and refineries takes out an airfield and sinks ship and take a week or two and iranians say to all their puppets leave the americans alone and it's too expensive and they're happy. if we spend a million dollar
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missile to show down a weapon and it changes waits and the exchange rate is craze jim jordan and we can't afford to keep doing it and has no effect and bombing it over 23,000 times by the saudis and uae over the last decade and 23,000 pounds and why do you think us bopping the houthis is going to do it. larry: yes, sir. newt gingrich, thank you, mr. m. speaker, appreciate it very, very much. coming up, nikki haley says donald trump has no plan for the border. really? really? for the border? it's been trump's signature issue ever since 2015. steve forbes will be here to talk about that and a few other things as well. remember, folks, kudlow is available as a podcast and
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larry: hot lanta georgia and the georgia senate launched an investigation into fani willis and jonathan cerri is there with all the details. reporter: hi, larry, a lot of action at state capitol and the member of georgia house of representatives and a bill to impeach fani willis and then in the other chamber of the senate voted to create a committee to investigate her and as for this committee, there's no disciplinary thing of power and would be able to subpoena witnesses and receive testimony
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under oath and lawmakers want to investigate allegations that willis was involved with nathan wade and helping prosecute former president trump and 18 associated and wade bought her cruises and other travel. >> obviously the strictly personal relationship that's not what we're interested in. to the extent that lines were crossed, ethical lines were crossed and legal lines were crossed and state funds were used in the furtherance of this and that's what we're interested in finding out. >> attorney accuses willis of racial animus into the case because of achier much speech and she and wade faced so much criticism and they're black and increasing calls from the defense and willis being disqualified from prosecuting the case and one law professor said the da would be wise to consider re-elmore tivoli stepping aside. >> she takes a personal leave and it's chief deputy exercises
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and she's absent. it goes forward. she's dis-call fioed and the georgia law says the whole office is here and all of the lawyers flows of the line. >> the judge asked the da and allegations against her office by february 2 and has sed yuled a hearing on the matter for the 15th. larry. larry: jonathan, this story goes on and fani willis has more indictments than trump and i didn't say that and i didn't say that and it was just my opinion and friday afternoon >> this could be pushed beyond the november election. larry: absolutely. your reporting is fine.
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my wise ass remarks are not. thank you, jonathan. moving right along, folks, our great paul writes in today's wall street journal and i "nikki haley needs a rational and i agree with that". now take a listen to this one. >> election night trump gets on stage and throws an absolute temper tantrum talking about revenge and nothing about how he's going to secure the border and what he's going to do different that he didn't do when he was president and how did that work? system of articulation larry: honestly, nothing about securing the boarder and we're going to hear nah that in a second. i want to give the introduction to established panel and charlie hurt and washington editor great steve forbes and forbes media chairman and editor in chief and author of inflation and why it's bad and trying to fix it and charlie, come on. trump has ever since he came down the escalator in 2015 he's
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been talking about the open border. okay, and just to review the bidding, just in the long possible bet that governor haley and ambassador haley listens to this show and trump has been here for a wall, remain in mexico, hit 42. getting mexican troops to help us on the border and in general, policy of catch and deport rather than catch and relate and he couldn't be clear and how does she say a thing like that? >> i don't -- come on. >> it's insane. i don't know how she makes the argument and the argument that somehow she's the antiwar candidate as well. >> she said -- well, in the same clip she said that he didn't say anything about ending wars and she's the big antiwar candidate and the big anti-establishment
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and the anti-establishment candidate looks like and it's the guy that has 91 indictments. and they're doing everything they can to destroy him and of course, donald trump did with the border is even more struggling and we general give them credit for it and he proved what both parties ignored for decades and that's actually impossible to seal the border and you can see the border with the laws that we had in place. and it put as lie to joe biden's claims that he needs new laws to seal the border. no, you don't. the border, it was not -- the whole thing wasn't fixed but the border was sealed and he had built the wall and the wall was called mexico. and mexico paid -- larry: how does he come off saying that. t. i don't want to break your heart. if you're for nikki haley and i believe in free speech and first amendment, i beg your pardon.
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we love "the wall street journal" and great for "the wall street journal" and love more and on this subject, not so much. yesterday is editorial and today's kim stausel. there's no rational for her presidential run and there's no core issues and, i mean, years ago, the other one was cutting taxes and big tax cut and recently, you know, drain the swam, that's been tram and kim says for example is and talks about nikki haley's promise to fix the economy and plan to beat china and no plan and strengthen the cause of freedom but no plan. she'll say pro boarder and pro
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shot and pro american and flushes out nothing and no policy development in her campaign. and the flat tax one of many and what is she running on? >> well, that's why neither she or governor desantis able to get real traction and i don't like trump. fine. offering a rational and had a bumper sticker, what would you put for nikki haley and ronald reagan rebuilding the military and say thing. what was their rational. what was their big issue and did she embrace and he is say what we're doing and beating the unions that just wrecked the education and millions of kids that really need it. having a tax plan and vision for
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the future and neither have that or put -- felt that kind of vision. if you don't, then guess what, people are going to say oh, well, is it a personality contest? what are the principles? larry: which is what really she's playing inside baseball horse race stuff. like picking little things. trump forgot the name of the congressman and trying to blow thaw into a bid and i forget, god forget what i have on a daily show and this is the worst for all of us and we have no refuge. her pace ick fundamentals. >> she said i'm the truth teller. she's going to cut social security benefits instead of saying we have a new social security system for younger people and younger people forget to control the assets and not politician and people can say that's very interesting and i want to learn more. larry: market investment choice and have approved stock market
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exchange with the rate of exchange funds and you ran on this and how many years ago was this. larry: first time 96. >> interested in arizona. in some city. people our age and as long as you make that clear you weren't going to cut their benefits. they're saying we're going to do something for younger people. the real question about her is my mind is will she run as a third party candidate for something like no labels. and going on for the primary and it wasn't the future and going in the way of that one. larry: real clear politics, great website. my paul and john mcentire saying
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trump is not the cause of the chaos. trip much said this to our own bret baier and martha maccallum and not at all. nikki hill lay uses this all the time and peggy nunan uses this and trump didn't bring the lawsuits for no reason and trump didn't start the russia hoax and completely phony without any evidence whatsoever and it was one thing and trump's not the one taking his name off the ballot or taking it and these guys, the chaos was built by trump's critics and not by trump. i think that's an important point and he's not the cause of the chaos. >> absolutely. and using it against the narrative and turn into chaos. larry: weaponnize. >> a perfect example with the rnc trying to bring a close to
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the primary and said no, no, no. larry: good point. >> of course, he also isn't the one that flew open the doors of the boarder and created the massive crisis that's turning into a massive constitutional crisis at the border between ststates. larry: trump didn't say there was no laptop, for example. that was 51 intelligence people organized by the clinton campaign. by the biden campaign. >> they were the ones peddling the kremlin talking points in order to feed them into the election. larry: i got to get out of here. doesn't mean i'm senile. we can talk about that after the show and on tv and steve forbes and charlie hurt. catch charlie hurt tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern and gets hosted with bottom line by dagen mcdowell and he deserves one. coming up on kudlow, there he
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goes again, what db of interaural mean here? biden trying to stop all lng exports in the name of climate change. ashley, some -- actually, some goof ball 25-year-old on tiktok talking about it and former energy secretary. progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant
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larry: so the biden green new deal war on fossil fuel continues and now they want to stop all u.s. exports of liquid natural gas and our own edward lawrence has the gordon chang reigns leading details. good morning, edward. reporter: larry, no targeting that industry and the energy department is pausing applications for new liquid natural gas export facilities and also all new exports would then have to go to countries that we have a trade agreement with and president biden has not signed a new free trade agreement coming into office and industry leaders say it'll hurt european allies on russia and president biden says climate change is the existential threat of our time and a top white house climate adviser adds the pause will not hold up the natural gas industry. >> but we've got to do both of these things at the same time. meet our energy security needs
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and look at the challenge that we face on climate change. that's what the president has been, i think uniquely able to do. >> i don't think there's one in fact. >> 25 gop senators signed onto a leletter and posting on x and european leaders have to decide between depriving citizens of energy or actively funding putin, 32 industry groups signed onto a letter to energy secretary saying that europe has a considerable supply gap and the u.s. should fill that gap and those groups like the american petroleum industry are frustrated with the continued regulations and restrictions ultimately setting back the climate agenda. >> what we've seen time after time is when natural gas becomes more scars and countries around the world turn to coal. this is true in india and true in china and bangladesh and in
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pakistan and germany and gas gets limited, countries turn to coal. reporter: the energy department has not given a date to when the review is finished and pause is ongoing. liberal the former energy secretary and electric institute and dan, welcome back. we missed you these several years. but it's good to see you. one point i want to make and biden wants to stop the permits process for new facilities for lng and lord knows what. lng, dan, correct me if i'm wrong, 40% less carbon than coal and 30% less carbon than oil. and yet the bidens are still opposed to it. i don't get it.
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>> larry, great to see you you&great to be back. you're absolutely correct and natural gas is less carbon intense and some of the heavier hydrocarbons and look back at americans with the experience or american history here with history redubses and over the last 15 years or so and the power emissions and reductions i should say and we know that history and we see parts of the world in places like poland and india and china and other places where you can have the same positive environmental impact if you'll simply alaw notch rale to those markets. larry: i don't understand their rational and read this and they've had a review and they've had reviews and had 9,000 reviews and everybody in the world knows this. what's running here, the new york times report that had they made this decision to pause
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after talking to this 25-year-old kid. alex who is an influencer on tc tock and the communist china-backed internet operation. can you imagine that. he was the straw that broke the camel's back 25 years old and tiktok influencer. come on. this is not serious business. but it is serious business and all the sudden national security serious business. >> it's very serious business. i don't know this gentleman. i'm not a tic tock user, larry. i'm not looking at technology and the bottom line is this is very serious business and pointed out in the opening year and as well as over ken polcari -- other commentary and they're heavily dependent given the russian invasion of ukraine and if you just look back at 19 -- sorry, in 2022, you'll see
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that the lng industry from the unit surged its cargoes to europe and there's 800 cargoes that surged into europe and that was about 140 or so percent increase over the year prior. the industry is keeping lights on in places like germany and places like poland and france in the uk and i think they depend on us and not just europe, larry, that's the important part here and we see the doctrines begin to change in places like china and countries like korea and japan and enormous partner withs the united states on lng and counting on us with those supplies and the administration is thinking about this as a review or pause and that's not really the issue and if you talk to them directly, their issue is the uncertainty created by this policy, by this policy change. larry: i got to go. dan, we'll talk more about this. thank you so much ever so much. good to see you back. folks, i'll be back in a moment
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a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. president, you have to have a reason, trump tax cuts, trump remain in mexico and deregulation and no reasons, nikki haley, that's why you're losing. anyway, somebody with plenty of reasons. liz macdonald, up next. elizabeth: you're always so clever and creative. you're the best. thank you so much. have a good weekend. let's take you r
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