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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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stuart: i am still stated i think of myself as the last one standing, i don't know why. a little elton john. i say this every day. six avenue, ten a clock of the morning. >> people become tuesday, wednesday and thursday for, no. i'm here, you're here, good morning. 10:00 o'clock eastern street to the money not much price movement in the stock market, the dow up 38, the nasdaq up 21 to ten year treasury the four-year the price of oil going up, you are at $77 a barrel right now. big quite we had it at 42000, now it's 419. that is the market. now this. look around at the monday morning it is a grim and omnibus
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picture, wars are widening and getting hotter, the bad guys seem to be winning. three american soldiers were killed out of drone strike in the base of jordan. 160 attacks on her troops and ships in the last three months. israelis are fighting in gaza and they have yet to take up the leadership of hamas. russian troops beat back the ukraine offensive imprudent visit saudi arabia. north korea test new hypersonic missiles. china plots against taiwan after election didn't go xi jinping's way. ecuador and mexico taken over virtually by violent drug cartels. our border out of control, 300,000 migrants came in december alone instability all over the place. in the primary reason is biden's weakness, trump is right on this, the death of those three soldiers is a tragic consequence of the weakness and surrender. so now what biden says help or
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will he go, the wall street journal says he should target iranian operatives or their oil assets. senator lindsey graham says we should bomb targets inside of iran. we better consider this, david albright as former weapons inspector says iran can have iranian for six weapons in one month. it is crunch time. we're going to find out soon if president biden has any other policy but appeasement, second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪. stuart: jason chaffetz with us this monday morning. i'm sure biden's weakness has done this. what say you. >> there is a leadership void in the world. america was the world superpower. the projection of weakness, the attitude of appeasement has given way to allow these thugs
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around the world to take control. the president needs to be decisive. there needs to be an overwhelming response, not a proportional response and overwhelming response. it is iran you gotta stop funding them by having high price of oil. you gotta take sanctions to a whole another level and you have to have kinetic response to this and their attack americans. stuart: attacked the houthis of the rocket science or go after everyone and their oil. specifically iran. >> i think you need to go after their oil and starve the government not the people but start the government and i think you could do things like take out their entire navy. stuart: what do you think the repercussions would be. >> a safer world and it would get their attention and they would stop doing these types of things they're not just doing it to us the duty to israel and all around the world. otherwise i think the president
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needs to come out until the america people, why did we have troops and geordie did the first place that cannot defend themselves. how many other troops are in harm's way without the ability to defend itself. stuart: he's probably going to make a statement on exactly what is going to do. >> the guy has trouble reading a teleprompter it better be strong. i don't care what party you are on you want to rally behind the president when you're talking about troops overseas. stuart: it's good to have the defense secretary back at the pentagon. i'm being sarcastic. let's change the subject, democrats headed to joe manchin says he absolutely can't see himself as president. he reportedly told people that abide in health scare or trump conviction could give him an opening to run as an independent. could he opened the election. >> i absolutely do it's a big. >> strategy he is one big. >> away from taking over and being the independent that could run through the middle.
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i think he draws obviously from joe biden side of the aisle and draw those types of voters. could he be a spoiler, he says he does not want to be buddies already by his continuing to say i want to be in the mix. stuart: he's spoiling biden more than trump. >> one big. >> away from 70 kicking the can and then i can run that is not exactly leadership. stuart: rfk junior is running will he get on the ballot. >> i think he will in certain states and use formidable and i think people like him and they love the kennedys. i never thought i would see a democratic party shouting cavities that's a radical left the democrats have gone these days. stuart: the third-party idea is truly upsetting this election. >> we saw with ross perot that did it to bush and it does have viability. stuart: strong stuff, you are here for the hour. now this, president biden's campaign trying to organize a first of the kind fundraiser in
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hopes of rallying voters. this is different stuff. >> it's a show of force, several reports say bill clinton, barack obama will fund raise for joe biden the spring. you have three democrat presidents appearing together, a show of force, mobilize voters, the white house also says you'll hear more aggressive joe biden, he will be out of d.c. two times a week he will be campaigning. >> i have one more thing to tell you. >> going to delaware again, he's used to not be to the white house. >> i think it's a big deal two times a week he can't be in d.c. their pitching taylor swift they want her to be in abbasid or, she endorsed by did in 2020 and arguably she's gotten more popular in the past four years, do you remember the voter registration drive on national voter registration day she put out a post and there was a 1200%
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uptick in the amount of young people to register to vote they need a star power. >> when she went up against marsha blackburn in tennessee marsha blackburn kick their butts, i like her songs, my girls love taylor swift but they're not going to follow her to the ends of the earth in terms of where they're going to vote. stuart: marsha blackburn debated taylor swift be met marsha blackburn came after taylor swift in tennessee supporting her opponent and it did nothing to go after marsha blackburn. stuart: thank you jason take a look at the headline of the washington post we bring it to you again it was a standout. falling inflation and rising growth gives the u.s. world's best recovery. steve forbes is with me. i think democrats are going to run with the headline there going to plaster this all over the place but are they right does america have the best recovery? >> it does because the rest of the world is doing so poorly
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germany is the weakest developed country in the world phenomenal one big reason because her green policies which triple the price of electricity written barely registering growth, japan dead in the water china we know the problems there the reason the economy is doing so well is government spending how long can you keep that up ask argentina where that leads you. stuart: we will keep it up future projections of government spending are right there and they'll still get help from government spending here. >> the crazy way that they do gdp they count government spending is a plus that's why the soviet union look so good because government spending counts as a positive thing like private investment. we know that is nonsense. we take the semiconductor industry of the government was not involved you would see the industry doing more investment without all the barriers that stand in the way the so-called
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bailout for the semiconductor industry is going to for innovation and their expansion and they should get out of the way, they hope this will get them through the election but america's future not good enough to get most voters will realize these people are not good for the economy get the border and look what they're doing with green policy. stuart: i bet the next time kjp or the president takes any questions any kind on the economy the washington post article will be right there front and center we have the best recovery it's a pretty good political slogan in an election year. >> are spinning it forward saying a lot of the investments in the money spent there was a lag affect for infrastructure now you see the benefits. hang on because you're going to see all the big spending paying off in your life is good to get a lot better. stuart: very critical with bidenomics but with a headline like that there going to run with it.
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>> how are they going to finance it. borrow what will that do to interest-rate raise the interest-rate mortgages will not say go biden. stuart: lauren is looking at the movers and we're going to start with microsoft. >> three magnificent seven hitting new highs google coming down but it hit a new high tomorrow we hear from two of them microsoft as well as google does microsoft live up to the anti-height and had his generative a.i. help google digital ad in the uber search business how are they incorporating a.i. stuart: aliza microsoft word clock tuesday my eyes anyway. >> j.p. morgan upgraded dollar tree to buy going up 18% to one to $57 a share in the reason they own family dollar j.p. morgan sat down with family dollar management and encouraged by their word deflation lower prices will help get better items into the store.
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stuart: sulfite technology. >> out of san francisco stock up 20% first-ever profit i guess graduates are repaying their student after all. >> what is a have to do is sulfite technology. >> they do the loans. social finance. people are paying back your student loans they branched into different categories so a decent report card the fourth quarter they reported a loss. stuart: you learn something every day on this program if you sit next to lauren for long enough you know everything that was a compliment. >> think you i will take it. stuart: house republicans released articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas illegal crossings had another all-time high will anything come of the impeachment will anything change? border negotiators has an agreement has been reached and could be ready in the coming days. house speaker mike johnson said dead on arrival. chad wolf on the negotiations
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stuart: the state of texas is refusing to allow border patrol agents back into shelby park. matt then is there, you're at the border or using migrants across the wire? >> here in their there are migrants to try to make it across the wire but in general
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the large flow at this property has stopped. the texas state attorney general fire back a letter to the biden administration issuing his own series of demands and a deadline he's asking about it administration to provide proof that the federal government has ownership over the specific property over previous easement. if the biden administration can prove it has ownership of the land then texas would allow the feds back in but texas will stand his ground for now. >> for the time being there's no injunction they can come in and cut wire down that doesn't mean we have to let them on our property we have no obligation to let them honor property as they said they're claiming it's their property but i think they made that up. >> new video a presumed coyote takes off his valuables on land in mexico gets into the rio grande river and guides of family illegally across the
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fast-moving water. he dumps the family in the united states, swims back to mexico and takes off running, this demonstrates what we see so often how coyotes and guides make money off of our border this comes as a coalition of fbi officials have issued a warning that the unprecedented danger of the military aged men who have now entered our country in the land of the united states pose an unprecedented risk and threats. stuart: we hear you, the senate news entre nous border deal will allow up to 5000 migrants a day to cross the border after you hit 5000 you'll be shut down, house republicans are having none of us house speaker johnson collated dead on arrival, chad wolf joint this is marty. i don't see how it's going to work, who counts these people and how do you count them and when you hit 5000 how you push them back into mexico, the whole thing is just ridiculous isn't it. >> i think there's a lot of
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troubling aspects, the actual bill has not been released so we don't know all the details. looking at the one provision as you indicated has been reported on the lot there is troubling issues and it'll be litigated from day one the left in a number of groups was say it's an arbitrary number and will likely be in court for years to litigate this number and the border will remain open, there are a number of things that they should be doing i do believe that they are because democrats say that things like remain in mexico or restarting border wall construction off the table to begin when i don't understand why they actually work and solve the crisis. i'm still waiting for the builder be released but what i've seen her publicly does not give me a lot of confidence in what they're looking at will have a material impact along the border in a relatively short time. i just don't see how it will. stuart: do you expect the cartels to ramp up their delivery of migrants at the
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border the more it looks like trump might win the election in november. >> they certainly could i'm not sure how they could do more when you have over 300,000 apprehensions illegal apprehensions in the month of december alone that's an astronomically high number. we see the cartels have been doing this for the last 30 or 34 months under the biden administration there is not one month under 100,000 since they took office. the cartels have been pushing people across the border in record numbers and they will continue to do that until you bring deterrence and until you bring a different operating rhythm along the border they will continue to push people crossed crete if it's not in eagle pass and shelby park because there's a lot of law enforcement, there are hundreds and thousands of other miles along the border that there operating today that were just not reporting on that they are shoving and moving hundreds of thousands of people across the
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border. stuart: house republicans released articles of impeachment against alejandro mayorkas, gop leaders say mayorkas willfully refused to follow the law and breached the public's trust. you think anything will come out of this? >> i hope so these are more than just policy differences jay heard some say we have policy differences you cannot impeach on that and i would tend to agree but what you see is not only deliberate actions misleading the congress, the american people and others that his actions are impacting the safety and the security of american people in americans across this country. it's not that there is little impact for some of his failed decision-making these are real-life impacts. and what we see that occurs along the border does not stay along the border this is about accountability in the american people have been looking at this for over three years and saying when is this going to end why can't someone be held accountable. i think a large part of what the
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house republicans are doing right now is saying there is accountability, it may not change the biden administration policies he saw president biden there in the white house that we want to see accountability and we went to see the american people in those communities along the border in across america stop with the influx that we have of the illegal aliens. stuart: thank you very much for being here always appreciated. jason chaffetz still with me, what comes of the senate bill. >> of the senate bill i hope it dies. you don't need a new law you just have to do the current law and they have not been doing that. it is illegal to come in between a port of entry. if you do you shall be detained and deported us with the current losses in the biden administration is never done that but that's also why mayorkas needs to be impeached because he is not enforcing the current law it is lying to congress by saying the border is
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secure and that they have it locked down in them operational control. they do not they come here by the millions and that is why he should be impeached. stuart: 300,000 in december alone. that is extraordinary. >> what about the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors that they have no accountability for. if there were three kids and came across the board or the donald trump couldn't tell you where they were they would be all over him, they come by the tens of thousands seven, eight, 9-year-old little girls and they release them into the homeland and have no idea where they're at, why isn't this a national outrage the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, the rates that are happening and there is no outrage on the left, they do not care and you have every major city in this country talking about how overwhelmed they are, you walk the streets of new york i saw this mother with a little girl again for money why is this happening in our country, because mayorkas in
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joe biden kamala harris avenue happen. the number one witness if it goes to the trial should be brandon judd and the border patrol union. the border patrol knows how to do this without more money and without a new law in this administration will not talk to them, mayorkas has not spoken to brandon judd into a half years, what other union can you name the joe biden won't talk to except the border patrol union. stuart: good story. >> these are human lives. stuart: good for you. last week we spoke to a councilman in illinois who called on wealthy residents to open up their homes to migrants. good morning to you, are they reversing course. >> oh yes they are, the affluent suburb of naperville 30 miles west of chicago decided to ditch the housing proposal, city council member josh mcbroom made
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headlines when he suggested a sign-up sheet for those willing to open their homes to migrants. it may have been tongue-in-cheek but his proposal was aimed at residents whose votes led to biden's open border policy. he joined the very program last week. watch this. >> i'm not surprised no one is interested. it is a challenge the individuals that voted for an open border policy. >> we have a problem, here's a sign-up sheet, live your virtues or contact your state legislatures, contactor reps and tell them to secure the border. >> no one came forward he made his point for sure but the city council said it decided that local residents can keep their spare bedrooms for now and for now state and federal agencies are lining up shelters for migrants indeed of housing. stuart: thank you very much indeed. a new report claims donald trump steam tried to recruit rfk
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junior as trump's running mate. joe concha said the vice presidential pick matters more than ever before. joe concha is next. ♪ ♪ sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions. wanna see? ♪ ♪ like earning more money on my money as a head chef. ready for service? yes, chef! and saving. to give back to local producers. sofi can help fund any ambition you're hungry to achieve. like investing in everyone's dinner table. bank with sofi to earn a higher apy and an epic welcome bonus.
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stuart: lauren has the movers, warner bros. discovery is moving and you get to tell us why. >> the biggest decline are, wells fargo downgraded them to equal weight so they moved to the sideline and cut their price target by $4. it is hurting warner bros. and they also have the fewest number of sports rights compared with their peers we don't carry as many sports as less advertising revenue. stuart: chipotle, the stock is 2000 through $264 and will likely close out a new all-time high, bank of america raised their price target to $2700, when do they split. that is an expensive stock. >> everybody else against 2,002,000 they tend to split, not aaa. >> lucid denevi company could be
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expanded with a more affordable suv to compete with the tesla model why, it's a 3-dollar stock but up 18% right now, the rumor price of the affordable ev, $50000 i don't think that is affordable, that is expensive. stuart: let's get back to the election, donald trump and nikki haley set to meet with gop mega donors later this week. alexandria hoff is in washington do we know who's likely to get the lionshare of the money? >> it seems that it would be trump except during the group of donors many pretty adamant that they wanted somebody other than trump, during this meeting presumably the ghetto tried to decide to contribute more of their fortunes of haley's shot is worth it this is a group of wealthy pro-business donors they started working together a decade ago to hear out candidates of a collective but they do not have to donate as a collective. the new york times reports that
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the american opportunity alliance plans to host the trump and haley camps this week. haley south carolina's former governor has been aggressively fundraising ahead of the primary at the end of next month. trump has been pushing haley to drop out following his wins in iowa and new hampshire, here's the former president this weekend. >> did anybody ever hear of her? nikki. you know the republican party wanted to nominate me and say skip the whole thing were just going to give you our nomination. i said don't do that, don't do that i want to win it. >> haley disputes that saying trump is trying to bully his way through the nomination pressuring the national committee to urge her to drop out. stuart: he was pushing ronna mcdaniel to stop the debates. he was calling her every other day and has been pushing them to pay for his lawsuits and all these other things. at the end of the day this is not about the rnc this is about
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the american people. stuart: years where this gets interesting when it comes to the upcoming meeting back to fundraising trump stated with a lengthy post that the maga community will permanently bar any donors who want to back him after first packing haley. thanks to the posterior team sold 16000 t-shirts that read permanently barred and raising additional $1.6 million she said she sticking through the race through super tuesday. stuart: thank you so much indeed. jason chaffetz do you think nikki haley should dropout. >> yes, i do. i don't see a path to victory and i don't see anywhere that she's going to win she's woefully behind in her home state of south carolina. if you're governor of the state and you cannot win in your own state where are you going to win what state will sheetrock up a victory, i do not see it.
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it's her right to stand in there but i don't like the birdbrain comments, i don't think that helps the president make his case, be above the fray, you're better than that just be above the fray show steadiness and compassion and speak from your heart and remind people how good the business economy was in the four years when donald trump was president that is more of a winning formula it doesn't do anything to call somebody a n name. stuart: it doesn't expand his base. >> that was my point, he rallies his current base and the probably okay with him saying things like that and maybe that's why nikki haley stays in the race because she can continue to poke him and show the side the suburban women don't like she could continue to poke in his true colors come out a little bit. >> in the report claims donald trump's team tried to recruit rfk junior as trump's running mate. joe concha says the vice presidential pics matter more than ever before in this year's election. joe concha is with me now. why is the vp pick so important issue? >> this year we have a situation
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where the consequential pick for donald trump is the fact that in four years people see that person being the president if donald trump wins and successful usually them will get the vice president in eight years. in this case this is the president that will take the mantle from donald trump in an election year that will start in 2026. on the democratic side is consequential in a different way. you have a situation where 32% of americans according to the washington post poll believe that, that harris is ready to be president that the devastating number when most americans including the majority of democrats don't want joe biden running and beat in the oval office until he's 86 years old, this is the reason why we hear the theory that michelle obama will replace joe biden on the ticket in chicago. i don't see that happening but the chatter is only getting louder around that. vice presidential don't decide
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elections but they can have more of an impact this time around the most of other elections. stuart: i think we have another contender, gavin newsom tried to tell biden's presidential record in an interview with abc, watch this. >> is not a applicator campaign. we have the receipts in the best three year record of any modern american presidency, period. >> biden's approval is historically low. >> everybody's approval across the spectrum you find exceptions. the economy is booming inflation is cooling in the economic strategy that the president put together all things republicans jumped of but never delivered, he's delivered. stuart: the best three year performance of any presidential in modern history, do you want to take that to pieces. >> sure, that was a pushback from jonathan karl, he found the time to write three negative books about donald trump but can't find time to write what
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about joe biden. he should've listed why biden is at historical lows in terms of pulling, here are the facts inflation is treated 50% higher than it was when biden took office, violent crime is driving americans out of american cities like gavin newsom san francisco and los angeles to places like nashville and florida and texas. the border is the number one issue because democrats see what national security threat to have hundreds of terrorists on the fbi terror watch list crossing into the country. carleton didn't talk about that very much, we see a week president at least he seen week by our adversaries like china, russia and iran that is using the u.s. servicemen and women as target practice in the red sea as we speak. he should have answered those facts one by one but in fact offered a weak question around polling to allow him to spend and that is something that gavin newsom is very good at. three years, great record, why again is joe biden 33% approval according to an abc news poll
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that's the lowest we've seen since jimmy carter and then son. stuart: thank you very much indeed. snoop dogg has been an outspoken critic of trump but it seems he may be changing his tune. what is he saying now. >> snoop dogg says donald trump is not so bad after all. in a recent interview, the rapper said donald trump ain't done nothing wrong to me he's only done great things for me. he parted michael harris, to explain that toward the end of his presidency trump granted clement since he to michael harris who had been convicted of attempted murder. a big turnaround for snoop dogg in 2019 he urged people on social media not to vote for trump calling him a punk in a reese's but two months ago the pot smoking rapper shockingly announced that i'm quitting smoking. i guess anything is possible. stuart: you have that right.
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now this. tax season kicks off today despite a funding boost the viruses behind, gerri willis will bring us the story after this.
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and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. stuart: house ways and means jason smith on their surprise tax deal earlier this month. why are the republicans not happy about it. >> because a number of them say we were involved in those negotiations and that is why they're upset with the house ways and means chairman jason smith a republican from missouri multiple gop lawmakers steamed about half of the negotiations on the bipartisan tax deal were handled they say key members were consulted on the
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negotiations and only learned of the deal on social media. they do not like that, they claim smith negotiated with the sun and the democrats but for some reason republicans were not included in his negotiation. now there are rumors the republican from florida could launch a challenge for chairman schiff of the house ways and means committee. more internal fighting among the gop. jason is with me, jason wants to chime in on trump's vice presidential pick, you have some ideas. >> i tend to think the former congressman and director of national intelligence john ratcliffe should be on that list if he is not already on that list as well as robert o'brien the national security advisor ambassador o'brien spent a lot of time with trump, donald trump has to have somebody that he trust that he knows and likes and between ratcliffe and o'brien those two people hours everyday while donald trump was
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president for years were briefing the president next to the president. i think the election is about security security in your wallet neighborhood and security at the border and overseas, they have impeccable credentials in the area to run circles around kamala harris. stuart: the trouble is we don't know either of them. >> i think a vice president is there for confidence, it is there for competence it if donald trump wants to make the case for competence o'brien and ratcliffe are to be right at the top of the list. stuart: you put your markers down, let's see how that works out. tax season officially kicks in today and despite a funding booth, the irs is already behind, gerri willis is with us, how far behind are they. >> very far behind sitting on 2 billion unprocessed returns from previous years in the door is opening expecting 128 million new returns this tax season so they have a big backlog, this is a recipe for disaster as tax
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season is officially underway but the irs is struggling to get his job done despite an infusion of billions of taxpayer dollars, telephone service of the irs is a mess with fewer phone calls answered in the official number suggest that according to the national tax care advocate is an irs watchdog, the agency has said it succeeded in hitting the school of answering 85% of the calls received on toll-free lines during the tax filing season. the nta in the annual report to congress says irs numbers do not count all calls for help to the agency when you do that only 35% of the calls were answered. meanwhile as i rest put more resources to calls unprocessed returns second 1.9 million returns await resolution compared to 500,000 at the end of 2019. it's only getting worse, mta saying this the irs cannot
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easily shuffle employees back and forth between answering phones and processing correspondence. going forward i rest needs to find a way to move employees between the two functions more nibbling, the irs watchdog also find it extraordinary delays in helping identity theft victims taking unaccountable 19 months for self-reported cases. despite tens of billions of dollars into taxpayer money to the inflation reduction act of hiring thousands of books since 2022 we still have a big problem. i just want to say one thing for tax filers, count me among you a third of us are relying on refunds to be able to pay her bills, i know you're going to be worried that the backlogs are going to hurt your ability to get your refund, follow it at find my refund tool on the irs website you can find out how long it is going to take to get your refund. stuart: a bit of a mess. >> that number does not just go away this is incompetence of
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government. stuart: yes it is. we showed you many people ransacking shelves to get their hands on the stanley cup's, there now concerns of the cups contain lead. we have details. former cdc director robert redfield and doctor marc siegel warned of another pandemic. it can be on the horizon. they reported an nih lab in montana is doing gain-of-function research. doctor siegel is next. ♪ welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to.
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stuart: growing fears around gain-of-function research. government watchdog shared inside reports on montana nih lab claiming the lab is experimenting with animals on dangerous diseases including ebola. doctor marc siegel is with us. as another pandemic almost inevitable. >> surely another pandemic is inevitable but the last thing we need to do is hastening the risk by experimenting on viruses testing their potential to go human to human in creating viruses that could cause the
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next pandemic as is going on not just at the nih lab in the rocky mountains in montana but all over the country and all over the world and not just biosafety level for labs which by the way are the labs with the hazmat suits. you also see and labs with the security included in wuhan, china and we don't have any control over what governments are doing in any of these places or how they're overseen or what their goal is. not only that is going on in universities and not only that if i tell you that i think artificial intelligence could accomplish this without any viruses being involved, at first you might say okay why are we using viruses, the answer we should not be using viruses at all, even artificial intelligence and computer models has a risk because it could create a roadmap this is a dangerous situation. stuart: is sound like the genie is out of the bottle and you could not push it back in or
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control this. if it's going all over the world universities here and there, you cannot control it. >> rogue states could be involved in it could cause bioterror, you know what it does call for, not just cutting down on it, the world health organization saying they're worried about these acts and we need to form a pandemic treaty around the world which would have no teeth just like the w.h.o. didn't warn us about the covid pandemic at all, i think we need a lot more bio security here in the united states i think that's one thing were lacking compared to a lot of other countries. we cannot get the genie back in the bottle as you say but we can certainly be on the lookout for it. stuart: the company behind the viral stanley cup's has admitted some contain lead within the base. they say the product has to be damaged to expose the lead. are the cups, i know they've gone viral with the demand, are they safe? >> the company says they are
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safe, the company says the lead is in a different apartment but i'm always worried about lead exposure and by the way i test you with lead with a 24 hour urine study that is quite accurate. i'm not a fan i'm nervous lead is notorious for causing developmental delay, problem with kidneys, anemia, problems focusing, this is a very dangerous element that were talking about. excuse me if i'm not entirely reassured by the statement in another compartment that it is not getting to where you drink. a little hole in the compartment or erosion i'm not loving him. >> a good expression, thank you very much, we will see you again real soon. thank you jason for sitting here for the hours. >> i always love you i always enjoy. stuart: alaska senator dan sullivan on nancy pelosi wanted the fbi to investigate cease-fire protesters, charlie hurt on aoc wanting president biden to do more than attack
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trauma she wants a far left agenda and to put under push hard. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪ ... (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children.
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11:00 am
>> she's going to already lose a lot in terms of her political career


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