tv The Evening Edit FOX Business January 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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growth and reminding me of this line about lawmakers and dc and going with chasing spending with that district and act like there's tin cans and going around with more money and loving it with that. thank you so much, larry. joining us now. serving our nation for 24 years and working for the army of pentagon and >> thank you, gentlemen. president biden made a decision on how to respond to that drone bombing on proxies and killed three soldiers and injured more than 40 in jordan. >> iran clearly with the attacks and it's more than we should handle.
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this doesn't need to be a repeat of 1 1983 beirut bombing and killed three and dozens others wounded and this will continue and unfortunately containing hezbollah, the primary suspect here and proxy for iran and this is a ruse because biden and launches an attack and hezbollah will use it for prolonging their campaign against us this. is death by 1,000 cuts. elizabeth: what the colonel said and biden white house appears to be leaking to the media on what they'll target. that's not a good way to go. they're talking about launching strikes on iranian military assets in the persian gulf and
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white house doesn't want a wider war but it's leaking to the media. i mean, gop lawmakers say appeasement is putting the u.s. on a slope slow march toward war. biden white house doesn't want that and that's what it's doing. what about the leaks? >> playing out to the final response to houthi attacks weeks ago. there were warrenning to them and move equipment and mitigated any real impact those strikes would have and yet the attacks continue. shooting behind them frankfully and how these actors like putin and moscow and mullahs and mag mullahs in teheran how they operate. they don't understand where we are and what our red lines are and we continue to lose them in this mirage of diplomatic speech
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and understand english and only understand their intense backed up force and lea leaking and geg us in their minds in the white house is a way to mitigate them with response and understanding and causing escalation cycles to accelerate and go up and not down. down. elizabeth: lawmakers are also contrasting what's going on now with four years ago when under the trump white house u.s. is signing piece accords with israel, bahrain and they're all over the map. they're os tensively -- awes os tensively going for that . >> u.s. forces stopped presence in iraq and it's stable and emphasize for now and all that can change. the middle east region is quieter today than it it has
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been in two decades. >> we've not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the row john since at least 1973 and arguably even before that. >> mr. president, explain your decision and strategy to the american people. that's junior job as president, mr. president. not dear leader, not supreme leader. democracy runs on accountability and nowhere is it more important than the power to make war and bring peace. you're required to work with congress, mr. president. you're required to abide by the war of powers resolution, mr. president. and you cannot pursue war with iran without consent and authority from congress.
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elizabeth: brent sadler this, is all over the map. he's walking to the helicopter and you can't hear his warnings iran. it's chaotic. first they claim there's peace and most dangerous since 1973 and then candidate biden attacked trump for going around congress and dealing with iran. now he says he's going to hold iran responsible. likely without congress' involvement. your word on this, brent. >> well a couple things bother me, to make the statement in september that the middle east is the most peaceful it's been in years and not reading open source reporting what iran was doing and agitating hamas and hezbollah to do the very things they did on october 7 and go back a year. everything to the setup to what we saw on october 7 goes back. they're not reading intel or paying enough attention to it. the other thing that caused me
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concern is when admiral kirby and national security council of white house said they're considering a tiered response, that's yet another kind of cover or word phrasing that make it is sound like it's going to be yet again shooting behind the duck and not applying pressure on the regime in teheran to back off. it's going to be mitigated or iterative and integrative across too slow response and no desire. elizabeth: colonel, you're worried, brent sadler. colonel, what do you think? >> i was activated with my ranger unit it was a terrible time back then and keep in mind, iranians in this case, the people that are behind the attack on tower 22 are likely the hezbollah group and their leader was kill when had we put a bomb in the backseat of a car that killed some so they understand. elizabeth: colonel and brent sadler, thank you for joining us tonight. joining us from house homeland security, congressman anthony
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de-especially ports of entry see toe -- i did especially ports . do house republicans have all the votes to impeach mayorkas on violating the law and obstructing and lying to congress. voter polls show americans are fed up. >> i believe we do. i think the house homeland security committee under the leadership of chairman green has done a phenomenal job during this investigation. it's been thorough and comprehensive and someone that spent a career in the nwpd -- nypd, post an as investigates torr, this is an investigation i would have been proud to present to a prosecutor. elizabeth: congressman, you think you have all the votes to impeach secretary mayorkas, is that true? >> i do, yes. the markup going on late into the night and democrats will continue with their sherif gross-bullock raid and
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theater -- charade and theater and honestly at times i have to look to some of my colleagues and republican colleagues and wonder if they're living in the same united states of america and looking at same border we are. elizabeth: steve scalise told larry kudlow he's u.s. protection secretary and supposed to protect the border and it's driving polls to the worst in the modern era according to gallop. listen to what happened today. watch this. >> we have not approached this day or process lightly. secretary mayorkas' actions have forced our hand. we cannot allow this border crisis to continue or allow fentanyl to flood across our border, or criminals to waltz in undeterred and cannot allow cabinet secretary with no regard for the separation of powers or the rule of law to remain in office. that is why today we present this committee with articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> second of all, there's no
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room to detain everyone that comes over. dhs would need significantly more funding in order to be able to even do that. elizabeth: that's congressman dan goldman, a democrat. there's no room to detain everybody so just release everyone into the interior and not bring back the trump policies that protected the border. there's a growing sense among americans they do not feel safe. >> that's the absolute truth. people have tried to claim over and over again this is about politics and this is partisan. it's not partisan because there are democrats and independents and obviously there are republicans who do not feel safe and do not think that mayorkas is living up to the oath he took. we see it in places like my district, joe biden won my district in 2020 by 16 points. mayorkas needs to go and they're completely unhappy with the way biden and mayorkas are handling the boarder and one reason why i think the senate is even beginning to negotiate. we sent hr2 over to the senate
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in may and they've done nothing about it and sh sat on chuck schumer's desk and now that biden's poll numbers are in the dumpster, they want to act. elizabeth: the president said it's not a crisis. they've been calling it a challenge. it's a crisis. democrat congressman henry cuellar said the president has all the power to stop the crisis he ignited and jay johnson used existing law to detain and deport illegal aliens but speaker mike johnson and your colleagues say biden could end this by wiping out his own executive orders that wiped out trump policies. what do you say? >> he could absolutely end this immediately. i would have to say to define this as a challenge is absolutely disgusting. it's not a challenge to the individuals who have lost their lives to fentanyl overdoses or to or to the daughter of woman that testified in front of
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homeland security committee last week that was raped and brutally murdered by a gang member who came across our southern border. i don't think it's a challenge to those that have now turned their lives over to cartels. that's not a challenge, it's a crisis and that's why house republicans are doing their best to impeach mayorkas and get our country back on track. elizabeth: congressman d'especiad'esposito, thank you r joining us. we have a jam packed our and kevin o'leary and washington times charlie hurt and why president biden is moving away from bidenomics to full on attacking president trump and plus the president and vice president getting increasingly heckled more and more by protesters. will this hurt his voter turnout? and is this out of line, u.s. democrat senators fed to do rate
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cuts and we have update on hunter biden's top business partner testifying in the biden impeachment inquiry. plus, texas lieutenant governor dan patrick joins me next. more on texas' showdown with the white house over the historic border crisis. plus, a new poll about half of americans now say yes, build a border wall. all of this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ >> the pes has a lot of power and discretion to do certain things and look at what secretary jay johnson under obama did, they were able to detain and deport people under title 8. they didn't use title 42, they used existing law right now, and they were able to probably have more detention and more deportations than even president trump so there's a lot of things he can use right now.
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eagle pass. thanks for joining us. reporter: of course, liz. the show down between the biden administration and governor abbott is not letting up here in texas. meanwhile over in c at the southern border there, there's fresh video to show you and fox camera capturing illegal crossings in hambookah, california, in eastern san diego county. two suvs pull up to the wall and groups breeze around the southern border wall and china, turkey, brazil, and india illegals and u.s. custom and border protection source tells fox news there's more than 130 border patrol apprehensions in the san diego sector alone and include chinese nationals and turkish nationals, more than 850 of illegal crossings were single adults and also a fox drone capturing truckloads of fencing arriving into shelby park where we are nearly every day for the past couple of would he bees and we've seen texas building and fortifying its razor wire
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barrier all while banning biden's border agents from coming back into the park. right now the rio grand river is so high and moving so fast for the first time we've seen on the ground here, texas is now moving some of its cargo containers behind me further inland to get them away from the water, that's another example of how dangerous it is to be crossing in river at any point especially right now while the current is moving so fast. liz. elizabeth: matt finn, always great reporting and journalism from you. thank you, sir. we appreciate you. joining us is texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. great to have you on. your reaction to matt finn's report. is that what you're seeing, sir? is the border crossings now shifting to california? what does that mean for democrat-run california?
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>> yeah, they are, liz. tip of the cowboy hat to matt finn and bill melugin on the boarder and we didn't know what the biden administration may or may not do and we wanted to stand with them. if they cut the wire, we'd replace it immediately. we have more wire than they have wire cutters and we'll put wire up across the entire border. it's working in that area, liz. before we put up our wires on those containers, 2-3,000 people a day crossing. yesterday i think there were six. when i was there friday, no one crossed on friday. to be honest with you, we already were getting numbers end of last week that tucson, arizona, california getting biggest hits they've had. shifting to new mexico and california and not that we wish that on those states but our job is to protect texas and that's probably going to be the result of it. it's all because joe biden and
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this administration is not protecting the border. elizabeth: it's interesting what you say, sir, we've got a new poll from u gov of nearly 41,000 voters, half of americans support a border wall including pleuralties of -- pluralities of black and his tannic americans and they say yes to a border wall and president biden says he's done all he can on the border. that's a direct quote. what do you think? >> first of all, there's an old addage, when yuppies think you've done all you can, there's more you can do. he hasn't done anything and mayorkas hasn't done anything except lie to the public that the border is secure. put this in perspective, liz, for your viewers, in december we had over 300,000 and used to have over 450,000 per year. this is just blown up under this administration because they took all of the initiatives and executive orders that president trump put in place that worked like remain in mexico was a big one and got mexican government to cooperate with us and biden
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was like if trump did it, i'll do the opposite and we're paying that price and fentanyl is the number one killer and we have, look, of these millions that have come over, 8 million we've apprehended and that's on the 28 crossings and doesn't count all those we don't see or the got aways we see and can't watch. more than 8 million but if you think about this, liz, you've got gang members and drug dealers and rapists and terrorists, and you got murders and lesters and carjacker -- molesters and carjackers and more coming over and creating chaos and crime and killing people on this side of the boaboarder and people drowning r being raped coming across. this is a disaster of death and it's all in the hands of joe biden. elizabeth: it's a lack of apprehension of what the country south of the border are doing in releasing them into the u.s.. biden has been blocking the border bill and reports that the senate bill under consideration
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would force the homeland security to shut down the border if the daily average for migrant encounters reaches 5,000 over seven-day period or hits 8500 in a single day. we've seen 10,000 caravans hitting in one day. 10,000 people in a caravan. under the obama white house, a thousand a day was considered catastrophic. this has gone askew badly. >> liz, look, any republican in the u.s. senate that votes for that bill, their voters ought to take a long look at them next time they're up for election. we should not be supporting a bill unless it's zero. you'll never get it to total zero, but this idea of letting five thousand in and shut it down. proves two things, they're crazy to submit this bill and secondly means they can shut it down. biden says i'll shut it down after 5,000. that would be almost 2 million a year. so, liz, we're on it and we're doing everything we can for texas and america. thank you, liz. elizabeth: lieutenant governor dan patrick, thank you for
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joining us and appreciate you coming on. this story coming up, the fights are increasing and we have former president trump and president biden really going at each other as the president, president biden heading to trump's backyard in florida to campaign. voters are focused on the economy. the federal reserve is meeting about interest rates and now there's democrat senators pressuring the fed to do rate cuts and we've got washington times charlie hurt is joining us. this major development on capitol hill, the justice department launched a criminal corruption probe into far left squad member cori bush. all this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan,
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rich, it's quite a story. >> good evening, liz. representative cori bush released a statement confirming that investigation and went to the house steps and took no questions. bush acknowledges the federal ethics committee are investigating her and the office of congressional ethics looked into the situation for months and found no wrong doing and voted unanimously to dismiss the case. though bush con if i weres she spent -- con i confirms she spet campaign funds to hire private security including her husband and she said she follows the rules and these are part of a political hit job. >> i am under in illusion that the right wing organizations will stop politicizing efforts to attack me and the work the people of st. louis sent me to congress to do, lead boldly, legislate change, my constituents can feel and to save lives. thank you. >> in march, bush faced fec ethics complaints for paying her
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husband, courtney merit, 60,000 in security fees in 2022 then reportedly paid $40,000 in the first three quarters of last year. merit's worked security on bush's campaign and married last year and bush's office said merit is an army veteran and can provide security services at or below a fair market rate. at the time, merit's held no private security license in st. louis or here in dc. fec rules allows lawmakers to pay family members for bone fioed service members -- bona bonafide services for private security and representative needs it because there's been threats to her life and that she's using campaign funds, not taxpayer dollars. liz. elizabeth: you're always so good, rich. love your journalism there. thank you so much. welcome to the show washington times opinion editor charlie hurt. this is quite a story. what do you make of it? >> it really is.
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you've got a couple things going on here. it's sort of comical to listen to congresswoman bush claim these are right wing groups coming after her. last i checked doj is not a right wing group but okay, she's got to make her argument. there's a couple things going on here. one is that she is as rich points out one of the loudest ring leaders of this defund the police movement. yet she's apparently using inappropriate amounts of her campaign funds and federal funds and buying her own protection and trying to cut protection for her constituents back home. for her to say she's come to washington to carry out the wisher was her voters in st. louis, let's not forget during the blm riots that stretched for years, cori bush was upward mobility of the loudest voice -- one of the loudest voices condemning the
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police and keeping them out of people's neighborhoods and store fronts were burning, people's neighborhoods were being destroyed, people were getting murdered and she turns right around and uses taxpayer funds in order to provide herself security and not only that, she's also doing it for the person she winds up marrying. so you've got like four different layers here that raise as lot of questions. elizabeth: charlie, one report suggests she may have spent potentially misspent -- looks like more than three quarters of a million dollars on personal security since she was elected. you know, what you're saying, she's one of the last democrats to openly call for the defunding of the police. let's watch this. watch. >> i'm going to make sure i have security because i know i've had attempts on my life and i have too much work to do so suck it up and defunding the police has to happen and defund the police and put the money many social
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safety nets because we're trying to save lives. elizabeth: that's from a couple years ago and she's not backed down from that. your final word. >> no, she's not backed down from that and even as the rest of the democrat party has gone to great lengths trojans and try and distance themselveses from that, she's never backed down and the idea that maybe she should take all of the money she's spending on her own security and put that in social safety nets and see how that works out for her. elizabeth: got it, charlie hurt, thank you for joining us. great to have you back on the show. we miss you. come back soon. welcome to the show former arkansas governor, former presidential candidate mike huckabee. we love having mike huckabee on too . governor, you've bonn on the campaign trail and know how tough it is. how much harder is it now for the biden campaign because we're seeing more and more pro palestinian protesters disrupt and heckle them giving speaks and vice president kamala harris in san jose. demonstrators fought with police. what do you make of this?
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he protested at nancy pelosi's speeches too. >> yeah, it breaks my heart to see the left going after the left. what a sad day it is for america. the ironny of all this is that she was there to promote abortion and count it in terms like healthcare for women. there's nothing healthy about abortion to the women and certainly not the baby. she's out there pushing abortion and instead she's getting heckled because she's not demanding that we support hamas. and the palestinian cause that murdered 1200 innocent jews that were civilians and this is absurd. we can end all this and have a ceasefire and have one right now. all you got to do is release all the hostages including american citizens and give up all the hamas leaders and they need to give up all their weapons and promise they're going to
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disassociate themselves with the terrorist groups and have a ceasefire. till they do that, they can't have a ceasefire and shouldn't have a ceasefire and god help the world if they do. elizabeth: governor, what we're seeing here, you and i have talked about this, this democrat party has gone even further to the left of obama white house. feels like it's splintering and fight to get the labor union vote and ups had to cut 12,000 jobs and that's five months they gave, you know, ups gave labor union a great compensation deal. so feels like fracturing going on in the democratic party. >> there's no doubt about that. look at united auto workers. they're siphoning off jobs and opportunities because the administration going affleck trick vehicles and costing au auto -- after vehicles and it'll cost union members their job and they know it's suicide to get
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biden reelected meaning some of them won't have a job. they'll have to jump across the border the other way. elizabeth: this is about the economy; right? this is a kitchen table election. you've been really adept on ascertaining what the voter is thinking of there. the federal reserve is meeting today and tomorrow. senators ley elizabeth warren saying fed cut rates now and housing crisis and unaffordable housing. do it now. we haven't seen democrat senators or any senator so openly pressure a federal reserve to deliver something like rate cuts. this is not normal behavior, sir. governor huckabee, when does all this go away and people come bback to normal? americans just want normalcy. >> it goes away when we get the democrats out of office. i hate to be that blunt and sounds partisan but, liz, these are people who have crazy ideas. not just about the economy and
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our national offense on the border, but even simple things of what is a woman. as long as they're in power and people like liz warren are making decisions, somebody that never signed the front of a paycheck in her life, we're in trouble. we need to get rid of people and bring people. they may not be the most wonderful personalities in the world but we need people with simple common sense running the country and making decisions. that's it. elizabeth: that's it. this is what this race is about i common sense. this is what the american voter is desiring. they don't want feeling unprotected, unsafe and looking at another headline where they feel like america has gone off the deep end. final word. >> it's about bread, butter, bacon and about boarders. if the republicans focus on those simple things, we win the elections. if we do anything else, we lose. we need to be careful and be smart and just tell the american people what they already know: this direction we're going is disastrous.
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let's change it and get america back. elizabeth: bread, butter, bacon. that's what i was having for lunch tomorrow, mike huckabee. thank you for joining us. sounds delicious. i'm going to have it after the show. okay, thank you, governor. good to have you. joining us, coming up, mr. wonderful known as kevin o'leary and this fight breaking out between former president trump and nikki haley and nikki haley slamming trump's plan saying it'll cost thousands a year for americans and president trump wants to protect american jobs but first, check in with our buddies dagen and sean and what they have coming up next hour. their hit show on bottom line. >> thank you, emac. house impeachment of mayorkas and rolling strong and senator roger marshall here to discuss and financial crisis in denver with mig migrants and chad wolf giving us the news. >> power panel including liz peek and deroy murdock but also
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what about joe biden and his team directly bankrolling and funding iran's attacks on american? that's right, we dig into that. top of the hour. ♪ clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading.
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ventures and he's mr. wonderful. he is kevin o'leary. kevin, good to see you, great to see you again. kevin, where do you come down on this, this new fight. nikki haley going after former president trump for bringing back tariff plan if he's re-e lekked saying it'll cost american -- reelected saying it'll cost american households $20,000 a year. she's cite ago watch dog group. what do you think? >> the tariff plan has always been in place. it didn't go anywhere and have them on china primarily. tariffs are used in economic warfare and definitely at war with china trying to get them to a level playing field. i understand and i'm not a policy -- i'm a policy junky and care about rhetoric in the campaign and we're getting plenty of it now to what ends up being policy. we'll hear a lot from both sides actually, but i don't blame
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nikki haley for trying to find anything to go after trump on. she has to stay in the race no matter how challenging that's going to b. the next task, if she doesn't survive that, i'm like everybody else saying to myself, how does she keep raising money? i'm a pragmatic guy that way. i wish them all the best of luck, but we're going to hear some crazy stuff and again, from both sides of the aisle on policy of which not much is -- policy proposals but not much making it into real policy postelection. elizabeth: it's policies that the voters care about. we see that with the voter polls, kevin. you're right about that. we've got reports coming in and former president trump is talking a blanket universal 10% tariff on all imported goods and washington post is saying on top of that that the former president is talking a big 60% tariff on all imports coming from china. that he thinks these tariffs are the way to force things like car manufacturers to build cars in
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the u.s. with u.s. workers and nikki haley saying this will eight hours night inflation and -- ignite inflation and pass onto consumers. >> likelihood of tariffs of that scale being put into policy is very, very low. the point is it's great headline material. i think trump proved in the 2016 that you can grab headlines with some really funky chicken stuff and we're getting it again now. he's going back to the old play book. 60% tariffs, highly unlikely. very difficult to put that in place for all hosts of reasons in terms of supply chain management and everything else. i expect the rhetoric to get even more heated. personally i love this stuff. i love the entertainment of a good political debate. i know because it's been so long, none of this stuff matters until the new cabinet is formed and more rational policies come forward. we're going to get into the fun section of this campaign right about now. elizabeth: so you love the policy but you know what the
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other thing too is, trump's court battles are intensifying and new york judge may decide soon on the penalties of new york civil fraud case and new york ag wants $370 million. he just had to give out -- pay out more than $83 million in defamation for e. jean carroll and will continue to appeal in court and court of public opinion and we want your reaction to nikki haley here. watch this. >> there's been politics played with prosecutors that have brought on some of these cases and there's been politics played even with the judges, but i do think american jury still get it right. they listen to the evidence. they make the decision based on evidence and that's why we're so worried about donald trump. he's surrounded by chaos. he's surrounded by distractions and surrounded by temper tantrums and bothrium and biden are distracted by investigations, distracted by their egos and distracted about everything that's all about them. they need to be dealing with how
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to protect americans, how to keep national security strong, how to focus on that. elizabeth: when you hear that, kevin, what do you think? >> well, i totally get it and if i were a campaign manager, go after this court because maybe one day people wake up and care about these outcomes and pending trials and all these indictments. but so far they don't. i think it's really remarkable and again another incredible attribute that people look at saying how come this doesn't matter yet? it doesn't seem to matter until it does. nikki is hoping one of these cases has so much impact in terms of psyche of the voter and may sharpen the polls. so far that's not happened and everybody that's anne donovan observer and particularly me suicide an investor is realizing nobody seems to care until they do. i don't know when that is. elizabeth: we always appreciate kevin o'leary. so smart, so good. thank you so much again for joining us tonight. good to see you.
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coming up, we've got congressman andy biggs from house oversight, new action in the house impeachment inquiry, hunter biden's business partner trying to knock down allegations of corruption. did that fly with lawmakers? this is the man who reportedly shared bank accounts with the biden family. it's coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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elizabeth: let's get you updated, joining us now, house judiciary. congressman andy biggs. good to see you, eric schwerin sat for a house impeachment deposition he called it preposterous, he reportedly visited obama white house at least 27 times when joe biden was vice president. >> here is what we know, he managed all of hunter biden's finances at the same time he managing joe biden's busfinances while joe biden was vice president, he is gathering documentation telling hunter biden you owe taxes for this reason and that reason and romania, he is negotiating for a guy who represents burisma. and he is in an e-mail chain
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where this guy from burisma said don't forget the reason we're doing this, is because we're having problems and we would be very well set if we could get access to high ranking u.s. political figures. who is a high ranking u.s. political figure? joe biden, somehow low how, eric schwerin says don't remember reading that part of the text chain or anything about romania. a forgetful brain, but the documents still show, that chain of transactions and it shows that eric schwerin was involved in setting up a crisis pr firm and why was that. >> because burisma was under investigation. do you know why? well, it is something about bad oil and gas lease, my
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point is, he tried to obfuscate what he testified today but he could not refute anything, he department have a convenient -- he didn't have a convenient memory. elizabeth: we heard that and read that, did he testify any of foreign money gl flow from biden family deals overseas when in to president biden -- went to president biden. >> he did not testify to that, he said, just the opposite, he said i never saw anything like that. which is peculiar because he was the guy managing joe biden's money at the same time he is managing hunter biden's money, he said he didn't know anything about what was going on, he was not at any of these dinners with the russia oligarch or any of the other meetings, he wasn't receiving phone calls, yet he helped set up the bank accounts, that
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actually, speaks to the question of voracity. elizabeth: sounds like you didn't get a lot from him, budocuments show otherwise. that you be, then vice president biden, reports vice president biden tote exchanged 54 e-mails with eric schwerin. did he testify any from vice president biden's fake e-mail account. >> it may have gone on after, i was in and out of the depot, i didn't hear him testify to that but i did hear him testify to is he actually went to the white house many times, he talked to joe biden a lot, he knew who was going, somehow he is can't remember any othese questionable ties. elizabeth: that is -- sorry. that is absurd, we have seen the e-mails, they were sent
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right as hunter biden was talking business deals and countries like china, ukraine, eric schwerin was president of hunter biden's seneca partners. it is deeper than financial adviser. >> a guy with no financial background and he is managing the resources for joe biden and hunter biden, that tells me, he was less -- elizabeth: got it congressman biggs. >> thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, time for "the bottom line" take it away. dagen: thank you, mack. emac. elizabeth: sur
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