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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: coming to your city, big and rich. the band that i know particularly well. is this about migrants coming to our cities? is that what it is about? no, it's not. okay. i thought there was a natural connection. it's 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. nasdaq is down 180 points, one. 2% almost all day. of that despite the 10 year treasury yield just dropped below 4% and is still at 394, nasdaq still selling off, the price of oil around $77 a barrel. bitcoin is still just blow 43,000, forty two-eight to be precise. that's the markets and now this.
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numbers from the border tell a story of monumental failure but president biden takes no responsibility. in 2020, the last full year of the trump administration, 458,000 migrants came to the country. 2023 when biden was president for three years it reached 2. 5 million. in the last week or month activities picked up more. 785,000 came in, and averaged 800,000 today. here is president biden's response, roll tape. >> president biden: i have asked you clearly. give me the border patrol. give me the people who can stop it. stuart: i've done all i can do. the president has done everything he can to speed up and increase the flow. he wants millions of illegals. he invited them in. he thought he was importing democrat voters. all across the country you can see the impact of mass illegal
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migration. voters don't like it. for a start, it is time square new york city, two police officers beaten by a migrant mob. four suspect arrested and released without bail back on the streets. does anyone. biden will get a grip on the border? there is no way. the more migrants the cartels pushed through the border, get in when you can. another surge coming. biden thought migration was a winning issue last time, this time it will likely cost him the election. second hour of varney just getting started. liz peek with us in new york city, embattled new york city. the border in my opinion has become the top issue in the election bar none. what do you say?
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liz: not just for republicans. it's also a top issue for independents and democrat and a lot of swing states. this is a nightmare for president biden and it is of his own creation. he says bring me the people who can fix this, that's donald trump, that is what he ran on in 2016. how stupid is it politically for president biden not to address this. he has opportunity, republican said to him we won't pass money for israel and ukraine, and republican stepping up and taking charge of this, taking responsibility and numbers might have gotten better had they changed the rules. he wages war on texas. ten other states who sent national guard people to texas to support their effort to create barriers between ports of entry which is acceptable to keep people out. he's on the wrong side of this
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issue every step and it is hurting even the economist magazine, front cover. this could think president biden in november and could lose the election for him. stuart: please put liz peek's op-ed on screen. pause on natural gas exports is a win for russia and another loss for the us. make your case. liz: a dumb energy policy denying what is a critical geopolitical advantage which is 86 year supply of natural gas. we started supplying europe with natural gas in 2016. it has expanded extremely well in the united states and further plant expansions ahead. who are the other countries exporting natural gas? australia which is an ally of qatar and russia. in doing this, allowing them to
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expand their footprint and iran is starting to put lng export terminals in place. china and south korea and japan, major trade imbalance, we owe the money. this is the way we write that ship. those are the issues president biden is ignoring. the last thing, it's offer climate, getting young voters back, a political move. this is actually harming the climate because as we export relatively clean gas, china is assisted in transitioning away from call. there is no rational explanation. even obama approved lng exports. stuart: foreign policy, the border, it is a long list. thanks very much indeed. andrew yang warning president biden about the november election.
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what he things this way. lauren: his campaign for dean phillips is making is our course primary bid, and over the last number of days, people would come to me, do you think president biden could lose to trump and i would say not only could he lose, he would lose to trump. the poll numbers getting worse. and they up there paul of the swing state. trump wins in all of them and his lead is widening in all of them. he's updating georgia, he's updating nevada. according to that paul, 7 swing states. blue when i wish i had known that in the first hour of the show. that is a significant poll. 7 swing states and trump wins
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them all and is lead increases in every one of them. lauren: it has a lot to do with the border, economy is getting better but immigration is inflation. the border issue rises. stuart: a judge in delaware avoided elon musk's compensation package. the judge called it unfathomable amount of money. taylor riggs with me today. should we be concerned that a judge is setting the ceo's pay? jackie: especially when he didn't take his salary, this is based on goals and milestones he had to achieve from a stock payout which i think is good. and incentivizes ceo to be in line with the company. if the company does well a ceo can do well. you are not getting any cash salary but this judge came out and ruled the other way. back to the board, they have to prove a new compensation package they think is fair.
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this is scary when you start to get interference and big corporations like this. blue when you follow big tech closely. what stood out for you in microsoft and google's report? lauren: shocking numbers that ai is becoming $1 trillion opportunity. you are seeing monetization. we talk about how great ai could be but it is feeding into top and bottom lines of companies. it is monetization of it. microsoft is killing it, they said was a masterpiece, google may be less so in terms of enthusiasm but it is in the game of the profittaking given how far the stocks have run up. stuart: a fantastic run up. some of them are coming up, microsoft at 4 and 5. stay there, you are with me for
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the our. mastercard. lauren: they beat profit estimates, travel spending up 18%. if you look at the overall dollar value of the transactions on mastercard up 10%. stuart: lululemon. lauren: they are updating earnings guidance lower than first thought, stock is down 4%, they are dealing with excess inventory and disruptions. stuart: i remember when they started out. lauren: i couldn't believe the price of leggings. stuart: now it is $462. there is a buyout offer. lauren: it is 20 one dollars and $0.50 a share. up 57% premium. reports the media mogul byron allen is submitting a $30 billion offer for paramount including debt, plans to
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selloff the film studio, home of mission impossible, and keep tv and paramount streaming. stuart: apple's long-awaited vision pro head set comes out friday. how much does it cost? have they told the problem? lauren: i read a lot of reviews but it does way 1.4 pounds. it is heavy and funky. they get fitted and say this hits on your face and studio, and in front of you you see the apps and pinch them to select them. it is right there. stuart: you see the apps. where do you pitch it? a pitch in the air. lauren: that is a little clunky.
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$3500, and 200,000 pre-sales have been made. guess who loves this idea? mark zuckerberg. he is saying our quest costs a seventh the price of what apple is doing. if apple can get people excited about head sets, for his meta verse. stuart: okay. lauren: i will get you want for christmas when it comes down in price. stuart: actually go and try one. that always held me back. it is a great idea. lauren: the netflix apps is not on it. movie theater experience, i want to watch it. stuart: i want to watch premier league soccer. come back in. what would you do? jackie: the rogue world, not the meta-verse. the live, three of us live
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together in the real world. stuart: next case the administration wants the irs to file your tax returns, 13 republican attorneys general try to stop it. montana's attorney general is one of them. these next. big tech ceo testifying before senate judiciary committee, senators want to know what the socially do companies are doing to protect children online. aishah hasnie has the latest from capitol hill next.
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stuart: nasdaq taking it on the chin, big tech mostly lower,
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nasdaq is down 200 points, slight gain for the dow. right now big tech ceos testifying on capitol hill about protecting children on social media platforms which i hear they shunned you. is that right? >> mark zuckerberg, ceo of meadow, i tried to ask why he's not spending billions of dollars on safety for america's kids instead of billions upon billions on expanding the meta verse and he stayed silent and walked in. things inside are getting underway and they are pretty tense. kids bloods are on the hands of these ceo. and chairman derman said, these
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companies implemented commonsense safety measures in the last week, that got a lot of laughs. they try to tout their tools and policies that aim to protect children, x is boasting it increased its trust and safety staff but that is not good enough for senators like marsha blackburn and richard blumenthal. they co-authored the kids online safety act that increases transparency and accountability for social media companies and the pair will ask ceos if they are willing to endorse this bill. mark zuckerberg in particular is disrespecting the american people every single day. >> $20 billion, give me a fraction of it and i will make meta 200 times safer. it is a question of priorities.
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>> reporter: the one person who's not here is the new ceo of youtube, it will probably come up in this hearing because last night there was a graphic video on youtube of a pennsylvania man who allegedly decapitated his father, very gruesome and that was up for more than 5 hours before was finally taken down so that might come up today. stuart: and tiktok ban in the state. tiktok or other social media. >> an enormous amount of we should be worried about
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children, harvesting facial recognition data, all keystrokes, log ins, other apps, we know the algorithms are specifically targeting children because children are more apt to go down the rabbit hole and spend more time on applications, revenue advertising revenue that they want, they are specifically targeting children for sure. stuart: am i right in saying you want to open up the algorithms social platforms use and they do not want you to do that because that is their whole secret operation. is that the battle, opening up or not? >> that's part of it. that's part of our discussion. the other part of the discussion is we want to know what they did with this data. tiktok in particular, huge amounts of personal data, that is a real national security
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concern, what happens when the chinese communist government comes to the company and says we will give you that data because under china law they have to turn it over. that's a real concern. stuart: you want a total ban on tiktok. is that correct? >> in the state of montana we do. we've got enough investigation from tiktok. we had a lot of spying going on in the state with weather balloon that ended up being a chinese spy operation. people here are quite upset about this. we think ban on tiktok is the right way. stuart: the administration wants to give more power to the irs. the latest plan for the irs to file your tax return. i am sure you don't want that in your state. >> this is akin to you being arrested for a crime and agreeing to let the local
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prosecutor act as your defense attorney and also the judge in the case. that's what the irs is asking for. when is the last time a government program actually did what it was supposed to do, came in on time and on budget? never. this one is really scary. it is unconstitutional. the irs doesn't have the authority to create this program. only congress does. congress has not authorized this or appropriated funds for this. that's problem number one. we know the irs is run terribly, customer service is terrible and they have a history of auditing low income earners and minority owners. that's happening by their own admission. now we are going to let them prepare more of those tax returns, this is a scary thing,
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this will bloat that bureaucracy even more and make customer service more terrible. stuart: 30 seconds left. residents in your stage expect 14% more on their utility bills this winter. why such a big job? 20 seconds? >> this administration hates energy. we have additional energy sources, oil, natural gas. president biden in this administration, they are stable and reliable, 40 below like a was last week in montana. stuart: 40 below, the one state i have never been to, 40 below might keep me away. mister attorney general, thank you very much. massachusetts running out of room to house migrants, opening up new shelters. molly line has the story.
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a judge in california blocked all residents from making any home renovations. the judge says the city needs to address the lack of affordable housing, josh altman deals with that next. ♪ ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights.
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call the number on your screen. stuart: on the markets this morning dow up 30, nasdaq down 215. lauren is back with the movers, start with spirit aerosystems. lauren: up 6. 5%, the supplier to boeing which is up by 3. 5% reported stronger numbers and it did pullets 2,024 guidance but leaving 2025-26 intact. the ceo says i'm convinced we've got the door plug issue under control. those stocks are higher today. of the one we've got new york community bank down 31%. lauren: taylor brought me the story, look at this loss, the committee reported earnings, they swung to reported loss,
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cut their dividend by 70%. what happened was they purchased the assets of signature bank and now they are bigger bank so they have to set aside more money to cover potential losses and meet regulations to meet cost of their size. we won thanks. now this. a judge in california blocked all residents of beverly hills for making any home renovations saying the city needs to address the lack of affordable housing. josh altman for million-dollar listing joins me now. what impact is this having? >> one day we will talk about a great ordinance or law that has been passed to help beverly hills and los angeles real estate but until then let's talk about beverly hills, the greatest, grandest city on planet earth, talking beverly hills hotel, rodeo drive, talking rolls-royces and fluffy pools, the best movies ever filmed here in beverly hills, high end everything.
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i was in dubai last week doing business and someone said i love los angeles, we go to beverly hills to spend money. i have no issue with the low income housing the judge wants to put in beverly hills. they want 3000 units built in beverly hills. the issue is where are we going to put it and where are the actual things that are going to make people do this? let's talk location before we get to incentives. where are we going to put it? across the street from prada and gucci? on top of louis vuitton? it doesn't work, there's no room here but where are the actual things that are going to allow people to do this and add value which let's talk about building places where you get four stories instead of making it where you have 8 stories built so people can make money building these residences for
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the low income housing which will make sense because it doesn't pencil out right now. stuart: a real estate dale -- sales down not just in beverly hills but the larger los angeles area? >> it has come up the past 30 days. i'm not concerned about that but the incentives that have to be given out to people to do this. the city of beverly hills has gone to the state four times with a plan for up to 3000 units that need to be put in beverly hills. the state has turned down these plans because they don't think the plans are realistic. why are you hurting my clients, the residents? why are you hurting the person who spent $15 million on house that gives a lot of taxes to the city? why aren't you letting them get a pool for their kids, that has to do with the other thing -- stuart: maybe they don't just like the rich and this is how they take it out on the rich. you've got a problem out there, not sure how you can fix it.
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see you soon. massachusetts running out of room to house migrants, opening up new shelters. molly line with us. local residents can't be happy about this. >> reporter: is a complex behind me that serves the elderly and a neighborhood here in the city that is predominantly black and as you mentioned not everyone is happy with it being turned into a temporary shelter including the migrant population but the next several months as the state continues to grapple with an influx of migrants and a shelter system that's packed beyond capacity. michelle wu is not thrilled with the plan but the complex is state owned and has the capacity to house 400 people. expecting to meet with the
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homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, lamenting the city's overburdened shelters. >> there are no good options. i know this from conversations with mayors around the country, 20% are for recently arrived new migrant individuals and having to accommodate the resources. >> reporter: state officials estimate nearly half of those using state shelters across massachusetts like those that have been sleeping at boston at logan airport in recent weeks. many will now be relocated to the opened facility. word of the switch comes as a surprise to residents in the neighborhood. >> they support that type of activity that is needed for folks who are homeless and need a place to stay. to do something is not the right approach.
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>> reporter: the democratic governor and mayor of boston, michelle wu, will be greeted on-site by handful of protesters when they arrived. one of the signs says boston is full, our kids will be taking the city officials will be taking a tour of the facility this morning. the availability to ask some questions including if anything happened for the mayor of travel there. stuart: taylor riggs. this lady's name is taylor riggs. every state is a border state. jackie: we are paying for it. people are outraged and they are normalizing, it is illegal, women and children, 20 and 30-year-old military aged men flooding the border, people are frustrated by crime and
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fentanyl and frustrated that we are trying to pay our bills, normal middle class people with children, trying to make ends meet, inflation has been a problem and people are getting free handouts. stuart: we will run that video from new york city. times square. beating up two police officers. you can see it later in the show. that the problem all over again. the president claims he's done all he can to secure the border but his 2024 challenger, rfk junior, says biden could get a grip on the border very quickly. matt fallon talks all things border next.
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stuart: president biden made up his mind how to respond to the iran backed drone attack in jordan. what is he going to do? >> reporter: is not telegraphing it exactly. because president biden made a decision how to impact these militants bankrolled by iran doesn't mean he is confident in that decision. >> what will be different this time? >> the possible escalation of military conflict. >> president biden: we will see. >> he said it three times. republicans don't see any success in protecting future attacks against american interests in edward: tell the president stop targeting proxies and start
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targeting tehran's inner circle. >> we need to hit iranian assets to themselves. that doesn't mean send the marines into tehran, doesn't have to be inside of iran. it can be a rainy and operatives around the middle east. >> president biden insist he doesn't want a war with iran and doesn't think iran wants war with the us. to use military force abroad, very important when he is a candidate, this was four years ago. >> president biden: donald trump does not have the authority to go to war with iran without congressional authorization, without working with congress. it is not optional, not an optional part of his job. >> reporter: president biden is going to attend the dignified transfer of the remains of the three american servicemember's killed in that drone attack
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friday in delaware. stuart: every time the president has to answer a question, the sound of a helicopter drowning out almost everything he says. is that my imagination? >> reporter: just about every single time. it makes it harder for him to hear the questions and a lot harder for us to hear the answers. stuart: thanks very much, see you again soon. what do you make of biden's response to these attacks? >> reporter: it's very unfortunate. i agree with my colleague and good friend mike waltz from florida that we have to hit tehran where it hurts or they have through their proxies, to explain to them consequences for their actions. stuart: would you go after them, their oil facilities or would you go further and take out a couple of leaders in iran?
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>> when donald trump took out general solomonic that sent a message to the regime that if they don't act in accordance with global norms, if they want to kill americans, this is unfortunate, something we don't want, we want peace when iran started this thing, there are severe repercussions and that could include, all options should be on the table. stuart: president biden claims he has done all he can to secure the southern border. robert f kennedy junior says he cell interest, i expect a new surge, they want to bring in as many people as possible. what do you say. >> if he does all he can, that is that he pays his taxes on time. that's absurd. he's done nothing. he has authority in statute to
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close the border at will. i was at the border three weeks ago and asked border patrol if there's one thing we can get the president to do what would you wanted to be? they said the weight in mexico policy donald trump had. if we can get that we believe the illegal entries will be reduced by 70%. if president biden would do that, we can get a deal on capitol hill but he won't and i don't know why. stuart: i wish i could show you the video we got from new york city migrant mob beating up two new york city police officers. this is just boiling over. last 20 seconds to you, congressman. >> our mission is to keep americans safe, the mexican drug cartels, high time we tell the truth about it and act accordingly. stuart: thanks as ever as always for joining us, we appreciate it.
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squad member cory busch confirmed the justice barbato opened an investigation into her spending. good morning, ashley, what is she saying? ashley: the congresswoman and squad member from missouri is blaming right-wing watchdogs, calling accusations, misusing campaign funds for personal security as frivolous. >> right-wing organizations have lodged a baseless complaint against me peddling notions that i have misused campaign funds to pay for personal security services. that's not true. i'm under no illusion these right-wing organizations will stop politicizing and pursuing efforts to attack me in the work the people of st. louis sent me to congress to do. ashley: there you go. bush claim she has endured
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relentless threats to her physical safety and life since she was voted into office. she says she legitimately used campaign funds to retain security services. bush has spent 500,000 on her private security. she publicly advocated for defunding the police. stuart: thanks very much. vivek ramaswamy says the super bowl is rigged for the chiefs to set up a table shoved endorsement of president biden. i wonder what the 49ers think about his wild conspiracy theory. in 11 days the san francisco 49ers will take on the chiefs for super bowl 58 and look who is here in the studio, the man himself, the president of the 49ers is next. he's going to do an interview with me about american football. that's incredible. we will be back. ♪
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stuart: the 49ers they stop
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against the chiefs in super bowl lviii. the president of the 49ers is with me in the studio. let me suggest there's a certain problem you might have. your current quarterback, brock perdue lives with a roommate to save on rent, makes $870,000 a year. patrick mahomes makes 57 million. if your team wins, you have to pay your quarterback a ton of money. >> it's a great story. i call it mister irrelevant, he's very irrelevant. he's been a wonderful story for us. we have a ton of good storylines going on. playing with mike shanahan, we play the steam, the super bowl came out on the losing end. this is going to be a great game for everybody to watch. stuart: how much does that mean.
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>> players, and it gets distributed to 32 teams as part of a revenue-sharing. we don't necessarily make a lot, no question it hurts the demand side with future season tickets, does a lot for us. stuart: is there a bonus here for the team and players? >> there is a bonus for the team and players. there's a good bonus for those guys. stuart: what do you think of taylor swift? >> it's fantastic. we should all lean into this. it is a great story. we have a wife on our team who made the jacket. he's of will back on the team, the jacket she wore to one of
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the game is an apparel designer. i listen, as a father of three girls that had taylor swift twice in the stadium this year she did $33 million in economic impact within two days. stuart: very wholesome and entertainer, different from someone else. >> i think las vegas is a great story line. and everything else into it, my guess, the most-watched television program this year, 96 out of hundred of the most-watched television programs were nfl football games, we did 58 million people tuned into the detroit lions. if we are doing 58 million, get ready for hundreds of millions. stuart: your mood ring. >> my stress level at halftime,
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24/7 deficit -- stuart: taylor riggs is from san francisco. jackie: my question, where is the future for niners or the nfl, is the glow scrub lauren international? >> it's global. we locked up our media deals, whether it's the streaming deal on the playoff game or amazon prime but international is the next frontier, a game in brazil. previous was journey, the first to play her game internationally, they've now opened up market so technically san francisco 49ers consultant rates in the uk and mexico. it is an olympic sport played in 28 and now sanctioned as a varsity sport for females. stuart: you do realize premier
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league soccer is invading your territory in the united states and taking ratings from the nfl. >> not only do i realize and accept it, the 49ers are the owners and we are not in the primary league. we are third on the table and we understand and appreciate it. stuart: thanks for being with us. what's coming up? we will catch you on "the big money show". you are interviewing the president of walmart. taylor: exciting things to come. a one 4 congressman mike watts, mike rowe, the 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪ ♪
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>> is it too late to change the vice president? i don't think it's too late to change the candidate for


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