tv Varney Company FOX Business February 1, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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press conference since his hospitalization. here's what he he's said so far, iran needs to cease supplying the houthis. austin says on his hospitalization he did not handle the situation correctly. he says he has not considered resign ising. he's also said that the priority continues to be containment of the crisis in gaza. he's still speaking. any more headlines, you'll get 'em fast. back to the markets, please. the dow has now turned south, a mere 9-point drop. the nasdaq has pared its gain to 48 points,es it was up close to 100, s&p up 9. big tech, that's where all the a action is this week, and all of those stocks are up today. meta, microsoft, alphabet, amazon and apple are on the upside. some of them report tonight, big deal. the 10-year treasury, look at that, the yield coming way down. you're at 3.83 right now. how about that is? now this. elon musk really wanted his $56
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billion payout. yes, it's a lot of money, but heed had met all the performance requirements, and the board had approved too. the delaware court of chancellery is where big business cases are judged. the court said, no, you do not deserve the money. it's not fair. oh, it's excessive. predictably, musk went ballistic. he organized a poll on, and asking if tesla should -- on x asking if tesla should move jurisdiction from delaware to texas. musk says the poll produced an unequivocal yes. he's now going to poll hair holders. texas, by the way, has established its own business court. once again musk is at the center of the earthquake. the judge in delaware had essentially told tesla what what it could pay its chief executive. there are plenty of very highly paid executives whose companies use the delaware court. so who's next? a disgruntled shareholder gets upset over ceo pay, welsh it's the court in delaware that the will decide what's success. musk is having one of it.
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musk left california two years ago fed if up with what he called california's overregulation, overlit are division and if overtaxation. now he wants the leave the delaware court. quote, never incorporate your company in the state of delaware. that's what a musk is saying. this is classic musk. move fast, force the issue, all hands on deck, get out the way. that's what's made him the most interesting, successful and dynamic executive in the world and also one of the richest. maybe that's what the delaware court didn't like about hum. third hour of "varney" starts now. ♪ stuart: did you see this? squad members rashida tlaib and cori bush were the only two members of congress to vote against a bill that would bar hamas terrorists from entering this country. mollie hemingway joins me now. i'm sorry, i think this is a moral breakdown. what say you?
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>> well, the squad has had quite a bit of trouble recently with various issues they're involved in whether it's cori bush and being investigated for her misuse of security funds, but this does show that there is a part of the democrat party that has been very powerful and important for them getting electoral victories that is 59 odds with a lot of -- at odds with a lot of america. it's this problem that you're seeing in the democrat party about how much to acquiesce to the faction that is supportive of the hamas if actions in israel and how much they're willing to tolerate that given that there are many americans who have trouble with that. stuart: it's a chronically divided party. okay, maybe they got two to say no on the terrorists coming into america, but there's a lot of think for hamas throughout -- not throughout congress, but in various sections of the democrat party. it's not functioning as a unified party in time of war. what's going to happen? >> well, particularly, you know, you say in factions, you look at
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the astronaut of michigan where you had -- the state of michigan where you had democrat majors and the governor being really weird after october 7th where they were unwilling to condemn the terrorist attacks and it was clearly because a lot of people electing them have sympathetic to hamas, and it made them mealy mouthed. it's one of the problems with joe biden, a lot of people want him replaced. it's not that people dislike joe biden, he's a perfectly fine person, it's the policies that are causing the democrat party's problems, and there's not a lot of disunity when it comes to those policies. they are generally supportive of an open border, generally supportive of being pro-crime in cities, so that's the problem for democrats more than -- stuart: there's plenty of problems with biden. his age, cognitive ability a, the opinion polls. don't you think -- [laughter] that's a rhetorical question. i think they're going the try to remove him, move him aside. what say you? >> no, i think they very well might. the issue is though you're not seeing a lot of diversity of
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thought in the democrat party. it's not -- and it's these action as that have led to a struggling economy or the foreign policy disaster worldwide. and you do, you really see people challengeing biden on those, but you hear very little opposition to it. so if the democrats think that replacing joe biden will save themselves from the problems that their policies have caused, i think they might be in for a rude awakening. stuart: that's an interesting take. how about this one? hunter biden facing more legal action over an alleged professional misconduct. a conservative group says it's raises questions about his honesty and fitness as a lawyer. my question is, mollie, do voters in this election year care about that? >> well, i think, you know, people care about joe biden's business. husband family business involves taking millions of dollars from foreign oligarchs, foreign governments and in exchange for things that they haven't been very clear about. hunter biden was a key member of the family business as was james
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biden, joe biden's brother, and eight other people receiving money from these company. but the whole business was built around joe biden. and and so in this complaint one of the things that's interesting is they go after hunter biden for not registering as a foreign agent when he was on the brothered of -- board of burisma. he was clearly talking to his dad about family business and how to talk about brees massachusetts you had the -- burisma, you had the house yesterday subpoenaed for documents on how joe biden talked about the burisma issues that were at play. it's not about a hunter biden, it's about a joe biden. he's the president, so obviously it's of interest to the american people. stuart: we'll see if it counts in november. good luck to you. we better get back to the markets because the initial gains have clearly been trimmed. the dow's up only 5 points, s&p up only 13, nasdaq clinging to a 60-point gain. lou basenese with us for hour. fed chair powell says it's not likely we'll see a rate cut in
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march. is that bad for the whole market? >> absolutely not. i told you so is and you've been saying it too that investors were too aggressive in thinking how soon the dead would cut rates. and we dealt with investors being dead wrong all of last year. you remember, they were expecting rate cuts in june or july last year, and each time they'd throw a temper tantrum when jay powell would throw them in timeout. same thing here. look, it's taken a 24-you are hour temper tantrum. we're back in the greened today. this is manager that's palatable. we know that data will drive the decision can, and this is good news for all those investors that expected a march cut, it's premature. it's nonsensical because it would ruin the economy. stuart: don't insult our viewers. >> no, no, no, listen, we have very smart viewers here. they're the ones that are tuned in to the differences. the big money wall street always gets it wrong. they were wrong about the rally in 2023, wrong about rate cuts, wrong about the hike too. here's the thing, we have two
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cpi reports and two payroll reports before the march meetinginging that'll give us good data to understand where the next meeting, the may meeting is what i think is most hikely. stuart: apple, meta, amazon. big day for big tech this afternoon. bring it all together, what are we going to see? >> yeah. this is the super bowl week for big tech. and there's no taylor swift, thank you, jesus, for that. what do we expect with apple? focus on margins and services, right? services has been the growth, margins is going to drive the profitability on the bottom line. amazon or, we need to see a follow through like we saw with microsoft and google in their cloud and a.i. services. you saw an uptick in growth for microsoft and google. nice turn about for both of those. if amazon doesn't have the same and their amazon web services, they're going to get taken out to the wood shed like they were about two, three quarters ago when they were moving in the opposite direction. stuart: i've got to talk about debt that, because you wouldn't be caught dead concern. >> would not.
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mark zuckerberg, bring up another reason why we don't love or like you. we have privacy issues. we have the negative mental health effects particularly on preteen girls, the list just goes on. i just don't feel that he's genuine and sincere about it. he puts profits over principle. stuart: from almost a moral point of view, you wouldn't touch -- >> fundamentally, i can't argue against meta, but i think there's 3,500 some stocks out there that i'd rather put my money in that i don't have to worry about. as a dad of teenagers, intrinsically working against them. stuart: a man of principle, you can stay for the hour. [laughter] lauren's looking at the movers. what's happening with qualcomm? lauren: down 4%. this is the biggest seller of smartphone chip, and they are losing market share in china, major market for them. they were downgraded at citi to neutral after their earnings report. lou actually might be buying this dip. stuart: really? >> not necessarily qualcomm, but
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the smartphone market is showing some resilience. everyone expected the smartphones to be dead, and we're seeing a resurgence in growth. i think qualcomm, the chip! ers if you look at a broadcom -- suppliers, there's a lot of interest here. we talked about last week a technology -- stuart: love that one, yeah. >> i personally own that, have to disclose no firm or family other thanship, but those are the picks and shovels that should do well if smartphone regrouse. stuart: i'm going to use a duck's act a sent, aflac. [laughter] lauren: the life insurer that you know from the commercials with the duck. down 10%, the worst drop in 4 years if it closes here. they're citing weakness not in the u.s., but in japan. stuart: i'll now use a british accent. lauren: okay, thank you. stuart: ferrari. lauren: strong orders going into 2026 looking at their order book. in the fourth quarter, they delivered more to the u.s. orders up 6% but down, where? in china, by 25.
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look at the stock, up 10. there is a report that the greatest of all time for formula one racing, louis hamilton, will join the familiar arely f1 team next year -- ferrari -- which means he'd be leaving mercedes. stuart the growth of that stock is sensation sal. $400 a share. >> microsoft keeps going, you can get another ferrari. lauren: that's true. have you ever had a familiar trr was it? stuart: stop it. major league soccer is coming to san diego, but the league is in desperate need of star power. russia says it was a u.s. missile that shot down one of their military transport planeses. we'll lay out their claims. it's been one year since a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in east palestine, ohio. now president biden is going to visit finally. what took him so long? if senator eric schmidt is going to sound off on that one, and
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we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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♪ stuart: the president is headed to the battleground state of michigan today. he's hoping to build on momentum in the swing state after pick up an endorsement from united autoworkers' union. alexandria hoff, there's concern about protests today. from who? >> reporter: yeah, stuart, i think there routinely is these
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days. if there are protests that break out where the president is today, we expect these to be led by members of the arab and muslim communities, very large here in michigan. but as we've seen with recent events with the president, he will make a stop, head somewhere hoping to speak about one thing, but community members will want him to hear something else e, mainly demands for a ceasefire in gaza. during this visit today the president will be speaking with uaw union members exactly a week after earning the union's endorsement. listen. >> look, i kept my commitment to be the most pro-union president ever, and i'm proud you have my back. let me just say i'm honored to have your back and you have mine. that's the deal. >> reporter: but as we know just because a union backs a candidate doesn't mean that their members vote as a bloc, and the president really needs the individual support of members. the most recent poll in the state has former president donald trump leading president biden by 8 points, 47-39.
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president biden did win here in 2020, but that was biden's -- by just 3 points, and consider that arab-american voters here in michigan, they make up about 5% of the vote. so that is not a group that the president can ignore, especially in they're -- if they're disappointed in him right now. last week several community members declined a meeting with the president's campaign. the mayor wrote in part, quote: these conversations must be had with policy merricks, not campaign staff. i will not entertain conversations about elections while we watch a live stream genocide backed by our government. michigan congresswoman debbie dingell offered this: >> i think, quite frankly, this community's not going to talk or really be willing to talk to the white house until there is a ceasefire. >> reporter: well, the white house said yesterday that the president and the administration, that they are in pretty much constant communication with arab and muslim leaders around the country in this area, but it is a tumultuous time for the president to head here to the
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detroit area, institute. stuart: thanks, alexandria. president biden will visit the site of east palestine, ohio, one year after the disaster. a resident from that town joined me earlier and said this. roll tape. >> this isn't about the people of east east palestine and the surrounding area, this is about a joe biden. this is about his election campaign and 2024. i don't care if he drinks our water with, but as long as he and his team know that we're not drinking the kool-aid that's -- that he's serving. stuart: joining me now, senator eric senator eric schmitt from missouri. why do you think it's been a year before biden visited the site? >> i think it's an election year ploy to try to appeal to voters that, quite frankly, joe biden and democrats have left behind. completely ignoring someplaces -- places like east palestine, i think the real story is it took him a year and now it's an election year, so that explains it. the truth is, the people of east palestine have been suffering, and there's towns like that
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allover the country -- all over the country. the green new deal is just one example, we're shipping jobs overseas, declaring war on domestic energy production here at home, spending money we don't have, raising the cost of everything and having open borders to the tune of 9 million illegal immigrants. so this administration if's been a total disaster for working people. i think that, you know, the guest that you had on right before said it very succinctly and accurately, the people of east palestine aren't buying this. neither are working families across the country. stuart: got it. the white house is ramping up attacks against republicans over the border crisis. you have publicly said you're not interested in a bipartisan border deal. why not? what's wrong with it? >> well, joe biden has all the tools to close the border. that's the truth. the same laws exist right now that existed under president trump. he needs to stop abusing this parole authority which is meant for individualized add scwiewd occasions.
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joe biden is literally letting millions of people in here because of some category or thaw from some country. that's illegal. so if he actually followed the law right now, we'd have a secure border. and in one's seen this text, but some of the stuff we have seen, it seems to normalize 5,000 illegal immigrants a day before there's some sort of emergency? the american people deserve better than that. the democrats also a, when we see this language, i guarantee you there's going to be language that hamstrings a future president, president trump, from actually fulfilling the promise of securing our southern border. stuart: is it going to be another of those occasions where you're presented with the bill with 24 hours to read it, it's 700 pages long, either take it or -- is it going to be like that again? >> absolutely. chuck schumer's already signaled that. the american people are toured of these omnibus monstrosities. this is a supplemental appropriation bill that we're going to have hours to review according to chuck schumer. it's ridiculous. stuart: the democrats say you, the republicans, are keeping this going for political
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purposes. you don't want a is the element because the issue is in your favor. can you respond to this? >> well, listen, republicans want a secure border. the democrats at this point are the open borders party. just look at what they've done the last three years 678 they're not serious about a it. there's no language change thats' going to provide some come to jesus moment for joe biden to suddenly secure the border. even if he wanted to, the left right now which populates the white house are never if going to let him do that which is why we have an open border right now. he has ever authority to secure the border. we don't need to weaken those laws for future presidents to try to give joe biden some political victory that he wants right now? if the truth is, this is on him. he's opened this border. he's the reason why we have a border crisis. enforce the draw -- the law you have right now. it's very hard when of you have an executive branch not interested in executing the law. stuart: mr. senator, thanks very much. see you again soon. the migrants seen on camera
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beating new york police officers could face depor talkings. democrat governor kathy hochul says she is considering it. consider9ing it? that's all after what they did? good lord. the white house has given no answers on how biden plans to respond to the drone attack on our troopsful. we'll ask a marine veteran what what our options could be. that's next. ♪ if your child has diabetes,
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stuart: and now that moment which we all wait for, stock picks from lou bass neessments when you look at the market, there's some green there. not a whole lot of it, but there's a little bit of green. all right, lou are, start with eli lilly. >> yeah. sales are up but i'm here to say the stock probably keep going up because we're at the early innings of this weight loss drug phenomenon, and eli lilly is going to be the leader here. and i say that based upon our analyst pipeline, and they have something unique, and that is a small molecule, a pill, that could have the same imp pact if as the injectable. so this would give them, one, a cost advantage because, obviously, a pill is much cheaper and affordable, and it can also give them the same
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benefits. it's easier to administer. this is something not many if people know about -- stuart: and who wants an injection when you can have a pill? >> exactly. i'm not sawing this is the solution to the obesity crisis, but a lot of things that happen afterwards start because of our dietary the issues. if we can get people on the right path with an injectable or a pill, that's a positive thing. there's side effects that we don't know about yet like fen-phen in the '90s. stuart: oh, i remember that. give me another one. >> a company going after the hottest area in biotech right now, it's about a billion dollar market tech, it's called antibody drug con ya gants. the key is targeting specific cancer, and if you think about cancer, it's hike a lock on a door, and you want to have the right key to open the door and deliver the drug, and that's what adcs essentially let you do. they just hired a ceo in the
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last sin months that lead seagen, and he's at a it again. stuart: the white house giving no details about how bind will respond to the deadly drone i attacks in the mideast. jacqui heinrich is in the at the white house for us. tell us about the latest attacks. >> reporter: the secretary of defense is back to work in person and after overseeing these defensive strikes that the u.s. took near yemen last night after houthi rebels backed by iran targeted u.s. warships in the region, they fired a cruise missile at the u uss gravely. that got within 1 mile before it was shot down, and the uss carney also shot down a number of drones and anti-ship missiles in the gulf of aden yesterday. those were defensive strikes that were taken last night. but tease are not the strikes, not the action that we've all been waiting for in response to the drone attack that killed those three american soldiers in jordan. the pentagon announcing that
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drone was manufactured in iran, and it was used by the islamic resistance in iraq, an umbrella organization of iran-backed militants. conservatives and defense hawks have been urging biden that he's got to take out high value iranian targets including potentially inside iran to effectively stop the these the attacks on u.s. soldiers overseas. >> we've got to get past this delusion that our actions are going to expand the war. it's already here. we have lost deterrence. that's a fact. our adversaries know it, iran knows it, and they're taking advantage of us. >> reporter: meantime this morning, the president at the national prayer breakfast shared his condolences to the families of those three fallen soldiers. >> our prayers continue to be with the families of the three american servicemen killed and attacked in jordan. sergeant william river, specialist breonn if a moffett and specialist kennedy sanders
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e. i spoke with each of these families separately, and jill and i will be tomorrow at dover our force base to receive the transfer of their bodies. >> reporter: biden made plans to aa tend after peeking with those families and having them express if support for his presence. listen. >> thank you so much for your words of comfort especially from a parent who's experienced it, and, you know, if you've made it through, i know that, you know, we can make it through as well. i just appreciate your words. >> well, thank you. just hang on to each other. >> reporter: so we know that the u.s. response to the attack that killed tease three soldiers will come in waves. we've been told not to expect a sort of one-off event and it could be sustained over a period of time. there's been a lot of telegraphing from the administration that they view strikes inside iran as a escalatory and concern that all this messaging may have just motivated iranian leaders to run to safety back to iran where they may not be targeted, so
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we're waiting to see how that plays out. >> reporter: thank you very much is, indeed. secretary austin has just said that america will respond to the drone attacks when, where and how we choose. what would you say are our options? >> well, i mean, look, we have a commander in chief in the white house that doesn't even know it's thursday and a secretary of defense who has, he's completely absent while the walls are burning down, our troops are being killed, and he cares more about a policies on equity and diversity over combat readiness and safety for our troops and and national security. of we have to make a strong statement against iran are. this is not a proxy war that we are, we're expecting retaliatory. the war has already come. they are attacking our troops not once, 151 times. stuart: yeah. but what should we do? what should we do? you recommend strong action against iran. spell spell it out, what do you want? >> we have to attack the source of where these drones are coming from.
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a drone plant, something in iran to make a statement. but i'll say, varney, or we already had that solution. 1979 we sanctioned them as a terror state. they lifted these sanctions. when i say they, barack obama and biden lifted these sanctions during the obama presidency. president trump doubled down on them in 2017, stopped their nuclear program in 2018, and president biden gave a sanctions waiver in 2020 giving them billions of dollars, letting them chant death to america, developing nuclear programming, attacking our troops 151 times since this presidency, funding hamas' attacks and, by the way, that sanctioning allowed for one million barrels of oil to be moved through afghanistan after we abandoned afghanistan. enough is enough. i believe with we need military force, but i also believe we need to be, our white house needs to be imposing e these sanctions immediately in the way that every president and every
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as administration has since 1979. stuart: defense secretary lloyd austin just gave an update on why he kept his cancer treatment secret. watch this. old tape. >> i want to be crystal clear, we did not handle this right, and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i should have also told my team and the american public. and i take full responsibility. we've already put in place some new procedures to make sure that any if lapses in notification -- any lapses in notification don't happen. in the future, the deputy secretary needs to temporarily assume the duties of my office. stuart: all right, chad, he apologized. are you content with his apology? >> resign. apology -- there's no apology that can be accommodation to the american people. our national defense is at stake. our troop welfare and the lives of our troof troops are at
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stake. he is incompetent to do this job. he has been since day one. even the the ex-cia director william burns says he attributes this conflict in iran and development of the nuclear program. bind's centcom commander, general mckenzie, blames the attacks on u.s. troops on our policy in the middle east. secretary austin has no place in that role right now. he never has, in my opinion, but certainly now he needs to resign. stuart: you think he should resign. chad, thanks a lot, we appreciate it always. thank you, sir. russia says they have evidence that a u.s. missile shot down their military transport plane. the story, please, ashley. ashley: yeah. russian investigators claim that the u.s. missile was actually used by ukraine's military to shoot down a russian military transport if plane last week. it killed all 74 people gone board including 65 ukrainian soldiers who were enroute to the swap for russian prisoners. russian authorities say they found fragments of the miss
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styles fired that had english writing on them that proves they originated in the united states. ukraine, meanwhile, has neither confirmed nor denied that the it downed the plane, but it is calling for an international investigation. stuart: all right. thanks, ash. here's what's coming up for you. new york's governor hochul wants to ease hiring rules to let more migrants work. could you say that just attracts more of them? we'll have have a report from outside roosevelt hotel in new york city where hundreds of migrants are staying at our expense. that's next. ♪ ♪ [♪] sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions.
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>> reporter: stuart, that is absolutely the concern for those in opposition to this proposal. leaders in both new york city and new york state, they've continuously said we're full, do not come here. but those in opposition say these opportunities will just attract more folks to come. take a listen. >> they're saying, basically, you know you'll be transported on a comfortable bus to the capital of the world, and now, you know, they will give you, we will give you -- they will give you, not we -- they will give you food, money which we know is going on. >> reporter: governor hochul has suggested the deportation of migrants in her state that have committed crimes and at the same time she is now working to relax work requirements for migrants as well. she signed a proposal that will open the tour for more migrants to -- the door for more migrants to get government jobs in new. to be eligible for these temporary government jobs, migrants need to be proficient in english, have proof of a high
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school diploma and proof of prior employment. they also have to have work authorization from the if federal government. the governor is trying to tackle two problems with one solution, a migrant crisis that is draining the state financially and job openings that need to be filled. there are 4,000 roles that could be filled by migrants with this proposal, but not all those 4,000 jobs are open. some of them have been filled. as of right now, there are over 65,000 migrants in the care of new york city, so those two numbers don't add up. at this point if just a proposal, but looking like it could be moving forward. stuart? stuart: it's a mess, madison. come on, it's a mess. madison alworth with, thank you very much is, indeed. yeah, we showed you this, i'm going to call this at the very least this is a disturbing video where. a migrant mob attacking police officers in new york city. ash ally, what does the governor of new york want to do about this? ashley: yeah. the video's, you know,
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disturbing and disgusting. governor hochul says the attack needs to be, quote, looked at. really? adding that it's wrong on all accounts and she's looking to the judges and prosecutors to do the right thing. doesn't say what that is. republican lawmaker ors, meanwhile, lining up to demand those migrants be deported immediately. the two new york cops, as you can see, were attacked. all they did was ask a group of migrants in times square to move along. the officers sustained, as a you can see, kicks and punches as they wrestled with the individuals to the ground. five suspects were arrested. they've been arraigned on charges of second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction the of governmental administration and then pretty much immediately leased without bail. wonderful. hochul calls the attack abhorrent and says she's not satisfied at all with how it's been handled. so do something about it. that's all i have to say. stu. stuart: one quick update on the story, one of the police officers had his cell phone stolen by those thugs. that, just a quick update on it.
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here's another one for you, ash. boston just shut down its temporary migrant she would iser. it was at the airport, right? where did they all go? ashley: yep. well, to a rec center that's been transformed into a i migrant shelter. the governor says she was moved by the plight of migrant families camping out at logan airport is and was obligated to act. but the move, well, not sitting well with the local residents of roxbury who say the rec center is a vital resource for youth and adult practice. listen to what this mother told lawrence jones on fox and friends. >> i have four boys, you know? and we really don't have nothing in the community that's free for us. don't get me wrong, it's great that they want to help the immigrants, but what about the americans that are already here? i immediate money for me and my kids -- i need money for me and my kids, and i was born here. like, you know, i know life is a struggle in itself, but this is not the answer. ashley: well, she makes a good point. city the officials are calling
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it a humanitarian sacrifice. the center, by the way, will be a temporary home for migrants until may 31st when the situation will be reviewed. finish stu. stuart: thanks, ash. now this, ap egyptian billionaire has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the san diego football club, as in soccer club. they'll be entering the mls next year, but why major league soccer and not the premier league? if i'll put that question to mohamed monosour. he's next. ♪ ♪ lifestyles of the rich and the famous ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪
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enter daily through february 9th for a chance to win 10gs. with the ultimate speed, power, and reliability the xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win. stuart: major league soccer is coming to san diego. the san diego football club is the professional soccer league's 30th team. they start playing next year. joinings now is the team's owner, mohamed man sour. good to have you with us. my question is you bought an m if ls team. why didn't you boy a premier league team? that's where the action is. >> well, i e believe there's going to be a huge growth, i believe in the american way and all the positivity that's going to come. we've got 71 million fans in
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america today the. and we've had in attendance last year of over 12 million fans that attended mls club, so i see the possibility of growth in the mls in u.s. sports, soccer is going to be huge in the coming years, and that's why we feel -- stuart: i'm sorry to interrupt you. how are you going to compete with, say, the saudi arabians? they pay ronaldo something like $200 million a year or manager like that. i'm told mls players make maybe $600,000. >> well, we believe we're going to start with home grown players through the academy that a we're going to be setting up in san diego. we've with already broken ground there last, in the last couple of months, and and we're going to have home grown players from minor league, we're going to be specializing with the youth from the area and around the united states to nurture the players and get them the value of the a academy which has done an
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amazing job. we're not going to compete really with saudi arabian players or whatever, but we will have some stars we hope to bring in along the way. stuart: the trouble is once you produce home grown stars for mls, they become stars, and the premier league grabs them. that happens all the time, doesn't it? >> well, i'm sure the academy will do a great job by having fantastic players that would be home grown for the academy in san diego as was done in sub-saharan africa, denmark, egypt and now with mls. we hope this will have a huge potential for young people to grow as well as maybe bring in a few seasoned players. you can see the effect of messi coming which has had a huge effect on the mls. stuart: you're in the league next year, first game next year? >> in february 2025 we'll be
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plague. stuart: world cup in america in 2026, will you be a part of that? >> absolutely. and this was one of the reasons we felt the united states and the mls was the place to be, because i'm sure after 2026 the interest in soccer will even grow above 71 million player -- 71 million fans that a we have today. stuart: i happen to be a premier league soccer pharynx but we wish you the best of luck in the major league soccer in the united states. thanks for joining us, mohamed. come and see us again. >> thank you very much, stuart. thank you. stuart: next case, doordash, the food delivery guys, just announced a massive super bowl sweepstakes. all right, ashley, or what are they giving away? ashley: yep with. well, pretty much everything. listen to this. one lucky winner's going to get all of the items advertised during the super bowl. think about that. the list is long. it could include things like a thousand popeye's chicken wing, a kia ev-9 electric vehicle, 720
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reese's peanut butter cups and an unspecified volkswagen car. in fact, the winner could end up with six vehicles and also $50,000 towards a future down payment on a home. wow. doordash estimates the total retail value of the items to be somewhere between $340-480,000. so to enter, you have to keep an eye out for doordash's commercial during the game. it will feature a promo code that you can then input at doordash all the the sweep stake, by the way, open to legal u.s. residents who are at least 21 -- [laughter] years old, but that could be quite a first, that would be an amazing prize. stuart: couldn't you just see a migrant walking away with $ 400,000 in prizes? [laughter] you can really see is it. lou's still with me. i've got to ask him, would you enter. >> i'll take the peanut butter
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cups and give you the mayo. this is fun -- stuart: it's a good idea. >> yeah. now doordash is on the top of everyone's mind. stuart: and you don't actually have to use doordash. all you've got to do is see -- >> my question is, is it all going to be delivered at once? stuart: i'm sure that could be arranged. if you do win, the irs knows that you've got that money. >> that is true. the tax man always gets paid. stuart constituter here we go, it's time for the thursday trivia question. i think lou and i, probably ash, know the answer to this one. what does spf in sunscreen stand for? solar protecting foundation? sun paste foiling -- [laughter] sulfur -- i don't think so. solar prescription function or sun protection factor? i think we can all have a good guess on this one. the answer when we come back. ♪ ♪
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sun protection factor, i'm guessing that. i know that's correct which are you with me? lauren: the two bridge having to decide something about the sun. we haven't seen her for the first 20 years of our life but number 4. stuart: i'm with you. groupthink isn't always right but i think in this case it is. stuart: we better be right. we are right. the answer is sun protection factor. the spf number tells you how long the sun's uv radiation would take to written your skin. for example spf 30 would take 30 times longer to burn if you weren't wearing any sunscreen. now we all know. thank you for sticking around. you got the answer. kudos to you. actually, you did the same thing. excellent stuff. send your friday feedback to coast-to-coast starts now.
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