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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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you with me? lauren: the two bridge having to decide something about the sun. we haven't seen her for the first 20 years of our life but number 4. stuart: i'm with you. groupthink isn't always right but i think in this case it is. stuart: we better be right. we are right. the answer is sun protection factor. the spf number tells you how long the sun's uv radiation would take to written your skin. for example spf 30 would take 30 times longer to burn if you weren't wearing any sunscreen. now we all know. thank you for sticking around. you got the answer. kudos to you. actually, you did the same thing. excellent stuff. send your friday feedback to coast-to-coast starts now.
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stuart: i have a theory, runaway, kneelength another his theories, this is a market that's looking forward to two types of cuts. one interest rate cuts, they've gotten over the fixation that it's not going to happen anytime soon and now suddenly something developing on the hill that we never would have thought possible, republicans and democrats agreeing on the broad outlines of an $80 billion tax-cut package, interest rates could be coming, they are all hissing and moaning yesterday but now talk of a tax cut that has a good chance of passing the house, the senate, anyone's guess. that covers what's going on here, i told you what's happening and why, you can stick around for the rest of the action. i want you to stick around, don't go anywhere because we have the new asset manager and cio, fox news contributor and a brainiac. >> somewhat. stuart: you think about it, the rate cut thing shouldn't have shocked wall street yesterday. it did because it's not coming in march but it was a warning.
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>> maybe never. stuart: this year might not happen at all. the tax-cut thing, kicking this around, broad agreement on some pretty attractive goodies. >> it is shocking because it's only going to help the rich, we don't have money to pay for it etc. and now there's some agreement on at least something, 78 or 40 or 58, there's an agreement here. there's been lack of agreement across the board for the last three years but imagine house and senate so the fact the market sees that. neil: so that could die but i don't want to get in the weeds here but this is much further along than people said. the house is one thing. the senate is another. there will be moved on the part of trump forces, don't do anything. >> that something biden and his cronies, can you get together on something? i've blown it, i need your help or you will have trump or whoever else, let's do something together for once.
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imagine the momentum that would create in the election? and taylor swift running, maybe maybe not. i almost said britney spears. mixed them up. i actually like him. neil: is this more real for your yesterday? >> many of them -- it scrolls too. that's a big deal. it moves around, you are everywhere. it's one of those days where the market is getting a grip on reality and freaking out. you saw the nasdaq and s&p dying after that. neil: jerome powell said you guys are having a good time. >> mom and dad are pulling into the driveway at 12:00, they are ready to go home, you are on the couch cushion, flipping over and that actually happened to me 5 years ago but it is one
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of those things where now the market sees the next day and says okay margins are coming, we have a cut in the election or won't have a cut because things will be okay economically. that isn't bad either. neil: as far as people who still have recession on the table, there are walls of worry to climb but how do you see february's usually the toughest a month in the presidential election years so how do you see it going? >> february will be challenging because earnings season is upon us, so so so far. everything was baked in, amazing earnings season, google and microsoft coming out but not so great on the forward tesla too. it hurt stocks tremendously so some pullback because the party was going on, parents are pulling in to the driveway and knocking on the door. i'm just having flashbacks to high school. neil: i was in the library. >> eventually things will work
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out. however as we get close to elections, seeing how that develops, there is a lot of geopolitical things out there that are not getting resolved. rob: are a lot of black swans wandering around, the widening war could be one, the white house saying it's not going to happen. we are not even at war with iran, that was news to me and iran. >> everything is cool in the middle east. >> it's not disrupting the markets. >> what we tell our clients is if we have an event like that, use it as an opportunity as if they were sats. if that happens. if it something distracting as far as a war, use that as a buying opportunity of mister and missus investor because that will create some fear which is the time to go in, not when you're chasing a rally like this. it. 20 and we see that again? the 10 year, that's well under 4%. what happened there? there's nothing indicating weakness.
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>> very strange. other days like this when we have a rally after selloff usually rates go up especially given what powell said. it could be more related stuff, the fact that everybody flocked to treasuries to hang on and the yield being not too bad. adam: they rates are amazingly nice. usually insured, treasury rates usually insured, with very little risk. i'm just wondering could that prove competition for stocks? >> it will be as volatility kicks off and you haven't had senior rates in that realm since before the financial crisis. neil: i'm talking about 29, let me ask you about march seems right for a rate cut, that's the betting, don't know why. if we do get a rate cut, not sure we will. when is it more likely? >> probably right before the
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election. that's political and away and also if you look at the history of the markets the market does best when the fed is out-of-the-way. if they are cutting again there are some issues. i got married in 2007. my one year anniversary got blown apart in september because we were cutting like crazy because the markets were exploding to the downside, one hundred wendy 5 basis points and in two weeks emergency cuts from been drinking and company and that starts going down not to say will happen here but the fed over tightened. it makes it hard to say but makes the markets weirded out. i am bullish. neil: at the wildcard. good seeing you, the new asset management, love having scott on. i want to go to chad chad pergram. the other part of the equation is interest rate cuts, the tax-cut thing. i was looking at this. i know it's an uphill battle in
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the house but there are a lot of things both sides could like. we could be talking double stimulus, the markets, the economy but what is your favorite? >> $79 billion in tax cuts, the house approved 357 to 70 but more democrats voted yes than republicans, conservatives say the bill provides tax relief to those here illegally who have a child who is an american citizen. >> this legislation comes with provisions that frankly the people i represent are tired of. provisions that would continue to expand the welfare state. that provision is also available to parents who are here in this country illegally of children born in the united states. we think that's a problem. >> the lord for most republicans was a green light for some trump era tax cuts for businesses. democrats like the expansion of the child tax credit, some on the left voted no.
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they demanded tax equality. >> i cannot vote for a deal that is lopsided the benefits big corporations while failing to ensure a substantial tax-cut to middle and working-class families. it fails to improve the tax credit, leaves millions without the tax-cut they received in 2021. >> what was not in the bill, gop members want a fix for salt, reduction in state and local taxes dial back a few years ago. citing the problem with high tax stakes. >> residents are dealing with immense housing costs. the monthly cost of a mortgage was one thousand dollars more in 2,023 than it was in 2022. >> reporter: republicans secured a deal for a bill to increase salt deduction. couples filing together, chuck
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grassley of iowa expressed concern about passing the bill to help the president just before the election. neil: if you had to go under and over you think we will see one before the election? or is that a no go? >> it will be hard to get 60 votes in the senate. republicans will object, they want to dial back the tax credit, that will be an issue right there on the right. neil: chad pergram, walking encyclopedia of all things capitol hill. despite being a starts mark -- smart stock market guy, it should be a requirement. that is neither here nor there. what do you make if this were to come to light, these tax cuts, chad outlined the decline but what are you thinking? >> what's really happening is not getting a lot of attention.
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they are swapping two tax laws, the basis for doing this is to get rid of the employee retention tax credit which was left over from covid. that program has been fraught with fraud and everyone realizes it's not working so really, what is prompting this is to say let's get rid of that and with the dollars we are going to say of, let's put in some other tax cuts that could make some sense. the reason that the house went down the path of the suspension tactic in terms of moving along with some speed which then means you have to have 60 votes in the senate is because they are going to try to make this retroactive into 2023. can they pull that off? there's two things at play. can they get the votes in the senate to get it through? and will the irs be able to put
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this in place in time? if they can't, all the politicians are not going to get the benefit of that in an election year. neil: there's a separate story going on about reducing corporate taxes somewhat and business expenses that get over my head. one thing that intrigues me, that's what donald trump has been talking about and is hinting about if he were to resume the white house, that he would push bigger corporate taxes, his were the biggest in american history but what do you make of that and can we overdo it in this age of deficits and debt? what do you think? >> what will be interesting is that the trump tax cuts at least for individuals are going to sunset in 2025 so no matter who the next president is, they are going to have to come up with some tax plan, otherwise everything goes back the way it was.
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certainly if donald trump is the president, and he's got a republican house and senate, there's no doubt in my mind that he is going to put through more tax cuts. he's certainly going to deal with the individuals because they will expire and it would be likely he is going to try to juice up the economy by giving tax cuts to corporations. neil: more of these billionaires are coming out with warnings about debt, this could be the moment, it has been like waiting for goto, it could extend all the way to the united states government, don't know if we are there but what do you make of that at that is the wildcard we don't appreciate? >> at 35 trillion and counting and that number is just going to continue to rise, everyone is looking around and that saying at what point do we hit the end? than what happens? no one knows. it is interesting because every time tax cuts are proposed to, what's the magic word? they are going to be paid for.
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it's all paid for. it is never paid for. they are never paid for and the reason they are never paid for is because you have tax cuts and you have increase in spending so the formula for the math even for you, a non-accountant, it doesn't add up. neil: i do know tax-cut spur revenue, dirty little secret on ronald reagan is they spent those revenues and had they not done that or at least cut back on that, it generated 20 million jobs and no denying how much it helped the economy in combination with paul volcker breaking the back of inflation, that was a powerful one-2 combo. >> it was and you are right because if you look back to when there are tax-cut it does generate more revenue because you bring more people into the fold making more money to pay more tax. the problem always goes back to spending never gets curtailed.
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all the little goodies keep going out to everybody so the politicians get reelected and that in a nutshell is what our problem is, as the saying goes go we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. republican or democrat. neil: happens no matter who is running things, great seeing you again, appreciate it. in the meantime, the dow up 200 points. wall street is loving this combination of low interest rates, 10 years, while under 4% right now and the prospect i think a little less so, tax cuts could be coming or the fact that both parties agree on the need for them maybe to goose the economy. whatever your views on the subject, that's a dirty little secret no one is talking about. also getting the latest from defense secretary lloyd austin, he fessed up about screwing up, didn't reveal his illness sooner, his cancer diagnosis, all of that but is it good enough as we wait to see what his response and his boss's
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response will be to those attacks on american soldiers. stick around. businesses go further with 5g solutions. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach.
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neil: lloyd austin meeting with reporters, he looked thinner and weaker but had a commanding presence. a lot of questions about how this happened and how it will proceed moving forward. a lot of things to put together. we could be responding to iran and the attack that killed two us soldiers. jennifer griffin was asking questions and joins us now. what did you think? >> reporter: it's the first time we have been able to question austin since his secret hospital stay at his questions were pointed. the secretary took responsibility for keeping the president and national security team in the dark about his prostate cancer. >> i want to be crystal clear. we did not handle this right and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i should have told my team and the american public. i take full responsibility.
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i apologize to my teammates and the american people. >> reporter: austin walked gingerly to the podium, still rehabilitating his leg, our complication from the prostate surgery. >> my news shook way. it shakes many others especially in the black community. it was a good punch. frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private. i don't think it is news that i am a pretty private guy. i never like burdening others with my problems. it's not my way. >> reporter: the questioning turn to the looming us response to iran and its proxies killing three americans earlier this week. the pentagon briefed congress in a classified closed briefing. >> there's been telegraphing
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about responding to the drone strike so much so that the uranian proxy leaders are back into iran. is the point not to kill any uranian commanders? >> we will have a multitiered response. we have the ability to respond a number of times. >> reporter: the us sent f-18 superhornets to bomb ten unmanned drones in yemen that were preparing to launch tuesday night, a cruise missile came within 1 mile of the uss gravely guided missile destroyer just seconds away from impact. other missiles have been shot down 8 miles away from us ships. the uss gravely used its weapon system to shoot the missile down which was the first time
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ever that the sea was was used in combat. us defense officials tell us they have completed forensic work on the remnants of the drone and assist it to have been manufactured in iran. neil: you are so good at it but what was your impression? he has definitely lost weight, looks weaker. i'm hardly want to be critical or judge but what did you make of his demeanor? >> as a cancer survivor myself and you would understand this as well, secretary austin was extremely contrite, realize he made a mistake. he explained one in six black men face prostate cancer and often keep it secret. he missed an opportunity to communicate to them about screening. but i think he was surprised there were complications from the surgery, he thought would
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be a quick in and out and regrets he didn't want to burden the president with the information and realizes, he explained staff knows he's a very private person and probably were overly protective, he did explain when i asked about the airstrikes that were carried out, those authorities were delegated to centcom so there was no way in any of the responses. i felt this was somebody who would come clean, realized he made a mistake and he was as open to all of our questions for the entire press conference. neil: you hate when i complicate you but i can tell the respect he had for you and your colleagues. you walked that walk. you had more relationship to that story and it showed. thank you very much.
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i want to go to retired u.s. army major general, always good to have you, a lot of second guessing about what the secretary did or didn't do, what he should have done. a lot of people want him to go. where do you think this goes? >> secretary lloyd austin, when he was commander of centcom, i was ground commander in air rack. he is a very private person as he said. it is not his way to ask for help. however, he's not only a public figure. he secretary of defense. as secretary of defense, he's part of nuclear weapons chain of command. it is his duty to do that. precrisis taking place in the middle east, we need someone like secretary austin in charge.
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i think whatever needs to take place as far as the review, what president biden said he should have told them, let that go. and focus on the attack in the middle east. neil: what i noticed, you don't see ourselves as big as you are. when i caught something general austin said, paraphrasing here with that interpretation. he didn't want to trouble the president with this, he is the commander of our forces and didn't think of himself that way. that was my immediate impression. >> i think you are right. that was very sincere as far as secretary austin but he's got people around him. he should have informed the
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president as soon as he knew about his cancer diagnosis. neil: that is another reason you could never be a tv anchor. it's not about you. i am looking at my face and everything else, that's not important to you. very good, bank you for your service. in the meantime, i don't know, the world's biggest ship, the icon of the seas, the time of your life on a ship that extends three football fields. what is not to love? the guy behind you is next. ♪ ♪ come sail away ♪ come sale away ♪ come sail away with me after last month's massive solar flare
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every stage of your business. with fast and secure payment. card readers you can rely on. and one place to manage it all. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. neil: to me it seems all cruise ships are huge, but this icon
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of the fees -- is the largest ship on earth. they never made anything bigger. nothing is coming down the pike anytime soon to challenge it. he's not on the icon of the seas, what ship are you on? >>, the bridge -- neil: how is that compared to the icon of the seas? what is this one? >> reporter: as you compared it, this would be much smaller. a football field as compared to three football fields. neil: let me get your take on why that huge ship, bookings are packed. that's what is going on and it
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is something we see carnival recording on and some of the arrivals, this is not slowing down. seems to show pretty strong economy, high propensity for folks to spend. >> the first thing that's important to realize, we've seen this trend for a while, people are buying less stuff and focused on creating memories with friends and family and building experiences. we happen to be in that experience business. we see a very heavy wave of quality demand coming our way from each of our brands. take some thing like icon of the seas which we've been working on for seven years, innovating based on what we believe, what the consumer is looking for, how to compete with land-based vacation. we designed the ship, built the ship and what is happening for multigenerational family travel, we hit the target of what our guests are looking for.
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neil: you are higher end, also celebrity under your umbrellas and white activity. people pay a lot of money on these cruises and want a lot of service. they are more demanding as a group when they are all crowded together. >> our guests always expect, we are delivering the best vacations in the world, to address your point on what they are paying, whether on the caribbean brand, and a land-based vacation, and a
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value play, multigenerational travel. neil: two decades as chief financial officer, you are the chairman of the cruise line international approach. talk about the international demand. a lot of american travelers want to stick close to america. that's the case coming out of covid. tell us about that now. >> they are traveling all over the world. going to europe and asia, australia all the time. and it became regional. and in other parts of the world. and the brands and the ships we
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have. is exceptionally strong in all markets. lauren: 1 wondering when it comes to icon of the seas, this humongous ship, it is mostly in the caribbean area. is there any move afoot to have across the land? >> this is the first of the icon series. they tend to -- east and west product. over time, ships like icon or the icon class will find its way to other parts of the world especially the western mediterranean. it. 20 you know your stuff, royal caribbean, the cruise prices were everything is under a one
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check system and i wonder why that is and shore excursions and all of that, separate things you don't combine them all, or all-inclusive. >> it depends on the customer. on the royal caribbean brand, our guests when we talk with them, they want to have choice. they don't want everything bundled, they want to select for them or their families or friends. when you move up the line like silver see, it's an all-inclusive product. a mix of choices and all-inclusive. and their expectations. neil: jason liberty, royal caribbean group ceo. so many types of ships and
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types of scenic travel under his umbrella. elon musk is saying he wants to move the company to texas, might be easier said than done. some other things going on. after this.
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neil: elon musk wants to go to texas, inc. and delaware. there's a lot going on with it. >> elon musk loves texas. he is going to expand that. space x's starbase, the boring
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company headquartered in the backdrop. musk is looking to incorporate tassos too. and he put it on x. 1910 say do it. what if he does? will he be sued? likely. this is a package the delaware judge called the -- unfathomable. that musk achieved 12 high in the sky goals for tesla in order to get that money. musk left california in 2021 because it is the land of overregulation, over litigation and over taxation, and the
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court of chancery is known to be protected of investors, legally makes it cheaper for some of them to raise capital, and the texas legislature setting up their own business court to sell cases kind of like this one. neil: they are piling up too much for donald trump and he's getting outraged when it comes to money. charlie gasparino following all fat. charles: what makes delaware so -- that one court which always rules against musk. neil: that precipitated it. charles: let's get back to the politics. we have donald trump running amid 5 indictments and really sort of crippling civil cases,
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$82 million verdict the other day, e.g. carol, something is coming down with the state courts, that could be any day, multimillion dollar things. neil: a lot of it has to be put in escrow. charles: it count against you. he is being crippled slowly but surely. then it comes down to the race, when it really comes down to it. i'm hardly amaga. i'm a realist. there's there is not a path. even ken griffin says a path for victory for nikki haley, he's a big contributor, extremely difficult, i would say impossible. he said narrow. the only path to victory outside winning a primary is this guy, trump, being totally crippled and going to jail and stuff like that. the question, does she withstand what's going on behind the scenes. at least haley is complaining
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about this. immense pressure from the gop, the party itself. to essentially drop out. does she do that? who knows? she's got some bucks, why not? can she take the heat? it's not easy to be told, you deny this guy the election you may never be able to run again. neil: a few kind of delegates, 1200. neil: point to the path that you are weakening. i'm just reporting. fair and balanced. neil: the big backers, let's say a south carolina doesn't hang it up. charles: 20 points in south carolina, that's the home state. it will really build.
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it becomes an issue, all these big backers, if it looks like trump, they want, listen, neil: what's wrong with standing back? charles: if you kept your mouth shut, it works because the theory is i'm not saying i support this, trust me on this. if you keep your mouth shut but she's not. they are saying she's not a team player. i don't care. i like to battle. i cover this like baseball. i wish this was the third inning, not the eighth-inning. we 20 you think patrick mahomes has a dad? charles: what's fascinating about this guy. neil: looks great. charles: most cornerbacks, he is built up top, no doubt, he's a big strong kid. here's the thing.
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he's got a wiry body. he's not like a musclebound dude, you don't want someone who's musclebound to be a quarterback. neil: like me. charles: that is what he does. neil: one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, joe piscopo. he is going to weigh in on this after this. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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adam: these would be fighting words, calling patrick mahomes a dad bomb. one of the best ever, getting ripped for not getting cut. looks fine to me. joe piscopo always looks fine to become a weightlifter extraordinaire. i try to keep to 99% fat on me.
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the former snl cast member, comedian, popular radio show host. if this guy has a dad bought, then i am mark spitz. where did this come from? >> i have no idea why they are going after him because i would have thought the same thing, looking at the screen, he has a little bit of a gut. can anybody who criticizes this keep up with this kid. neil: i don't have time for that. when i see these before and after pictures of people who lost a lot of weight. i'm happy with the before pictures. i think there is something bigger going on. the cabal, let's go after taylor swift and all of that.
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i don't like the sound of it. >> absolutely right. taylor swift is great. my 13-year-old loves her, lives for her. i took a second mortgage to pay for her last year. but it is cute. this guy kelsey, a great thing for football. taylor at the saturday night live reunion cannot be nicer, the best thing in the chiefs are classy classy operations. neil: there are no stories but you really -- she is hugging you. so let me ask you, you keep in great shape, you and i,
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separated. you are big and that to this day. >> that the way i look 30 years ago. when i see my friends at the airport, you got small, look at you. look at that picture, walking around like this. neil: you feel pressure like that? i talked to arnold schwarzenegger about this, you have to keep up with that and either by drone, you have to keep at it. >> and tricks done. i asked arnold, i love arnold schwarzenegger. he goes overhead light. overhead light.
12:56 pm
it is all for it. it's illusion. you got to stay healthy. he looks great. neil: the fat joke seem to be fine, the camera is 50 pounds and people outside the building say you are on tv, good seeing you, continued success. looks no different. on the cover of that magazine. a little more. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones businesses go further with 5g solutions.
12:57 pm
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12:58 pm
12:59 pm
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1:00 pm
adam: billy joel, a new song that sounds like it was made 50 years ago. he is one of my favorite entertainers. only the good die young, we didn't start the fire but this song touches a nerve. i think it touches on relationships, take advantage of them, how to come back and appreciate the person you are with and never forget each day is a gift. a lot of you are saying you're dating yourself but my son is going to his concerts and he is like younger. let me go to taylor riggs.


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