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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 2, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. >> today was abeliaout. there's no way you can -- was a blowout and no way you can kiss it based on the data we're
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getting. >> there's no shortcut to understanding america. you've got to go out and talk with them. so the president, i don't think, knows right now what american people are feeling. >> the president needs to look the american people in the eye and explain the strategy here and depends also with this game and following to iran's game of believing there's a difference between what teheran wants and does. >> it's been a remarkable set of persecutions on this man. he still is higher in these polls. ashley: on sixth avenue going nowhere. not a lot of foot traffic on the streets. listening to josh turner. friday paycheck indeed. it is friday. how it's grand hog day. it's ground hog day. it's 11:00 a.m. on the east
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coast on friday, february 26789 i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney. we take a look at markets trying to turn it around. the dow had been down more than about 150 points now just slightly down by 25 points. nasdaq up more than 1%. the s&p also up more than half a percent. take a look at big tech names. some of these have been absolute tear after their earnings report yesterday. one of those meta up 20%, remarkable. up $82 at 477.73 and amazon moving higher. also on a tear, the 10-year treasury yi yield up 15.5 basis points at 4.03%. that normally is really bad news for those high gross stocks in the nasdaq, but that is a story today. a look at markets and now to politics. tomorrow democrats hold first official primary in south carolina the palmetto state will largely be a test for biden and, well, basically voters
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enthusiasm and mark merri bowl death in columbia, south carolina this morning. mark, are they worried about voter turnout? reporter: ashley, the state party not predicting voter turnout and it is a little different. this is the first time we've seen south carolina move up. it's a historic contest and even though it may not be competitive and state going ahead of places like iowa and new hampshire and a decision that could have impact on presidential politics for years to come. you won't believe this, the last time that south carolina went for a democrat in the presidential election 1976 when jimmy carter was running for the white house and democrats are putting more emphasis on the state citing a growing population and playering to other places in the midwest and northeast. last week president biden was out here in columbia to thank black voters for essentially helping save his campaign four years ago. biden even telling the crowd that you're the reason i'm president.
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now the state party says it's doing all it can to get voters to the polls tommy been trying to hold the get out the vote event tomorrow to get people excited and it's a race that no anyone expects to be competitive. >> we're doing everything we can to make sure that every democratic voter in the state knows there's a primary and they should vote in the primary. i expect robust turnout and i think that's what matters on saturday. reporter: those people that go to the polls, won't take them too long to fill out a ballot and three presidential candidates, president biden and congressman dean phillips of minnesota and self-help author marianne williamson and president biden came out to try and drum up the support. later today, ashley, we'll see vice president kamala harris come out as well. it's not a contest that'll be close. what happens here could have an impact for the next several years. ashley. ashley: could indeed. mark meredith in south carolina thank you very much.
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bring in brian brenberg with us for the whole hour. brian is of course a professor and likes to talk about politics as well. my question to you, brian, this morning: is south carolina kind of a litmus test for the biden campaign or not? >> yeah, he's got to have great performance in south carolina he's right about one thing, it's the reason he's the president right now, but he's done a very bad job with some of these contenders who frankly shouldn't be contenders for him. dean phillips shouldn't be in contention and marianne williamson shouldn't be polling much in the polls. they're both doing better than expected because president biden just does not inspire confidence, even among those who are his most administer den supporters and who share his governing nosofio. they look at him and say maybe you had the right ideas but don't seem like the right guy. you better clean up in south carolina we'll see what happens.
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ashley: i'm looking at video of the president and talk about frailness and i've got to believe it's hard to generate any envoys yam for the campaign. >> well, like you said, i'm not a guy inclined to be supportive of president biden and i watch that video and think how could -- even if you loved every one of his ideas, you would say i don't think this guy can carry those ideas. that's his biggest problem and not the sound and just when the camera's on him. ashley. that's one of your biggest problems, you've got a tough fight ahead. ashley: yeah, up ticks are not good. move on, brian. next one, donald trump telling maria bartiromo that he's ready to shake up staffing at the fed. roll the tape. >> would you reappoint jay powell? >> i wouldn't do that. >> because? he missed inflation? >> he did miss, he did miss but no, i wouldn't be inclined.
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ashley: interesting. no, do you think that removing powell is the right move? >> he did kind of blow it on his biggest job, ashley. you kind of got to get it right on inflation if you're the chair of the federal reserve. i don't blame the president saying he might get us out of this with less damage than we thought, i don't know. do you want to put him back in that spot? has he learned enough? you could say yes but in a roll that big, you kind of get one shot to prove your medal and if you get it wrong, you got to take your lumps. ashley: who could replace powell? >> i have no idea who should replace powell. i don't know the name of the person but i would say this, it would be somebody who understands your focus as fed chair is price stability and
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nothing else. give me somebody like that, could be someone in the phone book you've never heard of it, they get that, i'd rather have them as fed chair. ashley: i think that says it all. very wise mr. brenberg and we'll hear more throughout the hour. thank you, brian. look at markets and bring in jonathan hoenig and markets initially headed south, certainly on the dow. we've got really strong jobs report. people saying oh no, the fed is not going to cut rates in march. probably not in may. jonathan, i read your stuff and this is interesting. you say the average person spends more than 50% of their food budget at restaurants. that is extraordinary, and i have no idea. >> we love eating out and spend more than 50% of that entire food budget at restaurants now and average american eats out four and a half-times a week and
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eat out more than at home and spending more as well, ashley. restaurant spending in december was up 8%, more than any other category. i'm one example. this morning, i only just got my coffee but of course hi to get pastries and not just one pastry either. i got a chris san antonio, it's good -- croissant and cinnamon bun and looking at restaurants taking advantage of that trend. ashley: you're a man after my own trend, i'm right there with you with the pastries. how do you play the restaurant craze? >> that's a little different, ashley. there's an etf that tracks restaurants in particular. ashley: that looks good. >> e atz. e-a-t z and it tracks the fest aunt industry in particular and features large caps and they've been leading but also small and
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mid caps so eatz and, ashley, people are looking for stocks that haven't taken off. that one still 10% below where it was three years ago and a lot of names are actually break out like polo, pot belly is up 37% in just the last six months and wing stop is up 70% in just the last six months. so a lot of people are talking about magnificent seven, but a lot of restaurant stocks are pretty delicious as well and deserve a place in your portfolio. ashley: fascinating, jonathan, thank you as always and thank you for taunting me with that pastry because it look sos good. enjoy it, my friend. thanks for being here. thank you, jonathan. lucky guy. all right, now, laurie, apple down more than half a percent. lauren: earnings not terrible and double beat and stock could end higher today. yeah, iphone sales soft 24 china but their services division hit
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an all time high even though $23 billion in revenue in that category did disappoint. there could be excitement about the new product category and $3500 vision pro arvr headset on sale in stores today. maybe investors are saying all right, we're not discounting apple just yet. right now they're not sure. down half a percent. ashley: take a look at amazon too. on fire. lauren: new high. over $170. it's an ecommerce and cloud behem meth and forecasting growth of 8-13% and ceo says their investment on generative ai has been relatively small but it'll draw tens of billions in revenue soon. ashley: all right, sketchers, the shoe people. lauren: good job. i was wondering if you'd get that one.
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>> a year of de-stocking and guiding down for this year too. street's disappointed and stock's off 7.25%. ashley: i bought a pair of sketchers boots that i thought okay, they lasted forever and how about that for a commercial. lauren: i didn't know they made boots. thank you. ashley: they do. kind of a big clunky thing and they worked. thank you, lauren. coming up, amazon rolling out new ai shopping assistant and call rufus, and makes me laugh. how it works. thank you, rufus. look at headline from the economist, the headline reads "the evidence in favor of charter schools in americas that strengthened so where are they not more popular in common place"? that's the question and put to high school teacher and longer and longer to head of the police union said officers are being stretched beyond their breaking point. we'll have a live report from a police precinct next.
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ashley: now to america's crime crisis. response times for nypd are hitting levels not seen in decades and the city is blaming traffic. madison alworth outside of police pre-l suint in new york city. madison, on average how long does it take officers to respond to a crime? reporter: ashley, on average taking officers 16 minutes and 12 seconds to respond and nearly
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two minutes longer than this time last year when on average officers were responding within 14 minutes 21 second. city hall is pointing to traffic as part of the problem is some council members saying it was because of inefficiency and recordkeeping. officer haves to write down information in the field that they then need to input when they bet back to the precincts and computers and those in the force say officers leaving is the biggest issue. >> we're 7,000 less police officers and highest peaks in the nypd and we have a staffing crisis. reporter: nypd officers walking off at alarming rates and five years before and 550 officers quit before mentioning kick in
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and we're above 1,000 per year and force cannot keep up with the rate of those leaving before their pensions set in from apri0 officers were hired and that's compared to over 6,600 that quit or retired. this year it's 16 minutes 12 seconds and that's four minutes slower than 2021 when we saw response time of 11 minutes 40 seconds. ashley. ashley: thank you very much. they're blaming a migrant surge for 53% spike of people living in homeless shelters. joining me now is mike a republican from new york.
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congressman, how is the city supposed to keep up with this kind of demand, only going to get worse and more people approve. >> it's interesting to watch my colleagues in new york city and new york state blame this crisis on the border, blame it on traffic and the reality here is it's their disastrous policies and policies of sanctuary cities and the right to shelter. the reason the new york city homeless shelter system is up 53% is because they have interpreted the right to shelter to mean that they have to provide housing to illegal immigrants and officers are leaving, quitting the job before they're eligible for retirement is because of the policies like cash less bail. one of the dumbest pieces ever
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enacted anywhere into law. they need to look in the myrrh and end pollties and cooperate with ice. when you see illegal immigrants beating up a law enforcement officer in broad daylight in the city streets of new york, and then they are released because of cashless bail, that right there is exactly why officers are quitting in record numbers. ashley: and the millions and millions going towards taxpayer money and going here illegally and the expense of people live here and born here and now had their kids doing virtual learning because migrants are taking over schools. i mean, it's outrageous.
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>> ashley, it's even worse and new york state proposed to spend $2.4 billion in this year's upcoming state budget and cutting school aid and not only were they sending students to remote learning and house migrants and they're looking to cut public school aid to fund the migrant crisis in new york city and it's totally insane. ashley: i don't see it getting better any time soon, do you? >> don't if the policies remain the same. joe biden failed miz labially otosecure the southern dish miz miserably and when you're offering free housing food and healthcare what, do you think will happen? ashley: yeah, it's upside down. it's insane.
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congressman, thank you for talking with us today. couldn't agree with you more. thank you so much for being here. >> thanks for having me. ashley: thank you. one city is encouraging migrants to move there. lauren: topeka, kansas. if you have working papers, it wants you to apply for a job. they have about 6600 jobs open and started to put ads out in spanish speaking channels and, yeah, they've gotten responses. the thing is they don't have a shelter system, almirola sure there's a way to house some of the migrants but seems like they want myograns that have papers and perhaps some sort of savings where they can afford to live there and also work there. ashley: careful what you wish for. brian what, do you make of topeka calling for migrants to move there? >> i'm thinking topeka, pay
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attention here. look what's happening. there's what you ask for and what happens sanctuary city hads a great plan till it got hit with the reality and all blew up and i mean f you're a city like topeka, don't invite the chaos. may not have shelters there. we didn't really have shelters in new york either. you can see that now because migrants are living in the abandoned schools next to where i live. that's not a plan. that's not going to work. careful, topeka. you're in a good spot, don't mess it up. ashley: yeah, don't mess it up. brian, thank you very much. all right, coming up. a lawless zone, that's how neighbors describe an area where the migrant mob assaulted the new york police officers and we'll tell you about the crimes people are being subjected to on a daily basis. a former high school history teacher is now going after schools for being too woke. we're going to ask him what he's on the lookout for and what changes he'd lake to see in our classrooms. that is next.
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ashley: the dow is down a at this point of a percent and nas data committing up 1% and s&p up half a percent. big tech names and look at those, of course some big tech companies reporting yesterday after the bell. meta one of them, up 20%, more than 20% and amazon also up about 7.25% and microsoft 2, up 1% but apple just essentially flat. alphabet also down 1%. take a look at 10-year yield, which has been a big story this morning. it is moving higher as we speak. up more than 15 basis points now. 10-year treasury yield up about 4.03%. bitcoin moving slightly lower and turned around to 180-$$191
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now. take a look at amazon now. rolling out a new shopping assistant. lauren. lauren: sure, go to lauren for the shopping story. ashley: purely coincidence. lauren: rufous in data -- rufus in data mode but the rollout is soon. type or speak a question into the search bar on amazon and chat window pops up and a bot will tell you that's the best french press or this is the exact difference between indoor and outdoor soccer cleats. rufous is a dog and one of the -- rufus is a dog at amazon and one of the workers at amazon because they can bring their pets to school. >> ashley, you make a decision and have angel on one and devil
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on the other and angel says save and devil says buy. rufus will be the devil and say, lauren, that shirt you were looking at last week, you've got to get that, lauren. ashley: rufus is a scute puppy. i'm not so sure, brian brenberg. we'll see. >> ashley, you're in trouble. lauren: thanks, ashley. ashley: thank you, lauren. my next guest was a high school ap history teacher and now targeting teachers and schools for being too woke. ryan walters is the oklahoma state superintendent of public instruction. good morning to you, ryan. so let's begin with what you consider too woke? >> well, what we've seen over the last few years is a far-leng wing agenda on the schools and a
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drag queen run ago school here in oklahoma. transgender ideology being pushed on kids and critical race theory. president trump started the war against this woke ideology in 2016. we've got to get him back in the white house to finish it, and we are going to win this war on woke here in oklahoma. ashley: so what do you do about wokeness in schools? how do you combat it? >> right, i mean, first thing you've got to do is you've got to get the teachers unions out of the schools. the unions have been pushing this ideology onto our kids, against the will of parents, they targeted parents and teacher's unions are the enemy of our kids. and next what we have to do and president trump has been chamath uponning this, you have to abolish the department of education. federal department of education has been pushing critical race theory, transgender ideology and openly declared parents to be terrorists and had department of homeland security investigate them. you have to get the teacher'sdownons and federal
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government out of the schools and bring parents in. you've got to pass transparency measures and school choice and school boards with good members and this is how you bring the fight back to the left wing ideology. union's out and parents in and that's the key to success. ashley: we hear you. i want you, ryan, to listen to this headline in the economist and says "the evidence in favor of charter schools in america has strengthened. meanwhile both parties have run away from them". it's interesting, ryan, what do you think is behind resistance to charter schools? >> great question. charter schools are successful because of school choice. parents choose that for their kids. they don't have teachers unions number two. the union doesn't stifle their innovation and number three, there's less regulation. what we see here is another great example of why you want -- example of why you want the feds out of education, you want there to be the ability for schools to meet the needs of parents.
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the left hate it is because it hurts their union dues and fees and gets them reelected. we've got to continue to embrace school choice across the country and done it here in oklahoma. this has got to be nationwide and president trump has been fighting against the left on this and he's been a champion for school choice and we have to get this back to a national issue and getting our education system fixed and country fixed. ashley: we'll leave it right there. ryan walters, thank you for talking with us today about the state of schools. thank you so much. >> thank you. ashley: thank you. come into this, brian, of course professor brenberg for years. what's your take on school choice and charter schools, brian? >> huge fan, huge fan of parents getting their tax money to send their child to the right school. here's why, we talk about dei and are we fixing dei and stating saying you can't have dei offices anymore. okay, great. what are the schools going to do?
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same people there, same ideology. are they going to change the name and keep doing it? it's like wack a mole and the school is doing the same stuff, i'm out and going some place else and focuses on education to me competition is the answer in education. teachers unions hate that, ash, but that's the answer. ashley: they do. choice is a wonderful thing, brian. thank you very much. utah took action in the war on woke. lauren, what are they doing? lauren: governer spencer cox is a republican, relatively moderate and just signed a law that bans dei at university level and state government. so no diversity training, no diversity hiring on campus or in government. obviously texas and florida started the war on woke, but other states, tennessee, north carolina, north dakota have all come on and this is happening also in board rooms; right. seeing more and more pushback
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from companies and governments. axios reporting that 21 states, almost half the country, have considered a dei law. ashley: very interesting. all right, now here's something i never thought i'd have to say, comedian larry david is apologizing to elmo from sesame street. obviously the biggest story of the day. lauren, what did he do that prompted l apology? lauren: it happened on nags mall morning television. the today show and elmo was there checking in to see how everybody was feeling, mental health awareness when larry david came over and i don't know if he squeezed elmo or strangled him but the anchor said, larry, you've got to apologize. watch here. >> oh my gosh. you love elmo, don't you. >> ash permission before you touch people, larry.
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>> elmo. >> larry. >> i just want to apologize. >> thank you, larry. i'll cassioppi cement your apology, larry. lauren: doesn't seem sincere and that wasn't supposed to happen and now a cartoon on television and comedian beating it up talking about mental health. ashley: and traumatized kids that may have been watching that. come into this, brian. what do you make of elmo assault? >> am i cruel if i think it was kind of funny. am i okay to think it was funny. anchors not knowing what to do. we live a a society where no one can joke and it's funny, it's larry david and elmo. if you grew up with kids watching hell mo and always talking about feelings. you get a it will l sick of it sometimes, don't you? right here, i'm just -- lauren: i know. i kind of thought it was funny
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too. ashley: felt like that was something that larry david always wanted to co. when the opportunity came, he took it literally with both hands. lauren: real quick, if you're an anchor sitting there and that's happening you're like oh my goodness, how do we handle this? children and families are watching this and elmo is -- >> children aren't watching that. ashley: being too woke. coming up, florida's governor desantis is sending 1,000 florida troops to the texas border and he wants to slow the trickle of migrants ending up in his state. we'll have a report with all the very latest, next.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. ashley: florida governer ron
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desantis will send an additional 1,000 troops to the southern border in texas. ddana marie mcnicholls has more. >> in 2021 florida wases first state to send their national guard to help protect the boarder and governor desantis is helping send up to an additional 1,000 troops. >> goal is to help texas fortify this border, help them strangen strangen -- strengthen the boarder and fortify it to stop this invasion once and for all. >> governor desantis hopes the effort at the border will ultimately stop the migrants making their way to the communities and florida leads
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the nation in backlogged immigration case withs 481,000 people waiting to gain permanent residency in the state. texas, california, new york and illinois aren't far behind with hundreds of thousands of migrants awaiting backlogged cases. during the press conference florida highway patrol expressed frustration with how the border crisis is affecting them lo locally. >> we're stopping people with drugs, stopping people who are bringing weapons and things of that nature into our comm communities. having to deal with these individuals on the side of the road that have no regard for anyone's life. >> one recent arrest in orlando by border patrol, they caught a convicted felon from mexico who crossed illegally into the u.s. through texas. his records include domestic violence and several duis. the florida state guard as well
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as florida national guard deploying in a couple days and they'll be joining the already 90 law enforcement officers from florida there on the ground in texas. ash. ashley: danamarie thank you for that. lauren, come n. dozens of democrats a am i reading that right? democrats supported this? lauren: the bill passed with 274-150 votes so 59 democrats joined all 215 republicans in backing the legislation, drive sober, get deported and if you're here illegally and charged with driving under the influence you're automatically eligible for deportation. that does to the mean you will be. obviously this needs to pass the senate and president needs to sign it. the legislation is intended to clarify discrepancy between federal and state law for grounds of deportation and what
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a sanctuary city is and protects you from. ashley: right, how could 150 lawmakers vote against that? it's beyond me. lauren, again, we'll show you that disturbing video of mob of migrants attacking new york city police officers near sometime square. there's a migrant shelter near there. lauren: yeah, right this. the neighbors are annoyed saying this area is a lawless zone and open air drug market with street fights and all night brawls. think about it, people live there, work there, and tourists are coming here, they're paying a premium to stay in time square and see the broadway shows, eat at restaurants and so expensive and that's what you see? you heard about thompson square park. it's literally a bathroom for illegal immigrants. ashley: yeah, we're become ago third world country, it's awful. lauren, thank you very much. to that point, brian, you live
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in new york. what do you make of the city's migrant crisis? what a mess. >> what's interest asking just before that video, the one before that you were showing on the screen it was saint bridget's school. that's where i live. that's my neighborhood. i walk by that my family walks by and that's where our library is. lauren just mentioned that thompson square park has become a bathroom, literally a bathroom for people and the library has become that. the last time my wife went to the library with our kids, there was a guy inside the doorway going to the bathroom. what's happening here is the city leaders are asking for money that cannot possibly solve this problem. the entire neighborhood, the character of the neighborhood has been changed by the migrant sheller and number of people roaming around. not saying they're causing problems. i haven't seen with my own eyes
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theft, but it's just there. so you ask yourself as a parent and family, what's going to happen next? it's only going to get more like this. ashley: it's not right. brian, thank you very much. we hear you. take a look at dow 30 stocks and getting a sense of where we are. the dow's desperately trying to fight back to the positive and has made it, up 65 points as you can see. lagging behind intel for sure, home depot, walgreens, boots alliance but we've turn it had around. caterpillar up on the top as it energy play chevron. guess what, don't go anywhere, friday feedback, oh, yes, it's next. ♪
11:49 am
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11:53 am
ashley: that's lower broadway in nashville where all the honky tonkers are. it's 63 degrees. my wife and i were there a few months ago. full-time for the friday feedback. lauren and brian come back n. the first one has me nervous at first and they used to be rude. here it is. there once was a show with well wishes, with business news that gave us all a shiver. but varney and co knew it was always a go when they educated us with ken fisher. >> solid. lauren: good day job. ashley: nothing about nantucket. yes, never go there. this is from points pointer aske question: what's your favorite hop by. brian, what's your s? >> i love to collect baseball cards.
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i've made that clear on this program before. my son does too and we do it together, we have mickey mantle collectors. any time we can save and get one, that's what we're trying for. ashley: lauren? lauren: i need more hop byes. skiing, we're starting to ski more as a family. might go on sunday. >> sporty. ashley: very good. ashley: i've just started taking more pictures, photography so hasn't turned out great. lauren: what kind of camera? ashley: fun to do. ashley: i don't know what it is. i don't know. that's how rotten i am. i use my iphone. virginia says i love when they show travis and taylor at football games and brings a ray of sunshine and civility and hope for all humanity. who are for them love is alive. that's positive. this is from bill.
11:55 am
for me all of the noise about taylor swift and the super bowl have taken away the enjoyment of the game. the nfl and press has taken away the focus obstructing cerumen two top teams playing for the hit and will turned it into an episode of america's got talent. i wonder how the britts react if taylor swift had fallen in love with major epl star. good question. lauren, is that craze taking away enjoyment for the nfl? are we oversaturated in lauren: it's a bit oversaturated. i don't mind per se but hear real football fans talk about how it annoys them. i feel for them because that's their hobby and they ruined it. ashley: annoys me. i want to watch the game. >> too much. ashley: that's it. too much. you can't blame taylor, she turns up to watch the game. move on and friday trivia
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question was a good one. how old are the horses that run in the kentucky derby? are they 3, 6, 9, or 12? all right, tip about it. the answer when we return. they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, .. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy.
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12:00 pm
ashley: we asked how old are the her horses that run in the kentucky derby? your guess is first to. lauren: i know the answer. brian: let the young ones run. ashley: i would say 3-numtwo. 3 years old. young ones will be 150 at the kentucky derby, 13 horses that never won the triple crown. in my blood now. going to make sure we catch up with you at one:00 p.m. on "the big money show" on fox business. what a week, what a day. that's it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast starts right about right now.


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