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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm EST

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ashley: we asked how old are the her horses that run in the kentucky derby? your guess is first to. lauren: i know the answer. brian: let the young ones run. ashley: i would say 3-numtwo. 3 years old. young ones will be 150 at the kentucky derby, 13 horses that never won the triple crown. in my blood now. going to make sure we catch up with you at one:00 p.m. on "the big money show" on fox business. what a week, what a day. that's it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast starts right about right now.
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>> and glad tidings on groundhog day, early spring is on the way. neil: punxsutawney phil predicts an early spring. he did not predict an early interest rate cut. the groundhog didn't see his shadow but a certain fed chief did see something more significant. it is so beyond the shadow of a doubt huge, he knows those cuts can keep waiting because the booming economic numbers keep coming. today's news, 553,000 americans than were originally reported, two months before that. higher temperatures are coming but not lower rates and maybe not for a while. tom gimble on a plan that's looking more nimble. a lot more number will.
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what do you think of it? >> can we get a heck the act? what more do people want? this is as good as it gets and the message, doesn't feel like it's the ninth-inning. feels like extra innings and there is no -- this economy is going to keep going. adam: there is no need to lower the rates. i don't think people are ready for the possibility that it doesn't happen all this year. what do you think? >> at the earliest they are in the third quarter, my guess would be towards the end of the year, something drastic, we don't want something drastic to happen and no matter what side of the aisle we are on, if we see government hiring was a little over 10% of the total,
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we don't want that to be the answer to the problem. we saw construction jobs, retail and service jobs -- neil: that made report stand out. and 30,000 government jobs. what does it mean in future cuts. not only avoiding recession but picking up? >> here's what we are seeing. we are on main street, people from entry-level jobs, what we see more than anything else is small and medium-sized businesses gobbling up people from fortune 500, big tech, laying people off, what exists in 2020 for the didn't exist in 2,000 one is so many companies,
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you could have a startup small and medium-sized businesses that don't care what industry you came from, they care about your technical characteristics, different economic world we live in and thus different employment trends, different wage scales across the board. neil: if you are president biden at the white house, things are getting better. they say people will start feeling it. does a number like this help the cause or is it the latest that isn't registering? >> if you are president biden you are cheering and saying we are doing this. if you are on the other side of the aisle, you are saying this is momentum that's coming from the new economy and it would happen no matter what. the real question, all the other issues that exist, that
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is probably the truth that we are in this new economy is that is global, small and medium-sized companies and we have more startups and technology that will allow for small companies to create huge opportunities in the marketplace which house trickle-down hiring across the market. it is such a unique thing we never had before. people want to compare. we've got to study history but technology has given us so many ways to peel back the layers of the onion that this economy will keep going for a while. neil: we are watching closely. a historic number, that's an understatement. we will monitor that and also american propensity to spend, high ticket items. there's a certain offering for
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a minimum of $3500. susan is outside the office in new york city with a lot of eager buyers. >> reporter: $3,500 is the base price, the starting price but that was not enough. despite the winter weather, not enough to deter the diehards. they lined up pretty early. the fifth avenue iconic cuba. apple is betting we will spend more time in the virtual world, special computing, it looks like an expensive pair of ski goggles. wearing four iphones on your face. i caught up with tim cook and asked about the price point that he defend it as value saying get your paying for a piece of tomorrow today.
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new things to use it for, interesting the diehards that lineup this morning were the actual developers. price was not an issue. >> that is the next iphone. >> $3,500. is this a big hit or not? >> we don't know until we try. >> reporter: the vision pro launch takes a day after earnings yesterday, stock dropped, but despite the fact you had apple, a 4 year following sales. analyst were disappointed by china, $3 billion in the quarter. i spoke to tim cook on earnings
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last night, a week less compared to last year, if you look at mainland china and convert to constant currency we were down single digit and the dollar is strong, particularly affects china. you feel good about the long-term of both countries. i can tell you i tried the quest 3 and vision pro, this is pretty incredible tech. neil: i'm not sure what it is. 's it for gaming or watching movies? what is it? if you had to describe it, what is it? >> reporter: all of that. inside the actual content. inside the episode, and aging
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parents, and live inside family photos and videos, think of having dinner every night with the kids when they were 5 -- neil: don't think i can get through this broadcast. now i know. that summed it up very nicely. that $35 head set is all the rage right now. it is cheap, didn't do that. what do you make of this? that product, a bigger issue, pretty strong sales. >> a high ticket item, early stage, it is expensive. apple will launch to the watch, 30 billion to revenue.
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people expect 200,000 units, 600,000 or more, the next phase of tech, seeing everyone from meta, to ai. this is apple's entry into it. adam: you are not one to brag and say i told you so but when everyone was saying the fed, interest rates yesterday -- >> tomorrow or the next year. powell is the rodney dangerfield, gets no respect and -- neil: compared jerome powell to rodney dangerfield. >> he was wrong on inflation being transitory at hiking rates but since then he has been clear, keep raising and he did and he will keep it here. there was an 80% chance a month
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ago that we would get the first cut in march. neil: i remember. i wonder if this year is off the table. how does the market digests that in spring and summer, waiting and waiting, they got their soft landing, apple and some of these others. >> the fed likes to stay out of the way of elections. it is a possibility. a low odd possibility we don't get it cut and the jobs report caused everyone to pause. the last 2 or 3 months everyone was deriding the jobs report, seeing negative visions downward. neil: people look at the jobs report, people working seven jobs, i get that. i know the politics of that if
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you get one, i'm not sure, look at the numbers and you can play politics left to right or however you want. undeniably strong stop follows a trend of other good news, consumer sentiment picking up, factory activity is picking up. i was wondering if the new worry, wall street needs a something to worry about, may be this will require hikes. >> i haven't contemplated that yet. is the economy getting hot? we are seeing that. lauren: 20 the wage gains more than expected, still tame. i wonder if it keep cycling. >> 37 months in a row, job increases, the long-term trend, stocks love jobs. you have to be constructive.
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everyone starts to complain, you got to stay away from that. neil: you are doubling down. >> got to revive the trends. i'm looking more at the small-cap names and large-cap trends. we see microsoft, meta, apple, nvidia leaving the way, there is another semiconductor play. a company that i personally own family owned, haven't done any banking with but technology that is just getting ready to be commercialized, instead of one winner. neil: what about the other big winners, nvidia, do you just avoid it now? you could have said that 15% ago. >> i don't think -- i'm throwing everything into microsoft. look at the microsofts of the
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world, they have a competitive advantage. they can drive demand and say we are launching this product with ain it. and nvidia, trying to supply the market they can't creating their own demand. apple is interesting. the number that's getting underreported, the growth is device based, 2.2 billion users. that the device, a platform, 4 billion people used it one of their apps in the last month. whatever they do they don't have to innovate, just iterate. neil: it was a rough week for mark zuckerberg, 20% run today. >> you can't deny fundamentals are gone. it's an advertising business, the economy is doing well. it it is up 11% this% this quarter. meta-just blowing out expectations, 99% driven by apple.
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neil: the ads are looking good. and promote that. always good seeing you. in the meantime, the 1-year anniversary of the east palestine train derailment, news from of the president of the united states. he will be visiting, don't know exactly when. after this. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap.
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let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon.
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones
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lauren: 1 we are learning more about how that train derailment happened in the first place in ohio. hard to believe it has been a year or close to it and a lot of questions still not answered for residents. we will talk to one of them in east palestine, the president does plan to visit ahead of that. kelly? >> we are at the side of the train derailment which is home to one of the town's companies that live here, they make materials pretty high heat industries, cement and steel and three businesses part of this one building and all intertwined.
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only one of them would relocate to pennsylvania because there is heavy machinery that's part of the structure of the building. owner edwin weighing filed a lawsuit against norfolk southern. the epa told the business book cleanup would take 8 months. a year later it is apparent this won't be finished anytime soon. >> not like a temporary interruption. we lost a lot of skilled workers, maintenance crew, everyone. when that happens you don't just come back from that. >> reporter: enchanted salon is a mile from saran fat. jackie leif and thomas snedeker opened in 2022, they have regret, they lost 30% of their clientele and 0 health and norfolk southern. the company says they will pour $25 million into the city's park but these business owners say the railroad company needs to invest in local businesses
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and give people a reason to come back to east palestine. >> bring some restaurants into town, things like that, to help bring business in for the rest of us. >> reporter: enchanted salon is one of 18 businesses receiving forgivable loans from ohio. they applied for this in june and have not received the money though they have been improved. they say the 1-year anniversary is tomorrow. stuart: thank you for. east palestine is the center of the tension as it was a year ago. we talked to misty allison, resident, what her family was facing, we catch up with her now. she's kind enough to accept our invitation. how are you doing these days? >> thanks for having me on the show. as for how i am doing and my family is doing, we are very
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healthy and doing very well. for us, life is back to normal but that's definitely not the case for everybody as we just saw. neil: tell us what your friends and neighbors are dealing with and what the issues are. >> reporter: a lot of progress has been made. it's important for everybody to know but there is so much more to do. cleanup is still underway but the creeks are still contaminated. many have chosen to stay in east palestine but some have moved away, some are relocated and that is heartbreaking. many are healthy but some are still sick. as you have seen on the screen, this did put a scarlet letter on our town and it will have a massive impact for years to come. let's say despite the hardships we have endured my community has demonstrated remarkable strength. while admittedly being very
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divided too but many communities have recovered from disasters like this. i'm trying to be optimistic and i'm confident that east palestine will recover and thrive too. everything takes so much longer than you think it will like the business owners that said they haven't received the money from available funds. neil: you could have moved out. i raised that issue with you last year. you obviously decided not to do it. why? >> east palestine is home. my husband's home town, he is a fourth-generation east palestine native and we love it here, we love the people i don't want to give up on east palestine. there are millions of data points that suggest it is safe to be here. there are concerns from my perspective about long-term health implications and things like that.
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however, i want to be part of the solution to this problem. i'm committed to staying here and making sure that east palestine thrives and that this doesn't happen in any other community. this happened in east palestine but could have happened anywhere. neil: the president will be visiting this month. what do you think of that? >> we did hear that this week. i am glad president biden is finally following through on his promise to come to east palestine. i think he said he was going to come almost a year ago, we are strong and resilient people but we deserve to be heard. i don't want it to just be a photo opportunity in the political stunt. if president biden is going to come here, i want him to come with some announcements,
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federal funding, a way to give east palestine hope, even though we haven't been top of mind from the white house, we are not going to be forgotten and we are going to get the help we need to move forward. i am trying to keep an open mind with everything and see how the visit goes. neil: you seem like a remarkable woman. i wish you well. i hope everything ends up as confidently as you trust it will. very good having you. >> thank you, take care. neil: ai is creeping into everything but when a country music star starts worrying about how it could misuse her and others music and that's on you are hearing, isn't from the favorite artist you are thinking, you've got problems. ♪
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st. jude is hope that you have a chance at life. and it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. [music playing] you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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adam: evs becoming a thing but gary called palm -- gary k kaltbaum is forecasting troubles, which is a calling 2.2 million the same week it was forecasting trouble down the road. the stock got sunk 12% from where it was a week ago. it's not following these other magnificent seven players. he's here to say i told you so. what's going on here? >> reporter: economics 101, the
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negative side. there has been so much talk how big evs will be and they forgot to recognize people will decide and there's not enough demand. getting rid of electric vehicles and rentals, you see these otto company slowing production because they were forced into and simply if demand drops, lowers stocks, seeing in droves. the worst acting group in the market is electric vehicles, plain old void until something comes up that's much better. neil: i always said why not pool toyota which had matching middle ground, and help the world at the same time you
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refused to shut down fossil fuels, isn't that the best of both worlds? a middle ground even for investors. >> hybrid is the shape of things to come. this has been forced on people by governments, giving rich people $7,500 to buy these expensive cars and there has been pushback. they love because loves but how much going forward once you've sold it to a lot of people. watch the stock prices, tell me everything, sales have decelerated. earnings were down 40%. that is one giant mothball to get over going forward. neil: one of the things that could improve their sales, let the market decide, more of these incentives and rebates, a lot of automakers cutting the
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price of those vehicles, and might entice them, wouldn't tell anyone you want to buy or don't, to finance it for you, where do you see it going? >> lower prices and longer batteries, the one-2 punch going forward. we heard batteries were shot to heck, people left stuck so they need to iron out things, full disclosure will help. the tires and some things to repair are expensive and people don't like surprises, full disclosure and lower prices will do the trick to a certain extent, the battery thing is huge going forward. you need more chargers and more that can go 300 miles.
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neil: let the market decide. it shouldn't be something forced by the government or demanded by the government. it should be open field. >> what a concept, free markets. neil: you are not at all angry and i'm happy to see you. aishah hasnie joins me now. looking into all this ai stuff. including country singers and stars say anger this is spreading around. what's going on. >> not every day we get country artists like blaney wilson to testify before a congressional hearing but she's about to get her opening remarks, a camera in the hearing room in la, the whole thing got delayed a little bit because such a big deal everyone was trying to take selfies with her before they were told to sit down. it's a little delayed. we will listen to her opening
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remarks. she is going to tell the panel about how ai can hurt artists like her. scammers used use ai to make these fake weight loss commercials using her likeness. we cai being used to steal voices of kanye west, the weekend, to create brand-new songs using their voice. wilson, the 2024 grammy nominee is a supersupportive of tennessee governor bill lee's first in the nation bill to protect musicians biker minimizing the act of cloning and artist's likeness. we will see what she has to say here about what she wants congress did experts tell us congress needs to federalize regulations so states don't have a patchwork of different laws that cater to one seat over here but not another state in another part of a country so
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there she is making her remarks on ai. a big topic in the entertainment industry now. neil: creeps into so many facets of our lives. lauren: it will replace me one day. neil: i am a hologram. good seeing you. meta, 22%. %. mark zuckerberg, might have started the week with that not so welcoming welcome on capitol hill but you can always tell people, $18 billion richer. stay close. ♪
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neil: believe president biden has arrived at dover air force base to be with the families of servicemembers. grady trimble has more. >> reporter: at dover air force base meeting with those families of three fallen service marriage with the first lady, jill biden, defense secretary lloyd austin and the chair of the joint chiefs of staff cq brown. any minute they will participate in dignified transfer of those service members carried out by the iran backed islamic resistance anorak. president biden spoke about them and the other victims at the national prayer breakfast on capitol hill.
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>> president biden: they risked it all and we want to verse forget the sacrifice of the country after dozens a service members who were wounded because of recovery now. >> president biden has decided how the us will respond to the attack but administration is in sharing details other than to say the us will hit back more than once. the treasury department announced new sanctions on suppliers of ballistic missile and drone programs, even though it is iran backing militants. republicans say it's time. >> they are not going to stop until we hit iran itself. i don't want them to invade iran but i want them to stop killing americans. the only way that will happen is if you meet the infrastructure push where they get the money and start punishing some of their soldiers inside of iran, the
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revolutionary guard. >> reporter: democrats say the us needs to hit back harder on the houthis as they attack ships in the red sea. you has senator mark warner did say the us needs to punch back harder, he stopped short of advocating for an attack on uranian soil. neil: grady trumbull on capitol hill. to the washington examiner, had a few coming, it is a weird position for the president to be in. we are knee-deep in red sea attacks that make a lot of people frustrated. why don't we attack more and on the same day we got a strong employment report that might reinforce the administration. it is in our juxtaposition.
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>> those strong numbers are interesting today but when you talk to voters the perception is reality. they felt the economy wasn't good and a lot of that does point to the food prices. we see inflation cooling, and we see job numbers. those prices at the grocery store, such a headache for these voters. this is what voters are thinking about when they go to the polls. we see polling that voters do not view the economy recovering as much as they should be and a lot of this looking at strategies of the campaign. on the trail i saw so many ads from trump's team saying under
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my administration, you paid a lower mortgage, you see these different points. when i speak to voters they are pointing to the same things. whether this translates to the court of public opinion is another question. neil: when donald trump talks about how none of this would happen under him, the coming out after covid would have happened under him if he were president, that would have been a productive development but also high prices probably would have come with that, don't know if it is high as the spending under president biden but parameters are set for the election. what is your sense about the white house and how they are looking at economic numbers, looking at the fact that we have all the middle east delicately even though it is frustrating americans how it seems to be widening.
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how that balancing out? >> they are trying to go about it with incremental changes, saying the economy will not get better overnight. we are trying to make it better, you will see some results in the days, months to come. does that translate with voters? they want to see a change immediately. the border, on the trail, a huge concern for voters. in a state that is landlocked, top issues for them in arizona, this is a huge issue for them, the economy is still. they say it's the economy, stupid.
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they want to see these resulting their checkbooks, how they live their lives. they are not seeing it now, the white house is touting these new job numbers this friday. neil: for donald trump, all these court cases, for the trial in new york is delayed, maybe for a while we will explore after this. ♪ city on rock 'n' roll ♪ built this city ♪ we built this city on also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought!
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xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win. neil: the new york civil fraud trial could be delayed a little while. a former federal prosecutor, what's the holdup here? >> reporter: the damages that may be imposed on the trump organization, there's no indication of information presented to him that he needs to consider before rendering the verdict. deliberations are continuing for the foreseeable future. stuart: this is a few weeks
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off. >> that's what the court spokesperson was saying, but there's no specific time, they are trying to alert but the timeline may look like. neil: i didn't understand a word you were saying but i am kidding. the judge's call, he determined the case has merit to take it on. this is the damage on top of that. >> the case is interesting but before the trial portions, that was not something that was litigated before the judge. neil: no one lost money? >> the explanation, even though there were no parties to the transactions, the trump
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organization by false including information on filings was wrongfully benefiting. neil: people on the other end of those transactions. >> due diligence on all sides. on the other side, the judge believed he should be disgorged to those profits. it was not required to be the party per se. it bothers a lot of people. neil: especially when you remove the business. that's pretty extreme. let me get your take on what is available here. trump folks will say this is stupid. >> there are appellate issue starting with the pretrial ruling, the judge said there was no material issue of facts to determine that there was fraud and that was the main
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purpose of the testimony and understanding how documents came to be, without going through evidentiary area process, the there was enough on the filing to make the ruling. it is all about damages. neil: there are four big criminal cases. the delay in the dc case about trump's attempt to steal the election and the florida case, seems to be in limbo. none of these given the complications. >> always optimistic to say, located trials go over the election but they had these problems that will take significant -- the defendant and camilla cases have a significant reason to delay cases and opportunity to do so.
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they can essentially delay a trial even on the eve of trial, you fire defense team and that kicks the clock back. donald trump probably knew it was in the cards at its coming to fruition not surprisingly. lauren: 20 he's a veteran of court battles going back to his business days, fighting bankruptcy and this other stuff so the fact is he knows what he is doing, at least that the legal insight, i can put this off and put this off. let's say he is elected president in november. >> federal cases can go away. is the head of the doj. there's a question about the georgia case. neil: that a crazy case. that case could be thrown out. >> even with the immunity issue the dc circuit is considering.
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that could reach the georgia case, it deals with the underlying aspects. neil: he doesn't want to think about pardoning himself, the georgia case, i get that. >> if the trials don't go before the election and are in the prosecution phase, he can get rid of the case ahead of the actual trial. neil: no one looks weirdly at that? >> we've never seen this before but he will do that and a lot of people support the decision because they think they are wrongful prosecution in the first place. people had their opinions before. neil: just amazing, the chips are falling in line. we are following the dow. nasdaq less than that, meta-is a runway favorite. mark zuckerberg, zuckerberg, $21 billion richer.
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work.
1:00 pm
from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. adam: the magnificent seven, good across the board. off the lows of the day, meta, 21%. brian brenberg in "the big
1:01 pm
money show" ga


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