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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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♪ ♪. maria: welcome back, time for the big buds of the morning, happy birthday to the oldest person living today in the united states. edie check her belly celebrating 116th birthday. her northern california town roads or break the parade every year, that is the way to do it once you pass the 100 mark you have to have a parade every year. now she's up to 116. >> i would know her secret what is she exercise routine, i'm trying to find the fountain of youth myself. stuart: dion buettner who does the blue zones tells us all these people living to 100 and beyond eat beans every day. >> i will have whatever she is having. >> we will see you again tomorrow. varney and company picks it up. stuart: good morning, everyone.
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we have a border bill released 12 hours ago, there may be a bow and a couple of days. in other words very limited time to read all 370 pages of it. the bipartisan bill claims to reform the asylum process, restrict asylum-seekers to ports of entry and establish a rapid turnaround for those a try to get in. speaker johnson says it's dead on arrival. that means the democrats will be able to say it is the republicans who are stopping the border reform. on the markets, here is what your money is doing. stocks reached record highs friday, little pullback this morning, jay powell is interviewed on 60 minutes, he was asked if inflation is dead and he replied i would not go so far as that. the dow down 100 points just over 100 of the open, the nasdaq down 28, rates moving up from last week, the tenure at 4.12%. nine basis points higher. the two-year treasury is almost
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at 4.5%, 442 way up from where it was last week. pick $143,000 now it's 43400. oil $72 a barrel, 72.17 even though there have been more strikes against the houthis. a slightly higher 3.14, diesel 3.93. let's get the politics, voters are not happy with biden's economy even though inflation is cooling and employment remain strong. an nbc poll shows trampolines biden on the economy by 22 points that is 55 - 33. overall nationwide trump leads biden by five points, that is 4. trump hints at his pick for vice president. he has mentioned senator tim scott and governor kristi noem, is he playing with us. on the show after the release of the four thugs that beat to new york city police officers the
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city unveils a 53 million other plan to get illegals preapproved credit cards for food supplies and baby supplies. and there's this i gave money to an elderly woman begging at the new york airport. i think i did the right thing in a personal sense. did i encourage more migrants to come and were begging on the street. it's not what do you think, monday february the fifth 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: full-time album of the year winner and a new one coming out april 19. i handled the new. >> 2% of all music sales in the u.s. classical, jazz, taylor swift 2% of all of it.
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stuart: a little activity on sixth avenue, there is some traffic, we're going to start with politics, my favorite subjects. new polling shows voters prefer trump to biden on the economy by 22 points. guy benson with us this morning. why is biden so unpopular on the economy when inflation is cooling in a job growth is strong. >> prices, that's only real explanation and other elements of the economy that looked pretty good maybe improving, people remember what their lives were like, what their pocketbooks look like, what things cost a few years ago and that is a sticky result of inflation which is still going up it is slowing and going in the wrong direction but i think that leads to a non- transitory frustration among a lot of voters. we will see if biden is able to shake it over the next nine months we know his team is desperately hoping so but it looks like the numbers are pretty stubborn. stuart: the kitchen table talk discussions that we always hear about. i don't think people around the
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kitchen table pay attention to 3.3% growth rate in the gdp. they pay attention to what they paid for the meal on the kitchen table, that's a dichotomy. what say you. >> absolutely. people go to the grocery store and they still have the sticker shock with the numbers and still much, much higher than it was when biden took office. that's good to be a big challenge he is moving forward and if you look at the other elements of the poll he is really the incarnate in a tough tough slaying at the moment trailing on almost every issue he, he's down on immigration by 35 points on the basic competency and acuity question is basically in the basement and took a lot of americans look around and see a world that feels less stable, less safe and they remember that prices are much higher than they were, they wonder if this man is up for the job one more year let alone five
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in the result is trump by five and nbc poll. stuart: trump spoke about possible pick for vice president over the weekend. roll tape. >> what criteria are you using to identify your running mate. >> is gotta be one thing, who would be a good president, no matter who you are things happen. >> you have not decided to it is? >> have a lot of good ideas. maria: you have not told that person you are my person. >> i speak to everybody. i call tim scott, a lot of people like tim scott and i said you're much better candidate for me then you are yourself. kristi noem has been incredible fighting for me and she said it would never run against you because i cannot beat him that was a very nice thing to say. stuart: is trump playing with us? >> what a backhanded comment of tim scott perry you really campaigning for me not so much herself. i don't know about this. his first part of the answer is
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the right thing to say, you look for the best possible president but their political considerations beyond that in the scuttlebutt and the speculation is probably going to be a women or person of color or both and the name checks to people, one of each checking those boxes. i don't know it could be a straightforward thing where he saying you donated more surprises or drama for me is probably going to be what are these people, get ready or he's throwing a little chum in the water for everyone to talk about it he has someone else in mind. that's my guess but who knows. stuart: we took debate and were running with her. good to see you again. see you soon. south carolina held the democrat presidential primary over the weekend. biden easily one but the turnout was very low. >> 4%, 131,870 votes were cast in south carolina, registered democrats held in comparison to
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four years ago when 16% of democratic voters showed up, nonetheless a blowout victory for joe biden and he gets 55 of south carolina's delegates. stuart: let's get to the markets were looking at red ink at the opening bell, jerome powell spoken the possibility of cutting rates that he focus on over the weekend this was on 60 minutes. roll tape. >> why not cut the rates now. >> we have a strong economy, growth is going on at a solid pace. >> moving to soon would set off inflation again. >> you could or you could halt the progress. if you move too late policy would be too tight and i could easily way on economic activity and on the labor market. >> maybe every session. >> with the balance of two ri risks. >> fed watching is a fine art the religion in this country these days. jeff sica with us this monday
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morning. listen to jay powell, are we going to get every session. >> what an epic night of energy entertainment with jerome powell on 60 minutes and then the grammys. and sitting for both of them made last night a very memorable experience for me and even the clip you just played, i watch that clip and i watch that clip over and over again and i keep asking myself, what exactly is jerome powell trying to communicate here because we get the 11 interest-rate hikes that bring us to the historically high interest-rate emergency in the labor market, if you believe the numbers on friday were on fire and keep in mind last week we were convinced that we get a get a rate cut in march, now or not now it's not quite happy. as far as when is the recession going to come. if he keeps rates this high for much longer he will throw us into a recession.
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they cut rates he could ignite inflation. he is a very typical task today and i don't feel very sorry for him and he put himself in this position and put the nation in this position by keeping monetary policy to lose for too long so we are on the precipice of a recession but if he could avoid that by strategically cutting interest-rate. stuart: he could do that but we never know what is going to do any can't say you're going to cut rates, you cannot say that you gotta be confusing to an audience if you're the fed chair. >> is very good at doublespeak he is very good at pretending he's a hawk when we all know he's really a dog. stuart: on the one hand and then the other hand, if the fed watching his mindless. >> if i wanted to be baffled and
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confused i watch jerome powell for 15 minutes and i squander my education, i don't know how these economists think. he is the most robotic generic person i would not be surprised if somebody plugs him into the nightstand at night before he goes to bed not how robotic he is. stuart: when you have an economy growing like this with job openings like this very strong employment market, i cannot see recession around the corner i cannot see it. stuart: if you believe the numbers and granted there were a lot of part-time jobs in those numbers and a lot of people working two jobs. if you believe the number and am going to say something good about jerome powell, if you believe that number in the labor market is in fact that strong there is very little reason to cut interest rates except there is something on minutes in the
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future that has to do with the credit markets which is what i believe he is concerned about is the tight credit markets and when to loosen credit to take the load off the banks which are going to be the ones that i experience problems. stuart: i'm not wiser after last night. thank you very much indeed. here's what we have a great s show. bill maher slams president biden and republicans for what he calls acting at the border crisis. watch this. >> immigration is real but the reaction to is not real, it's a bunch of acting they should get an award this award season. stuart: were going to get into that. the white house launch multiple attacks targeting iran's proxies. is biden's policy working, house foreign affairs michael mccaul joins the onset to answer that question. he will join us right after this.
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stuart: the military launched multiple attacks over the weekend targeting iran's proxies, shipping companies are warning of more delays as they try to avoid the red sea madison alworth with us this morning, will the shipping delays cause prices to rise. >> most definitely yes we started to see the disruption continued activity in the red sea there are concerns that the rates could be pushed higher. take a look at this since november 17 right around the time that the houthis started
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attacking container ships and the suez canal, the cost of sea freight has gone up 178% from asia to the west coast of the united states in 168% to the east coast, the u.s. and allies try to restore order in the region with a naval coalition called operation prosperity guardian but attacks continued and now two thirds of all ships that go through the suez canal are rerouted around africa, that trip takes an additional ten days and that's 20% of all world trade being diverted we have continued unrest in the region most recently with the u.s. attack on iran in its proxies under proxies in the destruction to consumers are expected. >> there will be cases where it will lead to consumer prices increasing and there will be cases where shortage of goods while people adjust because this was unexpected as a few weeks ago. it is raising alarms and people are checking what is impact. >> fritos has good news, they said the network is covid and
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they don't expect to see a total collapse of the supply chain during covid. an executive at msc which of the world's largest shipping company cautioned lawmakers in recent days if the recent chaos is not contained, the rise in freight will hit consumers wallet and another thing that is helping the freight market in terms of soffit demand is the chinese new year, during that time of year volumes are decreased as the region celebrates, that will help as unrest continues. >> thank you very much indeed, biden's national security jake sullivan is not ruling out strikes inside of iran. roll tape. >> the president has approached this for a straightforward principal which is that the united states will step up and respond when the forces are attacked in the united states also is not looking for a wider war in the middle east. we will continue to pursue a policy that goes down both of the line simultaneously. not respond with force and
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clarity as we did on friday night but also that continues to an approach that does not get the united states pulled into a war. stuart: the chair of the house foreign affairs committee is michael mccaul in the joins me now. his abiding policy the right thing to do with the houthis and iran at this point? >> they had 160 strikes on iraq and syria, very little deterrence after the american soldiers were killed it was time, very overdue time. these were good strikes in iraq and syria, irgc, yemen, i would argue why telegraph the seven days in advance that give the irgc time to move out of the area, take their assets. i think the success of the strikes while the targets may have been good success was not very good. >> you think they can beat the houthhouthis like this.
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>> they can't they gotta keep going. >> that is not a deterrent to do the decisive strike like trump did with soleimani, he was criticized but they did not telegraph it they took soleimani out, iran back down and that's why we need a trump back in the white house. stuart: do we need a direct strike on some kind of iranian asset whether the oil facilities or the navy, a direct strike, do you think we need it. >> the packages are there if i were the administration i would back channel to the ayatollah one more american servicemen killed we will hit you inside of iran make it clear. stuart: we might be doing that that's entirely possible. >> it could escalate to that. stuart: the border bill looks like it's a way to get through it contains money for ukraine and israel. are you worried as a foreign affairs committee chair that ukraine will not get the money it needs? >> i think if the border bill
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dies i think it's republicans in the house, the president has enough executive authority to change a situation overnight and return to the policies the prior administration of trump that were working like remaining mexico, that is not in this bill but he won't do it unless congress tells him to do it but even if we passed a law would he do what we told him to do. i think that's part of the issue i don't see a lot of support in the senate. i do admire langford for trying to do something and there are good aspects but the political asylum reforms are not adequate for house republicans, therefore i think that's probably dead on arrival and they do look at israel, ukraine countering china in the pacific. stuart: are you determined to get help from ukraine somehow or another in the immediate future. >> i don't think the administration has handled this well, however, if we abandon our nato allies in ukraine like
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afghanistan we only bold in our adversaries like putin, chairman schiff president sheehan taiwan makes us weaker not stronger as a nation. stuart: the wall street journal is reporting that intel is delaying construction on the $20 billion chipmaking project in ohio. you are the author of the chips act, what is the problem in ohio. are we competing in the chip market with china. >> this idea is brought to me by kerry pompeo, out of taiwan through the senate, both tax incentives and grants. the administration, commerce has been a little slow in enacting this with the grant program. i would urge them to speed up the process. the idea that intel is going to slow down the manufacturing and the plant in ohio is concerning because after the taiwan election the prc candidate did not win and that means the odds of them doing a blockading taiwan cyber attack, tsmc, 90%
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of the advanced global manufacturing chips is in taiwan, they own or break that it is game over. stuart: mike mccaul, chair of foreign affairs committee. always appreciated. welcome to new york. check the features i see a little bit of red ink, not that much on a monday morning. opening bella's next. we will take you to wall street. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders.
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stuart: the futures points out but not by much, nasdaq 1017 calgon 100 points. keith fitz-gerald joins us this morning. obvious question is a big tech run over or pausing? which is it. >> pausing, traders are reassessing what is going on this is literally decades to run and it's on par with something maybe twice in a lifetime if you're lucky. stuart: this is going on for decades i'm at a loss to get the questions out.
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are they going to exceed the performance of the rest of the market for decades to come. >> there is no question in my mind, that is the case. if we look to history we see plenty of precedent to see it when we reintroduce pulling and selling, the telephone in the age of navigation. anytime there is innovation it dramatically expands the market capitalization in the securities around in the leaders go right to the top. stuart: a good portfolio right now should contain big tech, a.i. leaders. >> there is no doubt in my mind that that's exactly what they should take. you have to have other things after dividends instability and be putin about it you don't want to throw caution at the wind but you better believe it, don't bother go to the casino in ve vegas. stuart: we have big tech stocks, microsoft, nvidia, apple, tesla. which of those would you buy and hold for decades.
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>> every single one of them with the exception of meta that i don't own at the moment but meta had adult supervision in the room i'm looking at that and hopefully i will make a decision. i'm very excited about every one of the stocks. stuart: including tesla? >> including tesla especially tesla he is like steve jobs back in the day he annoys everybody he has the money to do what he wanted rewrite the rules. he is change the plan every industry that he touches has to become a follower not a leader the moment he gets involved. stuart: you should read the wall street article alleged drug taking an interest with his board and his ability to run various businesses, you still like tesla. >> he bothers me, don't get me wrong. that stuff bothers me, the visionary leaders are often like that. stuart: that is very true. thank you for joining us. the opening bell has rung, press the button, were opening up on a
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monday morning now is a sharp drop for the dow industrials, 168 points but it started out at a record high take that as you will. about two thirds of the dow 30 are in the red there is some selling this morning, now it's down 30. >> caterpillar was stalled because of heavy volume and now it's leading back. >> is up 6%, the dow open low now it's down a mere 35 points. the s&p 500 down a fraction. check out the nasdaq also down a fraction, .08%, show me big tech again now they've open, awful but apple, microsoft, meta down. we have to start with tesla an article in the wall street journal. >> the stock is down 25% just this year. another 2% today. the wall street journal is saying elon musk uses a lot of
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drugs in the board knows about this and sometimes their friends, they do drugs together in the journal says elon musk is friends with oracle's larry ellison and larry ellison said this is bad writing you dry out in hawaii. >> the questioning his ability to run six companies with a trillion dollars worth of assets when you're using a lot of drugs that's what the wall street journal is asking and the stock is down 2%. 188 on tesla. microsoft the ceo just marked his tenth year at the home, do you know what comes next. >> is the greatest of all time that's a great question i think it would be a category comes next may be more with a.i. he hoped it would be searched so put artificial intelligence in being by google as of yet is still the leader in search. look at the accomplishments of the past ten years the dallas microsoft has accomplished negro the company from 300 billion market cap to $3 trillion.
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he replaced steve ballmer back in 2014, many acquisitions, linkedin, activision blizzard we've not seen the fruits of that bear out yet and then he makes unusual partnerships with rivals like intel and oracle in the big thing is his relationship with openai and artificial intelligence. >> i met a lot of microsoft investors in florida over the weekend and they're very happy with micro soft. >> goldman sachs very bullish on nvidia. where do they think he's going. >> 800 but the highest is 800 and nvidia. i say 800, what did you and the added nvidia to the conviction violence in the previous price target was 625 but the stock is at 685 enclosed at another record back on friday and it goes record after record, can they keep the momentum up february 21 is the latest earnings report. stuart: another one i missed. going to 800 maybe. earnings reports before the
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bell, but start with mcdonald's. >> the dow stock down to present the first sales missed in four years. the u.s. still growing but a slight mist, same-store sales growing 3.4%, mideast and big disappointment a boycott, mcdonald's is perceived to be pro-israel, that hurt the company. stuart: caterpillar came out with their needs before the bell, i think that stock is way up, 4%. >> there adding 105 points to the dow, it's a bellwether for the overall economy and crushed in the earnings report. there seem robust demand into categories, mining equipment on the drilling sites and construction equipment think real estate and housing, retail sales double digits 11%. the dealers on the inventory fell for the first time in a year. bridges, roads, tunnels, you name it and they saw double-digit increase in
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operating profit, the dow stock up 5%. >> you should see the caterpillar tracks on the construction site in florida. >> florida is booming. macy's, i know they have a new ceo has his work cut out. >> he needs to make macy's relevant, how do you do that, he could do it because he's a merchant by trade good with curating, how to get people to go when and stay a while. every time i go into macy's or another department store i leave empty-handed and i go online and buy it. >> you need to make it a destination for people so you can find what you want and get excited by the things that you see. he also has the fund of activist investors at macy's share prices are down 24% in the past 52 weeks. stuart: what is the investors do. >> real estate will say you're sitting on a lot of it. >> las vegas place hosted the super bowl that entered next
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week and what about the hotel and casino is considering a strike. the super bowl gives them leverage. >> we have deals in place with nearly all of the unions so the culinary union represent 60000 hospitality workers in las vegas which is where the big game will be, all of the big guys mgn, when have struck deal started in november but overnight union workers have two holdouts, golden nugget and downtown grand, they have a deal, there is one holdout remaining, the smaller player, we will see. stuart: you are fine with that. >> one potential strike. stuart: a couple of hundred workers will not upset the super bowl sunday in las vegas. two years ago hertz agreed to buy 65000 dvds from polestar are they sticking with the deal. >> no. financial times is reporting three billion-dollar deal is on pause and hurts says vernacular meter 25% ev target, they also hold 100,000 teslas and they are
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selling some of those as we know their finding and in is more expensive to fix the ev's and customers don't really want them. stuart: six minutes worth of business, down 150 points. there must be a couple of big-name stocks in the dow 30 which are sharply lower because caterpillar is the dow stock and that is up nearly 5%. >> boeing is down 2.5%. there are issues with more of the drill holes in some of their fusible lodges supplied by spirit arrow. stuart: mcdonald's is down to. caterpillar, apple, merck, chevron, s&p winners on the list. estée lauder. >> cutting jobs up to 3000 and up they go. up 15% on semi, tyson foods, caterpillar, nasdaq winners. nvidia, there you go 687, $26
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higher. as semi conductor. netflix up $10. we got get the story. $5.75. nikki haley made a surprise caveat on "saturday night live" where she asked trump questions. rowley. >> my question why won't you debate nikki haley. >> of my god it's her the woman into in charge of security on january 6, at nancy pelosi. >> are you doing okay you might need a mental compensated test. >> she also made fun of her civil war gas as well. hdtv flipping one-on-one host says house flipping is getting stronger. really please on the show to make his case. i'm not sure i get to that. biden administration set aside the 6 billion to expand internet access, steve moore says they're trying to fix something that isn't broke, he's here to sound off and he will next.
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stuart: jerome powell says economy is in good shape but the fight against inflation is not over. half a dozen there. edward lawrence at the white house. the problem will give any hint as to when rates might be cut. >> he did possibly in may, the fed chairman says he's looking for the right moment to start cutting rates and he made these comments on an interview and 60 minutes. listen. >> with the economy strong like that, we feel like we could approach the question of when to begin to reduce interest rates carefully and we want to see
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more evidence that inflation is moving sustainably down to 2% we have sung confidence in its rising and we want more confidence before we take the important step of beginning to cut interest rates. >> the federal reserve is forecasting three rate cuts this year, the fed chairman told me last week not in march but he hints the first one could come and may the fed trying to do a balancing act without. president biden might reappoint powell fed chairman his term is up in the next president, it's a different story should a republican went former president trump told maria bartiromo he would not reappoint powell, rate cuts will boost the economy and healthy income that but the data is saying the economy is running too hot as the fed maintains independence for politics hence the balancing act the fed chairman to convince people that the rate cut should be done for the economy not for job security. the fed chairman also saying
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integrity is priceless and the federal reserve intends to keep their integrity. thank you very much indeed, take a look at the op-ed i am quoting the biden administration is once again trying to fix something that is not broke, steve moore wrote it and he joins me now you're talking about the administration setting aside $65 billion to expand internet access why do you think that is a trial lawyers paradise, explain it. >> i love what you just said if it isn't broke and the government is trying to fix it there going to make it worse, the story is very simple one of the great marvels of modern innovation is that it was 20 years ago that very few americans had cell phones very few americans had access to the internet or broadband in the last 25 years that's less than half of americans now over 90% of americans have broadband,
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cell phones, have internet access in their homes and on their phones this is an amazing phenomenon going on in this is an import part of the story back in the '90s when all people bill clinton was president and republicans in congress passed a bill that basically said were to keep the internet tax-free and regulation free and internet free and that is when trillion dollar companies when the united states became the technological leader because we cut the government out of the way. what the biden law does it basically is going to look at diversity, equity and are we discriminating against one group versus another in terms of access of internet. what are they talking about almost everybody has access to internet there is no discrimination, the internet is colorblind. stuart: way to the trial lawyers common.
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>> what this says, that's a great question, what the law says if they find a disparate impact that is a term that trial lawyers love it means that they can sue the telecommunication companies and someone for discrimination. by the way the fcc which is the regulatory agency has said there's no evidence of any discrimination. yes the trial lawyers are drooling over the prospect of basically bringing lawsuits of these companies that have brought the internet to everybody. >> you have what it is everybody has one even the poorest people in the poorest neighborhoods have these kind of technology. what problem are they trying to solve. >> illegal migrants got phones to, don't forget that, quick offer here, trump floated the idea of harsh tariffs on china if he's reelected.
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roll tape. >> the washington post said you're talking about 60% tariffs on chinese goods is that in the cards. >> i would say maybe going to be more than that i want china to do great and i like president xi a lot he's very good friend during my term. stuart: do you approve of tariffs on a large number of imports on china. >> one of the things i discovered working with trump in his first term is trump is a master negotiator whether you like the guy or not he's an incredible negotiator and use the threat of terrorist, misread trade guy and i believe in free trade and he used tariffs and very effective ways or at least the threat of terrorist to get other countries to do things that are american interest. let's face it, china cheats, steals and a very predatory practices and i think trump will common in fix a lot of the problem by hanging the threat of terrorist over there had just like he got mexico to negotiate with respect to the border and
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he got nato to pay their dues that they did not want to pay. if your not going to pay their dues the going to stop you tariffs, guess what they did they paid their dues. stuart: steve moore, thank you, sir. the new york times report the top treasury officials are going to china to speak about the economy, any word on the goal of the talks. >> economic working group is headed there, they would discuss several issues into that stuck out to me how do you ensure that they don't flutter markets with overcapacity a lot of cheap products in the second one of the subsidies of beijing give certain interest to pop them up and makes it hard to compete. may be pave the way for janet yellen to go again. stuart: i'm sure they're worried about cheap tv and swamping a market. next case here's what's coming up, plenty of good news on the
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economy, job growth, cooling inflation and expanding gdp, why are so many people unhappy about the economy. that is my take the top of the hour. intense atmospheric river moving across california bringing widespread power outages and flooding we have the "fox weather" report next. ♪ a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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stuart: southern california is under severe flash flood. max gorden is in los angeles. what is this about an atmospheric river storm. >> an atmospheric river a plume of moisture in this one originates in the tropics a pineapple express and its dumping engines upon engines of rain on the golden state here in southern california we've seen upwards of 9 inches of rain in some areas over the weekend this is the second atmospheric river event to hit and a couple of days in the hillsides are extremely saturated and they are currently giving way. you can see the debris field on
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the street and laurel canyon in the neighborhood in los angeles and you could see pieces of homes and trash cans and other shoeing through the street as the hills have been releasing rocks and mud and things like that. you can see all of the water flowing downhill right now it's a very steep part of los angeles tucked into the hollywood hills. that is a big danger for the neighborhood yet more than a dozen people had to evacuate, laurel canyon and all across the state we had high water rescues take place and in eight counties across california state of emergency has been declared governor gavin newsom deploying more than 8000 state workers to deal with the storm. it's going to be a long cleanup process in neighborhoods like laurel canyon as angelenos wake up to a changed neighborhood. stuart: thank you for joining us we will see you later this is just ahead the senate released the long-awaited border bill but
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it looks like it's going nowhere, griff jenkins, he spent a lot of time at the border and he said the border bill does not work. thanks bracing for the commercial real estate bracketing, they said there will be some distress ahead. he's going to take that on, jake sullivan does not rule out the strikes instead of iran but he insisted biden is not looking for a wider war has the administration done the right thing on the right track, i'll ask et mcfarlane and music could be the secret to fighting off dementia. we always seem to ask doctor marc siegel about dementia. the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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