tv Kudlow FOX Business February 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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over the past five days. are you worried about everything you see here? >> we don't like regional banks because you can have runs on deposits. that actually benefits investment banks like morgan stanley and goldman sachs. we're avoiding regional banks. liz: you don't think it scares the some of the other banks? >> it does. potentially scares their depositors. we should have fixed the deposit guarranty limit. and they didn't. they're still vulnerable so we're avoiding regional banks. liz: jay, good to see you. >> thank you. liz: here comes the bell. the dow gaining 133 points. the s&p has wiggle room from the bulls. nasdaq up 8. [closing bell rings] satori fund founder and very smart stock-picker dan niles joins us. you don't want to miss what dan is investing in now. stay tuned. my friend larry kudlow is next. ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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well, the senate border bill looks like it is going down. nobody really knows what's going to happen in the house. we'll talk to senator tom cotton, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. steve miller. the economy is stronger than expected but it could be all about government spending that will wind up doing greater harm. we talk to steve moore, e.j. antoni. america is still broken and can fix it. happy birthday ronald reagan. we'll get back to that happy thought in just a moment. but first up let's head to the white house for our own edward lawrence is standing by. edward, good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon, larry. president joe biden made the debate over the public, over the supplemental funding bill very political. in fact he added an event to his public schedule today and then in that event blamed everything on former president donald trump. president biden: every day between now and november the american people are going to know that the only reason the
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border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine. to make it clear to the american people that you work for them, not for anyone else. >> reporter: but president biden did not mention the series of executive orders when he first got into office and the policy changes from former president trump that led to scenes like this at the southern border. in addition the text of the bill came out just this week as republicans started to read it. more started to voice opposition. now the house speaker saying this bill is dead on arrival. many of his republican colleagues agree to not wray it up if it passes the senate. >> i think the american people will be suspicious why this president is promoting this when he's been declaring the border as secure and with his administration and operational control and not terrorist
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cartels. i think there is a lot of irony here. but the bill is dead on arrival. i don't think the bill will come out of the senate. it shouldn't. >> reporter: as this political drama is heating up, the house right now is debating impeaching secretary alejandro mayorkas for not enforcing the border laws. also the house expected to take up a bill for israel stand alone aid package at $17.6 billion. larry? larry: edward lawrence thank you as always. we appreciate it very, very much. folks i have some breaking news. today is ronald reagan's 113th birthday. he was born on february 6, 1911 thereby making the 1911 one of the greatest all time years in american history because reagan was one of our greatest presidents. he reversed america's declining economy and stature around the world. he restored the idea of freedom. you could say he was the first make america great president in
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nearly a century. take a listen to this. >> freedom is a fragile thing and it is never more than one generation away from extinction. larry: all right, there you have it, freedom a fragile thing. anyway there is way too much you want write talk about praising ronald reagan but let me throw out a few historic snippets in honor of today his birthday. reagan's foreign policy aimed scare live defeating soviet communism and he succeeded. peace through trent. we win, they lose. tear down this wall. reagan wouldn't even talk to soviet leaders in his first term because of their bad behavior. many of them were dying off anyway n a second term he did meet with gorbachev. basically he would never give up so-called "star wars" technology that protected us against soviet or other enemy missiles. the liberal media laughed at "star wars" but today it is an absolute cornerstone of our
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national security. on his radio program he once warmed up by saying we will bomb moscow in 15 seconds. of course he said just kidding. was he? well the communists were afraid of him. and reagan understood the integration of economic and national security policies. reagan slashed taxes and deregulated the industry while working with paul volcker to slay double-digit inflation. he reawakened the supply side of the economy, rescued the faltering dollar and showed how strong growth and a stable currency were able to bring down skyrocketing prices and boost middle class wages. well reagan's rejuvenated economy was growing better than 5% throughout the '80s, at one point the recovery from jimmy carter's recession was running about 12%. the soviet union's gorbachev realized he could never match america's production of either defense or civilian goods. if gorbachev tried to bluff,
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reagan wouldn't let him, so the soviets folded, so essentially not a shot was fired. strong at home. strong abroad. a big reagan lesson. reagan tried to drain the washington, d.c., swamp. he wasn't always successful but eastern establishment and elites didn't like him one bit. listen to this one. >> nine most terrifying words in the english language are up h i'm no the government and i'm here to help. larry: sounds familiar. working folks flocked into the reagan led republican party. this guy not only whipped the sovs but filled their lunch pails to overflowing. i was an associate director in mr. reagan's omb during his first term. i loved it. there was limited face time with a couple of cabinet presentations to him, sitting along the back wall in some other cabinet meetings. the gipper gave me a little medal when i said good-bye to
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him in the oval. one thing above all he taught me about optimism. america is the greatest country in the history of history. when it occasionally seems broken it can get fixed very fast with the right principles and the right policies. so, i say happy birthday, mr. president reagan. now, back to our regularly scheduled program. joining now georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor green. former trump senior policy advisor. congresswoman greene, i hope you didn't mind a reagan birthday ode. somebody has to try to do it. i decided to do it today. current events what happens on the floor of the house? the senate border bill looks like it is dead in the water. the speaker said it will be dead in the water, dead on arrival in the house so what's your forecast? is anything going to come out of
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this whole episode? >> i can tell you right now, larry, it is dead on arrival. as a matter of fact i've told the house hill press to stop asking me about the senate border surrender bill because we could care less anything about it. we passed hr.2 the strongest border security bill to come out of the house. the senate should take up hr.2 and take it seriously because that is the only way we can secure our border at this time. that's what we're doing right now. the floor debate is happening on my articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas. that is the task we are undertaking and i really hope to see my colleagues vote yes to impeach secretary mayorkas. larry: is there a vote tonight, marjorie, or tomorrow? when do you see that vote? >> the vote is coming up soon. we're just a few hours away. we've been debating my articles of impeachment right now. that floor debate is still going on. larry: thanks for that. listen, that was your thing. good luck on that. steve miller, i want to ask you
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about this. president biden today blaming the whole thing on donald trump. here is what is so great about this steve miller a week ago, mr. biden said there was no problem on the border. he had closed the border. there was no problem, immigrants, nothing. now it is donald trump's fault. i'm trying to square that, steve miller. either there is a problem or there is not a problem but you can't have it one week and then completely change and just lay it off on trump. i will argue that will not fly in this election? >> well, when it comes to the border and immigration it has been three years of never-ending lies and deceptions from this administration and mayorkas is a pathological liar when it comes to the border. he has been testifying for years in front of congress which of course constitutes false statements to congress. the border is secure and the border is closed and people are being deported which have no right to be here. all of which are lies and all of which are untrue and of course
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the administration tried to pretend for three years there was no border invasion. many images many we thank bill melugin on fox news, everyone who has seen the invasion made that lie possible. let's get to the simple fax at the heart of this, you said it before but it can be repeated endlessly because it has to, joe biden inherited the most secure border in history on day one he terminated the essential trump policies that kept the border secure and then he kept terminating in the weeks that followed every last remaining trump policy that he kept the border secure and resulted in a complete deterrence, denial, and deportation strategy. and instead of he implemented the mass release and resettlement policy. this whole debate comes down to a very simple question. the trump policy cross illegally, get deported. the biden policy, cross illegally, get resettled.
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everything else is just noise, just distraction, just on few situation. larry: marjorie taylor greene, i don't understand. i'm not a big fan of massive omnibus legislation. i don't think you are, either. steve miller is not. there is a law, section 212-f of the immigration and nationality act. that law has been on the books for a while. the supreme court ruled on it a few years ago and supported that law comes remain in mexico, comes title 42, comes a lot of trump policies about catch and deport, et cetera, et cetera. why don't we just use that law? do we need another law? hr.2 looks like a good bill to me. i don't know what it will look like when it comes through the meat grinder and so forth. we have a law on the books. why don't we just enforce the law? >> well larry, you are speaking too much common sense which is why i absolutely love you. this is why we are impeaching
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secretary alejandro mayorkas because he is not only violating his oath of office, he is actually breaking that strong federal immigration law as we speak. he is mass paroling millions of illegal aliens into the interior of the united states. he is not holding them and keeping them in i.c.e. detention centers and he is literally, literally causing the invasion by creating his own policies without coming to congress and asking us to create laws to do the things that he is doing to our country. he is causing murder, rape, crime against americans and 300 americans are being murdered every single day from chinese fentanyl that is smuggled across the mexico border. this is an absolute invasion and mayorkas is breaking the very law that you just quoted, larry. larry: steve miller, on this, looking at this senate bill, 5000 people a day, 8,000, i don't know, too many thousand people a day, there is paroling
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loopholes, there is asylum loopholes. i got a mayor here in new york city that is going to give all the illegals prepaid credit cards so they can shop around which i guess is better than going into the stores and looting them or kicking cops around left and right. but you know, steve, once upon a time, you and i, others in the trump administration, we said you know, with respect to legal immigration why wouldn't it be such a bad idea if you spoke english or you knew a little american history, maybe the declaration of independence, something called the constitution? maybe you had a job before you came in? in other words those simple, common sense criteria for legal immigration are nowheres to be found. i haven't heard anybody talk about that stuff in the senate bill or anything else. i mean is it too much to ask that if you want to come here and become a legal citizen which is a very big deal, it is the greatest country in the world,
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you ought to know a little something about the country, speak the language and by the way, have a job so you can be productive? is that bad thing, steve miller, because i don't hear anybody talking about that? >> well once again, larry, you are talking too much common sense for me and marjorie but but what i would just say about this president trump not only advocated for all the policies that you're describing but he began implementing them because once again there were laws on the books that were unenforced for decades requiring you to be fluent in english, to be naturalized, requiring you to be economically self-sufficient, to get a green card. requiring you to have an attachment, in statute, an attachment to the principles of the constitution of the united states. smarter people than those who serve in congress today wrote good laws way back when and very terrible people in the federal government spend years and years and years not enforcing the laws on the books, both when it comes to the border and when it comes
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to who gets permission to come here legally. biden ripped out those policies too and a new trump administration i can assure you, larry, will put back into place all the policies you just described and many more just like it. to my friends in the house start talking about this publicly, the simple basic things everybody can understand. you should speak english. you should be self-sufficient. you shouldn't be on welfare. you shouldn't bring in 20 people just because of a thing called chain migration. you should have to be committed to the basic principles of our democracy. all of these ideas are things that have 80% support among the american public. get out of the nonsense, this albatross, this morass of complexity that the senate bill represents, talk about simple basic things every thinking person can understand. larry: i will give marjorie the last word, because marjorie you helped keep this issue alive for months and months before it
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became fashionable probably, but i would just add i think what is absolutely put this on the front pages and going to stay on the front pages throughout this presidential election and senate and house races and so forth, is that when you break the law, bad things happen. so you break the border law, you break the laws of sovereignty we already have on books, and marjorie, it runs, it trickles, it matriculates through the entire country. we have lawlessness in the sanctuary states. we have lawlessness in the sanctuary cities. we have illegals kicking cops around and we don't have public people defending the cops, the blue line as i like to call them. i mean the, there are a lot of things in america unfortunately broken under joe biden but lack of law and order in some respects to the absolute worst. i'm going to give you the last word. >> well i'm so happy you started with president reagan's birthday
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because in president reagan's era those things really mattered to us, larry. it still matters to most americans. americans are grieved at the state of our country, why americans are supporting president trump like never before to bring him back to be president. we trust president trump. we had him for president for four years. border security was his number one issue and border security now is his number one issue for his next administration and it's the number one issue to americans all over the country. law and order matters to americans. it matters to every single voter. it is not a party line issue and i thank you, larry, for bringing these issues up and making a point because it is regular everyday americans care about this. we want to save our country and we want a strong, safe, america for our children and for our future. larry: yes, ma'am. and thank you for your service. we appreciate it very much. steve miller, i always thank
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you. i made a career out of thanking you, because you're the smartest guy around. >> likewise, larry. larry: congressman marjorie taylor greene of georgia and the great steve miller. coming up here on "kudlow," the government spending is driving the economy. the economy is stronger, no question, economists like myself got it wrong. it is government spending and it is not good and it is not sustainable. we have steve moore and e.j. antoni the committee to unleash prosperity. remember with all of this is reagan's birthday. that is very important. catch "kudlow" monday through friday every day at 4:00 p.m. here on fox business. for some reason you can't catch us at 4:00 just text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show, you will never miss a single historical footnote about the great ronald reagan. ♪.
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♪ ♪ 1-800-217-3217. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: too much government spending, too much money printing, too much borrowing, ronald reagan would never approve. let's bring in steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity hotline and host of "moore money" on wabc radio, and ej antone any economist at the heritage foundation. we will put up here, you guys
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have good charts own the hotline today. one of them is spending, six trillion dollars if i'm not mistaken, probably more than that, six trillion, five trillion, whatever. the economy outperformed what the economists thought, including myself, including you, including everybody, but, but, unfortunately a lot of this is because of government spending, government jobs, not private sector investment and private sector jobs. so here's the first chart we put up on the full screen. we will do something about this? i ask you, steve moore? >> first of all, thank you for celebrating reagan's birthday. i want to remind you when we did our survey which you participated in, who is the most underrating president of modern times, number one was calvin coolidge, a tax cutter, you know who number two was? larry: it was ronald reagan. >> ronald reagan. larry: almost forget. >> six trillion dollars of spending i regard it as a snake swallowing a bowling ball and trying to make its way through the system and we will be for
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decades paying for this excess. of course the second chart is one of what the fed did which was raise the amount of money on its balance sheet it owns. it was buying up assets which pumps more cheap money into the economy. larry: that right there. >> went from four trillion to nine trillion. now it has come down you see a little bit by a trillion. that is a lot of money slashing out in the economy. i don't like it. i want the federal reserve reduce the balance sheet and congress cut a trillion out of the budget. larry: they should do it right away. ej, inflation has come down, yes, but government spending i would argue is inherently inflationary. you're not producing goods, producing temporary demand, stimulus. larry lindsey, distinguished economist, former fed chairman, former nec director, is writing about this.
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if you took out the government spending part the biden performance over the last year which has been better than expected ain't that good. >> exactly. the government spending component, government expenditure, really has been growing faster than consumer spending but i think it's worth noting that that government spending portion of gdp, we usually call it government spending. it doesn't actually include all of government spending. it just includes of what government purchases directly. when they cut a check to someone else for welfare, for example, that person goes out and spends it doesn't get counted in government spending, it gets counted in consumer spending. the portion of the economy controlled by the government is much larger than it appears. >> let me give you an example of that by the way, larry. larry: last year, just to put it in gdp terms, last year real gdp increased 3.1% in real terms, but the government grew at 4.3%. >> right. larry: government actually grew faster than private consumers
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grew which is really quite unusual. >> so you know a lot of people like larry lindsey and others i agree with them, we should talk about private sector gdp because the private sector creates gdp. government spending is a negative, especially government spending is a negative when you're running trillion 1/2 dollar deficit. something to what ej was staying, the two biggest components of fastest growth in the economy and fastest employment have been government and health care there is a, what ej was saying, half of the health care system is paid for by government. it is medicare, medicaid, all the other government programs. we're not growing the economy where we want to. where is the investment in new businesses. larry: that's right it. by the way lindsey says, i'm only quoting him. i know you pay a fortune to get his newsletter. i get it because i'm an old friend. this is not a new one this is several days old but he basically says business, private business may well be in a recession and you know, out in
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california this froze output america sure which is basically business-to-business spending, that thing has been dropping for several quarters in a row. not in the fourth quarter to be sure but it dropped in late '22 and the first half of last year, '23. the it is interesting that the government is distorting these numbers. >> absolutely and if you look at, speaking of business fixed private investment that basically has been flat essentially a year-and-a-half now. so the idea that you can somehow put off a recession by the government spending, borrowing just printing more money, i suppose that is true in the short run but you can only kick the can down the road so long. larry: well i just, inflation may not be dead. the numbers are the numbers. i myself thought last month's jobs report was a good report. i don't want to quibble over little stuff. the gdp is growing. everyone wants to politicize that. when you look under the hood maybe it is not such a good thing. the other point john carney made
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last night from "breitbart," you know inflation may not be dead. it looks dead but it may not be. government spending is inherently inflationary. >> the one sector really doing well is our technology sector. larry: yes. >> thank god. there is a story about how our companies are just blowing away the competition. we're blowing away the europeans. we're proking away china right now what is really annoying about this one sector providing in 401(k) plans. what is the biden administration want to do? break up these companies. they're too successful. larry: some republicans. >> when is profit a dirty word. larry: some sub republicans too. >> i know. larry: better to have american tech companies than chinese tech companies. >> you better believe it. larry: we let you go. running a big dinner. >> tulsi. larry: tulsi gabbard. >> going to turn her into republican. larry: no you're not. that is another segment. steve moore, e.j. antoni. government spending is not good. reagan would not approve.
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senator tom cotton is telling us why he is opposing the senate's terrible border deal and what may come after it. and then why is america broken and how do we fix it? joe concha, monica crowley all that when "kudlow" returns. remember here is one, "kudlow" available as a podcast. episodes are available every weekday right after the show on spotify, on apple, and on ii am a podcast, truly. see you later. ♪ mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio!
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♪. larry: so save america, kill the bill. there is a new thought. anyway we welcome back arkansas senator tom cotton to talk to us about it. senator cotton, as always good to see you. i will begin with the question i asked everybody, why do we need new legislation? we got laws on the books that would cover a good border
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control policy. we just doesn't use them. >> larry we hope to get legislation that would restrain the president that wouldn't like joe biden. the border is a man-made disaster. the man is joe biden. the border was basically closed and security when president trump left office. joe biden won in 2020 invited the world to come to america illegally. he implemented those policies. we want to find ways to restrain an unwilling president, not to empower a willing president. we've seen what the democrats offer is. we've seen they're idealogically invested in open borders. this bill would not force president biden's hand to close the border and secure our nation. why i can't support it. why is appears not to have the votes to move forward this week in the senate. larry: i don't want to quibble. i'm saying this president wouldn't abide by the existing laws on the books, what maersks you think i would abide by any new pieces of legislation? i don't buy it. maybe i'm wrong. anyway it is a lousy piece of
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legislation. senator cotton, i want to ask you though, there is another part of this stuff which has been ignored but has national security implications. this is money for israel, money for ukraine, money for taiwan what will happen to those parts of this bill? >> that is to be determined, larry. the house of representatives is considering a bill this week that would provide aid to israel. i would support that legislation. we should move promptly. israel needs the support. initially there is broad bipartisan support for airing israel. unfortunately house democratic leaders today announced they would block that. apparently in part because it doesn't provide enough money for hamas, the governing authority in gaza. because joe biden said that he didn't want to just aid israel which is not surprising if you look at his rhetoric directed towards benjamin netanyahu around the government of israel. i hope the house can move the
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legislation soon and we take it up problemly. that is one thing both parties can agree on, we should support our great ally israel especially when they're facing existential war against hamas which committed terrible atrocities against israelis on october 7th. larry: just to pause a little bit on that point. you're referring to so caught humanitarian aid, the humanitarian aid, we now know the u.n. relief workers so many are pro-hamas and we know that hamas tends to run the distribution of that. i don't know, is that what you're referring to? that would be a good thing not to do? >> yeah, larry, that is exactly what i'm referring to, so-called humanitarian aid to gaza. remember when human human aid, food, medicine what have you goes into gaza, it is not diverted by hamas, it is not stolen by hamas. it is handed over to hamas. hamas is the governing authority of gaza. it is the defacto government.
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anytime food, water, medicine goes into gaza especially under these conditions, it is not going to so-called innocent civilians. it is going to hungry, thirsty, wounded hamas terrorists. larry: last one, senator cotton. >> did the administration get it done with respect to so-called retaliation in syria and iraq and i guess the houthies? this was a predetermined, preannounced we're not going to touch iran, a lot of people, a lot of military people are very skeptical they got it done. column in "the wall street journal" today how iran is really running our policy. what is your take on this so-called retaliation? >> president biden's very limited, very hesitant telegraphed attacks against iranian proxies did not deter iran. that is not my opinion, larry, it is not your opinion, it is a simple fact because the attacks have continued. as i said last week the measure
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of success does he scare iran straight, do the attacks stopped? that is what happened when president trump killed iran's terror mastermind, soleimani in 2020. when ron ron hit iranian navy in 1988. the attacks stopped. that is not the case now and it wouldn't be as long as president biden only strikes arab proxies and militias and terrorist groups. iran doesn't care about those proxies. they're laughing at america, all they're doing is validating proxy strategy they used to kill americans for 30 years. larry: i don't understand. i agree with you, senator cotton. you know more about foreign policy than i do. i think you're spot on. i think iran is running us. we're not running them. we're more worried about escalation. iran is not worried, they want to get us out of the middle east, anyway, shape or form. the bidens are falling for that. i will give you the last word, sir? >> yeah, iran is in the saddle
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of events with joe biden. joe biden is on the back foot as he has been around the world in ukraine, with afghanistan, with china. he is allowing other nations, other people, other anti-american countries to take the initiative, to seize it from him. he is so scared of escalation, he doesn't understand the surest way to gain peace is to be strong and willing to hit back whether you get hit. larry: yes, sir. thank you, senator cotton. we appreciate it very, very much. >> thank you, larry. larry: see you soon. folks switching gears, very good op-ed piece, heaven forbid by an economist the other day in "the wall street journal." john cochran has been on this show. it's called incompetent elites make trump look appealing. well they should. basically i just say everything's broken in america. joining me to talk about it is joe concha, fox news contributor, media politics columnist and monica crowley, former assistant treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. i made the cut on the podcast,
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finally. >> yes you did. and joe has also been on my podcast. larry: well, joe, you get in before i get in. john cochran write as really interesting story. this is a theme of mind, i'm talking about it. america is broke. biden administration is broke. biden administration has made america break down. this is stuff, we talked about foreign policy. iraq, afghanistan, ukraine. we can talk about health care. we could talk about obamacare. we could talk about the fbi. we could talk about the russian hoax. we could talk about covid. there is all stuff that cochran wrote about. we could talk about censorship, schools, universities, dysfunctional immigration needless to say. even with trump, 91 felony counts which is a complete joke, disqualifying from the ballot. of course in economic terms we're talking about it with steve moore, just a moment ago, too much spending. yes, the economy is stronger but it is all government spending so what is, what is, everything's
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broken, monica. now on ronald reagan's birthday i don't like that one bit because reagan showed us how a country in decline can be rescued. that is the key point is it not? he is the optimist. >> yes, it can always be turned around. i'm a happy warrior and eternal optimist as i know both of you are as well, it can be turned around but it will require a distinct change in leadership, strong leadership, president trump to take the reins once again. contract the economy. donald trump turned around the u.s. economy not once, but twice. once after eight years of a stagnant economy under barack obama when he first came in and then the second time after covid, this unprecedented crisis where we shut down the u.s. economy, he brought the economy back. so he can do it a third time. all of this, that column by cochran is excellent but i take issue with his description of incompetent elites. the regime folks who are running the country into the ground know exactly what they are doing. they are not incompetent.
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otherwise you would have seen a course correction in the policy over the last three years and you have not. all these policies from the economy, to the border to, everything else is 100% by design and not managed decline. it is now accelerated decline. larry: well, joe, you know, yes and no. i don't know if the elites deliberately -- they have a point of view. a a far left point of view a woke point of view we talked about this time and time again but i think the key point is, people want some strong, tough, person to fix it and that is i think tailor-made for trump. >> not tailor-made for the current president who spent 40% of his presidency while on vacation, right? the elites part is certainly correct. this is not your daddy's donkeys anymore. the democratic party used to be the working man and women, occupy wall street. now they are the party of elites. illustrated this week, east
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palestine, ohio, joe biden is going back there to say, hey, guys it is 30 days later, what can i get for you? he avoided going there. he is called scranton joe, he is the president who is ultimate elitist. think where he goes on every major holiday. he goes to opulent estate of a hedge fund billionaire, whether the home is in lake tahoe, whether in nantucket. it does not matter. i will give you this stat, underlines it, sends it home. 10 richest congressional districts in this country are all represented by -- larry: democrat. >> party 6 rich. larry: going back to reagan's birthday, reagan was the first one to bring working class in. he filled their lunch pails to overflowing and stood up to soviet communism and whooped them. no two people are the same, trump is trump, reagan is reagan but i think the revolt is there again. it is a common sense revolt. people don't like to see the
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country broken. schools, universities, the military. i know what? the fbi, we used i thought we were supposed to love and revere the fbi. look what they have done. >> i would go back even further being a nixon girl. larry: i knew this was coming, i knew this was coming. >> nixon started the working class- larry: if he hadn't destroyed the economy would i agree with you? >> on gold, yes, wage and price controls you're exactly right but nixon is the one who started to bring in working class. larry: law and order. >> exactly. beat the commies. tough american leadership. what is happening now is so much worse than what we saw going into richard nixon's presidency or going into reagan's presidency, america is literally hanging by a thread. this is the tipping point of decades of this marxist assault on this country. we've now reached the logical end that requires tremendously strong american leadership. not traditional establishment gop politics.
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larry: drain the swamp. >> a reels disruptor like donald trump. larry: joe, quickly. >> yes. larry: do you think the average family, working folks believes that america can be turned around and regain its greatness? >> if you have at proper leadership and direction,. larry: they haven't given up hope? >> no. we're optimistic country. larry: this election may be about that. >> donald trump needs to drive home, optimism a better day is coming, shining city on the hill, hope and change under obama, make america great again. not that guy is hitler, vote for me. larry: that is great point, joe concha, monica crowley, and monica crowley's podcast which i will never see the light of day. >> stop. larry: coming up federal appeals court rejects trump's immunity claim. district of columbia. needless to say, president trump couldn't disagree more. fox news legal analyst, gregg jarrett will parse through
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friend gregg jarrett fox news legal analyst. gregg, so the court did what it did. i will read you quickly from the trump camp, steve chunk, if immunity is not granted to a president, every future president who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party. anyway that is their position. i'm not the lawyer but you're a good one. >> thanks, larry. well i did read the 57 pages and i do think there are some real flaws in the d.c. circuit court of opinion. for example, it claims that trump has become citizen trump. that's a quote. so he has no immunity. that's not what this is about. that is not what the former president is arguing. what he is saying is, that his actions as president in challenging what he believed was a flawed election were consistent with his duties to uphold the law. now he may have been mistaken in that belief but that doesn't erase his intent, an essential
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element of the charges against him and the law allows him to challenge results in court. in fact he is not prohibited from working with others to contest the certification of electors on january 6th. my goodness, democrats, larry have done the exact same thing in prior elections. somehow it is criminal when trump does it, not when democrats do. and as to the point trump was making today, you know the court dismissed the notion that taking away immunity would have a chilling effect on future presidents. let's tap our common sense. inevitably it would. just about every president would now have to vet every decision by a team of lawyers so he doesn't get charged when he leaves office. do we want lawyers to be commanders in chief and not the president. larry: right. you will never make a decision. >> i don't think so. larry: does, gregg, doesn't, this goes to the supreme court, does it not? >> yes. it goes to the supreme court.
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and of the cases which the supreme court accepts from the d.c. circuit, roughly 70% are reversed. that is the good news. the bad news for trump is, the high court doesn't take many appeals, less than 10% from the d.c. circuit court. so the question is this going to be different? it could be, larry, because this is an unprecedented prosecution. it would dramatically affect future presidencies. at stake is the separation of powers and immunity protections which by the way judges and members of congress have but the president doesn't have? larry: 10 seconds, gregg, chutken, the trial judge, she is postponing the whole thing anyway, right? >> well but if. larry: just 10. >> if the supreme court doesn't take action it gets back on track. there are pretile motions, larry, those consume many
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months. you're up against a deadline the doj policy not to take legal action to affect an election. larry: i'm up against a deadline right here. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small...
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