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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: the economy is stronger than expected and going to do greater harm and talk to steve moore and ej an tony and america is broke season we can fix it and happy birthday, ronald reagan. back to that happy thought in just a moment. first to the white house where edward lawrence is standing by. reporter: yeah, president joe biden made debate over the public and the supplemental funding bill very political and added an event to public schedule today and in that event blamed everything on former president donald trump.
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>> congress showing a little courage and going to make it clear for the american people. not for anyone else. reporter: president bind didn't mention the series of executive orders when he got into office and led to scenes like this at southern border and reporter: many republican colleagues agree with that if it passes the senate. >> the american people will be suspicious why this president is promoting this when he's been taking on the border as secure and with his administration and operational control and not have
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a lot of irony here and bill is not dead on arrival and maybe not coming out of the senate. reporter: this pretty cal drama heating up and impeaching alejandro myoy mayorkas and houe expected to take up bill for israel stand alone aid package at $17.6 billion. larry. larry: edward lawrence, thank you. we appreciate it very, very much. break news, today is ronald reagan's 113th birthday. he was born on february 6, 1911 thereby making 1911 one of the greatest all time years in american history because reagan was one of our greatest presidents and first american for the economy and stature around the world and thwarted with the idea of freedom and the first make america great president in nearly a century
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and take a listen to this. >> freedom is a fragile thing and never more than one generation away from extinction. liz: there you have it. a few historic snip its in honor of his birthday today. he succeeded and going for strength. we win and they lose. tear down the wall. reagan wouldn't talk to soviets in the first term because they're bad behavior and they were dying off anyway. in a second term he did meet with gorbechov and liberal media laughed at star wars but today it's an absolute cornerstone of
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the national security. on his radio program, he once warmed up by saying we'll bomb moscow in 15 seconds and of course said just kidding. was he? understanding the immigration of national security policies and reagan slashing taxes and deregulate working with paul vulker and re-awakened the supply side of the economy and strong stable currency and able to bring down skyrocketing prices and boost middle class wages reagan's rejuvenated economy was growing better than 5% throughout the 80s. at one point recovery from jimmy carter was running about 12% and soviet union and gorbechov realized he could not match the defense protection and and they
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folded and the century and strong and broad and just a big reagan lesson. reagan tried to drain the dc swam and wasn't always successful but the earn establishment and the elites didn't like him one bit. listen to this one. >> nine most terrifying words in the english language are i'm from the government and i'm hear to help. larry: sound familiar? working folks flocked into the reagan-led republican party. here's a guy that not only whipped the sovs but filled their lunch pales to overflowing. going on the line and gave me a little note and i said good-bye to them.
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one thing above all, he taught me about opiumism and keen for the -- optimism and seems broken it can get fixed very fast with the right principles and the right policies. so i say, happy birthday, mr. president reagan. back to regularly scheduled program and marjorie taylor green and francey miller founder of america first legal and former trump senior policy adviser. welcome back to both of you. congresswoman green greene, i hope you didn't mind a little reagan birthday and someone has to do it. let me ask you current events, what's going to happen on the floor of the house? senate border bill looks like it's dead in the water. the speaker said it's going to be dead on arrival and in what's your forecast?
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will anything come out of this whole episode? >> i can tell you right now, larry, it is dead on arrival. as a matter of fact i've told the house hill press to stop asking me about the senate border surrender bill and we could careless anything about it. we passed hr2 strongers border security bill out of the house and the senate should take up hr2 and take it seriously because that's the only way we can secure our border at this time. that's what we're doing right now. the floor debate is happening on my articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas and that's the task we're undertaking and i hope my colleagues vote yes to impeach him. larry: is there a vote tonight or tomorrow? whether do you see the vote? >> the vote is coming up soon. we are just a few hours away. we've been debating my articles of impeachment right now. that floor debate is still going on. larry: all right, thanks for that and that was your thing so good luck on that. steve miller, i want to ask you
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about this, president biden today blaming the whole thing on donald trump. what's so great about this, steve miller, a week ago, mr. biden said there was no problem on the boarder and he'd closed @ boarder and no problem and immigrants had nothing. now it's donald trump's fault. i'm trying to square that, steve miller. either there's a problem or there's not a problem. you can't have it one week and completely change and then lay it off on trump. i'm going to argue that'll not nigh in this election. >> well, the border is three years of lies and never ending deception and mayorkas is a pathological liar when it comes to the boarder and testifying for years in front of congress and constitutes false statements to congress and border is secure and border is closed to people and never had a right to be here and all relies and all of which are untrue and trying to pretend for three years and there wasn't
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a border here and eventually the images and many of which we have bill melugin on fox news and it has to and an someday one he terminated essential trump policies that kept the border secure and followed every last remaining trump policy and kept the borderliner secure and resulted in a complete deterrence, denial, and deportation strategy and steady implemented the mass release and southern boll seizure disorders and this whole debate comes down to a simple question and the trump policy cross illegally and get deported and cross illegally and get deported and just off
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the schedule. larry: marjory taylor greene, i'm not a big fan and don't understand the omnibus legislation. there's a law, section 212f of the immigration and nationality act, all right, that law has been on the books for awhile. hr2 looks like a good bill to me. i don't know what it'll like like coming through the meat grinder and we had along the books and why enforce the law? >> larry, you're speak too much common sense and that's why i
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absolutely love you. we're trying to impeach mayorkas because he's violating his oath of office and breaking that strong federal immigration law as we speak and mass patrolling millions of illegal aliens into the interior in the united states and he's not holding them and keeping them in ice detention centers and he's literally, literally causing the invasion by creating his own policies without coming to congress and asking us to create laws and do the same things in our country. causing murder, rape, crime against americans and 300 americans are being mured every single day from chinese fentanyl that's smuggled across the nex can boarder and mayorkas is breaking the very law you quoted, larry. larry: steve miller, looking at senate bill and 5,000 people a day, 8,000, too many thousand people a day.
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i have a mayor in new york city giving all the illegals prepaid credit cards to shop around and better than going into the stores and looting them or kicking cops around left and right. you know, steve, once upon a time we said with respect to the trump immigration and not a bad for speaking english and history and american independents and something called the institution and maybe had a job is it too much to ask that if you want to come here and become a legal citizen, which is a very big deal, it's the greatest country in the world, you ought to know
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a little something about the country, speak the language and by the way have a job so you can be productive? is that a bad thing? i don't hear anyone talking about that? >> president trump not only advocated for all the policies that you're describing. hogan implementing them and there were laws on the books that had gone un-enforced for decades and requiring you to be fluent in english and naturalized and requiring you to be economically self-sufficient to get a green card and requiring you to have an attachment in statute and attachment to the principles of the constitution of the united states. very terrible people in the federal government spent years and years and years not enforcing the laws on the books and both when it cops to the boarder and when it comes to who
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gets permission to come here legally. biden ripped them out too and i can awe sure you a new trump policy will put them back in place. basic things everybody can understand and speak english and be self-efficient and shouldn't be on welfare and bring in 20 people just because of the thing called chain migration. you should have to be committed to the basic principle or democracy. all of these ideas are things that 80% support among the american public. get out of nonsense and albatross and simple basic things every basic person can understand. larry: marjory the last worship god. you've hepped keep this issue a-- helped keep this issue alive for months and months before it was fashionable and i would just
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add, you know, i think what is absolutely putting on the front pages and i'm going to stay on the front pages throughout this presidential election and senate and house races and so forth is that when you break the law, bad things happen and break the border law, break the laws of sovereignty on the books and marjory, it runs and trickles and me trick lates through the entire -- me tick lates through the whole country and lawlessness in the states and sanctuary cities and we have illegals kicking cops around and don't have public people defending the cops. the blue line as i like to call them. there's a lot of things in america unfortunately that have been broken under joe biden but lack of lack of law and order is
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the worst. >> matters to most americans and americans are grieved at the state of our country and americans are supporting president trump and like never before and going to be back to president and we know and we trust president trump and had him for president for four years and border security was the number one issue and border security is the number one issue for his next administration and law and order matters to americans and every single voter and it's not a party line voter here and making a point and regular every day americans having care about this and we want to save our country and we want a strong safe america for our children and for our future. larry: thank you for your
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service and, steve miller, thank you very much. i've made a career out of thanking you. you're the smarter guy i know. >> like wise, larry. larry: marjory taylor greene and great steve miller. coming up, government spend asking driving the economy. i know the economy is stronger, no question about it. the economists got to wrong and that's government spending and that's not good and it is not sustainable and more ej antoni from the committee of prosperity and remember catch kudlow monday through friday every day, 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business. text your favorite 9-year-old and she'll show you how to dcr the show and you'll never miss a single historical footnote. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors.
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larry: too much government spending and money printing and ronald reagan would never approve. hosting on wbc radio and ej antoni and economist at heritage foundation. we're going to put it up. you have good charts on the hot
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lines. one of them is spending and $6 trillion if i'm not mistaken. the economy outperformed and including myself and including you and everybody and unfortunately a lot of this is a lot of government spending and government jobs and not private sector investment and private sector jobs. the first chart we put up on the full screen and do something about this. i ask you steve moore thank you for sell -- >> thank you for celebrating reagan's birthday and who's the most underrated president of mod enims and alvin coolage and no. 2 was ronald reagan. >> sorry. >> $6 trillion in spending and i regard it as like a snake swallowing a bowling ball. and trying to ick ma their way
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through the system. going with another fed and raised the amount of money on the sheet and buying up assets and sheets in the economy and wondering who it is and went for $4 trillion to $9 trillion and it's come down and see a little bit thanksgiving a lot of money and federal reserve reduce the balance sheet and congress cut a trillion out of the budget. larry: they should do it right away. ej inflation has come down. but government spending i would argue is inherently infla inflationary. former nec chairman and director and writing about this and if
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you took out the spending and biden performance in the last year and it's better than expected and exactly actually in the government spending component. >> expenditures are growing faster than consumer spending and i think it's worth noting that that government spending portion of gdp is calling it government spending and it's country-specificked in consumer spending and portion of the economy that actually is controlled by the government and much larger than it appears. larry: increased 3.1% in real terms but the government grew at 4.3% and government grew faster than private consumers grew.
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it's quite unusual. especially it's a negative and running with the deficit and two excepts of fastest growth in the economy and fastest employment has been government and healthcare and this is what ej was saying and half of the healthcare system was paid for and we're not growing the economy where we want and where's the investment in new business? larry: by the way, lindsay says, i'm only quoting and you paid a fortune to get the new book. i get it because i'm an old friend. this is not a new one. it's several days old. he says private business may well be in a recession.
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mocks is this gross output measure and basically business to business spending and that thing has been dropping for several quarters in a row and not in the fourth quarter to be sure. but it dropped in late 2022 and first half of last year. it's been flat for a year and a half now and you can put off a recession by government spending borrowing and printing more money and that's true in the short run and kick that can down the road for so long. larry: the jobs report was a good report and quote blow stuff and gdp is growing and >> looks
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dead and government spend asking inherent. >> one sector doing well is new technology sector and dbroxing with the competition and blowing competitions and one sector of that and break up the companies. they're too successful and this weather profits the dirty work.. larry: some republicans and better to have american tech companies and and turner in the republican. >> no you're not. larry: that's another segment. steve moore and ej antoni, see you again. senator tom cotton tells us he's
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proposing the terrible border deal and what may come after it. then why is america broken and how do we fix it? joe concha and monica crowley. all that returns and here's one. kudlow available as a podcast. episodes available every weekend after the show. on spotify and apple. and i'm a podcast. see you later. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%.
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>> larry, we hope to get policy that strains the hand of the man named joe bind 679 the border was closed and secure when donald trump left office. joe biden campaigned in 2020 inviting the rest of world to come to america illegally and implemented those policies hawaii we hope to do was find ways to pass a law that would restrain an unwilling president not to empower a willing president but we've seen what the democrat's offer is and they're ideological invested in open boarders and this bill would not force president biden's hand to close the boarder and secure the nation. i can't support it and appears there's no votes to move forward this week in the senate. larry: i don't want to quibble but since this president wouldn't abide by the existing laws on the books, what makes you think i'd abide by any new pieces of legislation? i don't buy it. maybe i'm wrong. it's allowsy piece of legislation.
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a lousy piece of legislation. senator cotton, there's another part that's been ignored but has national security implications and money for israel and ukraine and taiwan. what's going to happen to those parts of the bill? >> that's to be determined and they provide parts of the legislation and move forward that legislation promptly and they need that support and traditionally broad bipartisan support for aiding israel and i see that partly because it's not providing money for hamas, the governor authority in israel and joe biden not looking at rhetoric directed towards the government of israel and i hope the house can move that legislation soon and we take it up promptly because that's one
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thing we should support our ally israel and facing existential war in hamas and atrocities against the israelis on october 7. larry: senator, to pause on that last point. are you referring to humanitarian aid? i think and the humanetarian that we now know the un relief workers so many of them are pro hamas and we know that it's a good thing not to do. >> that's what i'm referring to is humanitarian aid to gaza and aid with food, medicine or more, it goes into gaza and not diverted into hamas and it's handed over to hamas. hamas is the governing authority of gaza and de facto government and any time food, water,
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medicine goes into gaza and larry: last one, did the administration get it done with respect to this so-called retaliation in syria and iraq and i guess the houthis. there's a lot of, this was a pre-de-prioritizizationed, preannounced we're not going to touch iran and lot of military people are skeptical they got it done and iran is really running our policy. what's your take on this so-called retaliation? >> it's not my opinion or yours but it's a simple fact and attacks have continued and last week the measure of success does
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he scare iran straight and do the attacks stop? that's what happened when president trump kills the master mind and qasem soleimani and when ronald reagan sank half of the navy in 1988 and ayatollahs were scared of america as they should be and the attacks stopped. that's not the case now and won't be as long as president biden only strikes arab proxies and militias and terror groups and iran doesn't care about those proxies? they're laughing a the america and all we're doing is validating the proxy strategy they've used to kill americans for 30 years. larry: i think iran is running us and not he can be running them. they want to get us out of the mid 8 east and any way shape or form and they're falling for
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that. last word, sir? >> joe biden is on the back foot and he has been all around the world in crew yanis and afghanistan with china. he's looterring other anti-american countries to takeny initiative and taking scared of escalation and not sure to gain peace and baa part of it. thank you, senator. thank you, very, very much. folks, switching gears and opportunistic ed piece piece and wall street journal and going on the owe elites and make trump look and everything is broken in america. joining me is joe concha and fox news contributor and politics columnist and monica crowley former assistance treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. i made the cut on the podcast,
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finally. >> yes, you did. and joe has also been on my podcast. larry: joe, you got it before i got it. john cochran write an interesting story and this is the theme in mind talking about america's broke and biden is broke and they've made america breakdown. in economic terms with stevemore just a moment ago. too much spending and the economy is stronger and all government spending so why is,
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everything is broken and on ronald reagan's birthday, i don't like that one wyoming the company in decline can be rescued. >> yes, and can always be turned around. i'm a happy warrior and eternal optimism as i know you both are as well and can be turned around and will require a distinct change in leadership, second time after covid, this unprecedented crisis shutting down the u.s. economy and brought it back doing it a third time. all of this, that column by cochran is excellent and i take issue with the description of incompetent elites.
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the economy to border and everything else is 100% by design and not managed decline and now accelerated decline. >> joe, yes and no, far left point of view and we talked about this time and time again. but i think the key point is people want a strong tough person to exit and taylor made for trump. >> not the president and spending 40% on vacation. the elites part is certainly correct. this is not your daddy's don i cans anymore as far as -- donkeys and the democratic party and working man and woman occupy wall street and illustrated this
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week and east palestine ohio and joe biden going back saying 370 days later. what can i get for you? going to take an opportunistic you lent estate and >> on the rich. larry: i knew that. that's right. going back to reagan's birthday. reagan was a first one to bring the working folks in and i said he filled their lunch pales to overknowing and stood up to soviet communism and whopped them. no too people are the -- no two people are the same and trump is tram and reagan is reagan and the revolt is there again. it's a common sense revolt.
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people >> i'm a nixon girl and i would say that nixon started the working class. larry: if he hadn't destroyed the economy i would agree with you. them a law and order saw going into richard nixon's presidency or reagan's and america is hanging by a thread because this is the tipping point of assault and not geopolitical
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establishment and not like donald trump. larry: joe, quickly, do you think that the average family working folks believes that america can be turned around and regained its greatness if you have the proper leadership and direction? >> yes, absolutely. larry: haven't given up hope. >> we're not a country of selection and not about that. >> those will the slogans that win not that guy's hitler, vote for me. larry: that's a great point. coming up next, federal appeals court rejects trump's immunity claim and this is district of columbia and washington dc and needless to say mr. trump couldn't disagree more and the legal analyst gregg jar jarrettl
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larry: federal district appeals rejected president trump's immunity campaign and joining us now for a few moments and my
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great friend g gregg jarrett and fox news legal analyst and i'll read from the trump camp steve chung, if immunity is not granted to every president and every future president is immediately indicted by the opposing party. that's their position. i'm not the lawyer but you're a good one. there's real flaw ntsb dc circuit court of opinion and trump is citizen trudge and that's a quote and there's no immunity. that's not what this is about. that's not what the former president is claiming and as president challenging with a flawed election and consist with his duties to uphold the law. now he may have been mistaken in that belief and that doesn't
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erase his intent and essential element of the charges against him in the law allows him to challenge results in court and in fact he is not prohibited at working with others to contest the certification of electors on january 6. democrats, larry, have done the exact same thing and prior elections and somehow it's criminal and when trump does it and not when democrats do and >> about every president would have to vet a decision by a team of lawyers to not get charged when he leaves office. we want lawyers to be commanders in chief and not the president? larry: you'll never make a decision. >> i don't think s. larry: greg, this goes to the supreme court, does it not?
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>> yes, roughly 70% and doesn't take many appeals and less than 10% from the dc circuit court and is this going to be different. it is an unprecedented prosecution and it would dramatically affect future presidencies and at stake is the separation of powers and immunity protections and does the president not have. >> if the free court doesn't take action and gets back on track. there's pretrial motions, larry, and those consume many months and up against a deadline that
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doj policy not to take legal action. action. larry: i'm up against a deadline right here.yo gregurg jarrett. j.p. morgan wealth management. [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day.
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larry: that's it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪ - a great man once said, "a poor workman always blames his tools." that man was carl noble. he was my grandfather, and according to google,


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