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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 7, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: the rolling stones to kick things off in the morning. not a bad start. this is new york city. good morning. 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. dow is up 95, nasdaq 53 points. the 10 year treasury yield about 4% band going down a fraction, 4. 08%. the price of oil $70 a barrel, not much movement for bitcoin, $43,000, that's the markets. now this. we should be clear right up front hostagetaking is a despicable act of terror. it has become standard practice in many middle eastern countries and it has been used successfully across the region. on tuesday hamas said no to a hostage release deal.
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they have 132 captives seized from israel on october 7th. some are known to be dead. israel offered to release known palestinian terrorists and pause the war. no deal, said hamas. today, antony blinken is negotiating a longer pause to the war with a phase hostage release. without hostages the terrorists have nothing but the world doesn't care. it is israel that is condemned. hamas has turned public opinion far away from its own atrocities. the united states congress, hamas has plenty of support. on college campuses hamas supporters harassed jews. on the street, demonstrators insist israel is guilty of genocide ignoring, denying the brutality of hamas and its hostage strike. the president doesn't seem to know what's going on. it is painful but you got to watch this. role it. >> president biden: there is some movement.
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i don't want to -- let me change my words. there is some movement. there has been a response from -- there has been a response from the opposition. >> hamas. >> yes, i'm sorry, but it seems to me a little over the top. we are not sure, there's continuing negotiation. stuart: that is painful. notice hamas wouldn't dream of taking russian or chinese hospitals, they go after democracies which they can manipulate, israel is the only democracy in the middle east. how is it possible hostagetaking is now considered acceptable on american streets and american colleges and in the united states congress? i will tell you why. these people hate jews and that is despicable. third hour of varney starts now.
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liz peek joined me now. can you tell me why hostagetaking should be acceptable in america? liz: public opinion turned against israel for defending their right to defend themselves. what is incredible, the only thing you didn't hit on is what the world is so offended by is the tremendous destruction and loss of life that has taken place in gaza. it could have been over day one if they released the hostages. it would have ended. israel would have pulled back, there might have been reprisals or attacks against hamas leaders but you would not have seen what's going on today. this hostage exchange, the prisoner for hostage exchanges being talked about.
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israel letting go known terrorists, accused and convicted hundreds of them, terrible acts against israelis in exchange for innocent women, children and men being held by hamas. there is no equivalency yet these barbarians and that is who they are, are basically saying no. it is incredible. stuart: 500 terrorists, life in prison in israel who will be released if this goes through. lauren: there are reports that 20% of the hostages are dead now. it is negotiating for bodies. stuart: let me continue. you have a new op-ed, why president biden will not punish iran for targeting us troops? why won't biden punish them? >> gasoline prices going up, remember the great panic of
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2022 when gasoline prices touched $5 in this country and president biden's approval ratings began a lifelong sink which they've not recovered from yet. this is probably the number one price that all of americans are aware of. panic set in because inflation took hold after the great spending splurge in march 2021. inflation began to ratchet up, brought it home to every american. they can't afford that. with president biden the most unpopular president in modern times, he cannot afford $5 gasoline. what a lot of people want to have happen is the biden administration hit the oil exporter or production facilities in iran, but now that oil prices, oil production and exports out of iran are 1.3 million barrels a day up from half a million barrels a day under donald trump, that has helped us stabilize oil prices.
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imagine oil prices now $74 on west texas crude lower than they were before the hamas attack october 7th which we've never had a war in the middle east without oil prices going through the roof. the biden administration can't handle that politically so they are doing what they can to protect iran's oil infrastructure. the iranian ambassador told lester holt that iran didn't know about the october 7th attack, but they were giving hamas one hundred million dollars a year. where do you think that one hundred million dollars a year is going? i heard from a credible source yesterday that iran has one, possibly two ships in the red sea identifying other ships going through for the houthis attacking those ships. how, if you are attacking drug dealing do you go after the guy who is peddling bags or do you go after the drug lord?
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you go after the drug lord. that's what we should be doing with iran and the fact we are not is an unconscionable political decision on the biden white house. stuart: thank you very much, lloyd austin is set to testify on his secret hospitalization. do we know? lauren: february 29th before the house armed services committee which has opened an investigation. the secretary apologized to the public, he said his prostate diagnosis shook him, his instinct was to keep it private. he said there was no gap in authority during his surgery and hospitalization. this house committee wants to know is that true, there are some republican calls for his resignation. stuart: thank you. back to the markets. eddie ghabour with us. this is something i've done all my investing life.
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i purchase and i hold. i'm not in and out. what is wrong with purchase and hold? today in this environment? >> post covid changed the way this trades, how fast we get information, volatility has been parabolic up and down. there is no -- nothing wrong with it for a portion of your portfolio but the old buy-and-hold strategy of owning a basket of everything isn't going to work in this new environment, the markets are too concentrated and the best example i can give you are the calls we've been getting so far this year investors are frustrated because of seeing headlines, the s&p at all time highs but they are nowhere near where they were at their highs. they own a lot of things in their strategy that continues to be bearish and underperform. our strategy is to be more active and concentrate higher concentration levels in the more bullish areas that don't
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own bearish trends or at least be very underweight. we can get a return in line with risk talent but the markets because this has been a very highly concentrated market and i think it will continue to be that way so you have to been them ball. lastly, our job for investors is protect against major drawdowns. next time a major drawdown comes if you have a buy-and-hold strategy where you don't worry about it, it will come back, it doesn't put their interest in that scenario because when a retiree loses a lot of capital that can change the trajectory of their retirement. stuart: do you see a big decline in the market or the economy this year? >> our strategy as we think the government will do what they can to keep things up with their excessive spending and borrowing until we get to the election. our strategy of buying the dip
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in the first quarter, we have been executing on that. and concentrated area we want to be an. we plan to be nearly fully invested, things stay on trend when we get to march. as we go through spring and summer things continue to be good but there are many outliers that postelection all bets are off. if we de-risk again we will say it loud and clear. stuart: okay, eddie ghabour, we will see you again soon. i want to know what is moving on this market. what do they do? lauren: 9% at "the opening bell," cybersecurity, big volume, they had multiple multimillion dollar deals, they are raising their price target. stuart: f you be oh tv. lauren: they have do live sports streaming get. joint venture, espn and warner bros. hurt their business.
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stuart: target. lauren: one. 5%, bloomberg is reporting they are considering a paid never ship program, walmart plus. i order everything from my subscription program. it is automatic just like that. the way of the world and target wants in on that. stuart: republicans want the faa to stop letting airport house illegal migrants before it gets out of control. we will get into that. the point of entry for migrants is shifting from texas to california. he says it is getting worse. mayor bill wells joins us next. ♪ manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary,
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stuart: plenty of green. one hundred 5 up for the dow industrials. back to the senate border deal. president biden says this bill will be good for american business. republicans say it will hurt workers. grady trembled in washington. how could this deal if it went through hurt workers here at home? >> the bill adds 18,000 employment-based green cards a year and would allow a certain number of spouses and kids of people with h one b visas to work. they are foreign employees with specific jobs in certain fields. gop lawmakers like senator mike lee, those provisions hurt american workers by bringing in and his words cheap foreign
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labor and hitting recent college grads against 250,000 adults whose parents have h1 b visas. senator josh halley says the bill could grant immediate work authorization to individuals requesting asylum, in an op-ed for compact magazine he says that would lead to droves of migrants claiming asylum to get those benefits. the us chamber of commerce doesn't share the concerns that the border deal would be bad for us workers, the chamber supports it saying the economic disruption in human suffering right by the border crisis have become so severe that congress cannot afford to avoid these problems in a locker. summer progressive lawmakers think the bill doesn't go far enough in creating pathways for people who came here illegally to work. >> what we need is to make sure there are legal pathways to the person who comes to the border in the first place.
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the employment backlog is 2 million people so let's clear those back logs and those people never come to the border. >> reporter: she went on to say we need to create a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented migrants living in this country. stuart: we will take it. thank you very much. the mayor bill wells joins me now. he's back on the show. you say the point of entry for migrants is shifting from texas to california. and things are getting worse. why the shift? >> as texas tightens up and arizona tightens up the cartels go to the point of least resistance. that means coming to san diego because california is not doing anything to tighten the border but rolling out the red carpet making it easy to come in and stay in san diego and california. stuart: what's happening to your town specifically?
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>> one hundred thousand migrants have come in in the last four months and we don't who they are or where they are going. it's easy to understand, we can give them free health care, free legal representation, free education and welfare benefits and even now offering free sex change operations. it is very much like homelessness, come on income we don't care about these citizen but we want homeless people on the streets and migrants. stuart: president biden has long denied order crisis. now he's reversing course and blaming himaga republicans. >> president biden: every day from now to november the american people are going to know the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump. and his amaga republican friends. it is time for republicans in congress to show little courage, to show a little
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spine, to make it clear to the american people that you work for them, not for anyone else. i know who i work for. i work for the american people. stuart: i think you are a republican. do you need to show a bit more spine? >> absolutely not. i'm a doctor of psychology. this is gas lighting. people with personality disorders like to shake their victims and make them question themselves, just like biden recently saying for grocery stores are gouging prices and that's the reason everyone is having trouble paying their food bills. this is absolutely gas lighting. numbers don't lie. we know who is coming over the border, we know what it looked like under donald trump versus what it looks like under president biden. gas lighting, people in america are waking up to this and there's going to be a change in the next election, people will be making their voices heard.
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stuart: i am told in california and illegal migrant borrowed somebody's social security, borrows their identity, presents it to an employer and works and the employer is not allowed to challenge and check on that id. that's why so many illegals are working in california. is that accurate? >> that is accurate. a dirty little secret, use pramila jayapal saying we need people to work, they are not looking for equity, they are looking for people who are servants. that is going to blow up in our face. people don't want to be servants. they want to aspire to greater things and i don't blame them for that. if we bring them in, your role in society, you're in the lower caste system, you will be our servants i think there's going to be a lot of civil unrest as a result. stuart: you are probably right. great pleasure having you on the show and hope you can come
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back. rnc chair rana mcdaniel expected to step down after the south carolina primary. did trump force this issue? ashley: he's been part of it. she told donald trump she would resign after the primary, trump would likely want to promote north carolina gop chair michael whatley as her successor. sources confirmed trump met with mcdaniel this past monday at mar-a-lago in palm beach, posted on social media platform truth, that daniel is, quote, a friend but urged it changes after the south carolina primary. the rnc denying the reports. daniel has come under criticism in recent months especially over finances. the rnc ended 2023 with 8 million in cash, less than half as much as the democratic national committee.
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stuart: yellen, treasury secretary yellen was grilled about whether the treasury department told banks to search through private customer transactions for terms like himaga and trump. her response was very telling and we have that story for you. biden's campaign will hold a fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton next month. the fundraiser will be held at radio city music hall. one new york democrat says the party vote is unpopular in the senate. new york post john levine on that next. ♪ ♪
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yes, yes, yes. your yes is making a difference in my life and the lives of so many other kids like me. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you for giving. please call or go online now. if operators are busy, call again or go to to say yes right away. stuart: the dow is up 167 points, nasdaq 153. disney reports after the bell this afternoon. lauren: they were down 1%. content couldn't be weaker. a couple live-action shows, that's it. how is disney going to make
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streaming profitable by the end of the year? that is bob iger's goal. how do you get there? stuart: chipotle, 2007, eight%. %. lauren: bank of america and city say it's going -- four times in the past two years, traffic rose 7. 4% in the quarter. same-store sales rose 8.4%. can't get a meal for less than $15. stuart: ali baba, chinese online market down 5 points. lauren: the latest earnings revenue, less demand for what they sell even though they increase their share buyback. stuart: janet yellen was confronted about whether the department used political
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search terms like himaga or trump. what was her response? the treasury secretary when confronted? >> reporter: janet yellen did not deny the surveillance scheme by federal investigators to try to get banks to snoop on their customer transactions as far as their investigation to january 6th. fox digital exclusively reported the federal government profiled who they thought would be persons of interest and it came down to people who love to shop at dick's sporting-goods or bass pro shop. might have purchased religious books. a lot of this sounds like most americans. those are the red flags they wanted to look out for him a sign someone could be a homegrown violent extremist. yellen when asked about this yesterday did not deny it but did not have much explanation either.
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>> we received the letter from you, i believe, on this topic and we intend to investigate fully and respond. >> have you instructed banks and financial institutions to provide this information? >> the job is to work with financial institutions. >> financial institutions to search americans legal transactions to survey their purchases? >> i promise a thorough look into everything. >> reporter: the treasury secretary looks into this. is this still happening? how far did it go and did it ever stop? stuart: she won't answer those questions. biden's campaign looking at radio city music hall in new york city for their blockbuster
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fundraiser with barack obama and bill clinton. one new york democrat says the party is pretty unpopular here. >> democrat brand is in trouble here. we have a lot to overcome that. >> a crime in new york city, immigration is a hot button issue. president biden is underwater in my district but so is donald trump. they are both very very unpopular. stuart: new york post political reporter john levine joins me now. that gentleman is referring to long island. >> quick clarification. geographically it's not that far but it might as well be oklahoma compared to new york city in terms of red and blue. new york city the democratic party is plenty popular which is why they control everything, city agencies and the city council is a tiny little speck.
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stuart: donald trump and -- two former president coming to radio city music hall to take money out of new york city. >> they take a lot of money out. it's fair to call this a blowout fundraiser. biden's approval ratings are in the mid 30s, these two gentlemen are more popular, president obama and president clinton. they will probably get millions of dollars ended underscores a major fundraising advantage that biden has over donald trump who doesn't raise as much money and spend millions of dollars on that. lauren: donald trump has small donors, 658,000 donations under $200. the enthusiasm is there. stuart: don't we see the contradiction here? biden comes to new york city, takes money, walks away, when this city is suffering precisely because of his border policies. we are paying billions to support these people and he takes money out of the city.
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>> our mayor was recently in albany to beg for money from the state, the state wants to offer 2.7 million to cover the cost and i'm surprised it is so low because you've got one hundred 50,000 migrants who come since 2,022. they can't work legally. they don't speak a lot of english, very little in the way of skills and wards of the state, new york city is required to give them housing, all levels of social services. i'm surprised -- lauren: let's revisit the reportedly zeldin could be a potential running mate for trump as vp. can trump flip new york blue? >> white whale situation. raegan did it in 1980, reagan won in 1980, famously did a rally in the bronx, you can look at that footage. looks like he's standing in beirut. it was just rubble in the bronx in 1980. it is doable.
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zeldin got 47% against kathy hochul and that was before the real teeth of the migrant crisis had struck. anything is possible. stuart: you live in the city. i work here and leave quickly after the show was over. what's it like living here, walking around, is there a palpable difference from today and a year ago? >> new york city used to be one of the safest cities in the world, it is a tight ship under rudy giuliani and michael bloomberg. it was going on the wrong direction before migrants. migrants have accelerated and exacerbated a lot of negative trends. you see them pouring out of 5-star hotels on the street on randall's island. it is a migrant tent city,
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there's more public degradation we've become accustomed to. we don't need to live this way. stuart: what have you got? lauren: i go to new jersey and i can document what i see on a daily basis. yesterday i saw a man cool down his pants and shoot himself (fentanyl, you name it. i was disturbed by it. i said to one of the people in the subway, i know you can' t do anything about it but that is uncomfortable. she said i see this every day. i don't want to see that. >> you need to whisper who did you vote for? before you complain. who did you vote for. stuart: i don't blame adams for this, the mayor. >> we have a da that has nothing to do with it.
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you can arrest people until the cows come on, doesn't matter if you have a da that won't press charges. they were released without bail, they didn't seek bail. we are becoming gaza. stuart: that is extreme. thank you. on a related note. republicans are pressing the federal aviation administration about the thousands of migrants who sleep on floors. what do they say about it? ashley: the issue comes down to who is responsible. the faa approval is required for airport facilities to be used for things are related to aviation like housing migrants. the agency insists it doesn't have total control over how airports use ground space. republicans have complained for months about an housed migrants
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being kept in a shuttlebus facility in chicago's o'hare international airport. they want the faa to stop the practice before it spreads, saying resources are being diverted. faa administrator says the only migrant housing request the agency has received was approved last year which allowed the port authority of new york and new jersey to house migrants in a warehouse next to jfk. what a lovely sight when you arrive in an airport especially for those events. stuart: got it, thanks. bud light is betting big on the super bowl. it once a comeback. even donald trump is urging his followers to give bud light a second chance. kelly o'grady has that coming up. the betting markets are going all in on taylor swift. we will tell you how some people are wagering whether the popstar will attend the big game. that story is next. ♪
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stuart: dow jones average up one hundred 47 points, nasdaq up 125. look at meta up again. another 3%, not sure of the exact percentage. it is up 28% this calendar year. that is extraordinary. 468. people -- ahead of the super bowl. what are the op she will back biden after the game? ashley: the odds, plus one thousand or in other words one hundred dollar bed will get you $1000 which suggests a long shot.
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the odds plus 900 the travis kelsey, how about which half show taylor swift, the odds are on the first half. travis kelsey, live shots. right now the money, that on the outfit and lipstick, it goes on. a record of 68 million americans expected to bet on the super bowl, the association is up 35% from last year's game with $23.1 billion that will be wagered. the jump in wages comes as sports betting has become more widespread throughout the united states. that is a lot of money. stuart: nfl commissioner roger goodale weighed in on the taylor swift craze. what did he say? ashley: he laughed up the idea
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the relationship between travis kelsey and taylor swift has been scripted by the nfl. he said he's not that good a scripter but the table swift event has been positive for the lead. and exposed the nfl to wider -- listen to this. >> it is positive. she knows great entertainment and that's why she loves nfl football. it is great to have her as part of it. obviously creates a buzz, another hoop of young fans, young women who are interested in saying why is she going to this game? why is she interested in this game? that is great for us. ashley: goodel l has reason to be happy. since they went public with their relationship, and if a broadcast have seen record saving ratings during the playoffs primarily from chiefs
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games. stuart: that is true. thanks very much. bud light betting big on the super bowl trying for a comeback. trump is urging his followers to give bud light a second chance. kelly o'grady joining us in new york, down 30% from a year ago but stock is up today. is that the trump effect? kelly:the company is very big so it's a stretch as we talk in the break to say this is all due to trump endorsing it. last night he took to truth social and said bud light made a mistake of epic proportions but anheuser-busch is not a woke company, highlighted the brand's charity, how many americans they employ, finished by saying anheuser-busch is a great american brand that deserves a second chance. this comes the same day a republican lobbyist did
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announce a fundraiser for the gop candidate but trump's endorsement appears to be giving stock momentum. is close to 3%. they have a long way to go. us sales are down roughly 30% annually whereas their competitors cited double digit bump. the brand is teaming up with shane gillis. they signed a multi-year deal with of the usc to become the league's official beer partner and chief dana white is going to be in a super bowl ad this weekend, expected to cost $14 million or 1-62nd slot. it will feature peyton manning and post malone. whether this is going to work it is mixed. bud light will lean into it history of comedy but it is not different. you don't drink bud light because it tastes good. it comes down to the brand. stuart: it is fascinating. that's a big comeback push.
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thanks, good stuff. prince harry is on his way back to california visiting his father in britain. his wife, meghan markle, did not make the trip with him. will she ever return? king charles broke with tradition by going public with his health condition, and the king's diagnosis. how open should he be? that is next. but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world.
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stuart: the rally is modest but continues, the nasdaq is up one hundred 39 points. britain's prime minister rishi sunak says king charles's cancer diagnosis was caught an early stage. how open should the king be about his diagnosis? traditionally the royals say very little about their medical condition. >> thanks for having me on the show today. we are seeing a greater degree of openness from the british monarchy than we've seen in previous decades with regard to the king's health situation.
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this was an unusual move. having said that, the king has for many decades letter number of cancer charities so he's always been very dedicated to the defeat of cancer. that's part of the announcement of the king's strong role so this announcement encourages britons to come forward in terms of seeking cancer diagnosis. this is a welcome move by the british monarchy but not revealing the exact nature of the cancer to protect the privacy of the king. stuart: there will be all kinds of demands more information. the press and the media won't let this -- will they ever come out with it and say he' s got this kind of cancer and here's
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the treatment? will he ever say that? >> eventually they will have to do so because of the immense public scrutiny on this issue. be an announcement ll there are a lot of fears that the cancer may be serious. the palace will want to reveal further details. stuart: prince harry on his way back to california. he was there to visit his dad. his wife, meghan markle, did not make the trip. will megan never go back to england? >> megan is a figure in the uk, she had an 18% approval rating,
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less than one in five have a positive view, prince harry is at 23%. they are figures in the uk, harry did not spend much time on the ground in london. he didn't reach out to his brother as far as we are aware. i do think harry and meghan have embarked on a nasty and vicious vendetta against the royal family the last few years. it's all created by megan and harry. what we are seeing, that prince harry spent a short time in london is a reflection of the deep-seated divide that exists between harry and meghan and the royal family more broadly. i think harry and meghan have only themselves to blame for
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the situation they are in and they are two of the most unpopular figures in the uk today. stuart: i am with you on that. hope we see more of you. martha maccallum on the white house dodging questions than the president's cognitive decline. morgan ortagus getting closer to getting a bombing iran. mitch rishel on mobile homes becoming the new starter home for younger families. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪
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members for coming up with stupid ideas. i blame the leadership for not being able to count the votes. president trump killed the immigration bill, the border bill by intervening. >> it is disarray and starts with leadership problem and starts the fact they've lost a bunch


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