tv Kudlow FOX Business February 7, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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sean: hello everyone and welcom, i'm david and for larry kudlow bipartisan border security deal is failing to advance in the senate in just the last hour the final vote was 49 - 50 la 60 votes were needed for to move forward and got nowhere near that so what comes next will senate majority chuck schumer is now bringing a standalone foreign aid package, without a border security unit 440 found an brady travel is live the details hey grady to have this in are voting on that second bill right now as we speak in effect coming it is possible they could wrap any minute and it is getting a little bit closer the previous vote, to that 60 vote threshold as we speak and it is at 56 yes votes, only for more than they can open it up for debate and to back things up to heaven we got here come the senate shut down the border deal which also included
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aid for ukraine and israel, i final vote of 49 yes and 50 no and as you said, bill needed 60 for the senate to open it up for the vote in the second when you're watching the screens going on right now when senate majority leader chuck schumer son is essentially stripped to have the border component of this bill and left in the international aid in our around $60 billion for ukraine and 14 billion for israel at about $5 million for the indo pacific region and you can see there, see the awfully close as we are still at 56 yes and 41 oh, and will republican supporting this the previous round of voting. in a press conference today, house speaker mike and johnson, did not rule out taking a v-8 engine aid for ukraine israel the house if this passes in the senate, house democrats are blocked republican santa anita package, for israel last night, here's what johnson had to say about that.
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>> the president of the united states and the veto the israel putting package. and chuck schumer that said that he would put a block - to the senate there's no reason whatsoever for them to object to that bill doing it for political purposes and financial security and also terrible politics sue went ahead for the democrats did vote no on the border deal. grady: that included senator elizabeth warren an independent senator, bernie sanders and chuck schumer also swishes voting over this morning procedural thing so that he can take it up on the senate floor at another time. some of the republican yes is the border deal coming includes senator lisa murkowski and senator susan collins and senator mitt romney some of the more rock moderate republicans and of course senator james langford will return to get this deal done and only for him to all fall apart today see what one just curious, do you know
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why sanders warren forgets the bill schumer was pushing. grady: while i would imagine he has something to do with the fact that they do not like the border provisions on the deal. republicans often accuse them present flooding open borders maybe they thought that some of the you know the provisions go too far and tightening things up but i'm not exactly sure. david: i suspect some of it had to do with israel as well and there's dancing is that while grady thank you for that reported appreciation for more analysis pretty in south carolina senator tim scott incident there is a pleasure to see you and thank you for being here and must start with the immigration bill if we can i just want to play a little soundbite and i'm sure you parted this president of biden's is live with his pitch for the porterville before felt yesterday afternoon prototype. >> every day between now and november the very people who will not that the only reason border is secure is donald trump pretty is make a republican
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friends cynical it hardly needs to be pointed out i'm sure, this point but were going to do so anyway, just how distorted the numbers are just the numbers if you can't, the border crossings under trump the border crossings under biden. it's just a dramatically different, fourfold increase under president biden compared to president trump there you have 547, and 2020, that was under 54,702,020 under trump and $3m 260, and 2023 under biden. it is clear that trump did to close the border to a large extent. as just clear the biden opened up the border and all without any bells and all under executive orders right. tim: will david hit that now they had to be seen more then million across the board illegally any 5 percent at least tour country and why is that
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happening. it is all because the president can adapt and you have just stated is so clearly, under president trump, we had close to secure border by and large and under joe biden, he wants an open for us in the southern border, because they want more voters trying to secure a southern worker not trying to protect the american people and they are simply living the greatest invasion in american history is that we get to this election, 10 million illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, for one reason, is what they want. any decision to make between now and the election, is political posturing and joe biden close border frankly, kept the border post when he came into office and he actually used a pen and paper to reverse the decisions of protecting americans from fenton nolan from the cartels, from sleeper cells and from tingly people we don't know where they are but they want not
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here, just because they want jobs that all of them. jac.david: and your calling webe said that the senate bill actually was designed to keep the border open and out why people would disagree that would you go that far. tim: i recently say this, without question, you read the legislation, the one thing that is clear, it allows for up to 5000 people a day, and a seven day rolling number, this and 35000 a week, 1.8 million a year and we should not pass legislation that allows nearly 1.8 million people into the country illegally for we shall pass legislation that allows for catch and release to be codified as a law for country and we certainly should not allow the people of the country and give them work permits when it will only stifle opportunities for americans who are today working
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paycheck to paycheck suet a lot of money for ngos and sanctuary cities which of course is a draw a lot of my grandson come in here for some people who have been sort of behind it donald trump on the border issue, like the border patrol agents themselves, they actually were in favor the bill because they pointed out as you just did, that the bad elements of the bill any cold brandon judd ahead of the union of border patrol, call them poison bill, aspects of the belly and he said they could be removed under discussion between the said incident house but if i soundbite to reaction roll the tape. >> tools this bill that are good to know i understand there's poison pills as well but get rid of poison pills. >> what are they. >> funding for ngos and funny for sanctuary cities like new york city so there are those poisons tells present get rid of those to the amendment process by keep all that is good to anybody for donald trump's membership voted for donald trump and into election sent
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what it will do you think that it is possible that there might be still some deal that if you take away those horrific elements of the bill. tim: will first thing we should think mr. dryden every single border patrol agent who was on the job, doing the job trying to keep america safe and yes 5000 is better than 10000 but is still an unsafe insecure wide open border and in the end, we need to do is when i suggested, when we look at the 87000 new irs agents brought to us by joe biden, let's take those resources, $42 billion of it, and given to the border patrol agents, so that they can hire more people in a better overtime and frankly, have better quality life while protecting the americans voter and there is a way for us to address the concerns of mr. judd and we should we should not pretend legislation is necessary and joe biden wants an open border see what i want to switch gears and
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ask you about some very disturbing information coming out of the treasury department about how they have been essentially surveilling bank transactions u.s. citizens have been making, really getting into the nitty-gritty details heading and perhaps it has to do with her obsession about january 6th, whether you bought something and exporting to a store come the day before the riots on january 6 etc. part whatever reason, it disturbs a lot of americans and you actually have the treasury secretary before the banking committee of which you remember tomorrow, will you ask her about this. >> will certainly a lesser about the actually spying on americans by using keywords. what it does is allows treasury to take a look at the folks like me, who would buy the bible right you go to bass pro shop. we have seen this before pretty president obama, we saw the irs targeting religious groups, jewish groups, as well as
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conservative groups pretty but what we cannot have his government weapon eyes department of weapon icing is a conservatives philosophically, while religious organizations that is just as wrong i will do my best to hold secretary yellen accountable for what she overseas which includes the fence in which these activities are having is discussing. david: the catholics on the ballast as well will finally, i just want to ask whether or not this new bill that is just about foreign policy whether you're going to vote in favor of it for many for israel. and for what is happening in ukraine what you think of that standalone policy built. tim: while david come i voted no already a few minutes ago here's the reason why i'm fourthly, with this administration and chuck schumer doing, so using the crisis in israel, to support
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other priorities of the party. we should first secure our southern border and second provide resources to israel other take a look at indo pacific and forth make sure that we have a ability, woven into any resources that we give the edge into ukrainian without doing this one thinks about his secession, it will be part further republicans to support. david: he quickly, whatever time, but i've got of us, if you are asked by donald trump, to be as vice presidential candidate, you except. tim: i accept the responsibility of making sure that america is four more years donald trump because you're better off with trump going to worry about what happens with me we focus on for four years of trump, inflation, low employment and high enthusiasm suet so is a pleasure to see you and thank you for being here. tim: thank you suet joe biden cpas rolling out strict environmental standards, attorney and infection will talk about it and the economic impact event with former epa administrator andrew wheeler
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economic station and jury will is his life is to be with the details of this hey jerry. >> he david is right, newly released roles reasons over the skies of such will have devastating economic consequences as those u.s. chamber of commerce and the national association of manufacturers among others the va said that the new rules will save the lives up to 4500 mature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays and they say the 46 billion will be saved in care costs but how does it the newly approved levels will freeze manufacturing and supply chain investments while failing to solve the sources of the majority suited near things like wildfires and road dust in one study say should morse restrictive regulations they could threaten as much as $197 million in economic activity more than 800,000 jobs a risk the american petroleum institute describing today's announcement as lacking
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scientific bases and prioritizing for an energy and manufacturing over domestic sources in the epa intends to limit particular matters souvenir to levels lower than virtually every industrialized economy in the newly approved a level in the u.s. will be 9 micrograms per cubic meter down from 12 by the way micrograms 1 millionth of ram that about here david is a standard in china gets it 35 micrograms per cubic meter vacuum. david: thank you and for more as many former epa administrator, andrew wheeler is great to see you again thank you for being here for self wheel of unclear but there's no question about it we haven't largely thanks to natural gas which we will talk in a moment but do these new regulations, the actually necessary. >> wealth epa is required to review the steelers every five years although they have been
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laid almost every it is from one of his the administrators that the agency in a pathway to review them within the five years statutory mandate is the epa was required to review them. the question is whether or not they needed to be changed pretty 12 micrograms just references, there was set during the obama administration what is epa administrator, to go to the site is the recommendations from my team and are outside science experts decided to keep the obama relations in place of the 12 micrograms wpa is going lower but i think the what is lost, is that our air is the cleanest industrialized nations were the world we have the cleanest air in the world. >> and you know since 2000, 40 percent cleaner now. david: and during that time our economy has grown tremendously since 2000 the u.s. gross domestic product is increased, 52 percent so we been lowering these concentrations about 42 percent during the same time
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another have been - coming into epa regulations that have helped a lot of that a lot of it is been decisions that were apart from what the va was doing ri right. >> in the apa the estimated benefits their double county other regulations reducing the particular matter and the auto centers, the power plants sanders, sibley going matters going on because of a posted different regulations other tightening now you more and what that means is that the sources that can make them for the reductions very limited and very few places they can go to get more reductions doesn't when u.s. chamber this association of manufacturers i swung her permitting new facilities are absolutely correct this would be very hard to get a new permit and i believe that it is over 550 counties will be in tema under the new statement suet 550
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to back it will be almost impossible to get apartment in one of those counties c1 s must be several million people saw the people that want to switch gears a little bit because i mentioned to come of the natural gas is a lot to do with your being cleaner but this point, despite that, the biden administration predicated to the far left environmentalists n these new rules about elegy and liquefied natural gas exports was her putting a pause what he may give us pause. tim: it is really disturbing. andrew: energy is of the heart of so many global conflicts around the world and we can be energy dominated we can be providing elegy, to our allies in europe so that they will become less dependent on russian natural gas and from other parts of the world braided and oil the middle east we could be providing that only two american citizens here, tour alleys run
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the world so by pausing those elegy exports, is really going to hurt our allies and there is no sense ended pretty does not make sense. david: are allies at a workforce frankly, there a lot of lng tankers that are just waiting to go god knows how much longer this will taken andrew wheeler we thank you very much for being here and appreciated. andrew: thank you. david: present living this information for joe biden losing support among black and hispanic voters and really come will be discussing on michigan john james coming up and plus donald trump on the nevada primary without even appearing on the ballot last night so why exactly is thinking la still in the race and charlie and katie on that coming up next.
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down interview ahead of sunday's super bowl. david: "fox news" peter to see is live at the white house with more peter and the nobody understands what is the most softball interview, only the president anytime could get right to me this is not like you would be facing a hostile a lot of hostile questions. >> depends on wealth whoever is since about officials here the white house are putting that they can reach her persuadable voters in an election year doing things like podcasts with social media posts there very carefully edited. peter: and by doing the highest rated viewership log of the year. year. >> we know the viewers will tune in the will tune in to watch the game the present will find many other ways to communicate with americans right millions of americans other finals ways to do it, we think the time is right. davpeter: expressed concerns abt
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his mental or physical health, is becoming less and less physical viewer publican events here at the white house maybe that will change because even though there is something on the schedule, he claimed that he could not take questions yesterday because he's going to answer the ball tomorrow. >> any update on the press conference tomorrow. >> stay tuned. >> stay tuned. peter: somebody jump yesterday that states it is sounds like - then insisted it was not a no but regardless president biden something anything on camera today karine jean-pierre an abundance of postwar fundraiser new york city if you're wondering why the traffic is about back c1 will usually has these days peter thank you so much and for more biden's reelection struggles a spring in michigan congressman john james is great to see you congressman think you for being here i want to start with an extraordinary paul, that was released in today
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god gallup poll pretty well considered, about minorities at the base of the democratic party blue-collar workers blacks and hispanics there really turning to republicans, much more frequently now than they ever have before the light of this whole pieces democrats lose ground black and hispanic adults soon extraordinary when you look at the chart amino same that are medically really us and this much worse than it has ever been for the democratic party before and why is the blacks and hispanics in greater numbers now are leaving the party choosing republican. john: for the reason is simple, it is because bad policies the black hispanics event policy for all americans this administration is replete with terrible policies and the policies the sender jobs from the united states and mexico and china policies that take our weekend in paris to make the decisions about their own
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children and policies that is americans against each other rather than bringing us together and i believe that these are manifestations that we care about because frankly democrats know that not experience success in the polls they do not have younger voters, black voters and hispanics and since last election, joe biden december 24 points from african american voters down to 60 percent of five of those black voters they devoted other party candidates and trump is leading by four and five points amongst youth voters 35 years old also hispanic voters respectfully a respectively never long way to go but we are providing alternatives and control policies that will make our economy stronger and our borders from her in a world safer place. david: we got confirmation of the economic poisons you were making from an unusual source msnbc which is not known to jump on democrats by any stretch they went into a barbershop in south carolina and they got an
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interesting viewpoint with regard to president biden and president trump on their effects on the economic part of their lives in the me role that he gets your take on it roll the tape. >> trump is all we know. anton provided, they are like well, we're more broke with biden we were not with trump this kind of the only thing that i hear over and over and over again is that patrol, we had money c1 will grow providing we were not with trump the mean is that the simple. john: it is as simple as economy stupid right and i said a million times well look, trump got 6 percent of the vote amongst the african-americans a 12 percent devoted 2020, monks african-americans and right now, he is pulling at it in the low wall the high teens and low 20s and because the democrats they are calling this just informational and is disrespectful the truth is over
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the government tells you it is what i've been staying up and down good policy positively affects us all as a disproportionate positive effect on asking americans because we always have pain seems to be more acute and chronic and everybody else needed to have a good strong conservative scholars to make sure writing and writing type this all ships putting more into his pocket. david: is one aspect of it is related to the economy but is different from that innocence which is the micro problem and the crisis if you will. and a lot of problems and like communities and hispanic communities, where is seems that they government is kind of more more weathers federal government or local governments, coming the problem into the laps of minority communities you see a lot of protests from communities in chicago and we had one process and roxbury and also to boston recently saying that it is our community centers and other wealthy white people in wellesley that are getting hit hardest by this crisis, the must
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have a party do it with it as well. john: although, there immigrants who come here the right way and waited to 15 years think that in the right way is a deep sent out since of resentment like the tenth congressional district in their deep resentment monks african-americans people and built the station for free 400 years and now heavily limitless and again this conversation in excess of snap benefits in excess of people who are working hard they are still falling behind, his administration's policies along legal immigration must be reversed which is what we must ask hr to which is why we need to create policies to help everyone regardless of race, color a great come to achieve the american dream c1 the hispanic community reaction is tremendous because it is actually just the opposite about a lot of who are pushing for open borders expected. and i have an immigrant wife who came here and she worked hard to first get a green card work even
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harder to become a u.s. citizen arrested her son in my stepson, and there's a lot of resentment towards people who were jumping the line and millions of migrants jumping line thanks to bidens open border position. john: we are a nation of them rise and also a nation of laws limit get this right, like legal immigration is an economic and a moral imperative for the united states of america be like your wife who do the right way border security is national security we have to make sure that we for supporters deportation safe and we have all the opportunity to do that unbelievably we have that everybody's going to be more satisfied because what order the government right on the cartels control the border nurse no order we need to retain your good and we need to make sure these are people who have been here, been rocky doing the right way and they have a pathway to achieving the american dream. david: there's another constituency in a final question, that is very ticked off at 70, the union members who
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didn't let us used to count on and at the union leadership taste kind of a different position had we had on the euro couple of days ago shaun payne the head of the ua w, united auto workers union and a lot ofa biden is doing with ev pushing ev mandates as there is against the interests of other workers and here is what shaun payne had to say about that the other day on fox roll the tape. >> the me be clear about this, a great majority remembers will not vote for president biden and yes some will but that is the reality of this sue absorb just wondering, why these leaders seems to the teamsters by the way, the teamsters leader shaun o'brien said that he favors the open border policy and the president and yes, his members are worried about all of these illegal numbers coming cross-border this is divided between toes leadership was so siding with the democratic party in the numbers were more for current now.
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john: legal immigration version but illegal immigration actually threatens the livelihoods of union workers know that we rights that are being infringed by his administration coming in workers know that we just had a hard place final this actually going to contribute to hurting the automotive industry and tenth congressional district in michigan more manufacturing dissing in the entire nation automotive yes what we do aerospace this is what we do and we have seen her jobs are changed in the country must additional penalties the federal government with illinois to do for me. this is going to push our jobs to china is going to grow china's middle-class the backs of hours we cannot allow that to happen in joe biden's policies are crushing the middle class and crushing workers and i'm not going to happen c1 congressman john james what a pleasure to
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talk with you think you for being here appreciate it and joining me now opinion editor fox news contributor and keeping town how also fox news contributor's way to see you and charlie you know what we see here, is a real historical reorientation of the democratic base what are you talking about minority communities, the unit base, basically blue-collar workers in america now seem to find more in common donald trump they do with joe biden and the rest of the party. >> i think you're exactly right and that was really fascinating illuminating interview he just did congressman james. think you put your finger supporting point of it that is somebody of this do-gooder or allegedly policies think they are do-gooder policies and policies designed to feather the political fortunes of the party but somebody say summerlike illegal immigration wind up
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pounding learning communities at work less affluent communities the hardest. and then on top of that i think that the other think this is interesting here is that because you don't the voters, say however been around for the past four readers i think sort of in terms of politics and voting, meaning 18 - 26 or something they've linda lived under two persons, donald trump and joe biden. the difference between the two, could not be more clear c1 katie then you have the smoke business assuming push democratic party all over the place. david: that americans are rejecting it is a small minority pushing it that minority are the elite ones i control the democratic party and they are the ones that are really into making these deals with special interest groups and whether it is the ivy league colleges, for
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these corporate di departments and that americans particularly that base again. i think of the latin americans in particular, they don't want to book world the kind that is represented by di. charlie: yes orgasm is something that sounds really great come the outcome of equity in the seems like a good idea but when you but these things in practice, it's actually opposite especially the people want to do with their lives in the way they view their fellow citizens and then invoke is in a requires you discriminating is the folks whether it is di weather factors and really kills creativity and kills ritualism and the ability for you to get ahead based on hard work and merit requires that you get ahead based on sibling of your forecast rather than they want to be what your goals and dreams may be based on hard-working getting to another level this yes is being rejected by widescale by the voters but also because a lot of these
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companies are getting sued because pei is a violation of the civil rights act and finally terrorism players taking of the cases saying that this goes against everything this country is been fighting for and you can institute discrimination while claiming to fight against discrimination c1 charlie let's switch to raw politics but avenue and nevada were dickie any remedy i know these candidates know that the above. david: she got 30 percent about mental trump is not running their there a bunch of other candidates including nikki and the others were trump but it looks like that 63.2 percent is that the none of these candidates work truck voters right. charlie: i would like to begin by talking to you that congratulations, is you both meet nikki haley in the battle assigned still waiting myself to get a concession call from her since apparently i beat her as well. it really is extraordinary she has apparently is a glutton for
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humiliation but she wants to go on south carolina and do not know how she of the numbers now, it's hard to see how she will do much better. it is really hard to see how you know the future holds for her if she goes on to get beaten you know double digits bite none of the above any goes super home state and she is beaten by double digits there and what i don't know where or what the future holds for her though she was ago with some unocal labels third-party thing in an effort to hurt trump but i don't think it will hurt him c1 she is bringing ms. eubank about $1.7 million in california where she has. >> and tonight will of course tonight she is in hollywood preparing for another super tuesday come over there a lot of wild that is after two weeks after south carolina braided meanwhile katie, were going to have a new head of the republican party. rhonda mcdaniels have begun
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hitting think it will be. katie: this minute tell the names floated funded at what address think he had a situation because everybody's got asking where she going from your campaign is based on what they have said is were looking for strategy, leapfrogged to super tuesday as you mentioned based on the fact that there 874 delegates and they think that two thirds of the believe is true two thirds of those primaries are open or semi open primaries which means the independence or democrats can vote in those primaries for as long as they absent when standard for changing their affiliation sometimes you just both the man so that is a strategy this infernal plan going forward for her place like massachusetts and maine and the really making our being able to kind of get her over the edge these independent votes which are not clearly coming if you resulting primary last sites which eight but in terms of the other watch the election c1
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anything they had in the. katie: avoid allies while we don't have any official names out kevin mccarthy was voted for dark horse former speaker of the house but given the good reporting, looks like rhonda mcdaniels. david: you have five seconds charlie you think it will be. charlie: one with katie, no idea but in particular enjoy the mccarthy very. [laughter] he would be good at a by the way. david: okay charlie and kitty thank you so much appreciated and coming up, or said that the u.s. base and jordan hit by iran backed militias, had minimal air defenses and how is that even possible. general keith kellogg they will weigh on that coming up next. moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive,
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intelligence author of government gangsters gentlemen thank you so much for being here in general kellogg, either minimal defense or perhaps no defense at all as one of the soldiers on site described in a mean, your response and i am outraged to hear that there was no response that was about there were target new defenses against it. keith: yes david thank you for having me what report i heard they had reader system is called gps 75 coming down 80 percent of the time is sick on his i heard there was a consistently called coyote, which is an anti- ua us drone system, there was placed there here's what needs to be done, military used to be used to be, really good at this after action reviews, they need to bring in the commanders and they need to tell everybody, to include the american people, defense do we have those facilities and how do we prevent these attacks from occurring again because it's overbought of
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questions now coming up what was actually there and i think that it is fear a loss three great americans, we actually defending those sites that i say everybody should have a concern because the drone warfare is now something that is relatively new to this theater new to united states meeting new in the last few years, but it's a wave of the future and we had better be prepared for countering the drone technology to find out what is happening which actually is a cory or did not happen itself right now i would say, you guys need to investigating québec to the market people in congress is a this happened the rent did not have been violators one keyword, accountability, who was accountable c1 the saw the accountability this and ministration cash as a point of the whole drone technology is new in the fall review is not been done by the candidacy emblematic of the way this administration particularly defenses has been operating under this administration is not fair. cash: you are absolutely right
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putting aside by there is a base of any kind in jordan, it's a valid question many folks are also having an our bases are coming in different safe and shapes and sizes is what was the defense structure there have i wasn't a property at that from an intelligence perspective when the biden and ministration d prioritizes, protection of american soldiers because they care less or more about diversity equity and inclusion and they do about terrorism and that ron, this is what happens. using attorney set and you shifted to the left and these guys commit of the right tax to prioritize these specific target threats not only to neutralize the enemy but to see carter soldiers downrange joe biden is just not doing them in any front c1 getting bored of new start with u.s. against iranian backed forces in iraq. but we see no direct attacks in a rented for a civil design have to being around, this by ship.
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is by ship i was directing the houthi rebels to target various chips why do we think about. cash: let me give you will here's an interesting corollary that actively attempt the individual leader is a talk to geordie from there was wally in accord inside and jordan and leader was there. go back a few years. we had an attack embassy in benguet, that hezbollah one and present it he went and killed qassem soleimani a three-star general seal of the level response was quite different than what they did you actually asked a great question is a lack of strategic sense actually the risk avoidance other plenty of targets out there. they can send a message to iran whatever - saw shot that was the splash of houthi currency the
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city. david: it was a sitting duck the meeting most direct connection between iran and their proxies are attacking u.s. forces negative possibly well that would've been the perfect target in at least cash final question, we have about 20 seconds, this connection between john kerry and the iranians diplomatically and that this u.s. envoy tour to iran ballyhoo was dismissed really suspended, because of his connections with iran that have anything to do with it because there are now using all of their cash to build up their nuclear or to try to obtain nuclear arsenal quickly. cash: absolutely, these guys are the authors and architects the iran deal they want the knee to the ayatollahs use the fake diplomacy try to went because the mainstream media wants to reward them for it starts understand one thing, and fear when they donald trump in the strength of his resolve the counterterrorism programs and keep an eye better than administration. david: we have to leave it at that in general thank you so much cash was held thank you i
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