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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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rty is not over. it will soon take a brutal civil war to bring the nation closer to the promise of the declaration of independence, that all men are created equal. (explosions booming) (triumphant music) (bell rings) (triumphant music) - independence forever. (triumphant music)
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♪ >> hello everyone and welcome ta a special edition of capital idw am david asman in for larry kudlow. by port ente dear bipartisan fad to advance in the senate. the final vote was 49 - 50 andte 60 votes were neededs to move forward they got nowhere near that, what comes next. senate majority leader chuck schumer is bringing the standalone foreign wit aid packe without any border security to the floor for about. grady trimble is live in d.c. with the trip entry details. >> senators are voting on the second bill right now as wes speak. it is possible it could wrap ane minute it is getting a little bit closer than the previous vote to the 60 vote threshold. as we speak it's not 56 yes votes, only four more and theyst could open it up for debate, to back things up, the senate shot down the border deal which also included aid for ukrainewh and
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israel a final vote of 49 yes,d 50 no, aass you said the bill needed 60 for the senate to oper it up for the debate, the second vote live on your screen going on right now and what senate majority leader chuck schumer stripped out the border component and left in the international aid aroundd $60 billion for ukraine, 0 bi14 billion for israel and at $5 billion for the indl o pacif5 region, you ca mn see there getting awfully close as were still at 56 yes, 41 no, moreus r republican supporting this than the previous round of voting without a press conference today, house speaker mikedi johnson, he didn't roll out taking a aid for ukrained a and israel in the house if this passes in the senate. the house democrats blocked republican standalone aid package for israelbloc last nig. here's what johnson had to sayat about that.
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>> the president of the united states reastatd the veto on the israel funding package, chuck schumer said he would put a blockade up in the senate there is no reason whatsoever for them to object to the contents of the bill, they're doing it for political purposes and it's bad for national security and the terrible policy and terrible politics. >> a handful of democrats did vote no on the border dealt in include need senator elizabeth warren and independents edited bernie sanders, chuck schumer switched his vote to know but that the procedure will think so he could take it up on thel co senate floor at another time, some of the republican yeses on the border deal include lisa murkowski, senator susan collins and mitt romney some of the moderate republicans in the w course senator james lankfordil that worked hard to get this deal done boldly for it all to fall apart today.
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david: i'm just curious to know why sanders and warren were against the bill that chuck schumer was pushing? >> i would imagine it has something to do with the fact that they don't like the border provision ofons the deal republicans often accuse democrats of wantingment open borders. maybe they thought the provisions g proo too far in tightening things up, i'm notno exactly sure. >> i suspect some had to dt o ws israel as well in their well-known stamps. thank you for that report. i appreciate it. the spring is south carolinaator senator tim scott. a pleasure to see you.u an thank you for being here, let's start with immigration bill if we can. i i want to play a little soundbite, this is president biden essentially with his pitch about the border bill before it failed yesterday afternoon. roll tape. >> every day between now and november the american people will know that the only reasonn the border is not secure ismp donald trump and is maga
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republican friends. david: that hardly needs to bes pointed out at this point but t were going to do so this way how just how distorted the numbershe are. put up the numbersumbe if you c. border crossings under trump in border crossintrg under biden dramatically different, aunde fourfold increase under president biden compared to president trump readmpar tru the 547 in 2020, that was 547 to under trump, 3,002,060 in 2023 under biden. it is clear that trump did close the border to a large extent and just as clear that biden opened up the border all without anyan bills all under executive order. >> you hit the nail on the headd bottom line since october more than a million people cross the border illegally, 85% led into our country, why is that
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happening it is not because the president cannot act, you statee it so clearly under president trump we had a closed secure border by and large, under joe biden he want to open poorest southern border because they want more voters they are not trying to secure our southern border, though not try to protect the american people they are simply letting the greatest invasion ian py grn american hiy the time we get to the election 10 million illegal immigrants crossing our southern border fo one reason, it's what they want. any decision they make between now and the election isecti political posturing, joe biden could've closed the border or frankly kept the border close when he came into office. he used a pen and paper to reverse the decisions of protecting americans from fentanyl, from the cartels, from sleeper cells and fromngly 10 million people we don't know where they are, what they want but they're not here justju
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because they want jobs, not alsl of them. >> your colleague's editor cruz was on with hannity last night.y he said the senate bill wasp actually designed to keep thed border open. a lot of people would disagree with that. would you got agre that far. >> i would simply say this without question you read the legislation, the one thing tha t is clear and allows for up to 5000 people, a day with a seven-day rolling number, that is 35000 a week 1.8 million a year, we should not pass legislation that allowsop le1.8 million people into the country illegally we should not pass legislation that allows fos catch and release to be caught if i'd as the law of our countra and we certainly should not t allow people into the country and give them work permits when it will only stifle opportunities for americans whor today are working paycheck to
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paycheck. >> work permits and ngos in sanctuary cities and act as a draw for a lot of the migrants who come in here. some people who have been behinu donald trump on the border issup like the border patrol agentatse themselves were in favor of this bill because they pointed out ay yoouu just did the bad elementsf the bill and brandon judd who it the head of the union of border patrol called them the poison pill aspects o bilf the bill hed they could be removed under discussion between the senate and the house let me play af soundbite and get your reaction. roll tape. >> comedy tools in the bill tha are good i understand poison pills as well get rid of the poison >> what are the poison pills funding for ngo, funding for yonctuary city like new york f cityrk. there are poison pills, get rid of those through the amendment process but keep all that ismp's good.d david: he voted for donald
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trump, his membership voted for donald trump into elections, do you think it is possible that there still might be a deal ifei you take away the horrific elements of the bill?gl >> the first thing we should do is think mr. judd and every single portableo wa doie juul as the job doing their job trying to keep americans safe. 5000 is better than 10000 but i it's an unsafe and secure the wide-open border. in the end what we need to do it what i suggested look at the 87000 irs agents brought to usrg by joe biden, let's take the42 b resources, $42 billion and give it to the border patrol agents so they can hire more e peoplei have betteovr over time andua frankly have a better quality oi life while protecting america's border. there is a way to address the concerns of mr. judd and we should but we should not protect the legislation that is necessary. open border. sd david: i want towi switch gears
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and asking about very disturbing information with the treasury department and how they have been surveilling banktr transactions u.s. citizens have been making and really getting into the nitty-gritty details again perhaps it has to do with the obsession about january 6 and whether you bought something at dick's sporting goods theda y before the riots on january 6, et cetera. whatever reason it disturbs a lot of americans yeah thetr treasury secretary before theaet banking committee, if you remember tomorrow what you going to ask about this.. >> i will ask her about spyingei on americans by using keywords, what it does it allows the t treasury if you take a look at folks like me who would buy a bible or go to bass pro shop, we've seen this before under president obama we saw the irs targeting religious groups,
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jewish groups as well as conservative groups, what we cannot have is the government weaponize in the department of treasury weaponize againste re conservatives philosophically or religious organizations that is dead wrong. i will do my best to hold secretary janet yellen accountable for what she she oversees which includes defense and where these activities are happy. david: there on the bad list asf well. w i want to ask whetheanr or not e new bill that is just about foreign policy and whether you will vote in favor, foreign money for israel, foreign money for what's happening in ukraine what do you think of thene p standalone foreign-policy bill. >> i voted no already a fewo minutes ago and here's thehe reason why unfortunately with this administration a chuckhu schumer what themey are doing is using the crisis in israel to s support other priorities of thue
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party. we should first secure our southern border, second provide resources to israel, third take a look into pacific and forth make sure we havcondces r tathay woven into any resources that we give to ukraine. without doing those four things this could be hard for republicans to support it.e qu david: very quickly, i am way over time.e as if you were asked by donaldo trump to be hibes viceiden presidential candidate would you accept? >> i accept the responsibility of making suret th that americas four more years of donald trump because we were better offcaus a trout, not to worry about whattm happens with me if we focus on four more years of trump we get low inflation, low unemployment and high enthusiasm.ou david: always a pleasure to see you, thank you for being here. coming up joe biden cpa is rolling out strict new environmental standards targeting manufacturing. we will be talking about an economic impact with former ep a
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administrator andrew wheeler next. ♪ hoose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get.
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economic devastation. gerri willis is live in studio with the details. >> that is right newly released epa roles to the skies upset will have devastating economic consequences, so say the u.s. chambencesmercr of commerce ande national association of manufacturers among others. the epa says the new rules will save lives preventing upl to 450 premature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays, they say 46 billion will be saved in healthcare cost but opponents say the newlthe y approved leves will freeze manufacturing and supply chain investments while l failing to solve for the sourcee of the majority of said in the air like wildfires in road dust. one study had tighter rules showing the stricter regulations could threaten as much as $197 billion in economic activity and put more than 800,000 jobs at risk. the americank petroleum instite
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as lacking scientific basis and prioritizing foreign energy anda manufacturinnug over domestic sources. the epa intends to limit particulate soot to everyve industrialized economy. the newly approved level in theb u.s. will be 9 micrograms peicr cubic meter down from 12, am microgram is 1 millionth of a gram. notable the standard in china, 35 micrograms per cubic meter,r cuback to david: thank you very much forr that, the spring andbe epa administrator andrew wheeler, great to see you again.l we allof want cleaner air, thero is no questionn about it and we have it largely thanks to natural gas about which we'll a talk in a moment but do the new regulations, are the actually necessary. >> epa is required to review the standards every five yearss al although they have been late
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almost every time. a when i was a epa administrator i sent the agency on a pathway to review them within the five-yeae statutory so the epa was required to review them.d the question was whether or not, they needed to be changed. the 12 micrograms and you just t referenced that was sehet during the obama administration. when i was a epa administrator i took a look at the science ofec omthe recommendation from my tem and outside science experts andm i decided to keea p the obamas inregulations in place thewpa 12 micrograms. now epa is going lower, i think what is lost in the discussion is that our air is the cleanest for the nations around thenest world. we have the cleanest air in the world. it's got 40% cleaner in the last two years. david: during that time our economy has grown tremendously. since 2000 the gross domestic product has increased 52% soncen we've been lowering the concentrations by 42% during the
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same time. there have been regulations that commonming epa rags that have h to lower that but a lot of that is been two decisions apart froa the ept a was doing. >> correct in the epa when they estimate the benefits they'rebe neactually double counting becae there are a number ootf otherre regulations thatgu are reduced with a particular matter.g the auto standards, the powemarc plant standards. particularau man is going on because of a host of different regulations and tightening down even more. what that means the sources that can make the further reductions are very limited there are very few places that they couldte gdn get more reduction. when the chamber and thea association of manufacture say this is going to hurt permitting and new facilities they arear absolutely col correct it coulde hard to get a new permitn .
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it's over 550 counties will be a nonattainment under the new standard. david: 550 counties it'll be impossible to get ack a new per. david: that's a lot of people is don't know if you bothered toil adlid it up that must be severah million people. i mentioned that natural gasme s a lot to do with the air being cleaner. at this point despite that the biden administration caved to the far left environmentalist and the new rules about lngtura liquefied natural gas exports ie which there putting apposite onu the exports, what do you make of the pause? >> it is really disturbing. energy is at the heart of so many global conflicts aroundof r world. we could be energy dominant. we could blde providing lng to r allies in europe so they will become less dependent on russian natural gas and natural gas from other parts of the world and oil from the middle east. o we could be providing thatnl noi only to american citizens but to
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allies around the world so by pausing lng exports it's really going to hurt our allies. e there is no sense and it doeske not make s any sense. david: our allies and our workforce. there is a lot of lng tankers ready to go and god knows how w much longer this pauseil will take. andrew wheeler we appreciate you for bein andg coming up democrats are blaming thisnt information for joe biden losing support among black and hispanic voters. we're going to be discussing andthat with michigan congressn john james comey up. donald trump won the nevadaev primary without even appearing on the balloenbat last night. why exactly is nikki haley still in the charlie hurt and katie pavlichha on that coming up next. ♪ take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that.
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out on a sitdown interview ahead of sunday's super bowl . peter doocy is live at the white thouse with more.esid the thing that nobody understands this is the most softball interview probably any president at any time could get. this is not like h iwoe would fa lot of hostile questions. >> it depends on who the network sense but officials of the white house are betting they could reach more persuadable voters in an election year doing things like podcasts and social mediave post that arrye carefully editen then by doing an interview by the highest rated viewership block ofth the year. >> we know the viewers that tunh in to nan to watch the game. the president will find many other ways to communicate with americans. the millions of americanans out there and we will find thoseam ways tero do it where we think e time is right
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>> as three quarters of americans polled by nbc expressed concerns about president biden's mental or physical health he is becoming less andtr ph less visible fewe public events even at thone whie house and maybe that will changa because there's nothing on the schedule he claimed he could noe take questions yesterday because is going t o answer them all tomorrow. >> you have any update on the u prespds conference tomorrow. >> stay tuned. >> we are. >> somebody joked during the press briefing, stay tuned sounds like karine jean-pierre that she insisted it was not. president biden is not doing anything on camera today a bunch of closed-door fundraisers in new york city if you're wondering why the traffic is so bad. david: he usually is these daysh we appreciate it. a for more on president biden's reelection struggles let's bring in michigan congressman john james comer great to seee you,o thank you for beinu g here. i want to start with an
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extraordinary poll that was released today, a gallup poll pretty welettyl considered aboue minority the base of thety democratic party blue-collar workers, blacks and hispanics are really turning to republicans much more frequently than they ever have before, the headline of the gallup poll as d democrats lose ground with black and hispanic adults it isu extraordinary when you look at s the chart it may not seem that dramatic but it really is as much worse than it's ever been for the democratic party before, why is it blacks and hispanicssing in greater numbers are leaving the democratic party in choosing republicans. >> the reason is simple, bads policies for blacks, hispanics and bad policies for all americans this is replete withie terrible policies that send our jobs from the united states toes mexico and china. policies that take power awayo from parents to make themas
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decisions about theiabr owndr children, policies that hit americans againsen t each other rather than bringing us s together. i believe these are manifestations that we need to care about. manifrankly democrats now they l not experience success at the polls if they do not have young voters, black voters and hispanics. since the last election, joek biden hemorrhage 24 points fromo african-american dog is 62%. one in five said they will vote a third party candidate andis trump is leading by four or fivn points amongst the youth voters 35 years old ando hi also hispac voters respectfully, they have a long way to go but we are providing alternatives, goodon trstrong policies that will make our economy stronger, our borders stronger in our world a safer place.f david: we have confirmation of the economic points from aeren unusual source from msnbc whicha is not known troo dump on democrats by any stretch they went into a barbershop it n souh
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carolina and got an interesting viewpoint with regard to president biden and president trump on their sx on the economic part of their lives, let me roll that and get yourl take on it. roll tape. >> trump is all we know trump and biden and we were broke witl biden and we wor, k with trump d that's the only thing that i'm hearing over and over again is with trump we had money. david: were broke with biden and we work with trump, is it that simple? >>as sim it's that simple it's e economy stupid referred to million times. trump got 6% of the vote in 201m and moster african-americans got 12% of the vote in 2020 amongstl african americans inin right now he's pulling into the high teens and low 20s. democrats are in denial theirre calling this information it's disrespectful it's not what thee government tells you it is, i've
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been saying up-and-down the good policy positively affects as all but has a disproportionate positive effect on e wendn-americans becauseric always have pain that is more acute and more chronic than everyone else we needed goodhola strong conservative policy that will make sure rising tide lifts all ships and that means puttins more money into all-americans pockets. david: there is one aspect related toit the economy but ito different from that inno a sensd which is the migrate crisis if you will. a lot of problems in blackan communities and hispanicic communities where it seems theer government is morenm and more whether it's federal governmentw orea local government dumping t problem in the lapofs of the minority communities. you see a lot of protest from chicago and a lot of protest in roxbury and outside of boston recently saying it is our community centers not the wealthy white people in wellesley that are getting hit hardest by thi the crisis, thatt
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have a part to do with the as well. >> they are immigrants that are coming of the right way, waiteda five, 1015 years for thers right way there's a deep sense of resentment and ever get communities like mine in the tenth congressional district there's a resentment of african-american's who built this nation for free00 over 400 years and now you have illegal immigrants getting compensation in excess of snap benefits and access the people who are working hard and still falling behind. this administrations policiehis along with illegal immigration must be reversed just why we must pass hr2 and create policies that help everyone regardless of race, color or creed to achieve thegreaac amerc dream. david: the hispanic community ii tremendous. it's actually just the opposite of what a lot of democrats were pushing for open borders expected. i have an immigrant wife who w came here, worked hard to first get a green card and worked
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harder to become a u.s. citizenu as did her son.s, my stepson and there is a lot of resentment towards people who were jumping the line millions of migrants were jumping the line thanks to biden's openo border position. >> we are nation of immigrants but were also nation a t of law, let me get this straight illegal immigration is r an economic ans moral imperative for the united states of america people like the rightare doing it way but border security is national security and we have to make sure we enforce our bordern to keep our nation safe and we have all the opportunity to do that and i believe when we have that everybody is good to be s moreat satisfied because we have order in the government right now the cartels control ouryo urborder and we need to retain e order and make sure we show people who had been here and been working doing it the right way have a pathway to achieving the american dream. david: there's another constituency this is aer in fil question that is ver ty ticked
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off, union members or democrats used to count on in the unionon leadership takes a differentad position. we had on the air a couple of days ago shawn fain the head of the uaw of the united auto workers union and a lot of whatt biden is doing pushing the ev mandates et cetera is against the interests of autoworkers, here is what shawn fain had to a say about that the other day on fox. roll tape.>> >> let me be clear about t this. a great majority o af our membew will not vote foilr president a biden,nd some will but that's te reality of this.s david: i'm just wondering whyde arrse they saying with the teamsters the teamsters leader sean o'brien says he favors oper border policy of the president and yet his members are worrieda about all the illegal truckers coming across the border, thered is a divide between the leadership in society with the democratic party and the members who were more for trump.
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>> illegal immigration is economic imperative but illegal immigration threatens there livelihoods of union workers and atn wothey know that. when you take a look at the rights that are being infringed by this administrations union worker s know that we just had aha piece looking at the epard final rule that is actually going toe contribute to thtoe automotive industry i represent the tenthfa congressional district of michigan the number one manufacturing in the entire nation and automotive is whactse do aerospace defense is what we do and we've seen our jobs leave our state and leave our country and that must end. additional penalties from the federal government from nixa ano epa is going tr o push our jobsw china is going to grow china's middle class on the backs of ours and we cannot allow that te happen. joe biden's policies are crushing thear middle class,nd crushing american autoworkers and i'm not going to let that happen.
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david: congressman john james what a pleasure to talk to youi. thank you for being here joining me now charlie hurt washington times opinion editor and a foxnd news contributor and katieow pavlich also a fox newsto contributor. great to seer'y to you two. what we are seeing here is a real historic reorientation of the democratic base whether you're talking about minorityly communities, the union base basically blue-collar workers in america now seem to find more ia commonld with donald trump than they do with joe a biden and the rest of the democratic party. y >> i think you're exactly rightu and i think that wasy fa illuminating interview you just did withsc int congressman jame. i think you put your finger ony the most important point. that is that so many of the do good or allegedly do-gooder policies i don't think they are due good policies are all policies designed to feather tha political fortunes of the democrat party but so many of s these things like illegaayl immigration wind up pounding
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minority communities or less affluent communities the hardesn and on top of that, the other thing that is really interesting. because younger voters who have been around fo r the past four or eight years and thinking in terms of politics and voting meaning 18 - 26 or something, they lived under two presidents. they lived under donald trump and joe biden in the difference between the two could no t be clear. david: then you have thee welce business that is still being pushed by the democrat party all over the place and all over the place americans are rejecting ir is a small minority pushing iti and that minority are the elite they are the ones that controlth the democratic party, they are the ones that are really into making the deals with special interest groups whether it's the ivy league colleges or the
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corporate di departments that americans at basic and i think the latin americans particular awoke world that is represented by pei. >> woke is something that sounds really great the outcome of equity seems like a good idea but would you put these things in practice is opposite of what young people want to do with their lives and the way that they view their fellow citizens and man, woken some requires that you discriminate against folks whether gei or othere factors and kills creativity and individualism and the ability tb get ahead based on hard work and merit and it requires that you s get ahead based on simply who you were born as rather than what you want to be or yours an goals and dreams based on hard work and getting to another level, that is being rejected ot eda wide scale by voters but alo because a lot of these companies
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are getting sued because gei is a violation of the civil rights act and finally there are lawyers taking up these caseser saying this goes against everything this country has beee fighting for and you can institute discrimination while claiming to fight against discrimination. david: let's switch to raw t politics, what happened in nevada where nikki haley ranw behind none of these candidates, none of the above she got 30% of the vote and donald trump was not running there there were other candidates including nikki none of the others were trump i looks like the 6li0 3.2% who sat none of the candidates werese trump voters. >> i would like to begin by saying to you david and katie,ey congratulations because you both beat nikki haley in nevada lastl night and i'm stilf l waiting myself to get a confession call from her since apparently i beat her to. it's really extraordinary, sheha apparently is a glutton for
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humiliation but she wants to go want and go to south carolina. if you look at the numbers now it's hard to see how she's going to do much better and it'sly really hard to see what the t future holdshe for her if she go on to get beaten double-digit bw none of the above goes to heres home state and gets beaten by double digits there. i don't know what the futurewhat holds for her unless she wants to go with no labels third-party thing an effort toto hurt trump but i don't thinthk it will hurt trump. david: shert is bragging about $1.7 million in california where she has a lot of supporters.nigh tonight she's in hollywood preparing for the super tuesday but that is after that is twold weeks afte tr south carolina. a meanwhile we're going to have a new head of the republican party ronna mcdaniel stepping down, h
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who do you think thaavt is going to be. >> there has been a couple of t names floated i want to adjustat nikki haley south carolina situation because everyone's asking where is she goint asg fm here in the campaign bestve entered based on what they saidr they've leapfrogged to super tuesday asapfr you mentioned bad on the fact that there 874 delegates and they think two t thirds or they believe that two thirds of the primaries are open and semi open primaries which means independence or democrats can vote in the primaries for her as long as they met thethey standard for changing their affiliation. s sometimes you can just vote in them. that is their strategy for movingy tg forwarrwd likear massachusetts, maine. they are really banking on heror to get her over the edge with these independent votes which aren't clearly coming if you look at the results from the primary last night.t bu david: we've almost run out of time. who do you think it' s going to
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be. >> we don't have official names yet, kevin mccarthy was floated as a dark course name, formerhe speaker of the house but given the good reporting it looks liks ronna mcdaniel is on her l way out. david: you have five seconds, who do you think it' s going to be. >> i'm with katie i have no idea but i particularly enjoy kevin mccarthy theory he would be goou at it by the way. >> thank you so much ited appreciated. and a new report says the u.s. b in jordan hit by iran backdefe militias had minimal air defenses, how is that possible, keith kellogg and kash patelhat will way and on that next. ♪ vestments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products.
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david: new report says the u.s. base in jordan was hit by iran back militias cause the death of three americans in severed wounding of woa dozen more had minimal air defenses. how is that possible. joining me lieutenant general keith kellogg, former national security advisor for the trumpos administration and aspi center for american securitthe cey co-r kash patel former deputy director of national
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intelligence and author ofgove government gangsters. thank you for being here. general kellogg either minimalns defense or perhaps no defense et all in one of the soldiers on-site described it.ou your response, i'm outraged tots hear there was no response they must have known they were aes target and no defenses against them. >> thank you for having me ie have heard two different reports i heard they had ad radar syste called tps 75 down 80%do of the time the second system called coyote which is an anti-drone system that was in place there, here's what needs to be done, the military used to be really good about this with aftert actionth reviews they need to bring the commanders and and they need to tell everybody to include the american people and what kind of defense do we havee in the facility and how do wewe prevent these attacks fromit's occurring again. there is a lot of questions
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coming up what wasw actually there and i think it's fair since we lost three great americans how are we defending those sites and i thinksh everybody should have a little bit of a concern because dronest warfare is something relatively new to this theater and new toe the united states and new in the last few years but it's a wave of the future and we better be prepared for countering drone technology and let's find out what's happening and what's occurring or what did happen. right now i would sabey you need to investigate and come back to the american people congress and say this happened ord th didn't happen and by the way one keyword, accountability who is accountable for. david: there's not a lot of accountability with this c administration. i know the whole drone technology is new in a fulls review has not been done but itn does see dm emblematic of the wy this administration particularly our defenses as been operatingde under this administration isn't that fair?yo
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>> absolutely right and putting aside why there's d a base of ay kind in jordan that's a valid question many folks are having and the basis come in different shapes and sizes ands keith is well aware of what was the defense structure and why was it inappropriate from an intelligence perspective when biden administration d prioritizes the protection of american soldiers because they care more about diversity, equity and inclusion than they do about terrorism and iran,th this is what happens you take our target set in shifted to the left and these guys coming on the right with drone attacks and donald trump prioritize theses specific target threats not only to neutralize the enemy bunothti safeguard our soldiers downrange and joe biden is not doing oot n any front. david: were getting word by newk strikes of the u.s. ofed iranian backed forces in iraq but we. still seen no direct attacks one iran and for example it doesn'ti
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have to bep. in iran and the irania in spy ship that was directing the houthi rebels to target various cargo ships why didn't we take that out. >> great question. the fact that we attacked as well and killed the leader because of the attack in jordan that occurred inside in jordanan and the leader was there in baghdad, go back a few years wed had an attack on the market embassy in baghdad with hezbollah and what it president trump do he went and killedil soleimani and iranian anledtar three-star general. if you look at the level ofte response is quite different to what they did. you ask a great question i think is a lack of strategic sense in the inner world of risk avoidance, there plenty of targets out there that can send a clear message to iran in the bush on which is the spy ship t sitting in thehe red sea. david: it was a sitting dock ani
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it was the most directme connection between iran andor their proxies that are attacking u.s. forces i coulced possiblywo imagine that would've been theul perfect target and final question we only have 20 seconds but the connection between johnn kerry and the iranians diplomatically in the u.s. envo toto iran nally who is dismissed or disbanded because of his connection, s with iran could that have anything to do with iran, they're using all of their cash to build up and try to attain a nuclear arsenal. >> absolutely these guys arer te authors and architects of the iran deal and they want to bendt to the need of the ayatollahs in iran and use the fake diplomacy to win because the mainstreaman media wants to reward them. these terrorists understand one thing if you're one thing donald trump with the strength of his result in the counterterrorism program keith and i live in tha administration. david: we have to leave it atat that, thank yo iu so much kashvi
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patel thank you both force your service we appreciate it greatly. more "kudlow" coming next. stay tuned. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at people are excited about what ai will do for them. we're excited about what ai will do for business. meet the watsonx assistants, ai designed to multiply output by automating tasks. when you watsonx your business, you can use ai assistants to help coders code faster, customer service respond quicker, and employees handle repetitive tasks in less time. let's create ai assistants that transform business
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maria: that is i t for "kudlow" thank you for watching folks ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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