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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: go ahead. lauren: i feel i should know that because i get facials and all that. i will get i will guess 14 days, two weeks. we one i will go with 27 days. takes time to regenerator whole skin. thank you. the answer is 27 days. you can lose 500 million skin cells in a single day. do you have facials? ashley: no. maybe i should. stuart: i wear a lot of makeup. a lot of blemishes. lauren: you just admitted that. stuart: we are out of time. not a bad show today. we will try again on monday. lauren: after the big game.
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adam: the s&p 500 today crossed 5000 at the open and it stayed at the close. to bob subradahl, i try i tried to make his last name rhyme but you get the point. the cio the what do you think? are we going to do it? bob:we have a shot at making it. let's hope the s&p doesn't turn down. you and i remember when the s&p was three digits, not four. neil: i always have found, it doesn't get the attention that the dow does, it's a better for the economy, more widespread of all sectors of the economy so when it is humming it is coming. critics say the reason it is humming is its
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disproportionately weighted in those technology sectors. what do you make of it? bob:the s&p represents the economy and the stock market. technology is important. microsoft and apple and nvidia make up 18% of the s&p 500 and the total is 30%. it is more today than it was in 2,000 when we had the tech level burst. tech is important. neil: there's a thing in the investment world that is a can to society, fear of missing out on this. and new investors. that could change, what do you make of it. and even as i pick on it, earnings not being quite as good as people thought.
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fed cut expectations too high, p/e ratio over 20. and the market goes up, 6000 is next. neil: this is the week investors had to grapple, we went interest rate cuts the sooner the better, as soon as they thought. and in the end, that does appear to be the winning argument and that is what looks likely now. what do you think? >> the consensus. we are taking off again because part of the economy are getting stronger. and the leading economic indicators, we have an infield the yield curve, money growth
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year over year, the fed raised rates from 0 to 51/4. and not so sure. neil: you talk about a recession next year? >> we will see signs of a notable slow down. whether it's a recession who knows but i think will see the slowdown before this calendar year is over. labor markets, earnings are not as good as expected and it won't happen to the three people involved. neil: let me get your sense of the inflation report. some retail inflation, and the inflation argument doesn't seem to be out there.
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cocoa prices are sticky, and and this is a food focused inflation problem. that is hanging on the american consumer. >> we have in the next couple months, probably inflation picking up for a bunch of reasons, and food is one of them. this is not going to get back to 2% the fed wants and have to settle with longer-term inflation rate, 2 versus 3 doesn't sound like a big difference. treasury interest rates and price-to-earnings ratio, 2 versus 3 is a big difference.
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adam: hope you neil: hope you enjoy the super ball game. i am done. we always try. you probably know by now the back-and-forth, he is exonerated but embarrassed, talking about the special counsel report that absolves him of any crime for these documents but one page stood out to me when the prosecutor said mr. biden's memory was limited in reported interviews with a ghostwriter in 2017 it is interview with our office in 2023. it gets worse. it prompted the president to hold a news conference last night. i don't know if it helped his cause. edward lawrence at the white house even now. >> reporter: may want an instant replay on that news conference. three hours, the german
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chancellor will be at the white house and will ask president biden if and when the next ukraine aid package will be coming, global issues taking front and center what the white house wants. it was donald trump that helped tank the package in the first place. the former president forced the european allies to meet the commitment of 2% gdp for nato defense. ten countries met that under donald trump. today only for four countries meet the threshold, not germany. this comes as the final report, the mishandling of classified documents by president biden dropped, the jury would not convict because, quote, his diminished faculties and advancing age and sympathetic demeanor, these factors will make it more difficult for jurors to conclude he had criminal intent. the report calls biden a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.
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>> president biden: my memory is fine. look at what i have been done since i have been perception. nobody thought i could pass the things that i have passed. i guess i just forgot what was going on. >> reporter: he did forget the name of the church where he got the rosary honoring his latest on bo. he said this to a question on palestinian aid. google initial >> president biden: initially the president of mexico did not want to open the gate for humanitarian material. i convinced him. >> reporter: cc is the president of egypt. he held the gates closed. not mexico. the border with mexico is a different issue. neil: you are good at behind the scenes stuff, the president must have been seething about this which of people said that about me i would be seething too even though in my case it would be accurate. in his case, he called this
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hastily arranged news conference had dug a deeper hole. a lot of people even his closest friends are alarmed that this is accelerating. this is a huge issue. >> reporter: there's a report that the use of expletives when talking about this report, in doing this, when you saw his damage, if he had walked away from that news conference when it finished and not come back and answered the second question about cc, the president of mexico, that was two gaffes in one news conference talking about his memory loss and mental capacity. if he had walked away things might have been a little better but this is something the president wanted to do, get in front of it and say i don't have a problem with my memory. here i am. it ultimately people will have to decide if this was a disservice.
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neil: thank you, edward lawrence at the white house. the editor in chief, bob, you and i are old enough to remember ronald reagan after that first debate with walter mondale, looked like he was living away and forgetting things, famously comes back in the follow-up debate and says i won't use my opponent's youth and an experience against them. everyone laughed and he was on his way to a landslide victory. i don't see that happening here. i don't dismiss it one way or the other but his ability to get a handle on this. bob:we all have senior moments but this was not a good day for the president. overall, i think biden would be smart to look at the reagan playbook, to joke about this. he comes across so defensive and certainly here you had a potential split between the
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legal side because the lawyers want to get the president off so he's not charged, but politically, putting that in the report, that was devastating but clearly this is going to be a constant theme of the election and is a problem for the president. neil: it is a problem covering that in board meetings. michael walsh, when he had the brain tumor, and the deteriorating, and the corporate world, and the mental health, more slippery slope. >> he has not been a media accessible president. he has to be out there on the campaign trail.
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2020, covid, didn't have to be on the campaign trail as much as normal. whether it is donald trump or hillary clinton and biden, how they treated classified information in the terms of experts, these are people who support president biden, reckless. when are they going to learn you've got to be careful with this stuff? it. 20 what happens going forward? his advisors must've been frantic, the president wanted to call this press conference which normally when there is a lid on it that he's done for the day, obviously seething and feeling and wanted to get it out and a deeper hole no matter how you feel about it. they are frantic he might be going rogue, a guy who is not up to going rogue. his acuity has suffered over the last year. you look at press conferences
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and speeches, a far cry from when he was running for president, doing well in party debates, debates in the general election with donald trump. they know something is accelerating and don't now how to deal with it. bob:the press conference yesterday because of the gaffes, not as bad as hillary clinton's e-mail press conference which was not good at all and part of the reason she lost, but this is something they have to deal with and come up with a better strategy. reagan poked fun of himself and biden has done that but he has to handle this issue better because paul's say people are concerned about this. neil: a humorous way of dealing with it, doesn't have to be deteriorating mental issue, jfk and the fact that his dad was behind the election, his dad wouldn't buy him a landslide. you've got to find a way to get
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a handle on this because he does not. >> absolutely. neil: we maintain our sharp wit. you are hanging onto yours. it is debatable whether i am. we will see. the dow, 146. what caught my attention is this run up in bitcoin back to levels it was two years ago after it was sinking like a stone. $3089 for one coin, stay with us. ♪
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♪ ♪
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jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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neil: that the reaction to the soaring price of food, chopped liver, this happened moments ago. welcome back. i am neil cavuto. they make a lot of snacks and goodies. a lot of goodies and they are not selling as many. people watching the waistline or that they have gotten so incredibly expensive, people are saying i will not do that. gary bomb -- gary kaltbaum is here. that's a serious issue, the price of food. that is one area where things are not budging. it's not accelerating like it was when it comes to what hershey's is reporting, sticking and not coming down. this is real. that's the stuff.
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it keeps them from saying, mister president, we believe you that this is working and the economy is humming. when it comes to this it's an everyday reminder. gary:the quarter sales were plus 10-7 and-1. things are afoot. they are citing get less purchasing power, people buying smaller packs. they are citing get people not going back to work or staying home and sitting there eating chips all day and the price of things. by the way, shrink inflation, that is where i thought they would sell more, chip size, the packs are 25% less than they used to be. they have things to work out not to mention the value drugs. i've spoken to people in the industry who are worried about it.
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diet drugs are making people think twice, eating better and staying awake for these type of snacks. when i look at the markets, i want companies that are accelerating sales, not decelerating sales. it. 20 the problem with eating neil: the problem eating chips all day, i don't know if it's perverse logic but someone said years ago that these companies do better in tough times, we eat this stuff when we are depressed. i know that is true but they have a better go of it when times are tough. this is how we deal with it. what do you think? >> suites and chips make you feel better, whatever they are made with, they are addictive,
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you start with one bag and end up with a party size. there is a part of that. on the hershey's front all i can tell you is if you look at a chart of cocoa, it has been a moonshot in price, prices stay high. i've said many times in the last year, the bed from 1099 to 1499 over the last couple years, hershey's sales goes year over year, a big juicy 0. just so you know, these are the greatest brand names in food, they are not going away but they have things to deal with as culture change, work habits change and eating habits change come a they have to get used to it in ways they are not used to. neil: it depends where you want to focus the price. where you are in orlando, disney had a boffo quarter, they are streamlining costs to say nothing about their
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streamlining business but the fact is it cost a lot of money to go to disney world, record numbers continue to do so. there's a bifurcated economy going on. what do you make of it? >> disney went above one hundred dollars for a ticket, that they would have troubles and some days, 50-170. where there is demand, prices go up. where there is less demand they come down and for whatever reason, disney at the parks continues to attract, universal continues to attract to the point they are building another gargantuan park in central florida with hotels. that will continue. people love enjoyment, getting away and traveling internationally and domestically and business in central florida is big time boffo, add billions to the economy, untold billions of businesses.
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neil: if you want to go to an expensive resort, it's a thousand times the price. i hear you. i can see your swat team going through the parks, great to see you, thank you very much. all right. in the meantime i want to bring your attention to the super bowl this weekend. people in debt, $23 billion, all sorts of ways to bet on it, 30% from just last year. ♪ we are the champions ♪ my friend ♪ we keep on fighting ♪ to the end ♪ ♪ we are the champions
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there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪
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♪ in. 20 neil: there are reports of some really good ones without a lot of baggage and controversy we have seen in years past. we are following that in las vegas. >> reporter: the kansas city
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chiefs fighting to win their second consecutive super bowl, hoping to clinch their sixth history. the city has campaigned for years for professional sports teams and the moment has come. the first ever super bowl in allegiant stadium off the strip. las vegas visitors authority estimates the game will generate $600 million in revenue, 30,000 visitors expected this weekend. >> this is a revenge game for us. we should be able to handle business. >> started to be here. >> it is exciting get. for my team to be here. >> reporter: are you going to the game? >> no. dying to get tickets. >> reporter: what's the highest price you are willing to pay? >> 5 grand.
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>> reporter: there was a lot of buzz off the field whether travis kelsey's superstar girlfriend, taylor swift, will make the game after performing in tokyo saturday. i asked if all this is a distraction and how he stays focused on the game. >> i love this game. i love to be accountable to the ones next to me. i think everybody has distractions or things in their lives that can take away from their focus. you have to compartmentalize that. >> the super bowl is a tier 1 national security event. dozens of agencies including fbi and dhs are taking all threats and assessing them and scanned vehicles. neil: thank you.
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draft king's ceo, so many ways to bet on this thing. try $23 billion worth, 30% over last year. jason robbins joins us now. good to have you. what makes this, this is a big boom over last year which was a big boom over the year before. >> continued growth of the category. new states coming on, including massachusetts, ohio, several others did not have access. continued growth in the early days, it is growing fast right now.
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neil: there are so many ways, we were mentioning taylor swift, from tokyo to the game whether she should be able to park her private jet. you can bet on a variety of things. >> reporter: we can't take bets on a lot of these things, where regulators are comfortable. that is the stuff i see in the future. you can bet on the color the gatorade would be when they dump it on the coach's head or bet on the national anthem link. lots of stuff you can bet on. that's part of the super bowl, casual event that everybody watches.
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people sometimes who are casualty into sports, that in some ways is more fun for them and for anyone watching the game to throw in on the side, that is interesting with the super bowl. neil: you can update me, this former executive who might affect a friend's death to steal info, joining that company and i am wondering where that stands because he's joined fanatics which is a competitor of yours but the drama behind the scenes of what did he do and when he did it, are you suing the guy? >> i can't talk about that. there is a lawsuit you can check out. that is all i can say about that. neil: i understand but i am belaboring it because he can go
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ahead and join fan that ask. someone like that, a former top executive in charge of it, does that hurt you now especially when your business is booming at a great deal of intention on you, what can you say? >> reporter: it's the reason we are in the legal process. there's a number of different things that created significant harm for the company, something to be taken seriously. neil: you don't have to worry about the bettinger, you have that under control. the ceo, business has been booming. in the meantime, charlie gasparino, betting on whether president biden will be able to run for president with the growing pressure on him. we are on top of that after this.
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adam: neil: the president dealing with blowback on his blowback after the special counsel report on documents, fingering him for being too old to punish. charlie gasparino on the fallout from all this, the president is still running for reelection. what are you hearing? charles: i don't know.
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i'm only as good as my sources. i wanted to preface this. every wall street firm has a government affairs department who are paid to figure out what's going on in washington and usually pretty good at it. they have the right access to the white house. i spoke with several people in those departments, here's the general consensus that president biden is not going to be the nominee, whether that is actually going to happen or not, the president as president is incredibly powerful. a sitting president, his the head of the party. he has to agree to step down but yesterday, wasn't just a report that has people freaked out, it was his handling of it in the press conference which was very unsteady. this is not wall street, this is wall street calling its sources and democratic party which are high level people and
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people saying this is not working. take that for what it is worth. you and i have been covering this daily, that rumors about him stepping down and giving it to michelle obama or whatever, you and i were giving that low probability, my sources were giving it low probability. i'm only as good as my sources. that probability in their view changed yesterday and it changed because when they called their people in the dnc, they are having serious doubts about this future. whether it happens or not who knows? i am not there. the president, people forget. i keep hearing this from people, there is no they. they can't tell him you got to
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go. they, meaning barack obama or whoever can request that he go. they don't control his destiny. he controls his destiny. that being said the, they, being my sources, who deal with them who might be talking to them are saying they are the probability is growing that he's not going to make it but take that for what it is worth. giving you my sources. neil: the insistence to meet with the press against advice of his staff, went ahead and buried him even deeper. charles: he is in a tough situation. if he doesn't go before the press he looked like he is hiding, if he goes before the press he underscores his mental incapacities, quite simply.
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neil: thanks. doctor debbie, what she makes of this. you've seen this, you know it. i talked to a neurologist who says these issues, what he is forgetting, his mind wandering, it is accelerating. is that in your eyes? >> reporter: looks to me like it is accelerating. president biden's medical history, he has risk factors for neurologic issues, atrial fibrillation, heart arrhythmia, you form blood clots that could potentially cause strokes. if a person has a stroke or multiple little stroke, on blood thinners to prevent that,
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some near falls, if he put his head in the past that puts them at risk for brain injury. if he's on blood thinners and those things happen he is at risk for subdural hematoma which can cause these symptoms including word finding difficulties and memory loss. with all of those things he is at significant risk. when you look at this, a lot of people attribute this to age. i think it's more consistent with a medical issue than with age. with memory issues related to age, people have more trouble with retrieving memory. a cluttered garage when you are looking for information, you find it, takes a little longer. it seems it is hard for him to ever retrieve that information. that can happen if there's been a destructive process or a problem storing information,
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happened been able to hit control save on certain things. that has to do with attention and focus. that can happen in normal life, somebody comes up to me and says their name, never met them before, i might not remember their name next time i see them because i didn't see that information, it wasn't a high priority but remembering when your son might have passed is high priority so that should be saved. neil: having seen this in my own family, it's frustrating and maddening, they say you are doing this, doesn't want to hear it and behavior is anger and lashing out as i think he did last night, to say i'm going to have a press conference and tell them a thing or two. staff was saying i don't think that's a great idea so we are
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seeing another manifestation. and accelerated case. what are you seeing in the weeks and months ahead? >> reporter: that can happen for two reasons. it can be the person is not aware. this could be when people have hearing deficits which a person doesn't hear what someone told them, they don't know, it can look like memory loss or someone told them to do something. they are not aware what happened. it could be the process itself, somebody has a medical problem, that could affect their thinking and judgment generally speaking. if it is something like that, if the person is not being evaluated and treated for the problem it progresses. somebody has to intervene whether it is the person
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themselves, doctors and healthcare system working with the person. neil: regardless of your politics, your heart as well, maybe it will be fine. i like your garage analogy. in the meantime we are following the german chancellor. i'm not sure of that. what's important for the german chancellor. with ukraine, the lack of aid for the time being. he's pressing the president to do something about it. ♪
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neil: the german chancellor is in town for meetings with the president, germany provided as
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much aid as it can to ukraine but will never make up for the amount of aid the united states can provide. dan hoffman joins us. how do you think this works out? the president wants that aid it to go to ukraine, a rumble among republicans and democrats as to whether ukraine should get it, more provisos attached to but it is not happening. what do you make of it? >> first on germany, germany is second in providing assistance to ukraine but the ukrainians are waiting on cruise missiles germany would do well to provide. with the assistance, the senate put forth the bill and $90 billion of assistance to israel and ukraine. included in that money is $20
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billion to replenish department of defense stocks and $15 billion to allow them to purchase weaponry and training. we are an infection point where president zelenskyy removed the commander of his armed forces, the russians are flaunting fresh ways of attacks. is a meatgrinder but ukraine needs all the help they can get. they are in an existential more for their survival. the russian army down to size and defends europe from threat of attack. neil: if you are vladimir putin must love the bickering and questioning whether we should have strings attached. some of the money disappears, generals come and go. that's the impression. if you are vladimir putin, you are loving all this. >> reporter: he has a lot of significant challenges.
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he may love this part. he is relying on iran for drones, north korea, artillery, artillery is suffering. he lost 300,000 casualties in this barbaric war which involves indiscriminately killing civilians in ukraine. europe is mobilized, finland as a member of nato and sweden. this is nothing of the sort that vladimir putin expected. neil: i read a lot of the foreign press, where they are mentioning and talking about the story of president biden and whether he is showing his age.
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>> reporter: leadership profiles matter and they collect intelligence on leaders and adversaries. what makes kim jong-un take or xi jinping or vladimir putin. understanding how they go about their decision-making, on who they rely is critical. health concerns also critical. foreign intelligence services especially our adversaries, are looking closely at whatever president biden is dealing with in terms of mental faculties, that is a high priority target for them. neil: it's politically motivated by the opposition. thank you, good seeing you again. dan hoffman on all of that.
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1:00 pm
neil: we focus on the s&p 500, well over 5,000. that's the one to watch. this is more meaningful than the dow. taylor riggs and company


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