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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  February 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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- was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. >> from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromo's "wall street."
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cheryl: welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo. it has been quite a week for president biden. >> america's back, and mitteranding from germany -- i mean, from france -- there's been a response from the, there's been a response. i said i'm going to be president whether you live in a red state or green state. and making roe v were the law of the land. the president of mexico, sisi. cheryl: the white house seeking to respond to the president's many gaffes and a report by a special prosecutor citing his, quote, poor memory and revealing he, quote, willfully retained and disclosed classified documents. even the left-wing media acknowledging there is cause for
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concern. >> the fact of his age is not something you can rebut. you can't -- if someone says you're too far left, you can tack to the center. there's no -- the man is 800 years old. >> -- 80 years old. >> this is a 5-alarm fire for the white house. >> mexico? if mexico? where did that come from? i mean, that's the only thing anyone's going to remember from this. >> the problem is, this has become a real thing. that is a stubborn problems that is an obstacle to, you know, in his campaign moving forward. che cheryl and fox has now obtain thed a letter from new york congresswoman claudia tenney calling on the cabinet to explore the use of the constitution's 25th amendment to remove president biden from office. noting grave concerns over the special counsel's account of numerous instances in which, quote, president biden exhibited dramatically compromised mental faculties and concluded that a jury would be likely to perceive
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president biden as a sympathetic and forgetful old man. joining me now from house oversight and house armed services committees, congressman pat if fallon. congressman -- patfallon -- fallon. your comments on what we saw this week with regards to president biden. >> cheryl, thanks for having me on. you know what it was? it was a really bad week for joe biden. he was already suffering in the polls, about 18 points underwater with his favorabilities, and this certainly won't help at all. and the thing is the white house is trying to spin this, but you can't spin the fact that he's a very old 81. there are some people that are very spry at that age, he's just not one of them. and to forget things like when -- and it's very tragic, forget the year, not even come close to knowing when that happened, those are the kinds of things that are seared into someone's memory. and not knowing when his vice presidential term began and ended? you know what? i never met james monroe, but i know he was president from 1817-1825, so i don't understand
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how they can spin this going forward. cheryl: there's a new marquette university poll, and this is wisconsin, a battleground state, that they're concerned about biden's age and it's a problem. as we are in an election year and pushing towards november, if it is trump versus biden, this spells bad news. for the democrats. and they obviously know it considering what we just played to our viewers as far as the sound bites go. >> there's no doubt. president trump has incredible mental acuity. i do know him and i have met with him one-on-one and in groups, and he's a very young 70-something. he's -- i don't know, 76, 77. he's 77 going on 45. and joe biden is 81 going on 100. he's elderly. that's what you see when you see him. it's not just the interview with the special counsel, cheryl, it's also the the incredible amount of gaffes, scores if not hundreds of gaffes over the last three years. i'm, quite frankly, a little shocked lasted this long.
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so to ask the american people in almost a year, you know, in about nine months for another four years is something they're just not going to be able to swallow. cheryl: what do you make of claudia tenney bringing up to the -- up the 25th amendment in. >> claudia's great, and i fully agree. it's a conversation worth having considering this man possesses the nuclear football. this is -- it's great. it would be funny if he was the mayor of a small town, i don't know funny, but certainly something to watch with, you know, maybe a little half-crooked smile, but he's not. he's the leader of the free world and the president of the united states. this is the last person we want to have mental acuity problems. cheryl: well, meanwhile, texas governor greg abbott thumbing his nose at biden and the administration announcing he's going to be building more barriers along the southern border with mexico. and he also said that they're going to i erect more border wall than trump did during his presidency. and with that along with razor wire fencing and ramping up enforcement, texas has
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dramatically cut down the number of migrants that have crossed the border. in eagle pass where abbott's taken command from the federal government, he says the 2-4,000 people crossing illegally is now down to less than 10 a day. migrants are now entering through arizona and california instead. what can we learn politically from the moves that greg abbott has made and is making in texas? >> follow greg abbott's lead on that. many of us in congress have been encouraging him to do what he's doing now, and we're very pleased with it. and, unfortunately, arizona and california, the other border states, and new mexico, all three of those have democratic governors, so they're not going to follow his very bold lead. isn't it amazing, cheryl, how barriers and walls actually work? if i think there's a lot of walls around mansions in malibu and certainly at the white house and in joe biden's beach house in delaware. walls work. but democrats don't want to do that. and another question to ask, i'm sure your viewers are curious, how many of these democratic
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leaders and folks that are proponents of sanctuary states and cities, how many of them are taking migrants into their personal homes? exactly zero, nada. it's a classic limousine liberals, do as a i say, not as i do. cheryl: well, i think it's coming home to roost especially here in new york with d.a. a alvin bragg who this week said, oh, we're going to be indicting the migrants that attacked our two police officers. well, thanks a lot. that was, that attack was two weeks ago a, and you let 'em go, and oh, they got picked up, guess where? if arizona. >> unreal that those focus, they're not even here legal arely, and they attack police officers. and then they're let out on their own recognizance? those people should have been deported. say that with me again, bragg and biden and all these other left-wing, you know, hard left liberals, deport works -- depor taste works. laws work. wait in mexico policy. your asylum.
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case will be adjudicated while you wait many mexico because those folks will call home and say don't take this journey, don't pay this money to the cartels because i'm not in the united states anyway. it's not worth coming. and that's how you stop this flood and reduce it to a trickle. cheryl: i do want to ask you before you go, it's been one month since the shocking act a sayingses of bank surveillance on american citizens was unveiled. it shows banks used keywords like maga, dick's sporting goods, religious text trying to identify extremists in the wake of january 6th. but the administration still doesn't have any answers for it. treasury secretary janet yellen, she punted on it. she said it didn't happen on her watch. >> starting in the trump administration, there were efforts to work with financial institutions to provide relevant information -- >> and purchasing a bible is relevant information? [inaudible conversations] it's ridiculous. it's a shame. >> i will get, i will get back
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to you with more detailed information when i've had a chance to study this thoroughly. cheryl: all right. congressman? >> it's, you know why they punted on it, because if they have no excuse for it. the senator was right, it's absolutely shameful. and to say that 70 plus million americans that voted for president trump are somehow at risk of being domestic terrorists or criminals? and to look at, oh, if you religiously active, if you actually -- maga? i mean, these are, i'm, i'm perplexed and befuddled, and my mouth is agape on this, cheryl. it's something we're not going to let go. we are going to get to the bottom of this, expect truth's going to come out, and there's going to be consequences for this. maybe not legally, but certainls not going to do anything about it, but they're going to pay for it at the policy come november. cheryl: congressman pat fallon, thank you. >> thanks, cheryl. god bless. cheryl: all right. well, new record highs on wall street this week with the s&p
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500 crossing 5,000 for the first time in history. market strategist kenny polcari on where to put your money now. he's next. ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers
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♪ cheryl: and here's a look at where markets ended after a week of new record highs. the s&p 500 crossing the 5,000 mark for the first time the ever. it's been three years since the index hit 4,000. this as we heard janet yellen admitting to congress high prices are here to stay. we've got new inflation numbers due out next week. let's bring in slatestone wealth chief market strategist kenny polcari. these markets have been incredible to watch because, obviously, it's all about the data, and that is next week with cpi and ppi and retail sales. what are you looking at? if. >> right. so, i mean, you look at all of it. actually, i think it's all going to be very important as we try to figure out what the fed is
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looking at, what the data is, right? remember, they're very data-dependent. and over the last couple of weeks, we've heard pneumonia numerous fedheads telling everybody, slow down, not so fast. and i think that's because they're a little bit concerned that, you know, it's not going to continue to cool at the pace or we're not going to hit the 2% target when they thought. and, look, janet yellen all but said that. she said, listen, she doesn't expect prices to come down, but she's not worried about it because supposedly wages have gone up so, therefore, it's a nonevent. cheryl: well, i mean, obviously her testimony she got pretty beat up by several there that were fighter questions at her in particular because, look, inflation has been a may if your problem under president biden. and she's the one that you would think is going to be there to solve it along with jerome powell, and this is an election year, kenny. >> right. cheryl: let's talk about technology because, obviously -- >> yep. cheryl: -- that was the story of 2023. but as we go into 2024, there's a lot of commentary out there
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now that traders and investors need to broaden out where they are putting their money. they've got to look now for new opportunities especially if we are facing potentially a rough second quarter in 2024. >> and i think that's right. listen, technology's not going away. while it was the story in '23, it will continue to be part of the story in '24, '25 and '26 as well because as you and i know, it changes almost daily. technology's not going away. but as an investor, as a long-term investor, you want to start to think outside of the box, right? if you have to start the look at other areas that are breaking out. so industrials are break out. health care is breaking out. consumer discretionary is on the verge of breaking out. and there are great names in those sectors that long-term investors if they don't have exposure to them yet, they should start incorporating those names. industrials mimics where the s&p goes, and if we're in this new bull market and you're looking for some diversity, industrials
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are going to benefit certainly from all the infrastructure spending that's really going to hit this year. so you've got lots of great names in that space that will do well. and so you have as a long-term investor, you have to start to -- if you haven't done it yet, you really have to start to think outside and diversify. cheryl: certainly, earnings are giving us a good snapshot of what's happening at u.s. companies. we have more coming out next week. what are you looking for as we kind of tart to really dig into the final leg of these quarterly earnings? >> right. right. so we're down to the end, right? if i think next week we're really going to brand up, but it's the continuing story. you want to see margins expand, good earnings. it's not so much about, as you know, the earnings per share that they report, it's really about what are they saying going forward. what are the predictions, what are these ceos in the c suite thinking about what's happening over the next 4-6 months. and we've seen it, actually earnings this quarter have been a little bit better than
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expected. and the forecast is what's been driving a lot of it. and i think that's what you still have to continue to watch next week. you're very interested in what they, you know, what they're saying about a going forward, not about what they earn because it's really history. cheryl: especially when you see in particular, maria's talked lot about this, the concern has been really focused now until the end of the reporting season is really on those smaller banks, those regional banks. the big banks are the big banks, it's the regional as that maria a's been really watching. final word? if. >> right. and we saw that, you know, with new york community bank and some of the concerns about exposure the real estate in that commercial real estate, you know, issue that's hanging kind of over those regional banks. and so that's something that people are going to have to continue to watch. but listen, there's also a bench of private equity firms, hedge funds that are raising money to take advantage in the event that the commercial real estate market starts to pin out of control. you know -- spin out of control. they're sitting there licking
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their chops willing to buy it on pennies on the dollar. they're willing to do it. that's something the market's going to have to pay attention to in terms of the amount of exposure and the potential damage that could do. cheryl: kenny polcari, thank you. >> always a pleasure. have a great weekend. cheryl: all right, you too. all right, well, football fans are preparing to shell out big bucks for the big game. sports betting is on track to smash last year's super bowl record. fanduel's ceo is going to be here to explain what is driving all of this. that's next. ♪ ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here?
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are expected to put money on the super bowl with more than $23 billion in wagers. belowing out -- blowing out last year's record of $16 billion. and as of friday, fanduel's sportsbook has the 49ers favored by 2.5 points. if joining me now is frank duel's ceo amy howe. amy, it's great to have you here i gotta ask, what is driving this big demand this year? is this the taylor swift effect? or is it because we're expecting a great game? >> well, it's a little bit of everything, to be honest. you know, listen, every year super bowl is the biggest sports event of the year, and we'll set new records. this year will be no exception. but it's a terrific matchup, and, you know, if you go to fanduel, we have the best offering we've ever had. we have over 600 prelive markets, and as you can imagine, there's a tremendous amount of activity on the player props.
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travis kelce is by far one of the more popular. most people think he'll score the first touchdown of the game, but you've also got mahomes and christian mccaffrey and so much to bet on, there's literally something for everyone. this year we also have a fun little twist on the classic super bowl squares where you can go in and predict the score. so it's just, it's exciting. and, of course, the kick of destiny. everybody should go in and make sure they predict whether robb gronkowski is going to make the redemption kick or not. and if you predict accurately, you get a share of $10 million in bonus bets. charles: also too i think what is so interesting this year is we're seeing -- well, first off a, i'll go back to taylor swift for a second, the fact that people are betting whether or not we're going to get a marriage if proposal on the field at the super bowl. and then obviously, you know, here's another one, is she going to join the halftime show with usher. we've got that. then you've got, okay, is usher -- which song is he most
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likely going to sing or not sing when he does his halftime show? it just seems like the types of bets that we're making are just expanding exponentially every year. especially this year. >> well, there is. to clarify for a legal sportsbook like fanduel, it's only in canada that you can actually bet on whether taylor swift with, the proposal's going to happen. but there's, there's a ton in store, and i think, listen, one of the great things that taylor swift has done is she's brought more women to the sport of football, and we're seeing huge engagement numbers with women betters as a well in part as a result of it. so all goodness from my perspective. cheryl: so even fanduel is seeing the taylor swift effect. this woman's popularity certainly knows no downside -- bounds. talk to me about fanduel in general. obviously, sports betting has exploded across the world, but in particular here in north
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america. how's business? >> business is great. we're just coming off of q4 where we had a phenomenal 2023. we were the first u.s. online operator to be profitable for the full year, which is a huge inflection point. we have a 51% share of the sports betting market. fastest growing casino brand. we ended the year as the number two brand. and, you know, we're just a little over five years into legalizing sports betting, just shy of 50% of of the market. and business has been phenomenal. i mean, the playoffs, we've seen record days, the nfc championship was a record handle day. if you look at the number of bets we took per minute, record at 60,000 bets per minute. so, you know, i think what's happening is the sports betting is actually creating a game within a game, and it's really elevating the live sporting experience. so -- and super bowl's a great opportunity for those of you who have never had a chance to place
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a bet. most of our betters on super bowl are recreational users who will bet less than $20, but it's fun. it really elevates the game. cheryl: all right. super bowl aside, obviously, we've got the ncaa championships coming up. are you expecting new records to be hit there as well? >> you know, ncaa, march madness is one of the biggest sports moments of the year. and what i love about ncaa as somebody who has three boys at home, march madness dominates the airwaves, but it's the narratives and the stories. you don't know what they're going to be. there's always a those amazing cinderella stories that take a place, and that drives real engagement. last year, actually, a lot of the women's basketball games with caitlin clark at iowa and lsu, that was a, you know, a huge opportunity to bring new users onto the platform. so that's the next big moment, and we're gearing up for it already. cheryl: amy, thank you for being here. >> thank you, appreciate it. cheryl: my thanks to i'm amy howe, of course. i've got one important thing
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that you need to know ahead of next week. ♪ ♪ introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ parodontax ♪ blood when brushing could be the start of a domino effect of gum disease. all of these signs could lead to worse. parodontax is clinically proven to reverse the signs of early gum disease. parodontax, the gum experts. (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,
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and create the outdoor living space you've always wanted. muck we are living in a material world, and i am a material girl ♪ ♪ cheryl: and welcome back. one thing you need to know ahead of next week. get to pay up. the price of love in 2024 may break your heart and your wallet. if a new report says people are shelling out more for their special someone this valentine's day. consumers are expected to spend over $150 on their partner, a spike in the cost of eating out has a lot to do with it. the latest inflation data shows going to restaurants is more than 5 more expensive than last year -- 5%. and that'll do it for us. thank you for watching. we will see you next time. ♪ ♪ ♪


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