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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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the greatest air to air fighter of the time. frankly, it was a dream for a pilot, but it might not. edgar mood designed the p-51 and he supervised production, but somehow he never flew inside one until after the war. in fact, it was michael o'leary who gave smoothed his first ride. when we landed, he just had a big grin from ear to ear. and i. oh, i'll always remember that. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry larry: hello folks welcome to "kudlow". i am larry for kudlow. former president trump rang the warning bell for nato countries
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who still don't pay their mandated share, by the way non- payers include germany, france, italy and canada. we have senator marco rubio wilt join us and respond to all of oy just a few moments and then senator tommy tuberville will be here to talk about why it's a good idea or not a bad idea to go she will vladimir putin once in a while in a bad idea to spend $60 billion for ukraine. later in the show mazi pilip anr ethiopian jewish illegal immigrant who was an israeli idf paratrooper and she's running for congress in long island in a race tomorrow that is about securing our borders, what a bia race that is. by the way if anybody cares joe biden's budget itos borrowing us into bankruptcy, first up let's go o our own edward dorane?
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standing by at the white house. what is cooking down there. >> a lot happening at the white house trying to divert attention away from special counsel robert hur's report the challenges of mental fitness, democrats an officials are trying to counter the narrative in the report white house press secretary attacking the special prosecutor himself, listen. >> special counsel robert hur is a republican in a prosecutor. he's not a medical doctor. he it, is not. it is not for him to speak to ii is not.a meit's obviously a medical doctr to decide. >> i said the medical doctor is going to do a physical and put forth in the last two years a f detailed memo.nd
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>> so far we've not been able o talk with the presidents doctoro today the kerdy of jordan visitd the president he still here. issuing a cease-fire with an extended humanitarian pause. the last big topic shrinkflation blaming companies again for shrinkflatioation and inflation interposed on x the former ceo of chrysler and home depot said america nose policy and global problems because of policyie pushed inflation, not companies. >> this is another ploy by the same initiation the debaclee started his first day, energy prices the debacle on going to ev and a plethora of people being laid off, jobs being closed, the general population will nott be due by this aversr to blame inflation of corporate america. >> overall cpi inflation is up 17.6% since president biden came
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into office tomorrow we get another read on inflation. larry: maybe if they would quit spending we would have so much inflation. more on that in just a second. thank you ever so much for your report. on the subject i want to talkk about how joe biden has absolute 0 authority to take classified documents and as a senator and vice president or two-tier justice system were trumped as been charged with 40 criminal accounts and the documents case while biden gets 0 all of this still burns me up but were going to get to it over the course of the show. there is a financial story that deserves more attention than it's getting, that is a newth atcongressional budget estimates of joe biden's baseline over thc next ten years, these are a fiscal fiasco government spending and borrowing puts us squarely on the road to bankruptcy. over the next ten years biden
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spending goes from $6 trillion to $10 trillion. the budget deficit goes froming 1.7 trillion to 2.6 trillion. the borrowing from the public goes from $26 trillion which is bad enough, all the way to $48 trillion which is unbelievable. the congressional budget office, the c.b.o. gives a useful 50ages year average which to compare. biden spending has a share of gdp goes from 21% to 24. his borrowing goes from 48% of the economy to 116% of the economy.omy even with all of the government stimulus, the economy is projectd to grow by barely 2% over the next ten years. on the one hand the federal reserve is trying to strain inflation in the biden administration massive spending
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and borrowing as i inflation accelerator at least has potential. by the by even with the government spending or borrowing has temporarily stimulated higher gdp growth, temporarily it also impart what i call the affordability crisis were lowerd inflation recently does not delete the price hikes over the past three years for essentials like groceries or gasoline or electricity or ordinary workingi folks have lost 5% ongf the real wages over the past three years, this is a result of thefe lingering effects ofct biden inflation. according to a recent ted poll six and ten people the paychecko to paycheck and 24% had 0e emergency money in the bank, groceries up 20% common gasoline 34, electricity 24% and overall cpi up 17%.mi
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if you measure this on a pre-pandemic basis, middle-class family income went up more thane $6000 during the trump years has fallen roughly $4000 under the biden regime we had better-than-expected gdp the last couple of quarters but much as come from government spending and borrowing. meanwhile the private business economy has been flat and may be an recession.yo you read aboutff major layoffs d finance and tech but you never read about layoffs andittl government. private wages are rising a little over 4% but government wages are rising almost at a 10% clip, like i say the fed may be trying to hold on the moneyrn supply with massivmee governmene spending is can be hard to restrain inflation on a permanent basis and incidentally the c.b.o. number shows it's a spending problem it's not a tax
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revenue problem. over the, past 50 years revenues have stayed as 17% of gdp in the c.b.o. estimates that about where they're going to be in the next ten years leveling off of i 10% of it is a spending problem stupid or the borrowing stupid and it' got to stop. we need a growth budget that would reform spending in the civil service bureaucracy that does the spending.whic we need the grace commissiony which was established 40 years ago by president reagan, that thing found trillions of dollars of wasteful spending inside of the federal government. we need to keep the trump tax cuts permanent to maintainns supply-side incentives for the private sectorines business rebd and here's a thought, how about a return to something called executive budget and impoundmenw
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budget and impoundment this wasb taken away 50 years ago during the watergate scandal.tial it would be a very useful presidential tool to deregulate spending and red tape. a so watch former president trump talk a lot morthe about this ink the weeks annod months ahead. lord knows we need it.ut we're going to pick it up at ag little while with our budget experts. first of all joining us for this editor marco rubio, senator rubio is a great pleasure. thank you for coming on the show. one little thing i don't want to dwell on this there are other fish to the white house in the news conference of the press room are still hacking away at this guy robert hur who all the leadingwt democrats praise when they first put amanda as a special counsel- as you know and i know, we all talked about this. vice president and senators do
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not have the authority to remove classified documents and he did and that's of the robert hurd report and there beaten up on it and i thought i would get your weekend off to take. >> you already pointed to your intro about double standard were trump was charged and biden wasn't but there's other double standardcas, apparently robert r is only prosecutor you couldto j attack and call names.h if you do to jack smith youun undermining the system a threat toe his family but you could do it to robert hur. another thing i saw clip from the white house press conference saying he's not a doctor, theyl fundamentally understand the history is simple all th oe elements of a crime, we have decided not to charge him because we believe he'sde suffering fromme age-related dementia and we don't think a jury will convict them because we'll be subsonic because of the challenges.he that's why they chose not to charge them. what if two things are true h has age-related dementia and therefore should not be charged o he doesn't according to what
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the white house says in therefore should be charged. if you had a perfect memory you don't need a doctor there t relying onhe interviews and ther argument is we put this before jury and the jury will not convict this guy. if he in fact is fro not suffert from dementia then robert hur should've charged him he that has dementia or he should've been charged with the crime o those of thenl only two outcomes in robert hur decide to not charge him because of those. you don't need to guide us out of medical assessment that's an assessment of what would happen in front of a jury. f larry: i thought it's a good legal point the fact is illegal under the presidential records act for vice president and/or senators to declassify documentn off-campus. it's got a go in the archives and you want to write a book and talk it to your ghostwriter you could put in the nationalth archives. another thininenatg senator rubo
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you think with respect to then classified documents which we know were in biden's possession as early as 2017 when he told us the ghostwriter, that stuff about the chinese energy company was that about the influence peddling do you see where i'm going for you in the senate and the house have a chance to take a look at what the classified documents really were was a par of jamie comer's investigation, k senator rubio. >> we had a chance with the intelligence community to review the disclosure cases that we seen out there and i personally did not see anything linked to that, it's divisive to say that in the indictment or in the non- indictment report and out like the documented notes about afghanistan.he he wanted to write a book and he wanted to make sure is recorded for posterity that's what he did it and they made the decision not to charge him unlike trump is no allegation that he shared with any foreign power or anything's been disclosed or any
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facility guarded by secretll service and full-time security not a garage started a box.. i don't know if you saw those photos of the biden garage. - but in that case are not alleging what is the crime ande the harm in the injury to the nation. also you will enter the nation they charge a president and ript edthe nation apart and created r new normal where you can have a lot of pressure on future republicans to go after democrats using speciall prosecutors in the legal system to conduct welfare like racine now through the open pandora's box. larry: donald trump over thep weekend, south carolina ring r warning bell about nato countries had to pay up their fair share, we have a full screen. france did not pay up to 2%. germany did not pay up to italy, canada, g-7 countriesie, wealthy countries did not pay out, we heard trump say this
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before he may have made progress in his first term but what he said over the weekend in south carolina basically he's just ringing the warning bell again. >> while trump was president we didn't destroy nato we had troops deployed, i remember being in poland and beating with american troops so we didn't see an attack on nato what donaldam trump is that virtually whateras every president american history of nato has done that his complaint that her allies don't do more.o mo trump expresses it differently than he expresses in a story that he told and use the storyt as a way to describe his position which is if you're not going to pay more he described t negotiating tactic of some sort but it was not perspective he did not say fatal payout, he was describing the story of something happened in the past. i would then talk that way because i don't talk that way but he does attack like u.s. editor or people that observed here were members of a foreign think tank. on the, we other hand joe bideni
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using all kinds of profanity ano temper tantrums and in linking it to the press to go after benjamin netanyahu. even as israelis in israel is fighting for the very existence the evident administration going out there saying they got ove the top and he hates benjamin netanyahu and we don't like the way your conducting operation.u, he's actively in a h time of war undermining an ally. he's doing it to appease the radical into somatic element of his face that exist. larry: that is a key point let's stay with i don't know if it started thein night before the catastrophic news conference apparently bidel swore at benjamin netanyahu in front of the vice democrats. reports today that biden continues to swear at benjamin netanyahu i thought benjami netanyahu in israel were allies he wants to clean up now in the south of gaza and finish the job off and biden is blocking him
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and the talking about a two state i don't get ant y of this. i thought israel was her biggest ally the only democracy in the middle east, what in the world are the bidens doing. i >> they said he's going to lose pro-palestinian voters in places like michigan and they sent adversaries from the white house to meet with anti-semites and people that are supporters oft hamas and has blood because of threatening. i guarantee they got to th white house and some political people said were in trouble we have an element of our base thae is angry at us and not going to vote for us so we need to put stuff out there to show were not 100% in israel side so you seen the leaks on benjamin netanyahu that he swore on him in the memo that comes up from the state department about how we will not give a two country that target civilians which israel is not targeting civilians and civilians are caught in the way , issin a war.ta thomas could in this tomorrowrg theyg ci should surrender but ty would rather have every civilian in gaza then surrender.
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he is a press conference and they got over the top. all of this is designed to appease the radical anti-israel anti-somatic pro-hamas, pro-hezbollah pro-iran element in his own party accuses afraid of losing the support any, hd te votes. some of the elements find themselves in the bureaucracy of tes,this country. i don't if you saw a picture couple of months ago executive branch staffers standing in front of the white houseing inr protest demanding more from cease-fire with their faces covered, bunch of cowards in the state department signing aemnion letter condemning the administration position on israel now they want to put their name on it, some of these people might be ambassadors or futureassa ambassadors we don'to where they are because they're cowards. that's embedded in oure isappe government and that's what he's trying to appease. larry: that's incredible. there may be iranian conduct o ft thoue government, they guide moy we don't why he lost his security clearance and others as well. senator rubio last one.
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two more ukraine money $60 billion senator graham paul was on the show friday or thursday he wants a minimum inspector general and accountability and he was like in offramp negotiation what do you think about the $60 billion in theckag whole package. >> 20 billion of the 60 billion is to buy back the weaponsk foe ourselves that we gave them we gave them weapons now we don't have that but we need to buy them to replace them fory ourselves that is 20 of the 60.n ultimately i would say i, want ukraine to have the strongest feature negotiation with putin but that's what happened in the conflict and the stronger ukraine the better the terms will be at the end of the conflict with the day comes. i don't think we have a nationat interest to go think it'ers unlimited and forever but i don't think it 0 as i describedt my probably met their super bowa weekend, all of it is fine withm me i wonder what people are saying to me and that is you
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guys will stay up there for days at a time, cancel trips,- ot whatever you going to do to help other countries for their invasion but you never do thatdn for us we have an invasion goind on right now and you will give t that priority. americans are tired of beinganot told their second to another country, second to an interest group second to the global economy. they are tired of it and i think that's been exposed out of touch politics has become people ofha both parties with the parties on everyday working americans. larry: president xi says it's time to integrate taiwan intoth the rest of china. i know you've thought and spoke a lot about this. this is not the kind of. integration that i look forward to. >> is talking about a takeover that's been their plan and part of his legacy he's used as part of his legacy and i continue to believe we will finish this s decadeee without seeing real conflict over that potentially unless we can do things to deter it and by ourselves time and
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maybe the next chinese leader will have the same ambitions bu right now we have to make it as hard as possible for them to achieve that. but president xi had never mad any mystery he intends to move one way or another before the r end of the decade. larry: saturday marco rubio w appreciate it very much. coming up on "kudlow" joe biden is borrowing us into bankruptcy. a whole separate topic maybe noi as sexy as some but it's inflationary, skinny damage economy we will talk about it with former omb budget director russell vote in former congressional budget douglas holtz eakin they know something about this, they'll be next onfb "kudlow". we're going to negotiate witthh putin also, not the worst thing in the world is it?
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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larry: joe biden is borrowing us int larry fiasco, we talk about it is russ vought, former oh, mb damage think about director, and douglas holtz-eakin. president of the american act forum and the high point, a former director of congressional think about office. how about that.
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now, this is just bad. you know the numbers better than i am i'm saying, it all about spending from -- from 6 trillion to 10 trillion. a fast ye50 year average violated and deficit mor the deficit more than doubles debt held by the public goes from 26 trillion to 48 trillion in ten years. look like a spiny problem not a revenue problem according to the c.b.o. doug, give u thes your overviewf these numbers i call it the fiscal fiasco. >> the numbers are bad as you pointed out there are things we've never seen before looking at the highest level of debt relative to gdp in the nation'sm history that includes world war
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ii and will get to spend more o interested we do oexn the pentan within five years and we have it in enormous amount of leverage in the budget that exposes interest-rate risk. the numbers are terrible. the economicrestisk,s are terris is a recipe for continued a ndstimulus in the half to leanst against it, loose fiscal policy in tight policy chokes offme investments in infrastructure and chokes off investment in technology and business modelsss and human capital. s we get a chronic slow growth problem, we need better trend growth in the united states for this is not a recipe for better trend growth it makes everyone's life harder and does not deliver a standard of living to the market public that they deserve it is time to reckonings theax decision to spend the dollar in tax the dollar somewhere in the future and the future taxation of the current spending our recipe for bad growth and we need to do better than that. larry: whether the interesting things our friend larry lindsey writing about this and others government wages are rising more than twicee the rate of private
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sector wages and doug holtz eakin said on the show thatss business may be ines a recession or business is flat lindseyi makes the same point i remarked on how flat manufacturing is. government spending you're getting temporary stimulus and consumer spending but this ithgo long-term growth rest vote. >> that's not and is going to explain we look back historically ands ar economicaly why the numbers are being a propped up for thiresbe administration economically. thernee benefiting from massive government spending anitd defict tespending. just to give you a sense of how far worse it's gotten. when we left office tht the annl interest bill was $350 that is now $870 billion in a few short years and it's going to get worse. it is approaching defense asug something thatht we thought wasf only within the ten years of the
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window so each and every data point showing the reckless oy f our fiscal situation. they continued their strategy if organ spend as muc oh as we can and put it on the fed the fed a can figure out hownd to deal wih it and that's been theirha approach ands unfortunately a report like this shows an difficult situation that we fine ourselves in.dg larry: i want toet have my cake and eat it too in the next budget we avenue administration i want my cake in the right b flavor with thige right icing. i want to cut spending big timee but i also want to grow the economy by curbingre regulationn maintaining the trump tax cut the personal tax cuts. i want to do all three of those things. i would maintain that you could do all three of those things. i'm getting give you the first whack at it and then i'll give russ a whack at
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>> i think step number one, yodn understand you stop doing all the regulation that this administrationhe is doing they t on the books $450 billion of o regulatory cost already and if you take the unified agenda another trigger 50 billion on the first quarter that's an n unbelievable tax in the american economy so you get bad growth what you do spend tons of money for artificial stimulus. if you stop the regulatory onslaught that frees you up to not rely on the spending and then you have to go back andro remember 2017 is the norm mostly pro-growth tax reform and we could do more of that not just renew what we have but do even more than have a growth component and a regulatory component and you get the spending under control. larry: i have a minute. a noi want another peter gravesom commission and i wanmit to reste executive budget and problem authority, what say you?
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>> i love where your head is not deliver president trump's headls is i believe the lossy of the problem the authority which 200 years of president enjoyed was the original sin and eliminated ability from a branch on branch to control spending we will need to bring that back and i think h you can bring back i'm excited that president trump intends to it. to your point you can do allth those things in thine budget becauste of janet with growth, with spending reduction with bureaucracy crushing and welfare reform you can have a budget that aggressors the fiscal insolvency and one that keeps the american people free and prosperous. larry: both of>> you guys, yout guys are going to be in their pitching. i get to be here reporting ander you guys will be in theirre pitching and figuring out how ti do it. thank you for coming on the show we will continue this conversation. coming uisp on "kudlow" what is
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wrong with negotiating with vladimir putin we may hate him but we can negotiate, we can ask tommy tuberville and will talk politics with mark simone and alan lace. i want my cake and i want to ea. it too. low taxes, high growth, budget problem but, i cannot wait. [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... a vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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larry: welcome back, the question, what is wron larry: welcome back, here is an, question what is wrong withe negotiating with vladimir putint even if we don't like him or hate him, can you negotiate and talk with foreign affairs, alabama senator tommy tuberville who dared to suggest that you could talk to vladimir putin and everyone is piling on. f i'veor seen worse in the formulation history that we negotiated with a lot of a bad actors but i wouldn't mind seeing anybody trying to negotiate the ukraine russia war
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what is your response all these. people piling on you they have no clue. we need toan get this over with for the american people and ukrainians and the russians this needs to be over but nobodynd wants to talk abouitt whatever e have to do that's joe biden's game plan, ukraine cannot win,m people in washington, d.c. after weird he gav12 e them $120 billion they don't how to gee'llt out o, we're going to double down and t send them 60 billion were dollars of the taxpayer money, by the way that we don't have ie it's not going to be could different even if it were to pass the house, i don't think it will treat is not immediate help, were getting weapons from israel to ukraine i know you saw that in the new york times, ouri weapons during israel are goinrg to ukraine. it doesn't help vladimir putin want out of thisdi, diplomacy wk
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happened to diplomacy. larry: i don't how you end theta war unless you talndk to some bt you don't like. i don't understand that that'spu what i don't understand th yelling and screaming so putin said to tucker he's ready to talk peace.e i don't know iisf he's ready toi talk peace but there's nothing wrong with exploring it that's what trump wants to do i take io you support that point of view. trump also wants the nato countries to pay their fair share which they don't, the worst offenders are the wealthiest, germany, france, italy, canada not a single one of the g-7 countries have paidan their fair share in everyone is piling on trump because hei rag the warning bell as well. i don't get it. b >> they know better, nato is supposed to have 2% gdp and president trump whatever that in 2017 and said you're going to pay up or were out you have toe, pay your fair share, were paying a most everything last week with
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the eu voter will give youwe 50 billion eurosek to ukraine, they're only going to do a fourth of that each year for four years which is a littlees over 12 billion then it can be used for lethal eta goes intoio the government into the pension plans because they do have any money right now supposedly there economy is not a good theay american taxpayer cannoter affot this but we're going theo pass another 60 billion but hopefully the house does not pass this and we don't get farther and farther into. larry: the last one. this bill may or mayor m not pa. negotiation with putin are probably not going to happen but as i understand that the last-minute nothing is going to happen with thherne border proba we have ga southern border problem and a growing northern problem or terrorist are being caught left and right coming ina frompp canada.el nothing's going to happen onl, e border, is that right.
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>> nothing's going to happen. we had h a nation as republicans to try to get the democrats to come our way input affixed to the border. b but we basically screwed up. our leadership screwed it up we did not ask for enough and we went along with what they wanted to do, limit 5000 per day, are you kidding me that is not ain border bill that iues a border giveaway, we cannot continue to do this is absolutely amazing that we thought our leadership was going to go along with us so we voted it down now the warmongers will pass this money for ukraine and fly over our border this friday are takingas and going to givsee them a check or think they're going to entail them that we pass in the senate and were not going to do anything for border. it should be against the law what we are doing appear. it's absolutelo y mind-bogglingf how we can forget about the american citizens.
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larry: you know what, this thought occurs o to me. it is time for change. it is time for major changes. just aando random thought that popped into my head listening to your wisdom we need some change. were borrowing $80000 in second and top it 7.6 million a minutet we cannohat continue that.nk i wish we had more time tommyti we appreciate it very much. we're going to continue this conversation with mark simone wodir radio host and hosted the first class fatherhood podcast, welcome back. it is time for change. joe biden is going to remain as president he's going to be the democratic candidate for president he will not be takenha by the 21st amendment or otherrr plots from kamala harris, none of the above. i'm just challenging you please
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feel free to disagree, don't jump out of the chair but anything you want. >> were lucky he's available. doing a hell o of a job. 380 million people in this country, we have this guy, this does not make any sense,lion 380 million we have kamala harris as vice president. whenever there is something that takes out of the president whether watergate it takes weeks and weeks for it to sink in and do the job. y i don't think fighting getous ot of this.clin you're circling hilary all of our television and kamala harria wants to take over. larry: mrs. wilson, a.k.a. mrs. biden will not allow it. you have to explain morgan have a cabinet meeting in surprise, here stands up and says joe it's time for you to go and everyone that agrees ration hand, then he's out. i've been to many cabinetet meetings and that's not how it
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works i don't believe this for a second. e honest, kamala harris is the gei vice president xi's not there she's only theren because a womalyn of color not because she can lead the only thing she's bleeding is the word salad she accomplished nothing i feel dumber every time sheow speaks and most americans would agree. she matches up well with trump i think trump would bury her in an election in november but this could be other fish to fry you will see michelle obama and may be gavin newsom. i don't think there's any way. >> their hats are already in tha ring. >> i think it willrr be gavin. larry: you think party elders like durbin, maybe mitch mcconnell who forgets his republican, chuck schumer, is like watergate you will never convicted biden of a crime he doesn't have his marbles, theth whole country knows he doesn't haveer his marbles but there's t to be you to have your marbles t
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testinhag they will never allow it, mrs. wilson will not allow don't have your marbles test. >> 's opportunity for biden to fall down the steps ofn the plane. or falls in the tub, something like that he could go out atin y minute. >> at this .1960 lyndon johnson was noayt going anywhere. at the end olif march it was a whole different matter it takesn a while and if you have kamala harris watching your back your real trouble. >> robert kennedy ran the ad int the whole country freaked outin against it it's not sa good sta and then he had to apologize and it wasn't that bad it was a retro add borrowing from his uncle and no one liked it. tell me who is? going to challenge biden. >> if you drop that you can have a primary. larry: where is he going to drop out, karine jean-pierre said today he works every hour harder than anybody she knows. i just didn't know what our
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shoes referring to., he doesn't work an hour but you will never know. >> and her world i believe her t don't think anybod'sy works the. larry: let's be realistic politically how does this happen i do believe it. >> only way if he decides not to run they will not impeach him unfortunately and get them out off office. the only way it works if he sayo i'm not going to run again thati the only wayck it happens. larry: he would have to get vert sick and take himself out and his wife would take about that. the only way that would happen. >> that would be what we need to see but all these people i think trump will sail into officedo after thn'e november election i don't think biden stands a chance against him. the guy is not cognitively there. ouwilli still say you not to sei in november on the ticket i find it hard to believe. one waty or other by hook or crook this guy is and get a be there. larry: we're going to bring in mazi pilip in just a minute this
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is a bellwether for the wholesc story. thank yoriecu mark simone, joe n taken a marbles test i don't see it. the border in the migrantg an crisis, the top issue in tomorrow's special congressional election in long island and new york we're goingzi to talk to republican candidate mazi pilip she could win this against the democrat about this issue in jom biden's marbles.ow, we will talk about that on "kudlow". be right back. the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larry: border crisis, top issue in tomorrow's specia larry: the border crisis iios te top issue in the congressional and longg us island new york jog us mazi pilip ethiopian jewish immigrant which were to paratrooper running to keep the sea, mazi pilip if i may call you that. this seems like this is all about border security andn immigration catastrophe your opponent was in favor of sanctuary cities not so long ago, tell us about the races, please. >> thank you forll having me its all about securing our border in the crisis that were facing as a nation that creates it and
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people are very much worriedrrow about this.e therefore tomorrow we would see a lot of people coming out to vote to secure the borders in as very confident we're going to win this election because it's about the safety of our country and under biden in the squad members and tom suozzi it's not going to happen there putting people at risk and we have to save our country. a larry: can we get rid essentially cities and sanctuary states, point number one and a number two if you get el elected and push an agenda, border wall, remain new mexico, tiger 42, catc,h anh and deport with thate where you want to go if you elected tomorrow? >> absolutely. i'm all about securing the borders and giving the border
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borderpatrol agents to increasee font tre to have the technologyd tools we need to build the wall we need to stop sanctuary citiee and we need to stop funding ngos that encourage people to come to our country illegally. i'm all about immigration and ii would love people to come to this country, i made it to thisn country my husband made it to this country, it has to be doneh correctly the way bideatn did it and supported to open the border puts american people at risk ano i very much worry about this. larry: another issue you were an idf paratrooper which is the remarkable thing, thank you fors your service and get a guest a lot of people in yourt congressional district would like to see israel tak e out hamas even though the bidenco white house isnd a problem is tt a second issue you are working on. >> absolutely as a person or grourvedp in israel and israeli
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defense force and specialized weapons i can't tell you how important to support israel there fighting a terrorist organization, icioa vicious evie attacked israelis innocent people, kill babies, mothers, children, raped women and tookin hostages, we still have sixds american hostages at the hamaswe hands in 130 is really stillt th there. we need to support israel ado strong israel as you stroningag united states in the fight theoi israel is doing in a fight. that's needed for an ocular stop it over there is going to be here it is would be very dangerous and too late.yo larry: mazi pilip good luck tomorrow we appreciate you coming on the show we wish you the best of luck. larry: i will be right back wit my last word. ♪
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6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. [crowd boos] that is it for "kudlow". thank you for watching folks. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. maria: good tuesda


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