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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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going for them canceling on the line and going for us. rate cuts. going for it being better. cheryl: we talked about that this morning, actually, believe it or not and six weeks later into the year and we're talking about potential hike and the data doesn't play out. todd, good to see you. have a great weekend. appreciate your time today. dow and s&p turning red and the nasdaq biggest loser down 1% this week. markets closed on monday for president's day and we're on the air expulse you then. now for kudlow.
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charles: hello, everyonement i'm charles payne in for kudlow. donald trump ordered to pay more than $350 million in a new york civil fraud case against him and his family business. the judge is suspending the foreigner president and his sons from doing business in new york. also restricting their right to take out bank loans. trump's attorney alina habba slamming the decision and said trump plans to appeal. lydia has more for us. >> hey, charles. donald trump and his real estate empire hit with a $364 million judgment. responsible for $354.9 million for that. he's been barred from running business asews and assets include properties like his
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personal residence, old post-office on wall street and property in florida mar-a-lago. trump's attorney said in a statement this "the court today ignored the law, ignored the facts and signed off on the attorney general's manifestly unjust political crusade against the front runner". donald trump sons eric and donald trump jr., they're also banned from doing business in the state of new york for three years. the lawsuit filed by learfield imgty supra aural headphones james and that judgment is no doubt sizable more than $350 million, note that james was seeking a lifetime ban doing business in the state of new york and getting a three year ban and we expect to hear more
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from letitia james. charles: florida attorney general and beginning with a law and justice and going it do that today. >> this is unprecedented and new york has never brought a case like this ever in the history of new york that anyone can find yet they go after donald trump when crime in new jersey and la letitia james going after her. >> the trial now and i guess the testimony is determining the outcome of the number that we
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have today and outside in and i couldn't follow day-by-day but the notion had the wool pulled over their yays and sophisticated out there and going for them seeming farfetched. >> that case was always legally unsound and letitia james ran on the promise to get trump before access to files or evidence and took office and found no wrong doing, what did she do? she dusts off this odd ball consumer protection statute, contorts the facts and suddenly claims fraud even though at trial it was shown that nobody was defrauded and no consumers were harmed. the lending banks were more handout happy to give trump the money and they made enormous
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profits and trump didn't inflate the value of assets. he hired what business people do, outside real estate experts and they did their own due diligence and securing loans and this judgment also completely undermines established common law which requires proof of intent to deceive and there was none. the commercial speech and the first amendment protects and i think the bias of he was toutiest coming to the law and i don't see this judgment against
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trump surviving judicial juteny on appeal. charles: lapping up the limelight for sure. pam, gregg brought up some things in the summary and line that said lenders require personal guarantee from donald trump and based on statements of financial cond conditions that e compiled by accountants that donald trump engage the. going to give the bench of their own due diligence and here we are, $350 million and not sure how we got to this point. >> chars, we don't. when the banks do their own valuation and possibilityive and there's no way they get to that number. not even close and mar-a-lago of course is valued at way more than $18 million, that's a joke.
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everything they did is ridiculous and it's 100% going to be reversed, they all know it's going to be reversed. all they have is a short term goal of getting donald trump. they're trying to bankrupt him, they're trying to ruin him, trying to ruin his sons and his business in new york. the only reason they didn't do the lifetime ban and they're not will be reverse on appeal. charles: how long does it normally take and obviously it'll be a lot longer till the elections come and gone. >> for goodness sakes and going for him committing fraud before there was even a trial then of course sort of backfired because the banks took the stand not being defrauded and we wanted to do more business and we made so
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much money from him. they could see where gordon chang ran was going and boricking -- goran was going and they were working for weeks if not months on appeals and filed first with appellate court above and then eventually perhaps the highest court not called supreme court. it's a little different here. look, most of the judges and justices are not republicans or conservatives and sited in miz first remarks and this will be a very long process. in the meantime, you know, there are going to be a stay of some of this and you'll have to post a bond for the judgment, a portion of it and it's going to be a long appellate process.
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charles: this long process, pam, taking all the legal issues together, many are saying now the law is simply being used as a weapon, a political weapon against the former president and explain how egregious this might be. >> chars, when la tee supra letitia generalran, she campaigg donald trump donald trump. there's video of video after video campaigning and saying she was going to put him out of business. so to have the highest law enforcement -- state law enforcement officer in new york do that, should really frighten everyone, every business in new york should be very fearful right now because if they're going after donald trump, they can go after anyone. that should scare everyone. it's a two-tiered system of
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justice. charles: how many books written or edited and the bill and i hear you become a billionaire in this country and it's like you can go back and find a lot of households between hotels and brought thousands of people along for the ride and improve their lives and i don't know that you want to talk about this and i want to stick with you on this, pam. today was supposed to be like the testimony down in georgia. fulton state district attorney fani willis, that was rivetting yesterday and from a legal perspective and going from a legal perspective and nominal perspective and the reality tv shows here immediately could be. pam, what do you make of this because we saw the personal visit reel that a lot of -- vitriol in the case. >> yeah, american people got to see her firsthand in action.
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her demeanor, she was vicious, she was the defense attorney and thought she was the judge and prosecutor, and she got away with a lot of it. that's okay. she had a lot of rope and i think it hurt her in the end. i know it hurt her in the end. look at her demeanor up there while she's talking and pointed at people and waved papers around. everyone sees her bias. all these cases are going hand-in-hand around the country and the common theme is the prosecutors hate donald trump. >> yeah, proving that lawyers make lousy witnesses and her lover nathan wade, his testimony was such a train wreck she really sprinted to the witness stand to try and fix it. then she has this meltdown, a tantrum of belligerent rants and yelled at the judge for god's sake and he banged his gavel and called a recess and had to scold
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her. here's the important paint, wade and willis both admitted their sexual affair. they claimed oh, well, it didn't begin till after he was hired, not before. it doesn't make a particle of difference. the affair itself, chars, regardless of when it started is a severe conflict of interest and obvious impropriority and violation of cannons of ethics and merits disqualification whether the judge will see it that way, that's hard to tell. if he doesn't disqualify willis, that doesn't end it. it can be appealed that only delays any future trial. charles: gregg, i hear you on the relationship part but people are wondering the use of taxpayer money and that's where you saw both saying, hey, listen, you know, the -- everything that was reimbursed in cash, there's no paper trail, there are no receipts, and from
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the judge's perspective, how does a judge take that because you have to say, okay, everything including $2500 here, $300 there, whatever it was, all the vacations and trips and interludes were paid with a credit card but they were always reimbursed. how likely is it that the judge will buy that? >> i didn't make it past the smell test and i don't think any sensible person was buying that except senator bob menendez who prefers cash and cold bars. willis' misconduct damaged her own case and the public's perception ruined her credibility and the jury, i guarantee you, charles, will know that this case is now tainted. charles: yeah, pam, not just the jury but i think i read a lot of
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liberal publications over the last few hours and they're fuming that she went out there and pulled this stunt much the idea is that maybe she was watching this, got upset, threw on the dress because now of course we all know it was on backwards, and went out there out of pure emotion and all personal for president trump. >> it was, charles. legally that's what's going to happen and nathan wade has a good chance of getting disbarred and prove he answered in derogatories under oath and then he came in and testified under oath. that's potential perjury given his two different statements both under oath. and i think fani willis is in big trouble with the bar, and i don't think the defense attorneys are finished and they're going to get bank records, they're going to get phone records, and she's going to be if big double because this was thousands and thousands of dollars that she said she reimbursed had imin cash and there's no way, no way that
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they're not going to be able to -- they're going to prove it's not true. she didn't do it and she's probably going to lose her job over this. charles: gregg jarrett and pam bondi, thank you very much. inflation roaring back in a big way and producer prices up huge after the cpi report and steve forbes joining me onset to break it all down when kudlow returns, stay with us. ♪ ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪)
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biden white house is touting hundreds of billions of student loan relief but what's going to pay for it all and how much will it really cost the taxpayer? grady trimble is live at the white house are more. grady. reporter: hey, charles, the supreme court struck down president biden with student loan forgiveness plan and looking for other avenues that cancel debt and one of the avenues that announced this week would forgive debt for borrowers that the white house deems are experiencing financial hardship and otherwise wouldn't be able to pay off their debt. the proposal doesn't specify exactly who or how many americans qualify and look at some factors they're considering is household income and debt balance and whether a borrower
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received a pell grant in the past. >> he wants to make sure that we give americans a bit more breathing room. that's important to this president. we understand what student loans does for families and crushes families and crushes americans. it's an issue that americans are going to care about and we're not going to stop moving forward. reporter: the white house insists this plan b would hold up in court unlike it's last attempt to cancel student loan debt. conservative job creators network challenged original attempt and says this about the new one. president biden's lawless actions make a mockery of the separation of powers and set a dangerous precedent that consolidates more power in the executive branch. goes onto say college students themselves are the biggest losers of biden's college debt forgiveness work arounds because colleges are given a blank check to continue overcharging and saddling them with debt. this latest proposal is just one
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piece of the biden administration's overall plan b to cancel student loan debt and another part of that plan is income driven repayment program and according to the congressional budget office would cost $100 billion and asked who's paying for it and that of course would be the taxpayers. charles. charles: paging the supreme court. grady trimble, thank you very much. sweep switching gears, producer prices hotter than expected in january and major concern for americans and steve forbes is joining me, editor and chief and forbes chairman and author of the new book, inflation, what is it, why is it bad and how do you fix it man of the hour. start from the bottom. how do we fix t golly. >> well, you fix it by having a stable value for the dollar, which they did following commodity prices and gold prices in late '# 0s and '90s and right now focus on trying to manipulate the economy and think
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prosperity causes inflation and stop mucking around with the dollar. the other thing is stop mucking around with the economy and creating these bottlenecks like with their lockdowns or putting on the regulations, which make it more expensive to do business and banks will be hit with new capital requirements already. what they call cni loans, commercial industrial loans and they declined instead of growing as you'd expect in a recovery. there's no booming economy, it's a limping economy. charles: what about things like the student loan thing? trillions of dollars and covid aid package when covid was no longer the imminent threat, household balance sheets were as strong as ever and corporate balance sheets as strong as ever and administration puts through $1.9 trillion and another trillion in ppp loans and things like that. never returned, no accountability. when you have $3 trillion or so floating around and on top tell people you don't have to pay your rent or student loan,
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that's a ground swell of spinning. doesn't that help explode inflation? >> well, yes. inflation is when you devalue the dollar and creating too much of them. that's what they did here. how do you pay for this? government spending comes from taking resources from the people. the borrowing taxation or inflation is another form of taxation and people are paying for it but they try to disguise it and make it sound like a freebie and undermine the integrity of debt when they do this kind of stuff. that's going to make lending in the future more problematic and again hurting businesses and hurting growth. charles: we have this thing and everyone on wall street calling a maturity wall and lot of loans are coming up and real estate loans are coming up and personal loans are coming up. delinquencies coming through the roof and people have low interest rates are going to do their next round of borrowing if they can borrow, we'll be in a, seems like a ticking time bomb and yet, steve, i saw in the last six months almost every major valley periodical
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newspaper and news outlet saying the american public was dumb and didn't know how good they had it and biden administration, if you don't understand how good you had it. who can debate him. this week the cpi report surges and ppi report surges and it was cold in january, what the hell? it's cold every january. people have got to be frustrated. >> last year it was warmer so the whole weather thing sounds like the communist countries wherever they had a bad crop saying oh, the weather. or sabotage. this case it's evil corporations. charles: i'm concerned, steve, we keep whistling past the graveyard and inflation is rebounding and we saw it in the philly fed and cp and i recollects ppi and housing perperpermits and retail sales d hurting the american public. >> it's hurting american public and that's why they don't buy this with happy times are here again and they know they're facing a storm and even those
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doing well and no faith in the future. they don't think the economy will be doing well in the future. that hurts future investment. so whether it's hurting bank lending, people trying to -- charles: have we crossed the rubicon and getting $34 trillion and starting -- best on our debt, have we crossed the rubicon and both political parties are reluctant to do real hoes terrificty. >> that's why i think next year in 2025, circumstances will force major changes, whether it's overhaul of tax code or facing up in social service like giving younger people their own personal accounts instead of relying on one and washington post and they're in spending and they've pastramid all these taxes and going so close and there's hundreds of millions and going out and going for the
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biggest issue. charles: i have less than a minute and i want to hit it and going for the consequences and one will be taxes. if biden is reelected and taxes raised big time and going for the line. >> that means a real recession and prospect of one and real downturn. real rise in hand and going for the security and unstable world and russia and china, ie ran and ourselves and credible defense as we did with a cold war and really bad times are coming and i hope the candidates are republican and semi important election. charles: i hope you send a copy of your book to the white house. >> i did but they're slow learners. charles: probably came back unread. coming up, biden administration going to war with own doj over special counsel robert hur's
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classified document report. kellyanne conway weighs in and over a year later, joe biden decides to visit the site in east palestine where the train derailed. we'll talk to charlie hurt and guy benson when kudlow returns. ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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charles: biden administration going for the department of juice tis and scathing report and mental report and hillary has more. robert hur. >> the bad memory and special counsel report and memory violates long standing did, oj practice and policy and doj
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hitting back defending her saying the identified language is neither gratuitous or unduly prejudicial and not offered to criticize or demeanor the president and the the president's state of mind and possessing and retaining classified information and now this is a sensitive subject for the white house and not just about the report but how reporters are reporting on it and the white house special council's office spokesperson ian sames fired off a list of grievances to a e-mail list serve used by reporters and part of the white house correspondent association complaining saying it was riddled with inaccuracy and saying we all make mistakes but warning he wants reporters to be more careful in the future and when it comes to mistakes and inaccuracies, the president made a big one when talking about this report. he alleged it was the special counsel that was the one that asked about his son beau biden's death when sources tell fox the
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president himself was the one that brought it up. charles. charles: wow, hillary vaughn, thank you very much. bring in kellyanne conway, former counsel to president trump and author of here's the deal. let's touch on this first because, listen, that press conference following the release of this was so -- it was heart breaking in some ways and embarrassing in other but also, kellyanne, seemed to confirm what president biden was pushing back against. >> that's right. i'm really surprised how strongly the white house is pushing back on this entire report because number one, charles, this isn't coming from maga or tram campaign and all complaints are coming from inside the house. this is joe biden's own department of justice and own executive branch saying and we "the president is a well meaning elderly man that lacks the
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mental state orca pastramity to form -- or capacity to form willfulness". a jury would not find him guilty or liable of something because of that mental state. contrast to trump where they raid his home, arrest him, take a mug shot and try to illegally disqualify him from two state ballots and a democratic judge in new jersey and not a jury of president trump's peers and one man going and laying on the scales of justice all together. people do see this as a two-tiered justice system. i'd worry about all the other polling numbers if i were the white house showing vast majority of americans and really strong number of self-identified democrats and majority of independents say life with joe biden is less secure, less affordable and less fair. craig:t the report not to criticize or demean and
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articulate something they found to be true and, listen, he doesn't have to have the better of the deal to be straight with you. new york judge finding president trump over -- fining president trump over $350 million from barring him and his kids from doing business in new york and the numbers are staggering and mind boggling and first and foremost the verdict was in and so you feel like maybe this trial was something of a dog and pony show and get outrageous verdict and what do you think the public response will be? >> the public response is likely to be in 2016 i was campaign manager and that was to create a little bit of sympathy and even some empathy for mr. trump, president trump and even among people that said they didn't vote for him or voted for him
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before. they feel in our great country the rule of law must apply evenly to everyone. chars, if this was the first time people tried to get trump, it'd be something but it's like the 18,000 time and people see that for what it is. also, a fair number of americans look at it as election interference. let the people decide. if you are disturbed by the legal cases against president trump, then the 91 indictments and the counts you're going to say, okay, maybe that bothers him, maybe it doesn't. i was really struck by an article last month in the new york times by mike bender saying how college-educated republicans learn to fall in love with donald trump again. it's a great article and had a bit to do with the economy and most that you asked and over prosecution making college-educated republicans maybe not look to nikki haley and maybe joe biden and that's what he was telling me he was bad and bad and he can't do that. it's too much. this one judge and striking a
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lot of people and that's a good case on appeal. charles: meltdown of the fulton county district attorney isn't help either. president biden visiting east palestine, ohio, today. just over a year since the fiery train derailment and spilled all the toxic chemicals throughout the town. fox news madeleine rivera is live in east palestine with more details. madeleine. reporter: hey, charles, we can't see from our vantage sight but the derailment is to the left and president biden is on site. he got an update from state and local officials regarding the recovery process and then he is delivering remarks saying that the federal government will stapedius muscled with east palestine every step of the way. the president is facing a lot of criticism for the timing of the visit coming 54 weeks after the disaster and forced hundreds of people to evacuate their homes s
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and biden administration is defending their response and pointing to a slew of federal agencies that deployed immediately after the accident and roles are trying to quell health concerns saying epa concerns of air, soil, and drinking water are safe. >> we checked the state's homework and firmly believe when the state check as municipal well source or private well and have a green light, we trust that methodology and believe the water is safe to drink. reporter: folks are weary drinking bottled water instead of tap water and also say they'd like president bide ton declare a federal disaster that would unlock more funds to address ongoing needs for the town. chars. charles: thank you. more on this, bringing in charlie hurt, washington time opinion editor and fox news contributor guy benson and fox news contributor and host of the guy benson show on fox news radio.
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if you have one more job title, we'd be rolling up the credits for the show. my golly, guy, i'll start with you. what do you think prompted this? it's a -- feels like so little so late. >> at some point, we ought to get the president there, which is probably what they should have said day one and here we are die almost feels like 400 almost at this stage. if you're going to delay and delay and delay. at least have it coincide with the one year anniversary and say, well, i didn't want to be a distraction and help as much as i could from washington and here i am looking at what this community is going through a year later. it was a year and change. seems to be no strategy behind that and interviews with some residents and we don't want you here and what exactly are you doing here. it is way too late to pretend you care. the pretending window has closed. charles: what make it is worse is that, charlie, every day
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karine jean-pierre was asked about it every day and the reply was belligerence and defiance and follows a pattern of defiance first and some point bowing to the polls or something else. >> contentious of congestion and going onto drink the water. it'll be fine and epa director was back then saying drink the water, it'll be fine. it's junior secret weapon. you have to sort of almost give bind administration credit for being so shame less and don't go out and wait till the election year and he needs their votes and then he's like, you know what, i think we'll go out there now. ohio doesn't expect to be
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competitive and it's hard to argue if this small community in pennsylvania, georgia, arizona. the political posture and response from the president on down and looks different. diffe. charles: it's heart breaking to think one group of americans would be shunned if they're not potential voters. if you don't think they'll vote for you, then you don't go. >> if your state goes so far red it's off the map, we're not even coming. by the way, has there ever been any environmental disaster that politicians aren't willing to exploit for whatever purpose? well, apparently there's is one. >> show up and look like a leader and biden decides to show up and look like a leader 54 weeks later. whatever it's been. charles: we have to talk about
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breaking news today. golly, the num numbers are so md boggling and almost defies and then are they trying to break president trump? feels like, to me feels like ultimately and i listen to the legal scholars and everyone else. the appeals process and vindicated and almost all these thicks and most of them is 50 million and financially gut president trump. >> yeah, it's also just the behind rage and can't think rationally anymore and not hurting them anymore and we'll have the appeals process and not going to wind up at $350 gagillion dollars or whatever. their action and not like helping themselves but they're hurting themselves this sort of thing does in gender a level of
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sympathy even among, especially most importantly among independents that maybe don't like trump but they're open minded but when they see this level of ridiculousness and you point out, with the circus going on in fulton county, they're just like oh my gosh. i don't know. i can deal with bad that. >> charles: this doesn't feel like truth in the american justice. >> there wasn't a victim in the case. case. charles: the bank is like, hey, you know. >> everyone is fine and they find a way to come pain on getting president trump to get trump through the novel uses of the law and legal bank shots like we're seeing for example from alvin bragg in this city as
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well. charles: the summary with donald trump into these control many valuable properties including office buildings and hotels and golf coeurs and in the beginning when he was started to run for president, he doesn't own anything and paper billionaire and get the taxes out and we'll prove he's broke. no, he's fabulously wealthy but he stole it. they have to admit he was successful. >> the shamelessness comes in too and willing to switch, go 10 deg degrees in your attacks d that's an advantage for the people. it's interesting to the degree to which, this is the most important thing, which is when you undermine people's faith in the justice system, there's a way that democrats work to undermine faith in public health officials during covid and don't get that credibility back and that's a bad thing. >> fit in all of the institutions is going down the drain big time.
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and thank you. guest hosts the bottom line with dagen mcdowell. giving $250 million in taxpayer money to illegal migrants next to the $100 million they've spent and homelessness and we'll talk to fox news contributor jagianno caldwell next. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro.
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charles: folks, illinois is planning to map out $250 million into the worsening migrant cry i cans 16 spending $600 million and the money coming straight out of taxpayer's pockets. joining me is gianno caldwell, fox political analyst. this is so mind boggling. i have to tell you something. every day i'm seeing on social media residents of chicago, pryor pairly black residents of chicago completely outraged at all the things taken from them and the os tearty we've run out of money and things given to illegal migrants. it's mind boggling. >> the reason why, chars, i've been involved in politics in chicago since i was 14 years
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old. every year, election year you'll hear the elected officials come into our communities and say, you know what, we don't have the resources to do this, that, or the third. in illinois, in and of itself, 450,000 people live in poverty in illinois. almost 55 schools in illinois and i should say 450,000 in chicago that live in poverty, illinois you have almost 55 schools with kids, not one single student can do math at their grade level. this is outrageous. where is this money going? you've already spent over $500 million on the migrants. you're bringing them in, you're paying their rent, you're giving them universal income. you really laying out the red carpet but the black folks that are there, you're systematically dis-enfranchising every single day, charles. people are outraged and saying they're going to vote for republicans, which may put illinois in play for the presidential election. charles: i just -- it's mind
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boggling that the democrats have gotten away with this decade after decade after decade. i looked at some chicago stats recently, the unemployment rate, the overall quality in life, gianno, is just so heart breaking. the other thing, what happened, we're talking about voting and chicago went trust worthy someone i thought the pendulum would shift. i thought the last mayor was inflection point and no way to go further left than -- but it got worse. how could you get worse? and people are much more upset at brandon johnson than lori lightfoot and i don't know how they poison the well on him saying he was a conservative and best person to run the city and not going to have a migrant safuation we have and crime is tampered down and brandon johnson is without question failed and the citizens of chicago. he failed them getting into
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public office and trump said in 2016 people are outraged and your schools are failing and you're losing money and don't have jobs. you don't have to lose. what do you have to lose voting for conservatives and we're seeing what we're losing in the city of chicago, in the state of illinois and across the country. we are in a point where politics is the life blood for so many people and they're able to see right up front what voting policy decisions come from a particular party. we're seeing it very clear and i don't think we've seen in the country. i'll vote for whoever and nothing is going to change my life. you're seeing actual ramifications from your decisions to vote for a particular party, and especially somebody like brandon johnson. charles: it's amazing to me, when people believe that they owe a political party their vote. i hope people start changing their minds. they're getting the shaft.
4:56 pm
gianno, thank you very much. folks, more kudlow next. stay with us. te soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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craig:t that's all for this special edition of kudlow. i'm charles payne and thank you very much for watching. remember, have a wonderful president's day weekend. but first, elizabeth macdonald is up next. liz: is that you, charles, sitting there? charles: it's like the old days. i miss you. liz: i miss you. we should be hanging out more. take it away. in


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