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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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it produced british shows this country puts its mind to something we can do anything. >> willow run monument to america mass production ingenuity, it is a high mark that many aspire too. >> willow run is the manifestation of capitalism. you tell me what you want and when you want it, and turn me loose. i will find a way to get it done and i will deliver what you wa want. >> rose and wrote was it inspiration for rosie the riveter posters she moved from kentucky to michigan to work at willow run. after the war rose from the rive >> welcome to special kudlow
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imf david asman in for larry, the department of justice is putting pressure on the white house to release the transcript of the interview between president biden and spel special counsel robert hur. >> in new york a court is ordering former president trump to pay 355 million in damages, putting the fate of his big apple empire in question, folks who do business in new york are scared to death that this decision could put new york's economy into a deep freeze, kelly o'grady and david spunt with details. we have fallout from special counsel's hur report on president biden. reporter: the department of justice is willing to cooperate and turnover the transcript if several hurdles are cleared. in a letter sent friday to the chairman of the big three committees looking into the impeachment of the
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president, doj official wrote: >> whole premise of the investigation was special counsel hur was looking into classified information found at home and personal was on the of president biden. once any classified information is redacted white house would be able to look at any economy of privilege if -- executive privilege if warranted. that could slow down the process. with executive priv ridging ridging i am told there is not much that doj could to do block the privilege. and with the law, longstanding department of policies and principles and available resources. attorney general merrick garland is putting pressure somewhat to the white house to make a decision as white house also has a copy of the
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transcript taking pressure of of the department of department of justice and robert hur to testify on march 12. asked about that october interview that took place in part of two separate days. >> thank you, david spunt. now to new york, another story that has been simmering, kelly o'grady from trump tower in new york city. reporter: great to see you. that is right friday 's ruling has fallout, the business community in new york, it is having a chilling affect, concern if this could happen to former president trump what stops same fate for coming for real estate developers or other industries in new york, a trump spokesperson said that every member of
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new york business community should be concerned with this gross overreach and brazen attempt by the attorney general to exert limitless power where no private or public large has been established. a mayor hedge fund program said that sets precedent for every property owner to be orasarbitrarily dee claireed guilty. >> i would never invest in new york now, do you think any foreign epstuti institution or any pension fund would touch new york, no, that is why new yorkers should be concerned. reporter: path forward for president trump is bumping, phrasing a 450 million dollar fine if you include interest. and a biggs question is how -- big question is how he would cobble together this sum. selling the new york assets
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maybe premature, the moratorium on his financing efforts he can't get alone from this ruling for 3 years, which means me can't borrow from anywhere, except smaller institutions or friends, appeal comes next he has to post 450 million in escrow or put up a bond, high and his lawyers are saying he is ready to meet that deadline in 30 days. >> it looks like they are setting him up for him to lose. not only are they finding him this -- fining this hug huge amount and forcing him to borrow money is impossible. thank you, kelly. >> for more we bring in pennsylvania congressman scott perry. him bif it can happen to him a
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hochul, over the weekend and try to dispel things, she made them a little worse, let me play the sound and get your reaction. >> i think this is really an extraordinary unusual circumstances. the law-abiding and rural following new yorkers were business people have nothing tor worry about because they're very different the donald trump in his behavior. >> is in fac ft confirming that this was a political decision not blind justice at work but a political hack job against tha donald trump? >> that's exactly how i see it very different the donald trump. donald trump is running for president, we hate donald trump don't you people worry we wantin your money and we want you to invest in new york but not this guy he's running for president and he might win. i think kathy hochul said the quiet part out loud and not onl. new yorkers but the rest of the world heard it. david: she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
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i have to say that. we have something quaint called the constitution the constitution of the 14th amendment and i'm going to read part of the 14th amendment, no state shall deny to any person within the jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. l it's been 70 years sinceaw the law. nobody but donald trump ishis hn affected in the way that he was because of what he did. that seems a violation of the 14th amendment, equal justice. >> why when it the left use thee constitution againstnt this president, they don't care about restthe constitution and there interested in a new way to usewr l'affaire against the former president to make sure he doesn't become the future president and that's exactly what's happening and not only from kathy hochul in this judge and the fact that they made the
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ruling that he has to comply within 30 days. unfortunately president trump itll has to deal with somehow and satisfy that circumstance and as you said there setting about so there's. no way he can succeed is whathi the constitution was conceivedle to prevent.t, david: he is running for president it's not like he has s nothing else to do about the idea was to fill his time with the lawsuits and prevent him from campaigning but somehow he manages to do because these donald trump and he does a sortm ofat things. >> its ultimate election interference and i found it fascinating regarding your other story the president biden ispr claiming executive privilege regarding the documents a committed congress and their denying executive privilege to president trump for when he wasi
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president with documents in these people know no shame andvi no bounds in the use whateverdo theycu can in the hot hypocrisy began they don't want donald trump to get near the presidency and that's the rooeoplt of this. david: later showing the american people is the position, of donald trump dealing with h e lawsuits having to come up with a huge amount of cash which normally rich people don't have in assets and runningme for president all in the sameod time doing a damn good job running for president and while president biden because he goes to bed so early they put a stop on all of his activities and most of his time on vacation and now special counsel h robert hus report that's why he wasn'tr charged with the crime becauseap of his hoard of documents when
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he was senator mvp, are you going to demand to see the transcript of the her ent?conversation with the presif >> members of congress are people that have national security clearances on one of those people not that one that you sign it's done by the security clearance folks that do real ones that take a year to get we have the clearances asis well there's no reason thatas congress can't now but the caseh is over independent but the fae is going to be there is no reason whatsoever executive privilege or classification that stops congress, members of congress, the big three fromterm taking a look at the documentsur and making their own determinations. v david: i want to turn to the georgia case against donaldd trump it's a complex casbye and handled by a couple prosecutors the keystone cops
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on and nathan wade who turned outh to be her boyfriend. this is from 202 20 running froe the das office and i want tong play a forwarding get your reaction, role that. >> you're sitting with someonee today that wants to make a difference because they deserve a d.a. that will have sex withwl his employees because they deserve a d.a. that will put money in their own pocket.w no david: knowing what we know now, won't have sex with theirs, employees, knowing what we know now shouldn't be disqualified on the basis of the tape alone. >> of course she should be disqualified but democrats and the left know no bounds when ite comes to parker's see she cannot even live up to her own standards why should she expect the voters to live up to them
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and she should spare them the pain to have to continue to wits her leadership and resign now it she had any respect for herself or the voters or thepr constitution in the law that she professes to uphold. s >> there is also jack smith it was a very checkered background ofown, his own. scott perry, thank you for being here, happy presidents' day, r being here. coming up. >> the next big battle whether the wealthiest among us begin tb pay their fair share. david: a new report showingin exactly what share of taxes the top 1%of are paying and it looka like you owe americans an apology for what you said we're going to talk about it with russ vought and michael falconer when "kudlow" continues
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by making sure the t wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share. we will continue to cut the deficit and cut subsidies to big farmers and ensuring wealthy and big corporation begin to pay their fair share of federal taxes. david: sorry mr. president but new data shows since the trump tax code went into effect the top 1% paid 40% of all income tax which were big enough to 45%, the highest share paid by the rich ever because of the trump tax code joining us russ vought omb director of centermi chfor renewing american michael faulkender for economic policy and chief economist at aspi and economics professor at the university of maryland. i could be mean and talk about his family not paying their fair share but i'm knocking to goai there for the moment.i i want to talkwa about another b that the president said the only the rich benefited from the tax cuts, we knew way back in 2019 when the data began streaming in in the new york times of all
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people reported on it that 65% of all taxpayers, this is in the new york times 65% of all taxpayers got a tax cut, only 6m paid more.ot i'm wondering russ vought wasn't this a blue-collar bonanza? the time you saw every economic group in every demographic was benefiting from the economy that was built on the result of the deregulatory agenda, the left has to go in essentially put the talking points out but we know from recent history because the american people saw the benefits and the pocketbook that the accusations are just not true. david: one thing that is almost certain if the democrats take the white house and both housesn of congress, there will be new
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mtaxes we have the sunset the 2025 sunset and most of the tax code that you guyswa set up unde the trumopp administration but they also want the wealtk h tax were people will be based on the basis of stuff that they have weather stocks, artwork or gold that increases in value before they sold it. >> that is right if we don't do anything about it everything m that we did onea the tax cut and job act will expiratory 25 so the doubling of the standard o deduction and increasing marginal rates and everything that made him more progressive, as russ said, what we saw the book of the america people particularly at the lower and middle and distribution salt reduction in taxes at the cuts act that goes away, not only that in 2019 the census bureau came out and said that household income rose $6000 on adjusted
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basis as a result of the economic plan of the trump administration. the lowest poverty rate and lowest on appointmenntt and 50 a years. to argue that they were primarily to the benefit of thee wealthy when in fact governmenft statistics tell us how broadly shared the prosperity was goes to demonstrate the nonsense that were hearing out of this an administration. david: you touched on this, it is an important point, more and more the democrats are losing their base whether it's black minorities or the latino community as they begin to findhe out that they're actually doing better under the trump administration than under the bideten administration. >> no doubminit about it they wa safe country, they want a sane country they want prosperous economy they don't want to pay hundreds of dollars when they gs to the grocery store. at every opportunity from a data point perspective with regard te
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how they judge the economy they look at it and say i was better off under trump than i and under biden why would i continue tot vote forha the policies. david: what happens if in fact it's the other side that wins it trump not only take over thet white house with republican takeover both housesd of c congress. is it conceivable we could have a new tax code, the one thin a g you did did not do you do not do a lot about simplifying the tax code there may be around the edges but a big simplification like a flat ta tx the one thateh steve forbes everybody paid the same and instead of supervising the irs we could downsizee the irs we would not be talking about super sizing turned into a collection agency, what about the. >> that is right we made a down payment with a tax cut in jobs act when you double the standard deduction it means a much larger portion of the american people don't have to itemize or go
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through the complexity it's take the amount of income, applied the standard deduction and the rate structure that allows us to get off of the addiction too many special-interest breaks ana enables us to moverd towar greater fairness and reduce afa lot ofir the deductions that create the book under complexity and the code ildf we can get ita down to secretary mnuchin andxe they can file their taxes on a postcard that's the objective but we gotta do it subsequently. david: meanwhile the spending spree, speaking of addictions is a administration is addicted tse spending more that they don't 1 have.6 we have an annualized deficit of about $1.6 trillion and it is growing in the last quarter came in at $530 billion e last quarter, where is all going to lead. i know the s supply-side is sanr growing economy can cure everything but this is a big
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sickness in our economy right now. >> is a huge sickness, t theght spending that washington unipars he is doing right now on annual basis is not something that youf can solve by growth growth is a part ooff the answer in a part f a balanced budget but you have to tackle spending and not only not tackling it they areck lidramatically worsening it if they're going to pass in march another $1.7 trillion spending bill we have interest going from 30 to $50 billion when we left office into $870 billion per year and headed towards $1.6 trillion that's just interest on the deficit the deficit will have another 20 trillion over the next ten es nyears that's using and not n including the cost of extending the tax cost w e can talk about. a the fiscal picturend is worsenig in this administration is makint
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it worse. david: to put into somethingat that people can wrap their head around, i'm told by the end of this year, just servicing the debt will cost as much as the spending on the military. >> that's right. david: unbelievable and we have the regulations, the last one for you michael. the green energy regulations continue but it's not just greeu energy it is all kinds of things, how quickly could a trump administration turn that around? >> were already getting to work at the first policy institute identified then regulations that we can remove and start thehe process ofy eliminating. as you know ther e trying to get as many threads possible prior to where the congressional review act would still be applicable so if we cannot reverse it to the congressional review act then let's reverse ie to the reconciliation process or by beginning the process of doing it through- rulemaking bt we have to get started on dayme one and that's whyr president
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trump is called for potentially 100 executive orders to directan the agencies and departments undoing the damage. david: i remember back in 1980 the heritage foundation put together a blueprint for the regular administration and it sounds like you're getting something ready for another trump administration. great to see you both, thank you so much. coming up democrats want morefo and more money for ukraine but exactly where is the money going what is their plan will be talking about it with cory mills in as many as 17000 migrants could be receiving cash payments that were originally meant for citizens of the united states. this in the state of new york, bebetsy mccaughey and alec lays will way and when "kudlow" continues.
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with residents of minsky overky the weekend and asy usual the focus was a continuing of the war between ukraine and russia w and how the united states is going to fund it but americans increasingly want to knowin exactly where the money is goins in ukraine and is there any interest in the plan to end the war joining me for the congressman cory mills member of the foreign affairs committee, great to see you, thank you for being here, first of all ad question of whether or not present biden is interested in dealing with the folks let me put together a soundbite present biden today and speaker johnson know no one. >> it's been mentioned that i requested a meeting with theno president four weeksw now, mono
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i've been asking trdo sit down with the president to talk about the border national security and the meeting has no't kt been granted. david: i don't know if he coul,h hear the president, the helicoptere was going but he sd he wants a meeting with the speaker but the speaker saida me he's been trying to get aes meeting with theid president for weeks, who is telling a fib here? >> i was spending the last few days and speaker johnson here in florida and i can tell you he made multiple request and not m eeonly with the president but h the senate leadership to discuss the foreign aid supplementals the only thing that come out of the munich conference is demand for europe to stand up and do something then pay their fairgy share, what you're not hearing his peace talks an actual strategy on how to end the war in ukraine. let me be clear, discontinuation of trying to entangle us a o democrat and biden's endless wars needs to stop and we need to focus on the priorities whice is the senate passing hr2 to secure the border and taking
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care of the american risk which is a southern and northern border i will be clear i will vote no on all funding to ukraine. our priority and my priority is to be the one who is carryingea out my duties my constitutional oath to protect the american people and that's why servrve nt zelenskyy and his regime. david: as you will know it'senat only democrats and therefore thi endless funding without the oversight that sit we need there number of republicans and involved including the minority leader in the senate, have you talked to those republicans in the senate that don't want any strings attached to the payments to ukraine? >> as i made it clear more andsa more the two democrats to runav the senate chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell have continued to play the neoliberal game of trying to find more wars we heard were cries from lindsey graham and all the others andha what we haven't heard how do we secure our border how do we looo
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at the prosperity and economic,n growth, how do we get single-point legislation through that benefit the american people and drops inflation where inflation as you talk about your previous segment is growing. higher than actual minimum wage. i think we need to take her priorities domestically but we also need to focus on china,y al russia, iran and north korea are geopolitically outlined in trying to join us into warfareer walked the moves and indo pacific on taiwan this is economic, this is resource andok cyber-based and we need to look at the evolution of warfare not playing kinetic bomb to bomb or tit for tat with iran we need to be smarter about form part policy. david: i want to talk about israel but since you mentioned the border let me ask a simple question is there anything inrk the senate bill that you agreedw with, we know the border patrols agent some who voted for donald trump had something very positive to say, the head of the union was in favor of the bill
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because of the pointedly mentioned, some things can be stripped out a negotiation but was there anything that you likv and not bill? m >> what i likeuc and say how muh i honor and respect is at theof border especially the cbp officers to continue to dealfico with the catastrophe day in and day out as a human nationalha security and health crisisve but "the bottom line" we put a conservative and robust platform of hr two onto the platform. i will not do a lump bill withpe foreign supplementals in ourd border i'm not can explain to the american taxpayers that we have to pay two and three times the amount of money to secure the borders of another natio before securing our own the momo and dad are getting up before dark and barely getting by i'm not taking the taxpayer dollars and said you did oth abroad whe, it's your home. david: the other thing with thef orspending on ukraine there's na attempt to pay for it by taking something away from other things, for example super sizinl
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irs, honestly just with israel alone, israel is about 15 15 - $18 billion that's how much the supplementalmate has that. >> approximately 14 billion in irs offset that would not increase national debt. >> 50 billion is how much you administration wants to spend on the irs you would only have to. take one third in order to pay for israel.xp >> there are multiple avenues of offsets we could utilize the unused covid expenditures and utilize the moneeny of betsy mccaughey who is part of the october 7 incident we can lookip at the offsets and thele kind offset there are multiple waysg we can look at it because thee greatest domestic and national security threat is the34 growing debt we have $34 trillion, no gdp to national debt income ratio strategy and were not looking at reforms, prosperity and growth which are the three key things that are necessary and we continue to borrow borrow and spend 1.6, $1.7 trillion
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level that is not sustainable for the american people or theyi nation. david: we've got to leave it there, thank you so much for being here, we appreciate talking to you. , switching gears to the worseniny migrant crisis, let's bring in betsy mccaughey and former new york lieutenant governor alec lace host of first-class fatherhood podcast.pp but under good to have you both in the studio, happy presidentsr day. as lieutenant governor, you told me you're familiar with thasesi safety net assistance part ofpa the budget significant part it's meant for u.s. citizens apparently very quietly governor hochul has been changing theens rules to allow noncitizens who are here many here illegally,li most ofyf them probably to qualy for the assistance. a >> brand-new it's one of thee many sweeteners of the democratic politicians in new york offering to ensure that nee
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york remains the migrationrati capital of the nation the number one destination for people coming across three southern border so they're offering welfare, the federal government does offer and other statest don't offer their offering debia cards loaded up $2000 a month so migrants can buy their preferred foods instead of settling for the prepared meals handed out at the shelters, their offering free legal services and unlimited shelter, no cap on the number of days that you can s stay. david: pretty nice digs. >> hotels for $500or a night. >> a lot of the spending would displace money that would otherwise go to veterans for example interm other citizens. >> in the long-term plan everybody wonders why are they doing this, new york l lost 400,000 people people flood the taxes and the crime and these politicians don't want to giveat up the congressional seat so they're packing new york.
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>> that the charge of get to you and a second but it's a specific charge, while they are saying they are foreclosing like mayor adams is saying the fecld should close the border more, he in fact -- >> he wants his people to common, he wants them to commonw and not only that but several members of congress in new york had said the same thing we need these people for redistricting purposes. you think that's what they doing? >> i want to switch to politics and what's happening with the republican primary, nikki haley is hanging in there, senator tim scott who has become very strongly pro-trump may be a vice presidential part of the ticket had something to say, he did not mention nikki specifically but he was alluding to her, roll tape. >> american people are more focused ondo their future then donald trump's past. what they're more focused on is making sure that our southern i
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border is secure, the america people are not asking the questions about legal challenges, the american people y arare asking questions about economic challenges. h david: why does nikki hangal on? >> she's serving the purpose of the donors that are continuing to fund the campaign. she knows she has no legitimate shot to win there was nobody smiling more when the decision got handed down that trump had38 to pay 380 million nikki haley was a smiling with the other lip targets celebrating this entire decision she's only in there to attack the tar former president. it's true, that's why she's there she's not there to win she's only hoping that there will be a conviction of donald trump and he's removed from the ticket that's her only path,s he there's no shot. david: there are somebl republicans, not neveric trumpes but republicans aren't crazy about trump that are suggesting that she focus her attention on biden not on trump, focus on why
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biden needs to be changed and what he's done a terrible job as president, even they are pushing, do you think they haveo any effect on her change of tone where she is focused on biden>> rather than donald trump. >> i don't think she'll stop focusing on trump that's heris w purpose and why the donors have her up there even when we have more candidates in this none of them were attacking biden excep vivek ramaswamy they were all taking stance at donald trump that's why you'll see this path until this money runs out.s. david: do you want a piece of this? >> i think she's running behind anybody else on the ticket, she should be focused on 2028, what she's doing now is burning herof bridges for the future.s, david: speaking of i burning bridges, i think he may have already done that and a lot of folks are saying president biden will do a political reset the phrase that was used by axios in a column today during the march state of the union march 7 isun the state of the union do you think he is anywhere to
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>> most people expect very little that evening 76% ofs voters according to real clear politics believe biden is too old and the teleprompter enabled to enunciate the words, what i would like to see is donald trump offered the response on behalf of the gop, last year he did it as a video but this is an prime opportunitty for him topr declare his leadership of the party. david: do you think that'll happen. >> this is a bit of a gamble to put biden out there for the state of the union but the fact that the left-wing media and how this works out, that's rather t. make it.da david: some have and some have it those who were rooting for michelle obama to stepan or gavin newsom. there is a poll a little bit ofe a poll they're not marching inre complete lockstep. >> there is a risk of real disruption because in recent speeches that bideecenn has givh
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like rashida tlaib disruptions. >> i'll tell you if you find ouu that's true if they send them out there without shooting them up with a cocktail then you'll know if he's out there with novocain then they sent them up to take the fall. i have to talk about another new york story cops in new york arer going through a tough time over 5000 injuries and then they havn alvin bragg, the da catch and release they have the police catch and alvin bragg released, i think we have the tape of what the mayor is putting out as a way cops are having fun. it's just background, you can see was happening this is what c they're putting out i don't think criminals will be to oft put by seeing this video is not really what we need right now in new york. >> the migrants are making thihu much worse the statue of liberty says give us your charm it
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doesn't say give us your criminals and gangsters and that's whaterst were getting. david: it's a repeat when castro released the bad guys and he didn't know what to do with ande m we took them and we had years and years of trouble in miami,ut this is written large all over the united states. >> they keep saying illegal immigrants are coming because they want a better place to live now is going to be new yorkersi looking for better place to live because the crime is out ofis control and they should be celebrating this way we gotta get hard on crime the alvin bragg to have a statue of him. i think we may be keeping youou for another segment, you're so damn good working to be talking about the demand for electric vehicles which is flatlined in the biden administration might be ready to admit it, stick around with "kudlow" we'll be right back. 're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products.
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david: there is an electric vehicl >> there's an ev revolt going on in america most people don't like electric vehicles, the biden administration may be admitting it at least up to a point, madison alworth is herere powith more. >> the biden administration is reportedly pumping the brakes on aggressive green agenda by rethinking the tailpipeth
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emissions standards the originar plan was pushing for 67% of new car sales to be electric by 2032, they were looking for ae. 60% increase in less than a decade, now the administration is admitting that might be too ambitious the epa is stil finalizing the new rural but they might be slow walking requirements to give automakers more time to reach the goal note pushing for steep increase in e. sales until after 2030, were expected to get updated rosa spring performer president trump making it an issue right now onl the campaign trail. >> biden's ridiculous electric vehicle mandate and the greenhe nesew scam, the green new scam l of those cars are going to be made in china within three years i hope they know that. the biden campaign responded by saying all donald trump knows how to do is lose, just like how we had america losing the
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electrical race to china when hf was president president by the i joe biden is keeping the united states at car manufacturing byo investing in the future tojoup ensure good paying union aut io jobs and deputy america not halfway around the world theth biden team also acknowledging r automakers win ove they have the endorsement fro the united auto workers union that happened last month but the president of the union has said several of the workers will beti voting performerng president trp in november, this raises the question if this adjustment to environmental goals is a part to win over support from the votin thblock. david: thank you very much, the piano was so great wane decidedo bring them back ally claes and betsy mccaughey thank you for staying two months ago nowy they're having questions about the mandate for ev's and theyha wanted to go 50/50 within ten years two months ago i had an interview with pete buttigieg
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our secretary for transportation and he seemed to be singing a different tune.on >> i don't know a lo'tt of peope to think the americansof in 2050 are still going to be driving all technology the combustionik technology that we inherited. >> americans like it. >> your knocking to meet a lot of people to go back after they've gone electric and iet think that tellssy you somethin. >> that's because they're stuck down the h road >> a month later we had the scene in chicago where all the ev drivers were stuck and had to have their cars towed i don't think i'll be buying another ev. >> about californians i can't v that night be whenthe because ev is in short supply. one statistic in the unitedio states there are 5000 evns charging stations and 160,000 gas stations.
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when you get in the car and you want to know where you're going to get your fill up. david: that's why we need to spend another $3 trillion to get the evivbe t charging stations. >> maybe will take it away from ukraine and put it towards this. the ev's are a nice have not a must have the american people are not demanding more from under crushing autoworkers in the car dealers who cannot get these things off the lot.. it's nice to see sooner or later this will be ar failed operati, going green will be dissolved and hopefully we can movwie on . go back to our i get dia sense of what'sme rihappening in the president's team is realizing americans are not going for this notce only do they see the scenes and chicago but the price of things are much more expensive they don't have e the driving versatility, do youi think thdee president's team his reelection team is overwriting pete buttigieg. n >> they may be listeningow to i trump who said on tape this is a
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gift to china on a silver platter they've moved cheaper ev's and captured a big chunk of the market. david: i also want to talk about liquefied natural gas, now youi have the administration putting a pause on the whole thing in exactly the time when europe isr desperate we were trying topo hd back russia's blackmailing of b europe as they did before with the own natural gas what do you think ofn that as e administration you learn anything. >> energy security is thergye mn thing this is all about america first this is why you see other countries getting rich off oftr our mistakes and this isl whyli trump harps on this all the time let's take take care americane first just as vega vicedk has bn talking about that's where the focus needs to be. david: it is insane and we have so much potential. >> energy independence energy dominance is the key not only to american prosperity but worle.d
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leadership. david: great to see you both, thank you for being here we have more "kudlow" straight ahead.e stay witkuh us. ♪ and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant. ai that can help resolve problems by understanding your customer requests with 90 percent accuracy. let's create customer service
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