tv Kudlow FOX Business February 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST
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the men and women of volvo construction are proud of what they do, and it shows. but that sort of pride, in my experience anyway, doesn't just come from being good at what you do, it comes from knowing that what you're doing is having an impact on society. it comes from knowing that your efforts are moving the needle and making the country a better place to live. if you wanna earn something more than a paycheck, there's big opportunity in the big business of building heavy equipment. check out the many opportunities in heavy equipment construction over at as for operating those big machines, well, that's a topic for another episode, one that my inner eight year old is anxiously awaiting. see you next time. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪.
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larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i am wary kudlow. we will look at the donald trump political persecution in the courtroom the incredibly insidious terms of finance that he needs to pass even before he gets to appeal to the new york appellate court it's an unbelievable story of political persecution. we'll also look at new york city. give everybody a debit card, illegal immigrants will have a debit card they could come to two and half billion dollars or more over a period of time itself was remarkable. heck, we should get a debit card to everybody so they can come from all around the world there will be no end to it. world bank president former world of bank presidents going to respond to the by administration big government spending big government socialism is giving us a soft landing. i don't think so. and the united states selling out israel and the un? there is a tough one.
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meanwhile let's begin with some of the details of this trump prosecution as i collect, persecution might be better let's go straight to our own kelly o'grady who is a lie from trump tower in new york city. what you got? >> larry, 30 day deadline to pay that monster fine from friday's ruling is fast approaching the former president's legal team has confirmed he will appeal but it is not going to be cheap. all end, he is looking at $450 million if you include interest. need to put the full cash amount in escrow account or he could post a bond which would allow them to use a mix of cash and assets. there is a growing speculation he could have to sell some of his new york properties to foot the bill for that. i am talking properties like trump tower worth roughly three half-million may be trump international he cannot cannot cobble together the funds in state could seize the property sell them for pennies on the dollar. that would be in a non- appeal scenario. trump's legal team and sissy has
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the cash on hand to meet the deadline. going forward legal experts tell me their clear arguments for an appeal. for example trump the lot trump was found guilty of violating inc. past cases traditionally we have seen testimony from victims describing their harm here and there was none. one thing to keep an eye on, the judge reserve the right to put dissolving terms business is buk on the table pending the investigation of court-appointed monitor. certainly raising questions about object of the investigation will beco will beo you. larry: thanks for much kelly o'grady. quick take on this maybe not so quick this is a brutal devastating story. look first has any common sense person knows letitia james, and that ruling against former president trump was nothing more than political persecution. as byron york wrote today's going to be with us in a few moments new york state attorney general has been campaigning for years to bring the financial and
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political ruin on president trump. here is some of it for yourself. >> no one is above the law, including this illegitimate president. [cheering] and so i look forward -- i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, defending your rights. larry: by the way what is it fermenting insurrection quest mark this was back in 2018. james and found her catspaw in this judge who was basically a democratic clubhouse politician in the orca. that's all he is mean well regarding the facts in the case there were no victims, no damages, no consumer complaints. there weren't satisfied at banks and other lenders who made a ton of money doing business with the trump organization. mr. trump hired tens of thousands of people and paid
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over $300 million in taxes to the city and state of new york over time. and he virtually changed the skyline of the city. he once rebuilt what's called the skating creek in central park. new york politicians have spent years failing to do it. and then mr. trump gave great happiness to parents and their kids all over the city in the process. but, as the left-wi left wing dt wreck weaponize their power they have imposed draconian conditions even on president trump's appeal process. as a non- lawyer, my understanding is in order to get to the new york appellate court mr. trump must post some kind of guarantee surety bond in order to cover payments if the trial judges ever confirmed. stay with me on this, folks for this will be a bond secured with collateral. collateral could be cash, credit
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from banks or other investment type assets including real estate. essentially, now stay with me on this, one party has to guarantee another party's obligation to a third party. making this potentially even more difficult. in other words, when the party has to guarantee mr. trump's obligation to the satisfaction of the court in order to get into the court of appeals. the decision by the way bans any borrowing from new york banks. that makes it even tougher. i don't know if that allows insurance companies or not to guarantee i just don't know. the sum total here can be up to 400 million bucks including interest. and then presumably the money for the bond will be deposited to the court and held in escrow pending the actual appeal. these hyper punitive conditions reveal again that nature of the
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political prosecution and persecution of new york democrats are inflicting on trump. there is no proportionality to what this weaponize court has done. that is why jonathan turley has called this whole process insidious. where exactly does this number, three to 55 million plus another hot 100 million for interest rates, where did it come from? nobody knows, it is arbitrary it could have welcomed from the white house. it could have welcomed from the oval office where biden and his cronies love dessert trump in jail for 700 years. take away his businesses, rob him of all of his money, they would love to do this. political prosecution, soviet style is what this really is. this decision like this will deter or prevent businesses from coming into new york city or state, i know that for this will stop people from coming here. that is an easy one. but, where's the free choice?
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where is president trump's free choice? where is president trump's freedom? freedom to start a business. freedom to run a business. freedom to succeed in business. freedom to fred spread prosperity everywhere he goes. and where is it president trump's right to free speech? his first amendment rights? where is donald trump's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happyness in the courtroom. and that is might riff. all right, that is my riff. we'll talk more about this. let's being in byron york. fox news contributor. you wrote a beautiful column today. i'm so happy we can get you on the show to talk about this. you even got into some of the details for the financial details here, they are difficult details. we probably cannot answer them all. try to lay them out and might
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riff. but your point is, this is just politics. this is just weaponization. let me ask you, politically you are an expert analyst. when people look at this what do you think they think? e, p him him him entry and you kt aggressive anti- trumper's have said for years donald trump has to be held accountable for what ever it is he has done. this is relate letitia james contribution. you played the sound of her that was her campaign platform. by the way she is the attorney general attorneygeneral she coud the former president was not able to get a charge together on this evidence and the feds could not do that either. so she filed this lawsuit to try
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to bankrupt and destroy the former presidents financial empire. as you are saying in this verdict is a real step towards that. there was no jury in this case it was the judge's decision and his alone. he explains in the decision the law did not give trump a right to a jury trial. it'celica's lawyers made a miste and forgot to ask for a jury trial. the lot did not allow each trump a jury trial in this case. larry: first of all it's very important points that you make. second of all it is why i have raise the point here where is trump's free speech? where is his right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happyness. they would not even let a jury trial. and as you know the judge made up his mind before this was effectively a show trial the judge has made up his mind and told everybody before. as you also know in new york the
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way it works you have the state supreme court is not a high-level court it is a lower level court. there are no primaries, republicans don't run anymore. the judges are picked by democratic clubhouses in effect. so what kind of democracy is this? what kind of legal system is this? that is why i ask folks looking at this if they pay any attention at all you have to walk away figuring out trump has been railroaded big time. asked what was extraordinary about this is trump was found guilty of overvaluing his properties. what was interesting is in the decision the judges said it trump showed absolute no contrition he never said he was sorry or he aired or was at fault. and then judge said overvaluing the property to save money is a sin it's not a mortal sin trump
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did not kill anybody. he did not commit arson he is not the judge specifically said that. and then the judge applied a near death penalty to trump. and one thing that's interesting you were discussing earlier with this may be $450 million judgment trump has to come up with the money just to appeal. you are convicted of something for example you have to sell your house to get the money to be able to appeal. an venue when the appeal by your house is gone. this is a real problem for trump. larry: a spring in the great jonathan turley who has been discoursing about this. you called it insidious let me put an geor in george washington university fox legal contributor just all around hero guy. you have been working hard. you have to basically put your life up everything you did i
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don't know maybe you could tell me legally can insurance companies operating in new york, can they guarantee the bonds? the surety bond that may have to be guaranteed before he gets to the court of appeals and the appellate court? to say it is not fair is almost beside the point. to say it is politically driven however is closer to the point. but now you tell me the legal point he could not going to new york banks could he go to new york insurance companies or who is going to put up the bond? >> that is a very good question. he is barred from doing business in new york. there are two issues here. one, he can bring up the cash which is going to be obviously quite difficult or he can seek a bond. if he gets a bond it will come at a premium cost which means even if he prevails it will cost them millions and millions of dollars just to get the bond. he could go to the trial court or the court of appeals and ask
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for a waiver from the bonding orb requirement in the end it adds to this rather awful optics. you have the use of a statute in a way that has never been done before. the imposition of what amounts to $455 million even though there were no victims who lost a single penny. and then, in order to appeal that you look at the decision of this one judge. you have to produce something that is equivalent to the jmp of a small nation. larry: jonathan, where the number come from 355 plus 410% interest word o were the numbere from? heaven forbid the word proportionality but proportionate to what? no and less money here.
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>> when you drill down on this opinion you hit an air pockets. there is not a lot there. he high bowled every possible figure he could find. much of it is speculative. the court says if he had revealed the true information, the bank would have required more difficult terms and cost him more money and had higher interest rates. that is not at all clear. the trump organization was famous for squeezing banks precisely because they were as the witnesses described a whale client the banks themselves said we made a lot of money on this we went to more business from trump. so a lot of this is speculative. >> that is what i cannot figure either. byron, what are the politics here how does this impact the presidential race?
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>> this is one of those cases that republicans have completely rejected as an unfair targeting of the former president. it affects him not at all in the republican primary except it adds to support up to that extent that adds to his support. it doesn't change anything. as far as the resistance they are basically adding born and 50 million-dollar penalty to the 83 million-dollar penalty from the second carroll case of the five million-dollar pena millioy from the first carapace and high-fiving each other. so far this has cost trumped more than half a billion dollars the idea is to bring him down. the idea of the actual prosecutors alvin bragg in new york in george and jack smith
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and the two federal cases is to put him in jail. that story starts on march 25 with the criminal trial in new york. larry: jonathan turley, just this last thought this will sound political but it's not meant to be political. what i want to ask you is in new york as a one horse town is a democratic town. there's probably 13 republicans left in manhattan. i know everyone and their cell phone number. we'll just put that aside for a minute. there is something wrong with the system where judges get elected at a fairly local level. essentially by clubhouses. republican sitting like this is republican clubhouses i probably like that outcome more that i would probably still ask the same question but how could this be good system? it is so predicated on political bias people come non- lawyers they vote so and so they have no opposition in the primary and
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you get an arthur engoron and a judicial system like this. i'm not ask you to choose sides more of a constitutional process question. there's got to be a better way here. >> i think there is a better way. the problem is new york was always democratic. it has always had its problems. it's avenging district attorneys. would it also had was the premier corporate law system not only the center of business it was a center of business law. that has been shattered here. a lot of businesses could put up with the nonsense, the political rhetoric eat the rich campaigns because they could rely on this legal system. that is gone now. the face of the corporate law system that's a face that launched 1000 ships towards florida. why it would trump or other companies stick around to see
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who is going to be the next target. >> well put, well put you are exactly right. byron york thank you ever so much. great call them today we will see how this stuff plays out. we will see how it plays out it is hard to predict. anyway folks, moving on to the kudlow show i've got one for you, and debit cards new york city debit cards illegal immigration debit cards is there a better invitation? one expert suggests it's going to cost two and not billion dollars. this is for illegals to reward them for coming to new york. how about that? debit cards i would like a new debit card we are going to talk about with fox news national correspondent griff jenkins has been covering immigration forever. and folks remember we are here monday through friday 4:00 p.m. every day right here at foxbusiness and for some crazy reason you can't get us text your favorite 9-year-old sheet
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will show you how to dvr the show. you might have to give her a debit card. i am kudlow we will be right fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪
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migrants in countries like china, because extent, syria, they are flooding into our country with no end in sight. fox news bill is on the ground in california with more. great story. coach larry, the demographics of the people showing up here are wild. i have never met anyone from because extent are curves asked on in my entire life before than yesterday if you have them clib over a mountain next to me, walked adhered to the camp and start chatting with this is how it is in san diego county take a look at the video or team shot earlier today via drone another group crossed illegally on the other side of town most of them single adults from all around the world. the san diego sector sing an average of 1000 illegal crossings per day. a lot of these folks were from asia. take a listen. cook three from? >> india. >> china. >> georgia. georgia where you from? what's india. china. wherwherefrom kuester. >> china.
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>> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. yes. >> china. >> georgia. >> china. then take a look at this video bird same group a woman collapsed or fainted as she was waiting to get processed by border patrol you see her go down border patrol rushed over to help her she ended up getting taken away in an ambulance. fully alert fully conscious no clue at her medical condition was there. regardless of what it was taxpayers out here will be on the hook for whatever that medical bill is paid back out here the number of chinese showing of down here is just remarkable we had more than 200 yesterday alone. where than 20000 since october just the other day colleague cuy griffith jen constructed three guys from syria who should appear. again a mixed bag from all around the world. we're not seeing anyone from the northern triangle countries down here that the administration is so focused on when it comes to
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the so-called root causes. we will send it back to you for. >> the root causes. i say to build to you and griffith sitting next to me here on set. wife and i lived in san diego we never met anyone from pesek stone or china or india or any of these exotic places. i don't get it. billy just has a great stuff. thank you so much brown spring in the aforementioned griff jenkins fox news correspondent. >> besides the wide spread acquaintance in kazakhstan. you've got these cars you are short remained in mexico cards he found on the ground for. >> i can kind of hold it up or you can get the idea at the temporary visa for mexico. in the very spot where bill is doing great reporting i was there for the past week, literally right in that area the chinese migrants, these are chinese id they immediately come
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across and discard it because they do not with that u.s. officials to know that they have some temporary security some temporary status legally in mexico. because our officials might set you should wait there you can apply for asylum they are pre-they went to be in the u.s. they have no interest in being. larry: is a legacy of trump's are made in mexico. >> and president biden could try and do something similar. the going to need to call something different they do not like the political. these migrants from all over the world honest to god it's like a un conference being out there. i had afghanistan, peru, ecuad ecuador, syria along with the chinese from all over. i had a guy from africa, from liberia, cameroon, it is unbelievable. many of them are flying in. if you look closely at these videos bill is showing you will see the chinese very clean dressed. not dirty they did not go
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through a jungle to get here and all the way through central america and southern mexico they flew right into tijuana and walked across i've seen them caring for roller bags like you see the airport. i don't want to go into long here but the numbers bill is mentioning, 20000 plus it's the beginning of the fiscal year of just chinese migrants can be across southwest border. within 90% of them are in the san diego sector. now if you look back at fiscal year 2021 there were a total of 4050 total migrants. i look back at the last 72 hours and just the san diego sector they'rthere been 452. so in three days, in the past three days we had more chinese national illegally crossing that the entire fiscal year 2021. larry: chiesa question? the focus of the story has shifted to san diego. as a part of this because the
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barbed wire in texas, the barriers they are putting up in texas are working? >> you betz. haven't for bed i could use the word wall but i am happy. larry: you up barbed wire or chicken wire or whatever it wir, it is working. cart is a lesson there for there is cooperation abbott is doing for the number one comment i got from residence that lived there that have these coming across they said i'm sure impressed what abbott did with shipping containers in the wire in texas dps hardening their border but you look at those shots it is wide open. governor newsom is not down there. the difference to in california that is compounding this essay from a national security risk i did speak the three syrians at the state sponsor of terror. you have illegal immigrants having free healthcare in california since jen reversed soap free healthcare in the entire state of california as essentially states.
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once they get here they will be protected. larry: i am protected they have not given them and debit cards in california they probably work on that. that's very important. >> when i see that here in new york. >> a couple $3 billion it's an entitlement are gone forever. boxer is no greater incentive. if i at a stray dog show up in my back door tomorrow then i cooked in a state, guess what he is coming back with 10 of his friends tamara progressed to both love dogs the fact is you make a very important point is the incentive system. and we would skip that border open. griff jenkins the best of the best. coming up on "kudlow" hates up breakage who runs the national economic council another biden economic advisor but the bite and big government spending model is not going to work overtime. we will talk about it with former president of the world bank. and then we will report nikki
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haley is going after trump. the former president is not too worried about it. we will ask gianno caldwell and doug collins for nikki haley was making a speed general issues saying or trying to prove she's been clobbered in her home state. i am kudlow we will be right back here on the set that's different. thank you we appreciat i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪. larry: biden economist brainerd, and others they argue the bite of big government spending model is working. let's ask jen five president of world vaguely things about it. they are calling them a couple good gdp numbers okay it's all done through government spending. use of the baseline that is the biden baseline. debt gets to almost 120% of gdp which is a remarkable number.
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i don't usually care about that myself but even that is a wake-up call. they are arguing more of the same the 2021 bill works, you know the story. what is your response to them? >> a bunch of logical problems with if you create a problem effects are you going to take credit for fixing it? on the supply side they create the problem with regulations and then say let's spend lots of government money on infrastructure to fix the problem. and then let's take credit for even though the national debt is going to be way through the roof. so that it is a problem from the logic side. and then from the actual how do you do it how you get government growing? they are making the old arguments that more spending always works you spent on ships, but at the same time with the other hand you are doing lng constraint on all of the middle of the country that europe needs there's many problems of cutting off the exports from the u.s.
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europe needs it and it hurts them at a time when they need help because they are socialists and people around the world are going to be burning wood and coal to make up for the loss of natural gas in the u.s. larry: the flintstones or go back in time. but gina sperling who we both know it's not personal gene is a nice fellow. but here's the point. gina singh back on the obama days coming down out of the financial we didn't have enough government spending for dow they figured it out it's why the $1.9 trillion bill plus the infrastructure bill, plus each of spill, plus all the spending bills have been about $6 trillion on the board and the debt is mounting as i said though be up to about $120 trillion worth of debt. he is saying we did not do enough that we've done enough know that's wha why we have a gt economy. but where does this and this it debt binge of spending and deficits were to sit under how does it end? what's it doesn't what was the
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baseline? what would have happened if you hadn't done those things if instead you had reduce regulation or made at logical which is not really what they are doing their putting lots of money into electric vehicles people do not want to buy. if you had done it differently this amazing country we get to live in you would have come out with a better result. you have got to look at what is your baseline if you had not done those policies and i think it would have been a better outcome. that is where we need to look going forward. the critical saying is there is this fiscal train wreck coming in 2025 when the debt limit runs out and the spending bills run out. the taxes go up and the regulations come really heavily burdening the economy. what you going to do to stop that make it different? you cannot run on the back order record because it leaves you leu expose into the future. larry: besides not talk about deficits and debt, they do not
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talk about the lingering impact of the inflation which c which o 9%. year to year inflation has come down somewhere between three and four i will say. but the reality is, over three years the inflation rate is up almost 20%. meanwhile weekly earnings and wages are only up about 15%. real wages have fallen. talk about real wages but not over the three-year period middle-class working folks david malpass cannot afford to live the biden economy. that is the achilles' heel of this. >> i am from michigan mrs. i sec going on. people say great we have got union jobs because all of the electric vehicles are being required and we are losing our jobs. but does that play with the people? people see through that and say this is not a workable way to run the economy you cannot say four more years of that
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approach. that needs to be the core that if you keep regulating you are going to lose jobs and you cannot pay for with a temporary spending. >> big government socialism choose newt gingrich's fate you might get a couple quarters of gdp growth. through the government spending. you are not getting business you are not getting cap asked you are not getting supply-side the inflation lingers. i think that is a problem. >> if you are a dictator sitting outside the u.s. you look at this and say have at it because i'm going to beat you at that game. i can out guide my economy. larry: will have to talk about that another time. david malpass, great friend great switching gears of look at the 2024 race. gianno caldwell fox news political analyst. gentlemen, thank you very, very much. i want to know if you had the pleasure of seeing nikki haley
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today? let's us eat she refuses to drop out with that sound from nikki haley let me play it to you. listen to it and weep. hold on a second, here comes very. >> i refuse to quit. south carolina will vote on saturday. but on sunday, i will still be running for president. i am not going anywhere. larry: so, gianno, she wants to run she can run. if you lose by 30 points in your home state what is the mandate? or what is the reason? or what is the rationale behind your campaigns? at some point you've got to come to grips with that, don't you? >> recent polling out today, recently fox news reported the support of likely voters and south carolina is going to be over 60 plus% of likely voters. now mind you, nikki haley has been lucky to recruit democrats into the primary process to vote for her. she had a little bit of success with that in new hampshire.
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i do not imagine show much success in south carolina. and certainly after south carolina and she uses looses ist there we've got donald trump over 60% in michigan, 52% in california. we are talking super tuesday numbers here. there is nowhere to go. unfortunately there are some who are willing to support her her donors, democrats are putting money and et cetera but there is nowhere to go. at this point she's attempting to be a spoiler. donald trump is the nominee and my eyes. the polling says it. we have had multiple elections to confirm it. she needs to move aside. it has been nice, participation trophy she getrophies should gel needs move aside. larry: doug collins, by the way good to see you. at some point you run these races. she is running, it is a free country god bless you. i never understood particularly what her rationale was for running, that is all.
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she makes a lot of charges against donald trump. most of them are not true. nearly all of them are not true. if you would to vote for nikki haley, why vote for nikki haley? what is the point of it doug collins? >> larry, it's good to see you as well. i'm going to be more blunt here's a problem she is not a spoiler she has become a democrat talking point. she has become a de facto spokesman for the biden campaign so everything she says attacking donald trump was straight to the biden campaign website you can see it you're going to see it in the fall and senate ads, governor adds out of her mouth attacking donald trump. part rationale for reasoning and issues blown up in the setting somebody new in the party. but from early on this has been over. the race is over now per the only person -- i used to think she wanted to get to south carolina. it's not south carolina anymore is to attack donald trump and it's almost beginning to look personal.
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larry: i think she made a big mistake in breaking down a crimd crying today going into tears. that is not what you want foreign governments to see. not what you want foreign dictators to see. and i know a lot of women here in the building to talk to me about it, women in politics greats. women in politics breaking down and crying, not great too. that used to be a cardinal sin. i don't how that's going to play. let me go back to one thing, laura ingraham's going to do a townhall truck tonight. laura ingraham is about as smart as you can get. where do you think mr. trump is going to go? i am interested in this because i am hoping yes he has a legitimate grievance with the fiasco and the court system and the legal system. i also hope he stays on message on the border, on economic growth, on inflation, on an american first foreign policy. on la law and order for example. immigration has spread now and it's become a problem, gianno. i hope he stays on message, what
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do you think? >> i agree with your assessment of laura by the way, our colleague britt i will tell you that i think for him the border is going to be one of the biggest issues or talk about. why? we have seen poll after poll immigration is what people are talking about. i also think as you use immigration he should be speaking to the nation in some of these urban centers like new york and it certainly chicago where black voters are so pissed off what they are seeing in their communities with the migrants and the support they have been giving them over their knees which have been suffering for many, many years he should be speaking to them because these are potential purple states. especially in places like chicago for a 20% cut camp to get the whole state. in addition to that price is what is the consumer price index say? fact of the matter is in many folks cannot afford groceries like they used to. you have grandmothers have to choose between madison and getting chicken. this is a serious set of circumstances i think donald trump is going to talk to the
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kitchen table issues that many americans are dealing with right now. >> doug collins, 20 seconds. anjanet willis ever tried to be $15000 in cash? [laughter] >> i don't need 20 seconds on that one. now, they'll be a no for meat. [laughter] >> is a cash economy thought you knew that. it is a cash economy. [laughter] >> you just missed it very. >> in a data card like in new york. i'm sorry, willis ran out of time you guys are great come back whenever you can. do not miss tonight's townhall former president donald trump that is laura ingraham 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. up next, joe biden's you win the trail of israel. we are going to talk to israeli special ops veteran aaron cohen. what happened to unconditional surrender? why don't they promote it, unconditional surrender of hamas. aaron cohen will help us out
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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this calling for a cease-fire in exchange for the release of all hostages, which will never happen. basically they would seem to want to stop israel from cleaning up in southern gaza particular the tone of a rough up. i ask you what happened to unconditional surrender? they should what unconditional surrender from hamas weiss of the united states telling hamas to surrender i don't get any of this, aaron cohen. >> what we say what i mean by that is what happened is, biden did not put the required pressure on the united nations and the way he frames this to force hamas to put down their weapons, release the hostages and depopulate from the populated areas stop fighting from those areas. and now, what israel is preparing to do is get the leverage back which we have
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talked about for months we saw north of gossett's going to be worse in the south of gaza. when israel goes in there it's about 15000 hamas chairs, militants waiting in there that six battalions are put into perspective. is was going to go in there it's going to be a bloodbath but israel started getting pushed around their content been pushed around by bite and they're tired a big push room by blinken in the entire administration israel's got to the point they're like and no one is going to tell us how we are going to self the term of this goes all the back to the 70s self-determination is israel's right and nobody can dictate the beat knows that in israel is behind him. that's what we're going to see right now that got leverage. and by the way just flee to egypt egypt let him not going to let palestinians and makes no sense to me. larry: biden's hero, fdr insisted on unconditional surrender of the nazis and the japanese in world war ii i do not know what he will not apply that to israel fighting for its
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