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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 10% off all bases. ends monday larry: hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow so former donald trump struck a unity them in laura ingraham's fox town hall, saying my revenge will be success, talked about migrant crime, drill, baby, drill and described himself as a man of common sense, we have an all-star panel. mr. trump also cited 8 amendment, that excessive bail shall not be required. we have victor davis hansen to weigh in there and senator tommy tuberville to clean up migrant crime. in stock market, we get an earnings report on nvidia which remember determine the market outlook. my riff former president trump gave a commanding important last night on laura ingraham's fox town hall, headline take away, i thought his unifying message about getting the country back on track for everyone.
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>> i don't care about the revenge thing, i know they usually use that word revenge. my revenge will be success. larry: and just to underscore that unity message, mr. trump described himself as a man of common sense. >> i'm a man of common sense, they say you are conservative or liberal or this, no we're people of common sense, we need bored ors, we don't want to give foreign aid it countries that hate us. larry: and speaking of common sense, president trump outlined his two top day one priorities. >> two things i will do, number one dr dr drill, baby, drill and the other th thing. >> i had safest border. >> they are un unifiers, closing the border and stopping what president
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trump calls migrant crime, that is probably a 99% issue. that is what passes for common sense, country will unite u around those two principles, drill, baby, drill would many lower energy prices and an end to inflation. it would meaner an end to the big government socialist green new deal hundreds of mandates, have been jammed down throats of typical working folks who want to exercise their free consumer choice over things like gasoline powered cars, microwaves, showers, toilet bowls, they don't want a bunch of washington bureaucrats to tell them how to live, that is another unifies message. and closing the border is embraced by virtually the whole country, including a bunch of blue state democrats, barriers work, techtexas governor
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abbott has showed it has curtailed illegal crossings, the battle has how shifted from texas to san diego, common sense people can see it with their own eyes, every night on the news. a wall would serve the same purpose. illegals from all over the world, including from china, syria, and africa, still have remain in mexico cards. but they toss them away when they cross the border. because they don't want the authorities to see the cards and maybe deport them back to mexico. building a wall remain in mexico which can and deport, well, all that is common sense. drill, baby, drill, slashing grossly and oil prices -- grocery and oil prices, also common sense. these are unifying themes, around the vital topics of promoting faster economic
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growth, higher real wages and restoration of safety and lawfulness, un unifiers, come own sense -- common sense, mr. trump talked about a number of other issue that includes fair trade, return to international respect for america, solving the blow ups in the world in most middle east, ukraine and afghanistan, all things that formed his record in first term. and when asked why is does he stay in politics throughout all democratic llawfare weaponization, mr. trump calmly replied, i want to make america great again. it is not great right now. we can do that. end quote, that is my riff. all right. joining me now, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news
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contributor, joe concha and mark simone. radio host, thank you. joe, start with you. you are out there. we'll go geographically. really. everyone is waiting for him to say something and saying he didn't, he talked of common sent and talked about success or retribution or punishment. i know that critics will never stop, i thought he gave a virtuoso performance last night. >> and he talked in general compared to his opponent in joe biden, joe biden is in california right now, i am sorry is that a swing state, of course, not, he is not there to visit the border where thousands of chinese nationals are now coming akroracross, meanwhile you saw vigor and passion will donald trump, without a
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teleprompter he could take questions for an hour. people see the juxtaposition. you take away any short comings that donald trump may have on his personality, and you look at policies you just said, he is on the right side of all of them. larry: that is not a radical agenta. >> this is common sense. larry: that world juxtaposition. we have some clips about juxtaposing mr. biden and mr. trump, check this out. >> i say to the house members, house republicans, you got to decide, are you going to stand up for freedom or side with terror and tyranny? >> he has declined there is no question about it he was always sort of the semi declined, you go back 25
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years, he was not one of the smarter people. >> wait. i guess i should, clear my mind a little bit not say what i'm really thinking. >> if i felt declined in and way, i think i would know it and say i'm not running. larry: mark simone, he has declined much this is not about age. this is about energy. about physicality. this is about logic. the fact that biden is how old, 81 or 82 after, so. what look at, there is a candidate that talks about two men in their 80s, donald trump could be 60 or 65 in those clips, what do you make of that. people look at this, nonpolitical people, look at difference between the two. >> as joe biden would say -- um. [ laughter ] it is great, you don't have to say anything, just um.
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let me ask the viewers an honest question, would you let him drive you in a car. i don't think that anyone would. i am serious. there is no way on earth he is qualified. larry: does he drive? does high drive? >> when he did drive, it was a gas does illegal core i guzzling corvette. >> i would not let him drive he in a golf cart, i would say trump could drive he in a golf cart. >> trump does 6 tv shows. larry: sit throughs a trial. >> makes a thousand phone calls. >> intrin o or he returns calls, charlie, maybe the thing with laura ingraham last night, maybe, the message of success and unity and common sense, are important, but looking at
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the him, makes an important point and statement. >> without a doubt, i think that laura did a great job, sometimes he likes to just go on and say his thing. she stopped him and kept asking specific questions, he does best when he is pressed like that. she did a great job, he did a fantastic job. what is shocking, these are common sense solutions. and that in and of itself is reason why, washington despises this man. because if you took him out of it, the issues themselves are 90 plus percent issues that everyone agrees with, it is terrifying to washington. larry: that woman asked her. retribution and punishment, and wim are interested in independents, she was interested. when he said my revenge will be success, you could see smile and relief on her
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face. i thought it was fascinating. i thought that was important. laura law -- laura i laura ingraham set that up and trump delivered. >> the question, can he be consistent in this discipline, after saturday if he wins by 4 touchdowns and nikki haley makes a victory speech, will he go after her on a personal level or say laugh her off, lall right, you can stay in the race, show me one state you think that you could win, we're already in general election season, will joe biden debate donald trump three times as is tradition between general election presidents. and candidates, i can't see it happening at this point. you take teleprompter away 42 -- 42e from biden, he
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cannot survive, they will find a way he is not the candidate or not debate, he will say he is above donald trump. larry: did white house respond to this? maybe they will. >> they did not. larry: he will not do it he would be afraid do it we have a clip of that. here is the challenge that mr. trump lays down to debate biden coming up. >> chemical him right now, i will challenge him right now, we could do you, you could do anyone, i will take anyone from cnn, that is doing poorly in ratings, by the way, i'll take any body because i think you have an obligation in in case, you have an obligation to debate, i d don't think healthhe will debate. >> he can't even do a press conference there is no way, an hour, that is -- >> he debated in 2020. >> yeah. he was a different guy then. larry: he won one and lost
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one. >> those debates were pretty rigged. >> and trump had covid at first debate. >> moderators cut trump off when he got to something great, they never asked biden a tough question, trump has a lot going for him, no candidate has, when he claims he could fix the economy and claims he will fixes border, he has done it, we have seen him do it that san advantage. larry: you think that biden will debate? >> i think they will do anything they can to prevent it from happening it will be em embarrassing, for all of way that donald trump is the same guy he has been, he is running a few degrees cooler. >> yes. >> this is, this is a good thing. larry: you saw last night. >> you saw it. larry: go on, very important point. >> he just, he is proven himself, he demonstrated hhigh -- he is willing to walk to china shop and break everything to bring common sense solutions to people,
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no one doubts it, it allows him to take a few degrees off, be a little bit calmer and does not have to be outrageous to get attention. larry: just literally, a few two hours ago -- 24 hours ago in a courtroom, they try to take his entire livelihood away. no -- and everything. businesses, cash. assets, name. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, they tried. a few 24 hours later he does a one hour, with a very smart tv personalty, my pal laura ingraham. >> almost like he is focused. larry: that is something. >> like muhammad ali, you get beat up for 9 years, you know how to take a punch and punch back and not get knocked down it was a confident trump, the sense of humor helps too. larry: there was some self, facing stuff. and good policy stuff, i
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still get excited about drill, baby, drill. >> no does everyone. larry: it is very exciting. only thing he missed are tax cuts. >> i got one, for your close lines, kill the bill, drill, baby, drill. >> thank you, joe, mark simone, you are an expert on vice presidencies. >> i am? laurie perez. larry: law la . larry: she said are they on your short list? we have a clip of that. >> it say full screen. trump short list, i read that short list. you think that is -- that is a long short list, there are a few that i don't believe. >> he likes to give real choices, he also likes to
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help promote people. the desantis inclusion, that is just willi olive branch. and vivek in the cabinet. and. >> they figured that out before, they could figure it out again, if you think about it in terms of 12 years, not 4, desantis would not be a bad pick. larry: i was interested, i must say, i was unimpressed with desantis' campaign, but he is genuine conservative. i was impressed that first, trump would acknowledge he was on a short list whatever list longer short. and also, desantis i was reading what me said in south carolina yesterday. he came out four square for trump as a conservative. he made it clear, he said trump and i got like 96% of the votes in iowa. that is what me said, those
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are conservative republicans, we don't want the corporate republicans, we don't want country club republicans, meaning nikki haley. >> if you are thinking about 8 years after 4 more years of trump, you could hardly do better than someone like that who would -- he would be a nightmare for washington. larry: i think he would be too. >> that is what we want. larry: do you have a choice. >> problem with desantis, you want vice president to deliver you a state, the last thing trump needs help with is florida. larry: i don't think that matters any more. >> he chose pence, he didn't need indiana. larry: he said you must be qualified, god forbid something happens you have to be qualified. he like fs tim scott a lot. >> i think that tulsi gabbard would be best choice
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for us on the show, you get a vp debate between kamala harris and tulsi gabbard. she destroyed her in 2020. larry: can i be first to tell you tulsi gabbard is not on trump's list. it is not personal. >> don't write out sara huckabee sanders, she would be amazing, toe-to-toe against kamala harris. >> last round, you smart guys have to tell me, what is nikki haley doing? >> honestly. larry: you said last night -- she doesn't know how to get out. >> that is a great line. i think that there is some truth to, that but, not to be overly harsh almost like she thinks that joe biden will win again, i have no idea. larry: dedelayed this out in his -- desantis said there is no path. he said i looked at numbers,
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i pulled out. and because i'm a conservative, i supported trump. do you have a sense of nikki haley? she may go on forever. she will get clocked in south carolina unless everyone in universe is wrong. >> you go at attention, she likes the way that chris christie did, she getting a lot of interviews, it may be hard to walk away from this. she is down 4 touchdowns. >> are you pitching for tulsi gabbard. >> no, nikki haley is like arthritis, you never get rid of it, always comes back, she is the republican hillary clinton, running for probably a tv job. or or don't be surprised if she is on phone with no labels guy. >> haley and romney. >> scary, and a lot of high taxes. charlie hurt, joe concha and mark simone thank you so much. >> coming up on kudlow, we're expecting nvidia
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earnings, important chip company, links to artificial intelligence, it may actually chart the course of the stock market for quite a few weeks, we'll have that for you right away, we're a business show. and mr. trump said it right, 8th amendment states excessive finds shall not be imposed. we will bring in victor davis hanson to talk about it i'm kudlow, nice b work mr. president. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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larry: we're a business show, i guess nvidia earnings came out, gerri willis will be here. meanwhile let's talk about eighth amendment, with our great friend victor davis hanson. author of the dying citizen. victor davis hanson, thank you for helping us, i'm playing the clip.
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take a listen to it. >> i r wrote it out, it was so great, excessive bail shall not be required n nor excessive fines imposed, i think he looked at my cash, and said we'll take all of his cash. larry: excessive everything. weaponization, fines. would this, i'm asking you, speculate. so, would this make a state case or local case a federal case because of the eighth amendment has been violated and supreme court should hear an appeal? >> i think it will get there. because if you look at pass president, has there been anything in this
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jurisdiction that was fined that amount of money orb or, better yet, fined at all for supposedly over stating assets that were performing adjudicated by sophisticated oo au auditors, you look at excessive finds and punishment it is the deadline where he has to post bond, his children and he are not allowed to do business to use or use the levers of taking out loans, then they have a ex-federal judge adjudicating what they can and can't do and company itself has restrictions, then you have larger atmosphere that everyone knows he might have to unload valuable assets in a short time period.
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therefore deliberately on part of the judge and the prosecutor deflating the actual value of the assets this seems to be not only excessive but unusual punishment, i think it will be overturned. >> did you see trump do it? i think if caught a lot of people by surprise, i have not heard anyone talk about the eighth amendment in connection with this case. but it makes so much sense, he just calmly unfurled it. i think it was a shocker. a kick in the pants. i don't know my response is, very cool. >> yeah, i think you are right. there is force multipliers, we have these laws that are used in a way they were never intended, fani willis using that racketeering law used for mafia or cartel to get him on election denialist charge and alvin
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bragg, a city prosecutor, prying to bootstrap a federal campaign violation on and e jack smith rushing in an unusual fashion to get his se suit tried in court during the campaign season, and letitia james this law is a consumer protection law for clients or defendants who did not have access to usual amount of money or influ edence, they could see people with greater authority who could harm them, never for this, all of these cases, we get into e. jean carroll, that was a bill of attainer. someone passed a bill with trump in mind that said for one year statute of l limitation on long ago sexual assault will be wave will be waived and sunnisuddenly she
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refiled. larry: i would love to see him appeal all of this. on the grounds of the eighth amendment. they will appeal it on many other grounds. but it is an interesting thought to federalize this. >> it is. larry: on the basis of the -- the eighth excessive bail shall not be required or excessive fines imposed or cruel and unusual punishment, victor davis hanson good to see you. >> yeah. yep. larry: appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: coming up nvidia earnings are out, it looks like they beat on everything, that could be bullish for those of who own the index, and senator tuberville will tell us how we can fix migrant crime, i am kudlow, eighth
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larry: nvidia earnings are out we go to gerri willis. reporter: all good news. a beat on top and bottom line. earning comes in 493 a share, adjusted 516 a share, expectations were 4.63 a share, we're talking about a quarter, revenue, sales expected 20.6 billion we got 22.1 billion, however, as i came down i noticed that stock in postmarket trading is not rising, i think that street was talking about a bigger number. why is it important? an artificial intelligence company, that makes chips that are important to the biggest of companies, in
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viddia, you -- nvidia, and yo. >> goldman sachs calls this most pur important stock on planet earth, there is a lot of hype, this will help major averages. you can see the stock here. this company is experienced a doubling of sales year-to-year, the power of the company and how important it is, more broadly to others is critical. and i have to tell you, if we had a real disappointment here, i think that market overall would be down, a lot of people own this stock. they will be combing every word in this report. anything negative could contribute to a sell-off tomorrow. i wouldn't put it past them. larry: liz claman said i should mention the whisper number. >> it was higher.
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larry: i was going to say. gerri willis, you are the best, a big thought from breitbart's john carney, you are an expert on nvidia. >> i know a little bit. larry: the whisper. >> it beat expectations but not as much as expectations thought it should beat it by. larry: live that. >> they make the shovels, a gold rush for a.i., nvidia makes shovels. >> a great point. john carney will be back with steve moore, however, before, we will talk about migrant crime, with alabama senator mr. tommy tuberville, i am sure you know about nvidia than you want to. every now and then we put our business cap on. we have sound from donald trump on migrant crime. >> this crime, there is
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violent crime, there is kcal assignment editor mike kcal assignme migrant crime it is worse than any other form of crime, they want to fight police officers, our criminals don't do that so much. okay, i never seen it, they are having fistfights police officers in the middle of the street, we have do something about it they are tough people, they are not sending their finest. larry: i mean it is become pure lawlessness with the attacks on cops and shelters and prisoners and ordinary people, attacks on women, on shoppers. attacks on drug stores and pharmacies, this is most remarkable thing, then to top it off here in new york, as you may have read, mayor eric adams and his crew will hand out debit cards more or less a thousand a person. i don't know, if could be a thousand per month, inviting
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people, come on in we'll give you cash. we'll prerefund your cash. to me this is insanity and joe biden will not close the border. >> one of the biggest crimes in history of our country mayorkas was impeached last week, should have been. he is a criminal. he has been behind the murders, the rains rapes and child traffics and drugs. these people could care less, the guy is a criminal, he should not just go in front of senate to be impeached but in front of a federal judge, i have talked to himself rally times he or she is like he ignores your question about the border, she has been told what to do, he has been someone that is willing to go along with it, there is a shame this is happening to the united states and larry cell get worse in next 10 months, i
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had breakfast with the ambassador from mexico, not long ago, he said this getting ready to get really bad. even you think it bad enough, it will get twice as bad. larry: i can't figure, bill melugin talking about it yesterday griff jenkins on the show, you have all these chinese coming across the border and syrians and people have asia from africa, i think people from northern triangle in central america, are now almost a minority of the illegal immigrants, i can't figure how in good conscious the biden administration can sit there and stand f there and do nothing, there could be spies or terrorists, we know there are so many criminals, the chinese thing, what single males? and wearing clothes that were laundered with a nice suitcase. we're just being played for fools. >> well we are.
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for some reason democrats are going along with it if you saw vote last week every democrat voted to not impeach mayorkas, they want more votes, they want more people to change the districtses from red to flu, blue. most of these people are still walking through the country, new central america, you have a huge percentage now that are flying in to tijuana, mexico, taking an uber across t the border. it is a shame what is happening. this administration does not care, they could care less, it is about power and about money. behind the 69s, -- scenes, we have to stop it that is why president trump has to get alleged. to get elected. larry: senator i'm sorry, i don't have more time to share with you. but, thank you for coming on. >> thank you, larry.
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>> all right, now, we resume breitbart's john carney and some place here is steve moore. moore money on wabc radio, steve moore, you know we had another prominent democratic economist allen blinder, a friend of mine, former vice chair of federal reserve last week we have gene sperling. and they are out there with op-ed pieces and interviews, saying that the economy is come roaring back. inflation is gone away. and joe biden should be the winner. on these issues. what do you think? >> i did read it, i'm smiling, my stock picture ann moore, invests a lot of
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money in nvidia at the beginning of the year i'm happy today of. with the economy, i was looking at top 6 or 7 statistics, when luke look at black poverty rate and gasoline prices, and inflation, you look at what happened to family incomes, every single one of these statistics has been better under trump in the first year three years than biden that is the key. is the economy improving? yes, but not improving fast enough for americans, one sta stst-- statistic, donald trump, family income increase 6,000 and under biden negative 2000. larry: john carney there is a measure am if you want to buy the same basket of consumer goods and groceries it is $1 thousand more a month than 4 years ago. that is 12 grand for the
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year, i was reading your daily. and larry summers, smart guy, he pulled the plug to inflation several years ago, and now suggesting that the next move am in interest rates will be up not down, we have been flirting with that here. you have been writing about it. that is very -- he is first one to draw blood. >> yes, very few people have been willing to go there, anonymous is not coming down -- inflation is not coming down, blinder is wrong in that entire piece. it has not been coming down for 6 months, and for last 3 months it started to go back up. i think that summers is watching this, saying, you all have the cuts priced in it is possible -- he is not saying probable but still a chance, that we get a interest hike from the fed before we get a cut, we've
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have been talking about, that the market not prepared for that. larry: market has moved it back to june, so-called rate cut is now in june. started in march. >> it started in january, they had january then march, now may, now june. you know, one more inflation report will push on july, no beating in august, then we're in september, i think people might be surprised that we don't get a cut or cut comes very late in the season. larry: steve moore, part of this issue. bidens spent you look at the cbobbo baseline on the budget. more be deficit running upward 6% of gdp, and the borrowing federal debt in hands of public, use that, market able debt will run-up wards of nearly 1 20% of
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gdp . the debt will be significantly more than the size of the overall economy. you could be talking about nearly 50 trillion dollars, steve. that is government stimulus, right. at some point it will reignite inflation or that is my question to you. >> that is what caused the inflation, food prices are up 23%. energy prices up 28%. and mortgage 32%. so, you know, the idea that we have won this fight against inflation, no, i am in favor of the 1% across board cut, this year, as -- called massey -- hire is the amazing thing, 1% cut, safe 40 billion, and democrats are saying no, they won't go for a 1% cut after spending 6 trillion dollars. >> republicans don't -- they don't. here. i will rephrase it. the senate republicans who want to give money to
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ukraine, okay. i respect that point of view, i may not agree. but i respect it, no pay fors. john carney, you will spend 60 billion here, and where is that o off set. >> they should do what steve moore said, think about tax cuts and helping people be able to vist their money to grow the economy that is the way out of inflation, in you ask them about tax cuts they scream about pay fors, you ask about paying money for ukraine they magically come up with money. >> are you buying nvid why. nvidia. >> aid t it's too late now. larry: i am in the index. tell ann moore still love her. >> ftcwants to break unthe big tech companies making money for us. >> alina kahn, i know too
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much capitalism, lay have the chinese tech companies rule the world. and destroy the american tech companies that. thank you so much steve moore and john carney, joe biden now continues to undermine the supreme court, with another illegal student only cancellation of their debt. i think that is 150 thousand people, i don't know we'll be right back with the great edward lawrence, i am kudlow, we'll be right back.
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7:52 pm
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7:54 pm
larry: president biden canceling student loans again. even the supreme court said don't do it, edward lawrence with details, what's cooking. reporter: he couldn't do it with one stroke of the pen, he is pieces together the student loan forgiveness, costing taxpayers 1.2 billion, 153 thousand people will see student loan forgiveness cut. bringing total forgiveness to 138 billion. >> the ability to repay those is so burden some, a lot of people condition, they tried -- can't pay,
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they pay the loans their debt increases doesn't dediminish because of interests, i thought it would make more sense to relieve -- >> president using this issue to energize younger voters 45 percent of middle class people say that president's policies don't benefit them, 16% say it does, republicans say when you take out a loan you should pay it out, looking for a government hand out at the the expense of pax pa taxpayers. >> younger generation needs to know how they -- that things are going to be okay. reporter: president said he will continue to try and cancel debt getting around the supreme court. larry: was he -- someone said he was asked aren't you concerned about supreme court decision, he said not
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8:00 pm
(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) sarah, you got this. ok? (sfx: referee whistle) ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you wanna say♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ but they lost ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ not really. ♪ what you wanna say ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you be brave ♪ larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (dark dramatic music)


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