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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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♪ larry: i'll just say for my part, a god-based, faith-baded country, schools, families, parents, kids, or work, everyone, that would be a great, great if country. and now i'm going to turn it it over to my good friend liz macdonald who will carry the ball from there. elizabeth: that is america, what you just said. thank you so much. have a good weekend.
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larry: thank you. elizabeth: okay. we've got senator marshall coming up in just a moment, the latest controversy over the president's border crisis. also d.a. fani willis battling brand new accusations of perjury in the georgia 2020 the case. let's get right at it, right now. gop pollster lee carter, fox news contribute orer liz peek joins us. thank you so much, both of you, on this friday night for helping us out. are liz, you know, the president is baffling people again. he's making more gaffes and blund wherers. he told donors in san francisco climate change is more of an existential threat than a nuclear conflict. what do you think, liz? if. [laughter] >> well, i think he's in a terrible position, and his handlers are in an even worse position, liz are. everyone is demanding that joe biden make more public appearances, sit down with reporters more to defray all these concerns about his age and his inability to put together three sentences. but the problem is the more he
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does it, the more gaffes he makes. so, you know, i really don't know what he should do at this point. when he sits down and he can't talk at all about a his most favored policies without referring to notecards, it's very worrisome. i understand why donors are concerned and why, by the way, a whole raft of democrats now have come out publicly and said it's time for him to step a aside is. elizabeth: yeah. so what liz just said, lee, you know, when you -- in your estimation, lee, when you see the polls, when you see the voter reaction out there and the trend lines, are they more and more concerned than ever before about the president's age? because axios did that breaking news, the president is using even scripted cheat sheets even in private meetings with. democrat donors, and they're really worried about it. so what are the polls saying now about voters including democrats worried about the president's age? >> well, two in three americans say he's too old. there's more than 70% of voters
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who are concerned about his mental faculties, and it's upsetting for a lot of people. there's a lot of people out there who want to vote for somebody besides, you know, donald trump or somebody who wants to vote beside joe biden, and yet here we are. this is where it seems to be. now, joe biden, the gaffes that he's make are concerning. the numbers are getting worse and worse for him. if you look at where people were about a year ago, only about 60% of people were concerned. so it's getting worse for him, not better. and the more preparation he does, the more kinds of cues that he gets, i think that's probably what they're trying to do to make sure that he's -- that's getting leaked, and people are seeing that as a weakness, that he's holding notecards in meetings. what's really important to note is these things are getting leaked out of private meetings, so people are as concerned at letting the press know this is happening behind closed doors, and there's got to be a reason for that too. elizabeth: what lee just said that, you know, people in meetings with the president leaking about what they are seeing firsthand, liz.
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you know, we've had this brand new gallup poll, the president's job approval rating again dropping to 38% president. gallup -- 38%. gallup is warning that's below the 50% threshold historically that you need to hold in order to win if you're an incumbent. he's polling subpar on the border, the middle east, the economy and foreign affairs, liz. >> yeah, and rightly so. i think these ratings are well deserved, liz. but really what must alarm democrats is his approval rating among independents has completely disappeared. i mean, those readings from independents on almost every issue are below 30. i don't know -- this is, like, the worst ever, i think, other than jimmy carter at this point in a presidency. i don't think he can recover from this. so that is what democrats are so alarm ared about; a, he's polling worse than donald trump, they never imagined that that would happen but, secondly, these approval ratings even absent a donald trump contest,
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you know, i don't know that he recovers. and so, you know, what do they do? the hence, this leaking of information, the leaking of concerns. everybody is concerned. i would be too if he were my party's standard bearer. the question is, what are they going to do about it. elizabeth: yeah, what are they going to do about it. we have brand new sound coming in from former president trump speak at a rally in south carolina. the primary there is happening tomorrow. let's listen to the former president. >> -- the record energy production like never before and rising wages for americans of every race, religion, color and creed. [cheers and applause] never did so well. elizabeth: so when you look at this, lee, right, and then when you rook at the data, and i know both of you have looked at the data. you know, the president keeps saying he created now 15 million jobs. liz and lee, you've talked about this, he did not. he created maybe 4-5 million. that was from the pandemic
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shutdowns and thing lockdowns going away and the economy reopening. when you look at the household survey, the household survey, 31,000 drop in jobs in december, and then there was, like, a 700,000 drop from october through november, december. and so the record, track record there from the government data does not look good, lee. so that's an issue. the american people don't believe the president, his credibility is shot when he talks about the u.s. economy. >> his credibility is shot. even "the new york times" is fact checking him on what he's saying about the economy. and bidenomics, by all measures, the american people say it's a failure. and he's talking about the wrong issues because people care about kitchen table issues. they care about how far their paycheck goes, how much groceries cost, the homes that they can afford and that they live in. they're not talking about some of the economic measures that he's trying to talk about that are more in act a deem ya.
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and so it's a real problem. when you look at the head to head of americans and and their view of economy, it's a 55% to 33, 55% say donald trump was better for the economy than joe biden. there's no arguing with it. it is the way it is. people are going to ask the question, are you better off today than four years ago, they're going to answer it one way, and that's going to favor donald trump. elizabeth: yeah. that's what voters or do. they go into the ballot and the voting ballot booth and say what are you going to do for me. lee carter, liz peek, thank you so much for joining us. this story coming up, the president met with the nation's governors today, but he avoided talking about the historic border crisis that exploded on his watch. after he eradicated trump's policy. it wasn't on the agenda. but governors were not happy with the white house. ed edward lawrence has more. >> reporter: and it was the only time we saw president joe biden today publicly. and the governors in that meeting pressed the president about illegal migration coming across the border. listen here.
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pleasure. >> the frustration the level is very high with every single governor in that room. it doesn't matter if you're a border state, we're all border states now. there's no question. the financial strain the is definitely taking a toll on all of us, and and that's a very bipartisan message. >> reporter: so even new york governor kathy hochul is now saying there needs to be common sense approach to who is allowed across the border illegally. now, an administration source tells me the president is considering executive action that would bar people from illegally crossing who could claim a asylum. so i wanted to know why now? you mentioned the bill that the first week in office the president issued his bill for immigration reform. and then the negotiated senate bill. those are both with stalled. the house is not -- >> i think you're seeing it very differently than we are. we're saying that the president took it very seriously. he took the it very seriously by taking action a on day one, putting forward a comprehensive policy -- >> reporter: why wait this
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long at executive actions? >> aye been very clear, we have made no decisions on that. i'm not going to get into policy us discussions or hypotheticals that a we're hearing right now, be very clear. the focus here should be what happened in the senate in a bipartisan way that republicans have rejected. >> reporter: the fact is over the last three years, 7.9 million people have crossed the border illegally, there are 1.8 million gotaways that also happened. liz? elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. have a good weekend. you worked hard this week. look who's here in the studio from senate homeland security, senator roger marshall. senator, it's a pleasure to have you on. thank you so much. we're big fans of yours. so when you heard the white house press secretary saying the president took this seriously on day one, when you hear the white house say that it's the senate's false for not, you know, moving through -- the house's fault moving through on that border bill, what's your reaction? >> americans know better. they absolutely know better. they know where the responsibility lies. ten million reasons why we
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should fire joe biden this year. ten million people crossed the border illegally under his watch. this is an admission of guilt though on the white house's stance. as they move toward some type of an executivetive action a -- elizabeth: but what did he do with his executive actions to unwind it? >> he did over 90 actions to unwind it, but at the state of the union he's going to say out of the kindness of my heart, i'm going to secure the border. he could have done it all along, ask and americans know that. elizabeth: why isn't he doing the executive action now? >> yesterday. [laughter] elizabeth: yesterday. why wait until the state of the union? >> i have no idea. i'm not in charge of his foreign policy, his local point i have no idea. elizabeth: when you look what's going on in texas, right, new data coming in, texas cracked down. they said we're going to ignore the biden white house, forget it. we're not going to listen to you anymore. we're going to shut down our border, we're going to build border barriers and illegal crossings, the numbers coming in down 76%. some sectors down 50%.
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that's at the del rio sector, it's down 76. in california it's popping 73% higher because they're not tough on the border. >> yeah. the cartels are smart. they're going to move to the easiest point of the puzzle, and texas has proven with good border security, you can slow this down. but meanwhile, it's bulging the other part of the balloon out in california, to your point. they know what they're doing. elizabeth: and you know what the american people, they want to feel safe. they see a total free-for-all. they see chaos at the border. they don't like it. it feels like lawlessness from this white house. the local nbc station in el paso, texas, they're reporting that border agents are warning americans who want to get on airplanes, american airlines, delta or united, they could get bumped because illegal aliens are getting the seat ises at mcallen airport. they're taking the seats on the plane. senator, top democrats are saying what the president is doing on the border is wrong. watch this. >> well, closing the border, you
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know, i i think the president's been very clear that he has to act about that, and i fully support that as well too. >> they came for a better life. they came here for a job. but our city and its resources are absolutely overwhelmed. we need a break. >> you only represent the illegal aliens! [inaudible conversations] >> well, clearly, i don't, because i'm an elected member of congress, so keep it pushing, bro. all right. it's always interesting to me when folks say that i only represent undocumented folks. >> let's get it done. and, by the way, speak to your agricultural communities and ask if they need workers. elizabeth: see what the president just said? he's -- is he taking it seriously? >> look, we've always welcomed legal immigration in this country. our grandparents all came here looking for a better place to live. the problem is now the safety and security of families.
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this is the number one issue across the entire country, is families don't feel safe anymore. the amount of fentanyl poisoning killing 30 americans every day -- 300, human trafficking numbers are bulging and, of course, all the violence that goes along with the -- elizabeth: stay on that one second, because americans don't like law breakers. polls show, to what you're saying, they support legal immigration. people come here legally say it's totally unfair, what this president is doing, just making a mockery of the laws. let's show this new billboard from the job creators' network that went up in times square. senator, it's spotlighting how president biden's failures at the border, to what you're saying, is slamming neighborhoods across america with crime. criminal gangs of illegal aliens pouring in from places like venezuela on the level of ms-13. what do you make of them saying, you know what? even if the u.s. under biden deports these gangs, we're not taking them back? >> that's amazing. 500,000 venezuelans came in illegally under joe biden. 500,000. he shipped back 2,000 of them,
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and venezuela said, enough, we don't want those criminals back here as well. there is a huge crime part now, we're going to see it going forward. i'm very concerned for the next five or ten years as we try to get our arms around this ten million people half come in illegally. elizabeth: got it. senator marshall, you're terrific. it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: thanks for joining us. coming up, congressman cory mills, also joe grimaldi. the former chair of the federal energy regulatory commission under former president trump, neil9 chatterjee, and from the national review, caroline downey. the former president, trump, just now hammering nikki haley ahead of tomorrow's south carolina gop primary. we also have breaking news, the military's tracking a mysterious high altitude balloon now flying over the western u.s. they say it's not a threat. we're staying on it. media watchdogs accusing msnbc hosts of downplaying the president's age. voters say it is a concern.
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we've got new developments in this fight, arizona d.a. rachel mitch mitchell applauded as a hero for not releasing a murder if suspect to manhattan t.a. a alvin bragg saying he is weak on crime. and the democrat candidates are on standby in case president biden drops out. illinois governor j.b. pritzker making fun of, mocking california governor gavin newsom. also coming up former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. we like this guy very much, he's so smart. breaking news, new allegations of perjury based on cell phone records against fullton county d.a. fani willis. hot show for you tonight on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup.
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elizabeth: okay, former president trump just hammering president biden just moments ago. he's continuing to do that at his rally in south carolina right now. we're going to bring you the developments as they come in. he still leads nikki haley by double digits in south carolina. that primary tomorrow. there's new revelations coming in on fani willis possibly perjuring herself in the georgia 2020 case. we're going to get to that in just a second. lydia hu is outside trump tower in new york city with new details on another trump case. lydia. >> reporter: liz, last week's decision by a new york civil
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court to fine the former president more than $450 million was not the first legal entanglement between former president donald trump and new york attorney general leticia janes. if in fact, back in 2019, letitia james pursued a lawsuit existence trump's charity, the trump foundation, forcing it to shut down. trump paid a $2 million fine. she also brought multiple lawsuits against the trump administration over environmental and immigration policies. and her promise is to keep trump, quote, in check started when she campaigned for the office of attorney general for the state of new york. >> we've got to stand up to bullies. we've got to stand the up to an administration which is too male, too pale and too stale! [cheers and applause] no one is above the law, including this illegitimate president! [applause] and so i look forward, i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day
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suing him, defending your rights and then going home. one name, donald trump. [laughter] if that -- that should motivate you. >> will you sow him for us? >> oh, we will definitely sue him. we're going to be a pain in the [bleep] he's going to know my name personally. president trump is -- cannot avoid justice in the great state of new york. >> reporter: her 2021 investigation into sexual harassment allegations against then-democratic governor andrew cuomo producedded a scathing report. cuomo later resigned while denying any wrongdoing. and her lawsuit against the national rifle association is being decided by a jury now. critics say it's a blatant attempt to advance gun control. other targets include e-cigarette maker juul, pharma bro martin shkreli and exxonmobil. we contacted james' office for comment and did not immediately hear back, but in public
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appearances james insists her lawsuits are not about politics, but are about the rule of law. liz, back to you. elizabeth: lydia hu, thank you so much. joining us now, former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. it's great to have you back on. okay, this push to disqualify fulton county d.a. fani willis for hiring her boyfriend in a conflict of interest, both she and wade testified under oath, nathan wade testified that their relationship began in 2022. after she hired him on the 2020 case. new court filings, cell phone records show that willis and nathan wade's relationship started in 2021, earlier, before she hired him on the rico case and before the two testified they became, you know, romantic. if this is substantiated, tom, is this perjury possibly is and possible disbarment? >> possibly yes, liz, if that's what these phone records indicate. and, look, this is a story that has been getting worse and worse day after day for fani willis. witnesses can lie, but phone
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records don't lie. and as you note, these records coappear to place mr. wade at her apartment overnight in the early morning hours. maybe there's some sort of explanation for this. if there is, it escapes me, but i think they're gown to have a lot of explaining to do -- going to have a lott of explaining. it just doesn't make since why his phone was found stationary, all hours long before they say their relationship began. elizabeth: if the allegations are true, that's an admission of guilty, it's basically -- guilt, covering up knowing they were wrong. this affidavit was filed by, you know, attorneys in this case on the defendant's side. they say willis and wade called each other more than 2,000 times, tom, during the first 11 months of 2021. they exchanged nearly 12,000 text messages. tom, that's 36 text messages a day and 6 phone calls a day. plus they met up dozens of times reportedly at her condo, you know? not the 10 times that nathan
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wade testified to before he was hired, but it was dozens of times. so, you know, this is all happening in 2021, but they said their relationship started -- testified it started in 2022. why do that? >> it's completely perplexing to me, liz. i mean, look, these guys were kind of burning up the phone lines, the text messages at a time when they allegedly didn't have a romantic relationship. it makes absolutely no sense. and what's particularly concerning about this, liz, is that prosecutors use phone records to expose witnesses' lies and perjury all the time. that's one of the oldest tricks in the prosecutor's book, is to get phone records to place the location of a suspect or a witness, and you can contra the district them at trial. so both fani willis and nathan wade should have been well aware that the trump defense team could get ahold of these phone records and use them to expose what may be a false story. elizabeth: right. so, tom, what happens to this rico e case? if i mean, what happens? if do you think that she could be diswere canned?
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>> -- disqualifiedsome. >> i think she very well could be disqualified, and it wouldn't surprise me if some wiser people pulled her aside and gave her or that advice that she needs to step away before the judge actually disqualifies her. if she is kiss qualified, liz, the game changes. they're going to have to bring in a new prosecutor, possibly a whole new prosecution team. at a minimum, this is going to set the trial back for many months. elizabeth: got it. tom dupree, thank you so much. we appreciate you and we appreciate who's coming up next as well. from the fraternal order of police, it's the one and only, he's the national vice president, he's joe gimaldi. we're seeing more and more analysis, taxpayers are increasingly footing the bill for weak-on-crime policies, this as biden's border crisis again veers out of control. plus we have congressman cory mills from house foreign affairs. the president makes yet another gaffe on the geopolitical stage as he announces more than 500 sanctions on russia that people are saying will not have any effect on putin. president biden calls iowa lexty
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elizabeth: okay, joining us from house armed service, congressman cory mills. the florida congressman is a decorated u.s. army combat veteran who served america with the 82nd airborne. okay, congressman, it's good to seed you again -- see you again. >> good to see you. elizabeth: we have protesters demonstrating in president biden's, in front of his san francisco hotel demanding a ceasefire in gaza, but congressman, what was your reaction when you saw the white house releasing 500 new sanctions against russia? any teeth to this? i mean, i think there's something edward lawrence said 4,000 sanctions already. is putin going to back down with this? >> no, this is not going to intimidate putin in any way. as you've seen, i mean, putin even said that in this presidential election he's hopeful and hopes that biden will become the president,
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because the most predictable. look, we've continued to utilize sanctions against russia, we continue to try and go ahead and put in things, but we he continues to weaken those when he doesn't acknowledge the china-russia-north korea-iran geopolitical awe ace -- a alignment. this is just going to be a bypass, and i don't think this intimidates vladimir putin in my way. elizabeth: yeah. was rattling, you know, people at the start of the hour was there's breaking news about another new mysterious balloon floating over the west. it was spotted in colorado. the military now tracking it. no indication where it came from. no indication it came from china, us just echoes a year ago, the chinese spy balloon. >> that's right. elizabeth: the president did make a new gaffe on the geopolitical stage after meeting alexei navalny's widow julian -- yulia. he called her yolanda. watch this. >> this morning, i had the honor of meeting with alexei navalny's
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wife and daughter. one thing i made, that was made clear to me is that yolanda is going to, she's going to continue to fight. elizabeth: what do you say, sir? >> well, look, you know, congressman ronny jackson has put forth the fifth letter that is challenging the mental competency and requesting a test. there's no one more qualified than congressman jackson who has actually served as the white house physician under three different presidents. i this i we've seen the mental and cognitive decline, but if he is so confident, then i think this answers two questions. one, if he's cognitive and he can show his mental capacity, then he should be brought up on the indictment charges for the mishapping of classified information that special counsel hur has talked about. if he is not, we should be looking at the invoking of the 25th amendment to remove him. this is a guy that has the nuclear football. he's in charge of our foreign and domestic policies. and if hes has mental and cognitive decline, i think the american people see that and should know. elizabeth: msnbc hosts saying
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ignore the gaffes and blunders, ignore what the voters are saying is concern about a cognitive decline because his policies are what matter. what do you say so that? >> go ahead and start focus on inflation, which is rising at a quicker rate than the minimum wage. i think that a we should look at our open borders and the eight plus million people who have come across, the 1.8 million gotaways, the hundreds on the fbi terrorist watch list, the decline in the 41,000 plus in the reroutement deficit of our armed forces. i can point to a elizabeth a rah, line by line on all of the failures, domestic and foreign policy of the biden administration. if that's the litmus test, then i think he should be removed for that as well. elizabeth: congressman nils -- mills, thanks for your service to our nation. good to see you. >> god bless. elizabeth: back with us now, national vice president of the fraternal order of police, the one and only joe gamaldi. sit tight, we want to get your reaction to former president
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trump saying just a few moments ago america was better off under his leadership. watch this. >> under the trump administration, you were better off. your family was better off, your neighbors were better off, your communities were better off. [cheers and applause] and our country was far, far, far better off, that's for sure. elizabeth: what do you say, joe? >> kind of hard to argue with when we are seeing record numbers of people murdered in our country. three years in a row we're over 20,000 homicides, we haven't seen those numbers since the mid 1990s. there's crime and disorder everywhere you look in our urban communities. there are stores closing en masse if creating food deserts and financial deserts for folks. so you know what? maybe he's right that things were a little bit better off before we allowed things to descend into disorder and chaos. elizabeth: cops getting assaulted and killed, how does it stack up under this white house versus the trump white house? >> well, we had 378 police officers shot last year, liz.
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that is a record since we started tracking the data. a 60% increase. that is one police officer shot every 23 hours. there are record numbers of assaults on nypd officers. so by every metric with which you would measure it, we are absolutely going to work with targets on our backs. and you know what? we ask very lit federal this current administration, and that is for president biden to condemn the violence against law enforcement. it takes nothing more than just a is simple statement from the leader of our country condemning these attacks, and he can't even do that because he's too busy taking vacations and eating ice cream. elizabeth: you know, joe, don't like to talk about personal if stuff, but i've got a number of firemen in the family. we've had firemen in the family going back generations. so when a cop is assaulted or killed, often what happens too is the local firehouse is, gets hit too and has to deal with an out of control situation. so that's, you know, we understand the sensitivity and how terrible it is, what's going on with our nation's police officers. again, this is after defund the
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police, what's going on with the nation's police officers as you point out. but in this too we've seen a growing body of evidence, studies show that taxpayers foot the bill, they pay higher taxes for failed policies on things like crime, joe. you see it in, you know, or new york, illinois and california. state and local property taxes go up. but, you know, what did you make of this fight between manhattan department a. alvin bragg accusing maricopa county d.a. rachel mitchell of grandstanding? rachel mitchell says she will not send bag to new york a man accused of murder and then went on to stab people in arizona. she says he is too weak on crime. what do you say? >> well, i say bravo e to the maricopa county d.a. for standing her ground and not allowing this monster to be extradited back to new york. i mean, is in any surprise? under alvin bragg's leadership -- or lack thereof i would say -- and his revolving door criminal justice policy, we've allowed literally felons with hundreds of arrests back
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out onto the streets. he's only prosecuting less than 60%, he's downgraded 60% of felonies. he's letting people out, i mean, liz, just recently he allowed four migrants who viciously beat nypd officers on camera off with zero bail. so, you know, i wouldn't trust this joke of a d.a. to try a jay walking case, let a alone a murder. elizabeth: you know, this murder murderer, alleged murderer, rod, he's being held without bail in arizona. he's accused of stabbing two women there. he is accused of strangling and killing a woman here in, down in soho in new york city. let's watch d.a. rachel mitt romney again. watch this. -- mitchell again. >> having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the new york area by the manhattan d.a. there, alvin bragg, i think it's safer to keep him here and keep him in custody so that he cannot be out doing this to individuals
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either in our state or county or anywhere in the united states. and i'm putting the victims first and making sure he stays in custody. elizabeth: yeah. so that's what rachel mitchell says, the d.a.. you know, the decision whether he gets extradited, it's up to the democrat governors of new york and and arizona. but when you hear alvin bragg citing nypd, new york crime statistics versus arizona, he's not taking into account that, you know, he's basically -- crime is still worse than it was here in new york city versus 2019. it's not a good data point that he's cherry picking the data to say, oh, we're doing a better job. when you look at before the pandemic in a early 2021 -- 2020, 2019, the numbers are bad in new york city. what do you think? >> yeah, of course. i mean, under his leadership murders are up, robberies are up, rapes are up.
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we just had tsa tick educations that came up that crime in some way is up 20% robberies are up. give me a break. it's like he's trying to say don't believe your lying eyes. there's crime and disorder everywhere you look in new york city. the public does not feel safe. comparing it to maricopa county and saying somehow they're more dangerous, it's a complete joke and just a smoke screen from his failed policies that have ultimately led new york down a really bad path, and our only hope is that maybe they can get a d. a. like the maricopa county one. imagine if we had d. a.s across the country who put victims first, who actually wanted to throw dirtbags in jail. elizabeth: thank you for your service to america. we appreciate you guys standing up, okay? it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: the thin blue line. okay, this fight between the candidates who can step in as the president, president biden, drops out. illinois governor j.b. pritzker mocking and making fun of california governor newsom for california's massive budget deficit. we also have former top official
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in the energy division over there in the government under trump, he's neil chatterjee next on "the evening edit." we're going to take on what is going on now with the president's failing electric car push. but we've got to check in with our buddies dagen and sean what's coming up on "the bottom line"? if. sean: trump has a big lead over nikki haley, but joe biden has a big cash advantage over donald trump. we have carolyn leavitt, trump's 2024 national press secretary, to join us as well as congressman mark green discussing the southern border and biden's mass release of illegal migrants. dagen: cliff may is here, he is from the foundation for defense of democracies, talking about more sanctions on russia. all they got -- gotta do, biden incorporated, is drive down the price of oil and natural gas. have they done anything on that? hell no.
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delaware roy murdoch on biden using cheat sheets to talk about america's disaster under joe biden? top of the hour. ♪ ce can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. elizabeth: joining us now, the former chairman of the federal energy regulatory commission, he's neil chatterjee. neil, it's always a pleasure having you on. whoa, did you see this shot that
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illinois governor j.b. pritts questioner took against -- pritzker took against gavin newsom if mock what's going on with the state's massive budget deficit? neil, the thing is these two are thought to be candidates in waiting if president biden does drop out. watch this. >> this year's budget proposal is focused and disciplined. and because of the responsible actions we took in the last few years paying off state debt and treating federal pandemic relief as one-time revenue, we are not facing the budgetary challenges that other big states are this year. california, for example, has a $38 billion deficit to contend with. elizabeth: whoa. what's your reaction? >> he sounded a lot like governor desantis there in the debate that he had with governor newsom. sounded like a republican there. now, i'm not quite certain governor pritzker can demonstrate that he has the odder that he claims to have, but the criticisms that he is making about the way in which
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california's economy has been managed are certainly on the nose. elizabeth: neil, what's really interesting is what's going on with california. california took on, you know, the electric car mandates that the white house has been pushing. but political reporting that the electric mandate from the biden white house forcing americans to only buy electric cars is on the verge of collapse. sales are slowing down, union workers don't like them because they face massive job losses. california is going big here but, you know, ford, gm, you know, they're reporting earnings problems too and losses in their units. i think rivian just took a hit too. what do you think? >> yeah. i think what's happening here is president biden's campaign advisers are recognizing that they're not going to win or lose this thing in california, they're going to win or lose the presidential election in michigan and ohio and the rust belt. and these policies to mandate ev
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on the timeline that they were initially proposing were going to cause huge issues in places like michigan and ohio where folks are genuinely concerned about what their place might be in an auto manufacturing future in an industry that's, quite frankly are, new -- elizabeth: wait a minute, let me understand. sorry. you're saying the president's electric car mandate is going to hit the swing state voters who are going to say no? >> they're the ones that are under the most stress, that are feeling the pressure, the uncertainty of what this might mean. where are we getting the critical minerals for these cars? what kind of training is going to be required? there's not a lot of experience in this field, and to move and transition away from our traditional auto industry and to have the government sort of dictate and move to this new future for auto manufacturers, that's just causing a lot of
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understandable stress in the rust belt. and i think what this story is reporting about the slowdown in the onset of these mandates is reality catching up with the rhetoric. it's the campaign recognizing our policy ambitions may actually cause us political troubles. elizabeth: yeah. it takes less autoworkers to build an electric car. neil chatterjee, thank you so much. have a good weekend. it's good to see you. okay, this story coming in, a lot of criticism, a lot of critics and media watchdogs are accusing msnbc hosts of downplaying voter concerns about the president's age. quinnipiac poll, nearly 70% of voters believe that the president is too old to run again. we've got the national review's caroline downey who's going to break it down on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ♪
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>> president biden, touchdown in san francisco last night, and everyone hold your breath,. [background sounds]. [background sounds].
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[applause] [applause] [applause] >> every time watching this fall down the pfizer like the same anxiety like what you get try to get a flight. >> this to be humorless what was your initial review reporter, caroline getting a mcginnis e.u. caroline remake of jimmy kimmel here commander gotta say this amino needs overcome is over at 538, the national point shop, he was wondering why the president, continues to decline in the polls anytime writing to the voter concerns about his age and that is what is keeping his balls down on multiple issues to apple right, jimmy kimmel was money to the house was come about some of the media has been gas fighting the public about these dementia concerns which are so bad last of the trump is making them a centerpiece of his campaign. for trading hundred treating him on as an old beater guesswork this warning from police severity of the future to come
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up biden in the visiting angels, senior care advertisement. granted trump is only a few years younger than his opponent, but at east together with, to market in a meme and biden publicly does not even know what me ms. great so i think that the people of arts from same enough mental adjustment biden, to conclude that the computer is broken and the presidency is vacant and independence and democrats, all americans they realize it. >> nearly seven out intensities too old to run again watch msnbc, the house lawrence, telling voters, to ignore the blunders and features are speeches is about policies watch this. >> it in the notion joe biden is too old by his based on a complete and utter misunderstanding of the work of the presidency. in the job is to make decisions. not speeches and luster when joe
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biden managed to be was seemed impossible and convince the republican speaker of the house, to go along with the deal, that would prevent the united states of america from defaulting on its debt, it looked impossible the house of a joe biden did it. >> will that's a retry, because nations that is about 34 trillion and is escalated on his watch, surely bidens crises that blew up on his watching you do not see a missing in the a lot about the. >> no you don't like to become of the saying, we invited successfully completes a speech, or delivers a policy pitch without a gaffe, you plot him because you are expecting the worst that is coming that the average is high-performance provided is the opposite and most americans have anticipated, the flub after slip up after stumble enemy is become a pattern. like you said the border crisis
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is exemplary with us and that is the most botched campaign next to biden economics which was failed messaging of the umpteenth degree we are watching i know the greatest, the front door national sovereignty, i'm probably in u.s. history with us for crisis and is just allowing the federal law to be blatantly violated, he and americans have complete loss control of the countries and so i mean, biden whether it's an intentional or not, his legacy is complete failure. >> got it, caroline downey think you so much and we appreciate you we hope you have a good weekend and think you for joining us this friday night and helping us out and okay, it is a perez number elizabeth mcdonald and think much for watching the evening edit on fox is we hope that you enjoy the children were to say the breaking news and headlines about all next weekend going forward, now it is time for my buddies about show, the bottom line, high dagen mcdowell and sean duffy is good to see you. dagen:


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